rWiLft ?f - CiP5?? !WV;S?9W5P V-lVA ' ' H, ll "5 ,,? !-u .- .. ti ', . u, mv.H SKELETON IN ICE POINTS TO MURDERl Idantlfied as That of Heg 19- land Worker Who Disap- i poared 3 Years Age hi FOUND NEAR NEWARK Discovery of a skeleton frozen In n etke of ice near Kcnrncy. N. J., op ep plt Newark en ttie Passaic River, Indicates the murder el n Hejc Ialend worker who disappeared from the ship jard almost thrce years age. The skeleton has been identified ns tfmt of Leu!b M. Kellsn, whose family it the time of his disappearance lived it C33 East Eighty-third street, Man liittan, New Yerk. Identification was established through clothing and ether personal possessions found frozen in the lets' near the skele ton. It was discovered by boys hunting en the river meadows for muskrata. Tbe last recorded knowlcdge of Kellsh it en May 0, 1010, when he drew his pk- from the nhipynrd at Heg Island. When he failed te communlcate with his wife she wrote the corporation and was Informed he was dropped from the pay rolls May 24 for continued nbsence from A. ledge ticket, pay receipts and sev eril ether articles nil marked with the nime of Kellsh leave little doubt ns te the Identity of the skeleten. Iden tification "as made by James Desmond, i brother-in-law and former presldent of the Heard of Education of Elizabeth, N.J. ' Medical examination showed probable fracture At the base of the skull. This ltjds police te believe he was murdered fter hq collected his pay. His widow, however, discounts the theory of mur der, saying slie believes he wandered te his death while suffering from less of memory. Sirs. Kellsh said at the time of her kiband's disappearance he had about 05 in his pocket in nddltten te his par as an expire auieaiauc ioei re pairman. , Mr. Desmond, his brother-in-law, rai able te furnish mero interesting Information, however, by relating hew Kellsh was for years proprietor of n Hloen which was the headquarters for I band of criminals known ea the "White Rats." During these years he made many fnemlei. The saloon was given up in 11)18 when Kellsh hnd a nervous break down. A short time later he went te work in the xhlprard. Mrs. Kellsh, nfter the identification, told hew ever since his disappearance he lias net failed te be prepared for his homecoming. "Sly suspense is ever for the first time in three years," she snld. "While I never expected him te return olive, at the fnme time I never locked the deer since he went away, lie was heavily Insured, but I have never been iblete collect any of It." Kellsh had two children, a girl and a boy. The girl is manager of n real tstate office in New Yerk and the Ben a student at City College, New Yerk. TUGBOAT EMPLOYES STRIKE New Yerk Unions Refuse te Accept Reduction In Wages New Yerk, Jan. 0. (By A. P.) Several hundred tugboat empleyes voted early teduy te go en strike (it 0 o'clock this morning in pre t cm against a pro posed reduction In wages. While only four companies nre af fected by the strike order, Captain Wil liam A. Maher, of the Meatmena' t'nien, stated after the meeting that net!ce3 would be nerved en all ether towbent companies, giving them six hours te re establish the old wale. Their failure te de this, he added, will result in the calling out of nil the 0000 union men employed en harbor craft. CHOOSE DAY'S SUCCESSOR Hr. Charles W. Flint Recommended for Syracuse Chancellership Syracuse, N. Y., ,Tnn. 0. (Ky