Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 09, 1922, Postscript, Page 14, Image 14

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uinAmip rennrrr
I On the ether hand, all that may he ills
i slpnted should Senater i Crew be re
duced le n position where he could take
no netlvc part in Slate politics.
In the event thnt Senater Crew re-
, signed, for cxnmple, from tee United
Htntcs senate, it would ue n certainty,
first, that the Mngc-c orgenlzntlon would
demand the nppelntment of Mr. Hell,
nnd. second, thnt Mr. Hell would be u
rnntltdntc next Mnj In such n situa
Girl Tells of Pursuit Over Lonely , tlen the Bell supporters would have te
c-ensiucr mr are orgnn.zniien, iiineng
ethers, and hence the candidacy of Con
gressman Vnre for I'nlted States Sen Sen
aeor, or failing that, of W. Frecland
Kendrick or tome ether Vare leader for
Governer, sseuld become n large con
sideration. Stability Restored
'4... , ,, Temporarily, nt least, In the opinion
.MMinm-uauv, . .. , unn, v. .....,.,..,. el ijuermfll pUI.UCJII US, lUCl.....g JIKO
by 'bullets, the bedv of Geerge Jehn, a stability has been restored te the State
friifi ..!,. n,i.t,..nre r.n i,i "organization as the result of the Gov
' ------,- -- m.
Mountain Read Near
was found late Saturday in n lonely
Part of East End Boulevard.
A. little farther en. In the home of
Tellkceper .Taoebs, MRs Sarah Kllllan,
twenty-four years old, of Plymouth,
was found prostrated. When revived
erner s stand en the senatorial ques- .
tlen and his conferences with Western
Pennsylvania leader". '
Despite the talk tlie Governer had
with .leseph Ft Grundy, president of
the Pennsylvania Manufacturers' As
sociation, the former is making no par
ticular effort te 'harmenl7e" with the
'J he se -rn lied Grundy
MU 'tvlltlnn Inlrt a alnrtr nf .Tnlin nml Grtind.r element.
herself being pursued by men in a tail- i men may be tecegnized with a place en i
(ah An mniinin me.1 iVie , i.mn the State ticket, as was the lasc when
ending near the tollgate, when revolver' fcatuucl .S. Lewis was elected Ami-ter
shots rang out Hnd Jehn wa. killed. ,jC"craI;, . ,,,-,,
Jehn Is married and prosperous. He Mr. Grundy and his fiiemls will
arranged a lide te the mountains witn probably concentrate en secur tig the
the Killlan girl. What motive may have election of all es te the State l.eclsla
led te pursuit and murder is net known. , ". Ihe.v will be left fieer te de this
nnd State peller, after an nll-nlght " he ether factors in state politics
grilling of Miss Kllllan. were as far at " ' he busily engaged in 'tilng te Iren
sea today as the city officers who in- ur. satisfactory State ticket.
vcstlgated the case. . A" In ether State .ampalgns, there
Miss Kllllan savs she does net knew ' likely in the Ions run te be hnrmenx
who was in the taxicab behind them.10" cirtain places en the State hiiiI na- ,
She said that in .1 lonely place Jehn uenai ticKcra nnu tmicr inmenai ngnts
nad stepped the sedan in which he was
riding with her and that they wcre in
nis spot for some time before ttie taxi
cab caught up with them.
Asked If she knew the cab was in
pursuit of them, she said she did net
and recelscd her first notice of it when
a ehet was fired Bullets from the put
suera' guns broke Jehn's bark and
punctured his lungs The shattered
1 glass from the sedan showered ever
Miss Killinn's face and badly ut her I
She stumbled from the machine. she
said, and rushed te the house of the,
tellkeepcr Jehn was able te drag him
self out of the tat. but he died when
he had reached the side of the read
Ne arrests hae been made and net
the least trace et the Identity of the
murderers could be discovered.
Pepper Named
te U. S. Senate
fenllnuH from Px On
"What does 'Brether Hill- sa. '' " Ik
The Governer hinted that he believed
the Pepper npcintment would kill the
"Brether Bill" boom for the Senate.
Then, discussing the new Senater, the
Governer said :
"Mr. Pepper is an outstanding man,
known throughout the country. net
merely a lecnl flcure. His eandidncs
will be greeted with enthusiasm in the
1 nlted States Senate and
the country "
The Ge erner added that
in touch with various
Washington and that thev
lighted ever the nppeinrraen
There ;s deep political si
the Pepper appointment
tieliticians of all factions
It is said the Governer
will go n le'ng way tewsird working
out harmony in the State organization
which was e badly sh'attered when
Senater Penrose's grip was lest.
Seething te Vares
Of especial importance is the fact
that the election of Mr. Pepper will
li'a little seething te the Vare lead
ers who had urged the naming of Con
gressman Vare. Their point of view view
new is that If Congressman Vare
euldn't be named then they are as
satisfied as it is possible for them te
he. by the naming of Mr. Pepper
The Vares have been very frank in
the pat-t in expressing a liking for Mr.
Pepper. This dates back te the lime
when the Stnte was tern by the contest
for the lieutenant governorship, three
enrs age. At that time Senater Pen
rose backed E. E. Bcidleiuan, of
Dauphin County, who was elected. The
Vares campaigned for Jehn It. K,
Scott, one of the strong Vare leaders.
en ethers'.
Congressman Vare inme here from
Washington Saturday night and re
turned yesterday without a word en the
senatership It had been announced
that he would have n statement te mnke
en the Ponresc vacancy, but he ap
parently changed his mind.
