Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 07, 1922, Postscript Closing Stock Prices, Page 10, Image 10

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''.? MTV' -. U .-a-a . , -. . . m -- -w-K. -SBll. -m B-
Be' Mere Truth Than Fiction in Kumer of Trade Which Would Send Jee Dugan Frem Mac
v .
-, W-TJKf
:?., mrm nri .r-i -
CM l
Jee Judge, at First Base, Would Bolster Mackmen
Greatly Bing Miller Has Reputation of Being
Heme-Run Hitter
Sports Kriltnr Kvenlng lullle Ledger
TIIERK hns bccu se much tnlk about .!ie Dugnn In the Inst week tlint even
the (llllileiiH ones nre beelnnliiR te believe tlint the world's famous jumper
Jb nbeut te be sold or traded, or something like tlint. Unrry Krazee remarked
, casually that he had PitKnn in his hip pocket and teuld show him te the
Bosten funs when the seam opened.
In baseball, even the wildest rumors sometimes enmc true. Yeu never
i enn tell what n mnKiinte will de or where lie will jump. Nobody had an Idea
that stars like Speaker, Kuth, Alexander or Klllefer would he sold down
the river, but they were dispened of jut the same. It was the same with
Everett Seett, who reeentl n sent te the Yankees. Therefore It is safe
te assume that Jumping Jeseph Is about te go away from here, and the next
manager te have trouble with htm will be Hugh Duffy.
The proposed trade has been nired for mere than a week, and everybody
"knows thnt I'eeklnpnugh is expected te go te Washington as a plajlug manager
In exchange for Dugnn and possibly IlarrN. In order te ship Pugnn te New
Knglnnd, Washington Is expected te send Jee Judge nnd HingMlUer te Shlbe
I'ark. That's the dope t prevent.
Cennie Mack still Is In the Southwest and will net return te Philadelphia
until tomorrow or Monday. He Is arranging exhibition games nnd is careful
about selecting his opponents. The A's lese enough ball gnmes in the regular
Bensen and it' makes the players feel better te cop n few conflicts before the
curtain raies As seen as the thin traveler parks his feet in his office he
might hand out some startling' fnets regnrdlng the deal.
If Cennie gets Judge and Miller for Duguu lie will get none the worst of
It, Judge is n geed ball plnvr. a geed hitter and n hard worker. Ills
experience will be Invaluable te the A's as he will de a Kfpat deal toward
steadying the kids in the lntield. Judge eIm plaxs winning baseball some
thing which seems te be a let art among the home folks.
Cennie has needed a tirt baseman ever since Stuffy Mclnnis wns dis
posed of, lie guessed wrong en Dick Htirrus, who was supposed te be the
greatest young ball plajer that ever stepped into the large leagues. Mack
made a big mistake there and Hurrus new is pastimlng In Columbus, O. After
Uurrus blew, (irjffin was hailed et a find. Ivy never came through, however.
nnd has been shipped te Milwaukee, (leerge Burns lasted a short time, und
it was the same with llrnzill. Johnny Walker also was tried out en the
.Initial sack nnd Hopped.
J OK IIM'SEK, the hi,l first hnicman fr
rhnncil thit nil, ami he, ten, inn hnmln
te be n leemler, hut one never ran tell. The jute nf Uiirrm, driffin.
Burns, llrm'ill nnd the etheri still enn be remembered. The neie man
tcill hare a big job en his hands te make geed.
Judge Would Be Ideal Man at First
j FTtflUS Cennie has compiled an average of .000 In the First Hneincn's
. JL League. lie tried out five, has another coming nnd might get Jee Judge.
I If the btnr of the Washington club finally lnnds here part of Mack's worries
.Will be ever. Jee will held down that sack as It never has been held down
lelnce Melunls took It en the hoof In 1017.
As for Wng Miller, he will be welcome at Shibe Park. Iling Is nn out
fielder nnd made a great name for himself In 1011) In Little Ilm-k as a hefty
slugger nnd home-run here. He was sold te Pittsburgh and Washington, and
his case was the first that came up before Judge Landls. Ilizznnner decided
that AVosblngten wen. nnd Hlng joined that club.
Cennie lias been looking ull ever for a geed outfielder. He even went
be fnr as te offer a bundle of kale and a let of unused players for Claude
.Cooper, who once was with the Phils and afterward was sent te Oakland,
Calif. Claude didn't hit the size of his hat with the Phils, hut went big en
"the Coast. Despite his age, Cennie wanted him and felt peeved when his
offer wns turned down.
With Miller in center field the A's will be strengthened eensldernblv.
Mack says he will climb out of the cellar
found. Fer thnt reason Ulng will be
geed one If it ever gees through. Cennie will be strengthened In two posi pesi posi
tlens, first base nnd center field, nnd will lese a man who pleyed only fair
baseball and did net have his heart in his work. In ether words, the A's
gained everything and lest nothing.
There nre ether ball clubs that would
Cleveland Is one, and Speaker is said te
players, including a first baseman, for the
home. The White Sex and Detroit nNe
-(eeen active bidders it tnls nstilngten deal liadn t come up. Ne matter hew
Dugan plnyed with the A's, the ether managers knew he is a geed third base
man, shortstop or second baseman, and would net turn down a chance te
sign him.
I AS FOR that three-cornered deal trhich sends Peek te Washington.
Dugan and Harris te lloiten and Judge and filler here, it
l sounds tee geed te be true. The .ithteties could net possibly be se
' lucky as te land tire stars like that.
Speaker Picks Yankees te Repeat
BASEBALL again Is getting active and the training sensen will begin In
nbeut five weeks. Every manager Is confident of winning the pennant.
predicting grand nnd glorious seasons and feeling sorry for the ether dubs.
That Is, all of the mnnngers except one. Trls Speaker is the exception.
