Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 09, 1922, Postscript, Image 1

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    7 "3w wr wripiPi
x T
. ,'ViS-' '
the Weather
' Fair tonight and Tuesday: little
change In temperature) lowest tonight
about 28 degrees: tnoderato wind.
PJT9 110111
- in inn Hil
12 1
; 4
r.10 130 B2 4
- ,v
iritrtimn mil hit r mnrier
VOL. VIII. NO. 100
II I 111 I S 1 1 H 1 1 I I
Untcrtd an Sccend-Clmn Mutter M th rontefTlc at Fhtladelphln, Pa,
' Under t'.n Act efMarcli a. IftTO
Published Dally Kurrtft-'Humlai HXilmerlptlen ITic' tn n Year by Ma'l
I'eDyrluhl I ICM lv I'ubllc ldgcr Company
Plans Made te Take Oath
. in Washington
Sproul Declares He Expects Ap
se te Seek Election
in November
Ueerse Wharten Pepper, of this city,
was named I'nltcd States Senater tn
nccectl Senater Penrose by Governer
Fpreul today. j
The announcement was macro by the
fietcrnur ns he bearded n train at
Swarlhmere nftfr a ''apld motorcar trip'
. i -nrMnri Knnla fpAm I, it. '
hMie. Lnpldcn Maner, near Chester.
The Governer said lie liepcd Mr.
Pepper would be a candidate for Scn Scn
iler Penrose's unexpired term. The
Appointment itself qualifies the new
Senater te serve until a candidate is
elected in November for the Penrose
Itri ending March I. 1027.
The certificate of appointment was
handed te Mr. Pepper In the Governer's
bmfnew office, at 1512 Chestnut- strict.
Arrangements have been made te have
r tk'p ibhr tr- -jia.
"' . . , 'y,- ,' " I
'$$MM' 'I Wife Caught Here After Alleged
Cuban Lever Confesses
Part in Pittsburgh
, Murder t-quad delcetlu. after nn
all-nlRht vigil, arrentcd Mrn. Pauline
Whann. forty-two. lit' wi
avinK i
entered lnt n conspiracy te de awaj J
Thlid Ktrcef. She U accused of having
With her litibuiid. t'olencl Wlinnn, of
' WrfX
4 V.Sr
: !-
Mr. Pepper was today appointed by Governer Sproul te fill the vacancy
In the United States Scnate caused by the death of Heles. Penrose.
The photograph was taken In the street In front of the Pepper home.
1730 Pine street
Ivittnnlnc. Pn.
Mm. Wlinnn was at rented after i.
wire was receives! from Pitt-bui-Rli.
saying M. KiiKcne Kanz. yeutiK ubai
1 nnestcd Iick en Deccmbcf II. Iuik on en
I fi'hseil he anil Mr. Whunn planned te
de away with her hub:inil. that Mri.
Whann wan the bralni of the offal"',
and that all he had dc.ne wan te earrj
ftrnw te the house two days before t lie
Colonel -Whann was found nncon nncen nncon
hcIeiir, after belinc struck with a blunt
instrument, nnd his house was- ablaze.
Sana and Mm, Whann were known te
be Involved in a love affair and they
were suspected Immediately of having
tried te murder her husband nnd burn
the house te conceal the crime.
Mrs. Whann denied the whole of
Sana's story this morning, snylng
Sana was insanely jealous of her hus
band and has Intercepted n letter from i
the colonel te his wife In which there '
were some uncomplimentary refcienees
te the Cuban. A that time. Mrs. Whann '
says, Sanz vowed he would get even .
with Colonel Whann.
The beuse In which Mrs. Whnnn was
arrested was bought for her some lime
nge by her husband. It is the sjime I
tilace where Ralph Mever, the convicted I
North Pcnn Bank efllcial. lived before I
he was sent te prison. When nrrested .
i this morning Mrs; Whnnn Vnid te the
, detectives:
This house must be hoodooed
aK v v
Hllk lll
Dail Engages in Heated Wran
gle After Republican Chief
Offers Resignation
Repert of Death of Marquis Due te,
His Lapsing Inte Cema
Tehle, Jan. .- flly A. P. I Mar-I
qtus Okumn. the if;ed stntemnn. u lievc
condition of eTinn led te irperts of i
ilenth. was still alive nt 5 o'clock Ihi"-!
A Tekm iiipiit.'h. b mi nf l.nuiliiii.
en .lantiar (I. minted that MaviuK
Okuiiui hull died that day. Ileii'dulu
lr i:iti'lti'4 from Tolcle te the ii.'.liM'
i'c of Honolulu also gate tnc ilcilli
of Mntculi Okumn en thn; ilu . Hono
lulu dispatches of the 7th -ta I --i ilial
tin- Mnniuls' phyciidan ai Tokie aii aii
neiinci'il that the, stale of iniiin into
wlilcli the iinticnt hud fallen bad been
mistaken for death and that be hud te-
lly tlie Asseriate:! Press
Dublin, .Ian. II. An seen as -the Iiill
Klreanu was convened this morning
Knnieii de nlern eiev nnd nlaeml his gained conscleii"nc nnd a still
iiieaiiiing siikiiii.v. or uriiiii 01 I tic
resignation ns President of the IrWh it
'public ferinnil.x before tin- hiiiic
Mtr. Thelnas .1. Clnrk ineveil the ie ie
idcctien of Mr. de Vnlcui ii Pi evident
of the republic. I. lain Wdwes -.(-euded
I he motion.
