'Is ts ' ' '? 'wrJ-TTfwr.'ii7,"t';.. f. .v " . .. . :l-i AMGER JAXVAR? -10, 1922 . . 'V v .ai ; i ' r t JO -fii' - f 1 - -r. i ; tUEAMLAM ADVENTURES Wolves in the Weeds By DADDY' Mt.j.j rf.Ainf tt ffcrt irnnil. rfffll Aa ieefpM ero proiellntr. Jecfc end JaheH'Mtcevcr, forget the howls of thtwetves when the rabbits ath them te come' out dnd plan in the moon light. ClUlTKIt II , -' The Coasting I'arty 't TUB call of the rabbits, Jack and A Janet hurried Inte their coats and cps and mittens and overshoe. They tn out Inte the moonlight, wbere the rabbits greeted them with a song : n. mew. th new hi a eruit of Ice.. Hurrah, hurrah fee ildlncl -ri,. nliht l cold but the nlr Is nice, liurVatT hurrah' for elldlngl wi will se a mile whlls you count twice, llurrih. hurrah for lllnt Jack and Janet found the song was nie The' snow was covered with a rrust of Ice. This crust hud been formed when k sudden mid-winter rain had been followed quickly by a cold snap. Tbe ley surface of the snow was strong eneuftb te held them up. Conw en, wc arc going coasting, cried "Horpityllep Rabbit and Hip-SuT-Hep Kabblt. They had two sleds, incl It tool- only one glance for .Tuck 2nd Jnnct te fca thnt the sleds were thtlr ownvceustcrs. It was a bit saucy nf the rabbits te ask them te go coant ceant Ine en their own Bicds, but Jack and Janet didn't step te think of that. They tn tee busy thinking what fun it would be coasting with the rabbits down the long, trco-cevercd hills that led from far back In the fercbt te the shores et "Hurrah, hurrah for sliding," the children cried, jetuing in im beds 01 1 Woefl Woof! Woefl" barked" Johnny Hull from Jack's house. "Let me pe with you." . "Ne, no! Begs will spoil our fun!" cried all the rabbits. 'Jack and Janet didn't want te spoil the rabbits' fun, nd besides. Toddle Pupklns and John ny Bull were watchdogs und they ought te fclar home te attend te business, 'i'eu can't go," cried Jack. "Yewl Yewl The wolves will get ieu." yelped Teddio Pupklns. "Veu will nced us te protect you. Woof! Woof!" bdrked Johnny Bull. Jack und Janet bad forgotten about the wolves, whose distant howling had made them bhlvcr before .they went te bed. They listened carefully (hey could hear nothing. The weeds, with the moonlight glistening en the snow-clad pines, looked like a forest of Christ mas tree?. What danger ,cetill be there? "Corae en! Geme en! cried the rab bib, and away they hopped up the. bill. After them Went Jack and Janet. When they get te the top of (he hill, i full mile liack from the lake, they fastened the two sleds together. Jack lay en the first one te steer, and Jnnct and the rabbits piled en b'eth sleds' be hind him. One, two, three, and away they went. My, it was (yi exciting ride, ever the amoeth crust! Whiz.! they fairly flew; Down tbc read, through the weeds, iwrrring around trees, across clearings, rufhety, wboepety, clitter-clatter, uway te the shore of the lake. At the bottom a great drift loomed ubcad. Jack tried te steer away from It, nnd quick nu scat ever went the sleds. Itabbits and chil dren were piled In a laughing heap. It had been a smahiffl; coast und this was a jelly ending. Back up the hill they went, and ngalu they get reedy te start. Then they heard u howl a long-drawn-out, dismal bowl the howl of the hungry wolves. (Tomorrow will I te told hew Jack and Janet meet strangers tliat bcem friendly.) Adventures With a Purse JUST in case some of you did net read about thorn before, nnd becuuse they are, te my mind, se well worth know ing about 1 want onee mere te tell jeu ubeut the special huir nets. New if VOtl Mli nnh U'lin .Mill U'mip ntwl wnnp ana wear a hair net why that's u dif ferent thing ugaln. But if you are hard en them, let me tell you about the deuble mesli nets. Although in actual nppeurnnce they .nre infinitely hcawer than the oues we are accus tomed