We saw Speaker down In Dallas n few days age, and the Cleveland
manager was net in the usual optimistic mood. "I can't see nnybedy but
the Yankees In our league." be said. "The weakest part of the' club has
been strengthened by Sam Jenes and Jee Bush, and Scott will help some in
tthc infield. Take a pitching staff with Mays. Heyt, Jenes nnd Bush and
tShawitey en the job nnd you won't lese manv ball games. The Infield, with
Plpp, Ward, Scott nnd MeNally working geed, will be as fast as any In the
league, and if Hugglns can get nnether outfielder he should walk In.
"Cleveland will be trengthened by Mclnnis en first, but that is about
the only change that will be made. We signed a second baseman named
Hammend from the New Knglnnd League, and he Is said te be pretty geed.
It is doubtful, however. If he will take Wnmby's place.
"i " don't knew what we will de nbeut pitchers. We can't buy nny, an
(, I guess the only thing te de Is develop semp. Malls should come back nn
i!3&w,n n 'uw Barnes and se should ISngby. I have a hunch thnt Morten wi
Vinltch some geed baseball next season. Last yenr he showed a world of stu
6 Tn spots, and I wouldn't he surprised If he returned te his old-time fern
I den t knew what we will de nbeut pitchers. We can't buv nnv and
unic nise is uoeut ripe ier n geed year, nut outside of that I can't predict
anything. We will have a fighting chance, anil that Is nil."
SPEAKER said that Jee Weed probably would alternate irith rni
t'n right field, and the Cleveland line-up, outside of that, would
be the same as last year.
Reush Again Is Held-Out
EDDIE ROI'SII wants te quit the Cincinnati club. Having had u taste
of the World's Series coin, he hns designs en joining another. Therefore
lie hns sent In 11 modest request for a three-jear contract for S."4,000 whlcli
Is a way of saing S1S.000 n jenr. He hasn't n chance te get it, and accord
ing te Garry Herrmann he will either play dth the Reds or stay en the old
farm und watch the grass grew.
Last year there was a quadruple alliance formed en the Reds for safety
first purposes only. Daubert. Kepf. fireh and Reush decided te held out fnr
mere money, nnd swore net one would sign until nil had been taken enre of
Everybody kept Ills premise except Dnubert, Kepf. Greh and Reush.
This year Heinle landed In New Yerk, nnd that did net mnke n hit with
Ileii8h. Eddie wanted te go, but it leeks ns if he had lest his chance
HOWEVER, the end is net yet. liaiebnll magnates nre net tn the
M.A habit of allowing star ball player te linger en the farm when
4 they are needed in the line-up. A'ef .10 you could notice it,
Copirieht. test, bu rubllc I.edaer Company
Went Philadelphia Basketball TeamiJack Renault Has Better of Sergeant
Secures New Playing Quarters ' Rav Smith at Cambria Club
I Tn 1 T .. .
s. una sun 1
recently re
one of the
The Shnnnhan Catholic Club, which
entered the cage sport with
best teams in the city, has
decided te move its plnylng quarters '""J nt P1""t rounds had earned the de
frpm thn Cavalry Armery te the Pulra , D. nevcr 8nt Kay Smith, of
Garden, nt Thirty-eighth and Market
streets, which will be the home court
rt.. ...111 .... niv.,.i en- r.in
&n!ght eiid the opening contest "will be
. ,wi January 11 witn uanny .aic.mciieis
J-'V.tW "t eeeurliig the new headauar-1 ' the nl-wlndu,, ; Johnnie Hnuber
L ,-?, which were being bought by sev- "" . rakie Sm'th buttled te a draw in
tt'iajlt plubs Includlni: the local Eastern ,n, lH'st bout '' t'10 night. Pat Deeney
,'5Gwers. lnclul,I,fc tne 10tBl """outpeinted Yeung Terry Mcfie.-ern.
Iv. It (r an Ideal location for his tenm Jer' Martin knocked nut Hilly Marriett
L 1 -& " i'J'f,', L" .',""., "r.. "I.VS.'S I In the first round and Hilly Iiltchle had
Hrtathedral five. Manneer Benner is
f ... in connection with the basketball
tiv. ,..111 k .i.,i.. i..f.n ,i.i ...i
' ,;tt tl.a mlmuu Tlw, wmv.ilnn fcTi n .1 ,. I, n ..
ei0v n uu utiiivmi, "viir, .iwwiifs ititu
,, tin.VC, VMS fc.,l(l. MU ..flll.t, .I11UIIII1IUII
(PyerB wui oppose caiiieurai,
Jf Fermer Football Coach Dies
K. ' Mhuitheater. N, II.. Jan. 7. Dr. Jehn C.
B-ronner, former Dartmouth football couch,
suddenly here yesttruay. lie nad prae-
riudicin la uua city ier eme yews,
-r-i - -i -v -v -i r '
Jrem .Milwaukee, irm pur
tiled a bin bnait. lie n "Jul
If a decent middle gardener can be
mere than welcome nnd the trade Is n
like te have Dugan en the payroll.
be willing te turn ever n rleck of
gent who slides 1000 miles te reach
nre in the mnrket nnd would hnv
' ' t'e V. ? . .' 'i"1, ' nn.a,,,nn ':nv.v-
, the Cn'lif. rniiin. in the wind -up 'a "'the
f'atnhria A. C last evening nnd at tlie
It WUS the first time tlint Smith hn,l
been In the ring in months and his long
i un was apparently te ills iiiwndvan
1 tage as he wns slew In eettlnir shirt nil
1 1"."1 thJ s"perler physlenl condition of
,.,':!" '," """ "" '"
te de
" .' adverse decision.
