'.-I. ? i f- v-K 'M'V , iriSE PICKED HARDING hen really unconscious Yilde 8tery of Q. O. P. Convention Told ey Iin --. - . ..,-.-...., . A piquant bit of inslde history, told fir the ursi i"ui v....,. Xnrese breke the dcndleck nt the lie- ihllcan Notional Convention and threw ? Lnjjlvnnla's sixty votes te Harding. Dr. Hcrbwt D. Cnrpcntcr, for yenrs '..-.i Mnml of the Inte Hcnnter He of his physicians, told the story r-iT.f linnncncd In the Penrose home " .- T..r LffJfns l'ccame the Republican stand- nXrPcnrew was n very slelt man, .hVIndomltabe will hnd bridged the Mil H '. . l,l Onniui otrenf l.ninn 5,Line between his Spruce Btrcct home id the convention nf Olilcnw. A bat ?. of ' telegraph and telcphone wires v,7t him Informed of every move. Kir three dayB Tcnrose lind conccn cenccn JtfA his mind en the selection of n WV.i ut en June 13 his body had & driven te the limit and his heart l'Vi-.-f. miM Mm Hennfnr ml. . t . na tltiMntienlAIIH i.Mtd and he was unconscious for tigM ' But even In that condition his X 'subconsciously was turning ever 5rer the problem nt Chicago. When. K came te nt last he turned te his :tw. i.cicmen vj. j.iiyiur, iinu Ja,j what they were doing In Chicago. k.Vss told they hnd done nothing and trte deadlocked. The Senater thought 'Call P King." he eald nt last te Tiyler, "and tell him te threw It te Itwas Pennsylvania's sixty votes In Ae contention thnt gave Nnrdlng the lamination en the tenth bnllet. STATE AIDS ITALIAN SHIPS EnMgrants te U. 8. Prohibited Frem Sailing In Foreign Vessels 'iMme, Jan. 10. (By A. P.) An wder Issued by the Foreign Ofllce pre fiting Italian emigrants te the United gtates te trnvel In any but Italian ves Kt provides that : "Foreign ceinpnnlcs will still be nble te avail themHelvPS of the tronspert of Italian pnsxengcrs limiting the return tejaffe. or Italians In ether than eml- . iilii.BAe nt nf fnvelfMi rn!tinrtta ' Beside limiting emigrants te Italian hip3, tlie declaration restrictn the choice te such shins ns the emigra tion commlsHiencr ''deems nduptcd te His service." IN MEMOKIAM TUtntANN InlevIng memory of one dene Ihlttr. flOTTLIEB P. IIAUAIANN. wh .1. Ittrttd this life January 10. 1012. HENRY AND JOHN. eatfis. EVENTS VB&6' "& . .. .. : r ft - r ' ' ' j. 1IKATMR DONOVAN. Jan. 8, BEtLH WAtsem Hrlp, Morten, Pa.. 10 A. xt V if.,1 "r,u.nl HOll's. llewnrtf t. 1 ele mn narSiS.SF'i utW.'iiSir'.'n'k iin."S.?S,Bi;eRn ' rrlenda Invlttrt te funerl, w"id ei"i 'a 'J?'1 Ur0hln,f. Slr -'.fil'R fj UAat.B, Jin. 7, 1022. j'irt vt t . . nnd Mury Kane. ard 20. HeIi1vm'",.! friends, aim Ledlg' Aaili r f-ipn HllRhtu P. 1'. A.. Ne. 1. nr- inw;.,iC,'inr.n HAVENSON. On Jan. B 109 mn wlfa of. Marvin M. Eaveniin iiii2W.nY E'l frltnds ara Invited te jhe aervlee Jfi? "a "n day afternoon, at 2:Se o'clock ' ?? K'd?e." residence. 4017 Spruce ".f.'riteVme'n'f 'pV! frlend.. Vejtry'and membef, if "hi S.r.552 nyane. Luth. .Kmanuel'a Ch5heurl2S3 hKATHH paheeIi pest if nnS a ' """nbeMt I-edffe. Ne." asu, K and A. M.. Harmony Jt. A. CI amtr tji P.. Wvemni Tr h m t 'j '.L' " Izatlens of which he was n member Invited te funeral services Wed.. 2:30 PlTt V.!i. hr ate residence. 2033 N 0 h st. Helem Requiem mass at Kdward's Church 10 a" 'tet'JSIv.JJ'W Cathedral Cem. 1.1. a iIN0,"TJrfl.r.' 7' AMT D- 5auKhtcr of late Aaren and Eliza Flemlwr. nffed 78. Pu- ler HhtBlns. 1334 n. Eyre St.. Wed.. 2 P. MV..In1, I aimer Cem. hnrt'IAfC,"K"1J,,J5- s( THOMAS 8.. hus ttvd 2i,t?T,y F- .'etcher. aBed 0l. rtela f.i?'V, 'rIcna- "J'" 'mpleyes of William H'r" .r?-ir" Invited te attend funeral. mnlnij maj; lie vlcwwl Wed. eve thW-wMff11 iBP.' ? MA TIT. wife of Vi.-i8. w"."nm Oallnchcr. Relatives and Rin" a ",r? '"v"l te attend funeral. Wed. in i.A- ?Ia. ',rem,.l5? tesWence of hr son sen Lni.: ' .nk McCaul. 2020 Swain at r?,i?? irn"Alem, m?"? ?' brands Xavler's piiiA.yITy,'7J.,,nvJ- MATTHl-.W. eon of iiI'A.?.nd ""''I"! Themas Oarrltv, aecd 21. fyiii'V ,f."'l frlcn,,!' are Invited te attend funeral, Wed., :30 A. M . from his lnte IS," d,cn?r,- ,.1".1!" v ""ft lane lllKh ma Si.,,.te.v,s,nllen Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Ectiulchre Cem. OhASS Suddenly. Jan. 8. 1022. EMMA. ?. 1 ?' Lm" .lRS- nK'l 4S Relatives and mends, alfe Altar and Hesary Society of ?..AI?y,'.'i',Cni1Ccn' ." invited te attend funeral. Wed.. 8:30 A. M.. from her hus hind a residence. 183.1 neseberry st, (above I'crtcr st.). High mass of requiem St. Aleyslus Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. enAVENSTINE !. Jan. 0. MAT A. n.. wlfe of Jeseph H. Qravenstlns. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeral scrvlcte. at nor late residence, 0703 N. 11th St.. Oak Line, Thurs., 2 1'. M. Int. pri vate. HALE. Jan. 8. SARAH s . wlfe of Fran cis O. Hal" (nee Watsen), aged 01. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeral atrvlccs. Thurs . 2 P. .M.L nt her late resi dence r.710 Vahdjke at. Int. private. Malt Malt nella Cem. Friends may call Wed., 7 te 0 P. M. HALET. Jan. 8. JAMES HALET. Rela tlves and friends, also St. Charles' 1). V. Sodality, Hely Nnme Soclety and I.eague of the Sacred Heart; Dlv. Ne. r8, A. O. II.; Court Vesper Ne. 00. F. of A., and Walla P"l a Tribe. Ne. 323. I. O R iU. Invited te funeral. Frl. 8-311 A. M. from his late resi dence. 015 H. 2.Mh st. Solemn requiem mass at St. Antheny's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cres Cem. ItANCE. .tan. 8, 1D22 SARAH BOYD Mldew of Rnliert A. Itanre. Relatives and frlrndi re Invlfd te htiend funeral eerv Ich, Tims , 2 P. M . at her lete resldcnce rul WU'n'vs nve. Int. trlvate. HARRISON. At tha Clinten Arts., en Jan. U. 1022. FREDERICK HARRISON. Servlce prlvote en Wednesday mernlnit at II n'rleck ut the Oliver H. Ralr Rldtc.. 18'"(l Chestnut st Interment nt Oleversvllle. N. Y. IIEI.D. Suddenly. et January 8. PETER Ili:i. I). Sr.. husband of Theresa Held (nee Weber). Funeral services and Interment -trlrtly private, en Thursdav, at 2 P. M.. fiem from late residence. 8117 Franltferd ae.. Ilnlmesburir. Friends may call Wednes day evenlne, 7 te 0. ttKI.LERMAN. Jan. fl. WILLIAM HEI LEHMAN, aped -14. Relatives and friends nre Invited te funeral services, Thurs.. 11 A M.. late residence. 