F. 'jT.T a ,'. i im ;'' ? -.,-.j,- ;1v -;,-?. , v. ,:v f'ijwi - I,, ' x ' I s C&r. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEI-PHILDELPHIA; FBIDAY, JANUARY 6; 1022 '4 k& SAY'WIORALCLAIIVIS' ;i DEVELN 1 Failure te "Pay" Caused Oust- Ing Frem Law Committee, Friends Bolieve SEEK TO KILL BILL Fl Nl MUD CASE i v NOW PREDICT SETTLEMENT .'... ... . . .... , .11 , !""! nenris or .inmes a. ucvciin ucncvc Ilft'trna "fleed" no nlmlrmnn of the vCeunellmnnle Committee en T.nw be- rftuae of bin lieMtonev nhnut paying n "mernl claim" of $a2.ri.l!(W of flip Kc.v Kc.v Kc.v Mone State Construction Cempnny. The former chairman's adherents Tirpdlct tint, under "Charlie" Ilnll. Vnre 1 Appointed by Richard vWglelii. prcl solemnly that site would respect the obligations of every kind taken by hr predecessors with foreign Government). If HtiHfila wants recognition she must recognize her honorable obligations nnd agree net te nttuclc her neighbors. And we must Insist that her neighbors de net attack Russia." Ueorge Hnrvey, American Ambassa Ambassa der te Urcat llrltnln, who in acting as official observer for the United States at Cannes, told the correspond ent just before he entered the council chamber that he had no intention of speaking nt the tlrsf session and had no program te place before the Allies, as ban been rumored, Mr. Hnrvey Has noncommittal when asked If be would outline the American viewpoint of the world' economic wit nation If pieascd te de se, Faying he would lump Hint fence wncn lie came , te it. In contract with the ether dele- Fermer federal prosecutors fought a Rates, he walked te the yacht club, and ieKn imttlc before United States Judge he was Mirreundcd by n crowd of me- :,.. ,,. , i,,. nKii n.e tlen-picture nun and press photo. Dickinsen today te J'11"ttsI,1.u'? rophers. 'Indictments egalnst Ham Sinter. Albert Ne rr.inee.nrlllsli Alliance I F. Slater, Hiram Rentier and live ether The mci'tiiic was In session sliehtlv ilefnndntit. chnrircd with consnlraev te a. i n.llin.nilM l . . " . . . , . I " " m rr,r.'',ir,U!.l'T'1 u a.i. unira violate the prohibition laws, tne recline 01 1 :i clock after having appointed two , . J,,,.., m.,,..!,,, i cider, who was ,,,,,. one en reparation and ,'l,, stntP'1 l,,lf! . i'zIpIii. prcsl-l,i, . ,i,r .,i, ii.n .....it, ,11, dp Kiitintifin. Celes and Assistant I) strict t BRIDGE IS STARTED AT LAST! Slater and Bonner Indictment Faulty and Lacks Basis of Proof, Judge Hears PERMITS NOT SHOWN FALSE dent of Council te Mr. IVvplltt's place uet, ,.1)mmissieiis were called te meet Walnut opposed the legal efforts made yesterday, the claim will go ihrmiRli , llt ;l .;t0 t. M t bv rlini,,H yy MoUey. former United vltheut difficult Prime Minister I.leyd Onrgc has de- States Attorney ; Jehn W. Crellc. for mer assistant te the prohibition dlrec ter. nnd Jeseph A IIIIiir. Sir. wlllliiR opened the urpunient te v. ..n ,.rm.. . ,,.. ,..i .,. " pconenue rcMeniwuii m j.uh'ih- uim winter anil Law an opinion en this point, but consent te modlllcatlens in the tcnarn-' nppeintcd te na net yet done se. tlen payments b (iermany en the bn- bv I'rehibitl Mr. Dcvelin s friends today ald be ss 0f tie nSi:cstlens made In recent ' Vre ousted Ihp "mernl claim eriRlnntPd in pt- ,.,,!,,,, ,lerc t.n X)l, no qtiftien at this a work which the Ivexsten.. State ,,, pf a ferlna nlllance between onumictien ( emnain claims It did in r,- .,,.., n.i fSmm MrKiii it u ,nid i ildlnR tlie Cit. Ilnll station of the ..n.i nuthnrltv. hiif lin lipid out the ! nin.l, tlr, unln fnr !lntpp nml ttpn , ead street subwnj Mr llevclln re- , tiriprct of a siifllclent suarentee te aid ner. who prp net present All t" ed te indorse the claim for payment i',.um.,, f sb,. Is iiKiiln attacked, us In ether defendants were present, iticlud II it could be determined whether ui 4. umCr certain condition". . Ing Maurice Hcrl.. Uiiunnel Heek- vas n "moral claim or a 'leRal ''iue nre. it Is stnted. that France I binder, Sum Itloembcrg. Itebert Mc m.' Recently the ( ity Solicitor s 1 Co-eiicrate with tSrent ltrltein in the Carter and Jehn rrlcdrlch. 0 was aked te Rive the I emmlttec economic restoration of Kurepc und Slater and llennpf. who had been important prohibition jobs Ien S Plrecter M(ennell, .,nl..VU tilifii fiflli Inls friim had net been disturbed b his summary i,emen conferences of a half bll- 1 WnshitiRten took liarjte here some removal from eflicc. He expressed re- ijen K0!d marks In cash and a billion t months nce. Bret, however, that the president of -, m,rks in kind Instead of two bll- Sinter was secrctarr te McConnell Council had violated tradition in ap- (in,, marks In cash. nn.l Tinniiri. n. chief of the iiermit nil peIntliiR 11 member who wa- net a law- . .llvlslen. An mldltlemil chnrce of con- yer te the committee chnirmnnshlp Paris. Jan. 0. Mly A. r.t Ihc Spirni,v j0 i,tl0 iiermlts for the Illegal tllnitns which come up for adjudication Allied Reparations Commission has re- withdrawal of liquor was made against by the Committee en I.nw nrc ustinllj of fupl te extend the time limit en the .). t.ve fenm,r elliclnls. a sort wlueli require expert legal knewi- .innuary and 1 ebrunry installments 01 jjr VilIinR nrRued the evidence en C- edge. Cerman reparations until It has received hich the Indictment was found was ', - the information requested In its letter 1 jml)relcr. He said re witnesses, who CT..,,,I T .,.! A ,p tm" German Government en Decern- ' Ktlfird. could pessih! hae seen cither ? (' OOViel lxeCOgillZea ber 10. Iimn ,KnlnR the alleKed illegal permltp . I . . nt.nnnnit tn.l nt ,l,rt fntliirn rtf til ,r.t " .. 