Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 05, 1922, Final, Page 5, Image 5

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5,' i$&
Chinese Expected te Obey Pekln
Instructions and Accept
Japanese Proposals
, Staff CorrMPendenl Errnlnr Public T.rdcfr
ttWTiti", Mfattl "V i'Mlin Jicoecr jemvnnu
if.litnplnii. .Tnn. e. With the re-
tumptien of the discussions 'today it is
txpectcd tlmt the Shniitun? Issue will
J, settled, the Chinese accepting the
Jipanctc proposal. The Chinese dele
gallon is understood te hnve received
lt Instructions from Pekln.
It Is denied here tnnt inc .mpanefc
jitrt negotiated directly nt Pekln nnd
the denial is generally accepted. It Is
net believed that the .lapancse weuiu
,le anything se likely te Injure their
landing with the American public as
e deal directly with the Pekln Govern
ment en a subject which was before the
Conference here.
Reme ether method lins ueiiducm uecn
uA of making the new authorities real-
Ue (hat it would he Impractical te held
out for further concessions than .Tnpan
has offered in the negotiations here with
the Chlncse delegation.
Murh Bneculatlen Is going en acre as
lenhnt will be the action of the Chlncse
V. ..... Will tlmv nnncnnt In lw
overruled from Pekln? Will they sign
rrimcnt which leaves Japan In
virtual control of the railroad in Shan
tungV Expect Clilncse Delegates te Yield
The bcit informed here feel that the
delegation has no choice but te accept
Its orders from Pekln. The new Gov
ernment there Is evidently stronger nnd
n,rp determined thau the one which has
M jM. been overthrown. All three dele-
H -M.f .ICaIdIh ...in nf l.mn
rates are v.uinesc uiuc.mr,, nu ui iuvm
dlplQmats and one a Cliicf Justice, if
the new Cieternnicnt Is te fctnnd they
will have te give ip their official careers
te dlfebcy its enlcrs.
Much popular sentiment exists in
China, cspcclully among the students
nd the western-educated Chinese,
tgalnst accepting such a settlement as
la new proposed. Hut unless this senti
ment Is strong enough te cempaBs the
overthrew of the present Government
Ihe Chinese delegates will have no poli
tical future should they align them
selves with it.
If the Chinese delegates accept the
Shantung settlement it Is taken for
granted that they vil also sign the
nine-Power treaty and one ether
anxiety of the conferees of the great
I'ewcrs will be removed, for n rejection
by Chliui would have a bad moral effect
upon the results of the Far Eastern
Conference while the disturbances that
might fellow would have practical con cen
icquences which every Power Interested
economically in China desires te avoid.
The new Government in China seem
te be a kind of "god from the machine"
come te the relief of these who were
struggling with the apparently insolu
ble difficulties of that country. Where
the old Government was se weak that
the delegation had a quast-lndcpendcncc
of It, the Government is evidently firm
dm! determined. The delegation here
listened as much te the young Chinese
at home and te the uninese societies in
this country ns they did te Pekln. New
apparently they have te make their
choice, and it is expected that they will
Jie responsive te Pckin.
Old rcliln Policy Falls
I'elle Is apparently realistic. It sees
that the Cnlted Stntcs nnd Japan In
the four-Power pact nnd in the naval
atrecraent here composed their historic
differences, and that old diplomatic game I
let pla5ing the United States against
Japan in the tar l.ast Is ever, in this i
Conference that old policy of China's
has for the firbt time net worked. I
The Chinese who make up the new
Tekln Government have observed that
It has net worked or have had their at
tention called directly te the fact, nnd
have changed their tnctlrs. with what
111 probably be large diplomatic' con
fluences lu the future, unless the radi
cal movement micceeds once mere in
bringing about a change. '
The new Government, by making a .
compromise en Shantung and by ac
cepting the results of the Par Eastern '
Conference, will piebably bid for the
mppert of the four great Powers. And
with that support It may feel strong
enough te establish order In China.
The Shantung settlement will he n
Fompremise, like all the ether settle- '
meats which are coming out pf this
Conference. It will cause much debate1
In this country, especially In the Sen
ate. These feeling entitled te expect Ideal
results from international diplomacy
will attack It. Hut if Clflna geti en '
her feet and grows strong the nr- !
rangements for Japancse financing of
the railroad in Shantung will net be .
important. And If she docs net, no
amount of bclf-dcnylng resolutions b
the great Powers will hel" much.
