w t ' llljr jiKS'tYV V f. 4 v .v-y .irv vm 'V t - tv EVENING PUBLIC I.ED&ER iPHlrABELPHI A, MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 6 1922 JILL TESI POWER iOFADMINISTRATlON WEDDING GIFTS SENT BACK tissue imperii, was a tiny card bearing KILLED BY HER TWIN SISTER Little Girl Shet In Abdomen Dies In Atlantic City Hospital Atlantic City. Jan. I). Kdith Demu- Net knowing what she was doing, she pulled the trigger. HOUSEHOLD G00DS We have Juat received a large let from aterase Including books, dlithea. kltrtitn utenella and ether household . goeda. Must be eeld rearardleia of cost ta pay atorace. Morrison Storage Ce. 6M9 MAHUET BT. (He following lnweripueu "Thanking Desirable , Offices 225 te .2000 Square Feet A. D. WARNOCK Otta Building 16th and Sanson. StreeU Philadelphia, Pa. yen for your kliuluccs." The value of tlie htuiilreilB of wed ding iircst'iitd flint deluged the Unkcr $100,000 McCermlck Baker Prea. ents Returned te Doners M.I . . i t fni. .....lid .. NEW. FRENCH CLASSES under the personal direction of Mr. Ureselre, Ixiiln Tuidy and li'rldmjr. January 10th and lath, nt 10 A. M.. 2. 4 and 7:30 1 M. Tuition 120,00 (or a tnrm of 13 lennens, en wkly letien of ens hour a,nd a halt. In claMra limited te ilx student", both sexes, besln nera or advanced, French la tnaitered corraetlv nnd permanently In the aherteat peielble tlme by this unuaually simple. Intereetlns method, enroll new. GEORGES GREGOIRE HCIIOOL or niKNCII !1S Middle CII7 Ulilr.. 34 Seuth 17th St. lieme nt J1!H) Lnke Shere Drive waif Safe UUCHffV, .Hill. U. MHO Ullll Ul - - -- -- ,,,. :-..,- .,,,,.,, I wedding gifts tlint Imvc reposed In iln ; U-mif,,! ,inmn',i tiara from' Mm. tle, the flvo-year-eld Mlspuh girl whej Milk nlceve of the linker residence ever since. ITntiiltliiit MrCiiriulek. mother of the was snei in me iiudeiut-u ey ner iwin (listeriesis, en, Saturday, died tediiy In the Atlantic City Hospital. The mother, who was called away K.r C5 Onen Keenlsta. Thene Delmont 8001 gU Miss Mnry T.dnden linker called oft!" the ceremony after' blends -were nt tlie church Inst Monday were returned te prc-Miecllve bridegroom. Alllbter H. McCerinlek, the pros pective bridegroom, announced today thnt he Mould null for Kurepe nct month, lle declined te dUcti's the . i, Fer Ufaali v Harding te Call for Vete of Cen- & iBT.lidl irem nouie ler n tew neurs, icit me two little girls playing about the house. Tir ing of their game", Joule tame across a leaded rllle belonging te their brother. PRINTING of 9vry detcriptfen 18 N. 52d St. NO COOKING fidonce in Congress en Debt Funding Bill the donors yesterday Insartnl In tlie tmrknires. mativ eT ' wcililine tilniiN. which have been net for The "Feed-Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch at Heme, Office, nod Fountains. AtkUrllORUCK'S. gAreid ImiUUeat & Subititatet them Mill unopened hi their crisp white neTt spring In nndnn by Miss Huker. WOULD SOLIDIFY PARTY Have you ever tasted the exquisite : 1 ! iimaaiii r 1 ii B II IS MJgKT iff HIL 1 it- e Washington, .Tnn. 0. A move toward party solidarity and an effort te llnd ways end means of increasing the rf- !-'' flclencv of the Tlenti!.Hcnti Party In Congress, it was learned yesterday, win the" two-fold purpose of the White Heuse dinner Saturday night which Drought together President Harding and a number of representative Hepubllcnn leaders. . It mnv he vni.l llinf the Pivslilent lini .decided te call for n veir of i utiflilenee in , nU Admlnlsrrntien. He hn ohe-vn one ' of the most controversial Ikmi" pending In Cencrev-s. He will make li- text un the Allied Wnr Debt Funding Bill. Mr. Hunting wns said te have lndl- i catdl te his party counte'erx there could be no mere clear-cut lisme than i that offered by the Funding 11111. If i the Republican Cenprcs larks enough I confidence in h- T'resldent nml his1 'Cabinet te de. line te give an Admin flstratlen comini.