Michael ('idllu1'. one nf i lie htideis
in stlppei- of he lrlh ireatv nliich
was latllleil Saturday ever Mr. d" Va
I Icra's ei csitien, said tha' tin en. n
the Dall wished te be put In the po-itieu
of opposing Pre.ldcnt de Vnleia
He jieitvted out tliat tlie Dail was new
faced uitli the nreblcm of taking ewr
i tliii rr.ii ni-iii.iniii ft'rtiii flm 1 1 1 1 1 i li ninl tin
MYSTERY HINT IN DEA.TH 'suggested the formation of a cemiiiittif
nc in am rniitin IM AIITO ! whose membeis would be chosen fi,.in
OF MAN FOUND IN AUTO;,,,, MrH ,)f thc POt,trvcrs . i.. keep
the iieaee.. Werk and uet talk was new
Luther Beddy, Hunted in Thre
States, Surprised in Heuse
at 2008 Redman Street
Mariils had previous! heen ellicinlly
nnneiinccd from Tokie. and posthumous ,
honor" nail been ecineil en him lij llir
regent. Prince Ilirohite. In tlie name of "Judge," With Drawn
III I tllli' I ui t
Philndrlpliia ell I who will rereic,
a medal In New Ynrlt teda ns a
reward for her relief work in thc
Near Knt
Charles G. Smith Dies In Hospital
Where He Was Taken Unconscious i
Charles ii. Smith. 1IM! North Thir- I
tet'ilth street, died at .'1:15 o'clock this
morning in the l.aukcnau Hellnl.
where he was niken in an unconscious
Although the report of hospital tin -thbritlcs
would indicate dcatli was due
::." .Htrrr"..,v;? si h : "ii w
M'lll I, lllill tll. kTlllllI. ri ... i.i.i, ... -i.
night unconscious In nn nutomelillc
parked along the west river drive in
r'iilrmiiiiit Park.
ergeant Irwin, el me farw gunrus.
requlicd. he added.
Ready te Fight If DeceHed
Jehn Maeiiitee. of Meuaghitn. nigmd
that Knglaiid had net ,ct g'ni lieland
the constitution for tlie free t i t -. and
that until the terms of the treiitj were
carried out the republican go eminent
iniist be continued. Mncintee urgeil
krenlns the resource" of lieland intact.
.. . ... . ..
It l.nglaiiii hts us
First Issue Tomorrow te Reveal Se
crets of Treaties
Sp'Cla' tabic I)1pntr) 1 njr ii t
Paris. Jan. fl.--Tlie part plin'-d l
former President Wlli.ni and Prime
Minister Lloyd Oeeige in making tlie
'i rid War pence treaties will be told
hi former Premier ('leineneeaii m hi
new newspaper, the Kchn Nntmnale
which he will launch tomorrow
Clemenceau. who is blamed bi his
enemies for the wcnknest.es of the lrent
of Versailles, is boiling with rage eer
the alleged iiiisrepresentntien of hi- part
tn framing tlie document. The ..stall
ll"hnient of this newspaper signifies his
return te French 'elitie, although he
is eighty enrs old and apparently hnd
delinltely retired.
M. Cleinenceau is proprietor mid ed
itor of the newspaper, with M Tar-
Enters Building With
Had Made Sensational Dash
Frem Scene of Crimes
Dressed as Weman
l.lllher I'nnih . Negro killer who slfW
Detective; Miller and Ruckle in Sew
Voik Thursday, was ancstcvi today at
JOfCs Redman stieet. this ntj.
Theugli desperate, and avowedly
ready le "knock off two or three" tn
accomplish his purpose of getting te
Canada, Reddy wn surprised nnd nr
rested before he had a chuuec te make
resistance, lie was armed with two nil"-
ike ncv Senater lake the oath at Wash
Incten tomorrow.
The effei of the scr.atendiip le Mr.
Pepper was unrestricted. The ap
pointee, in n brief .statement, said lie
tcfepted the offer in that spirit and
'jthathe Intended te serve out the unex
pired term.
"Geed Morning, Geerge"
-Mr. Pepper nrrlcd at the Sproul of ef
llent 10:50 o'clock. As he walked
.Ijathe'hallway lcading.te the Governer's
oRice lie was spied by thc Governer, who
'' "Ooed morning. Geerge. Hew are
jeu feeling this fine morning?"
found the man. Today two special
.a.iM.li. ..t 1.. sJ.,,l,1m. ntttllil Illlllklt II lf
She will be held here. pending the ar- Wlir!.,.llr ,. .i.e case:
A report of phjsicintis at the nos nes
pital le the Coreut-r's office contained
the brief aiineuneepient of "death (In (In
eo apeple. ."
Hospital authorities declined le snj
whether or net the body bore signs of
an attack, declaring thnt "tlie case is
entire!) in tlie bunds of the Corener."
rival of County Detective Rest, from
Pittsburgh, en whose wire the local
Detective Rurenn sent Detectives Shel
ler and Hcifhlc) te get tlie woman.
The) waited outside the beuse nil night
before they could catch her. She Is
id.arged with criminal enspiraey,
arson, nnd aggravated aKsault and bai
ter). Her husband is still in the hos hes
pitul at Pittsburgh.
te obtain a joint Cabinet
"I don't wnnt the office nt a!.." lie
declared. Then, looking at Griffith and
Cellins, Jie added :
"Yeu have a mnjnui) with )nur
sity-feur vote-. I'lei t jour own
Tears Dail Laughing .stock
Arthur Griffith, speaking after Celin
The arrest was inade b Patrolman
Renner. of the Twentieth anil Fltz-
water streets stHtlnn. sherth before 30
The patrolman was assisted
Conference Halts While Experts Bride, Trying te Convince Pe-
Werk en Question of Cer- .
man Reparations
Ry the Associated Press
Cannes, Jan. I. - Premiers Lloyd
Geerge ilhuMirlnnd. with Andrew lJenar i
Law, planned te make a threesome at
lice He Hadn't Run Away,
Hears News Phoned
While Jin the police station nt Flf-
$38,000 JEWEL THEFT j
Held by California Police for Attack'
en Mrs. Stedman Bent
Leng Reach.
lieut, wile: Mcumun Jient, con
tractor, of Sas.OtIO worth of Jewelry.