2215 W. Montgomery ve Int. private. On slew Wed.. 7 te 0 P. M HOFPNAOLE. On Jan. 8. ANNIE, widow of Gcorfte II. HeffnuKle. "Funeral en Wednesday, at 2 P. M.. rrem ner at resi dence. 2211 S. 417 til st. Fr ends may call Tuesday cenlne. 7 te 0. Internment prl- Hl'TCHiysON Jan. 8, ETHEL M . daughter "f Elliabeth and the late Cherien I.'uiehlnajn, aped II. Relatives end friends runrai, wen., 1 iu 1: Idencc. 1321 N. 2.1th st. In th" Rebert Graham Memerial CKurch. 2 P. M. Int. Northwood Cem. Re mains may be slewed Tues. eve. JARRE rT.Jnn. 8. 1022. .MARY A., wife PTnm tj. ' . O' jesepn jarreii. kcu u- ihmuuvvs uihi IflUULE.-.Inn Q lne4 a n . -.... -,... k.m...... .A..nA1 ,n i.u t fn!!7. ?iviTi1iema!l. n,ll"- Hilatlvei and of L. are Imlted te attend funeral, from SSii 5i cd,rt0 f,"!e''l senlees en Wed-I 'r late restdenre. 800 N. 30th St.. Wed r iwL M: at. "'" lu,e reeldence. 123 I 2 P M Int. Mt. Pcuce. Remains may b t. nyemins (.. Uermantewn. ini.m..n, . 1 ,meil Tiim. eve. JEFFERS. .ten 8. OEOnOE J., husband of Anna M Jelfcrs (n-e riumatirlcv), son of Jeseph and Teresa Jtffers (nee McNamee), R.lutlvcs and frlinds, also Banta Maria Ciur.cll, Ne 2'13. K of C: empleyes of IVntia. II R Purehaslnic and Freluht Dept., are Insltid te attend funeral, Thurs.. 8.30 A. M . Lite icsldeme. 133 W. Mt. Airy nve ?iirieiT lin.i ' .' 'V11'. "ire of the late Ne tmn mass ul requiem ni '.nurcii e me f.OcConeuthnn"V",ler ', "", lat lUv Hely Cress 10 A. M. Int. Old Cathedral KEARN1. Jan. a. 1022. ELIZAHETII wlfe of the late William Kcarns. Kelutltus anil friends are Invited ta attend funeral, lliurs 8.10 A. M.. from her lata residence, 1301 Frartkferd ave Hlch mass St. Ml rh.ul'a Chunb 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress CTi:YSER. Jan. S. 1022. HORACE R.. husband of Mary T. Kcyser (nee. Meehan) Relalivea and frletida. also Washington ('amp. Ne. .170. P. O. H. of A . are Invited te funeral. Thurs.. IP M . residence, 835 N. 20th st. Int. fJreenmeunt Cem. Re mains may be viewed W d eye. ItliniLIlHOU'fF.. Suddenly. Jan. 7. ACINI Ml 1'.. dauiliter of Ralph 1C, and Sarah F Klbbleheuse, ascd 18. RelatleH and friends are Invited te funeral. Wed.. 1 P. M. from parents' residence. Sprinir Heuse. 1'a. bervlre In I'pifr Dublin Lutheiun t'hiir- 2 I. M In'- "ee Hill Cem. KINO. Jan. 8 1022. WILLIAM, husband of Mnrara'tl A- Klnn. Relatlses and friends also iinpWyen of U. S. Mint and nil ether societies of which lie was a member. Invited te fiinnrnl, Thurs.. 8:30 A M, from his Ute reshKnee, "01 Cheltenham ave.. Crescent llle. Htsh mass at St. William's Church lu A. M Int. Cathedral Cem. KI.NflMU'RY. At Vhlla . Pa.. Jan R. II."-' ANNV HARRIS STRATTON KINDS HL'KY pi-r-leea at Iveelct' parlors. 107 Vain st M. Helly N J- Wed 2 P. M Int St Anlrew's Ilurslni; (Hound. KI.i'lv. .' " 1. iL--. rt...v. wue or aIIEIIN. Jan. 8. In23. .TOSF.Ptr ..n nt DiiBli and Nellie Ahem (nee Crenln), aged 1 jr. Funtral en Tuesday, at 2 P. M.. (ion ptrents' residence, 2013 Osdcu at. In-U.-Ktnt Hely Cresi Cemetery. il.LAA.iuui. Jan. u. 1U22, ANNA F.. Mesr of Uaac J. Ale.tnndfr Ilcl .-s and Minds art InUted te attend fi-n..' serv Iffi.jnti.. 2 P. M. nt her le' .ddcnce 117 Oesrtn ave.. .Mt. Airy. ,.. private Cenryrees lli meet 12-.10 P. M. train from Read n Terminal at Mt Airy Htitlnn ..A,lSTAPa-Jln- 7- JAMES HENRY AJlMinq.e. Relatives and friends In ttd te funeral services Wed.. 2 P. M.. i? "7,1!!iri;.re"l.den,ce' Hannah A. Hen S&SSrJf li!I,,"c',ra,,nt' Bt"C,ly Br'VtB ATKINSON Mt. Helly. N. J., jan. 8, ffiA.S.U, ?. ATKINSON." aBrd 00J I elnl tats ar.u friends, nlan T.lv. KA 1. vs. 0.1',, Inslted te attend funerlil.' Thm.' mn.. ""?.!. re",,len?.'J..ef daughter; .Mrs. 1 rl'nXt AVerr8,l' -'01. anln tt. Int. S&iVr7 te10.?; N- J' rrlcnd t ,hnB,.?,1T'',rJi?n' ,7"' Jn23- THOMAS 'il'Jr.'.bn,J eC I'achel Iu Raldersten, need && SK !"dT,K",Sd. .."!'' t..tlny. 8312 N. lSVh-.t.- ui "Ar.I"10 ff B,i7.J,7;J.anr.Z' ,:,MJr;V' wlfe of James &.'.?S,t'y. l.n9 Chambers). Relatives nnd leu, veu., 1:30 P. M., at her lain fi.wl. Iff. 1810 Tulln st. mi J 11. ? A" bh r !25? cal' RtuE 7 v- M- Tues" ar6 Invited' te attend' MriST?.nh..Jn-. 8.t V.rr- A11AH v. M . from her late res STr... S".'."-' vl '."" aie i rnnciH nnd ' 1 sires iiiniret lie 1. Tein,i..A. !'.' ?'0,t t 0320 Drcxel read. Overhrnek iBijniieni private. KKif&aSfiir- "'' OTLE. Jan. 8 VNN'in. sslfe of the late lister of the hit.. Rev r.V:.- M .Sodality of Ciinr,.), t A. ..: I Our 1 ,A, 0ary cletv erchurri ?'Si5nur;'-'""-v t'5cr!;,V.an1ndp'rl(5n''n0vw'n"n'J SStS'ta 1 te'f uM'rli""!S I'hern.l' c"end ninriiiii te funeral Tiies.,.'.' 1. jf , his .A rSnc?, -"? N- eln: at. 1. t. IIll ' !itr 7 P. M,i,n,B""' "sav bj viewed Men". 0.ffiVIiv h T; "PtTHA I1ROWN (nee Built. nvnr:.-i' ',.!1V '-.. yre. of Inte it r.is.v;. ;.v'- " jvcc" ":" 2 p. Mi Vi '. li . " ' . "" ' ' " ' aw --- ill I 1113 (J Hur 0 i' T IMu'iinl Stnltli Prien. fu m.t. ..ii n..An T T A 1 , .. luua,, rtm..".'.: " wiin lit 11 u. iA.',''"'l.-.-J"" 0. 1022. MARCJ RET A J JugfM ,V. ?'itir MFr'her tZ,'"iifnc! 5032 Carpenter st. H .l.itin WeMn,V,t at,tl,,I Transnguratlen Clmrrt CAlRni.T1, "' 'I0I' ?'!!?! Cen.. . tt 1..: v.. "" " -i'."iiuii .. hi ir 1 ZViy 'h t-utrnll. hjcpi! SO : I. ,: n''TJ.1!1..!l'cPV.'0K V- husband Ste,"'! Thurs p. M, , h, ,ftlB i'. Int lla-i.id. r-, -,.;,.," V"""""';, I MO.. fti. 1 T. r fcJ-'ifilW: .7 J! S. Ji:.Ny,E F .!.. .- .'?':. r :'T iIuiipVi I) 111) Ten . 'n ..l ,.,. .. m -. !." 1. " 'IIIIHUII rii Th '""I'". ," " Church. Invited te fu hlnT , . 3 ?. As, Mu.8 "..MPl-r .1 ID A. i r;inn reau em inftn Rf r-n,..i....u... A....V.! f ..-.-"' .....iiini. a 1 iurL'1 lr lBiii.rt . .'" iieiaiis-es and friends Ml i....t0 fu""''H htvIces, Wed., 130 'l IK, 0f p" avc' Int Pflvtttu. areen resldene. OeercA s Pi.iti U .' Nral, Wed nn w innrn . -nri1 ...,,r en, Anh anil inivi ui uni..m.. C A .1 .."..' " I'UI'lllll ,1 J " " H .', hurch 10 A, On vlew lues . 7 te ii MWem mms at ht ril rr'al' LlHw"K -,,l 7. Cuhk- hTL., '- J.nr" -.eve s. U(tu,l and in ,,r .1 ",'''l.lr";e rlrl (nan rr..!..', anu h n of the Inte .lurn..Q w nn. ?-'nne l j.ru r.e t... ..- lT. ..