T i x 7vrv w. :J$zr ;y 77$I y)X , I .1 'V 'V' . s EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHUJADELPHIA,. MOKD4.Y, N T A TCTTT A T-r n t finO ' ' " il .;M UUUIX , U) JLUJV . vitr WEEK-END THEFTS Trfe Xnbrlcntlnc Ott' Concern II J qalrcs Hrrrlrrit of l!perlenred Balmman for Ilurope or Auilrnttn Reulli Amrrlrn. ' f A 413, MillOBK OKFICn THE WORLD'jj THE STANDARD OF CniLDRnA'B APPAKHt, OF TIW mOHltBT CJIARAOTBR FOR MOW THAN' TWBNTY-BIX TBARB. L ' iT h. " NET CROOKS 10 P J m & M 1 3, ima w i' lt Eh -. Cuticura Seap - SHAVliS Without Mug QHtoBraBaaphth.fiTerlttfottafrtTtmotitnTlnt. Dr. Cyrus Adler Is Rebbed of $300 Fur Ceat at Offices of Jewish Relief HOTEL GUEST IS VICTIM Activities of thieve ecr tbe week week eik netted them jewelry anil clothing mined nt approximately 2000. In addition, a barrel of alcohol, in estimable in value te bootleggers, was COMMERCIAL ILLUSTRATING JfyTbltlen of Original Drew Ins; hv prominent stolen frnni tlir. uhnlAnnln drtiff vnrn. lUuilrtteM. Fvrat well Kuewji commer-lai ' " lr m tl10 nfN1,n ar re- rtleU will spf.n house of .N'tck PcleM, Twelfth ntld Dick- laeiday, January 10, 7:30 P. M. ; insen streets. Admission Free Opening h'ight i Dr. Cyrus Adler. president of Drepsle Y.M. C A. SCHOOL OF COMMERCIAL ART College, had lils ?r.00 fur overcoat taltcn the headquarters of tbe Jewish CENTRA t, TtllLMMl. 1131 AKt If r. VMtf't is..: h; AT 4,Mf,- That Annoying Cough which nfmn rim's wnii tin Mri cold rfa-v nlll nurrcn'1-r ti Spitta'a Ceryrn Lexengcs n eM rhllariiphln prjvlr prjvlr tlen wbl'-h has j.hm of -. lr te IU credit lln1 i n-r t i u. promptly eff ie I i i n vtnlent box' .1 LLEWELLYN'S rhlUilelphU'n Hntulard l'rec atom 1518 Cheilnut Street vm),,iMMW.wwr, M CHEW WITH FALSE TEETH? SURE! Dr. Wernet's Powder KEEPS THEM TIGHT Relieves sere gums, sweetens the breath. A white powder. At best Drug or Department Stores, 30c., 60c., $1.00 or write direct te WmttDatUMfg. Ce.,USBtkmnStN.Y. from War 15f lief, ut IT. 12 Walnut street. He a working in ene of the front offices. Helen O'Deunell, 2007 erth .Six icenth street, was held up bv three Negroes Inst night near her home a. he nn returning from ehtireh. Tbey took ?1 and her renry. An eighteen car-old girl who rented a room from Mr". Mar.v McLaughlin, 2001 Spilng (Jnrden street, and gHve an undoubtedly fictitious mime, it le. lievrd te he responsible for disappear ance of jewelry and clothing valued at SI 50. Pueak thievea stele a fur cat valued at WOO from the store of Herman lioedmnn, at 422 Seuth street. A $200 wateb was hteleu from Gil bert Vassal ant nt the Llellevu- Strat ford Hetel. Vrank Mernr. 20011 North Mervlne street, was held up at tleveiitli and Cherry street mid robbed of ?U. A newly emplevrd servaut Elrl robbed Mr' C. Hirst. 17,'I2 Spruce street, of iewelry and clothing Milucd at $.'00. Thieves entered the home of Charles Hlitz. 21.'17 Natrona street, md stele lewelry valued Ht Jf.liW, while ethers broke into the home of William Shible. 2,"7 Seuth Fifty -seventh street, and took jewelry vnlued at $11.". A. 0. H. FESTIVAL TONIGHT w. Bourke Cockran Will Deliver the Oration The fifty -"IMh annual mid-winter ft .i i nt' of 1 lie Ancient Order of III bertiiutiH will le held tenisht in the "adeinj of Mii-n'. The oration en tin nroasleu will he delivered by W Keurkc Cockran, anil the number of accept ances t invitation that h.nc been i sued Indicates that many of Vlulailel pbla's tue-t distingui-hei'l citinn- will eicupy ,-e?ts en the vtage Tlie muwciil feature will be pertb-i-pntcl in bv Miss Mac Fattey, Misa Kntherlne Jtet-eukninr. Anthenj Me. Nichel and Henry Hetz. 