en November II) last. The first knevl-
jnud that there was nothing te ppvent
fl n tin J i' 'K ' " " "'
After tlie renomiuutien of De Valern
American Observer at Allied Confer- for the iiresldency. Cellins said lie
. rnnfln-H in Ren i would licit ebiect te the re-election el
ence Confined te Ded President de Valern. but that if Mr. m-
, ratines, Jan. !!.- tRy A. P. i--t.eerge i Vniera'were re-elcs'tul the people would
rimer AI Dnwilv was nn-stnl in ' "" ' "-' ''i'"""" .......--..... - irn out tin- JJUll. as uie ian weuiii
i. unci .i. iewti) was an sieu m ,., ii,i,. ... .,.., ...i.. ,.,,.,, nnl ilentli . ... , i !.. f .,.. .. ..,.i
f'lllf nil 1 clmr'.i. ifi ' "L """ ' ' ' , ,, ., UC lie IllUglllllC smi-.i Ol ill" wnrm,
viiit., OJi ,i cnarge el 1 1 i. ..I.... i.. .... .,i,i,,iit.,t.it.. iinfwleiir .. .7 ......,.. .-
having assaulted and robbed Mrs. Nana 'J" L ",... . " tti . e V i" ; . r nwr , M M "T ' ?", 1 ":. ' ,il l"
puv.uiNii.iiii.M iv - -:-"",, s pen il en nn1 ro-vni-iieii i u"uun,
i...ntn..i. Win utnK f, I'O.illll . Slfll'H k 111 . ... . ... .1... t.l!....
i""-" ""1"ni" "' , ., , ,V, I I e inusi carry en in" n-uuuiicii.
in wliese car he was riding, and ,)'- KOverniuent until it is disestablished by
iminjaiecu. vuiierji.i;".- ."ii"ii i'is-i. tlie-Irisli pcoile," she said, !lie op
. .... .... . . ... T .i ... .. . . mr jMIlOUhMllim llllltl ..- U "." '..'.' ,m.jn.
n,.i, .,.!... ..t .1..:. -ir.i- ,:,i in sun a iieuiir I'mi nee iitishnmi hnii assault in tuts citv came in n te eirram i . , . .i .'""'
I11" ii'iiiiiiiivu iiini muiie ivi ii .in.., - - -- - - - ;;,. .. j.nl.. .. .l. i .1 n . I il 11)111111 Ol UOII.
gefi" today while the reparations et- 'ecntli and Vine streets yesterdsj-. trylng-l p, the public' had" nf the I r'chbery nnd
1 en ns active mutineer I he strene
t..l... AI. .,.. nn.l f:.l.,w.l I rtlll. .l l ...... ..It........ !.. .1.- Sl ,
.liMIll .ih'IW'iih 11 tiu ...n.iu.i vinin i iriiiriii-1-,111 ,-iii(ur.-) ill 1 til' nilllieer Oil, 1
I. ...I. t ...1 .... A. 1.IU ll..4,,l., tl .!.. n...l !.. C - .. !1t 1 lOIS.
mini jiiuiM'ii u, iii mi-. -Mi.Mti.nK i't'iuies unii iiir t'-iiHi,' 1111 ui ire-
"We will." mendeusly strengthened bv the reap-
Mr. de Valera said that if lie wen. re- pearancc of "tlie Tiger" and the pres
elected, no elleri 01 urn would e niniic ence tn nis newspaper lemeneeau is
.. .l.u n .,! I.. (t.n.f l...n..-l. 1.1. .t!
l'An ini l", jrtiiii.,m't iiiti,iii t.f'l- . .
teriiil newer. in the new nereeinenls "'lock.
with Germany. It is beheved he ins by Magistrate Ames Keett tlie Negro
complete!) reveal the .1,,,, of the Vcr- ' inagilriite. and Constable P.erkmnn. of
Magistrate Scott's office
Magistrate Scott was responsible for
1 he nrr"st In some manner which ba
net nt here learned, be bei aine aware
' the tae' that Reddy. Jailbird and
i.in.i-killer. with a reward of ?10,(K)ll
en his head, and sought ns few crim
inals have been sought by police of three
States, was in hiding in Philadelphia.
Hew Reddy get here remains for the
present a in) story, though it is expected
that the iucstienitig of tlie police will
break him down and bring a detailed
st -ry. It. is known only thnt in spllR
f the vigilance of Stale police, who
e.iglit liiin between Laughernc. Pa.,
where he was lust been, and Philaclei
I'll 'J. aided li town cnnntnliles mill
1IIMII lll'll IU. Sill' Plllll. IIIIL till- .. . . .. - ----.. p ... .. v ...... .(r.-.r's.v -
ed the joint committee proposed b) ' "VK with his mother and two brother ' pisses of farmers, he somehow mnn-
hael Cellins. . ii"""iiuu iiirinneuse ar .erin "B''u 10 snji into I'liiiaiieipnin.
liad concluded, said the uuestlen of Hie
t rente had been constitutionally, settled
saille.s Treat v.
$1,000,000 RECONSIDER
Garland Brethers Decide te Accept
' Legacy Left by Father
Kniten. .Inn. ft. iR) A. P i
Charles (iarlund. tlie jnuthful idealist
wlie meie than t )car age announced his
icfusiil te accept a legnej .:: SI .1)1)0.0(10
willed 1 1 i in bj his father, tlie late .i a Hies
A. Garland, of thi cit. lia- recon
sidered his dc-cisieu and will aei-ept thc
mono), according te the Rosteti Pest.
His brother Hamilton, who likewise dc-
ellnrd n iegnc-j of cciuul proprliens. lias
n. .....ted his sliarc of the family for
tune, the Pest declares. Garland, who
.... .1 .Wll
.n!ii(i I'nniuip rntiiin nnini. .rtrii a ...a......... . .. ... .., .. m .. .. . a.. .. nniiw. a..... A..... .. i r . ,,.!.. .111 tit 1111 t i'iiiiil." it, ait.' tat 1,-1 ait ,.i t.v a a.a .m a .. . .... . .... u.a '
.,v..-.. ..iTii ,v.... ...... ... ...u. iiHit-riiRiu en inr Pllill ei )ni.i uii'ius i nii. run uwny iiiKtraci Ol ceminuiiUB V; V. Vr ii i ai i i i IIIO nxie Ol tile mncnine uriiiii-, nun vnix-i. .aus., iiiTiiiiai, uiu -ei smu, I . if. ,JLa w la -n .i
willf. waved a eeunle of legal books he be proposed te Germany and the flnnnce suicide. M ui,i.,i m i.vi,i. Dewciy s wife, his hrelier. Ke) Dowdy; r,,i... itarvev was thrown out. lauding Puts It Up te People te discuss hU reasons for reversing his i . .. '"K't'rate Scott t.ics Tip.