-: V"1 A f " "is lied te funeral. SV.1 -in gj Jh. iiUnc., The' ' dan'.e? Ai,V rroB.Tur5,B,,e"Ma,,nw 5lVih?r INril Cm " '" A. -M. Int. Old Ca lm 1 Frank Klutz Hr. R -lames and friends Inre Insltnl te attenl funeral service isnl . 1 1 P M . at parlors of Jehn F. Kl-ffer. BIB W illrurd usi. Int. private Northwood iKNIflHT On Jan 8 1022. MARTHA S. widow Ot uaniei a. ixuikui iiemiiven ana friends are Invited te tha serslce en Wed nesiliy afternoon nt 2 o'clock, at her late resldence. 101 Poplar st. Interment private. Tflndlv emit flowers. KNOTT Su Men y. Jan. 7. T. RALPH KNOTT. nn of T Miller nnd Laura Knett, in bis "'1 sear Relatlsrs and frledi 'ire In l"t te -.ttend fureral, Wed . 2 P M. from 1'pper Dublin Lutheinn Church. Take I 02 p M tni n from Ilradlnir Termlnul te Am- Mlfnr!I -Jn 8. 1022. JULIA ANYA KfitMI Ile'ntlves and friends are Invite irtnttei.il funeral. Wed . 2 P M . from th 'sld.11 "' ' "lece. Mrs Rsehel ) linger. 831 Kerp-r at.. Lawndale. Thlla. Int West Iiuiel Hill. LSNE At her residence. 222.1 N. 10th st en Jan 102'-'. ANNIE M.. svlfe of s-ill!nni T Lane. Service en Thursday aft aft erneui at 2 o'c'eck. at the Oliver II. Hair Hide 'l82H Chestnut st Interment prlsate Rumalna may !' slewed Wednesday eseninc LATI.Tt Jan 7. 1022. CIEOIKIF A l.us imnd of Hill" I.nvnr nnd son of I itn Law and Mary Layer Relatlses and fi lends .iIke all a I'letles et svnieti be sv-is a meir 'UilLEY. wi.i'"" ,, "'VnAll uoeniKR '.'( ifi l?H0',lhl1!' t'nmiey R-la-y- ef p'1",' 'n ftl,"," ,',""' fuuml'. Ne !?. funerVi LP.. u .V. . a Invited te lipr InSlieil HI llllnu luiirim, ,ivu , O i M from resilience. 2S30 N. Wnrne-k st illih miis "' ' Henaventura's Cliurrri a mi i A M. Int Hels; Sepulchre Cem. " r.Y- Jnn. 7 1022 CHARLES H. LEY lid neiu ni liuillt inr .iri(i Ferslces silll Couples l".23 Krantls st.. Tues., 11 A. M urVcliely Int. at Arlington Cem i iBTEP. - - J" 8- '-- oneRars II , husl'.ind of El'en E. Llst..r. Relntlvra and (I l(l Ull '1iipie VI "ttV-ll (IV n Cniti ... . V .. frum hu i . '" '""erai lliurs . twllnast Inl !iJ,,lft f"1'1:'""'. ""I H- call d cve "meul,t Cem- l'"i lends eft.v.'.yii v i... - ..,... . .-i...i.. f'OMLKV. W,ni;. ,,lr..r..V W.i .'"'1KI1 '. ,',, . .,r j Inslted te attend futieraL Thurs 2 P. M . fmm 111 late residence iill'l l'mushiire st Tnceny Int. Magnnll i cVm Kr'.mls may call Wed 7 te 0 p. M MARIlhrtnER - Jan. II. 1022, JOHN hus hn'nd of r.ininu Slamm Marbergar. Rn atlve Snd frl.ids an- Invited te attend fune-a 2 rslfj-s Wed 8 P. M.. lrte resldem- 217 W Wumtiis '',0-' lnc- Int- Druhcrssille fRKS. On Jan. m. hiss, ssii.i.ia.si m mvuks Service en Wednesday morning, at in i -luik et his late residence, r.S.1.1 Wash liigleii as Interment at WVstinlnster Tenie !"",. pi lends may rail Tuesday evening fr in '" '' o','erk. EK ter-1 hn -, led. Br 1 -.I ', B 'ir-nv,. I :..(. 1 M. rrunl.ftnl avu. J tt? lataiI'",r 8,'sJ,-N,: 1'nANCBH wife bl lit', ? J- D.i ten and daughter of Nil Apa, m VJ1 Ji)"? -yHynu, at the '.' InvlieVi' I."".'". Heatlses anil friends a. ?.r " ii'iene rnnmt. Ti...... Int. Hely fv'.hn c, ?":. T' "f ,,er brother ' lllth m.. I y . M!l 'serper st., I uwn Wh M ie"a Mrui,""mK,' Wllli,,' iery t,.vA ..M.."' Jlplv Sepulchre u .en S- Bimn reoru,1.Hn.re,'s'w' 1,J'-'T--" N' ""'' ?' Uiy ei ' I ?'Jn.a.!!" .'" ,he ''hurch of Wt -. U 4. .M. Tlf ea.. COirVAVi"' 1-7 i. uth Mery T,.u i, l . 1" l,eh Sepulchra lfem Te'uil "uu"' no- B"' " Bt off H.Y'lilN - .ln e .. IinS"."" of Frank si- J ATllBIHNK (nee V?, "1'ndi ,.r f "f,.1.1 ."" Helatlsvs Bulchr. cVm " " "rmse,s '-BJU wTf?1,f',"in.'i. S'rJn.22' MATILDA 'n.dJ".L J?."!" I'pherty. . Servlc. tPldtnca inW ii ! ."S J e clecU. at V. Zr!m ARDSLEY BURIAL PARK Pr vide new, the future Ih uncertain iii.aiitiful -ee'ilhle. Perpetual Care. j 7, enw -O'enside I'enna. Ilnlh Phenes iTNnrnTXKKni (iljidy Q &0W BROAD aVid DIAMOND n. 8, suddenly, at Camp Zene, Captain ROBERT S. . A., husband of Lllla Fex ,.fIA.T.'.lFn;-?.lr't..,ne' 0lh ISRAEL II. MATHER, in his 88th year. Relatives and friends ara Invited te attend funeral, at Ab Ab 'niten friends 'Meeting Heuse, Jenklntewn, ra., First me, 12th, 102S. at 2 P. M. t..?fcc).I'T;jR.n- JOHN. Br., husband of Ellsabetlj McCoy. Relatives and friends and a I secletlca of which he was a member. In vited te funeral, Thurs., 8:80 A. M 2733 Wharten st. Solemn mass of requlem at Bt. aabrlel'a Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. Mi-ClluA, Suddenly, Jan. 7, WILLIAM JOHN, son of Jane and at James McCrea. Relatives nnd friends, alie Camp Ne fi? 1J p. S. of A... InvlUd te attTnd funeral Wed.. 2 P. M., residence, 232S Federal st Tuet 1eve l0r'ah Cem r"!1a,, mlv call T.L0,;AV.irfM' ? .i" BtlAM.. .wlfe of """"." "ii iiine urewni. iieinllves and friends. League of the, Sacred Heart and Altar. Soclety. invited te Juneral. Thurs.. i :ii"..I8,i'.H- OTth at. Solemn mass ifi Tm 1!. nf'S"1 eaerament Church. HI A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. I t.JI,?,-'A?-TI5U'r0n..Jnnj i, . HARRIET' Hv n'?f.BinF)' wlf ' Clifferd M. McMas-1 .??'.. l'uncral services en Thursdav. at a1 i M at her late resldence. 4332 Pcchln St., noxberouRli. Interment, private. Friends may call Wednesday evening. . MK.a?.5f.If.OAL:r-;'an' 7 "ESSIE, daugh ter of William H. and Jennie Mogenegal. In her 21st year. Relatls-s and friends, alie empleyes of Hatdwlc'c A Magee Mills, And J. L. Lewell Council, Ne. 210, S. and D. of l.. are Invited te attend funeral. Thurs.. 1:30 P. M.i residence of parents, 2812 N. 8th t. Int. Hillside Cent, via funeral car. Friends call Wed. eve. MILLER. Jan. Clayten, canal MIM.L.R, u. fl. A., husband of Lllla Fex ..,'. u" ul enniB a, ana me lite charies S. Miller. MirrON.-ran. 8. 1022. JAMES, ten of the late Jehn and Mary- Mltten. Relatives P.nd. fri.e5ds are invited te attend funeral, ;Y?i.8!?X..A' .M"from "' la residence, 17 N. 10th st. Solemn requiem mass St, Malachy'a Church 10 A. M. Int. Old Cathedral Cem. MONAHAN. Jan. 7, MART ELLEN (nee Power), svlfe of the late James Monahan. Relijtlves 1 gnd friends Invited te funeral. Wed.. 8:30 A. M.. Xrem late residence. 2120 N. Carltsle at. Solemn requiem mass at Our Lady of Mercy Church 10 A. M. Int. Calvary Cem., Camden, N. J. MOSS. Jan. 8. 