Senater Vare hinted bieadly last
week that "Brether Bill" would like
te move from the Ilou-e te the Senate
wine of the Capitel. Streng opposition
te the plan speedily developed among
nnny county leadei
Geerge Wharten Pepper
Geerge Wharten Pepper will be fifty
five years old March 1(5 next, nnd his
mental strength and physical stamina
are shown in the wide lange of his in
tereds. Tall, somewhat spate, delibei.ite
w.theut slowness, a master of repar
tee, his qualities fuse Inte 11 glow of
enthusiasm that is without h'-at. ct
lights up the subject engaging his muni
and tongue.
I'irst of all. Senater Pepper is a law
ver of tine attainment. Years age
he could have exercised his Ie,gal tal
ents en the 1'ederal bench had he said
the word of ncceptaiue according te
generally accepted reports.
Jn recent years his name ha beeu
coupled with various public offices.
H fcOaHBBBBBHiHBies-tW'.SlBrj JTJr9BKnhikjr
s1IBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaSBBaBaBBBBBaBaBalBBaBaVjai?BBaW.'slJIBBSBBaBa Mhk J!.';m.llllBBaS
7SCa3K!H BLBiSBBaCMHBaBBaBaBW jAtr " '' : KlujiiMiMam''' wr sVSv "I pi
V '-tx ' ""' W viR 'fxtWkm' rWM
sm JSBfe.. -fcj'- s:'i.atmmm.JllM jvbbM
Runs 840-Acre Farm
Leading Boauties Jein Cam
paign te Inculcate Precepts
of Morality
ceivcrship moved him up n number of
rungs en the ladder et professional
merit. As an example of his reputa
tion, it will be remembered that In 11)1'
he was made n special Assltant Attor
ney General of the I'nlted Stntcsj nnd
nlded In the prosecution of the L nlted
States Steel Corpeintion.
Anether landmark in his legal caieer
Is 1020, when he wns called en te help
frame a new national baseball agree
ment. In this task he was associated
Ith Judge I.andK high commissioner
of baseball.
Mr Ppnner'u nt hievemenls nn the
Mail of Many Interests (.State Commission of Welfare and De-
I fense must net be oxerleolted. Durinc
the war he devoted many hours te the
laborious duties of the commission
which he headed.
Anether side of his life is his love
of the out of doers, lie maintains that
n vacation should be a contrast te a
man's dally life. Se. when chance
allows, he strikes out for the open,
usually going te the Maine weeds, where
he is fend of hiking nnd camping with
a few ether men.
TaKa. Jan. 0. A wave of virtue
sweeping France.
Net only is crime diminishing and
prisons emptying, but leading beauties,
hitherto famous for their clothes and
figures, are joining forces with Mrs.
Orumly In n campaign by which it Is
hoped te make Paris the most moral city
in the world.
Clee de Merode. once the "morgan "mergan
ntic fiancee" of King Leepold. Is head
ing a movement for the establishment
of n class of young girls, based en pre
cepts of "pliyslcnl purity nnd soul wor
ship.'.' Her pupils will be taught te
regard virtue as a physical excreis". en
hancing bodily ns well as spiritual
Ccelle Herel urees that a gigantic
bonfire be made of nil books with a
morbid sexnnl nnnenl. mill asks lien-
I nltlcs for the publishers. She also
advocates compulsory nrt education in
(he schools as n means of enhancing
spiritual goednes.
.Tane Rcneunrdt. outspoken against
the menace of idleness, nsscits thnt
parents arc net giving their children
healthy, Interesting work, this condi
tion heiiij; responsible for subsequent
derelictions. She says: f
"The girl who marries in order te
llve a life of ease nnd luxury is mere
Immoral than the hard-working woman
who Is net nfrnld te back up her
opinions against marriage by a 'free
The establishment of no fewer than
eight "awards for virtue" Is spurring
work girls te exemplary lives, emulating
Jeanne I)e Seurchy, te whom, after
crave ilelllierntten. the crav-bearded Im
mortals of the French Academy awarded
S2000 because she remained virtuous.
although she had suddenly heceme peer
nnd had been forced te labor, after a
childhood spent in luxury.
Fight te Re-elect
De Valera Begun
1 t- 4 n
Meets Tbmorrew, With Twe
Parties Far Apart en
This Ohlaheiiui woman finds much
joy In her bl job as a farm man
ager at Pertim, in the Western
Bem In Philadelphia
Mr. Pepper was born in this city
r 1. 1 tf 1 Ot ..1 i rta f llfllln t Afl
V bu place is the headquarters of the New Jersey Stale Police, at
llammoiiten. Sergeant William Enstburn in the sidecar. Jehn Engte-
son Is his chauffeur. Corporal Llnd Is demonstrating hew te take
revolvers from prisoners
drive at top speed between New Bruns-
Trenten, Jan. 0. When the NW
Jersey Legislature convenes here i('
neon tomorrow II will begin a swilen
durjnfiwhlch many Important problem
of Stnte Government nwnlt solution, '
Apart from the question of prohibition
enforcement, en which the two pnrtln
have taken different stands, the preb.,
Icms te be solved are generally nm.
partisan. However, with an election
for Governer nnd United States Sen.'
ter approaching In the fall, the session
will net be devoid of nelities. On iu.
contrary. It will be marked from the
eiiisKic uj n ssirmisn ueiwccn the two
parlies te make political capital for
the fall camnnlgn.
Theoretically both Republicans and
Democrats arc nledgetl te enforce iw
prohibition requirements of the Eljlit., I
eenth Amendment. The Republican; r
imwcrri, uivur viiiurL-ruiciH ireni tnt
rndlal viewpoint of the Anti-Saleen
League, while the Democrats weulil
plnce unen the stntute books a lm
drastic law whose eb-crvanrc or non
observance would depend upon local
officials and the mnchlnery of whlrti
could net rradlly be set In motion hr
individuals wishing te make New Jersey
J he Republican leaders are pledged
te support a bend Issue of $50,1)00,00(1
for State highways while the Demo
crats, ndmlttins the neetl for ImpreTet
reads, ere net committed te any ills-
' tlnct plnn of finnnclng. Beth parlies
.. n 1 p..:. i, 1 have declared for npprqpilatiens nde-
Congregation . Paiiic - Stricken ,,,,. t0 mPct ,ilc m0Ht ,,rr,8n8 uemunds
if State institutions, tint Here tee a.
trel nf the crcntcr part of the counties
of Fermnnngh nnd Tyrene, ns well ns
the city of Londonderry and part of
Dewnshlre. It is contended thnt If this
came nbeut the reinnlnder of. Ulster
would be tee smnll tg bear the expense
et a separate government.