-Klen of the men power, I te conduct negotiations looking te the funding of the $10,000,000,000 owing ; te the United State, then Mr. Harding wnntn te kne it new. ' The fight will be precipitated ut eiire. The test will come in tin- Sei.ate. The i Heuse passed the Funding 13111 some, time age. It will be the Admlliilra Admlliilra tien's purpose t insist en Seti.ite no tion en the Heuse bill villi the ex ception thnt the se-called twetitj -tlve years' limitation prevision will be, stricken out by tl. Finance Committee. Such party managers as Senator Senater Senator Ledge. Itrnndegce, Waton nnd Curtis acknowledge no doubts as te the out come. They ure sure the President ill win. Advocates Separate Benus Hill It became known last night President Harding would net assent at the Whit.? Heue dinner te a plan of action whi !i would have brought much addition. .1 strength te bear en the Senute for pas sage of the Funding Hill, lie disiigi ! with the view of Senators Ledge, Wal non and MeCumber en their suggest Ijii te couple the Funding Hill with the -el-dier bonus legislation. They proposed te se write the two measures as te pro vide that a sutEeleiit amount of the pro ceeds from the nle of the allied war bends In this country should go for the 'cash payments under the "udjusleJ compensation" scheme. It is well known the Administration, en receiving from the Allies their bends in exchange of the trcpsury notes new held for the war advances, intended of fering them for sale in this country, with the accompanying guarantee, of , , course, of the I'liltcd States Trensury The President was net ready te agree , that the conclusion of the funding nc- i gotiatiens and the netunl receipt of ta? bends in this country were se ccrtulu s te warrant the Administration ( miking the bonus premise te the former i servicemen. 9250,000,000 in First Payment " It was urged that tu itul.u. ,...., .jent , f 80 per cent of the men for the eii'i bonus would be SU.'O.OOO.OOO. and that was.a sum which could be met easily, i "although ns an added measure of cuu- tlcn the date of the tirst payment might '' b deferred a few months te insure con' i elusion of the funding negotiations. The President thought it unwise te risk 2 the danger of n hitch which might fer.y the Government te disappoint the serv- ' icemen. Mr. Harding was net outspoken in his opposition te a suggestion that the Benus Hill carry prevision for pay- ' ments first out of the proceeds te for- ' elgn bends or from n sales tax. He did net approve that specifically. His ad visers insisted the imposition of a sales ' tax, even though it were te be labeled a bonus tax, would be dangerous te Republican success in the 1022 con-, sresslennl elections. Party policy will be determined shortly. Disposal of thu Newberry case will be followed by ac tion en the Funding Bill. The bonu. benu. bonu. legislatlen will be next. i The conversation developed a differ- I ence of opinion ever the Hdvisablllty of ' procedure through party, conferences in ' both Heuse and Senate. Senators liedge and llrsndegee were opposed te Senate conferences. They argued that i such meetings gave mulceutents u chance te "tuiek the traces" and re Pulted in newspapers reporting luck of parly unity. That view was ehal lenged by Senators Watsen and Curtis. I 'who held the public knew perftetly well '. there was no party unltj In the Senate but that instead of euch disagreements taking place in party conferences thev 'i were nlrcd en the Senate fleer. ! WATSON HAS TAX BILL ' Pennsylvanian Found Sales-Tax , , Plan Popular In Canada VaAlirnjften, Jan. 0 Representative ' (Watsen's sales-tax bill ulll he Ini l be fore the nys ami Means Cemimttei of the Heuse in isinneetinn with tl e i plans considered for ruising funiN with , which te pny n bonus. He be'ieves thei thx will prove pepulai here, as he found i it in f'anudu. where he went during the holidays te study its operation "I found that the mnnufactir r- 1 talked te in Cunadii were erv mpi t ideased with it," he said. ' ihe , 'i-s tax there ii becoming mere iind-nierej popular as it is being understood." I Sir. Watsen, who Is a lYtinsjlvnnuin. may revise his bill lat-r. He said tj. day he was in favor of exempting I jnifial foelstuffs from the tax The measure he has in mind would raise, h' held, enough revenue te make possible the repeul of nil taes ixiept thuv ruined from the tariff and Income. An Attractive Diamond Bar Pin This fin is made entirely of platinum, beautifully pierced and effectively set with seven diamonds $210. The popularity of bar pins continues. We invite an inspection of our many moderately priced pins. S. Kind & Sens me chestnut st. PIAM('I Ml.i.' HANTS JEWi:i,EIWSIl I.Kh.MirilS !l ' I ,1 I igi if 1 k 'I r i nirjHffli J&? Butter Today jL, c lb Sold only in our Stores ca co. JiJiIDiiuui iMiiilmiiAllii" Founded in 18C5 )? The Heuse that Heppe built Inaugurated tht- One-Price System in 1881 C. J. Heppe & Sen Downtown 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown N. W. Cor. 6th 6c Thompson Streeti !