V,' l,p "':l '; 11 ...-. .-' "A "' '
the better of his bout with Kid Geed-
Bender's Appointment Announced
rieiidlnr, Vu Jan 7 The Heard nf Di
rectors of the Heading Haseball flub has
silecled Charles Allien (Chief) Hcndei, for
merly of the Athletics, as the playing nuir
asrer of the Heading Internationals fee til?"
Chief Header will take ImiuedlaU charge.
Charlie Heffner Leads Sizzling
Seven Pres in Quest of Fame
and Purses Down Seuth
THE Sizzling Seven nre nbeut te em
bark for the blue-skied Southern
ellme where red suns shimmer down en
the cotton, molasses, palmetto and pine i
The Sizzling Seven are professional j
golfers all, banded together in a novel
attack en n novel golf schcdnlc offered I
this winter in Dixieland. J
The golfers are headed by Charlie
Heffner, pfe at Phllment here, nnd a I
member of last j car's ocean-going'
American professional team. Heffner Is
the pride of local circles, having finished
en top of the pack for the season new i
an metiiiiuiicu and packed away m the
Other members of the Sizzling Seven
nre Temmy Kerrigan, second high score
in the British I0i!t open : Pnddv Dovle.
Denl; Pete and Pat O'llnra, the ter
rible Irishmen; C.ril Walker, Penn
sylvania open champion, nnd Johnny
(lelden. whose frequent brilliant scoring
mnkes him nhvnjs te be feared In nnv
Tempting PutVs
Never in the histerv of coif nnvwhere
has such tempting bait been held out
te the professional Ian as the Southern
courses nre offering this winter.
Old-timers cannot beliee their eje
wuen tney read et the bulging nurses
te be placed in the hands of the win- I Foill-Geal Sheeting of Gold Geld
ners down there. At hrst all blinked. , '
Then began the wild scramble. F.very
body, you might say, Is going te ut
tend. But the stunt of the Sizzling Seven
is unique. They nie going down in a
body und stick together. They nre
going te peel all their winnings.
If IJffner takes n slice of prize
money in one tourney he will whack it
tip seven ways. If Pete and Pat cop,
they split with the ethers. ,In all, this
enterprising band figures there Is close
te $20,000 awaiting. Everybody, knows
thnt one pre can't win in every start.
'But these seven plajers nre geed
, enough te finish in the money nnd the
nvernge should be prosperous. They
are all aglow with the premise of the
iTevis Tilting
Next r ritiav tney win oearu tne rat-
. ..... .. ... 1 , ...
tiers. San Anltinle nhe. . Th? first
tourney of whnt has eeen called the
"Southern winter golf circuit" will be
plajed en the fnlrwn.us of this Texas
town. February !1 te .". for purses ag
gregating something like $,".'00.
Then te Shreoiert. La., for .1 one ene
dny whirl at 1000 bucks. Ne.t te
Housten. Tex., for n similar tourney.
The finish of this bunched schedule will
be staged nt New Orleans March .'I, 4
and .". Three theusnnd dollars will be
snrcad en the repnst and the Slzzling
Seven will then pack up for u Flerida
Delnnd. Jacksonville. St. Augustine,
Bellnire. Miami and ether sunklst dubs
Will entertain there. The grand finale
1 comes in the annual North niul utli
I open nt Pinehurst nnd the second an-
1 mini event at White Sulphur. These
1 events catch virtually all the returning
battlers, hieing them home for the start
of the Northern golf season.
Thr mfctlnK pf thi Tlxecuth' Committee
of th Motrcipelltftn Gelf Anfeclatlxn next
1 vek is expected te award the met. amateur
te the Knickerbocker Club. Oardlncr White.
ehnmnlen. who almost cut oft hl rluht hand
en .1 wlndinlel'l nopes xe ee aDie 10 aeiena 1
thin iear. iheuch net let able te uae his
1 hfinj.
1 . .1 . ,
1 The New Jereey Anseclntlnn m(Mi January
24 Trenten ! In the flld for the Jersey
amateur und hnn a ceed chance
The Knrlewoed ceuTsTi. be,nB .ime.'. com-
nleteiy changed around, but It Is p.anned te
hae It opened In the prln.
Jim IJarnrn. Untte.l Statet chamr'm
Jnck Hutchisen. Iirltleh cnmnln are even
money favorites te win tne .erir.ern cull cull
'ernla open, which start-d elerdax Mac
Donald Smith is alee rtreniily backed.
1 M. Ilacen, 1021 Harvard be f captain.
Is at Oxford new r.nd has made a favnrnble
...inn in hli. effort te tnaltn th llntlhh
cel'.ese team. His style Is likened te that of
SfllOn in Hie en. 'I 1. n tninvn
a te mat or
nnbt,v Jenes, without tlw nam. control of tli
Cyril Toiler very much dominates the col cel col
leclate field abroad
An extra croup ia bf-en voted Inte the
fnlted States Seniors' Oe I s.olatlen. The
'babies," theHb retwem nrty-nve and nrtj-
nln years, will nrejiier ja na 1 lass 1.
It Is reported that Miss Marlen Hel'lns
American champion, will net compete in the
Krltlsh tournament this year, theuch eelne
, bread shertls
Scraps About Scrappers
Jee I-rncli will sihstltute for Mldcet Smith
nt thr Olympi.i Menda nIKht The Mldset
Is under the e..th-r with a liJ' M
....w ...hi mn, I'.ttKV Wa lace Patsv h
11 cleer Kldde and m..v make Je extend
flUS'fe',... nr. hrta":.rh L'h.'WJfir!
uther bouts Hebby llurman i J Jten
dell. Jee M,.br . Iludrty FltiKera.d, und
Hilly I'lmpuH vs. Artie MsCanrr.