When Church Officials
Fall te Fleer
March lti. 1SU7. 011(1 wns grauuaicui ,,. n,i Trenten.
., - -l I... -f 1l.,Hl..n,.ln ... ......
irem ine 1 nivcrsuy in 1 ?) '"" I ,11. ,,'t knew the win
obtaining the A. II. degree in 18St and t out nlllI inn,,in., but dliecte
the LL. B. degree two ye.us later. He 1 net t0 ,n0VP ,IWUJ frnn, thc dee
wen the Sharswood piie. the I. lcm" jt,1Cy driver directed mi-, nnd
1 told Reddy 1
nnd he innde me
ected me
r. A
the treaty and the Irish tepubllc. Hu
challenged the supporters, et the treat.s
te an election after thc treaty was put
Inte operation.-'
P. J. Hegnu said the people had a
right te decide immcdintel, and he
usked for n speedy election.
William Sears contended that the
Dnil hnd ratified the treats and that
nlan of financing must be devised.
Ilenresentatlvcs from Seuth .terser
will direct nn attack against Governer
IMwnrds for his action in reorganizing
..,the ;Satlenal uuard nieng lines inleu
DRINK VARNISH BY MISTAKE InteU almost te eliminate effective rep-
resentntlen in the national plan of de-
fense from thnt section et the State,
ttraml Tti..,t.l. .ln. Klein eldei" i This, is one of the subjects in which
of the Seventh Reformed fiiurch here polities will play an important part.
nPnlSi nV th? In service" "oil. parties ere en. record as et-
... ..... ..-,. ... ...r ... ..rt.n.l in n .llrppf Silnte HIT. VPI fhft
fact remains thnt the time i rapidly
approaching svlien New Jersey muit
fennieri wirn s'ariens niiniie eincep. . . i i i, .!,,. J'""' ": '....: -r-. "...
tnrougneui -.r. .: v.j-i ...i....r.i ,i.., .1,., """ -''" i"-. ' "" ... . ' ueddv sad: il rignt, get in tnc car. the idea of tlie .New Jersey Hta
nnver ltv of IU.I1 1. elnhin -n mere efn,?iB ,'?w. fi!,r 'V c0 nrac,lc, ,. it-' ' "As we get into Pennsylvania Bed- lt0. He Is a little ever average
he had been "2'tYvrthc office of Solleltep" enwut ., Thf ,T "V M . h"""!."".; -M he mn-t have mene. nnd told ,,rnBt n.ul slender. lie has
notables in Sc!?,tJ5V.t1h.,05. hellc"'-,'t,nul tinguished alumnus with nppe nlments . . t u , t()1(, ,lm , fcatutes nr
were de- "Vt'.T ' " ' " i' Ttin... ... i ,. ."nc' "F.. Iei owl nV , T" I didn't ku-.w hew. A little further intelligent e.ses.
.. . A:; nf office Intner Its for h - V ne' J,l.au. K"H0 S. J" " ! ". th' nr b.gau te spit, nnd I told ,,j, ,euth. which svns
gn.uiance.il . n , mnnv ,, nrei,lems of his " :. "'.:.".... 1 .;:.! ,Vtn B.M.y.ve wen- iieany 0111 ii riih uim longer age tlu.n is easily evident, Hcr-
according te -;r" ." , " fnl t1,u npHrltlp "? VS"V ,",".,l"v..",." in. 1": " iJdn't go. niucli turtiier. u- teiii mr KlMllt Kastbum ran off nud enlisted in
iul'"V ,',"..1r.' .: :" .V, in i . 4 un'c,P"m l,.e iV,'c'.t.u,' ' "'V .'.. te Mop right theie mid te .eme luMdciheruvalis.
believes it lu?L '.""" "' u... . hical Society, tne r.narsweui i..i tJl,. , ar- did -i. and he again warne.l '
u uubjt mr. Uuu, the lUMieRrapnicai yiue. iiiei in . 1 m,d i-i.t killed f I fa (d hi fe - "am miieui uiniluate
1mMLTi. t only "e,tt. K(lp,1"1 ,S.1i,,,'V-uthCriZVa, :l M," " d ".'tiLns. After his dUchnrge f.em that school.
?"' S, nuJr,, l, ternity the rniver-ity Hub. the I ..UeiIll theri 1Iime me stand by th- whes. x..i.lualP- 11N0 include Miles nnd
innfferhU work n, .mcIiI MsUlM?n picket Club. .the Itacjiuet Club, he ,, . me t) ,, ffflr ni, p,,,,.,,,,,. ,. je,Pl, lhe liK.k nebWet
cases .and I for hU 1 work as JPeclal assist- i.ennsyiyniila hecirty of the Sbm of the A car .nine toward Trenten, and ; of Majer (Sroeme. fermerlj head rf
ant Atteraey-OencPBl, bu ff" llw' Kovelutlon. the Church Club of Phil- put up my hand, but the driver ' Penns.slvnnla State Peliie. lie saw
scholarship Mwn"!??' adelphln and ether organizations wouldn't step. About fifteen minutes duty In the memorable strV-t car strike
tlve digest of the laws of Pcnn.sjvania. Among Mr. Pepper's publication-; ,.. - ear ' nmefrem Trenten going m Philadelphia and the eeunllv
nnether, te have gene scot-free. There
nre two ether centcis, located respect
ively, nt New Bgpt and Lake Hepat
Seigeant Kastburn Is sverthy of de
scrlptle'i, for he Is an embodiment of 1 the world sveuld se nciept It
te pe- . ,. ., ... ... ,,,
hclcht Awau r.vciii.s 111 u
smooth Developments at today's session et
id cold, the Dall svere awaited by Ireland with
1 interest nearly as tense ns tnat octere
probably the Angle-Irish pence treaty was lati-
Continued from Tat One jesleruny ssueii uiey iiraim varni-11 imn 1
, it , 11 1 11 ,,,, 1 had been poured Inte 11 cemniunlnn cup
until the neniile renlil de de bilsseei..,.. .,. .,',. ,t ,i ...t.,
.I.' .";... "Vil. T...1. I.1I If.. I'" "10 OeilCI It SVIIt Siiciun ivilliii -. . - . ,,,,,, f rnvBinin.