'llils quartet ...ill ...l. .u. l , . r t i i OTOTOTWmwrg eili''u. The Mitluiybnnl will 3 perform en the hnn and cello. Vref. W. Sllvane Tliuiider will preside ut ij the piano, ami I'ref. Floed will lejd the j crebt'tra. The, tprp-li hereau fiature J will !k cTemplined b Miss Mary 11. i iiearuen anu rrei. .viicnaei u iseeje. The tcniDerarr chairmuu will iM'Can. tni.t Themas Z. O'Neill, count prei u i dunl, whci will introduce cx-Congress.- s man Minhnel Uonehoe as nermancnt chairman. I . Fresh Gathered i MfimZQfrVkn d VJsa Eggs i DJ 1 4. TRIES TO SHIELD SON Carten of twelye Sold only in our Stores I O-Tq? ?SJ BBIlllL11!lgl,ripiBIIHI''irillll1l!' .MBKMiEmmmKW'mrr ', p mm?w HHP!pPW y i,BV y 4" I Father, Accidentally Shet, Says He Held Gun ! Solemon Slutsky, 111 1 North Second street, persisted in telling police he shot himself accidentally j cstertlay, although two jreiis said the sheeting happened while the elder was examining a re volver. The bullet entered his liver. It is believed he will recover. At St. Mary lle.-pital, when pelice investigated 1)H "terv, he attempted te shield his son Samuel Iater this hnv m arretted v In n lie told the real story of the shoot sheet ing, and It was corroborated by hts brother Rcnhiiiin. 0 li seems Samuel feared their home IllfflM3OTJ'TrPV ' "'Kb'- Df robbed. There had been n ki number of lebberles in the neighborhood While he was examining u revolver he purchased, it was discharged und tbe bullet struck his father sitting at a window. i J5T 7CM iWO Al an iW Step tbat painS SXJICK. wtrmlec ioethjii, eorafertiag relief Callows n ppllciUoe of Slean" ilmeet. Jast clap (t en the (trained, awar suited tnuacla. Ooed for rheematUm, ec Penefrares vWfheuf nibbing. Keen it handy BEATS WAY FROM COAST Rides en Fastest Trains Here Ini Four Days Stemling rides en the fattest trnins, Michael Melllle, nineteen, arrived in Philadelphia this morning after four ilii.vs out of San I'ranciMO. Melllle. biding in the front end of train 'tC en the. IVnnsjlvanln Jlatlread, was turned ever te Special Officer Ithlnchart b-. a woman Dressed in a blue denim suit, which enve indications of having been worn ,n ii correctional lnstiiuiinu, he ap pm red before Maglhtrntf Dern. Tivcnty I ie eiid and Hunting Park avenue, .md -Hid he was en his wav te New Yerk, I vhere he hoped te lind work Magis 1 1 ate Pem sent lilin te the Heuse of I orrectien for three months. i TRIES SUICIDE BY GAS ' SlOct: -t -n si tm cx v PeirCJS Measure for Measure 7l Unable te Bring Wife Frem Russia, Man Attemps Own Llfe t'nable te bring bin wife te this nintry because of the lielshevik block '"",lI,""B util. of Kihth strrn mar 1'nirinuunr iiunm', ittempted suicide yesterday in the third Meer of Ins home by inhaling i 1 nmntt'ipg g. II" mis found bv occupants of the heii-c, who smelted (lie gas At the llni-ipvelt He-mtal it l mid that ln ?W7lin unn hnv Amerinn rnal "Uilll ion li critical Sltilllkllls, it" WUen you euy American Leal ,.niing te the poll..-, has been bavirg, S70U are sure you 11 get no Short f u snme time le bring his wife here 1feile-rits in tennnw nnrl nf no """" Hus-ln. nu when he leurned 11 ; .!! wiin impei"iblu fr a time he became ilcpeiidcnf. ')ng waits in delivery. ,-And'net only de you get a full Tn cuqw STUnEWT' WORK' .2,240 pounds in weight, but IU ;nuvv 'UUtlMlb WUriN, Be Exhibited Here itbwci v iiiiiiiiii i .i i mi nnimn in ! .. ... . .... "ITurZ ' . i---"- nanaicrart of Mountaineers wi 0r 4 Meat - giving vaiue tne only ' i'lxeal you can afford te buy if i reu want h full measure of pomfert nnrl warmth for tniirl .""weasurc of money. .American sells only the highest) . grade of coal. The name ' 'kfvPAmerican" stands for the best Epjeal full weights and prompt Tift WWtTtWV IVW MJJk VV4UHYI, .viil" fil?8 0 a "i da te 'I y. 1 j . tAnttlcan