1- .1... ...I... .t... v, . IlieH I 'mill f II .,,7 ,i.' "'"'" ,v '', .,"'",: ,.,.. "' auerney miiup " i,i jy ntiiiu vvn"vi.v aiiicii eiiprpm,- v.uuniji iu iiivik iiiui iu yT Mel nnnell hntl net nccn cnucd up- Cannes, Dr. Walter Rathenau (Ser- fro the United States commissioner or ., , , , many'B economic negotiator, who has tnp federal Grand Jurv. Tie said that tentlnncd from lese one bpc) , p0,Miitatleii with reparation , f01. n)) (i,op In the courtroom knew the cease its efforts te change the sjstem efliclnls here, will leave for Ilcrlln te- , nmnitH misht actually have been 01 Revernnieni in uinvr ceuiunr". iiiriu. Prime Minister Med GeerRe of Great Dr. Hathenau. when he arrived in Britain, In an address te the Council, l'aris, infeimcd the allied governments warned the allied rowers ttmi inc. tnreusn an intermediary mat no was LIH9Hw?nlHL'HHPRiHBsr 1 3H98B1B BAR POISON GAS, AMERICA URGES Powers Brand Submarine Com manders Disobeying Interna tional Law as Pirates ROOT PLAN IS AMENDED Governer Kdwards (left) and Governer Sprout lieldlnR (lie silver pick nnd sheel with which they did the first actual constructive work eh the Delaware Itlvcr llrldce at I'lcr tl today r I ANSWER y? slimed hv AlcCennell. Mr. WIlllnR also nrttueil that the in dictments aRninst llenner nnd Slater weie defective lie quoted n piirnsc, could net leek te any ethers but them- prepared te re te Cannes te i pluce before int jrnner nnd Slater. "In the per frelvcs te weil; out tlie economic re- ine council ine injures en uie u-ii i:ij - fr,nnnrP 0f their ilutx . did defraud the habllltntlen of Ktirepe. lie nppe.iled ments Germnte was able te make and f;Vprnment." The lawcr wanted te te the Allies te set aside prejudice and the dates upon which the pa ments could Ivnew 10W Mjs clients could defraud the work tORPther te this end. ' be made. Se sure was lie thut he would (jnvcrnincnt In the performance of their Mr. Idevd Geerge declared the Allies receive an invitation te proceed t" , ,tv- had reached n point where thpv iuut Cannes Unit lie reserved rooms in the , j't w, nTgWH further that Slater act declslvcl and broadly if the eco- Hetel Carlten, where all the delega-Mm(j nel1Pr i,ad net violated the crlm- jiemle structure of Kurepe was te bp liens are stepping. iunl c0(, nllt tliat the met that could saved. lie ald the present meetlnR Ne Mith invitation bavins material- , bc charged again't them was dercllc- of the Supreme Council was the most ized. Dr Rathcnnu and his party nn- i tlen of dut) with dismissal us the Important held smce the Armistice, and neunced their decision of returning te I njtv Tf t, Oevernment asprted that the public opinion of the erld Berlin bj tonight. 1 hey had net up 'slater and llenner had limed frail- J.. .!..! ..., .I,n 1'IIm trilrn i iili.p In till-. nOOI1. llOWPVPr. hlll'KlCll till their I ,.., ... ...I.. At- M'llllnn nnnllmiiul respensibilltips te revive Europe. i trunks, and appeared te be still heplus tnc Oevernment. in drawing up the in- tr,, 'r ... ni.nra.l...,. for an '-th-hour nltntlen. I dlctmenti ,a,l failed te state the permiu . . .... . i , .1 were traudulent. It has been sufigpstpd. he continued. CQpCrTQ p All lKnnn " that Great Hrltnin vm.s advising this iUarCO I 0 BHIl$IO,UUU I .,,-.,,- M OTOMAPH course In order te escape her eMiga- iNbnbUNfc IN O I UlYIHUtl Hen, but he declared this was untrue Themas Gallln Charged With Reb- ELEVEN YEARS, REMOVED nnd that Knslnnd was prepared te inrry Dlln, . .finrit, , ---- out nil her obligations. Asking per- blng Bank Runners of 56000 I mission te speak frankly en the sub- IIiul of $l.",000 was fixed l Judgt Petrified Bit Taken Frem Camden ject of Gerinun reparations, Mr. Ideyd Audenreld tcdny in the habeas corpus Weman by Operation Uepree said: I lieariug et x nemas i.nuin, iwenij-enc. . M . niik. f ment fruits 'CUDAHY-FRANCIS WEDDING HALTED AT ELEVENTH HOUR , Packer's Sen and Brlde-to-Be Van ish Without Explanation Xjes AnReles, Jan. O.-A society wedding, scheduled te take place today ' and which would have linked two prom- n! r d T Die.inni "cn- nnd wenlth.v families, bus beeu Denies P. R. T. Plans te Include .uUcd off bccnuM thc brWe ntl, Ml,e. MAYOR ON TRANSIT By lhe Associated Tress Wodhlnglen, Jan. 0. Consideration of Riibmnrlne questions was concluded today by thc five rowers' Naval Com Cem Com tnlttce vlh adoption et thc final Reet resolution declaring submnrlne com cem miinders who, with or without orders from their government, violate the ex isting international law en' submarine warfare, te be guilty of piracy. Thc American delegation, through RIlliu Reet, thereupon brought lertli n new proposal te prohibit the we of poison gas In future wars. It was said te have been received favorably, but a decision went ever until tomorrow s meeting. , . . , The piracy resolution ns adopted by the Nnvnl Commlttce was widened In Its scope se that Its application would be net only te cemmitnderH ei suu ...,.... ...t.ii. .ii, f vinlnte the rcceg- nlred laws of war, but also commanders , of naval vessels of any character. 