carried In his hand and said "Fine." ministers worked en the partition i0,.lman r- v rlftv. ,,.:.., ,-,,.. ? nr'.(?. ;,," 7 'v'1, , , i'. , i ,T ,1 i ' I heavily en the read. lie was able te Geerge Gavan Duff) demanded that Pieweus decision. I Magistrate Scott learned that Reddy
Senater Pepper was then greeted by among the Allies of the sums already ' p ' I ? ' i " ; ' ly""L '",,,; are also being held by the Leng -.eiicli lr, ',. VU,M tllken lmck , lls i10t,. Mr, ,,,! , Vnleru tell the Dail what his Charles. i decllinns his inhentance ; jwis at the Redmap strcc house, and
Harry S. McDevitt secretary te Gov- paid. telephone nessa- tint told of her has ' u?' t,. i i.m,,, ,, ,., ,'.,,,,. in n dazed condition. pelicv would be if he were re-elected. hist year. enclenuied a sjstcm which knowing he was wanted for the nlay-
erner Sproul, and shook hands with the Relglmn's delegates te the Supreme (fl ' ,! ln ' ",; V ' " '' ' . 'J1'',": - ''."."T " V,s r r . ' ' '''n Physicians, who were hurriedly sum- r. ,,,. Vail, ra replied that the re- M.u-v.il tl... i an.ls w I..I, hundreds were 'R ' " New Yerk detectives.
Governer. Mr. McDevitt and the news- Council are still standing out for her S dl, ', T1 "l? Ktreet U? "" lllC "r'T. if ,',hVnl ' mened. fetind the Ambassador suffering ' ,,,,1,. must .entiniie until the-heeple. ' Muffed. te,.phone,I ,il,. morning te the ixdiee
taper men. The Governer linked arms priority in full of 2,.TO(l,000.000 geld m?,,,"V ""1 ,hc " ",nut BtrCPt HnvlH and Rjra.u I.. IM nun. ) He was j." x;w.u ,, fn,m ,.,,. i,ruises ell (1,;,l,J,n Xtlen' disestnblis,ed it. He "It Is such ,, fc,m,i, lTer me f Hie Twentieth and Fitzwater streets
with Mr. Peppc." and turning te the marks of the German payments. The Oil ' December 1 a man's overcoat "m"4,t''' m ,"lb cllJ '" J"'" "" " "etPliih back where lie had struck the read. 'us ,,ujtc nail) during th- interval, he million dollars." I,,.-said at the time nation lieuse.
umpapcr men ..aid: proposed increase in Germany n cash 1R f , , Chesinu : strce '"nl u nrrive.i in Pi,ii,i.i,.i,.i,i, e..h- "I" dazed condition after tlie accident Ml,, te help maintain the independence "It is blind te the sm,d,,,t truth "Kutlicr Rci.ldj i at 20ns Redman
"IJe.v.s. you will have te excuse the payments for 1H22 from the . -.00.000.000 m. ,, '""", ' ,' " , " ) "..ffi , .-'j 1 '. i I '" nv,crni lasted mere than an heui . Pli)leluns f j ...land. '"''' te evw child, thetnith thnt th- -ircet." said .Magistrate S-ett ever the
frniter a few n.innles. I would like ! gehl . narks agreed en in Londen te I " ,P ,, " l,, ",,'" -vVr ,a , wl . ''".ten "in,,. '.'p .V.l Dre Jl re'n! ',''1 IM evprcssed the opinion be would be con- . '" j ,la, until tue treatv was hung., .-heuld be f,., ,l the naked . telephone.
Hjtalk with him privately and then I 700.000.000 se as te provide a certain Lp " , dXnl" son Zw at Fi t - ,..01 'S,,! lined tn bed for several da- and said , , ,,' ,.Kis,ive form and weiked fletliej. I have had le ... bHweei, , The astonished desk -rgeant who
m give nut a statement." amount of cash above the expenses of , ', " " , , ,n, (1.,,',V iicdc Yiddish i Itents ,h.. W "t , i , ' " "J be should uet ntleud te ,,lli,ial duties. , . tl ,,,. veulll , understand - "f private proper,, .1Ml ,,, ,,, took th,. nessage iinmed.atel) erdere.l
-Ferm-il notice of the appointment, the armies of occupation which nhserb i ,iV' ,?,.,,." ' ' ' m i n i.V V V'V ! f Mr. Crane was uniniui but Mr. ' ,at it utini. lie called the treaty w hicb i wi ,tten in even h. , man he.,rt. ' out the ,ou-e detail and heuv detectives
elch will have a profound .ffect en r.OO.OOO.OOO geld marks, only partly "J?:1 "..... " "'J I"71 . . " ' '"n ' .s - ' robbery lie ral w he II. nt home en s ,- f , f ,,,,.,., ,, vl(M.k. ; ' r ,c 1" ' .. , ,.,10etc the nm ,,,, ,, , ,.lirV( , ,)n ,,,, thl. tl,ofer patrol wagon. Magls-
WluMda politic, was typewritten I satisfies the Re glans. They fear that ' m (b, 1i(j" , " ! ' p J'i '' " ' ,PH,- 'AP'1,.,:' As seen as news of , n-ident be- t "ft,,. "enJl "nntinue. he .lr.-ln.-cl. true." trate s.ett Slid h- would be right ever
j the tioverrer himself in his home , nhandeunient et the principle of full 1V'',', ," ",,,,,,, .''.fli . 1 ,V .J ir, ' rn t. . lnL ' ' I came known te the delegates te the .ud would go along and help make the
Were ke came down for breakfast. It priori!) may work te their detriment ' 1 Rxi lic l""1 ,u,t ,,mtl l,ls brilc l tea nt Hip ItitK-Cnrllini en the pre- !Vlii...l sYmremn fuiim-ll. nt which Am- tenilnurJ en l-..Br leurtrm eimm. su AMn Mn,., CMCUV cTDrr-rcs a nest.
itiiiiiii . iiiti in i i icerinii nn ii-v i.iiii innii-iiniiL i - - . ii.-iiii .i
written en Ilic back of n ('l'-sr
times elect mn -heel
Joins Rreakfast (tieup
A group of newspapermen, who liad
been menientarll) epect!iiK the np
"Olntmenl. weir gueMs of the Governer
l brenkfuht while Mr. Sproul wtu
li'Klnf nff the news en his personal.)'