Powers were willing te withdraw troops
from Chinese tell Should their nrpnpnrn
net be needed for the maintenance of
uruer nna tne protection of lives nnd
property. The commission of the eight
Powers' Ministers at Pckin will meet
upon the request of the Chlncse Gov
ernment when China decides te press
Its demands for the withdrawal of for
eign forces.
The question of the "twenty-one de
mands was net tnken up at the meet
ing, Chinese delegates said. The entire
scsslqn Was devoted te the question of
the tariff and foreign troops.
Naval Cemmitter Metis
A meeting of the five Powers' Naval
Committee was called for this after
neon. It was considered possible that
both the submarlne regulation propos
als nnd the draft of the naval treaty
would be presented for nppieval te this
Approval by all the Powers having
membership In the committee of the
proposed rules regulating submarines
was forecast prier te the mrctlng, fol
lowing the announcement thnt the Ital
ian delegation had decided today te give
Its approval. Japan had ptcvietisly
agreed in principle.
The committee of naval experts at
their first meeting today worked prin
cipally en the definitions of naval tech
nical terms te be written into the gen
eral naval treaty. Anether meeting
this afternoon was called te conclude
this phase of the experts' Inborn.
The Italian acceptance of the Iloet
resolutions en submarines was said te
be conditioned en French accession,
and the attitude of the French has net
been fully defined in spite or their an
nouncement that they would accept the
Heet program In principle. ,
The question of whether the limita
tions Imposed by the five-Power naval
Meaty should be Imposed en n signa
tory If that nation Is attacked by n
formidable non-slgnntery Power took
a prominent place today in Informal
discussions of the treaty. Some pleni
potentiaries arc suggesting the IneltM
sien of a clause which would autematl-
ally rclhise the signatory in such
case's from the limitations of the trcnty.
Anether important suggestion was
that in case of aggression by an outside
Power, the five signatories would ceme
together te consider the best means of
securing a settlement. Such n "con
sultation" prevision would be slmllnr
te Article II of the four-Power Pa
cific treaty.
Every wetimn who owns a. cat will wiint
te rfBrt "Th Day of the Cat." In Macnzlne
Section of next Sunday's l'unLie Lkdeeii.
Naval Man Seea Pessibles Destruc
tion by Radie-Guided Torpedoes
New Yerk, Jan. C (Hy A. P.) A
vivid word picture of tlu destruction
of New Yerk City by radio-controlled
aerial torpedoes in the event of another
wnr, painted by Jeseph Wright, for-
incr commanding officer of courts and
leards of the third nnval district, was
read before the Sinking Fund Commis
sion tedny when an application for
cession te the Government of the
nlnety-five-ncre naval air station; nt
Hockaway was called for discussion.
The application, which was of local
origin, finally was withdrawn, and It
was suggested that n formal application
should be made by the Secretary of the
Navy. The commission nutherlzcd the
navy te continue use of the -site for six
Mr. Wright 'declared the Heckawny
station was absolutely necessary for the
defense of iscvv yerK. "l admlscdly
warn you te be prepared," he said.
"Any ene opposing the grant of land
new occupied by the station Is, In my
judgment, committing the gravest crime
et tue ngc.
Have you tasted it yet?
Sold only in our Stores
Sale of
Women's Shoes
$390 & $590
CHOOSE from two special
lets of five hundred pairs each
that are being literally cleaned
out te reduce stock.
Most all sizes. All leathers.
Most everybody knows the
standard of shoemaking in
Walk-Over Shoes. Everybody-
knows the value in
them at regular prices. New
cheese at these special cut
prices while selections are
at their best.
U.lUlllli'ln.i ln I-. n t r
rp. , ,i.m. ... yity .V. I.I
"c&e tariff mti. in nn eff..n'n.. r.
rent u n,i..i .i.... .... . . v "
rw ""i'n-u iiMiu.v uy me nine
"mtec en Vm- llasteni eiiestlnni. am
rrn ,'VK,!t rwcrK nPPrevcd the pro pre
in?i ifni;.,1,nt'rl'"s "K fl'lnw revenues,
rinJ ' C 'l1"0 'le'wUen accepted the
.Li ' ,M,.bln"cl by Senuter Under
"0ii, cliaiiman of Mm .-.il,,.,,i....
lie nc P,(. r ,... .
ilni.i. I , V"'" v. OHIJIIII ll'(- IIISO
"li?1 7 11,,ro,l",ie"H Providing for event.