1M u .... . ,i.i ,nnaiapntinn ni ine uiik- i Inal Reet proposal was net tllclepca In the official announcement which carried the resolution ns It was adopted. The resolution n finally n!li;i,tc'i.mn,'! clear the liability te punishment for hImpv nt suhinnr nc commanders, re gardless of whether their act was et their own inltinuve or uim .... - crnment's orders. . . ., The crime of PV.1n,,,e1w?"':,nIf';li te violations of existing inJcrnntlenBl law in attacks en merchant ships eh laid down in the first two Reet rco rce rco lutlens adopted by the committee jes terday. and would net relate U the third noet resolution, which was ex plained te be a new agreement applying at present only te thc five principal naval Powers. Call Poison Gas Inhuman Agency The subject of poison gas developed ., inn,i mi elipnilcal warfare sue- mltted by the American Advisory Cem- rVmsMnrnrf for Senate PLEA OF INSANITY.FAILs'1 w". -" i Trt piiir isi ifA 7 U iu ehvc eLHitri Ur- WIFE Man Convicted of First Degree-Mu acrnna win uie' in Chair' William1 Uchjaniln wes Cem) first-deftTcc murder tins afternoon fet the killing of his wife, Matilda, jne. 17. He had elected today t, tn'Wtf chance with the jury en the argumw! of his counsel, supported by etner wh. lieges, Hint he'wai net incntnl'y n. spensible when he shot her. Hcvcrnl witnesses testified tltnt In seemed te be in a highly nervous ttili of mind end acted quccrly befere M trnirpilv. Others tCBt fled tn 1,1. J '! eus geed clinractcr. ?1' iicintivt's iinu iriuuus ei the am.) woman wept when Assistant Dlatrlct Attorney Kelly, In addressing thc jiirr recalled the manner of her death nt ill hands of the man. who. nftpr w.T , ling her te leave him and go en u work te earn ner own living, i,j hounded and harassed her and finallt killed her. He asked for a first-dfm wrdlct. m . Renjamln received the verdict of Riillty without any sign of emotion Ills counsel was given until Friday tj ll!e rcahens for a new trial. f! i ' K til KabtMlM mnrv .' my &y: s MM ' mi, k A:: i-.'-""-, " "L" in Its Valuation and Upholds His Offers groom aru both mysteriously missing, having left this city nnd gene In oppo site directions. ' Jehn 1 Cudah.v , son of thc late Jehn SAYS BOARD RULES FARES Cudnhy, pioneer banker nnd meat packer, of Chicago, was te have mur- ricd 012011015 WHARTON PEPPER Well-known lawyer, who Jumped te Uie fore today among the. possi bilities ns successor te Senater Pcnrose nt Washington McGINN MURDER SUSPECT TESTIFIES IN OWN DEFENSE In mlltee, recemincndlng prohibition ',,, COnvlcted of " poison gab tin nn Inhuman ugencj of M!pllllpl ii.ntcen war. Mr Reet presented a reselut en und Michael i nicen te the committee cmoed.vinR mc i clplcs of thc Advisory Committee s rec ommendations. ' ,, Itulv Immediately announced aimc- Ien te the proposed' American principle. Inekesnien of the ether Powers desired Splnelll Denies He Toek Part Slaying of Detective Salvaterc Splnelll, en trial before Judge Bell for the murder of Detective Jeseph McGinn, October 2, 1020, testi fied today In his own defense. Splnelll Is alleged te have been one of ten New Yerk gunmen who were holding up a gambling house when McGinn entered und was shot. Christopher Murrane has already flrst-deRrce murder, nlcenc Is serving nineteen te twenty years for nccend-degree mur der. Three ether defendants bcslde Splnelll, arc te be tried. Splnelll said today he had come here nnd met a brother he had net seen for The lllgllt Ot tllP sneuung in: GETS BRIDGE SOUVENIR Patrolman Grabs Parachute That Dropped Ribbons en Phi la. ' Traffic Patrolman Harry 1'. blv, tins the first souvenir of the new Delt-' ware River Hrldgc. It Is thc pan. chute loosed from Its position la (J, hydroplnne which stretched the em blems of unity iicresg from Camden Philadelphia. When the living plant was skipping ever space at Rncc street the aviator Hung the parachute te the breeze. Then there was a serambli Men, women, children and police, the latter en horseback, all made a datl for the coveted souvenir. Man anj horse wen. Fire In Physician's Office ' A defective chlmnev leading from an open fireplace In the office of Dr Gcerge G. Ress, 1721 Spruce street' caught fire today, causing slight damg te the partition. Thcre were no tia ticntB in the office nt the time. Ml.... T n..!ti el..Hln. IVnnnlu t .... --- . - -- - , - ,... .,. , M.AHinnn urAnndn in ii pnr. t,., .. . ,r . r .. .. ... .I, ... i . . I... AVM.m.in inn ...iiit'i.iuii invjrvn., ,.. .. - uepivingtoeojp.ui.ns,.COy .i.yer. , , the .laughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. "';","V,i ,i s,( that the subject snd his brother asked mm te go te ill. I .Phi Tran it Ceinpnnv. Mr '"l I lnncIsV former Cnlted S.nf.s Senater d 7s "edav by Secretary Hughe, und body te held their hands ,, bpnci. n'LWhls and Geinor of Rhede lsla.,,1. . . I Mr. Reet in Its support, were te be m.1,1 here was shoe tug. IU mI 1 he iniiiilbntinn te Richard Wegleln, presl- The engagement, was announced uy distributed later today te ine ."""'- ' " dent of Council Mrs. Pruncls, thc gills mother, last IgatienH for examination with u vlevy te arrested. ,, flj.i .,, knew Mur- Mr Mliten's letter sets forth that 1,1, ' month. A that time the imirrlnRe was disposal tomorrow Tlie Reet resolution p hlnelll U.e n kne Mur Ul llvl "There must be Reneral agree- charged with having held up two Cern ...V,?," st rwt near Pour h Camden, ent of thc Allies. Pulling this, the lelmnRe National Itnnk runners. It mI Sa shbene Tedav' 1 1 c beu ultH of ppiice will ret ungathered." is charCed he get $15000 from them, thc ,e ved a Coener Hospital. It "The Allies.'1 he continued, "must pa roll of a mill. The money mh - '7X!? .A.hvskuans s a ed b nllnunnnn fr-r npl, ntliBr'M Unr rrMt.ml. The rnhberv occurred ''ttll petritietl. tile pll.VSlUlins MIlllU. make allow nnces for -acli ether's never recovered. The robbery occurred opinions. Toe much has been heard n month age. nt T vvcnllctu and auaain it individual claims and Interests. All ' streets. ' the. Allies have just claims. It is The bank runners are Henry DIshcr propeitui presrnis uu incrviiM-ii inn- i"..