isye et tiieemers ss;erc sniu .0 i.c ... .. 0rnnIzntIell of t1P Legislature still
critical condition. , ,)(, ncoempiHhed in iiceerdnme with the
Tlie church recently had been lepnlrcd t pre. arranged plans of the Ilcpubliciii
and lu the storeroom ssheic thc sacra mnlnril v, svlddi Include the election nf
mentnl svinc is kept in a jug several jugs William B. Mnekav. of Bergen, its
of varnish used in redecernting had I ircsidpnt of the Senate and Hurry
been stored. One of the officials of the newiand. of Camden, as Speaker of the
cnurcn.is saui te navu misiuKen v euse.
varnish' for wine svhen he filled thu
He heeame a national figure when he
campaigned against the League of Na
tions covenant.
Led Independence League
Mr Pepper wns a leader of the
League for the Preservation et Ameri
can Independence and debated the
league with Sennter Hitchcock in tin
city in April. 1010, and with Sennter
Pe'mcrcne in IndlntiapelW in the same
It sseuld be appropriate te mentlei
thnt Mr Pepper has long been a con
nre "The lieruerianu 01 rcurrui
State Decisions," lsSO: "Pleading at
Common Law and I'nder the Cede,
nnd manv monographs. He was editor
jelntlv with Dr. William Draper Lewis
of "Pepper and Lewis' Digest of thc
Laws of Pennsylvania, l'rem 1 i0tl te
1001. " four volumes, nnd editor jeintl.v
with Dr. Lesvis of "Pepper nnd Lewis
Digest of Pennsylvania Decisions and
Kncvclepedia of Pennsylvania l.asv,
complete In twent.s -three large volumes.
In 1S!)() Mr. Pepper married Miss
m l.... I Vl-lini. ilnll"lltpv of 1'rn-
spk-ueuH figuie in the laity of the Kpls- , , i T'iLher. Dean of Yale
copal Church, lear after year lie lins Theelcical Scheel. The Pepper liemr
later a car crime irem 'i ronten going
in thc direction of Philadelphia. Beddy
told me te step the car and -aid he
would de the rest. The car slewed up
when I held e-it my hand. There sva
a little grade, and the car stepped
nbeut twenty leet from where sve svere.
1 jumped en the running beaul and
told tlie driver for Ged's sake te keep
en going. He stepped en her ami n
bullet whistled by ns Bodily shot "
N. J. Troopers Are
New but Efficient
beeu chosen as delegate te the diocesan
convention nnd he has sersed ns dieces-
One of the features of that tight svns can delegates te the general convention.
Is at 1V.10 Pine street and the Milmibsn
home is in Des-en.
idphiu nud the enunll
iiiciiminb'i' Bcth'ehcm Steel strike of the
smiie star. Ter month nftersvnrd he
was the nemesis of lasv-breakeis In the
aiitln-r.i .ti dNlriit-
He nftersvnrd thresy his let with the
late Colonel William l Cedy, and
eserj daj ler tsve or three seasons per
formed the feats of "Itemnn riding'' in
the Buffalo Bill show (n simple trick
of driving four horses around nn arena
while standing en the backs of tsve of
them) nud doubling up for thc final
business of driving the Indians ns-ay
fiem the beleaguered stage each.
Sergeant Kastbuin svelcemed his tin
invited sls-lters into the orderly room.
Cuntlnurd from 1'nce One
Although under tli.H nnct tlie J1M1
Tree Stnte is created, giving Ireland
the status of a dominion In the British
ICinplre. the attitude of Knmen de Vn-
1 lern. President of the Irish Bemiblic,
1 l.t.. ll. ........ ...l. ch I.U.l.. ..unli, ' -LUU.'
nnu ill" iuuuitin 1111 pi. uiiu-ii,i iiinsiii. TerKlirSt lllllt
ine ngrccmcni. nnw ii.resvn uuuu uin poisoned nre:
Most contradictory leperls were cur
rent as te Mr. de Vnler.Vs Intention.
These arc d!vlded into 'our categories,
ns fellows :
I'lrt, that when 'he Dail meets to
day he svlll definitely resiyn. but Imme
diately seek re-eletllen, contending that
n republic still exists.
De Valera Might Keltic '
Sisjnd, thnt he will resign, icfusel
re-election and retire te privacy, as be 1
Im raid te have m-eiiihed should he be
defeated In thc treaty fight. Third,
that he svlll sink his persona' rlalms.
join the majority vlth his felhisver
and ''o-epernte svlth the Piovlslenol
Oes-crnment In settlement of the cotiu cetiu
tiy's iffalts.
Various modifi(atteiis of these lcpeits
also are circulating, together svlth
communion cup.
The eight elders of the church svere
the first le drink the communion wine.