te, yet when ever the hair they are no mere noticeable thuu the reg ular kind. But being of deuble mesh they last about three or four times longer tlinn nny ethers I have ever tried. They win be hud. I believe, in all shades and cost lifteen cents fach. This adventure is addressed te the woman who loves ear riugs. And it tii , n liar'leulurly uiee assortment or black ear rings at reasonable prices, xeu can get large round rings nnd then tiny, rings smaller in circumference tnan a ten -cent niece. And you can let eval-shnped rings in several sizes, inn priee, of the smaller ones are eventy-five cents, The larger rings re rl.OO. rS'i.nJ"i "f hh.?!,M. ulclr Wemnn'd INirn brtn0hphiene Wnlnut 3(100 or Muln tflOl OMWfcn the heum of U mill 0. Aftcr-DitiMr'Trtelts , i JN'O. f5 TllO Mamellr ICniinlnln I'm Here Is(a plmple experiment In physics, which is net known te most people, and, ns n result, makes an ef fective llttle trick. Take a fountain pen and rub It en the ceatslccrc, very quickly, under the edge of the table. Lay n, very tiny bit of paper en the table, and approach It with the fountain pen. The electricity rubber In the pen will attract the paper Just as n magnet nttracts soft Iren, and will lift it clear of the table. Covvrieht, lilt, by P-Mla Ledger Cempanu -vwvwvvww; Everyweman's Shep (101 Empire nidjr.. 2 13lli & Walnut BU. S hanrflfl fl. InrCA Itn nf 1rflA S blibTaite ellthtlr UMd.'WMrlni p- jibtb xea nr ar7nent ea 5 te dloee of or de jea with l S If 10 a Tlult tu our Hhnn will S TOU. rilONEl WALNUT 172SW1VW! t i XV purri. Tllh 1 S . bar? S par j QUILTS FROM OLD FEATHER BEDS Quilt Recovering a Specialty . We Call and Dellvcr Jellcs Manufacturing Ce. 103 H. Sth St: Flione, Iembard S45S sBeadcd-Lcathcr-Geld and'S Silver Mesh Bags. $3 Up tllchelleu Pearls, Headed nags. I'ocket I'ecket I'ocket beoks repaired, Pearls ret t rune. Qeld and Silver Weeh Unas repaired. i.MPertTF.i rnKNcri ncADF.n neck- iaUK, Rl.ZA VI' TO C6.00 MARCEL BEAD SHOP AwilSlO Chralnut fit.. Spruce ?O90ww HATS CLEANED Remodeled In the neweet thanes .or per ana enung near, fltip An v 9 . prrlenca It at Jeur serrice. Sttinmr e . m eh i.hentl Mlirk(lt M87 Drantbl Jeffersen De Works, 07 H. 13th Like havinc a chicken coop 'in you own back yard. Eggs Carten of twelve Sold only in our Stores WTOE aiffjraiaaiiiiiiiiiffliiiEiii'iiiPXiiiraiiiiiiiiiiiEHiiHTiiiai LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Pape fVank li'ecntet und tlie Mllllenalr: A play old I mau' leys threw,nR 8,low balla ' Yenna"ik l"crrnt. Hay, cut that out. dentln lft..l(ck in the PnntN " y" 01, ?V0 ttlnt, P00' 'd ma a'ene. IVotTer. VmUr'.ch ft 'd mBn bUt b38eurMK!in01- 'sladtehearlt a?!"". A miIli." ,!e,Icrs d0'nt rafcr 111 ,i.0re ,0 lue tllu" ct. "eer. i a imn0" out, i' cllcek for mlUlen "Cc'nl for your bravery. M kin! P.r,.,et-, Ne t,ln,lks T would would en li ZL !? ,0 (, WH it and It would yeunz nv rnslb! for one B0 -million .ii " tyfn 1,0,y nbeut kalf n Prank 'I? wp "" en ",0 ""Week? III tnk ,. ifi8h lJ'ld. ,l0 take enythlng. JMjtaka a dime If Its all the same te affefTii S'.,.rt'1 . ,,ent tl,lnk eny lhats hnu. ' "1 hnn ' l0 of n million. and III T "cl1 ' "'" "w the dime Will. ecV6 you ,he mlllln '" n.y HvlSTatS:8-11"' mill en r. ', u-vh0 '" 'rev" y" -TraV r80"'1 ". Vell Keed by. ."' JOIl flout R! Ill nil lh, Inn !,,,. .. ; ncs brake eahy nt your nge. , iS,Sll!i.l0,riM"' r,l,0ly sn'ek i for- Ml'"'", ''cernrti. (Jeed by. I WbrlT1 """ " tn" lce bM'' ncs brake eahy nt your nge. (I'nnb i.' A It te l. Cl' ll0y sraekca I for lye ?lve him mv nnme and address. Try This Oatmeal Perridf a Add 1 cupful oat meal gradually te 4 cupfuls boiling water and 1 teatpoentut salt Cook 3 hours In double boiler. Serve het or cold with fruit and plenty of milk. ! 