--" - ,,.,,, '..,.,, ' . . ...i...vintin wnl 1 . . . ' .., . ...,- t... .,. 1... I.f Vn,i- Venr,u nnhin nn.l If ,11,1 'Plii, llkrt 1,1 UIir OI nSllllVXlatlng. P01 M IT or un derfhe la test BrVc mint: snvs net happen:' Last week Miss Pranc.; soneus or analogous l.nuids or materials h: I, Fa nkferd "l"" will net 'be snld the wedding would take place or devkes having bee,, justly condemn d in.dudcl iu tin- P. It. T. valuation und within a lew dajs. by he general opinie, of the ib ;ili..ed answers a number of ether objections The prospective bridegroom myste- vver Id and u. prehlbl V.011, .?" ,','i? nuviiiK nccn "'ul .'" ';-s' s.. a majority of the civilized Powers arc which the Miner made te Mr. Mitten' offer of December ,11. Mr. Mitten's letter follews: "I nn, sendliiR .von herewith draft of lease or agreement lis nibmltted h.v ileusly disappeared from his apartment nt the Hetel Ambassador ever a week age, leaving no lerwnrdlng address. in rlv , I . ... , 111.1! "New te the end tnni tins iireuiuuiuu lY Mm Dill. a uld 'hi' siiffcrrd much nain during the eleven jcars, but only 'Majer Moere te City ( euncil .M.inh e"erlav Wame Inspired with enough HI. HKM. but made te conform te the ' . , .. --.. .. 1 Ul.. ' li.rmi. nt im lnlllr III Mill OI I ICCC II - ' ....,.. :,.... ... . . ,. ,. ". ....., . ,- mi .. i. ,..! nerve 10 nave me ausu icmu, uw- ,-." recognized, men. tnnt :iu nave simerpii nnd narry iv.ramcr. Eisner iteiuvvij : .,, i ,,. and sacrificid some, it is true, mere , identified Gnllln ls new '"ng "' ' than ether'. All the sacrifices are net Gallin was released en probation a ,.,,-, ai-kit uni nilD MAM recorded In evidence v( devastation, vear nce en n malicious mischief charge, JAIL eU-UtN I MULLllr I1AII Although formidable, this is the least i,v Judge Fluletter. and although Judge part of the havoc aud devastation pinletter occupied the bench today with Antj e Used Gun te Get Loet Frem wrought by the war." Judge Audenreld, he declined te accede, u..P "I usk leave te speak for my own ,., ,hp renuest of Assistant District btereKeeper itrv." Mr I.Ievd Georce continued i,ia,ihht Tmilnne. tlint he commit the. rive venrs in nriseti for two crimes, . -. .."... ..."...-.- - . -- .-.- ---- - ..: . . . ,, man en the previous charge. rc of them a tnirty-ceni nein-un, wu niTuni ir PI CDfiV OUICTCn shall tc universally accepted as Ji part Cardinal Dougherty of international law, binding alike the I consciences and practice et nations, tne Announces signatory Powers declare tncir uscm te lie uuumi ARREST 3 AS BOOTLEGGERS Had 48 Quarts of Smuggled Cognac, Dry Agents Say Pertv-elght mturts of Italian cognac, which the Federal agents say were smuggled Inte the United States, ro re Miited today iu the arrest of David II. Kvle. 727 East Chelten avenue; l.d- ward Geff, 08115 Redman street. and DEATHS! Channen In Parishea . Mich. proJ.lDltlen. agree te ue nu , , , ( Hulmcs, Jr., Vu,m Ueurtlnna 1t. Ml lll'II -- - - i ,--. ,i. hntu ftrtll I HPniSPIV I'.4 UI1I1 I1V1L ' . '. tm .. -- ...l..n.i.l uni nn Iwimla I "With reference te suggestion- con- The following clerical appointments n nt-ipr cvjM(j nntlens te adhere I f .Une c nV h tallied In Mujer Moere's letter of je- and trauffers have bicn uiineuiiccd by thereto." , , , Kvle Geff and Hulmcs were arrested ilerdnv te City Council I dcsiic te sub- I nrdiiial IJeughcrlv : American delegates pointed out that lVliiwnre avenue nnd Seuth street mlt the follewing: ' , Ihe Rev. ( harles A Mi-Nan vc. te i th ,,rep0sC(i prohibition of poison gns ll ,.nHtem guards, who say the men "Citv-bullt Kinnkferd '!.' will net be assNtnnt rector of St. I elin.in s . declaration of the Trcuty of ., L iinimr in thilr nosse-slen. Thc country "It has been nnsumed that she did net suffer from the war. This Is gressij .untrue. We are pajing- 110.000.000 "annually In pensions alone, and 100. 000,000 te the unemplejed. Tlu-e nr but two rpsults of our participation. It has been assumed that Great Britain suffered lss because she balanced her budget. She did this because she un CAMDEN COUNCIL BARRED imposed tedaj en Maud Randelph, u egre be Included in P. R. T. valuation; eiilj v liurcii. Ardiiierc. 1 Vcrhiiillcs the exact returns made bv V. K. i no uev. vv iina m . . i egnrtj. uh- m,v Korni Part of Treaty te the cltv will be included bj P. R. I. , "'t-tant rector of St. lelmuii s. Anl- i Maj 1-erm I art ei J reaij for nite-ninkliiR purposes. mere, te be assistant rector of St. Ga- . As te whether the resolution regnrd- "The cost of the Friinkferd 'I.,' as briel's. Ing poison gas will be made a part of ,.,...;.. .,... f iu ... 1,. Tim ltr.iv AiifMBtln .T. Sclmlti' nsslst. il, ,,.n.il iriintv nr wi 1 be drafted Inte apsrriecii in uie uriui. i .- m "- ...:... -. ;v;r ;:i iii:. .;,.: r.. r ."" r....v ...'