1022. OLIVER B. MOSS, accd 80. Relatlvea and frlends. alto Fern Fern Fern svoed Ledge, Ne. 043. V. and A. M.. of Phlla., and all ether organizations of. which he svaa a member, are Invited te attend fu neral, from his .late residence. 21 Woodland nve.. Pitman N. J., Wed.. 2 P. M. Serslcei in First Daptlat Church. Pitman. N. J., 2:30 P. M. Int. Manahath Cem., aiaasbore. N. J. Remntns may be vlewed Tues.. 7 te 0 P. M. MOTHERWELL. At hsr residence, BO-13 Parrlsh st., en Jnn. 8. 1022. MARY J., svlfe of Rebert C, Motherwell. Sr. Servlce en Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver II. Ealr Hldg.. Ib20 Chestnut st. In formant at Mt. Merlah Cemetery. NEALON. Jan. 0. 1022. JOHN, husband of the late Mary Neaten, aged 73. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeral, Wed,, 8 A, M,. from his daughter's resi dence. Mrs. Elizabeth Durke, 1232 Everett St.. Camden, N. J. Solemn requiem high mess at the Church of the Sacred Heart. Camden, N. J., 0:30 A. M. Int. Nmv Ca thedral Cem. Frlenda may call Tues, eve. O'DONNELL. Jan. 7 IIUQIt, husband of Jennie V. O'Donnell. Relatives and friends, also Ne. B4. L. O. O. M. and Guards of Heuse of Correction, are Invited te funera', Wed.. 8:30 A. M.. late residence. 2238 S. Bancroft st. Solemn requiem mass St. Menica's Church' 10 A. M. Int. St. Charles, Kellyvllle. ORR. Jan. 7. ALEXANDER M. ORR. Re'atlves and friends are Invited te attend funeral services. Tues.. 2 P. M.. at his late residence 0930 Paschall as-e. Int. private. PHILLIPS Jan. 8, ELMER E . hu.band ef.Allce P. Phillips. Funeral services Tues.. 2 P. M . 0814 Webster st. Int private POMERANTZ. Jan. 0. MORRIS, husband of Fannle Pemernntz. Relatlsvs nnd friends, also Nesv Liberty Ledge, Ne. till, O. II A.. and King Solemon Iidge. K. of J , Ins-lted te funeral services, Wed., 1PM precisely, at late residence. 1031 Seuth st. Int Mnnteflore Cem RORHINS. Jn. 8. ELLA It. daughter of late Rldsvay W and Frances If. Rebblns, aged 70. Funeral sers-lces at her 1hI resi dence. 400 W. Stafferd St.. Uormantewn ieu. i i'. 31. int. privaie. HUNQE. Jan. 0, JENNIE I. lf r Harry A. Runge. Funeral services Thurs. 2 P. M.. nt her late residence, 1301 N r.eth st. Int. Westminster dm. Friends may call Wed. eve. SATTERLEE. Jan. 0. 1022, ALTIIONSO C. huuband of Matilda E. Satterlce. In hlB 75th year. Relatives and friends, also Ivan Ivan Ivan hee Ledge, Ne. 410, F. nnd A. M.. are In vited te attend funeral services. Thurs., 2 P. M.. at late residence, 4020 N, 12th st. Int. private Cheltcn Hills Cem. Remains may be vlesved Wed.. 7 te 0 P. 51. SCHENKEL. Jan. 8. JOSEPH, husbnnd of Kathcrlne Keenlg Schcnkel. In his 73d sear. Relatives and friends, also Nokemls Trlbe, Ne. 307, I. O. R. M.i Hsrrewgate H'lneflclnl Association; Philadelphia Butchers' Vercln. Inslted te attend funernl, Wed.. 2 P. M,, from his late residence. 3173 Ken sington nve. Int. Belvue Cem. .Remain inav be vlesved Tues.. from 8 te 10 P M , SHAUGHNESSY. Jan. 8. 5HCHAEL. nuseami ei .Margaret snaugnncssy. Re a tlsea and friends are Invited te attend fu neral, Wed.. 8:30 A. M resldenc. .1.107 Jane at.. Oermantesvn. Solemn rtqulem mass at the Immaculate Conception Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem SHAW. At Atlantic Cits-, Jan. 0. 10'J2. LIZZIE AMANDA SHAW (nee Werd n) ss-ldesv of Charles J. Shasv, residence, 50.17 Montrese St.. aged 00. Relatlses and friends Invited te services. Thurs., 11 A. M pre cisely, at the funeral home of Jehn ('. Klm rperle & Sen, 212.1-27 N. llread st. Int prl sate, West Laurel Hill Cem. Vleislng Wed.. 8 te 10 P M. . SMITH On Jnn. 0. 1022. CHARLES JUS TICE, husband of Edith A. Smith (nee Stu art). Relatlvea nnd frlenda. also St. Jehn's Ledge. Ne. 113. F and A. 51.. nre Invited te the sorvlce en Thursday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, at his late residence, 120 Lynn Ulsd . Highland I'nrk. Dtl. Ce. Interment nt Fernwood Cemctiry. Friends may call Wednesday esenlng. from 7 te U o'clock, hNKATHEN At Ilerlln. N J.. Jan. 8. 1112.'. HARRIET SNEATHEN. need 02. Fu nerat services Wed , 1 P M nt Cress Keys M. E. Church. Int. udjelnlng grounds. SNYDER. At Mnotestewn, N. J.. JarF. 0. JOSEPH a. SNYDER. Relatives and friends nre Inslted te attend funeral, Thura.. 2.30 P. 31 , late residence, soil sv. id at., Jloores Jleores Jloeres town. Int. Colcslesvn Cem. STICKER. Jan. 8 LEWIS'Q. STICKER. Sr . aged 8H. Relatives and friends Invited te funeral services. Tues.. 8 P. JI., at real deiue of his son, LjsvIs Q. Sticker, Jr., 220 S. neth st STREEPER. Jnn. 8. START A., wife of Trank Streeper (nee Marshall). Relatlvea are invited te attend funcTnl services. Thurs., 1 P JI , nt her late residence. 3.1S.1 Allen st.. Venango Int. strictly prlvnte, Fcrnsvejd Cem. Frlenda may call Wed., 7 te 0 P. JI. TAYLOR. Jan. 0. 1022, ROI1ERT W. TAYLOR, aced 72 Funernl services Tues . 12 neon, et lnte le'ldence. Iluddtewn N J TIUELE. Jnn. 8 at her late resdnce. 700 E. (llrard r.sv . SALLIE E., svlfe et the late Henry 13, Thlele. Frlenda may cull Wed. escnlng. nfter 7 30. at parlors of Kathryne S. Cnrlln. 433 13. Olrard nve. Int. prlsate. TOY. Suddenly en Jan. 8, 1U22. IOHN I. husband of Julia I". Tey ami son of Henry P nnd Mirv A Tey. Relatlses nml friends, nlse Oriental Ledge. Ne. 38.1. F. ,nI,j A M : Pi-nn Square Masonic club and P It R VeleinnV Asse., nre Inslted te the rers--lue en Tluirs ufternenn. nt 2 o'clock, at his Inte rcsldi nee. 101H NMth st. Interment pris.it" at West I.nurel Illll Cemetery. View ing Wndii'sd.iy evenlnir. TFRNI3R Jan N. MARIAN, svlfe of ITnech Turner and daughter of R Jlnrl-in .in.! late Ninh Heyer Rulatlses nnd frte-idi Inslted te fureral Wed. 1 P. M.. residence, 23ul li 1 ii-arneiu si services in p. E I Frce Church of St Jehn 2 P. JI. mt. at1 Hast Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may be I slimed Tues . lifter 7 P JI VOLL -Jan. 7, 1022. JIARY ELIZAHETII. wlfe of Charles P. ell (nee Funfer). aged 50. Relatlses and friends, also Rosary So Se So ceoty and 11. V. JI. Sodality of the Church of the fc.'icr.;d Heart, are Invited te nttend funeral. Wed.. 8 A JI , from her een'a resi dence Edisar.1 Barrett. 