As the cup svns being passed te ether
members of the congicgatien the elders
svere seen te fall te the tloer. Many
of the church members became pnnic
stikkeu and rushed from the edifice. A
ph.sslclan svas summoned and the
stricken men taken te hospitals or their
The.-e seriously poisoned nre : II.
s. reiuertsmn. utners
C Hcmstra. J. Hoegc-
steger. J. Bieweld, A. Dcbruln, Daniel
J. Vundetsserp nnd It. Bes.
The Kcv. Arneld J. Van Luinme',
the pnster. said : '
"The church's nesv choir left ssns
completed only Inst sseck. It ssns var
nished nnd then polished svlth n polish
containing nicotine nnd potash. What
svah left of the polish svas placed in a
jug nt the back of the pulpit near sslicir
the wine for communion service is
usually kept. The ssine is generally
berved finui 11 jug.
"Mr. Blew aid. a new ('tier
Maler Havnes Saya Enforcement
Approaches Highest Point
Chicago, Jan. 0. The prohibition
lasv Is net a failure, and while enforce
ment of it probably never svill reach
the 100 per cnt point of efficiency, It
11.. f- ...nnl.!nM tl.A litelinct 1IAR.
KlWe nelnt. Mnler II. A. Iltiyncs, Ni-
Hi.iini Prnlilhltlen Dliccter. said sestst-
day before nn address before the T.mv
Pnfnrinmiinl T.pnPllO nf ChlcaKO.
"The 'wets' have spread carefully
planned prepngandn." said Majer
Hasnes. "The facts shesv that tM
total importations during the last fiscal
j ear svere one-half of 1 per cent of
the total consumption of llmier in the
United States the .sear before prehlbl-,
tien. ,
"Propaganda says cilme has in
creased since piohibillen. Fuels sher
flmf ili crline wave Is sserld-ssiile and
just as sensieie i
the Indersement of Scott by Mr. Pep
per. It appears, furtnermere. mat .sir.
Pepper indorsed Scott against the per
sonal rcquert of Senater Penrose. Since
that even the Vares have boomed Mr.
Pepper for delegate te the national
Net a Vare Leader
Politicians, however sav it would be
a mistake te assume that Mr. Pepper is
This le.ids te a view which Mr. Pep
per expressed as te the Chtistiau
church and world peace.
"There is only one league 10 en en
feice, peace svhlch deserves te bear tnat
name and that is the Chiistinn chinch"
he svrete In November, 1011).
"Secular and political organizations
mav or may net succeed in placing ob
stacles in the path of war. Peace,
hess-Her. is an inward thing ami an be
in any sense 11 Vare leader, or te class promoted only by that which aits di
.. 1 . ll.l . ,. .1 ..k.l.i...... h4.1.kIh.1..I. Ii.nl
VeCliy Upen IIIC ucuil Ul lur iuui.iuut.
Thnt Is one vlesv en sverld pen'-e held
by Mr. Pepper, who, as the nesv Senater
ffem Pennsylvania, will hase a pait in
the Senate's action en the four -Power
treaty of Washington.
Mr. Pepper's esvn insistence en clear
thinking nnd lucid statement was re
flected in an address In May, If CO. be
fore the Bosten Cltv Club, in svhlch he
pilloried what he called "the tyranny of
half truths
him svlth tlese svhe esvc political alie-
giancc te any faction or political doss.
Sir. Pepper's stand en political uues uues
liens generally has been diametrically
opposed te the stand taken by straight
out organisatien leaders.
Just the some. Vnre leaders, it Is
said en geed authority, arc some seme
svhat appeased bv the Pepper appoint
went. It mnj esen hase 1111 oft cot en
the suggested candidacj next May of
CeDgressinnn Vare. though this point is
net settled, it is explained.
One result of (Joverner Sproul's trip
te Pittsburgh wes thnt he came back
borne satisfied it svas tee early te fear
thc formation of ness combinations
against himself, if he is a candidate at
seme future date, and against his
firends generall. The Governer is be
lieved te have found that Senater
Vare'sj friend, Senater Crew, m as
staunchly his ally as he has be-n In the
past. Further, he found that theMagee
Leslie organization, in Allegheny Coun
ty, may hasn te alter its plan of form ferm
"ing an offensive and defensive alliance
svlth the Vnre organisatien.
The reaten for that is that Jehn A.
Bell, n multi-millionaire of Pittsburgh,
who largely financed the majerulty
campaign of .siaser .siagee. in inenais
Killer of Twe N. Y.
Detectives Caught
Continued from I'aie One
Lnngherne ssere notified am. tiem then
the alnrin svas sent
As a matter of tad. theie ssa- still
plcntv of gnellne In the tank, Adu Adu
bate'had morels used this method te
mnke geed hU escape from sin li dan
gerous company.
Beddv is an expeit ilui'ifleur. lhe
cunning' he marie se useful in eluding
New Yerk peliie iippnieiitly asailed
him nothing in this situation. It neser
occurred te him te try the rngine nud
determine whether the taxi driver had
told the truth.
night mounted troopers of the New
.lei'sev State tiellce (nine esei te the
heinc ersanized and ss-Jll go Inte epeia-
tlen ns Feen ns the lalfr is formed and
attempts te function.
He said he sveuld like te tell them
1 . t . 111 . . tiinii till- vis.iituvittii ....
u iiUMpr miffnr near rpiiititr. nut thnt .....!.. ai.i . i.tt. -.,:.
rated lacings, made espe, inll, for this Co,enPi Schwhrtzkepf had .iecreed that ' " " ll ""ft, i',u , Un t" u
liv !hi Sfnrn iirtcnniir nt I eon .. i.... ........ .1nl. l.n ..!.! .....L l.A .!.! l... ' ' . k l . J: . ... "
" ... ,. - - -.-.. Miiiiii-tt-i m.iik m mm iiiiipi. uiz IUIU U,l
himself. "Orders, said thc sergeant
politely but positively, "aie orders."