Al. IVuniKt, beuth Pnl'edelphla fether
welKht, ha addd a t' Ird llstle title te h s
)liien e. in .1. iKixer uim i.r..iin.i-r
t .s ,v mntc'im.iler Wsnw Is ur-
.; his en iKiuts it the Natl. n.i Club
h. new
r u,ierlnL
He t.a' mat lie Ii In iik up a number et
stars for future competition at the .Seuth
Klevenin ire ' arena this ear.
inru ferry, nttshurgh welterweight who
ts Tmmy e Teu .1 t the Natlnnftl te-
rKht. Is tu pet a cr..ck at Jn k Hrlttan'u
title when he meets tlie welterw-ieru i-hiini-p
en In New Yerk s.mie time ln rebruary.
lluttllnc I-.tnsk) Is training at Wills,
ilelphli Jaek ullri-n's hre for a match
with Clene Tunney, In New Yerk, Januaiy 1.1.
The mitf'h ' twine advertised us fur the
"American llnht-heavyw eight champlo chample
tnhlp." Mlrkey Walker, of Newark, Is another
welteruela-ht In line for u chance at the title
held bv Jack llrltt.m On Tuesday night
here at the lee l'a ire Walker h tn meet
Seld.cr HartfiMd This will tw Mlekay's
I'hllaililphln. dehut Whltey Flliwerald vs
Johnny Dundee. Jee O'Unnnell vs. Phil
O null, Able Oeldst, In vs Jaek Terry. An An
other match In pi"'' nf Ueorce Chaney-Alex
Hart will cemple'u the show.
Ihinny Corden. Nlcetewn lichtwe'sht,
scored two iclerles ever the holidays, win
nlnit from Jee .loon-y and Temmy Tugh
In respective bouts up-Stte. Ciurden Is anx
luus te box at any of the local clubs,
Je O'Dnnnell says he will be ready for
mutches with Jeg I,jnch. Pete Herman and
M duet Smith, after h nellshes off Ihll
O'Dewd Tuesday nlaht This will Ihj O'Don O'Den
reill's first much In six months havlnit been
en the side lines owing te a broken arm.
Willie Clark, amateur boxer, has net corn-
ft', nr,eVf!rah:n",n,randJfxpHecX,.Ten,2ei
1 ;,'aeck' into action in u hhert while ciari
1 Is a middleweight new having graduates
trem the ii.rv.mht cia.s
I . . u , . ' .
I O'Toele and Hauber Matched
nilly Silverman, promoter nf the new
Auditorium A. A., nnm un..cd today that he
illrehed ft welterweight mulch between West
Philadelphia Temmy O'Tneln and Henry
Hiiulwr, of Kalrrneunt fur next Thursday
right Hauber has a hlg following and he
will have a big crowd out te se him In
urtten Ilenn, llus g-s en hi ihe fcenil
.gainst Yeung Jee llradlev. and ether beuU
will be ns follews: Willi Themas vs.
(Icerste IUissdl, Johnny Tulley vs. Jea
Wrltht atC Whltey Hurka vs. jee ilcdevern.
f WmSRS . ivs Cot TV Se)
I ClOlraG ( Te Fi-OHte cm
wHpe 5"ein6 Mva COT aT
V California
blatt Decides Clese League
Game Against West Philly
SOT'TII PHILLY today looms as the
1021-22 intersehelnstic basketball
chnniplen. Tlie downtewners virtually
clinched the season's cnge lnurels by
their snappy nnd close victory yestrr-
ilav alternoen ncamst esr i-niineei-
phla Hl.ih, .T' te 20. before the biggest
crowd te see 11 schoolboy game In the
present campaign.
Of course I'm glad we wen. Ahat
1. An..1.1 ..A. nv..n..' rii.n l.n.'U nTnrn.l
" irinim ,"i i-i-i. -ij u,jD ........
a wonderful H
oer came, nml shewcl tlint
they have one et the best defenses in
scholastic ranks.
"I must congratulate Coach Welllcr,
of the losers, en the great game his
team put up. The West Philly boys
gave all they had, and that's nil nny
one can give."
Coach Mueller, of Southern High,
wns the speaker. He gnve his opinion
just after the game.
"Ne. I doubt thnt we have the cham
pionship sewed up." continued the
downtown conch. "We (.till have te
penL-mr with Gcrmantewn. Northeast.
Frnnkferd nnd Central, you knew. And
. .. J-,--.. 1 1 fS A-mni,
especially, nre 'Inylng' for us. They'll
believe me. enirni mm u.-iihiiihihi
give us a tough tussle, I'm sure.
The game yesterday virtually
iras a repetition of the first game
played bcticeen the tiee institu
tions. The battle icai decided en
foul goals, and, as tens fAc casa
in the last game, became very
close near the end.
n.ldle Oeldblntt. Southern's leader,
shnnlil he eiven credit ter tlie vicierj.
tti.. .J.kln 1e. alinntincv wns the
"i ..,., :,,i .he win "Menehv"
main factor 111, me win. ,1"11"
tossed in ten out of twelve free s''Ots
jn jjje bnlf. nnd made six out of
cn count before lie was removed
lllVri'lllKIHllllll. illU , l'11'iu...ip. ...-..-
trem tlie game en iicin.in.ii i"." -
second half
Shut Out Frem Fleer
ts.,.11 J.n.nvtif fnr rhrt first time I
this season, was "shut out in a con
test. He was opposed te Captain How Hew
ard Stevenson, of West Philadelphia.
Stevenson, by the way, wns the real
star of the game. He plajed basket
. :: - .' .1 ,. i .1.1.. i..
nun biil-ii 117 i-s,u..... ;- ' ...,
Htrie" drnnned In four field goals
nnd netted thirteen out of twenty free
tosses. Rut It wns his fnllure te make
i,u free Khets count nt the start of the
1 R(.cend hnlf that really lest the game
- , ,
Kucli, Southern's crack ferwnrd, was
the best goal-getter from the Heur. He
netted five deuble-deckers, nnd It was
he who pave .West Philadelphia the big
gest surprise. '
VnW nise nlayed a wonderful game.
and "shut-nut" the -tameus rrns
;". .i. an Pninv. hv the nnv wuh
JL Inntn fnct'er in Seut'liem's defense.