1112 N 23d Tt., Camden, N J. helnnjn high, mass at the C hurch or Ilia nuureii iii-an in ju ,, a. Int. 1 aisary i-ciu.. vuiuueu, ricin 1 ail Tues "S-e WALKER - latO JOSOPn ,v l.ainui. lieiuuves utld I HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER FOR COAL principle) te 00 galle New principle) constant sup- ply) 24 te 00 gallons, la. Heat radiator, tee. Tbsr Is noth neth mg Just a oed. Frse Doek. Reeves Steve & Foundry Ce. 33 Se. 2dlfauntd) HELP WANTED FEMAIiP-l Pen oral IJB ONE of our homewerkersi B0 te 86 cent an hours new prentable profession! Inclese stamp for reply. United Shade Company. wept, a, a iierei St., lornnte. uinias. USED ATJTOMOBH.ES' USED AUT01VI0BII.E3 USED AUTOXOBIXjM miiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiMiBiriMW CIVIL S3RV1CE tiamlnatlens. Jan, and Feh.t many vacancies) salary 140O-1800i write for lamr' 1l. P 1421. Led. Oft. HELP WANTED MALE MIZPAH tsai GIvea you a I eellnsr of real com. tn .nrf tnm assurance of eer. fectprotectlenwhlleexerclslnit or playlne games 01 any kind. All elaatlc. Perfect fit. Will net rhsfe. Per fect pouch. Patented open epen Inf In front. May bo.belled te cleanse. TWO WEEKS TRIAL If net eatlifactery return nnd money will be refunded. Mailed en receipt of price, $1, State waist measurement. 4 TMK WAiTin r. wns. winrmi, um. AOl Spring; Street (above Ra) Phlledslphle Fersali ali et SpeHmg Getit and Drue alerts I llrtlKM-eM AN OPENINCJ roil A LINEN SALESMAN Geed opening- for an alert salesman having thorough knowledg-e of linen. A-pply Bureau et Employment WANAMAKER'B OLD PARLOR SUITS JIAHE EQCATj TO NEW Reconstructed, upholstered and polished. First class werlt ruaranteed. Slip Cever Made te order. We carry a large tnelc of uohel- terlnsr material at wholesale price. American Upholstery Ce. Oldest nnd Largest Heuse of It Kind 125 S. Second St. 'U'rVrd MM Formerly 203 Arch Street Lkyv v -KMrnWiM Men Who Knew Geed Tobacco Cheese Muriel Cigars This Is a hlKh-Brade cigar, well known nnd widely ndve'tlsd. Sella reg ularly for ltc or 7.00 per C A nn box. SCAIILUTT'O ptlce. CL'"' box of 60 :.... It unable te call we will send your order. Parcel Pest Prepaid. Yeu hnve our assurance that goods will he the same ns If personally selected. "Yeu must be perfectlu tatiaflcd fe satisy us." '(TARUST CIGAR STORE IN PHILA. DOND SALESMEN If.. you desire te Increase your earning; It will pay you te lmestlgate an unusual se curity offering which la equal In stability te the best bend In the market: would surely Interest your prerent clientele, particularly., tig men. See our advertisement under KALK9MEN. Pheno Spruce. 0317 fur ap ap lelntmtnt. . ))or wanted, ever 10 years, te make him- self useful In furrrlture sterei must be honest and sober! ref. required. Call after 0 A. M. Tuesday morning, 1H3 Ttldge ave. UUILUINQ HUI'EItlNTnNDENT. outside of Philadelphia, who ha had operative housing experience with reputable operators. M 022. Ledger Office. CANDY BOXES m . Salesman acquainted with confectionery trade In Philadelphia and vicinity wanted te sell the best-known candy box made; also confectioners' specialties! straight commis sion nacls; would consider handling these an n sideline; references essential. Address fhsrles Fleischer. H2 Duane St.. New Yerk, CLERK Teung mart with high echoel educa tion, who desire te make account ing his future voeatlert. Apply PUDLIC LEIXlEn CO. 0th nnd Chestnut st. Ask for Mr. Wlest CONSTRUCTION MEN Hydrex Asphalt Pred, -See our ad. Ce, under nNOINnnilS See our Asphalt PredT Ce. ad, under Hydrex EXECUTIVE- One who hs the ability te handle hlgh-c.la men nnd can qualify for a big" Jeb by merit: permanent position In Phila delphia and neeiby cltlfi earning J C000 te $10,101) yearly: give age, presanl occupation end two refer ences p lail. Idser Office, ICn CIIKA.M MAKEH, experienced. Apply Shnrpless-Hendler Ice Cream Ce., 20th and Market. Wilmington. MACHINIST. collapsible-tube experler.ee: nene but these thoroughly experienced In making dies, caring for presses and cap machines r.ced apply: geed opportunity for man possessing lnltlatlvn nnd Ability: replies treated strictly confidential. Victer Metal Products Corporation, 29 Urcndway, New Yerk MAN Are, you Interested In your future? Are you honest with yout yeut yout elf? Da you think? Will you werlt? We nre a national Institu tion and can 'use 3 men who are ambitions te succeed nnd are will ing te pay the price of success; age g-l te 41) P 1212. Ledger Office. )705ChestnutSb. Philadelphia 1 rAUTNEItSIIirS PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION 707 Wltherspnen llul.dllig Philadelphia. Pa.. Dec. 81, 1021. The firm of 1). II. Rlshel Audit Ce. la dissolved tilth day by the retirement ut Mr. William E. Maun. DAVID II. nisunL. WILLIAM E. VUN. I)ald II. Rlshel will tentlnu-j te prnctlce at the same. address under th" name of 1. II. HM11I Akitllt Ce. Willlim E. Maun will rentlnini ti practice nt the same address under the 1 nine of William E. Maun. LOST AND FOUND KARPIN Lest diamond and sapphire bar Pin, 17th nnd C nstnut St-lg-rwalfs 01 Wnnnmaker'a reward Bid s Kith st EAIUtINU ixist. crccn Jade and diamond. Friday night. In or n ir Acnilmy of Mulr Return te manager's office. Acadcmj of Music. Hewanl. , W VIXH lest. Jnn 7. gentleman's oi-n-face gild watch nnd chain; smnll foettall nttnchcil; cate Ne. 1700. inn reward Cn shier, riel'.'vue.sirntferd Hetel WATCH Lest, Ulgin watch and chain monogram "P A. 3.", sultable reward. Pheno Ijmliard 2047. MEN We did n business of ever one and ene-qunrti-r m lllen dollars In 1021 nnd nre OUlte confident thnt the present outlook as compared with that of a year age Indicates that we should prepare for at least double that amount of business this year. This will rcqulre mom mn In the field In order te render the rreper attention and servlce te our customer!. We will only employ these who sue piiimls.