' ji - Vt- fl. W f f tf ;'M- K K- ' V J ,Vii ' V J J ? M. Kr, .' ".7 , , .. Rtf I frill 22 KEENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1922 STATEMENT OF The Real Estate Trust Company f: of Philadelphia ' at the Clese of Business, December 31, 1921 New Yerk Curb INDl'STRIAliN lttsrli RESOURCES Cash in Banks nnd Vaults Legal Reserve Henda at I'nr Leans Upen Collateral , Investment Securities Owned . Real Estate and Vaults , Miscellaneous Assets LIABILITIES Capital Stock Surplus Undivided 'Profits Sinking Fund for Leasehold Dividends Unpaid Dills Payable (Fer Liberty Uends) Deposits Miscellaneous Liabilities Acme Cenl Acrnn Parkins . AJax lluhlier rta , Amcr Leather . ....... 1 liradley K I' .... , Mrlt Am Tub coup ex-dlv. Carllsle Tire . Chicago Nipple ! Columbia Hmrrnld 1 Continental Moter 1 Del Luck ft West Cen I.. 0..-11 i ok in Durnnt Moter .... $U8,436.'J1 I)urMtit Itul 'M57 000 00 Kar' W" -'''"""Oien Al.len 1'e.U ,771.7Bb.in Mloednar Tire 4,766,983.58 i!i'r.1J"bl"r , 3,263,028.69 lii,m -McNeill YV. . . '. ". 1!i7 2!iG 0:"i ' Lincoln Meters A s11 '20.1 101 MR'UHIettc f"f HHier J I I ,iUI,'I.M, JO ornei, -Clethes I; (lnl(ln Pictures Ornnt Moter Imperlnl Tobacco .... ..... Mcrce r Arelvni . . ..S3.237.900.00 Parsons Auti. .. .. :oe.ooo.oo JMrv.nnVn?J"f 306,876.08 Kuuih Ceal ft Iren "i0,rX Tf nn nwy . . . . . 330.00 ' Tell Pred Kw ;q-. nnn an ' V. .! " u,v.yy U Slum 6,101,498.92 136.677.59 I'nltel l'redt Sharing. 1 ntte il ni Candy . . . Wnhe Ceal cut Knd Chem .... 1 i ii 2 (IS n 87 l!ll 0 0 4:1 10 .1 H . HV .17.1 I'v . IS . in' n . A : i . 2 . 1 . a . 82 . 18 . r. !' SI 1.20 1.45)1.98 STANDAnil OILS Amount of Trust Funds Invested $30,074,930.62 ' Angie-Amer en .. . 17 Amount of Trust Funds Uninvested including Principal and 'imperial en fan . . '.inju Income nwaiting investment and distribution. i 515,778.87 I imiu en initnu nil 30.590,729.49 of In, I .m. or .N V . . . . acuum Oil . . . . 281 . rfl ..ass . 300 Lew 1 :' ii 71 mi 2 :l OS (1 S7 2.1 H' 3 12 It's "l 10 174 1.1 ) l. 10 H.I a4'i IS :i 811 l.-i ft le, 87 10 81 ion,. 2.17 si'i n.iii 2iiu NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS Geerge H. Earle, Jr. Edward S. Buckley, Jr. President Treasurer INDKPIINDKNT OILS The Story of Kresge The early history and rapid growth of this important 5c and 10c Chain Stere System have been graphically set forth in a scries of articles appearing recently in a prominent financial magazine. Hew the Company has been able te increase the earnings en its Common Stock from 1.71 in 1909 te 26.13 in 1920 (in spite of heavy war taxes) is thoroughly explained therein. What its present remarkable earning power should mean te its Common Stockholders in 1922 is also discussed at some length. f'liHii'i nf 'It . a''Wcj will Ic arnt lireniptly upon -rjwn for lluVctin J-Si Geerge H. Burr & Company 421 Chestnut Street Philadelphia -mfiFr7rw 