1, ( f) IH? lllii 'wijiigggM III1 ' cfresher fyaDa Use plenty of milk at breakfast time. Nature's perfect feed contains all the nourishment necessary te start the day right for each member of the family. The freshness and purity of Scott Scett Scott Pewcll Milk give zest te all dishes in which it can be used. It contributes flavor and nourishment te every meal throughout the v day. SCOTT-POWELL M I L K comes te you the morning alter It leaves the cow. It Is kept nt an unvarying temperature or 38 do de do irrees throughout Us Journey te your doorstep. The uniform freshness nnd purity of Scott-Powell Milk have been made possible by years of striving for a higher Ideal of ml I It service. Drink and use mero Scott-Powell Milk. SCOTT-POWELL DAIRIES 45th and Panrish Streets' Dell Phene, Preston 2308 C This 1at,tak truck, lined vrltk seamless, sterile K lati, tarries Hcott-PeTfell Milk from fce cenntrr recelTlnc centers tn the Philadel phia Datrr, Inanr Inar a cleaner milk, "treaher by (c) S. P. D. . .lay." i iafir?fianTy maiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiii J STORES CO. fk "W'l I l'lll!lll!IIIl!l!Ulll!l!il!l!lil!ll JBCPBal(alJLfil lilOIB!ll!!IIIII!lll:iHilg lit U .) i .H Even the Air is Screened! Exacting cleanliness, pure ingredients nnd the skill of our master bakers are re sponsible for the wonderful goodness of Victer Bread. Even the air before entering dough rooms of our three big sunshine bakeries is scientifically screened, making it both dustproef and flyproef. Victer Bread ??. Ia Leuf Try a slice of this deliciously whole some bread. We want your opinion of it. Sold only in Asce Stores, located all ever Phlla. and throughout I'eiinn., New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. KK ASCO. ASCO ASCO WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER' Here Cemes the Annual January Clearaway Sale of Gloves for Women, Children and Men Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere V A Third Less Half Price Less Than Half Best make a list of the glove sizes of all the family, for these are the best glove values in the history of the Down Stairs Stere. Warm fleeced gloves for children. Werk gloves for men. Street gloves for men and warm lined gloves. Fer women, long gloves and short ones of f abric, kid and capeskin. ( Gloves for every occasion. All of these are perfect gloves, but sizes are incomplete, se prices have been brought down te the lowest leveh Every pair is straight from our own carefully selected stocks and is Wanamaker quality through and through. . In addition te the special groups listed below there are many fine gloves in very limited quantities which Ve have net mentioned in this announcement. Values among them are astonishing. All at least a third less than Decembers low prices, many half and less than halt. Women's Gloves 65c pair 2-clasp silk gloves with chamois-lisle linings in brown or gray. Chamois-lisle gloves in 5-button length slipen style in French gray, biscuit, white und chamois. 85c pair 2-clasp duplex gloves in white with black embroidered backs. Sand color duplex gloves. Deuble silk gloves in brown and gray. 8-button duplex in cafe, white and covert. $1 pair 16-button length chameis.-lisle gloves in biscuit, white and cafe. 2-clasp kidskin gloves in tan, brown, black and white. Duplex strap-wrist gloves in white and gray. $1.35 palr-strap-wrist gloves of white lambskin and mode suede. 1-clasp black mocha gloves with silk linings. 1-clasp washable capeskin gloves jn tan, brown and mode. $1.65 pair brown and gray suede gloves in 1-clasp style. $1.85 pair strap-wrist fleece-lined gloves of gray or brown suede. 12-button white lambskin gloves. 12-button-length brown sucde gloves. $2.50 pair 12-button-length white kidskin. Strap-wrist tan cape skin with knit wool linings. 16-button gray suede gloves. $2.85 pair 16-button-length white kidskin gloves. Men's Gloves (On the Gallery, Market, and in the Central Section) 2ec and 50c pair celtskin work gloves. 