-: bic ,B Charge Accounts Invited w irarairwmia Mail Orders Filled OTMiijiaBH P2.S flfc( A X'?i wfitfk. ..feJltflii .Cr mm. pLaBi jJ J V A ) ter-Dinner Tricks 5pjife 'eiwcSl ... . f? t B4 Tlie Changing Postage (Stamp A one -cent rKiKtiigp atnmp is laid en it 'i)in imlm e( thn left hanl- Uy ruifrplv DHsslne the riiht flnttcrH e-er It 15" .Ihfc Menip la transfermcil Inte u two- iSr, j The trick is accomplished by gumming (K ;te back. The stomp is exhibited no an P.iii i'4rMnary one-cent atamn. With vert 'VJiltttla practice the, etsrap can be secretly fiwjMa eyer by tbe right flngere,, he tlMtt It W irjntly is raised )n deripra- 1215 Chestnut-Street Illustrated Fashion Felder Sent en Request "As $ammr Sale &f & HIGH CHARACXERj 1922 cTWODEL n i ATfcJeJ l3 Pis Cent Off Please Consider That Savings of a Third Off OUR Prices Means One-Half Off Prevailing Fur Prices Elsewhere A saving of one-third at Philadelphia's largest Fur establishment is werthv of evcrv woman's consideration. As the largest manufac turers of' Furs in the State, selling direct te the consume, we always save veu the middleman's profit. Our regular prices arc always the lowest fully 20 per cent below all ethers and it is from these low prices that we have deducted one-third in this January sale. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Next Fall. Payments te Be Continued Monthly Through the Spring and Summer Marmet Coats v (se inch) . . Marmet Coats, Raccoon Trimmed f t? iwc0 Russian Peny Coats (36 inch) . . . Trimmed Rusuiun Peny Coats (40 inch). . . Australian Nutria Coats -. (se inch) ... French Seal Coats ( se inch) . . . Nutria-trimmed French Seal Coats (S6 inch).. . French Seal Coats de inch) . . . Austr. Opossum Trimmed French Seal Coats. . (sn inch)... Skunk -Trimmed French Seal Coats (sr inch) . . . Skunk-Trimmed" French Seal Coats (i inch) . . . Trimmed Leepard Cat Coats 5 inch). . . Natural Muskrat Coats (se inch).. . Natural Muskrat Ceata de inch) . . . Moleskin Coats (se inch) . . . Moleskin Wraps (is inch) . . . Hudsen Seal Coats (i inch) . . . Skunk-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats (se inch) . . . Hudsen Seal Ceata (-Je inch), . . Sku.ik-Trimmcd Hudsen Seal Coats (e inch),. . Hudsen Seal Wraps (4S inch) . . . Hudsen Seal Wraps (is inch) . . . Hudsen Seal Wraps , (is inch) , , . Hudsen Seal Circular Capes, , (is inch).., Natural Raccoon Coats (te inch) . . . Natural Squirrel Ceata (se inch) . . , Natural Sdulrrel Ceata tt neh) . . . Natural Squirrel Wraps , , , . , (is inch) . , , Natural Squirrel Circular Capes (is inch) . . . Natural Squirrel Wraps (is inch) . RIack Meire Caracul Vrapn (is inch).. . Taupe Caracul Wraps , (is inch)... Taupe Caracul Circular Capes (is inch) . Trimmed Leepard Skin Coats (se inch) , , . Skunk-Trimmed Persian, Lamb CeatH (is inch). Jap Mink Wraps (is inch)... Natural Mink Ceata (se inch)... Natural Mink Wrap '. . . (is inch)... 1 Natural Mink Coats (as inch)... Natural Mink Circular Cape Us inch) . Alaska Beaver Ceat (S6 inch). Ermine Wrap . . . . (i inch). Broadtail Wrap (is inch). Broadtail Wrap (isinch). Extra Large Sise Coats and Wraps. (Sizes Frem 44 te 54 Dust). Reduced Reduced from te 75.00 49.50 150.00 98.30 75.00 49.50 135.00 89.50 t 98.50 49.50 120.00 79.50 150.00 79.50 165.00 89.50 185.00 115.00 180.00 119.50 200.00 129.75 120.00 79.50 150.00 98.50 245.00 129.75 300.00 195.00 300.00 195.00 340.00 225.00 375.00 245.00 395.00 245.00 425.00 265.00 450.00 295.00 525.00 345.00 600.00 395.00 750.00 495.00 350.00 225.00 450.00 292.50 525.00 345.00 750.00 495.00 825.00 545.00 900.00 595.00 450.00 295.00 700.00 595.00 900.00 505.00 450.00 295.00 600.00 395.00 750.00 495.00 750.00 495.00 1500.00 995.00 1075.00 745.00 2000.00 1245.00 750.00 495.00 1000.00 595.00 900.00 595.00 2000.00 1245.00 Entire Stock of Chokers, Steles and Sets at Savings of 50 per cent! rxmtimA?um Wi fflKZ Al, 'AS y, WJ 1S&& ffi.