- of be'ng capable of han dling nnd illterting men In our branch offices. no win wi.it me men from these who an- swer thl advertisement today. Call upon M.ri le.. Uoem 110s- J'and Tltle and Trust Hide.. Phlla.. Pa. MEN Wanted, a few men of geed appear ance te lenrn security selling; te men with or without experience a most liberal propo prepo sition will be made, salary te men who can produce results. Apply from 10 A. M. until 2 P. M. enlv. 1013 WALNUT ST.. ROOM 301 FRANKLIN USED CARS A WATER-COOLED CAR IN WINTER Necessitates constant attention te the radiator. The air-cooled Franklin may be exposed for hours in the most severe weather without the danger of a big repair bill for radiator and cylinder blocks. COMFORT SECURITY CONVENIENCE Our used cars had been reduced te correspond te the reduction in new car prices. New Anether Reduction of Approximately 10 Franklin Touring . ..:. ........ .t.. -.... ...... . .. $800 Franklin Sedan 1000 Franklin Sedan ; 1250 Franklin Four-Passenger Sedan 1250 Franklin Touring ........ ......... . ...i....... .. 1350 Franklin Sedan ...................... -.-.... 1650 Franklin Sedan .Mr. ... ...i... ..-. .-. 2000 Franklin Demi-Sedan ...-.. 2500 Franklin Touring Demonstrator i ..,.-.- 2000 Franklin Demi-Coupe 2300 i i - -'- 1921 Stearns-Knight Coupe 2100 WE WILL ACCEPT YOUR PRESENT CAR AS PART PAYMENT ON ANY CAR IN OUR STOCK FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR CO. 2314 Market Street J. H. DIVER, Manager, Used Car Department SHfflMJMHim ?dflaaiuimBiiraM '! WMKiilBilMd JnuUUUUIU-lllUnlliullllftfQUMBBBflsl HELP WANTED MALE WE ACTUALLY NEED ONE TlUNDItED District Manager and Traveling Sales men te complete our National S.il-s Or ganization. We will train you In the sales of our products, which have i na tional reputation, among our customers ldng the United States Geernment. as railroads, hundred of electric light and f lower companies, etc. While ou are earning you can earn a salary of tine txr week or mere, calling en the people te Interest them In the securities of our own company, thereby getting the prac tical se ling exp., wh'ch, combined with th tralnlrg that we gUe you. will make of ou a competent traveling "almsman or a elstrlct manager In an Industry which does a total volume of several hundred MEC'HANCAL ENOLNT.EH for toxtlle weav ing plint In Philadelphia, delr.g dyelns mid flnlshlnc;: want experienced man, fa miliar lh maintenance. Installation and r.riductlen ceits: stele full particular. P 1311 Ledger Office. Itl-PnE.snNTATIVn bv a going concern; must le ever 25 years of age, nat ap pearance, fair educatien: exceptional oppor tunity for the ambitious man. Call Spruce it in te arrangw for Interview SALESMAN Stock -We want experienced .ilcsman with annual earning capacity In excess of Jiri.OOO te net as managei nnd liandle the soiling of our securities. Will malte exceedingly attractive contract with one man who can "show us." Commission basis, lleferences required. Vanbeea Com pany. 13J7 Land Tltle irulldlng. SALESMAN" Iturnall fuel ravlni- pnupmn niMni.. r It ss coal, attachid te smekeplpe of furnace en nn,nin irini i,v msiaii men nept en liberal commission. Call 0 P Vlrterv ll'dg. you sell Si.. 707 HELP WANTED FEMALE CTIII.DNVnsn Wanted, an exp. chlldnuree white. children: poed warns, relerences lnm S 17th st Phnin. Wemllard 7nJ OIHL fur gmeral houseiverlt: smnll family no wnsh.pr go te Atlant'c City Call Nerrlstnwn 1 Mrs. J. D. Heherts. HOSIERY EXPEUIENTEll WAREROO.M WOMAN ' AS ASSISTANT KOllELADY KEI.IAI1LK WOMAN) OP EXPERIENCE WANTED PERMANENT POSITION WALLACE WILSON HOSIERY CO. ORCHARD UELOW UNITY. l'KFD. LAUNDRY WORK Weman te de hatal washing AITLY MARKET STREET I.UNDRY 1303 Filbert st. MARKER AND SORTER , Wanted Urlcht young woman te de mark ing and sert'ng. APn.Y MARKET STREET LAUNDRY 1309 riljlert St. HOUSEKEEPER, working, wanted, te tak- full iharge In an adult femllvj Cathellr preferred Call Cheter 1US5. between 0 and a, or Che.ter 1BH7 M after il P M. HOUSEWORK, pla n cook, neat reliable: ,'1 In funillv. Bii'"ir-H- umiill h'i-: state ralar y d "slred. M 102, Ledger Office. SALESWOMEN Unusual opportunity for 2 ,Miii,, l -n.rlenceil salt swemen. m?. fia.le Jan. S. CATHERINE, wife of i e.irs preferred, crew manager, oxperleneed A Walkur. Relatives nn.i in edui utiunnl n-iles werli .-.i e JI- llnmr. frktda Invited te funeral Thurs. h 81) A ' Monday or Tuesday, 121.' Liberty Hldg. M from her laie rcsiuence. i'i-sa Dakferd Solemn rciiuivni uifln m ei. unariua Camden. Prleiida 'mav i rimrch. H A. Viiiilliii'iv M. Int. Helv Oess ctn At the residence nt her ten- ou am 180 N Ward rnl Rnrv. precisely, nt the ureaa and Dla- in-law Edward C. Past. -113 H. -14th si., ei Jan 10. 10J2. HERTHA. widow of Wllllan: ortlleok. Announcement of funeral later l"th at . JANE, wife of Thomaa J. Iterative r.nd friends Invited te funer; - . ll'ail 111 a liavld H Schuyler Hldg., "'ttDisaSiqra, CHARLES p sssn of 'isrrkny e,SiT.x-.iK! mKerV In hla nMh sear. Relatives and friends, also I onrerum uium, be, U7, t. -. . sir i. tiai nLri fin it. ji. Kensington 11 Ne. 2.13: SALESMAN Experlenc d silllni drugs te phjslclans Philadelphia and vicinity, flrat cl.isn heusr ; drawing account against cem-tnl-n m. Wrlte full particulars In i -jnlldence te Drugs. 150 Meadow st., Leng Island city N, Y; HA LEHMAN te soil high-grade fire, extin guishing appliances. Apply by letter suiting reference experience in selling and leinuni ratien: geed opportunity for nrtlve nJLn- 'A 1'Hng te work. P 1220 l.d,Ter Office SALESMAN A geed sales-nan v.anted in r-tall department selling l.-w -lrj- neeltles baas, etc , 'n Sprlnefleld. Mass., and Hart fold. Heady work. pleaant enMrnmnent; goeil waaes. Address M ll.'lil Ixulgi-r Office million of dollars per year. Are ou v.1 ling te buckle In aril work and study te nfake a permanent connection? ir se. ceme in prepaied te "Ivc us our refer ences, as we nre seeking only high-grade veung men. HTDRKAX ASPHALT PRODUCTS CORP'N . 