But his guests, the sergeant continued,
had come n long distance te be disap
pointed by him. Would they net de
lilm nnd his command the honor te join
them nt luncheon, especially since the
guests could net leave Hnmmouten im
mediately? All Loek: Efficient
The guests assented. At table thej
were Introduced te the five or six ether
In that 'address he picented opinions Pennsylvania side te aid in the se.uch
en fereicn annirs. tne miiusirini con
flier and national education In it he
defined the leader i'i national life as
"the man svhe beckons the tresvd te the
highest firm ground which they are enp
abln of occupying sucresafiillf . Te
.point them te thc moon is silly. Te
leave them in the beg is svieked Te
feed them with half iniths is tin tin
sverthy." Dii ili innnv issues lhal Mr Penner's
mn,i unit tipnrf luivr lunched eup is the nlans. but tin
proposal for a resisnl constitution for escaping te thl
Pennsjlvania. Presuiniibls .Mr. I'cp
1 per, in thc Sennte. svl'l have an au
thoritative sseid te snj some tune In
the future en the mbjed. even though
It Is outside lhe domain et Federal
for the murderer. Deputies ami le
tectlves tame from New Yeik sshi-n
tliey learned the Negro had slipped
through the lines thiewn ubeut tlie
Police fi mil nil the surrounding see see
tien poured Inte Lnngherne unil suthln
e short time there were sufficient men
te form n ring about the secium whete
Beddv wns 1 ft standing with the nbuu
drned taxi, n slctlm d in's. irrli l
infill clud'-d them nil.
its during 1 lie night
Jlr. repper was
Tells of Wild Klde
Adubato innde the following iati -menf
te Cluif Cullltmi, of tin- Tkiiieii
polh'e :
Over liia eat. svlilh mi dut.s . the
tioeper svears n kind of deini-bnndeleer
sliesving enough cartridges te kill tsve
doen men. Seme of thee fit the re
solver thnt hangs in a holster from
his right side and ethers fit the carbine
that liis horse carries, or that he carries
himself strapped ever his baK.
Te wear thlsuniferjii is te be at once
an eflicer of the peace, it deputs sheriff,
a game warden. 11 trntlii' policeman,
an agricultural inspector, nn expert do de
tective, n finder ej missing or runaway
persons and 11 constant stimulus te
lethargic county efliceis.
Seek 100 Per Cent Cem Minns '
Te be ni rested by one of thesr. men
is 11 predicament pieclsel.s as srieus
as the charges he makes aguinst seu.
for one of the as owed aims of tins or
ganization Is 100 per cent consictiens.
Theirs is the theets that doubt is a
tiling te be cleared up h thorough
work, and that, except in the most
Ktiieus cases, (barges should net be
piested svhlle deuht exists.
A visit en S.iturdav te whnt is called
the "Southern Sedien f'entei," nt
Hauiuionteii, gave some insight Inte the
modus operandi of this organization.
Headquarters has hecn opened in the
home of u citizen, and the front pailer
turned into nn erdeil.s iiiniu. There is
Sergeant William F.ai-tburii. in iom iem
muud of the section, which extends
aciess the State from about Ilnddon Ilndden
held te the edge of Cape Miij. nnd in
which In -pust .sours one-third of
ssiongdeers ate said, for one reason or
that t ss-eu d be just as
sinnlif iilni.m li nn wninmi Hiiffrnce as en pre
out a jug in svhlch he believed the ssln.M hibltlen. Facts show that arrests ler
was kept befeic service. He found thc 'drunkenness huve.deerensed 1.0 per cent
jug containing the polish. Llic svliu in tins country since iiiuu.u.
was in two bett'es en n shelf immedi- 1 convictleus for drunkenness increasw
ntclv eser the jug. 1 about the same per cent In 'wet r.nj-
"Nene of us detected the ennr null! land. .
Mr. Biewnld collapsed. Mr. Dcbrnin "Fncls show that liquor witlnlrawaii
fainted shortly nfter and the ceiigre- from warehouses in this country iiur.ni
gntien svns immediately thrown Inte the Inst October ss en enlj ..0 per rfM
confusion. Six ethers svhe hnd partaken 'of the withdrawals In the previous v.
et the polish beenme ill." ,teber."
Broke Stere Window te Ge te Jail
Richard Battels, fiftv-nlne. svas held
French Advise Turka te Unite
Constantinople, Jan. 0. Prier te hl
nrtlTlSUTnil AND niFR Richard Battels, liftv-nlne. was held uonstanitnepie. .inn. 11. 1 ..or . .
DtHliOti lUIlAlyUUy ILt. ,n $:m bnli fnr t)lr ,.,.,, Jui.y tliH ,ifpnrture for Pnris. the I'leiich Hlgl
i iiii. in. I... - ii.- .... - . -. -. ,
... 1.. . ... 11 .... ... i.i ,.. . - i..i...... ...i. i.n linn, cum! nnncii
wnrriTw TrnnsrsrrixTm morning, uy icecoreer niaciiiieuse. .11 iiihihisshiiii-i , iin umi "v - ,1
lnldll LrUF niiyilUtl Camden, en a chaige of bieaklng n W00 home te give the C.overnmeut ins n
Londen. Jan. !). flty A. P.)
Transfer of the administratis pesvers
''te the nesv Southern Ireland govern-
Hoopers who happened te be at head- 1 ment, created under the treaty ratified
. 7t till C4A.. !.. 1. .... 4,1. fJ1 l.'Iiif.niin I w I lull.
itiaiters nt tlie time, uney were nit .-"uiuriinj ey me ua.. j-.iiruini u
rather like the sergeant, straight, slim. Hn. Is te be arranged Immediately,
huinerless nnu efficient looking. They It is understood that the committee
all had orderly hnlr and they all had , of British Ministers appointed under the
blue or hazel eyes. chairmanship of Secretary for 1 olenies
p'.ate-gluss window In the Munscr &
Leng stoic nt Bieadway and Federal
street. Sntuidas Ilptters told the Re
corder that he hailpuipesely smashed
the svlndess se that lie sveuld be sent
te jail, ns he had no ether place le go,
. . . . 1 l.wl IS
en tlie TurKls!i question, iiini"i"i -
Perte a note from the French .oern .eern
ment urging the Turks nt the forthcom
ing peace conference le present
milled front and te avoid the error ei
having 11 divided delegation.