.. '.r . . ...,ii,,..i nesPss prisoners were talten oetere i niieu States Commissioner IrOiig, vvlie fixed the bail. AGAINST SENATE "PAIRS" Randelph and Walter Webb were f()p Cit you,,,, pen which the P. I ant reel or of St. Gabriel's, te be assist- i n-parute convention or be centlind convicted of larceny of a handbag con- ., ,,, nroI,esPS te pay u return te the nite rector et the Church of the Truns- , te a detdarulieii of the Conference wns. Qeran proposes te Abolish Leng !i,,nln. A October a fnmj Kula i pi;v ;)pli;,p a- tlmt tll0 Majer con- figuration. .,,, ,. , -..Id te be unsettled. Heme American , Established Custom All Readv With Fleat for Bridge . .. . .. VVl,. oe rinrrett Mtreet Parade, but Ph.ia. ueay hbikb SP'-CP(, ,0 Iline months. . "" " r " T - tl ',wee,t' In- ' rector of the Transtiguratlen Church. U,..uVh net technically u naval subject, Camden c ity l eunell and tne amuen Rnndelnh also was convicted of rob- .,, A, nn .iln rim.iI)ul of the te he assistant rector of St. Philip it might go into the naval trcutj Webb I tP;(l! f))p when ne pnys; ''the city might , The Rev. Hugh P. Rend, assistant delegates believed It probable thut, nl- - m . ....-..-.."- I' I lll'N. I II II lllll lll- III tliv lliui w -- - -- ------- ---. - .. dertoek greater ebligat ions, ner taxes iwnnty iiwru m i i-uinni ..... mi lilrv vause et uie tniriy-cpnt neiu-i , , , . blI, is0 ti. cenernl con-i Nen s. The are the highest in the world. tuke part in tnp nniige e'lruue in uiat ,jp ; the store of bhermnn Woodsen, ,. ,lV,rlicads. which ate Included The Rev. Jeseph I ngar te be rector , dratted und adopted follews: In hi- enlv brief referpnee te the .-itv nnd hen" today. I his was de- ,-,,, j.-at Sharpnnck street. Randelph . ,i1P jtnnd Transit Company it&elf pre tcni. of St. Stephen's Church, "The slgmilerj Powers, dexlung Ur United States he declared : "I wan sm- . ideil en nt n late hour lust night, ,.ntprPd th" store November 'J nnd de. . ,niu,.tien testlmenv before the Allentown. insure the enforcement of humane rules wtfly hopeful that the great Republic when Jeseph k. ( ostelle. secretary of nmn,c,i thirty cenLs. Woodsen refused, j...!..',. Service Commission.' The Rev. Stephen Wjberski, assist-i f esMlng law declared b them with of the West might have joined hands the commission, se informed Councilman u,lt rin,1K,.d bin mind quickly when . . Abcul ant rector of St. Jesnphat's. Mann-, respect te attacks upon and scijsuie n-lfti nu T Mill tint nrp-limp tn iTnn FrcHprii'K V Oil Nellln. I)n.,.l.,!nli drew ll revolver. .-sits l-aifce '"" , ,, ... l. kkk,,ii reelni- nf Sit Pnxl. ,i.l .levlriieHen of lllClCbatlt blllPS, fUT- The Camden ( Ify ( euncil spent Si 00 j.nu, .fne Rnndelnli was shot in the "Hustlcten line will require live one- , ,,,. ui...nn1l1i.li ... .V.. .,..,.! a ' iirv ...... ..-. "-'- . .; "... . . .. l. -....!. 1.1 1... !. ..I A ' '- en floats nnu tne rreeiieiners iswn. inis jnt. umi fg while resisting arrest ej man cars te un iniMi.it,. u ...- -,.j. work was done with thp idea that the patrolman who caught him with live This line, with free transfers te elo ele Plillndelnhia Council was te take part Ph!pi(l,nu In n bair. He escaped lire-e-, vutdl. u second fiuc te (.ettinnn Jtreet ....l., knnncn Mil. nuner or f he plileken-r umi nii-r eillll. will nuii-'urii us imii-iui- ...i.i ,,nr hi. lnentp.l. inir cestn by ninny theii-iimls of dollars ZIONIST QONCERT SUCCESS any opinion upon the attitude of thut country. It has its own reasons. Net Pre-German Apologist The British Premier said he had al ways been placed iu the dangerous po sition of keekilfg te stand up fur the Germans and that denunciation of this apparent position vvai a cheap waj of winning applause. "I'm net a pro-German apologist. " hn declared "I have nlvvajw snld. nini say new. that the German Government lmI,0rtant event." mUSC pay te wie nimu-i iiiiiii hi lis capacity for the damage It has done. Bat like lnwjcrs we must consider the case nnd decide unaniuied-iy wnnr measures must be t.ikpn in order te yng en Couch With Coffee Ove eecure payment. When Grpnt Itrilum ilahtless Durner -J-.1...1 ..-.,.. r,,hl,, I iiinnni Inln LianUCSB OUrner ?B,IWU : ,:" ".;.. " ,, ,...., tt .u,,.. .. ,.n. f the nrecram banltruptcy. nip iii net ,..,v.. ,. ... r, -"- -. "''"' '"Z I ", ,, ., fpntlirp Qf the bill w..-ii.e tercst of i ermauy in mum n timtign n.preeme n. mis ....- .n,,. ...uK m nCr L. V. r.i nn,,,n.n ,t Gemanj alwajs'has been i:..Rlun.l ,oem, 11 West Jeff.r-en street, She repennfc , in ' r" -'', iiii.i rlll . ,,"""-", : i i ii ,, ,i 111 tlie uemnnsiriiiieii. 1 Whatever was desired we agreed te," said Mr. von Neida, this morn inc. "After nil. this was a Philadelphia nffnlr. net one of Camden's. The Cam den elbcials did net take part. There is no friction nnd we did everything European String Trie Featuree the jhsiiiip ie ue sure .,. iiuiiuuuj in una program ,l,er ilpelnrn that iiuv ncrbeit ill the ri.P Upv. .lesenh C.Klnsinsl.l. ns- servlrp of nnv Power who shall violate slstant rector of St. Mary's. Reading, uny of these rules, whether or net such te he assistant rector of St. Jesapluit's, person ls under orders of n govern- MHimjiink. 