1B32 Commercial Trust Hldg. THINK " Ne mnttr what your work Is wholly are ou satlsHed? .IP NOT reply te this messige. We will expect von nt 0.30 A. M. net b-fe--e. 710 Wldener hldg. YOITNO MEN SALES EXPEDIENCE UNNECESSARY W.j wunt hlgh-callbrrcd, well-ap-parlng eung men who are worth the time an! expense necessary !n training them for se'ld. pvrrnar.er.t positions; since we shall expect t e bist from you, e ere teedv te meet you half way, oeti- sales training wl'l cost you NOTIIINO und you will be gtven th Immedl.ite opperl unity In earn whlle jeu learn, soiling the securities et growing, using Indus tries: your commission from salts can aerage $10O a week or higher; It ili-nds upon yourself. Call from f A M. te 12 neon or from 2 te 4 P. M fur persinal Inter view. Ak for Mr. Hrndley JAMES W ELLIOTT'S BUUINKrW Hl'ILDERS IC. 1042 WIDLNER IfLDO. Oenerar &AI.E5MAN, preposition l.edier Ofllce commerclal cars; for hard wirker. Inw-prL-e '' 1117. SALESMAN! te sell low-priced trucks. N llread st. 821 SALESMEN EVENING OR I'ART TIME This Is an opportunity for men who nn employed during the day in mid a subitantlal sum tu their weekly salary; ve have rilesmen i 'ami ti us without any sel'ltw expjnence whuteer and who irj nr.i: earning from S40 te Jl"0 u week In commission by deiet.ng their evenings te slllng the tecurl tlnj t growing, going Indus rtes' Your sales training will cost you NOTIIINO; uu earn wht.e you learn. Call from 7.10 te 0 I M fr,r per sonal Interview. Ask for Mr. Uradley. JAMES W. ELLIOTT'S BUSINESS Ill'ILOERS IXT. 104 WIDENER ILDG. FREE LECTURES IN LIKE INSURANCE SALESMANSHIP TO HE RESUMED First lecture. Monday. Jan. 0 1022 at 7 30 p. M.; thereafter, Krldajs and Mondays Regardless of what cempnnv : ou represent or what line your are se.'ins:. tt win pay leu te attend these free lectures sntONO POINTS IN APPROACH AND VCLOSINO SHOWN Raker. Rnem Oil I'lrance I 1410 8. Penn squar Phcne Spruce i Apply Henry 8 Ji.ng . 0770. USED PEERLESS CARS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION AS LOW IN PRICE AS $400 NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE OFFERED Such Beautifully Refinished Peerless Cars at Such Extremely Levt Prices HERE and NOW .Yeu Cnn Secure in Open or Closed Style of Bedy a Peerless Used Car That Will Shame Any New Car Selling at Deuble the Peerless Used Car Price In Performance la Appearance In Quality. Reserve Your Judgment Until Yeu Have Actually Seen and Inspected the Used Peerless Open and Closed Cars Included in This PEERLESS NEW YEAR USED CAR SALE Such Extremely High Used Car Values at Such Lew Prices Have Never Before Been Offered GIRARD AUTOMOBILE CO. 2314-16-18 CHESTNUT STREET u S YOUNO MEN. ever 17. desiring !eernment poslt'ens, $130 monthly write for free list of positions new open. J. Leenard (former Civil Servlce examtner). 0(12 Equitable UlJg.. Washington D. C. CIVIL SERVICE examinations Jan and Feb.: many acancles. sal.irv JlV'U-M'On write for sample tests. P li:;, Led Office SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE SALESMEN Mut unusual opportunity In yars, asiecla' tlnn permanent, men with first-rate ire Hernials and personality and small cun raiwe vi m turned In 1!4 per -jjnt capital evei I red; goej leads futnlsbed; this should be of Hill rest tu men whose prefisslm deai net take up thelr entire time: d'in't ptss t Is up w.lheut Invstlga'.len. Phne b.iuca 0517 for appointment. UOOKKEEPEH. 10 eara' exp.. desires pns can furnlsb A-l refs A .100 Ledner Off CHAMHERMAID white Prettstant. wishes lwsltlen In country; or parlor maid Phunr Locust I17LT. I COOK femp. white Pret woman wishes position nit cook. 2(11 1 Christian st INSURANCEVlERK. (CASUALTY). H-'-rs exp- high schunl grnd. llelment a.'li R ' LADV'S MAID Flench experienced 1st Class ref Mademoiselle, 33 Ea!it .blng- icn ave.. 1 nestnut mil I'a. LAUNDRESS, colored would . kf tu have large hamper wash te talc home r.m give rest ref.; large anl A 4 HI ledger urf, e OFFICE MANAOER for small office or pesf tlen where tersennllty and executive nbll Itv are 1 sientlal A 22'. Ledger Oltlc C lentelt I HTKNOmtAPIIMIl Vrnn lrt.. hl.h -'v,.,i "cash tc' B?ecnkh?;.ier. Ia'srea, I . "fdunle. with Practical office experience ' t en Inveatei' caei'al imll m 'l?,'" P0"1"0'1, he "ervlces and nbt'lti I '$7 "0 nSJ'SSih. PaPrtft in, I ' t d'e" ' 7" Li? M?Lf:M!i- rtUrCM. A 210 , SALESMEN wante.1 for Pennslv.inla, New Jerkey, Delaware and Man and. pxiIusImi territory nlen te men who are pruperl hvifsWOMAM retail, wanted for v.. """"Ir" '" naniiiii our niene-mnKing ten Englanili one ufced tc Jewelry novelties and M,0,''"" . V.? hftv,, "0,d 2M'i. l,,,T du.r-bag-, "tiady Jeb with geed wages. , Addr'e'is i."?" "fr.' ??.. .S'A' . " y l.i .,',"-,..., ,1, ,.,,1 ,,,., ... .'M, nui' ."He. uui L-iiiifcr"! r-iiini OI our jaii?-rs lire earning hiiij j' 1217 Ledger Office. ICOIllUllglOn UIIM'. -' . .--. u., . k ; Ju u Temple. A -'. Harmer Club; 18th Ward nlen Republican Hub. nre Invited te at- -nrl the , funeral Thurs.. 130 P. M. from I "nd,.. residence. (122 K. Olrard ave. In I Mt P. Peace Cem. rrienua may call aftsr WEI.nKN Jan. ., 8. JP1,.l?i AIM:y. Funeral services Wed.. 2 P. M.T 0(108 n-iv.-rferd ave., te which all organizations of which he was a niralwr are Invited. Int. private. Friends call Tues. evening, 8 te in o'clock tlECRETAKY-STK.MKHlAI'tlER Yeung ladi iih sii-ietary t head uf wholes.ile mi lmixrt house, must be i-xperleiie.-d gee 1 iilmatlin, nccuratn und rarld stenegraphur geed futun-, statu past eipei lence, salar desired and when you can utari. A 418 Ledg-r office ; TELEPHONE OPERATINO DO YOU WANT A PERMANE.NTr POSITION amid plensant imrreuiidlngs, with excellent opportunities for ndvanc nient'f The Rell Telophune Ce. has ik position of this Hind for jeung wunn-n between IS nnd 25 Apply te Miss Stevenson HELL TELEPHONE CO. PAIICEL POST TALKING MACHINES & REPRODUCERS REPAIRED SI.00 wln evenings ILT0NMFG.CO. 206 N. 8th ST. TALKING MACHINES REPAIRED Feri00 OKEH, Formerly KEENKMPft 1031 Arch st. riin.i.riiu.-M. uii.ilvniii uu eninii j. n X. ene who understands rleilcnl work i want -d In olflce of u Kensington nianuCac 1 luring establlaiment Address, giving full I particulars, wnges, ec, I'-12, I'. O Hui I 3t00 TYPIST -There Is art vsp.-cia ly geed pesl- tlen open for an especlallj gumi iyn't 20 te 25 eara of age, who has had high ' te nul training and thorough business ex- perlencc. I Call at nnen I MRS PATTON Curtis Pulil shlng Ce il04Pnnsimi st iWOMN unencumbered. Prpleslant, Hui US, able te trael If necessary neisenalltv I anil self rcllnnce mere essential than experi ence, unusual opportunity for r ght person Cil 1(1 te. !LB25S CI. rmantnwn nve WOMEN -Wonted, hevernl i 'fergcMe " vemei. w th strong nerennn tv nn.i .,i.,i te succeed, ability rewarded by Immedlate promotion Call Bpruce O-U'J te arrange for tervlew. I'r In YO UNO WOMAN, educntel, wanted te learn elllndl eduoitlenal werk: salery and ttem." (IO( te SllllOll iinn.iiillv .I,ir-kii,,n- Mlln Heights Improvement Ce. .link en lie U'erlda. liranch clfltc. 