A. P.) The committee of the Heard of trustees of Syracuse University, se lected te choehe u bitccesser te Chan Chan reller JumcH Hohcec Day, who resigned wersl mentliH age. today unanimously recommended Dr. Cherien Wesley Flint, President of Cernell College, of Mount tcrnep, In., for chancellor. Html choice of a chancellor rests with the Heard of Trustees, who will act upon the committee's recommen dation. ARBUCKLE CASE DELAYED Will Be Continued at Least Until i Next Tuesday San Francisce, Jan. C (By A. P.) A continuance of at least one day Jn the second manslaughter trial of toscea C. (Fatty) Arbuckle, scheduled te stnrt next Monday, will be neces sry, It was announced by both sides jway, en account of another trial which is new in progress. Ouvin McNab, chief defense counsel, aid lie would be ready Tuesday. "We wall oppose any further continuance," lie added. Uncommon Sense By JOHN DLAICE Harness Your Curiosity I lll'UBN can be taught mere cnsily llmn minima t.ann..n i.i !. . ' trenter. Dlsceyer what they are ln recd in, and you "lmVe little dlffl lty la making n beginning with their Natien. dr,-lclllll,,wlth n talet for muble or hw R '.nakcs nnl,, Progress In these ileSt th qeaU8C he ls "trally curious teFh!it.U1ntIf !. curl0,lty is net limited nr. " A" hllren have it in a miL "IW,, 'k'ree- Anil for that Mison all children learn easily. tft7iw,, Brew' our curiosity is likely th f- Th,H lH J,artl' J"0 t " we hi ., wi? B00n Preno ,0 think J , ", t0 the fact that a curious person "aosey." J by ethe ua pryi,1B or Y1113 '"obit of asking people premls- conM.r'.i,,Vf,'Uen8 nbe,,t wl,nt they of''enB, bu"new Is net, 3$er k ha c"ceuragcd. that It ',,lMS yu cn "t assured IvInJi. en ns ''our curiosity begins te 4 te fncWC,,5r fr ,eQnUng Wl11 Jeue ,-.i""iuie reurse is le Keep kn i5 l0Sl,y "ndlmlnlBhed, but te teIllJlarnes?e'1 Wwt it. Ask in- B tllOBt nrnlltnl,l .. i t re nnf : """" noeui uungB wnien Piil. i,e,r t0 you- Ask: them of ,inI'.r jV'0 Qr,) "ble and willing te , 'nviti, 6Uki? da t!i,u be8t. of course, la e V f caoei. jiuc n u aue TEARS OF MOTHER FAIL TO SAVE BOY Judge Regrets Duty, but Rules Four Aute Thefts Call for Punishment Mether love, pleading for the free dom of u Rlxtccn-year-eld youth, brought tears te the eyes even of Judge Patterson today, but the Judge said he must upheld his oath of office and send the confessed auto thief te prison for ene year. William Painter was the youth who faced the court, ,in company with Harry nichnrdsen, twenty-two. Beth gave ad dresses en Wnrnerk street near Lou Leu den, although Pnmtcr alone had a room there. Painter's 'father and mother were In court when Wchardsen nnd their son pleaded guilty w stealing four automo biles. One of the cars was sold. The ethers were abandoned either en the Yerk read or the Iioescvelt Beulevard after "joy. rides." Judge 'Patterson called Painter's mother te the bar and asked questions about the son. The mbthcr is a teacher in the McClellan Scheel, Thompson nnd Neff streets. ' "All I can say is he has been n won derful son te me; please don't put him away." the mother pleaded. Judge Patterson was impressed by tire mother's plea, but replied the of fense would net have been se bad if one car was stolen. But four, one after the ether, wcre taken, the Judge wild, nnd the defendants were bound te beceme hardened criminals in time un Icsb punished severely. Mrs. E, L. McDanlels, 1325 West Erie