'mental superior, shall be deemed te The Rev. Jeseph K. Hldus. te be as- I have violated the laws of war und shell ,;,, n.i. , Xlnrv'u Tlei.illnir I l,n i;,,ll In trinl find IllinlslllUUnt US il a return upon cltv investment ' rTh ..... u'tenhen J.' Vnlcsek. assist- I for nn act of t.lracy and muy be brought ing cestn by ninny theu-amls of dollars. "The P. It. T. should net be nsked Established Custom Washington. Jan. . (P.y A. P.) A vps.iI nt luii designed te break up the fetiith Reet resolution as re- I ,)Wi pstuhllshid custom of Senate pmrt. Wll- intredliceu ieii.iv e.v eei.ai.'r ier.ui, Republican. Idaho. Proposed as an amendment fe thc Semite rules, the resolution specifically provided that here after pairs should net be recognized unless n Senater was detained at home by illness or absent nn efficinl business of the Senate. i In nnv in the Uiisticien line. GAS OVERCOMES WOMAN r.ft,innrl frien Inst iiiclit in the ' ' :- ., v. .1 ,7. n ii , Ulll Oil M'ems ll.l.lv.-s-ll... eiuiu in.- i.i- Aster Oslne h.v the North Philadelphia , t, Vt Ui Ti property ter rate' Zionists w.i.s acclaimed h.v nn audience makln,. r,,escs is net likclj te he tin-' of 1.100 people. ,, , tt,rminPli for from three te five . The uffulr was one that had few nj,ch (nrt jH, I believe, admitted l equals for a chur tj event, both In at- -, , depurtmeuts of both citj und tLndance and in the reiimrkable nnd-- "..,.,.' I IM.l.Htll. , ..,.. A( t nnu' r'lniw,!, 1l,llu. In rlnl hefnre flip civil Or military "City requirement that thc 1 rank jp, h,B t 1)P niHtant lector of St. iiutherltieh of any Power within the ford "I." eiiernting n(,reeinent "hnH ' Aiuln-w 't. Catasuiiqua. ' jurlwlictten of wheh he muy bn found, automatically terminate -ix months The Rev. Jeseph M. fina, assistant! Though unpiecedented progress is be ufter finnl iidjiidlciitien of 1 . R. 1 . vu rpc(0r of St Andrew's. Cutnsauqua, te ing made by ceuunltteeH In the disposal in. "If Paragraph A in Section f was ehiniuated, Paragruph 11, which re- erven te the city tne rigni., in any be assistant rector of St. Agnes'. WOMEN DEMAND RIGHTS Representatives of Eastern States Discuss Sex In Industry Newark, N. J., Jan. (1. (By A. P.) Working women will go ns far us any O'MALI.KY On Jan. C, DAVID, m4i .f Martin nnd Anna O'Mallry (nde lluntfurf 4 mentlu, Iltlivttvrn unit frlcndi InvltMti ttrjl the funernl en Haturdny. Rt 1 r M 2210 N, Jamlwrt st. Interment Hely Creii Cemeterv. OTTINdEn. On Jiin. 4. 1022, THOMAS It . son of William T nnd Inte Hornc Ottlnsrer. nued 17 yearn. Kclattvej uij friends Invited te funeral rvltes, en Simn day. nt " I'. M.. st fnther'a rcldnce. Ill Hermit lane. ItoxbnreuKh. rrltnds may tm Vtlday evenhur. Irterment private, ITir ITir Insten Cemeterv. WAI.KBH Jnn , KKTl'HAII r.-rth of i:dwln J Walker. nd 72 iratn. rtili Uvea and friends ire Invited te nttend ih. funeral prvlce. Baturdny, 1,30 P. jj, n ner line rrniucn.-e. inin i tesa Bl inierment prlnte Hemalns may be viewed FrlJir after 7 I' M llltHNN'AN Jan. (. 1022. CATHAnlSE nee Ifehlll). wlfe of WIMIam Rrennan Bdi. lives ami friends are Invited ue attmil fu neral, Mei-Jav. 8 A. JI . fmm lir late rei deuce, 4011 Htnlaen nt . Oleucefter, N, J Hlsli ma nt St. Jtary'a Church w A. X. Interment St. Marv'n Cemtery , ItOHKltTH At Woodbury. .V J.. Jin. I MARTHA WHITR. daiuhter uf Rowland B and I.uclle Whlle Roberts. In her Sth (ir, Services will be held Monday a(tnioe1. 2:30. at 70 Aberdeen place, Woodbury, X J, Interment private DIUNKKIt. On Jaif n. JAMES BLATH WAITI' PItlNKBII. Jr., son of Jamfn Ultth alte nnd Mary Trances iJrlnker. FlmtiI and Interment prlvnte MatKINO.V -Jan. R, AGNES, widow et Samuel .MacKinnen. Relatives and trn)i are 'nvlted te nttei.I funral services, Men 'i I M . precisely at her late rdmt t'adwalader nve. and hheemaker read, Etklri I'nrk. Pa Intermnt rlvate. McCAllE Jan. ft. JOSEPH W McCABE Ilelntlves and friends and nil societies e! which ha was a member are Invlled te tt"il funeral services. Monday, 1 P, M, residence IPO.". E C'helten nve. Interment prlvvta, IU mains mav le vlwcd Sunday. 7 te 0 P, M HASWEI.I, On Jan. i. 1022, EVtiLT.V M HASWEI.I.. duUKhter of Ellafccth Smith. Funeral Monday. 8.311 A. M . from the rett rett dence of her brother, 7237 West O.ett-f plka. Iteauleni lilnh ninss nt 10 A M., St M M nnen Chunli, lllehland Park. IiitermiBt llnl C'niMs Cemeierv. I.INTO.V.- On Jan. , 1022, IIUWARD B', husband of Kllza A. l.lnten Itelatlvea an' friends Invited te eervlce en Monday. J 30 I M , nt his Inte residence, 0111 Columbia nve Interment private. Trlends may Mil Hurdnv evenlna. QflNN Inn r., PATUICIC Ot'lVV M ntlv.s nnd friends nrn Invited te attend lr iithI MniKliv, (i-.IO A. M.. from CIS tirmki nve. Wett Philadelphia. Hlph mn as. at St. (iri-Ki r. h Church, 10 A M Interment He'T Crus i enieter Mil. VIED - At the relden'-e of his ten. fiepl'n Vllletnl, Jr. l,ni) Monre at rnl'i dflphli, en Jan it 11122. s rKPIIBS Mlb riTED, r of IlHininotiten S .1 In hla 8t5 iMr IllHilven nnd friends nlse Ola Mittr Makere' Asn nf riilladelpl.la are InvlH tn the ,.ervleis nn Metnlaj jflernnen. at J (..tuck, ut the tuner Ji Jie.ir mat. its' Chestnut si Interment pri.slr 1 rl'iide .n.i rnll at 1S2U Chestnut .it. hunday, fret. 7 te 10 P. M PATTEIIHiini Jnn .1 r.vrm.RIMS widow nf Hubert M I'lttersen nlatbe and friends. ale LenKun of the aercf If -art are Invited tn attend funeral. Men ,a s an A M., from her late realdend 1041 Harlan ut ' Solemn l.lch rnas Church of the tli-su. 10 A. M Interment Hely Sepulchre Cemetery. eMlie rcinninlnir naval questions, It was sila today bv llie HrltlBil Kneiirsmnn j that there ,vas net the falntcm chnnee of BCttlns mnlti'is in shape for a plcn- ar.v session this wcclt. With indication;, of growing frirtien between tin- Japanese and Chinese ever the Slinntuiitf eontrevcrsy, their meet ing tedav held little premise of a bnak i iu tlie deadlock ever return of the Kiao Chovv-'lVlnenfu llnllread te uniim. Important Necklaces Of Pearls Of Diamonds J. E.CALDWELL & Ce. Jfewtanv - Silver - STATtem-RY Chestnut and Juniper Streets liatt rustomer 'l lie worn tninc tne van town-i u.i mi..