-s'd, f Pits A'y..'is.tfg wxm l'V1,RiJTrt r. 1,7, ii.'lt ti.i j? e t'i t"r ', .ni it ," I CU..,J !$&&&! dt De Luca the famous baritone, taking his daily walk in the park. Dc Luca makes records exclusively for the Victer. Be sure you buy a genu ine Vidrela At Heppe's the sales men cannot induce you te buy an inferior talking machine. We sell genuine Victer - Victrelas exclu sively. Buy at Heppe's and you will be satisfied. At Heppe's you may secure a complete outfit a Victrela, records, needles, albums, etc. alt in one purchase. Wc have outfits at all prices te suit every requirement of home or pocketbook. A few Heppe Victrela Outfits Bargain Department Used Pianos and Player-Pianos , Here arc a few very choice bargains from our large stock of rebuilt piane3. These instru ments arc guaranteed for five years and are exchangeable at full value any time within one year. Hardman $185 Large case; geed tone Jules $235 Slightly used ; vralnut. Decker Bres. $185 l'laln (lurk cese ; geed tone. Pease $230 (15 note plnycr. nbeny case ; geed tone. 5?BSEEgS We have recently been appointed the exclusive Philadelphia agents for the celebrated Henry F. Miller pianos. These instrument? nrc new sold side by side with our Mnsen & Hamlin, Weber, Steck and Hcppe pianos. Our grand piano de partment con tains the lar gest selection in the city. Prices are from $745 up. Victrela Ne. IV, $30.10 with 6 10-inch double-fnce rccerdi Fay only SOe tcetkly Victrela Ne. 50, $50.10 ttlth 0 10 Inch double fnce records Pay only (I Kcckly Victrela Ne. 80, $110 Ith J10 worth of record! Pay only tt.10 tccchty Victrela Ne. 90, $135 with $10 worth of rccerdi Pay only tl.li weekly Victrela Ne. 300, $265 with $15 worth of records Pay only tS teeckly Victrela Ne. 130, $375 with 523 worth of records Pan only J.7J tecefcy The Hcppc Rental-Payment Plan If It Is net convenient for you te imike full pnj ment nt purchase, you limy rent any piano, plnyer-plnnn or Victrela that we belt nnd nil rent will be upplled toward the purchase price. Yeu nre free te piirihiiHP the lnntrummt or return it nt any time. Ywyyyyrvyvyeryervry"yyy BCp Mail This Coupon for Full Information CI 1lfnnpnti : Downtown 1117-10 Chestnut I ..,. ' .J.IieppeaaOll , uplewn tun & Thompson 8ti. J.C0"'. Without any obligation en my part please send full information about (mark X below) : 0 Pianos 0 Player-Pianos 0 Victrelas i:. i. Ml. LaF JT ' I L j" V.. V Ji fH'L'f?, jyjg 1 I I w""V ".! j-i.iL. "LJ" "'--1 I TTE new Lafayette prices Reductions Since January 1, 1921 up te 30 per cent MODEL PRICE A YEAR AGO PRICE JUNE 1, 1921 PRICE NOW TOTAL REDUCTION Roadster $5,625 $4,850 $3,985 Touring Car 5,625 Torpedo 5,625 Four-Doer Coupe . . . 7,200 Sedan ,...".... 7,400 Limousine , 7,500 Chassis 4,750 4,850 , . . , 4,850 . . . ... 6,250 ... . . . 6,500 . . . . . . 6,750. . . . . . 4,275. . . (Price: J. e. i. Indianapolis) 4,090, 4,090, 5,000, 5,175 , 5,400 3,790 . $1,640 1,535 1,535 2,200 2,225 2,100 960 The LaFayettc is accepted everywhere as one of the world's finest automobiles. It has wen that place fairly, through our determination te build a superior car. Our premise remains fixed. LaFayette quality will go en, undiminished. At the new prices LaFayette quality is a new and compelling investment value. Rather than work gradually, toward a minimum price level, we are adopting a vigorous policy. We hope future in creases will net be necessary. Owners, long familiar with the best, tell us that never before have such perform ance, reliability, beauty and comfort been combined in a single automobile. 1 1 is indeed a conspicuous meter car value, LaFayette Meters Company at OCan Hit Indianapolis Philadelphia-Nash Moter Company Dread St. at Poplar, Phila. I Camden IJranch, 901 Broadway ltei ff & VivrhriwcJktmW (kikrn V ,.v tuWa A " tietr Cempmty l- '! l""S i H H i'dl. V tV,iVfvA- f flit? "s. ,,.. ,'?. ' -.1 )& ..