1041 Real Estate Trust Ul(!.-U Phlla. SITUATIONS WANTED TrlAtE ADMINISTRATION execiitlve. new empleye.1 will consider connections offering oprer tunlty for expansion, conversant with mod ern controlling methods; knowledge of cm. keeping, accounting, purchasing. Bieiehmim. control, office management, etc. llux B"2 Norwood P CHAUFFEUR and gardener, geed careTuI driver, city or i-euntrv. is Mus' txiv.i ence; geed reference inn N )Mh i CHAUFFEUR, cel., wishes pes prlv., plain cook or handy mai. Write Alburt, buJ N 15th st , COOK, butler or general work, cump JaiTi" nese wllie pinltlen, ref. Tare, .'ins N iMh SALESMEN We are doing the publicity werlt for a large corporation and requires the services of a f-vv hlgh-U.iss salesmen, men without previous experience are earning mere than 1100 weekly; com. basis The Pr'ss Syndicate. Roem (128 Land Tit e IlliU SALESMEN W. want u few high-grade men te sell sharea In a banklmr Instlm. tlen up-htata lacked by men of character j end cxpeilen.-e 1 1214. ledger (ifflc and ability: best cnnimlssitmB nnin tn rih. . mv7:T-.-v;rr."; v '..-. . . Iart. experience net nece.sarv . wi "iVe have a"Vi '',,, r."" 1' r?llu'"f-. h COTTON OR WOOLEN UMhti- Have you opening nnib tleus jeung man lean business, best references Interview ncDr elated A 415. ledger Office VV LENT1ST First-lass nll-areund maii7 Tel--Istered In P nnsylvapla, with mv li rmid rreiencd etnicul ince. state i, in,.,,. I 1 J 1 A.tA. .-... ' . Dependable Used Cars We have a fine assortment of used CADILLACS, all in exceptional condition, which we will sell at attractive prices. Alse the following used cars of ether makes: 1921 Buick Touring 1921 Buick Rendster 1920 Buick Sedan 1919 Oldsmebilc Roadster 2-25 Packard Roadster 1916 Peerless Touring 1913 Stearns-Knight Limousine 1921 Haynes Touring 191!) Chandler Chummy Roadster 1918 Peerless Limousine 1917 Buick Touring 1917 Chandler Coupe 1910 Hudsen Limeusine NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 1 42 North Brea . Street Phene; Sprite 02-10 vx X hnffTbf..,Vrten SaiVeha akre'rf.cV uSlBrAn"0"' ""hn"? ' PiyHeHM5-i7Wlde,,er.lS , 'nr?., SrK Vn'.'Sl'li.1!. I'Jd' SALESMEN WANTED ' dENTLKMAN' rnned, "FBev7ra7TearsT"e. who-are acqua nted wl'th the territory com- perlence. pleasing psisenallty inrt b st Jf prising Pennsvlvanla, east of Pittsburgh, and i references, seeks new engagement ,? ' De.uwnre, who have a follewlrv with de- manager of city or country club Write A nartment and furn tur at,i. ... ..L-. i.r.- ivhu.k.n m J. .iuu, n rim a SITUATIONS W ANTED M ALE (il"Nii MAN a.-tl-e ehlglng. rellabl" wiH.is puslti n nr. kind .xi Fenl ihaif feur 1 H K 4J.'Kliini-HH(r ave ViiI'Mt M N d ir.ive lug pos , has Stales and .iCK'jnt ng exp A 121 l.edg r i iff ice cemplete line of blankets. unt 1 worth Is proved CemtnlHNlrtn h..l All rnrrpiTi.n.l.-- trented strictly confidential. Address M D '3 IiUer Office. " UOUPISMAN Reliable desires demestii SE"UniTY SALFSMEN 175 TO 1150 A WEEK This advertisement Is miiu- oppcr eppcr tunlty ta enter an nrganlzatlen of first-class selling men offering the sepirltlea of growing, going indus- The Ruslness Ilulldera' tllnn aS..- you t e advantages of earning S-llgur commission ch, cks NOW '!.ni1.Ht the tame tln-e gives your ln Jl.v ?ua.' ,.Bb.1,,,y. "W opportunity of lt fullest end most prnlltab.e de velopment for YOU MnY..u put a M"l VaIu en your nbllllbs. ou are the man we wish Call for perscnal InterMew b. tweeu ti A. M. ai.d 12 neon or be. Urd?y "" ' A" for r -..i.AMKH W. ELIIOTT'S BUSINESS IHTILDERS, 1X3. 1012 VIDENKRVLDO. work In small tamllyjjamjl(W nl i,th IMUSEMAN or kitchen work Japanese di s'res position M I. aOH N I Ml! J10VM;."HK gen. Jap. wi-iies i.es with small private fam . reflSS.t p.rier st INfFltPRETER and" valen,p"ea'wi VeTeTTl languages, wishes traveler pn-Hleii wlib rent go ng m Europe A San Jdr Office MAN and wife. Japanese, dislrete iak.."en tire charge In small f.imllv of 2 or bach eler a apartment no washing, first-class ref erence. experienced cWrlte 6inote. 123 N Bib st.. Reading l'. MAN, ag.i 27 exne'rlenne nurchas'liia store keeping nnd business methods, wants "esp position with future A 235 Ledger Office NURSE practical wishes pos . only peep.e of rertnement. ref. A link. i.H.iAffplr SALESMAN -Capable first class sUnsmsi with 10 jears' experience desires peetlur Inside or outside; I want n opportunity te demonstrate te peme concern that It wll ray them te take me en; references as tr jbfllty and Integrity tuml.hVd: am willing . ZtTJH "'''IV V ! anij um wining .U ..4 ,ST0RAQE AND SIOVINO Leng-Distance Hauling Wash ngten Pittsburgh. Albany nnd llosten. W.ekl piel vanlend (.ervlcn for small sbls. ments te llaltlmere and Washington. The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES ' "Til & market sth i-h iiarinu iie. AGENTS WHY work for ethers' Make and sell your I own goods we shiw ou hew free bunk plalns eve)!ring. National Si It-ntlflc Lab- , orator es, H2"i Ma n lllchmersl, Va WANTED at Eplmipal eniue 312 H 12th .. l.aundresies nurs-s xvaltteasa heuNn girls MRS IIARV1 llllll llltt h se Sa - W.mteif ' Pret cooks vva.ti sses, adii s' rn. mis nurses iv v.NTI ti i i i 1 resets c-eks r,-f re'i Is - I I'Mil l'aln'iridge DUSINES5 PERSONALS CASH FOR DIAMONDS WE PAiP;.rV.' I,??, XZ &,: HO fee elsewhere Rung your iliannni. and Jeaelry te us, we guarantee a fu I. nst cash value Estubllshed 1SU.'. T1I03. R IEU A CO. 712 Wa nut st DIAMONDS is.y.T'" w vumw inuei ESTAIlLISIIfcl) 1H72 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING TELEPHONE LOCUST 1000 FOR OTHER AUTOMOBILE, REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE ADVERTISING SEE OTHER ADi HI! A 1 , f m z ;m 1 tSfiiVeTSC' 8m ANttlP0UGHTgaxAD.ANDiC.,E8T. V- w IN BAT PAGE t wv V s i.l . lj 4 4. yeif'f ") j" r .. V, - -If , , 1 , - M; J'i. mM