1 13 WmWm '" ninu ! Will I n : mmm mnrexiwmmxwtt'MZimmmmmm M??nniiv JANUARY FUNDS efIer the opportunity of making an initial pay ment in the purchase of Bends en our Partial Payment Plan. The habit of thrift is the true foundation for the accumulation of wealth. Our booklet "Invest as you Save" will be sent upon request. BATTLES & CO. Established 1890 Independence Square (East), Philadelphia IJB!kil!ill!!jlllilillll!JIIIIIIIW This substantial building houses America's Second Largest Stock Market Owned and occupied by the New Yerk Curb Market, this modern exchange represents an investment of ever two million dollars. A vast trading fleer, complete ticker and telephone service -every convenience that long experience could suggest, every facility that ingenuity could de vise - has been utiliied te provide for the quick and accurate conduct of business in this great market place for securities. A high standard of equipment is also maintained by Jenes &. Baker in their 10 offices, linked together by a complete private wire system. Quick, accurate execution of customer orders is insured. Exceptional facilities and resources have made Jenes &. Baker "information headquarters" for the stocks traded en the New Yerk Curb Exchange. It is significant that 40 of their lien' customers come from old customers. Ask for illustrated 40-pngc book de scribing the New Yerk Curb Exchange. Ask also for latest information en the stocks that may interest you. , Arkann NJturnl (laa.. . Atlantic Lobes S' neon" oil "i Ilonten Wyoming 7." ICarlli Sn . ... 3S iOUm Hrvl- (old) . . ..t7fl , I'ltles frrlii "II" itf.. IRS Continental llcf SVi rreel.i Njn i KdtnemlH Oil u ' i:i' linxln I'd y-t , Kmtlnfer I'elrnl !H federal Oil l.' 1 KenMmiil , ti ,'llenreck Oil 100 (JniinulM L i tli. y rruil.- u Hudsen Oil Id Im.v.-. , e n, Int Tetrel . ... HI Ktrtn IVt . ... ll I. unci ( reek H I.xiti lvt ex div (14 Mimiii., oil . . l' Marai ntli en i Merr.li oil s'v Meli'i tnl Hi M.m.a. (.Ml . . . . il'i Mountain I'relu.tn . HI1 Mutuul oil .... ilS i N'e Am oil " .nle . IS Omar oil tn I'm en i'i . Inn itcj ituti. in . . :, Salt i'i.-.', 1'red . IMS riiu.ii i.u l.'t . . . 3' fclmmi lvt 1 1'-j t'kellv nn . ,-. Siuthern V 4 II ... I". Texim Til Tidal Oijic is', V extern htatev -' , White Kaule 1'4', I (eex Ol I 1. MoeUburn . . . 5 1 T Oil 31 MINIM, l.iKkn Hr Columbia . " Alvn.-de 7 HlK l."dc i. , Ilent L Ment 80 ' lrutle-Nc Yurk ... 3" I Cene Copper Jlln IV, 'Certes Sliver 8 1 Divide Hxt L'O Kl Salvader 0 Uureka Creeun '4 llren Monster in Hard SViell 18 llarmlll Divide 14 llecla Mining ttowe Sound - Iren Illosaem 23 Knnx IHMe .'