65c pair celtskin work gloves with black gauntlet or knit cuff and fleece linings. 85c pair fleece-lined gray suede gloves. A few black capeskin and white kidskin gloves. $1. pair duplex chamois-lisle gloves in buck color. $1.15 pair gray, brown .or beaver suede gloves with mohair linings S1.35 pair fleece-lined tan capeskin gloves. $1.65 pair gray suede gloves, 1,-clasp. Tan capeskin gloves with knit wool linings. $1.85 pair strap-wrist gray suede gloves with mohair linings. $2.25 pair gray or brown suede strap-wrist gloves with lamb's-woet linings. $2.85 pair black capskin strap-wrist gloves with knit wool linings. 2-in-l gloves of tan capeskin with inner gloves of knit wool with long cuffs. Children's Gloves 25c pair chamois-Hale gloves in white, mastic, beaver and gray. Fleece-lined jersey gauntlets in gray or brown. 35c pair little children's white wool mittens some without thumbs, some with pink e'r blue borders. Fer larger children gray or brown fleece lined jersey gloves with imitation leather gauntlet cuffs. Knitted wool gloves, gray or brown, in small sizes. 50c pair tan or brown leather gauntlets, fleece-lined. Fleece-lined jersey gauntlets with leather palms. 85c pair gray and tan fleece-lined suede gloves. $1.25 pair tan capeskin gloves with knit wool linings. Gray or tan suede gloves with fleece linings. (Central) SOMETHING . EXTRA! Real Irish Cellars $2.25 Dainty, hand-made Irish lace cellars in four exquisite patterns. They are 2s te 4 inches wide and from 21 te 25 inches long. Even a short cellar is rcmarkable for this little price, and these arc quite large. They will delight the heart (and the purse) of women who love real lace. (Central) Particularly Geed White Sale Corsets and Brassieres $f.65 for pink ceutil corsets with wide clastic all around the tops and longer-than-usual skirts for a topless model. $2.25 for pretty pink cotton broclie corsets .with wide fancy elastic all around the tops. $3.fi0 for fancy pink poplin and clustie girdles. These urc as long as the, average corset and have the wide insets of elastic and no lacing. Sizes 21 te 02. LacerTrimmed Brassieres, 75c Substantial, well-made brassi eres of pink or white material with lace or embroidery tops. At $1 brassieres entirely of strong imitation cluny lace with ribbon shoulder straps. (Central) Children's Warm Bathrobes at $1.50 Thick and cesy, each bathrebe with a waistcerd and roomy pockets. In light and dark col ors; sizes 4 and 6 years. Rompers at 55c nre of durable dark blue ciiam bray, sizes I year te 6. Many ether special rompers and creep ers, in checks and plain colors, go gradually up te $1.25. (Central) Just In A Big Shipment of Lew-Priced Flannelet Underclothes for Women Just the sort of things thai women have been asking for. Seft, warm, cozy undergarments of fleecy flannelet petticoats, bloomers and nightgowns. All arc extra warm and all' of the nightgowns are made with double yokes, back and front. Pink and blue striped nightgowns, trimmed with braid and hem stitching, $1.50. Extra sizes, $2. Hemstitched flannelet nightgowns, pink or blue stripes, arc 85c. Extra sizes, $1. ' Striped or plain white bloomers, cut plenty full and reinforced, 50c. Petticoats in white, stripes or plain gray.Oc. (Centrul) When $3 Can Buy a Pair of Women's Geed Shoes, It's Time te Act! Three dollar bills can seldom buy se much in the way of long wear and pleasing uppcarancc. Among the shoes are black and tan leathers and many different rtylcs all suitably high for Winter wearing. Seles are welted and made for hard wear. Sizes are broken but there is an assortment of styles in almost every size. Excellent cheesing in women's high shoes at $4.75, also. (Ctieitnnt) Charming New Frecks in Scores of Styles Special at $5.50 te $25 Centra When a woman tops te think that she can se lect