1 i.t ti.n Sneedbevs from nettlne
mnny goals
Southern' High entered nnd played
,i,0 cnme with U different SJ stem than
I the team has used this season. Instead
of having the team revolve around its
captain, Eddie Goldblatt, the play
was worked with Abrams us the nu
cleus. The latter played a fine game,
-,! mnnnwil te score three field and
t , cfmlH.
0,1P.,1,0"1, K. ,,',f nein sh
"Pet LUiett again sh
liewed thnt he
weh a muen BUi"''.'l,r ,..'"",,., "'"
"Iteds" Schcrr. 'Ihe A est PhllmM
nhin nlvet net only eutjumped nnd
. L. ..!..... .1
' nlnvcd rings around the downtewner,
1 i ... nise )cpt hllll from scoring
llett, en the ether lianil, tinned
field goals.
two ,
Northeast Surprises
milE biggest surprise of the afternoon
L in the winning of the Northeast
High five, cellar occupant of the league,
for the first time this season. Its vie.
tlm was Gcrmantewn High. The tinnl
hcer wnH 23-20.
Prier te this contest the Archives hud
lest five strnlght league games, and
also three games outside of the league.
The victory was made possible by
the foul sheeting of Kline, the North
cast High guard. He has been shoot sheet
ing well from the 15-feet mark during
the year, but yesterday his work from
thnt snot was mere than grntlfjlns.
Asxbeth teams tallied the tame num
ber of goals from the field, Kline's nine
of thirteen gave the Archives tlie neces.
sary advantage te walk off with their
first victory of the season.
In the ether league gamci. Cen
tral walloped Frankford High in
the latter' s gymnasium, !)i te 2),
It was the first win for the Mir
rors out of their last four starts,
liut it teas necessary for a change
in the personnel of the, team in
e?der te bring about the win.
Phiek" Edwards, a colored athlete.
was inserted in the Crimson and Geld
line-up by Dr. O'llrlen in place of
St runic, who has been playing a list
less game of late.
The work of the colored athlete waa
f ' rT7
I'UC rtlT Tn HYlH
irr'lt. N V
Scheel Basketball
Results and Standings
W. I.. IM
(I 0 1. Odd
I m .nn;
a ; .51)11
I Simtlirrn llldi
Most I'lill.idrlphhi lllch.
(irrnmnteiMi llljcli
w. i r.t:.
Central HUh 3 3 .300
lrunkferil lllih 1 n .1117
urtlicast Illuh 1 5 .1B7
nsTKnn.v sm:sci,Ts
euthern IIIgli,S3t Vtl I'lillndrlnhlii HUh,
N'erttieist I licit. 83: (iermpntnun lllu-li, 20.
(rntrnl lllsli, 4'ii IV.tnhfenl llliili, St.
iti:si:itvn i,nt'i:
' firmiintnn-n lllnh . .
Vt riili.dflililu lllnh
, "" '"
. n
. 4
. 4
. a
rninkfert Hiuh
I Illrli
NurtliMst HlKh
yi:.ti:rd.y's iti:srrrs
,"' I',,,,al,el,,,lB nlh 3'i Setitlitrn
JIIKh, 29.
frnrkfrril Illph. 21 1 rtnt.-il Hlh. 14.
(rrmiintnn Jllcli. 2Si Ncrllir.Mt HIbIi.
OTHKR nrcsci.TS
rathellc Hlicli, 25t
Scheel. 3,
flcrmnntmvn friends. 24i I.".rliv Iliixli. "I
'eore.'ewn Frlcnd-i, :i8t CidMncsttenil
ll'irldnrl IlelKhln Illcli. 24 Woodbury
llirh. If).
yfiirnlnirtnrt Friends. Sit St. Acne'
,ehen, 1.1.
Wllmlnmnn rrlerHlK' Second, 22i St.
Acnen' Scheel Second. 8.
1 inch Hivend. n.
(ermnntnn rnends Second. 0j Dnrhy
M,ih IH.tltU lll-l.
, .,.... ...,...,
S!l TrlendV Select.
mere than pleasing te the Central fol
lowers, nnd, if his work combined with
the machlne-like perfection which all
the Mirren played yesterday afternoon
enn be tnken ns n criterion, Central will
bear wntching In Its remaining games
of the season.
Bill Murphy and Wetter were tied
for the individual scoring for the nft nft nft
ernoen, each getting IS points. Mur
nhy made 4 deuble-deckers nnd 10
fouls, while the l'leneer forward reg-
1 Istercd .1 held goals and 1- fouls.
" "
1 ,
TTWlIhNDS CENTRAL has been ad-
mitted te thc Private Schools Girls'
jiusmhuuii ia-iiuul-. 1111a wns uiiiKiuiicee
by Miss Delby, conch of the Fifteenth
, nnd Rnee streets Institution's sextet te
day. A schedule will be completed and
announced seen.
The league nt the present time hns
seven members. Besides Friends
Central, Spring Side. Miss 11111b. Miss
Agnes Irwin s, woruen-lloney, l rlcnds'
Select and Gcrmantewn Friends nre in
the circuit.
Atlantic City
Shere, 30 te 25
Catholic High Scheel, of Phlladel
plila, Showing fnr superior form, wen
its nnnunl bnskcthall game with At
lantic City High Scheel nt the shore
resort last night. .10 te 2.ri. The game
' J" eiraim-ui nu.
. Coffey and I.egan, the snappy for
! ward combination of Catholic High
1 starred throughout. Coffey tossed a
riltnt-tnf nf ftrslrl rrnn
(pinrtet of field goals. Legan dropped
a trio of deuble-deckers ln the.net,
while he made eight out of thirteen free
tosses count.