. Darraan 11 MrNamara . Au'Intyre il Murina Copper 2a Marah Mlnlnc 3 Mann Valley 1 Mether Ide clt 7'i .Mohican 4.', National Tin 63 l Nlplselne OS Nevada Ophlr 40 I Neu- Dominion '."4 Hay Hercules ft Se Am I' ft (1 .I'i 1 Tonopah bVlment 1 ,V i Tuolumne Se I'nity Oeld 3 Vnltml CtHtcrn "fi ",. t t.nu con .... " Tr.nlty 3 neMis Allied Picker C 0'a .vliifi: 1 ."ic'cr ctfa 31 Muminum 7 nf '33 lu-J'-i Amer I.luht 7s PCS Am Tel fii of '22 100 Am Ti-l of "J HI'' Am Teb 7 of '23 lOl'n Anacinda (Is I'7 Anaconda 7a of '2) 101', Angle-Am Oil 7',is ....103 Armour 7s 101', llarnadall fia . v s'i Heaver Ueard R 70 v, Heth Steel 7 of '52 . . . . 1 0 lletli Steel 7a of '23 100 Il tli Steel In of '33 ,...100, Can I'ac j ;..M"S Cent Htrel 1j 100 Cel Graph As 3b Cena Oaa 7 101 Copper Uxp fis of "22 ..lOO Copper 13ip Ns of '23 ..101 Cenner Km Xs of '25 ..104 Cuban Te! 7i3 10?j Cudahy 7a Hutch Halt In 0a of DuqLeane 7 Via Galena 7a in Avphalt t-3 ... (loedrloh 7h uuit en 03 Heinz Ce 7s Heed Ilubber 7e .... interberu 7a ...... Interbore ta Kennecett 7 I.lhbv McNeill 7i . ,. Manitoba Ieer 7a . Merris -t Nat Cleak 88. . ... N t N IU it II . . Orecen 9 I. 3a .... OUt steel 8.1 I'hlla Ce fit I'hlla Klectrlc Ca . . milllps i'et 7 Ii . H1 24 73 n trtj 17 s 33 i.i S3 it 02 ln.. i;.' 1 1 it 02 1', IN'-, -, l II', 111', til 2'. !.-. 711 Hii. l.'l a' n 4fc 'a 07 12' 2S 24'i l.aat r.e 5 74 12' 2 :i n.i OH ".. 23U II 3 42', 10. II, n 2i 111', lll'i S3 i :iS 80 I'l 87 17 HlIS 237 31S 300 H'i 21 7J- 171 31? (IU 30 A OS 03 2'i 3 III II 1.1. 02 l 18S N'l I II , 1111'! Arire neo'e 3 1 78 2... . 78 Canadl'n Ntlin 0,4 ix la 1. .. 107M Canadian N 7 ISAI.E9 IN ItOOOl , loe HU n urazii H9 108' 1074 107 107. 107'1 10DV4 Chile. Cep'r 0j 1.. 14.. 21.. 3.. 7 . . !.. 81 84 81 84 H 84H 8U 81 81 83 1, Chile cep'r 7i 4. 4. 10... 1... 2... 1... 1... 1... I... 1. 4... 4... 1... 1. 100 100 100 100 Jap Oove't tt 2 SHi 23 .... RO't 1 87 1 87 a 87 Jap Oeva'l 2nd 23.. 1 . 1 . 1.. 23. . I.. 1.. I.. 2.. 1.. 2.. 09 ueh fiui, en 2... . 0ll, 2.. .. 00 2 00', Chinese Oeve't IMC niy fl 3 43 City DeriVx fl 2.... 834 83 H 83', 88 83 s, 83 S 83 ', HH I. 8311 8.1 S 8V US', SOU 80U RH 80 H MM 8A S0 87W Jap Ueve't 4i 73 V 7.1 73 73 78H 78 U 72V. 73 73 , 73 i 73 VI 73 U 72 10.. 1.. 4.. 1.. . a.. 4.. p.. i. 23. 23 3.. !. 4. K llelk'm rets 2.... 103 1 101 1 103 It HelKlum On 1 OS 4... . 1)3 3 0.1 0 . 1)44 2 04', r. 04 1. Iv lielc'm 7Via Oil I ,5'M 70 hid 32 I HI I DU II 3 i 14 07 IS' 28 3 30 83 I 1 . . . 104 834, 2. .. 104 83'. 3 104 H 83 , 1 . 104V City of Copen. 2. . .. 101 liiiurn 3 Ha Kingdom Den 3 80V mark Us vrl City Liens fls 22 04H 1 , 83 4 1 3. . . IMVk 2 .... 834' 3 .. . J44 1 83'j (1 . 04H B. . . . s.l i, IClnadem Den. 1 . . . 8341 murk et 8a I -.'.. 83 4; I City Mars a in 2 .... 834 2 ... 83 4 I 2 S34 (1 . . . 83 4 '-.. . 834' Ml 4 83 4 I 8J4 S3 4 104 104 104U 104 104; 104M 104 U 104 tt' 104U 104 104 114U 104 VJ 10IH 104 U 104 10.1V 104 104U 104W 101 U H Mex'.co m 6. 1... 2... 1... S... 1... 7. . . 1... 10... 1.., 1... 1... 1... n.. i.. i.. e i.. 1C, C'll 10 10.... 10.... B,... Un'd 8 I.arc 5.... B.... Amer Werltn 1.. 1.. 34 . S44 . 344 . 34 Mexico Ca . neu . 