han 10 ii rf se ' xawa jiretiipt act 1 ci wrr' MB te i ICE rrwiHcwn COM GOWNS WRAPS SUITS FURS BLOUSES LINGERIE HOSIERY w Cheitnut CeTtr Twetfth SWEATERS MILLINERY SKIRTS PETTICOATS CHILDREN'S APPAREL NEGLIGEES Our First January Reduction Sale Is Different It Offers Outer Apparel of Very Recent Creation at Lewer Price Than the Original Markings, Which Were Notably Lew. A Superb Collection of Coats and Capes 29.50 te 125.00 Fermev Values 49-50 t0 225-00 Developed in belivia, andrea superior, pnnveklnc, orlande and marvclln. Graceful coats, embedvinp the best style features of the season. One-of-a-kind models shewinc individu ality and distinction. Shawl cellars reach te the waist-line; chin-chin cellars, in all the furs, including; opossum, nutria, wolf, squirrel and beaver, of selected skins. THIRD FLOOR TAILORED SUITS, FUR TRIMMED Formerly te 115.00, New , 59.50 Dresses, 39.95 Formerly te 59.50 One croup that fairly Indicated the values as whole At this prlce, Drrnse-i of chiffon velvet, Mlk and twtln crepe, Pelret twill, duvetyne. veldyne, taffeta. Ker btrect, uftemoen and evenlnc Gowns, 54.95 Formerly te 100.00 Gowns of cloth et cold, chiffon velvet, "brecads chiffon, duvetyne, fsefluln robes, beaded robes, beaded Canten, Spanish lace and crepe Elisabeth combinations. Hlzca for women, misses and extra sites. SUCOND FLOOR WOOL JERSEY DRESSES Formerly 19.50, New . . SECOND FLOOR yt tv m1? ' - 8.95 Final Clearance Sale of Every Wiliter Hat 3 cr a Te Clese Out Formerly Priced Up te 25.00 ,..., $,-,V meuei nuui, iance runs, etrcct nuie. FIRST FLOOR ' Ml A I I BONWIT TELLER &, CQ cMte Specially Shep cfOriainalicmb CHESTNUT AT 13th STREET ARRANGED FOR TUESDAY An exhibit of handicraft of rtudrnl of Htrwi College, Kentucky, will be nhewn at n meeting in tbe Hellevue- i Stratford today under the niisplcrs if the .Southern Industrial I'dui atlenal Ah"oeiatien. The nieuntaiiiccrn who at j teildlhu college me taught needlework. ' nuking, home -i lencc, ceinini icial f mi tii e, pedngegj and ellifc prmtnul Mlbin ti AIr. I.euik r.ewH. prOMdcnt of the II--IM lllllell. will prchidc mid inlire-n s ' will In iiituli hv lr. .leniithiin ( I;m if Menu Celli ge, and Mim, (linniiie Ilciirv, of Alarjville, Tcnn Twe Held in Sheeting of Weman lliatriee nmll, thlity-ene lolered. JIO'.I Clviiier Ftieet, 1'hlliidelphin, B In the Coener Ilednltal. Camden, with a bullet wound in her wheulder, inflicted, it In sold, by Carrln Jehnsen, colored, of Jordutitevvn, If. J., in the home of Geerge lllehnrdsen, Negro, of tbe same place. Carrie Jehnsen and Illehardnen nre being held pending Uiejrcault et the weiind, ' i. l January Fur Clearance At Extraordinary Reductions The present markings represent still further reduc tions en prices previously reduced. The 10 lux ury tax, new repealed, is an additional saving. Black Peny Coats 85.00 36-inch model tvith natural rac coon cellars and culls. Formerly 125.00 Nat. Muskrat Coats 125.00 36 and -10 inches long; self cellars and cuds. Formerly 175.01) French Seal Coats 145.00 Sports model; 32 inches long; natural opossum cellar and cuffs. Formerly 19510 Nat. Muskrat Coats 165.00 36 inches and 40 inches long; natural raccoon cellar and cuffs. Formerly 225.00 French Seal Coats 185.00 36-inch model; cellar and cuffs of skunk. Formerly 265.00 Nat. Raccoon Coats 225.00 36-inch model with contrasting border. Formerly 350.00 Hudsen Seal Coats . . . -225.00 oe-incli model with self-cellar and cuffs. Formerly 295.00 Hudsen Seal Ceals 265.00 40-inch model with self cellar and cuffs. Formerly 375.00 Nat. Raccoon Coats 265.00 40-inch model of fine selected skins. Formerly 375.00 40-inch model ; cellar and cuffs 43-inch Persian Lamb WRAP (Kelinsky cellar and cuffs) 40-mch Alaska Seal COAT f 45-inch Alaska Seal COAT 45-inch Broadtail COAT (Chinchilla cellar) .... 