".m.unrii tjpewriier.
t !l
e later.
I lie geinng party furnishes the occa
sion for l.leycl Geerge and Rriancl te
continue their conversations, begun jes
tenia), concerning a France-Rritlsh
alliance for mutual defense. A memo meme
i.i udu in setting forth rensens as a basis
for such a pad Is known te have I. ecu
drawn up.
In r rencii circles here It ts expected
I. I 11 !tltl (1 I'l.lltL Mm f.ta'AnnH nn' .1 1 1. n f Vlltntl till, flritinn iiiimihI.,.,1..
.1 . ,' '."v.. .... wu.i t.i l-'UlTi'l tti... .....iii.it . I'llllllin'.lllll ,. .Ill i. ,
nt breskfiiet loom, where he lelnud which has been invited te Cannes te'r',nB ' Vas ,""' "arbor police say ng
J'f'.f)prenl nnd IiIh seu .Inek. l't wn.- appear before the Supreme Council ' ,l,('-v ,l"1 'V'","- " ,,im" H i1"-" ,lj' ,,01'l.i"K
rt n r . ' l""""1 intended te take regarding reparations arrives. tlie
51" .:!' p clock iralu from Swnrtlim.jre Reparations Commission also will come
net 1 II I-- la I .lllll'll (lllll I-llll
ill lint . iiivi iii i i ivprinii nn ii-v pi ii 1 1 iniiceiinii ....... ...,
"A ' ll.l, Ul 'iv in K -..- ! IIIV3S-UU1 i , i If , ,,.,,,,,- u nl.winai HK
Tlicre was son,,. , 0t.bt in the minds i fro... the West. miss , ,e.- nurv.-.v "- """s ";'-'
.,f ,i. ,., .!!.. l i... i..i... t, , i... ,i ni his t.evernnieiii. inev ein ei .m
' ., " ' '" - ..... ..II ' ..'I. ! .I'l.', ,11,11, (II
a ciirelul si-ari'li of the ilvt'r failed te she stepped at a Jewell siere ami L'et
nring ins i.eii.v te tlie .surtu.ee. '1 h miiii" jewels ne had repaired, a
-catch ter him lias never stepped. of pearls, diamond wrist wnti-h unci twt
esti'idii) iifleruneii Mrs. Perlmnn hrneeleu set with diamonds and sap-
was in the I'iftceiith ind Vine streets phires.
M)lice slntleii seeking the latest news As she exhibited the gems Dowd) Is
let tlie tin 1 1 1 . v iiiie siirh was wait ng ulieged te nave struei; ner in the lace i
te speak te the sergeant the telephone
his list, grabbed the jewelry and
r .i . .-. ....;......
I slel.S OI s llipniil, llll'l t ,'ni.i ttt iti.ii n i
i .. t I.!.. ........... 1aiiiiiaif I.liilll I .f.lt.t
t.tt.1,... .' "ir "."..-tiir.-. . -..- n -
"iri.ii, i . ,,.,, i!,.i,in flsiitt.l tlie hotel in
ni .iiini ..t. ....... - - .--
person te iiiakn Incpili ics. i
Tlie pll.vsichnis et bntl, Pieinier Lloyd
Geerge nnd Premier Kri.iud. who at
tentled Colonel llnrvev. -aid -hertlv
before neon tllllt the Aiiihii-iider' in-
iur'us were cenllned te severi- -Inn k and
swerved sharp!)
! Pliilsdelphia
.i-i r"kfht ended, tlie Governer hur
"W te his cnr. His n iiminipnuled
em, ami the machine was driven rap
wij tewaul Swarthinere station. Sisv
l taxicabs carrying reporters pur
wen, As the Governer's car was about te
tfexjtn brldje mej- tlie Dnrbv Cns-k a
Jt hakerv truck Inmncl Int.. vim. Ti,,.
r.... i .: ' '"
rrncr s machine
"J stepped.
i ' :"! 0''leck train was pulling
W tlie stalleir when- tlie t;.,verner
wiTfl out en the platform. "ne of
ie ntwspajier men approached blm and
"W Uiigliliigly :
u.n (?Trr,11-- 'his lmrsult must end
b,!.m v nU0l,t the appoint-
Aeliuewleilgcs Plans
W efiiee
m en
oqrthir.ete l a second
here. Premier Kriund wishes te avoid
the appearance of taking out of the
hands of the Reparations Commission
any part of the questions touching en
the Gerninn war indemnity. He con
tends that the commission ts tic proper
(1111111101 for the Allies tn use in dealing
with the Germans en that 'question.
near the vv niiiuL street bridge. .Mrs.