Pl,i ' """' "' leieigu troops from
-"IIU I Ul I II, n.l.iii.ii.. T tl.! .1
rpnlin: V, "".-i.i "i iiinn. up
sp unens i)ie dc tin ltini.ii.. ...
I etl tn"".nUU,p 0,t,t!lr,,, ri'i",sp te'
'"LllSs the trnnn f I..1, n .. ..l n...
inei.i.i..d .; ' "..": :t"K"u! i
...i. " '" M-'iuit nr i no tarifr
due'. TTr WnH """BBe-llen that ,e- '
imiA. i f ",' avln"1 '"' f Cliina he
.d.e.r,l.?kcn. ly nilna as a iti i , t ,? I
r ;ae "B... V1'1" venuh. Thel
.V ""."".' ii ' incorporated lu
tir.,.,,w- treaty deall,!',.!
wii 'ZE0!18',,"'"'!
a ,,,, "i"ii in iix uiHlll n lnl.
tarlifH,r"-iP' f0r ln-" t"!.:
urins te i'.. ner oent
Sewing Made
a Pleasure
7'a per
Sill nnn iw... . ...
,"'"""""" '""nun iicxcnue Iiiirease
lMrMari?.J,,Vr..w' ' ttn-Mld.iieuW
?4(10ennif -"in;,Mi ipciiiii-h about
Th. .- I ,"""M'i increase.
''Ign rnn' !,S,,fm' w"l"nl of
4lMni. ,rJ"P.s.."1' . Mtunllen of a
' lie fa Hrn.i ","" .""'I '"I""' as
'"liulf of n,,p foie'(i" fun-PS On
malr,t.?,rPIK",.l,0"l, cre needed n.
"hlnn -n.1- l". .".. ((,r'P1" "'(,"' of
adentcil Min !i . J,l '"ninilt '"ninilt
.temlttci , i 1, ! "", "' "'"1'erlzing a
w i reel' ,n r: :: " ' mi
H Pllnelnle H ."'.'
-,-1 . nun niri. nil 11. n
., ..,, mi
ll iafc r XAjiflLlDB J
See This New Portable Electric
Sewing Machine
Try this wonderful mncliine in your own home.
We will instruct you in sewing without expense or obligation.
' Ne Bobbins te Wind Ne Tension te Regulutc
A. Stronger Senin
The Strength nnd Beauty of Stitch nrc Unsurpassed
Sews en the Heaviest or Most Delicate Mnlcrinl
Runs with the Smoothness nnd Accuracy of n Watch
Sixty Year of Sewing Machine building has produced the Atmc of
Perfection in the WiHcex & Gibbs Automatic
Aik for Demonstration in Your Heme
i i.i is iii;m(nstk ti: ir te yei. a smai.i, i'aymkm'
m,( i'iti.0 (im, or Tiir.si.i nn: n m. nc r. os r..sv tbkmi,
Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Ce.
1709 Chestnut Street
Phene, Spruce 2192
Jaiiairj, 0
Lw Prices
. lade Lewer at
n r
frW Wiv --T-
Te-morrow, the Mayers of Phil
most important piece of work in the
river! It will be nearly two miles loner
Te-morrow will be a red letter daya day of great rejeicing: for all the people of these two great States!
ynai neDier went coma man cle:
adelphia and Camden and the Governors of New Jersey aOl Pennsylvania will start the
history of these cities the trreatest susnensien bridire in the world, te snan ihe Tiphwvnvn
and wider than Bread street almost unlimited eanacitv for swiff, uninferrimiprl ii-nffir
-w !-. . aii
Men Should Bear in Mind That
This Clothing Sale is Matchless
Matchless in QUALITY of the Clothing involved, for every Suit and Overcoat is the product of one of our regu
lar well-known suppliers.. Matchless in VARIETY for there are thousands of Suits and Overcoats representing many
different styles and fabrics from each of these houses. Matchless in the SAVINGS for the substantial reductions have
been made. from prices already as low as Clothing of equally dependable grades could be bought for anywhere. Here
are just a few of the salient features
Londen-Made Overcoats Suits with Extra Trousers
One-third Under Price $49.50 9? K( 90 Cfl nYir1 coo ri
Handsome belted styles distinctly English, well-tailored of rich ' P&S.iJV UllU O.OU
woven Scotch fleeced fabrics. These have just arrived in time te take Mcn s nnd 'eunB mcn s styles. Of worsteds, cassimcrcs, winter
their place .in the Sale at ONE-THIRD LESS than the price they I serges and silk mixtures. All sizes regular, stout, slender tall and
should sell for. ( short proportions.