avenue, one of the complainants whose car had been stolen, told the Judge she was willing Painter go un punished. She added the'less of an oti eti oti temobilo was nothing compared te the life of the boy. g Although his duty obviously was dis tasteful, Judge Patterson gne Painter the choice of going te the Huntingdon Itcformatery or the county prison. Counsel for the boy choe the prison, and Painter and Richardson each was sentenced te ene year. EDGE RETIRES FROIvTrACE' FOR FINANCE COMMITTEE Action Pavee Way for Frellnghuy sen te Take Penrose's Place Washington, Jen. . Senater Edge, of New Jersey, formally withdrew today as n candidate for the vacancy en the Senate Flnance Committed created by uie ueaie or wennter l'cnrose. Ills ac tion wns construed by colleagues us Saving the wny for the appointment of ennter Frellnghuyscn, senior Senater from New Jersey, te the vacancy. By the death of Penrose, Senater Mc Cumher. of North Dakota, steps Inte the chairmanship of th Finance Com mittee. As ether members were ad vanced under the seniority system, a vacancy was created at the feet of the Republican list. There has been a strong rivalry between Edge and. Fre llnghuyscn for the place, which will be filled by the Committee en Committees. In a statement explaining his with drawal, Senater Edge said he desired te "be of any possible help" te Frellng huysen In the lattcr's candidacy for re election this year. "I have absolutely no desire In any way te"embarrasj the members of the Committee en Committees nnd have se advised several of them who novo dis cussed the subject with me," Senater Edge said. CHARGES ELECTRIC GOUGE $100,000,000 Yearly "Tribute" Ex acted en Bulbs, Says Untermyer New Yerk, Jnn. 0. (Iiv A. I.) Charging tlint the Ocncral Electric Company has fastened a monopoly lit electric bulbs en this country which jieltlt n "tribute" of $100,000,000 n j ear, Samuel Untermyer, counsel for the Lockwood I.eRlslntive Committee, ' Mimed tiH lnrjuiry today into the elec tric light bu&inc-s. "If we nre right in our contention," Mr. L'ntcrinjer mild, "this monopoly, Unit hni htul us in its grip in one term or another for llfty-flvu yearn, is ex acting extortionate tribute from the people of the United States. "Although till first tinten u-nu granted in 1877 and expired in 181)1, I think vu will Hhew you that, in ile- iinncu or tnc judgment of the ceutt. the grip of the General Klectrlc Cempiin; upon the bulb buuincbd of the whole country Is Btrengcr nnd firmer than it has ever been in its history." SEIZE KING OF STILLS, Giant Moonshine Plant In Washing Washing ten County Is Raided Washington, la., Jun. 0. (V,y A. 1'.) The blggeNt moonshine plant ever raided by Washington County author ities was brought here today from lieaUsvlllc, where It wns found last I niglit en n fnrm. The llfty-gallen atlll hnd as companions in the building' seven barrels of rje mnnh nnd seventy-five gullens of finiulied lifiuer. l'nul VincuH, nrrestwl In connection with the raid, twluy guve ball for a hearing. Twe smaller stills wcre captured in Bcntleyville nnd Andy Sehaffer nnd Tcllx Jlargurlsh held for court by a Justlce of the Peace. vrlthin your power te afik questions of e iiuicbi men and women In tlie world, llvlnir nnd dead, bv renillhi' their books. riURIOSITY is n great nshet. J trouble with tllOBt nemiln ! The time they have for tee little of the right Hen et ii. j.ney ure eager te knew