Pcrlmaii hurried te the Morgue and
was prostrated when she Ideutilied her
husband. Tlie body was burled at
Makes Three te Turn in Badges as
Result of Vice Probe '
led -
Second Federal Grand Jury te
vestlgate Arms for 'Irish
New eih. Jan. 0.--A second
era! Grand .Iiir) tnuuiry into the dlh dlh
cever) of 111." machine guns aboard the
Htcniindiip l'.asl' '.side while she was
leading coal for Ireland, last June, will
Twe mere resignations were turned In I be started at Trenten next week, in--this
morning nH a result of (lie invcstl- 'cording te the New Yerk World,
gatieti Inte the vice conditions, in tlie The rfuns, presumably destined for
Third and Fourth Wards, in Camden. ue bv the Irish republican ariny, were
Palreltlen William Draper and seized' before the vessel left her deck at
Tliemrfs Lnteur were the second and HoJieketi. Arrests were made and cvl-
ihlrd policemen te turn in their badges. ,1,,,,,,,, was presented before tlie Scpteiu-
enteu. .Ne lu-
cd, however, and
Quake Apparently Centers 2540
Miles Southwest of Chicago
OhlCase. .Inn. !.- i R. A. P.) An
earthquake of moderate Intensity, prob preb
nbh (entering UTi-10 miles -eiuhwcst of
Chicago, was rtcenhd i. the Instru
ments at tlie Culvers!!) of Chicago last
Tlie first tremors wer" fill at 11:17
P. M. and tlie wave rem lied its greatest
Jump Frem Third Story Inte Nets.
i One Falls en Fireman
New Rcdferd. Mass.. .!..,. e The
'luarlers of the WiL-hinglm. Club, a
three-sterv wooden structure . ie ie
stre.vcil I.) lite jcterdiiv. intuiting
'less' of Seil, 000. Three women were
injured in iumiiing from tlie top tloer
. ..., ''if the building te tile net- nnd were
AMENDMENT OF EDMONDS ' removed ti. a hospital
inmill n PIIDO AMARPHIQTQ Mrs. Margaret (iehler. ir.viilnl wife
Philadelphia Congressman Urges -a
New Change In Constitution
n .SlinC I nrrt , !'
WahlilllRtuu. .Ian' !. n il'e tlienry
that "this is a ceuptrv for fiee speecli
but net for tniiioi'eus trie -iieieh."
ltpiirescntatlve l'.dineiuN. ei Pluladel-
Is proposing an iiii.ei.ii.in ut te uie
am going te meet Mr. Pepper in . The ether man under lire, Ira Hall, is ,,. ;nlml ,!ur) tit Treutu
i ll,' ,",." (''"'" ""d hand liim expected te take a similar step befen ,.tments were returned, hi
celeuMaK ' the Governer replied, , the hearing, which is set for Wedncs- t I(. pri.seners were set free.
.?:. ,da)'., . .
iiitcnsltv at 1 1 ill's. Until!) dvlng out lit Constitution te iiuike it treai'tiiible for
J: le this morning. tiny one te adxeeate nvcrihri-w el the
lie'vernment b) force. Ills in'tieu rc-
PROMIIMENT ITALIAN SLAIN suits from recent meetings of radical
.lohnstewn. Pa.. Jan. Il.-ill, A.'!rel,Jw an'1 l,',,, "f 'm" el ,,IP
P. i Samuel Povuhilfe. preinliienl i,l'Pl.lkp-rJ1,-. ,. , , . ,, .
Wlndber Italian, was shot te death en ,Mr; VAmewh suggesle.l nine iidiiieni
street there last night, two bullets ' ,ltl V" , " PT "in I el II of Vi'ip
being tired into his 1hI) as he lav nn ' f'PPt ?" '', ,A'"' '',,,' ' , f
the ground. Lee I.elurie. another ensfltu en i ud n.nk, -s r esn i ul.l. ir nv
prominent Italian, was arrested later In , t tenipt in te Incite bv word or deed
connection with the crime. He denies,,ll establishment e nnv new form of
. j,. snveiiiini'lit except bv auieiidmeiil le
n1"11' .I.!.. llnutllllll.L.I .1 III ... till.. I til 1,1 "
if the janitor and her two daughters,
were trapped in their sleeping quarters
en the (bird fleer and isenpelle,! te
.jump. Mrs. Gelder, in lauding innk
a ireiuau, knocking bun u..ci-eieus.
The two daughters wen liruied by
striking tlie net. t iehler. m ntt, nipting
te locate the source of the lila.e. fell
down a tlighr of stairs ami -'inT. i di
nilnei iiijuile.
But City Has Easy Time With Snow.
Mercury Traveling Upward
Slush) street.- n ii- premised for
Philadelphia with .lie rising tempera -tute.
The Wi.ilei P.ure.'iu forecasts
"fair weather tonight nnd Tuesday :
slew I) rising temperature
Jehn II. Seesen. Ilepulv fleef if the
Itureaii of Highwius. in charge et street
cleaning, said the citv- feri cs had an
ensv- Insk with tlie snow full. He Snj,j
the snow wn light and did net gn
tuiinicl.al plant ,i real t"-t.
"We liave our regular men a, work
clearing the crossings." he sH!,. "anil
in view of the light snowfall it vvn- nn.
necessary te jet out auv of the snow
removal equipment."
The temperature at ! i.'clnc,, tedav
was Its degices and si. ,i I ,v rising
Skating of a fail quiiluv en!) i ,..
polled at t'ouceuisc !.,il,e an-! ilutiMtig
As se,,., ,.,s the m.'igisiintc and bin
cei.stubl" i cached I lie station liouse the
tart) set out te arrest Iteddv . Re
cause of the man's known desperate
character, police weie rend) te lay
siege in tlie house. Werd w-nn tele
phoned te Central Station and had It
proved ne(cs.arv. Superintendent Mills
was prepnied te send out members of
i Ins new I., organized bombing squad and'
ritle brigade te la) -lege te house.
I Til" ii.it ml wnsim was stenped reme
distance frmii the ltednnn stt et liens;
the nun m jtnuev. i no patrei-
were eiii in suriO'iiu tue neuse.
could vvillieut expenlnr
Messilde lire ftem the
i i
tUBli'l a .1 a-, ,-vv.aina nuill
wB te Hie Governer, nnd during the
wit! eotiversnllen he was hailed b)
nj tpinmiiters liurr.Mng te the trnlu.
Mil,!11,0' Hill: ',Ipll Tem." he
rwii.'i V. a .,,.1I,,P ei eennniiters who
(00d," one shouted back.
llftValSn-n au I. . .
"don't ,,,!,. TPSVn " newspaper man.