Thousands of Suits and Overcoats
$23.50 ; ' $28.50 ! $32.50 $38.50 $46.50
Savings Average About One-third Many at Present Wholesale Prices
$1.00 and $1.25
That extra Umbrella always
needed, at n substantial sav
inp. Covered with American
taffeta (cotton).
Women's Umbrellas, with
wrist cords in plain or carved
weed handles $1.00.
Men's Umbrellas, with hook
or creek handles of mission
weed $1.25.
""nirhr ds ft r mhler
Mele T Mar!.t Street
THE OVERCOATS Men's and Yeunp; Men's Ulsters, Ulster- THE
ettes, Raglans and plain Chesterfield Overcents the products of faultless
leading American tailoring establishments all at reductions of All sizes
substantial character.
Youthful nnrl mnnm-ntii.. ,.... i ...i-
AW ,. "r, -7""" '."" P'-i ? uiiieieu tue
....... .., Ui Jluai, CUCK senpe and nlain-ce or fnhrma
and proportions. All arc one-third under price
'rT- tra""K0 & C oth.rs,ecen(1 rl00r j,,,,
Women's New
And Canten
de Chine
$22.50 te $25.00
New Dresses and remarkably geed values. Straight-line, plaited and tunic
models, trimmed with novelty braids and showing new effects in sleeves all late
models. Navy blue, brown and black.
Anether Special Purchase of f
New Weel Jersey Dresses
Smart tunic models, some in cellarlcss style, ethers with Jbng, flat collar cellar
very geed-looking. Hrewn, navy blue and black.
A Choice Let of High-Grade
New Tailored Cleth Dresses I
Duvet de lainc, Peirct twill and .serge; black and colors. Vcstcc and cellarlcss
models, all benutifully embroidered and braided.
A Fine Special Purchase of New
Crepe de Chine Dresses
$16.75 te $20.00
The Charming Medel Sketched Is $20.00
in tunic it. le
I'laitcd-sKiit and piaited-tunic models, trimmer! with mu-s .f fn,,,m..
beautifully embroidered. All fresh, new Dresses, in nan hhm. hrnu-n mi h'i
- ru b.ldite L Clothier Second " cer irarl.ft stri
New Nevels
New Ready
The Rider of Gelden Bar, by
Wm. Patterson White, a stir
ring talc of Wyoming Cattle
Ruitlcrs S1.75.
The Hidden Places, by Ucr
trand W. Sinclair, an interest
ing story of a Modern "Enech
Arden" $1.75.
Winnie O'Wjnn and the
Wehes. by Hertram Atkey, a
delightful talc full of subtle
and engaging humor SI. 75.
Cjthcrea, b Jeseph Herges
heimer, his first neeI in ecr
two years S2.50.
Zane Grey's newest necl.
just been received $2.00.
S'rav bridge L- C nlurr
Sfrenl r " T. Iwrt Stm' Went
Save en Warm Comfertables
At January Sale Prices
me e.ura bed coverings needed this wintry weather.
Cotten-filled, $3.00 Down-filled-$10.75
In winter weifrrit . c.nrnii..it..i t- ..... . ..r '
with nrntK. a'.r""..."' ..rceRU0"ai vaue. these Down-
, ..j .IU..CK.-U vuvcrinirs.
Weel-filled $5.50
un tigured cover bordered
with plain satine.
Covered with flowertd ratine
with plain satine benlei.
lilled Comfertables; erv light
and warm Covered with finest
satine m Onental effects bor ber bor
deied w ;h plain satine.
Weel-filled $16.50
f evt-red with figuied Japanese
silk with nlain sill, honlei nnrl
baik. ('Jin-fly in roc colei.