-i i.fi.ii .-r- .inn m-ui -"."-. v. ." :. .i i.n.,..i. ...i .. t me after live yi-uri, ie luiinii.uu- i..v .,.. , t,, ri,i fnP fi r -ht. ns vrm. r:r." ... . . 1.1 i i - . ... f-. if..mtn u iaa u tea nn .1 Liwtit mn.i u ji in it i m iuki nun i uu i v ... . ...,.. .i - num .l' ,.,...... - -.... w - maSk Z'Z,r' ll. ;;"KrfVh.n-V.V..'",l tUn , frln.U J irrUSdm UX&lXt for .U'rl and for en,,al n0mi, rights ..a-7e,..n-rn7A, C E tlen a UuRUa is new In. when. ,e Mrs. Hern wtm l.vingen n reueh un- Other leaiuies.ei me r were; - ,,ur,lSt.,, insuring eontinueiis with men. Kthel M. Smith, secretary df MHI UHUT VVHn I niHUO would be in crenter dunce, .mil where mnvoleus. while a pnl I of eeffec wns en "I audio 1 -a-'. ' tm am i p e- ( ,rnt,n for five yearn and leaviiiu the Nntieiml rsiHlatlve Committee of Oernwii Taiueil te I'a.v Failure te Keen Ud te Specification. . .,,Uu e n T in ion? U cannot be ehiinRed by the eempiinv , -. . I political circles today, Occnbten for '" "- "M irrnaT ank J m "" n '"' ' ""? Vf 'Oermiiiu'.i eap.ieltv te pnj dcpeiulH hal,u"! ," P' Agreement Vlth P. R. T. In 1907 , , I'enn-.vlvenia law. until llim. "Vl WP wu net lecl. our stnn(1. I m,cIi comment was furnished by the CtLUrraMn 1 N, upon her "eV'lK.. trade Stntin,ei.PtH u. Ce6ts M0 ,n Dember I Ca,8 for N,ckel CaP R,de8 Wiinntie,, of the value of the prep- ItV(1t;IV,!li.n .'wdwiu noPeur- '""ting of the war guilt commleMeu of wSm? !i,te her inleriial wealth me inUcadiua When the entvvhlle strect-oleanlns A pessll)le tent bj the cltv of .lie 1007 crty uheil in -.iippl..ii ' '''f- .,. . nelveH put oppertunit.v in the employers' i the l.eacue of Nntlens at the Quay 1 ijatiemw. .nd incencliiHlve. Her e-.purt trad. ..ntrneterN reeelved their unv today fer1 i,,, between the cltj and the V. "Uecard ng the earnwl m 'H h of i de th(. ,l0n.M0 ,)l()srC3S of ,11'Oreey late thlH afternoon. 1 jjAjnt AjUht revive if she miMt Puj what she I ""ember, l'ttl. they were ?5 100 short. ifr T (.nmp.U)V was discussed teda the I'. TL. T. for 10-1. I iu sp . I T1 mM.tlnf, ,,, tQ Cemp(,re ACT J.Ve. It is new enl.v 'J." per cmt of '1 IiIh ihertnee was purpeHCly made be- ,'. AsslKtnnt City Solicitor Itesenbnum fully refer te in '';V' V.ls.mners nm v The hpcaher aReitcd that working reports prepared in accordance with W Jj the pre-war liure The icetoratien of . iiuce of fines Imposed bv the Director "W c 0scar Iliaslev, counsel for the ' published in all dnjly newspapers, . ejij , kncw bfttir than any women In instructions from the Allied Supreme V ' ' ' ftantcni and Seiithc.ietein Kureut i l I'ublu A erks f..r fnllurc en the ,.',,. Business Men's AKsociatlen and I herewith Inclesed.' I the world the difference between actual CeudcII nt its meeting in l'aris last vltnl te the health of the world. If purt of the street ileaner.s te live up, r.ivwi,.n T.nnrnvemnnt Asseel.itlnn. eeiinlltv and theoretical equality. ' August. . . . L MM . " . ... , a. .. ..Mil .. al.A .vinn Uieni In nu "aitf ' - - i ,. .. ,. ...-iiiA A I I In r 11 n D I I nlIIIRH " I Tli ft PAnnrre Af thA I Tniyllcn nml link W ll 1 CaTaTaTaTkataBTaTam. U . I Ulna , rv imi ilia IT lllJ Will' 1(1 111 I riMl llll Ullllll' ml.1 fAT es,,AinAnf nlilllwl Ins n lii'A 1 I I II I I 1 I I I V V u iu in I I f I I IVI li . "' I a in iv,i'uiiu ti iiii, aiiiKiiiiii JIIU- Mm.-m'-i UIU Jkllii- mw -- t"..: .l i 1 IIP linjl usircinum. '.uiiui twiuiiivrV1unUUIOOIIIVIbl1WtrfWwt'twifiri III TIUH Hlllll Hl DLU'L'l l.llimifc Ull'l I . .11 -- fIM.. t nnmntsn .... - . a I ' .--. ... 'ill. iiiiiii I kill i . in. ,,.i'ui i, v. i . -. l (iiiBii h - r n u iui r" uu UICO 111 IIUIIIl- Ml lilejd li''rgn declared that re- assessed S3445, .. 1. All.. nr.H a . nn .idlAI-t. All N.I J.J ! , - - ... stiensihllllv rest. n ,,e victor, If " , V "bce Ve lee'iorTwere 'forced ? . I. ? "XT"1?, .ll U, III' -4.IHI, l"f 'a 1(iw I . -tftr Krlivln son " i.-, w. -v ,,.,, ..... lr w. mui Il IIII" CUMil (V ".uni .l.lii'i .......a. . ,. -. iti,,n1. .tvia, OOHtL hT iIiet trv te cciine vrlll be condemned bv the voice of our pUtlllC Wlllcli is exiieriini; us hi ii.-i lie declared tlmt lleMievik prepn- ganda must be topped, lie luld great 'miphttsis upon the j x.i n t that (ircat ' rltain herself had suffered from it In ie Kast , Ships at l-reneli jrr. Mevd Ceorge referred te the ertjujllee agaliist dealing with n nation ' wbetui hands were stained with bleed. iml ediled, evidently referring te the recent agreement between Trance nnd thc Turkish Nationalists nt Angera : ' "I knew of Ii (iei eminent which 'oulfe lecentlv willlnglv took the hand Of OH Ushiim-Iii ill one purt of the Last I de net sec hew we can dntw the line V. fctveen the two We must have pence tcrywhere In Asia Miner." Al this point I" J,r- M""' eerge s k AdilrcM. I'rem'er Ilrlnuil in snid te linvV remarked with a smile that he jmult! the aciiuiilnlaiice of tjie IttrUisIi UatliimilbU envejn in (rumlnn "Nn.e ivlM fellow the iiellc.v M ?UeiVii(f tiuiifiiitml at the Ij'iniiiie I nip I Ml ,,-.., -.. . ;. I la-l MJiiifre. "wlmu he deelhred f .. . . .' i., I., ll-n.ii,i