dresses for business, for shopping, for after noon calls, for dinner and for informal and even scmi-fermul evening occasions within these low prices, she can realize somewhat .of the service of the Down Stairs Dress Stere. A nicely made frock of vcleur at $3.50 is quite delightful and warm and pretty enough for all practical purposes. $16.50 will procure a rather striking new dress of navy Peirct twill with the new full sleeves of contrasting bright Canten crepe, elaborately braided. Se it gees te ?2e with remarkably levely dresses at every price. Adaptable Frecks of Tricetine $8.65 These dresses are the type that can always be slipped en and worn when no ether dress will de. Many are beaded and the tricetine in all is geed quality. One, in brown or navy, with little clusters of beads, is sketched. Any Number of Dresses at $10 Beth silk and wool dresses show great variety of styles crepes dc chine, tricetine, velour, combina tions of silk lace and crepe de chine and se en. As an illustration of the individuality of the frocks, one (remember only $10) ia of geed imy tricetine with vest nnd wide .sleeves of flame col ored Canten crepe. (Market) AFT Alt IvCVvV $10 A V $8.65 Jr $25 Qpp sue erlnties Winter Beware! Sudden Sale of Down Filled Quilts Special at $7.75 at i c . IV- iL, x All-Weel Plaid Blankets, $7.50 Pair Pink, blue, tan or gray plaids en white grounds. Blue, red or brown plaids en gray grounds. All are pure wool, size 00x80 inches. (Centrul) Think of that $7.75 for a down-filled quilt! Plump, soft comfertables, covered with French sateen and French cambric are thickly tilled with pure white first'quality down. The softest, lightest, wannest bed-coverings imagin able. Cozy warmth en the coldest night. There is a variety of patterns in blue, pink and green, some with borders or inset bands of plain colors. Mostly flowered or in Dresden designs. All of the quilts are scroll stitched. $7.75 is the lowest price in years for down quilts of Mich fine quality, se thickly filled. Weel-Filled Quilts, $4.50 and $6.50 Mere geed warmth for Winter nights. These are covered with flowered materials and bordered with plain pink, blue, green or yellow sateen. Full size. Seamless Sheets, $1.25 Full bleached muslin sheets, 81x90 inches. Petticoats Women Will Want Are $1 and $2.50 $1 for well-made ones with cot ton jersey tops and deep flounces of tucked sateen; Copenhagen blue, emerald, purple and black. $2.50 for pantalettes of pure silk jersey with elastic at waist and knees. Black, navy, purple, green and brown. Part-Weel Spert Stockings, $1.75 Exceedingly comfortable for all kinds of Winter sperf! Light or dark brown heather mixtures in drop-stitch effect. Weel Jersey Over blouses $3.90 Remarkable because of their generous length, their soft, warm Jersey and their cellar and cuffa of vhite jersey attractively stitched in black. Mahogany, reindeer, navy, brown and black. Wash Laces 5c te 15c Yard Unusually geed value at Cc yard in imitation Cluny, crochet and Torchon lace, from 'i inch te 3 ',a inches suf. Other j-peciully geed laces, 7e te loc yard. Four Geed Kinds of Towels, 25c Cotten buck towels with white or red bordera and hemstitched or plain hems. Absorbent towels neatly hcm stitched. All-linen kitchen tewels hemmed and ready te use. All are 17x30 inches. Turkish towels with deep nap' that will absorb meisture easily are 19x511) -inches at 25c. Women's Bleemers, 50c Pink or white butiste with hand-turned tepn and ruffles fin ished w ith bjue stitching. 13th Street Aisle Children's Stamped Dresses, 50c te 75c 50c for white pique dresses. 7.ric for linene dresses in ualmeB pink, tan, green or blue. Sizes 2 te 8 years in thu IftU All are made and ready te breider in dainty designs. Ul x$i .' W'.V X 'iS.'M m ;' v 1 m til li rate m. .'J ' i 'IK' ijSg li The end , FA ,1 If y !a..,k -'- x ' ' V