-Straw L Mli,-,.ll 1 lb s.rer
One Thousand Excellent Corsets
All Less Than Half Price
Chiefly S. & C. Special Corsets that were formerly sold for S2.00 and S 30 new
sharply reduced ter our January Sale. Fashionable low-bust models, some with elastic
top. With long or medium long hips, lightly ev substantially boned. Medels for slender
women and these of average figure Dec. '
Three Groups of W. B. Corsets Sliarnlu Reduced:
Corsets $1.50 Corsets $2.50 Corsets $3 85
About 500 W. R. Cnrsnra nf w n n . ., 1., ..... .. Wt. P-J
About 500 W. B. Corsets of
white ceutil, with low bust, Jeng
hips and substantial boning. At
a saving of $1.00.
v . is. I ersets et nink muti
substantially boned. Medels with
low bust and hemi-elastn. top
At a notable saving.
h.cellent models, these W. B
tout-figure Cornets. With low
ei medium bust and elastic sec
tion at the hip-hne.
New Neme Self-Reducing Corsets
Fer Stout Women, Unusual Value, $4.00
til nink' nr u'lnre f-nntw ntrttu iA... 1.... 1 i . ,-....
Of the high Xemelundard efcScrb1 " ' Se ' ' 'S'"Ul
-- Sirawbndite A t ethler Third Tleu- UiKet
S'reet -n
Ne Letting Down in the Sale
of Women's Coats
e are keeninc- un nur
the season, and women aie 1
in an unprecedented mnnnev
reputation for the best Ceat values of
seeping up the enthusiasm in the Sale,
r.lcl'V Cnnf 1,. U .... ... 1.-1
...nHl. i- ... .. .' . jii til'- 1IIUI1 UN ULMUW IS
mnnV. i, i . lniin U.s pnce K,v es a,,-v indication of, and their aie
many ether lets at greatly icdu.e.. p. ices, ,hat are net mentioned
6mart Cleth fiats in bunvn.
navy and black, madt with smnu
emi-nttetl back ard kee fn
elegantly lined tlnouglieut.
".t! flush C'eat
appearance, made
of fur co-its; deep
he worn high.
uij tin i j in
I'll the line. line.
ellar that ,an
I ne Belivia Ceat- m emwn,
uu ami l.laik; eiy uttractnely
belted, ,li t p i ellar 'of tui, anil
silk lining thiougheut
H'ltn giade Cleth (eat-, e e
ga-tly plam-taiieieii n a geed
belted style and s i I k -1 i n e d
throughout, arieus shndes.
Belivia Ceat in blown
and b aek. with giaieiul
cellar lse sunie loose, tnll.l.ri,-!.
Coats a' thi.s piue.
i eat- of heavj .locking vvitn
deep shawl eellai of fm, and
vviap-like ( outs wnli dtep heeded
i.eilar of the mutt nn1
A & jcial Purchase of Fine Silk Over-Blouses
toeell at Less Than Manufacturer's Cost
A special purchase of four hundred Over-Blouses some in i, i,. i, tl, i r , v,-'-
manufneturers of line Blouses-all fresh and new in the iXst i, f "' fr'I en,c of our refiulur
models in all. and each Blouse separately boxed! tle f the sea8?" al)0l,t twpnt-fle
Fine Crepe de Chine, Canten Crepe, Brocaded Silks and
Combinations of 1.;we.nnH.ill.- 7 -,n i wi-
Miiiiv linniiHfnl ,.niii1,l.ln,,e ,.r .. !. , . . V " "HU ?a.td
, , --.... "" Ul ITUIICI Willi 1,1
beads, seme in allover effects; ethers embroidered in
brown, black nnd beautiful two-teno effects.
beautiful combinations of crepes with laces dvr.i t m,...i a..i u ' ,
i . . j w inttvtlli IIIUMUin Ul'HIIIIfl 111 Llnnl
nmln n
navy, Mohawk. Ynllnutn,m
ar--strb..dgB u cothBr-j,eCen,l I luer. (-m.v
rich colorings. In
Extraordinary Values in
Muslin Underwear in the
January Sale
latuiaiv .'"alt- is
! the Hest iniiieituii f. ,.. ... ..r . i ...
,. -....! (I ..-,... ...v.... iij i.
...... .u.iee eijpi.iiui.nx te ,s ,, MISI.IS I Mil l-WI.'.Air
U'.WKIS I) 1 Ii, li.i-.r,,. ,, , ,. . , ., "
fulh kind, ixci .!.. . , n! ,''1" :.,.r,m" "mv tiivH, nullity,
ir.,.. ...i.i.. ,;..........;?." : ",",, "'"" '" i"f.t m n ra.
s;, 7 ' .': r ; :::." - cn as , ti.U8B,
' bridge k i nii r l b ru J'loer Wi
ft '" !
,- ,.n. s
ii iTiir v