relnlnns 1 J n,Jtsai, jl'WJ w "' "l' "r.'TJI, with IWJaM'Uie W sa" preciBUBcu II V.ire ne-irlv half the total tines During 10-0 the total fines collected h the dty from contractors was S-1,-,.000 tleliets for twentv-hve cents The l' nlted States Supreme Court several months age held, in u San An An An toneo once, th'it a mntract ltween a T0KI0 NEW COAL ORDER WITHHELD $100 Menth Jeb Atvaits Man With Most Children Octogenarian Statesman Had De- Arguments In Williamson Cane End voted All Hl Life te Country With Deth Sides Still In Dark Tolile, Jan. 0 Marquis Shlgenohe Indianapolis, Jan. (I. ( By A. 1) i,v n,,.l n trellei emminnv hinds l,..tl, ,.... t,nn' octeeenarlun states-' ArKUincniH evv. ine uh.ihik ei i.cn- I nnrtieM f the city had the riiht te make ""' "3... I. l.ls home here today. eial Judge A. Ji. Aiiwibjin tj ten-nenary ' .l-.i ...i ,i.. ,. .i:,"" . iii inict en in inc. jieniiTiunn ueni ier- " " ' - ...l.iMu ............ AHn.....i -r ...namm nice AC PI nTUIMP. poratien chi. u.... r ... .- . uhu WUIYIHIM un-e ns uu u , forts ih contract, and that such a contract must be respected by a State public service commission. i Ian members of thc commission v.ere thnt they were reasonably satisfied with results of the l.elpslc trials. The French and Iielglun members submitted ndverse reports. In view of this division, the opinion nppeared te prevail that further proceedings would net be pressed. IIKI.I WTKn MU.H Votingtewn, ()., Jan. 0. -fliy A. I iMnyer Oceige f. Oles today offered a'jeb at $100 a month, with rent fr" nnd garden space, te the v,miiu'ste' n iiiiiii who hn the larg e't tiiii.ih of hildien. The place 1h that of guard nl the cit's rcser rcser veir, Oles today udvi'ed all city em pln.ves te "lie economical, because it doesn't leek ns if jeu'H get any pay for a while." Collect.en of taxes has been held P be'iimc a recent imiluiitinj' ii in litigation, and se fur Olcii has mail. no move te bor row money In anticipation of ta,eii( i ' 'ii ' ENO'S SANITY QUESTIONED Disliked Columbia, but Gave It $6, 000,000, Lawyer Saya New Yerk, Jan II 'I hat Ames !'. Kim disliked colleges and i ollege edu cation and thut. therefore, he was mcntnllj unsound when he willed mil mil leus te Columbia, wus thc argument vesterday In Surrogate's Court of Max D. Steuer, chief couesel for rome of Mr, Kiie'b relatives who are endeavor ing te set his will aside. The instrument disposes of $14,000, 000 and names Columbia as the re-ldu-,ri I. . en lee for n share of nhnut .SO.- i 000,000. Mr, Kue'h heirs at ,w, in I Lin IbIiim'i n-i A nn m ty.il fA9 e.TPUCC PIPP IM HFR HOMFfiehl in LiH i vin.w vver AS3ISTANT HOuKKI5I.IM.7t wantfil In fac tery In Taoe.n dlatrlcti l4tu experlnn nr.il (Wte.1 aulary AdiJrcas I' Has I.nlKnr emc. lU'HINKSS niTOKTUMTUiS ti) unionize the Wllllnmsen coal n West Virginia and Kentucky. ere cenclutlcd in court here tedaj ...,.u.,fr n .lerisien as te ten rent nl Mrs. Jennle Gllmere, Ceral Street, I jhV'new order. ' $ )0 .000cn",h Vurt .,0 s,,tery 1,eul "" '",,!', ..i.. .. nv nr.ler iu n,e i frn P ""wv ante InveitmcM . wll ea VICXim iiriurt " i ' i ., " " pr ent. 1011' OlenMued. l'h C.il 180 ' ,. nn f.i was net brought out during the nrgu- ', i--j.-r- - -zz " Mrs .leniiK t.ilnierc, ie!l reral v' um (.0rt nd counsel expected , JJi'siNMs i-kiisiin.i.h street, dieil enrij tnuiij in imi i.iume- .,'.. Weel.s would elnp-e b( fine ' iiaIHI'UIJHSINU fn.'i trfim't, nianlcurlat ii. ....! la fa inii' iiiiiirn ll I ni'i- ..-.- , .. , pill iHmjili... " " ans, n rn UO lOlirs after her illiil ii ..., , ' ve,., i (urud) ilfJ wnrk by nptielnl't III uutriiim' i..Mfi,n iciiiren irein inn lire .--... , .."iir2 "m. inning "-. - , , " limctlen previM.inn. in the kitciicn range in ..it iiemr. When sne nrn t n. n i . Theodere Adams trv n g te bent out the names, pastersey wrapped coats about her, but she was Theodere Adams, for the last ten ".;', i... l u. H, llnmnH u-ern I . .,... ,i, of et no co at Hiunnionteii. N. Mtinculshed Hlie was rushed te the j,. died last night at his home there eiu K'l'""".. ,, , .,.. ,. i ,',' ...i .. ....,,,. mm lie wns Inliireil In i full and never fully recovered. He Is mirvlvi'il bv IiIh wlilnw S Irl lie. Junernl anlmiin, IjlOil He Clunl-n IMp.Jl7ne APAUTMKNTH- UI-aiT l'HII.ADKIIMI IA FUIIN rini with aervlcf, rruannvbin ratca llrllf CI lira Allll-x 4011. enil I'lirkwlde ave 1IKVI. KSTXTK Ven. HAXK(,N1"V a-.itAOHi, ioexiut jTos.eoo. wustniiv. wniini nn.l died without regaining con- About a year age he wns nijiirci. in a - m"' ..,, i :os I.lb.rtV HIilK iicieusness tin; steNvTi..,!njtltiyi, !''i"!:fn,,,l"i; ft'in'thX clndtr hla slater'? eetis, Ames and MSfr&nlVff". "" ' "'L'- y ' 'ford, PlntheW- ' .X, , ..', , i wU.iuji ann -J0.juirf. Mauuji .fll. A' ;vv HIMBl UI1SOUTS ATI.ANTII' are agreeably surprtisec at the peeitive cntriueiaem displayed for the new laving department. We felt that a helpful innovation en thc part of one of Philadelphia eldest financial institutions would arouse interest. We could net foresee the tfreat welcome that has been accorded it. A similar welcome en our part is awaiting the many Philadelphians who may want te heep their savings in the First National Bank. Savings Department First National Bank of Philadelphia 315 CHESTNUT ST Ull. . 4. IBI 111,-M LsHOREHAM ''uewVn ViIan u f1 --all i Bpdal'4ueL winter ra.t, Akl eQr, !!!Zr7i7Ti?T!mm!!'T7T'T''''a7mmi'mm J K aH VS A -r, i tui. .'! v.V - JfA,'U-