hew much salary their neighbor ls re ceiving, and whether he gets along with his wife mntters which nre teally of no interest te thejn. If they were equally curious about hew the problems that confront the world are.belng settled if, indeed, they are being betth'd unci hew thoughtful people nre developing the recpiirccs of their nation, they would be better off. A powerful and well-directed curi osity will give uny man or any woman an excellent education, whether In col lege or out of it. It will inspire him with n desire te knew tha things tlint nre worth know ing the facts of history, geography, Hclancc. The answers te most of the questions that rise te your lips nre te be found, if you ere persistent about looking for them. YOU will never solve the riddle of the unlvert.0. Yeu will always find fetone walls you cannot pass, lint ynu will stock your mind with Ubcful knowledge, nnd you will find life much mere worth living if you constantly employ an intelligent curiosity, Cot EVENING 1UBII0 WtWTETt nBSOIlTB HKAimi:i:zK, n,A. I Er nmruf I jTr-r". jLyfitf famous tast Coast Hetel Clarenden (Mtefutvty Fireproof) , AND COTTAOE3 SEABREEZE JR.fJtatlon.Daytena NOW OPEN Directly en the Ocean and overlooking one of the flnsat beaches in tb world. Excel lent lB-Hole Gelf Course, with Grass Greens, Sea Bathing, Fishing, Ttnnls, Trapshoot Trapsheot Trapshoet ln. Metering, Horaeback Riding:. Turkish Bath. E. L. POTTER, President, a J. ROOT, Manmrer. I Nn New Torts Beeking Office, jlieu urenaway. rr.BAnwATF.n. ri,A. u LELAH INN CIJKWATF.It. FLA. Ideally located en Hay Shere. Oolf. tennln. boat beat Inc. bnt'ilnif. fiahln. hunt lng. I'ure snrlnir drlnklnc vatr. NOW OIT.N. Cir culars and lutes upon nppiicatian. J New Hetel Clearwater Clearwater, Fla. Steam Heat, Running Water American and European Plans F.xcrllent Cufe Fenturlne Sen Feed BT. AKHUBTIXi:. FI.A. FURNISHED COTTAGES WINTER HOMES ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA! Eugene L. Barnes & Sen Real Estate Notary Public Lnrce Llt of City and Country Property for sale, neuses te uent l-urnisned or un furnlehad. zie st. cireitan st. Telephone 73 THE VALENCIA and Cottages St. Augustine. Fla. NOVEMBER TO MAY TAMI'A. 1'I.A. ...? Ten n the Tnnm ! HOTEL HILLSB0R0 1 IJ? ' 1 ' HOTEL MONTEZUMA ".Sunferd'H.New Hetel" American nnd European Han I'rlMite Hatha. Tub and Shower Information en Request Cor. Magnelia Ave. and 3d St. Sanferd, Fjerida l'AI..1I llliACH. 1I.A. WS8J (teq L-iSayS9Siw sMMKyiifHB!FWiMaBiyJiBB,iW 1 1 ViMtnmirfTwtwEtt? i rrr:y' a e"u nieuia ,viiii iiaiii i irrpru". cim4bi I structlen Tuniiiii. llerldn. I " sANrnnn, fi.euida LOCATED niOHT IX TIIU HKAHT OV Till: SEASON s ACTIVITIES VP NKAH.THE OCEAN AND JUST SOUTH OP THE HRAl'TIFUL HOTEL t.ltOl'NDS-WE HAVE ON OUIt LIST THK C'OTTAClE WHICH WILL Ft LFILI. YOUR REQVIItEMENTS OCIt COMPLETE SEUVICR OrtOANIZATION LS AN ADDITIONAL FEATl'lti; WHITE OH WIHB. AT Ol'H IXI'ENSE, FOU ATTHACTIVE FOLDEH MlOWINU IMIOTO QHAI'HS AND FLOOR PLANS OF OUIt VARIOUS PROPERTIES. CITY BUILDERS REALTY COMPANY PALM BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIALISTS IN RENTALS OF THE UISTTUIt CLASS EVERGLADES LINE IIKTWKKN Palm Beach, Moere Haven, Ft. Myers and Tampa Acress Tropical Evorgludei, Lake Okeechobee and Cnloeinhatchee River (Short ft Revlt Acron Flerida) Btlwten Ceatt and Wett Ceait UatXy Except Bundny Through the UEAJIT of TIW QLAUHS ur iioeHiet jtuu