McXnlly, Catholic's center, wns
haired from the gnme in the second
period because of four personal fouls.
Myrtctus, who replaced him, played a
great game.
Crnvls played a brilliant game for
Atlantic City. He slipped four field
goals Inte the net. He failed te net a
foul genl, however.
THE new brldge will be very flne,
but you can't exactly say the
TIaIe un a wti ntt It'! 11 ln mirl.ni.f n
p,'r;"'"u " " " uu- "
With nil the fouling these days, It leeks as
though In college boxing bouts, the student
cheering section will still i be yedellng.
"Illeck that kick! Hleck that kick!"
(Irifflth wants some one- te manage the
senators. Pe Hees llnruing
Danyell Morgan supplier excellent
motive pexcer for his f-exer, Harry Orcb,
the human windmill,
We don't knew much about sub
marines, but we knew what a chaser
The Italian relay team is said te eat
up distance especially if It's sphagetti.
The way they're marrying nurses these
days many hospitals teem te be romeepathlc.
The native sons failed te shine in the
Calif ernia-W, and J, game,
Geed hands are Important in boxing
especially a full house.
Dec Urandt denies nn osteopath 1 a
dumbbell because he's always pulling
Since they had Plenty of tools te break
round fr th ne- bridge, Ooverner Hpreul
aid, 'III take mv pick."
OamWue is also the root of much
evil crop -n op ting the cube root.
f WHCRC ) tfewwCMTlOW
i GCisJG,, I at PiueHURST)
DOC (J 11 -'
(vjnene Ceims") ( imPetvsIt
(' HUtfe ? y BsMlsJUSS (
i nvue t, -jvvKea wa )
ij- ' Te SAlO AMTbJiO
And Then HE Toek up Gelf
I'vcs Get
I OeSimCSS 1
Irish Battler Would Bex Gibbens
and O'Dewd Before Taking
en the Champien
Arur, Vi , 1 i in, .
LMOST nny fair middleweight boxer
is conceded 11 dangerous rival for
the "fromage" champion, Johnny Wll
son, nnd the most recent challenger te
step Inte the front rank as a probable
conqueror of the Bosten "false alarm"
is Mike McTigue. As his name implies,
Michael is Irish, and his letterheads
admit him, te be the titleheldcr of the
uuld sod.
That is only one of three diadems
te which the harp has laid claim. Mike
wen the Canadian crown mere than a
year age, when he knocked out Gene
messeuu, nnd several months age Mc
Tigue was rendered a twelve-round I
judges decision ever Gus Platts, Eng-
llsh champ, In New Yerk.
With all this prestige the Irishman '
lias launched n enmpa gn for u meeting
with Wilsen, and his manager, Joe
Jncebs, says: "Mike McTlgue will be
the world's middleweight titleheldcr iisj
seen as a bout with the liosteii bimbo
is finished."
Fully Developed
McTigue hns proved his worth as 11
fistman en sufficient occasions te he
recognized as n fully developed boxer.
He has passed the stages of having op
ponents picked for him, according te
Jacobs. New he does net bar uny one
nt 100 pounds.
The Irishman hns lifted this limit sev
eral times and has scored victories ever
lll'ht lienwtfnlfflif u
A bout that mnde McTlgue stand out
prominently ns u niinchcr of class wns
thnt with Panama Jee Cans, the clever
Ne;re fistleuffian. who is recognized ns
tne eoiercu mlddlewelglit titleheldcr.
This bout wns decided nt Jersey City
last Laber Day.
Before this bout the best- Mr-Tle-ne
could get from the critics was their
sympathy, but long before the mntch
was ever Mike was beating a tune of
tt'ia't1 i'mMuerjrd '
his ability in a match with Jeff Smith. '
Seme Facts i
some i acts
Here nre some facts furnished by
Jacobs and en the strength of these Jee
13 confident that McTlgue stands out ns.i
a leading contender for Wilsen's shaky
teppiece .
, ",V ,Hn,r,ry Greb. scoring n!0 Lebanon nnd graduates during the 1
ltrelem7ni:,n ir'r ,sfPIlIB,1c;r,neiweek before Chrbtnias. A few days
CeTC Timrnv0' M.kreCked "I' '&&1 ' tcr he complained of a sere threat
IMnLr1 refrelS ;i-ist;" "eifamlljphy" can. wUl p ebabdy' be ,
- I Battling Ortega, nnd showed te nil van- mT at the University in n week, but '
a nndMrt SmiVhW'th 1,nttl,nB evinsky ' uble te" play basketball for
a nun .ict nmitn. . . t t... ,i ,.uui,i- ,i,nn wi,em
t l , ;. .
JUruUN lll.esn t Insist nn nn Immndln te
KE$H. iVte- &? '?
he best of thn? w r"n t,,nt '!? ,8
with tlie ehai 0 en nn" ""In wcetlnf
he u win, m1 ,'!"''? -wI11 nFe ..,0
Willttl Willi Mike Glhhnni nn,l
O'Dewc before rlemnTi Z t "e
7ir ,..;.. S' demanding n titular
tilt With Wilsen.
An effort Is being made by Jacobs te
show Moriguejn action In Philadelphia.
Herman Smith, of Buffalo, in Na
tional Wind-Up
Despite the fact that Ilerninn Smtn
nuffale veteran, was nut of the ring
for several can lnf ,..i . ""'
in'b'etteTli 1 1M0 lie
a 8m, WiirWM'iVffW:
Negotiations new are en for a meet.