I xx 11 h a 1
n member of the , Hudsen Tube
JO the uoveruer us u rumuuaie nci Governer s commission en conni.iui.enai ant n
spring for United htates senator, in r(.vjien nnd amendment wlilcn suggesxeu
fact, -Mr. Bell urged Mr. Sproul te be many Important chnnges for the State
a candidate. constitution. He believes Pennsjlvania
The Goserner told Mr Bell be hnd needs a nesv constitution and there never
net decided thnt question as yet But was a time in the history of the State
It is obvious that the Governer's pe- ,xvhen people were better qualified te de-
Utlcal judgment leads him te regard Mr. clde a constitution revision.
Bell as the boss, se called, rather than He has net hesitated te express Ins
UaVbr Macee or Senater Leslie. That views en local conditions anil pi eblems
heln the case, there could be no Magee- , In June of last year, addressing an as-
the t nxl stand nt
In Nessnik about
1 :::e
lit sshen I sasv what
te be a ( olereil woman walking bj the
cnbs I ran up te her nnd she get
Inte my c.b. telling me te go te .Irises
"Sudden! svinle 1 had the deer open,
the supposed woman changed her man
ner and pulleil out a gun iiiiueuiicing
she svas Luther liedds. who had ki.lei,
two deter Uses ami did net care hew
l many mere vic nunc. iu nn uai.
Murderer Caught
Vare combination against Sproul tin- , scmblage of Republican women, nc miiu "Neddy made me get into the mi nud
leKH-Meaee is willing te break with Hell. ' their right of suffrage entailed en them k off hat ,, ,.eat Ut. nhUeil
These familiar sxith Pittsburgh cendi-1 the duty et invcsiigating n. g.cu. hew lnu,i,
tiens de net feel there is the slightest problems.
chance of Mayer Magee breaking svlth I These problems, he ald.
J'i, .11 effectlvencsa of the work of
Air. i'""
It Js mi
ssere the
effectlvencsa of the work of the mngis-
mere likely that the Vares will Urates the system by svhich the Beard
.. ..,.,., til.!- nnnrsA n l -. OI J.n.ll'HI lull in itJUUin icia, ..;. ......s
.'".. u"" "..;.. Vii,r Tii-' s:... I nrecedure with reference te the peer
mail. Ill nm."v '" "; 'ii"i)
County organization and se continue te
'hSTOi a voice in nunc u.uurs.
Further, the Governer docs net be
lieve thnt the Bnkcr-Beldlcninn com
bination In Dauphin County will ileseit
Iliin, It is interesting te note thnt
"when the Governer reached Harrtsburg
Itixt Saturday night, en his way hack te
Philadelphia from Pittsburgh, he was
vlalted, while the train waited ten min
utes, br Lieutenant Governer ueitue
nliinlnln? instice
"The Lord only knesvs sshv iudge
should appoint members of the Itnaid
of I'ducntien." lie sn,i nf tlie second
of the problems he iinmed. "I uige
upon seu the duts of inttlligeiil (en
sidetnlien of the s.sstein uniler which
we live "
As for Mi. Penper's slices, cen
in early manhood. It can be recalled how hew
he handled the difficult task Intrusted
te him In lHOii. sslien he wns made re
money I had und I gave hliii
about S1.70. Beddy' threatened te
kill me, saying there was itlnndj
s reward of $10,000 and he didn't
enre hesv mans h. took with him before
the end came. At fust he wanted 111s
(out ami hat. but nfter thinking for "
minute or two he told me te put 011 m.s
clothes and dlise him te l'liil..i!e!phin
lie siinl he wanted te gn 10 Cunilt
from ti.cie. He told nn I eiihl In'
ener it niv ar inl(d 01 I in.iili' ll "
slightest mlsiuese
"With the revolver pie-sid iiguiu
mj slile, I turned mound nnd stuitel
bark te Newarl He made iuu slop
at the first news-stand, where he said;
going into tnat stere svitu
I'm seimr Inte that stere svlth you
'". " d . . ' m
man and ether representatives of the P,ir 0f the Bay State Gas Cemnanr. nnd if you make any funny move you ic
Dauphin County organization. An a lawyer who knows thu lasv and a dead one.
The underlying significance of all u.nn marshal fact and statute with com- "Whn " net into the car again
thsk l that there is a feeling abroad nelUnt- force, he showed also in that Beddy tern me 10 iu mm ie e
In Ulate organization circles that har- famous case that he has business acu-
ntetiT en the State tickel may "Set be men of a high degree, n requisite In a
line witn iuc rfftnaverrviirx-iM.-uiiiiis mr. inirei, jngm.
tnd rxjatpruric a. jc-rp- - biuu.w ij
A" iwl? eiuie ic-
Mar 'm '
R -. . Imp '
-.. -mmitUM
IT " . B
i. m': I
m w '
I i ' ' 9 f'rf... . M
rrantcil nnd linrrnenr I
Idcah ortjejverner Hpreii
Vlw jy w. V"" s-' ,rj-
lattc J hlej p he v
delphla by the back way, adding that
as I was a taxi driver, I must knew
t)m hack xx ay. We rame back through
Newark and Elizabeth le Nesv Bruns-n
sshk, Boduy telling uv tcscrai unit's te
Getham gunman, who escaped by
disguising himself as woman and
forcing n Uxlrab rliauffeiir, at the
point, of a gun, (0 drive: .him te
this il'. va raptured In, this t-ity
One nf them hnd just teturncd from
Phllllpsburg, where he hnd denned out
u nest of Black Hnndcrs nnd secured
one indictment for murder. It devel-
encd thnt tsve of the men at the tabic
1 . ..,... i ., .. .. .11 .. 1'
SIIOKC HUJ1UII lllll.uni us ru nn i.iik
llsh. nnd doubtless some of t
ether lungunges.