irnue,, w, ruiru lleach, JLEfiGEBrr - EdCLADELPHIA, ERtdAT, tVlNTKR nKsenTB HT. ricTEitumme. t, -- Hetel HUNTINGDON St. Petersburg, Fla. Overloektnr Tampa. Day, within a atone threw of all outdoor sports. (Jelt, TennU. ltuntlnx, FUhlnr, Hwlmmlni. Flying. te. Htftsen Nev, t te April III. .1. IXI? nAUVrfl, I'rep. 1AUI. P. IIAltNIW, Mr. St. Pctersburc, Flerida "Sunshine City" Manhattan Hetel Modern tem heat. Beautiful xreundt. Unrnxs. Central nates 're&aenable, en re'tueat. A. II. VANCK. Onner nnil Mtr. .lArKseNVH.T.r:, ya HOTEL FLAGLER European Plan Adami nnd fJavts Bt., Jacksonville, Tla. Three Ilteeka Frem Depot Heme I.Ike Steam llentnl Klectrlc nievater Het nnd cold run nlns water In eery room. 100 KOOMS 80 With Private Hath Hntef SI. 00 Vf Dlnlni Itoetn Flauler Tree mis at Station A Deck a Free Aute Storage I'hene .1037 J.W. Goednle, Mtr. HOTEL JACKSON Jacksonville, Fla. Main St., Cerner Adams 100 Reems, 50 Private Baths Rates en Application Robt W. Simms, Owner Gee. L. Whipple, MBr. HOTEL SALT AIR rending Hetei Went Pnlm Itencli Ail outside roemn, het ami cold runnlni: WHter ami teleiihone In eery room. Private bniliK. elevuter. whlte tervlee, near bathing bench. STIUAT H MAAH, Trcun. I.AKT, COfUT ArABTSIHNTB WK8T palm nnArir n.A ceniA. n.A. I Why Stay North and Freeze ? Ne fuel oreWem In Hunnv Cocea Klerlda. the beautiful orunce town nn fnmeus tmllnn Itlver und Atlantic Orenn, fine tHiln?. heatlntr. urf hathlliX the jefir reuml, art ther nutileur opertH. IIuHiUiik lei- en ecetn or In city proper at Il'.'.e and up. caiy termM. Cocea hn merp pnveil streetd thun nny city of Its el70 In Unien: ale most wendrtul Zoe nn.tle wild nnlmnls, uloe lrf eaulppeil tourist camp grounds, ene free una small churee, UkIiis anil water. GUS C. EDWARDS, Cocea, Fla. Ne Ceal Bills te Pay It It Rlorleun Summertime In FORT LAUDERDALE rinrldVii Trnp'ritl M'enilerlmul HOAT1NO ItTIIIMS IlhUINO end for Illntrntcd Itneklet si:tY. or cemjikhce IIAVIONA. ri.OHHIA rniVATK nTiis, .rrA.M iiilt. HOT AND COM) WATKH r.m.R t''iii'Assi:n (JAuagk ' The New Elmhurst Heme-Like Hetel, Centrally Located one M.CKJK rneM HAi.irAx nivun 231 S. Palmetto Ave. DAYTONA, tr.OIUDA MRS. (1. KAIXEMlKUd. 1'rep. PAYTONA Illiril FI.A DAYTONA BEACH HOTEL Uniail Vernndaa taco th etiMn. 'l'horeughlv I modern Culslna unex oiled 11a ten !3 SO I te HI per day jMnprlrnn plan rt.eitii CLORIDA for Infer . write Infer llureau. 138 W. Day .St.. JaPksetulllr. lit, VMM iii:a II. New Leasing for the Coming Season Completely Furnished Cottages IN PALM BEACH FLORIDA n. JuKiminilullilljr I J J JLWiLlI JIILHW Or30x!P2iSAcXSa Itfyr "Tytr-.'1 Ilff1 " ..Jiiiai 'TTJ"1 ' DE3T1 " ' i : -' : i 5 1 ' WEST VXtA nKACII. FT.A, I ' . I zv "" ' v. ' I gCTTKYY f VV rflUL'lTllVffa f J 1 .j'ivt r,f-j;.:i' " l tl v y I imaRWHm - r wasswHPaE St as- ..-- , ... - -H a - - r t.i r.w.K tit nil - j. mnaa. Imllnir Hetel IVeat Pnlm lleucli -sai li,JP TSYa'tt" K."lSBHBSirr-e-. S ) ". S. 1MI -.i i tout irnr.nnAi.K. fi.a. ! WINTKn niwenTfl PT. rUTCTHHttMl. KM, T UIIIIIlhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllimillllllllllllllltlllllllllUIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIlim STi PETERSBURG, FLA. 150 Reems POINSETTIA HOTEL European Plan. A la Carte Dining Roem. FLORONTON HOTEL OVERLOOKING TAMPA BAY AMERICAN PLAN MODERNLY EQUIPPED H Write for Rates Ownerahip-Management E lUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllHHlil mm CS The Chamber TAMI'V. VIA. f w V 5 JBPu 7mft 77Jff-W- "- iQ)yP:r:-mP filMKmnV & s K.YB V TAMPi I 1.1 ( nil nt 11 t Lp. 1420 i 1 ririrTrAWb'j-rflJft' J.ef "- " AAA1VAH li i t Ma 1 TAMPA BOARD OF TRADE, Depl. f 3 m M' DRimr3V iS' JLJL. ML - ' -"" i W I in 'ill t Uninrh Olllrc of thi- Tiiiiim Itnur.l of Triil- ' 3 fflil-B&tSfn 3 rr. ,- rr e. iur I ! W te. j Ain ru..!..., c. ni-i.j.i.i.!. e. I H Mi'' f5i!"V'v iJ . r1 Ohem.i. n maex. ; J tSH 7B. (fW? -- W..O....UI ji., i miaacipmn, i a. a air e i I fe fe-iiiiiL. ;vv-,An. E' H 'fin SWSiv.-. or nn. TnrU -nt B 3 JlV V -i- c I WS TvT' """'" C. , MS i wimamHifimwl nrnwimnmj a hu Sff-yp'l Sly Kreru room tvith private bath i $M 5 ? it j j"!' ii'-i is UflW wiMi:iijLrMBii wivrrii nKeiiT a r.J 1 r frlL 7? European Plan ?,' M mmmjliLM I, iiiiiMim, ! i .- SrfMterr- : Jtj I iRL II 9E1& ' i MM&&. Jaclemillc. Fla. M TSfk J- k hm m. W& cjfii Q r&mwmm$& iTili i ii n 1 1 i i i H a i ,i , , m n-rmrrnnTTrrmn "rrmrn l m i . .a J jM '-zixmsh- . . : i immm-m.m smm mm ALfr i-ifAi n i WjUjii. 'Vey miuf mwT ffiwl"'' JachenMiie, iia. J Iflfl j By'lgll7$0jwBii jlili'iBiPPKtea Location ene block from Posteflke. Buain - center. 'm I ' JimVV. sffPI-Kr ji -f--rr -iji II(t j i( water in ei-ry room. t M ! i BriJJSlB. Ju.-jLir' WiU-imni rJ' - 1 Mcnm heat in eiry loom. Special rates by the week. " w j I SfcataCSSrWte- llliilll- I Marine pnrucp one-half block. Hates, $1.50 and 52.00. . I ;B j j MM IHIIHII II mini IflMflTi., ; Vr-te- s, Dath, 5J.00 ami M!.00. g' ! ' TT ""Wl "ffli" 1k. CORNER BAY AND HOG AN' '' M l4 I R I fclT 111 J THANK PKARCK. Proprietor. t f M ! . :,- '7 1 11 ! CUBA "i:r)t lu iln I.lmltrd" I.V. 3:'JO I' M " Oi.iil .M Alt. 1 1 1 1) .M. , t 00 I'.M . " lOilO l'.M, Alt. 2-. l'.M. " Alte I'.M. " 700 1'.M. U. I'hllii. WiiHhliiaten liuksentlllr W. r.ilm llrli. Miami Kr ei.t Hiiwinu .. Orlnmlii . , , Tiimmi St. 1'rtrraburK Winter Tourists' Tickets at reduced rates, allowing Stop-evers, return limit Man 31, 1922, new en saie ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the Seuth Fer Illustrated Roeklet "TROPIC L TRIPS." Reservations nnd All Information Address J. S. 1609 Chetnut St., Telephone! I I JANTTiUY 6, 1922 AVINTF.R nKaents bt. rr.TKnsnune., 100 Baths Sunshine City i The place of your dreams te spend the winter! St. Petersburg, with its ideal semi-tropical climate, is the Great American Winter Resort. 200,000 visitors last winter enjoyed its advan tages. 360 days of sunshine in 1920; interest ing country; fine hotels and accommo dations te suit everyone; hospitality, entertainment, sports, lively fun or just rest and bask in the sunshine, as you wish. ROYAL SCOTCH HIGHLANDERS BAND will give open air concerts, January te April. Bathing surf or peel; fishing, sailing, trap sheeting, tennis, requc, chess, metering, bowling en the green. Twe 18-hole golf courses. Wrltt for Doeltl I, en th Cits, tr 2, n SptrU nd Rtcrealient. Any information tn request of Commerce, Dept. P St. Petersburg, Fl. tampv. rr.. im sPferS WJ& im iU17ttUn Kfl Qr UkI HI IBkl mjt) i&s&a araeW Km mam mmm liiixsB oreugh Ceunty: FIerida sunny city of delight and opperrtinfrjr It's the Height of the Season New Slip away from the snow and cold I Come where it's great te be out-doers swim ming, fishing, sailing, hunting, golf, metering en fine reads in all directions. Camps. Out-deer concerts. Hemeseekers' opportunity. Meney in truck-farming, stock, poultry. Fine pert and railroad facilities. Values growing, off ering exceptional investment opportunities. Write for information name booklet you want 1, for Tourists 2, en Pert 3, en Agriculture, SOUTHERN RESORTS Through nrf Trains " Daily J l.ltrctlt t u ikl ''". 