45-inch Baby Caracul COAT (Kelinsky cellar) . . . 40-inch Baby Caracul COAT (S!(unl( cellar and cufft) . 45-inch Taupe Caracul COAT ........ 47-inch Natural Squirrel WRAP 45-inch Natural Squirrel WRAP . .... 45-inch Kelinsky WRAP 47-inch Eastern Mink WRAP 45-inch Eastern Mink COAT . . f Coats. -295.00 ; natural skunk Formerly 395.00 1 eriner Present i'ricc Price 595.00 450.00 650.00 495.00 695.00 550.00 1650.00 1295.00 750.00 550.00 450.00 350.00 1050.00 850.00 850.00 650.00 750.00 550.00 1050.00 750.00 2250.00 1450.00 450.00 950.00 I J Pip! PURCHASES MADC IN THIS SALE MAY BE CHARGED TO Wtt rOiRUARY INVOICE, PAYABLE IN MARCH, UPON REQUEST JEW wi HFTH FLOOR JJir Ai --auMMMaitaMsaMaapajBBBaatMBi The substantially-reduced prices of the new Cadillac Type 61 are subordinate only te its mere luxurious com fort, the important refinements in engineering, and its enhanced read-stdadiness and gliding-smoothness. The opinion is everywhere expressed that the new prices, combined with the definite advance in automobile development of the new Type 61, constitute the Cadillac, in even higher measure than before, the greatest meter car value in the world. - NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY .142 North Bread Street Phene, Spruce 0210 CADI L L A illlll!!!lllllilllllllllllil)lllilHlllililiHliillHilH IS s vM jtejgg'gii An Opportunity in Business Furniture We are clearing our decks for action starting the new year with after-inventory reductions in Office Furniture' that hundreds of our cus tomers wait for annually. Reductions that range from 20 te 40 per cent. Regular high-grade standard stocks, and which also include broken lines, discontinued patterns and odd pieces remaining from the year's tremen dous selling. Rell, Flat-top and Typewriter Desks; Chairs, Directors' Tables, Office Tables, Filing Devices and ether accessories for offices and banks. M $9.50 Office Chair Ann Chair te match Re volving Chair, In Oak or Ma Ma heKHiiy finish, .Sturdily con cen Hirueted, flne appearing, and an incomparable value, $0,50. Tn addition right in accord with our progressive policy for 1922, a large shipment of new desks, the last word in fine ap pearance and durable construc tion, has just arrivedat the new lowered prices for the new year. Unusual values that business men will be quick te take advantage- of. 55- cf S.v!nR $13.75 A high class Revolving Chair, made of Oak or M M heRany finish. Durable, dig nified and a great value. Price, S13.13. Other Revolving Cliatra from S10.7B up. Flat-Tep Desk, $38.75 Sixty-inch Flat-top Des.k, sith quartered Oak top. lias 1-inch Icrs, equipped with t-asc-hardenud rtccl blidiiif uheca. Dcen drawer in right pedestal for books. Alse knee drawer. A fine appearing Desk at un attractive price, S38.7.'). Other Flat-top Desks in Oak from $21.50 te $195.00. In Mahetruny finish and Mitheguny from $2J..5 te $272.00. Letter File, $31.50 This 4 - drawer 1 Steel Vertical Let ter File will layt a ' lifetime. Each cabi 1 net has 08 inches of , space for Mini,'. , Drawers run en rellern und arc of electric - welded construction. Without Leck $31.50 With Leck $38,50 KX& H-3 CZStV Directera, TaMm. .tlfii Kn TI.-M.nJ,W Si?-. 0 and 8 feet, dignified piece of Furniture at in ait, active pric WcT,;diCtMncJ' $153.50 Ofllce Tables from $10.50 te 5300.00. f Hi ,(DrJ Emm mffimprnm &jffi mMwmji hu '( WW Manufacturers. Imuertr.nt , r..w.-i Market Street Ferry, Camden N I rrr ri mjijlllHLi ill i h mi .ii Ijnf 6nn.alU bter. WMlilMMiliiilliiiiiiiiiiii 7 Baaaiaa""""f"" ' i ,J ' tJ"T"'J- T, i V .r triiuuh- l4Hi.W jrH it,,. IJi j i v '' ' (-'"-