The foetl svas served by the sseman
of the heu" nnd her daughter, u girl
of fifteen or se. Frem the head of the
tuble the hospitable sergeant made cot) cet) cot)
vernatien. At one point lie svns asked
the attitude of n policeman toward his
li.iii t-.x . Ills replv svas te the effect
1 that it was nieie or les impersonal.
The Trooper Cede
"A inn 11 who bieuks u lusv does
winiiL'." he said, "lie knows he is
doing wieng and that he should be pun
ished." Iin'ie viis some talk et the prepara
tory tiainii.g that was given at Sea Girt
te tin cticct that It was harder than
an tiling the segulnr crins . in his hard
est' doss, had te give. cJt svas this train
ing tlmt vanquished 1'JO of the Itll
skimmed fiam the 1000 applicants for
After the luncheon various troopers
of th" Mounted or motorcycle units
tame in, r"perted, wre given assign
ments seinesvhnt nfter the fashion el
newspnper reporters, and vent out
again, Thev svere told the location anil
whut svas known of tlie Ircumstnnces
cf 11 cae and apparently the rest was
left te their initiative and judgment.
Later In the . afternoon Colonel
Sohwnmkepf svafi reached by teln-
phone nnd lie con rented thnt n few ple
nties be tnkfii of Sergeant F.nstburn
und his men.
Ends Life With Shetfjun When Told
He Cannet Recover
Cualesvlllc. Pa.. Feb, I). After
numbers of his family told him he had
but a fesv hours te live, lllram T. Ir
win, fifty-four yearn old, Parkesbprg,
managed te elude his nurse nnd has
tened te a downstairs room, svhere he
blesv off his head xvlth a shotgun.
Irsvin, a former resident of Coates Ceates
vlllc. had been 111 nboutene,week from
pneumenU. His condition became ser
ous en Saturday nnd his physician" held
eilt jn) hepP far his rrceiT, -)
Mi "'vVir ""-- ,s
Churchill will today resume its work
svhich ssns suspended before Christmas
In consequence of the prolongation of
tlie debate In the Dall.
Much preparatory weik already has
been accemiillshed. allowing the Mm-
hem spoke ' !Mers te l"-;ml Immediately with nr
. raiigemeuts for evneuutlen of Ilritlsh
troops, declaration of it general am
nesty, and banding ever of the admin
istrative departments in Dublin te the
new government.
Mr. Churchill returned from tlie Su
preme Council meeting ut Cannes yes
terdny fnr the purpose of getting his
committee together. He expiepsed sat
isfaction et the treaty's ratification,
enabling the weik of his committee te
go fersvurd
The date of the ti mister f pusvei-s
depends upon the events of the ncNt few
dn.ss in Irelnnd and tin- prejres l.itule
In Installing the pioshlennl 'govern
ment of the Irish Free State. It is as
sumed that Arthur Giitllth nnd Mic.inel
Cellins, svhe led the tight in tlie Dull
for the treatv, svlll ionic te Londen 10
assist In the operation, although the
date of their visit necessnrllv depends
upon the stnte of affairs in Dublin
r 1-- . ' iwr 1 ir 1 -
iiiiiri:!iiii,i:ii'iiiuiniii!iui!nni!iiiiL,i m JFTIrlLf
!s s 11 1 s.J.
a qp n I
Sunshine Bread
The deliciously wholesome Victer
Bread well deserves the name of "sun
shine bread" for these big brown leaves
of goodness are baked in our three big
bakeries flooded with health-giving sun
shine, and where cleanliness is empha
sized. Even thc air in our Deitgh
Reems is carefully screened,
keeping it duslproef and
Londen. .Ien. 0. (By A. P.) Ul
ster's determination net te enter the'
IrlRh free State has been strengthened,
sass the Belfast correspondent of the
Dailv .Mall, by the example nf ' south seuth
ern mcntalltv nnd southern methods
given In lhe Dnll Flrennn during lts
discussion of the peace treaty.
Flter fears considerable damage te
the business of Northern liclnnd from
tariffs te be established hs the ness
government and foresees g-ent hindrance
te tiade fnun the location of customs
houses en hoi- berdirs. These evils,
linsvever, sseuld be small In comparison
svlth the svhnlesale disaster which It is
linlleveil sseuld follesv Flster's inenr.
poratten into 11 state dominated b the
Dall leaders nnd faced at tlie outset
xvlth the pessiDinty et naving te quell
a republican rising.
Ulster is resolved te oppose te the
utmost in the British Parliament the
threatened revision of her boundaries
under the treaty just ratified. The
Slnrs-Ffle-ls represented In Ulster as
-nl nnmiaaWnv tta lnl.n)l.,n i , ' .
y'uaw ""ie(""i ' I'd re"
Victer Bread
islKw nfcSf
Goodness and-bigness the rich brown
Mcter Leaves are the greatest bread
value you can buy.
CIJ 1 !. . .
. -7-..yn.J?Alc. at?res' 'ted all ever Phlla. and
threuirhniitP.nn.ixT "r:1"' '"sjjiea an ever rn la. ana
tnrousnetit Pcn,n., New Jerttey, Delaware and Maryland.
M A , ' '
fASCO l a 3 r r Fa r n hi
V - ' n !
8 ' i :!'' '"liU - .. j 'f . " itli