3 I.Iiip i lliunn.i "I'uIiiiciiu "I'lnr.iln I lurid i lftliil" I.lmltra ' siclul" Mull" 1 1 .11 AM. AilT I' M. HAt I'.M. ll.iml'M t it r.M. mm i' m. is :n m ,t n m '1 III I'.M. H'4 I'.M. D.mi'M. Hi.mi M I te A.M. H IS A II. 1i5 M. II 10 I' M .11.10 A.M. ll.M V.M. 11.10 A.M. 11. Ill I'.M 0 III A M. fi:30 l'.M. .1 (H) 1' M. i Ex. Sun.) 7 A3 1' M. '131 M. 8..1I A M. 3 1.1 I' M ll'iOI' M. 7 10 M 7)10 M A M. H 30 .M. 8:30 AM. 7:00 1' M. HAUTSELU Dis. Passenger Agt. Philadelphia, Pa. - ocutt - ecutt 6303 WINTER MHORTS MIAMI I1KACII. FI.A. The Lincoln Hetel Miami Beach, Flerida "SITUATED IU TIIU HK.ltT OF z. .' . yr.t ' '" " 1 , The location of the LINCOLN HOTEL en Miami Bench is ideal. Directly opposite the golf links and tennis courts. Twe blocks from the pole field, nnd the same distance from the Casine nnd the ocean front walk. The LINCOLN affords a quiet, exclusive place of resi dence for these who nre In quest of relaxation, snort nnd varied social diversions. II. LUNDIJEIIG, Mgr. Complete information and fleer plans en request Wefford Hetel Hoeklct MI M I Ft. . i . I ill l l mmm GALLAT COURT APARTMENTS f 431-453 N. W. 3D ST MIAMI, FLORIDA tZhL k &&! run ii crrm i,h Vli - ti 11 n n n i.fe' ?n 11 L.r-4 i-i-it w sm I .i ksiimii i.r. h.a. JKiiMiNMiin, i'i.a. z I 'fm THE FLORIDA OSTRICH FARM JACKMIWILI.K, 1I.A. Ostrich Pluntt'H. Tips, 1 .wis and PrnthtT 1 ancieH, Ktc 1 I laruest n.trii I i'in n It . . I ' r f i k't , i,ria 0 .n - ' " ' Nu 'it i,"i i Li I r i i, Ml u.l imrta. Klillnc anil lrllns nf (IHrlilirH llallir ill II 10 A, M. nml 3.10 V. M, y THE FLORIDA .1 VCKSOW n.i.i:. 1 LA. Hie I arcrit Culli-t Hun iT lltr Mil,; nun. In Hip lVurM KXHIIHTION CIVLN DAIL T 11 A. . ami i t MM-H'l M 1 1 i vat ira ' hhui i '! I L U 'J.U : i i i. .u -u num.- Uf i in, of All. Bater Lmthfr '.v VINTKRRWai MIAMI IIRACll, I AMERICA'S WINTER riATGKOUND' Miami Beach, Fla. Directly en the Ocean Modern in Every Appointment Twe 18-hole golf courses less than ' mile. Surf Uathinj?. Pole. Fishing. Moter Meating. Mrs. Tatem Wefford, Prep. mimi rr. W GRALYNN HOTEL MIAMI, FLORIDA AMERICAN PLAN Medr-rjt in every respect. Het and cold 4unning water. Private baths. Elevator, private phenes. Easy access te 18-hole trelf ceurse and surf bathine;. Rates en application. Booklet. J. E. Beyts H. H. Mase This beautltil Ilrei reef bulldlna r 'uated tn M'mnt's coolest anil meat 'I airnble residential section, heated ( electricity electric cook store. levater servlre telephene. Janitor 1, nl m.:1 service, two lobbies, every ar.artment has private ver nnrta rmes south en 'I'y park h l ne'e.' for lie flne tennla eurts ever oek'na; he tlaml Rlvar. I r eser i' n nr 1 rrr s apply llt.VMi OAI.I.AT. Owner Miami, Flu. n m m: I EUROPEAN PLANJ': FIREPROOF STEAM HEAT Every Keem With Uath -Tub or Shower Lentr Distance Telephone in All Reems l n t j- n iu a C. I'. ltllOUY. Prep. ALLIGATOR FARM i'Iuih" Ilypnutlrlnc u n : . Uu In -turn , ..j.. &-MX2p Mail orders receive prompt and careful at t c nt lon len lon ethcr Infor mation an4 prices 0m quest 1 - 1 d.-l h y w. J I jr. i TJ i VI' -1 Si .?"-. l M v vt Yi V aaBBBamM'i a.ti .. s,. , . Vr. ,J . , a ' JLr.- ""