vr t t ""S'v i eW W PICTORIAL SECTION jr STORY IN PICTURES OF INTERSTATE SPAN, WHICH WILI - 'Mi1 ,- TT-T- 3L - J fc-UlklT:1" Tfflpr rrj.'i 2r it1 I n Nh ' i" i ' ' H 1 X i JM.Iii LUia Am h"V ''S JL Ll i t- . --v tduBtrc-r1:. .'F3.m jmr?t ? i? viBEriii;vM'. Jem TV'.I sa ti-5T j!EiESlH $ iSi jiEZSIiBiS'CHffBMHMnnlMHHIVBHIHHHH'rrl , .u-" Jn ' EE iE4!aE2liiKN ?r fe .i4L.jt - 1 i. i . i '. ? -Win 2 i RftSIK ' '?r 'MfcWC "1H iJiM ii -i , 'F.uuggv.i'' SHOWING THE IMMENSITY OF THE BRIDGE which will link two cities and two spnn suspension structure in the world. The main span will be 1760 feet. It will n high-water line te the top of this sturdy steel structure will be approximate BEAUTY COMBINED WITH CONVENIENCE IS APPARENT THE PHILADELPHIA APPROACH. The eneineers made start when they selected Franklin Square as the site. The snows tne square, tne inspiring plaza te be built at Sixth and streets, and a future view of the neighborhood. n H H'HiBiiiWv. I '. i- D 11 H liHfiHI I U j i H HI IHIiH I n 8 aU J ! Hi' WrB t n f''J K 'Wlll I f A" 1' 11 IV. 15:- in fe1- ik . -y-v r?: a nvinK '&&&:&'rit & . ..:;.- ' CkrV picture jeKs.,;5i -" ;. rfe:-; tvv -sis Summer 5TO.' .' V " '.$&&&' m$&f "- ' ' .' ' WgS . 55S0K- " 1 ..JrtT .'"i-t. 2y v-v..ia 1 fL Ea HH SriY.ra LJ v5srivfe Hi ICTBa NOT UNLIKE AN ANCIENT FORTRESS WILL BE THE MASSIVE ANCHORAGE At RACE STREET AND DELAWARE AVENUE. It is heavily buttressed te bear the pull of the great cables, and is designed te stand the wear of ages. Elevators will be built in the ancheiages en both sides of the Delaware te carry persons te the bridge from 'the liver front dit' am miin fc J t: i J. u. I Ax. ' 0-.ra ite1 ir- 4vl B, .i (- t f f fvX;i 3T t 'ti5r . J-f tt rw JKSrUlJLX ,45 nnxCT WW? 3g$EaS3S ?wT Kftv "Sc RIISS fii-t PL 31 t.WJWl Wt 'M jjrrvM M INSTEAD OF CONSTRUCTION ORNAMENTATION, THE BRIDGE ARClJ ia u jmeiugrapn or tne ena elevation of the anchorage, showing its general ml Delawa WSnnfina ddMLJ f Ik'xT Ju UiW4 i in feSJTHl I JiSU UuJIt I -T7 1 I L -3nV3 SL-JqraSeJ . -r H VII 1 L g j I JL-AN VlNt II ' nr I ULJI ETXI UL j JiJ n l n -W , l-7lSjn COTP m r 1 PACE C DD i i rrf- r i ji U tAY MJTHl J t ..-. I I ii Ui It iMiKHS. 3 JL . ninn T7f0Niiut H" riAMlUH nna L- "F1 I 1 1 1 1 ?i- LUJ iD x jr. 1Q wuw r - J I W i ii rs rT TS c f'iT . J I' f i ii i i t l -U i IT I wit, Z '11 'HfDDBS Ml t r I pi Et . . . i 3 H ir kf rsnrKfy-; p ia "R .j,f,- L.H' 33-J ir-T! irnpnnr"ini eAs 3S36 FT. - ... OUT TO OUT OF MAIN STRUCTURE. rflT I TTTTrrr rrrfTn 1 1 TTt ST . ' i ,iiiji m.. A ... ' j&fcLAL-Ji . . i JifirArT9 ' iiTjiM'iaiBiy pzTtesa OLVMPtc sea FT. SIN rl73'6"- LEVIATHAN 950 FT 3 I S3 FT. - AQUITANIA &OI FT. X I73V MANY PHILADELPHIA BUILDINGS COULD NESTLE COMFORTABLY UNDER THE SPREADING WINGS OF THE BRIDGE. The picture shows a com parison in height of Independence Hall (135 feet) and the Girard Trust Building (100 ieet) witn me reaaway ei me Dnuge. ine roadway is 135 feet above the mean nign-water line THREE OF THE WORLD'S LARGEST OCEAN LINERS MAY BE PLACED END TO END UNDER THE BRIDGE and there will still be 456 feet te spare. The accompanying illustration shows the Olympic, 882 feet 9 inches; Leviathan, 9B0 feet, and Aquitania, 901 feet lined up under the structure They make a total length of 2738 feet 9 inches. The three spans of the bridge te the anchorages total 3189 feet IT'S A LONG TIAL TRAIL TO THE 0T1 shows the start localities trave preaches. Te the height reqe sary te peneti designated in ei beginning of Philadelphia te den is 9000 feet, tenth 3 -t