SBVewWYerlcH,?,U,e.nn,l '1ah umft
in .New it Ht, for til(, jllnl0 iiuhtwelelit
championship. ne U cUs' 00XCr
i-ll c,CVrK.nni nlK0 '"fries J twific
wallop This .Smith proved when In
stepped Danny Prush In l ree rout, s
several weeks age. "minis
Anether top-netcher hcheduled tr.
appear here tonight is Jack Perry who
net0t.mC(;t 'ln,ck 1Jrin i" New Yerk
Perry1';"!!! ffl"".. "5KnrtS
Sny O'Toele WUU WCSt W"llPla
iJrtaz !,? tlic
chetti ii.wi ti-' ..' ,UJ fe Gus Prnn-
------ - "IJ JIIITKC
Te Discuss New far.,, i Carlsen Defeats Yeung Erne
New Yerk t 7 B Leanue llrwktnri. Muss., Jnn T.-After a lay-off
l...ir.:....Vr?' "" " The accord rn..l.. .. I nf r,v..rnl months lturrv f.rl.,,., .''""
Ien of i new llaBui wm"VJ ,,,he '0'- ''', YVU."K .' f",' "f ""l",1" '" " """('d tin
afienumn ,,, i,.S?.V..A' ' . " he'd tiiiimi- round bout hefiire the nivtnnle A O.
At tin. Initial meeting til. week ih."."1"'1'- "
" 'XPressea Ihtniselvei vvlllina tawiri,' "KST AT IN 1IIK WOKMi
Gridiron Game- Toe Fine
te Wander Inte Trouble Tells Hew Spert
May' Be Safeguarded
F00TRALL Is tee fine nn Institution,
tee great a power for the general
geed te be allowed te wander Inte trou
ble. It Is net only n fine builder of
physical1 strength nnd quicker thinking,
of self-reliance nnd courage, of disci
pline nnd trnlnlng, but It nise Is an
outlet for youthful enthusiasm nnd
spirit Jthat Is net se easily handled be
tween the nges of eighteen nnd twenty
three.. It is net only n fine thing for
these who make the team or the squad,
but It is in nddltlen an Incentive te
ethers te give their best or nt least profit
ftem the occasion.
If foetiTnll had net been nn Inter
collegiate affair, shorn of Its glory and
If nceleim. few would have played it.
Just ns few, under the same conditions,
would have followed any ether great
sport where the competitive side wns
smothered out. Apparently there wns
no way te prevent foetbnll from becom
ing n great spcctnclc. This may net
have been for its greater geed, but it
wns unavoidable.
And there Is nothing commercial
about the gate receipts taken in, for
this money is applied either te the ex
nenses of the came itself or te ether
I less popular sports that must be car
ried en. Foetbnll In this wny helps
te provide for a general athletic devel-
1 epment thnt otherwise- would bu Impos
sible through lack of funds for equip-
I incut and coaching.
Builds College Spirit
HE enemies of football sny that only
the varsity squads profit by the
game. Tills isn t se. xnerc nre 111011
snnds who piny football who knew they
will nevcr make the team. And If there
wns no foetbnll for the varsity squad
hew would this help the ether? Largely
through the college spirit developed by
foetbnll thousands of ethers go out for
I the track, tennis, golf nnd basketball
teams te render service nnd get their
' fun where they arc best fitted te stand.
I College spirit is a wonderful thing nnd
I football is its chief builder.
1 In snlte of all Its crewth and great
ness as n sport football isn't se nerfect
that it is beyond n enreful guidance.
,,)C r(wnr(1 for n winnnK tenm In the
,vny 0f publicity and piled up laurel
Is entirelv tee ercttt,
It has put tee henvv a burden upon
tee mnny ennches, who tee often are
called upon te win or step aside. It has
started entirely ten mnny nleng the
preselyting rend, where through strong
pressure of llnnncinl inducements thev
nsttuteni,. We hnve direct proof of
j mere thnn a few colleges nnd unlvcrsl-
ties that have paid straight cash
j &KUotremlsinntg,,sPt,ar.s. ' WcriTh.?.'
I ,pcn tnken enre of In ways entirely tee
, liberal for any amateur sport. And
ness of Miller Gives Fermer
Southern .Star Chance
Against Villanova
I. mutineer ...
, . , V llyiin
........ Hneeney
Vefm f
ikhhii ..'.'.".'.".'.' ui
Referee Gelites.
Time of hnlvea 20
THE University of Pennsylvania
basketball team will open Its 1022
campaign tonight in Wcightman Hall,
opposed by Villanova, nnd without the
-"ices of one of the stars of the team,
1'es Sillier, cnptain-elcct of the feet-
b"" &am nml 8"nr1 ln the quintet since
the e the bcIlS0ni iH Jylng m at
his home in Lebanon suffering from a
Bevere attack of tensllitls.
Miller left for his home at the start
nf the holidays and nlayed in a game
Winwin the reiMiulnr hieb bchoel tcnill
or lensr rwe nnu iiessiuiv iiireu wt-riwe.
. T..T .. i.. .-.! I I... ,l. '
lleiV Cach EdX-'Mclclel !
1 will probably send Hen -Dessen, the
former Southern High Scheel star, in at
guard. Dessen practiced with the first
' "nra en Thursday night nt guard along
....... Sullivan. It is expected, hew-
ever, that the former will get the call
at the stnrt tonight. Sullivan is ex
pected te see action before the game is
many minutes old.
Twe ether Pcnn teams will break the
Ice for 1022 tonight. The freshmen
will meet Mnhnney City High Scheel, u
fast team from the coal regions, in the
preliminary game at Penn, while the
junior varsity five will engage the same
nulntct of Swarthmerc. Macintosh and
Felk at forwards, Urcw at center and
Schaefer end Ilhendes at guards will
compose the Hed nnd Blue jay vee
aggregation. t
Edgar Lewis, member of the Pcnn
relay tenm of two winters age that wen
In the University of Illinois relay games,
reported for the track team yesterday
afternoon. Lewis wa's badly spiked nt
Urbana two years age and was unable
te wear a track shoe until recently.