.libmJ ,l"",( ,,,,H aPPelnmicnt will
VrngnVr10 lm,,y nml brlnc alK,l,t
l,luLI,!l"'",,1,c.aVP,ner l'l. ns
"aiB ,abenri1 " day conch.
ltltb2ii!l0n ' J0U ,.,,i,,k m-v tr'n
S (lVa,;.,nl!;'1',,, nlrrelnBly
turn, p Gavcrner asked in
Slllltea- It 11 ..tin.... T
. "iku aausj
er,?W.bniw thc. wlnn-nB
teklBi f?r"Mr. .Sl'reul centlnueJ
"Tnu.i " .."I'l'einiment. i
tleiXr;:.: ' '':. fW. "there were
'"terettn , e...ri,li,.l l. src "e in the
Succeeds Penrose as Chairman
Senate Finance Committee
Washington, Jan. 0. flly A. IV
Senater McCumber. of North Dakota.
wan selected today by thc Committee en
Committees ns chairman of the Senate ,
Finnnce Committee te succeed the into
Heles Penrose; I
Senater Frelinghuysen, of New .ler-1
soy, was selected te til! tlie vacancy en i
the Finance Cemmittee.1 -
N. J. Troopers New, But
They Have Efficient Ways
Hei,;- u " , . "ime Highway Cemmls
tt'iiun snii ,,IPy iNPr" Irrlnu
ftntedin ,Y'dti-. 'n,."S vnn I" repre-
W reaciin , ..i "'"" t1luu'H enate only
.The Gov en
i dec
J"'niifi en !.. VeT. riTTr.TT..-
. , -. ... uihiiiii ttiir
&C n"M"1 ew- ' p''
"nWllen "' " ,(""Pi'esmnii Vare's
Pepper Appointment
Without Restrictions
"The Governer of Pennsylvania
ban honored mn by tendering te me
the ofllee of United States Senater,"
snld Geerge Wharten Pepper. "I
have accepted the lender and I am
prepared te enter upon tlie discharge
of my duties ns seen as the
formalities of qualification hive been
complied with.
"The tender has, been made with
out any test Net Inn. express nr hn
plltd. upon my freedom of thelrc te
spectlug ni) term of sen lee
"If I am nominated and elected
(e serve out the term for whiih Sen.
nter Penrose as chosen, it is my
Intention te de se,"
this Constitution as pievuled herein
I Mr. r.dn.ends point- out that new
treason is limit, d te lev inn war agaiiisl
the Cuited Stater, or giving aid m com- .
fort te it enemies. I
lie Constitution. he said. tim
es u means of amendment tl this lerm
government Is net ih sired
DilTcrcnt radical gmups are holding
- , meetings and forming, us the) cull It.
. . , ., n s , si -' w TV , 'ether form of government' without
Aim at 100 Per Cent Convictions ter Law Vie-l ,lpsi,p ;l0 h,v,,";1" l,v rpj,,,t"
I LIUIIUI.V llli'llliKirt. lilt.,, iltlc U 1,1'fMIC
I te take the coiistitulieual methods
"It would seem te me that, un orderly
process having been prescribed, nnv et
fort by radicals te make a change b)
ether methods might te lie ( eiisulered
traitorous te this ceuutrv and ti-niti'd
us such."
latern They. Run Down, but Charges Are
Net Pressed if Doubt Exists
In the one month nf their active exist- niisc between ilie uniform of the hiMi
ence, tlie New Jersey Stale police litte ' ntixllliary police and the habiliments of
made themselves factors that criminals i the "Royal Northwest."
must reckon wuu, i. iT..ir1P111
, In hardly any aspect of erganlnat Ien I ,.,. me iiuieim
' or purpose de he State pellee of New , ' ' '"' "" rin wuli h stiff.
Jerse" differ from these of IVntisjl- ,Ar,ramp!1. S ' 'tse" liat et pearl color,
ivimlii. who. because of their extraer- ' 0ver "' H Mer"-. at .tll. e.rewn. a
i dinar) eflleleney, have become known
the world ever. Of course, the New
Jcrkev policemen, or troopers, as they
'are called, are newer te the business.
'However, they leek like veterans. Tlit
i reason for that is that the) aie te a '
mini veterans of one branch or another,
.. ... I' ninitnl .n....l.. . 1H. .......
Ol I HI I III. I t fltllVlll l-l-l , l I. I U V ll I , IIICU ' , --.-. .. ,.,,
1,1 "' . .i t it. t .. liiin cl nl tlin iiuk I i .....,... iii.
mestD-an.i tue nuui leuiu tact that i "",. ',, " ,:, ., f""Vi.i. i,.'"ii" ",T . '"
ie survivors et nn erlc-1 V .; ; r ' " ""' eiucer. in-
narrow band et embossed leather. At
the front of the hat appears the small
triangular badge bearing tlie nrnib f
New ersu)J and the number of tlie1
The coat is of blue unfinished berge. '
long-skirted unci X-shaped with tlie
iieiiews pecKcts tlinl were a bv
Ie General Secretary of Presbyterian
Meral Welfare Beard
Pittsburgh. Jan. tl. -The National
Temperance Secletv. with headipim'
ters in New erk, bits just clecied us
lis president tlie Di. Rev. Charles
Scanlon. of Pittsburgh, gencial sec
retury of the Piesb.vienaii Heard of
'Icmperanee unci Meral Welfare.
I lie .Millenal I cinperauce Secletv 1-
Oeer.ue Wlinrten Peppn. ajip' i ut, d Smntei te sutcted St unto;
Penres. will be n candidate for m. .if.it ion and election this year.
ncceacUii? te nnneun-ement by Gu.ine;- Sprnil, whe nlu signed
the ntv Seinter's CotumUien Tin Govnnei paid n hih tubute
te the new Senater, a.ul nkid all Republicin , te suppeit him ter
the icmilar election, "in tin- hope that in- may renin. n ::. tue
Sc.uiU mid be given nn eipcitu.i'y te i.njci the supeib eix-ice
of which I knew he is capable "
tsen.itei- Vni-e, whoa told et tl.t .ippeii.'ia. . t of Gceiie Whan .i
Pepinr ..-. Sinatei,'..ni(l: "Mi l'i pp i i- ,i i ,n ni.ui iuh' a !
hivyi4. I don't think n bcttii ni.ui ceulu luvi been aypeinti U "
Liviiiu Jeidau, tl-i I'.olubitieii ai,1"! Qjv. uiiciu' susiieaaiuu
.i '.IvtXl.. I1 111!, illllu t'lAlJi .1, XUll'.ll a. is. . I iIlt IU. I . ,j i
... .i , u.. ii., acv..K ., , ..., .i, i , x ui i . . U ,r ;. i ,j ,
iaU.ldim; tyduy.