His decision te try the cinder path again
is the result nf exhortations by friends
that he try te make a place en the
relay tenm for the oversea races. Lewis
is a miarter-milcr.
Mike Sweeney Sheeting Well
Nlacuru Falls, Jan, 7. "vVhat Is thought
te be a vverlrt's rcenrd ter foul sheeting In
professional basketball was hung up here
last nlKht by Mlke Sweeney, former Inter
collegiate champion, while at Pennsylva
nia University, who shot fourteen censecu.
tlve fouls while nlaylnic with Niagara Tells
against the lluffaln Orleles.
The professional record for straight foul
shots was maile In HUH by Andy Hears then
eaptnln nf Heading In a game against
Trenten he cuged nlneteen straight throws,
nil the fouls tlat were called
an Institution te Be Allowed ''
football. In tlie main, is nil him,,,. .
eniMr. 'ur n 1
Seme Safeguards
HOW can these various conditions
be taken care of? Hlmnlu .
The best safeguards for football are ..
fellows : '
First. A ene-yeur residence rrle wti...
no flrt-nir men nre allowed te Ske X
In Intercellralntei contests. put
Kerand. A Mheliudln stnndlnic tfuil ..
trump nthtete would care te meet. "
Third. It necessary a rule i.revmtlnr s.
ninn from representing mere tlihri , 1 ,
Mlliillnn n nn lntrrre1lrilatr Vv"y Th:
football player who winders from one Ji
Irire team te another Is ntrcly n hfli te 'tt
I'eurth. The refusal cf the rleiner n.n
tutlens with hi, her nfcimlnriH I te sehllJi"
games Willi these Inclined te !, iS. C,lw,al
rifth. A stricter Inspection of thn tt.u
nt Iarue hy celleces and tuilrers le. I.
ele-ner .ilhfetlc meld, t, sec thnt "u 't
slllens. where, ns Ions ns they ere com
" 1 "iii " . '""""" e ciiiiracier ns well
ns builders of mnrhtnea, they nre net ilf
pendent epen niirressfiil scores nlene.
herenth. Te hate no men selected for all.
stnr teims th it represent Institutions of ,
standards, and ta file such tenms no rank.
Inir nt the end of the sensen.
Influcnce of Conches
THE mnjerlty of the coaches nre a
fine Influence for geed. The M
dnys of raving nnd cursing nre nbeut
gene. There hns been a great improve,
incur In the treatment of officials nnd
In trying" te obey the spirit as well '
the letter of the rules. But there nre
still conches who signal from the linn
or who teach that holding in the line
is all right if net detected.
It should be up te every faculty, te
every nthletic director, te every old
graduate and te every coach te we
that the game Is safeguarded In every
wny and this doesn't mean bawllnj
out or bnrrlng nn efficinl because he
happened te call n penalty nt wnie
impertnnt sector of the game.
There is Mich n decisive clement of
luck in tlie present game thnt victory
can no longer be set up ns n matter
of superior skill or courage. The bet
ter team, in modern foetba'I. doesn't
always win by several kilometer?
Knewing this, victory must lese some
of Its flaming glow.
Foetbnll, having come te the heights,
Is sure te be nttneked nnd lied about,
Knvy nlwnys fellows success. Se it Is
necessary for every friend of one of the
greatest sports ever known te help
gunrd its interest In every way. There
is still much te be corrected. The Ent
hns permitted tlie Western Conference
nnd the Southern Intercollegiate Ame
elation te take the lead in most re
forms. It 'is nbeut tlme thnt several institu
tions we might name in the East are
falling in line. Why net one or mere
Eastern Conference Association, with
fixed standards that nil competitors
must meet? e
CopvrleM, 1931, All Itlehts Itesenti.
Atn .h.i H 1...H.1..- - ,.''. ,Ir com.
Nativity and Immaculate te Claih In
Fermer's Cage This Evening
The third game In the series for the
uptown bntketball championship be
tween Immnculate Conception nnd Na
tivity will be played en the latter'j
fleer, nt Helgrnde street end Allegheny
avenue, this evening.
In the first meeting Nntivlty wen at
home, .10-31, nnd two weeks age de
feated Immaculate Conception nt Third
and Brown btrects, HI te 80, after an
extra period. Nativity succeeded in
handing Shnnnhan its first setback of
the season en the home fleer en Wed
nesday evening, when the uptewnen
were en the long end of a 35-25 score.
The regular ilnc-up will take the
fleer, with Eddie Gnllnghcr and Pike,
forwards; Pessett, center; Deuglans
nnd Temmy Temple, guards.
Breid and Biinbridie &
JAN. 0, 1033
vs. McCANN
vs. Fitzgerald
ten s novNne r tsy
Seats en sole. Hchett's Cnfe, 12th anil
nibert hts. fhene Locust 4090.
r.i.r.vKNTii jt r.vrn.niNK
Bmlth Is a knnrkerent, having stepped Dannj
I'nish ln his last lieut
Temmy O'Toel vs. Jnck Perry
I'errr la matched with Jack llrllten
Gus Franchetti vs. Whitey Fizgerald
Charley Ray vs. Frank Ganere
Bebby Wilsen vs. Temmy Wilsen
lies. Rents, S1.B0, SI. Adm.. BOe
HATl'nnAY, JAN. 'JTH. 1022. 30 V. M.
Phillies vs. Pawtucket (Cents)
lMilllles Hall l'ark. IlreaU & I.chlih At',
Iteservei heiits, 7Se. Admission. 10
I I You'll taste the
1 1 difference! I
i asce
1 1
l m s
I At all our Stores i
LlTfijencs ceJI I
fcrit,BYijiil J;
,: t
v- C
J .:,.