Sen of English Judge Found Uncen- Auditor General Will Outline Plans
scieus, With Hese in Meuth for 1922 Tomorrow
Geerge Marcj . thirty livi. was feunuj lliirrlsburg. .I.iu !i. . Hv A p i
Nlldlter (, cm ml Lewi, will ..ul.'iie his
uiii-nnM ions in liis room ,u l.i.i!) Spring
Garden sireet teda.v witn a j;as hose
in his i. .out), and attached te n jet
Mr. Marc) is an ICngllshniun ami in
tiivcrsatluu with
ulapilU-irtlen list of 11100. There are . ASnxX) ,Jl0,,,,J!t ,l,p 'ui'er wears a t" ceuutrv 1 - xenleil that he s the M.n of an Ihig
....... ,i. of then, In il,.. kmin. f Hlilrt of gni) llaniiel icllevcc at the .V.,i",s 0,",,1N' '' as eigauiz.ed in , ,,., -,,.- ,, 1U n ,. , .'?,
"""" ..-... V. ;.."'..... threat bv a n nlu bind.- Hn I ' V " .. 'iV.'r '"u
(Jie iiiiici iniiiK nun ininiKUis cs ' ,,, ,- . -, - ... . . Scniilen said tlin .nin.ii .. i lieer vim.
..... rrnm the IViiiisvlvunin iivinnpra u Tle breeches nrn of a spvcinll.v m- '.."'i?'', """..s S1' . "K, s "'tv "uln ,, ,,,. ,,lL ,,
' V" ,,,. iv,"", -u-i.y. ,.,".. Ported sort of whlneerd n,l l.i.t,.., . immv.iiiuci) ciui.arh m a persitent ,..:.'. ...,i ......". ..".. .."" I
'ns much aj. athli, a happy coinpre. rutinujd ...r,,, v.urt-v. c.i....... vu7 In foreign countries. woemi woemh . am neAniiiKts te nr veuR
aHMsMH ' nC p' " ii criinsr t tc pe ir ( ,i Jl'.
tin in 'icmiile (appraisement
a (niiterei.ee of ull ie, entlv
.ippia!seis nt h.s di'pi.i tini'iii
plans ter
of RrJ'J a
The uppiai emeni of 1 !-J 1 , ,,.,.,!,.
i) turn ill. pointed in the In si u,.,.i. ,.t
11)0. Afi- Lewis has aniieuuiid ilmi
lie dcMics the aniuniseuieiii- inmii. m
Ilie Ic.isl pirsslble cost ppeiilmcu
of appralsciH f(,r PhHudclplila and A I
lni.liitt aSn,...,l... ill I. .a .. i
it-a,iiviit, vuuuine .I, up mane ny ,xir, '
. .tii i. i'mi. tin (1,aaP-lt I
i lesin-j iii en four "ldex, and getting ttll
pen- IS tlipy
.theiliselvrs te
w itnlev.s.
When the cordon had drawn tight a
mincil of war was held, (ieing In te
ili'tiitiinl the murderer's surrender
-'enied n desperate ehanif. but Patrol Patrel
m. m Renner volunteered for the dut).
Magistrate Scmt and Constable
I'erkiii.in veie willing te go along, nnd .
nil three marched up te tlie house with- '
out attempting encenlineni or seeking
slielter AM three were armed, and
it was with drawn icvnlvers that they
enlereil the house
Tin) demanded thnt Reddj siirrendtr
Tlie uiiirilerer, afraid, perhaps, te show
tight when lie knew tlicre was no chance
te psi-npe. Iinndcd mer his , evelverd and
surrendered He was taken te the
Twentieth and I'nz.water streets sta
tion. Aftci being quest limed he will be
scut for funliei- exaunniitieii le Citj
Rmlil) slipped inreiiKh the ring of
pole e watching for him in New Yerk
! detiiiiug n woman s , lethrs. He
fen ed a taxi dnver te take biro out
of Newark at the point of the gun.
The only thing which prevented him
from muklng ti successful trip te this
i it v was lack of gasoline in the taxi's
The wild flight from tlie metropolitan
district le the ceuntrynide in Penniiyl
Miniu was emphasized by repeated prod
of a revolver in the (hauffeui's back
and remarks that he didn't enre hew
innnv he took with him te kingdom
i etnu.
Taxi Driwr l.scapr
Adam Adubato. driver of tlie tai B
esiaped when be made Reddy be a
lieve bis gas supply was exhausted.', I
iieditv usueii tue treuuiB wnen inn r
machine stepped. lien he learned
the i uuse he ordered the driver te Step
a passing motorist ami buy sumo mere
uiliibiite jumped en the running beard
of the first machine that passed, and
ii'llul be bud a iniirdeiei who wanted
in kill even one. Tl. driver senfr.d the
situation enough le slop en (lie accel
erator Hiid speed clown the read, with
Rnchl) s k'iu sending ..heis after the
Se fearful was the driver he drove
through tlie leweied gntex of a rail.
lead i-ren-slng near where the tail StOli
, ...u i.r VY
lied, just
1 1 ii i ii whirled past. SihIe police
( entleiuril en ruse Inurtffei CiiTiiir
no mw nki;i a itAtiv (.Mini
iiiuva nr Kiiyii.iiijr caw rut tht I
i hae I. In thn Ver Haii ceuu.
i.cnm viiiinii a r i Time
,.v ,ts, .l,-lflv
- X
-"' -m.imm------------miam..-. - i- - - um - .. .. v-i. ;,,.., ,