30 Water 6s 70 4 71 7 704 1 71 Am'n Aar'c A Chm 7H ... HAS A O cv Ss 2 84'i Chi A Alt 34a 1.,... 00 1 3.14 i nn i en; n (aale) 01 4 n ei C A 15 I 5s wl n nt l en cntg 04' 1.... ioeu 2.... 100 loey 1004 1004 100 M 8.. r... 2.. 3.. C A E I na'Bl 4. 1... 0... 1... I... 10..., Oil A n... i.,. 8... 00 00 00 no 08 M 094 W .4 1 001 oe H 00 Chicago Mil A BtP cv 44 014 2 e;4 l eis Oilcare Mil t BtP fd !' 4 1.. 1.. 1.. 2.. 2.. 1.. 1.. I n-V ', - bS Ml lr. 84 20 5 24 10 18 13 I". 2 4 20 . 11 ' 14 (14 43 31 O'i 10 24 8 r.H iA 73 34 24 74 3 04 27 8S 30 84 211 0 24 10 18 13 4 It 274 B 1. 04 43 Bl 04 40 24 8 6 4 .lA 80 34 3 30 4 Bl 1024 I'O 4 ieui; ll!', ion, 07 100 102 Philadelphia Office Wldcncr Duildlne TISnenei j Bell- ""ti,'1? Krtene R J86' Baltimore Office '433 Equltable Building fe TilAniKt Waa M Jenes &. Baker Members New Yerk Curb Market Dlrtct Private Wire Nf Veflc Ch rjjo.nmten rhlliiflpku r.ttiliurtb Detroit Baltiraeie Clcveliad Public SerMce N J 7a.. Rebert Oalr 7a Sears-Hnebuck 7 of '22 Beara-Roebuck 7s of '23 ' Hhawahfen 7s Skelly Oil 74a.. I Solvay hs I Southern Hallway Ca Southwest Hell 7s. i Stand Oil N V 7, of '29 Stand Oil N V 7a of '30 Stand Oil N Y 7 of '31 Stand Oil N Y 04s ... Swift 7s of '23 . .. Swift 7s of '31 Texan Ce 7a Tobacco rreducts 7s. . 1 To'.ede Kdtaen 7j 1 Cnlted Oil 8s .... L'n Hwy Havana 74s.. Warner Sugar 7e .Western Ulectrle 7e. . . Wilten 74 Argentlne 7i PJe Grande 8a Swiss B4a I Ituaslan D4a ctt je-: 4 004 loe-; 004 Kit', 00 100 102i 1014 101 08 4 084 70 704 100 100 1004 100 1004 1004 ou 1004 100 100 33 1, 3 0 tee', 101 ice me 101 1014 1014 1084 ln-'i, 1 nnii .1004 1004 1004 it r. ) i t. ) )- ..)).. ) . i.7a ... 7, i'i mi 101 HIV llilU uu , 10.1 ?e'J 73 101 no Ml 102 034 0S 1K1 084 l'3 HlO' 102 07 00 Ii i7 1014 1IHI4 101 Wl', Hi0 103 107 100 HH14 100 101 101 00 1014 004 101 no 4 10.1 113 I B 1 13 13 Cliy of TX de Jan 8s wl 1. 1 3. 1 4 I 4 1. 1 3. 1074 1074 1074 107 107 107 107 1084 1074 107 4 1074 1. 1. A T 1. B. 10. A B Amer1 tlmr lief Ce 0s wl 834 K Sweden Ca 1 1 fl Ti 3 11. 3.. I.. .i 1. . 12.. 1.. 10.. - I.. 1.. n.. i. . i.. loin 101 101 101 1014 1014 1014 1014 iei v; 101 101 101 101 101 101 V 04 4 04 4 04 D4 Queensl'd i:xt Lean lat wl City Zurich Hi 108 Cuban 1 A S 8a 102 101 101 102 C Sue 1... 1 .. Cuban 8a eta, 2 B7 8... . 37 Cuba P. Ce 3a 1 77 D Canada '20 00 00 00 0(1 2 0C 3 DOS D Canada '20 6.. 3. 0. 3. 101 .101 .103'. . 90 . 0U4 .1U1 . 07 4 . 7(1 . 73 4 .101 . !i0 . hll .102 . 0.14 09 . 00 . 084 . IT3 .100, .102 . 07 . 00 . 08 118 101 100 4 .101 00 4 .1004 ..1 ().'. 107 .100 .1004 .100 .1014 .1014 00 10.1 . . . 07 100 . 004 . iea . . 04 . 07 . 00 4 . 004 .. 134 let 101 11134 004 00 '. 1(1.1 1174 70 734 101 80 102 0.114 1.0 lid 4 08U 031; 1UK 102 07 00 08 08 101 IO14 103 00 4 100 10.1 4 107 100 10(14 H10 1014 1014 00 1034 07 100 4 Oil 4 3 103U (34 0)4 74 07 4... 3... B... 1... O 3... 1... 3... 1.. 00S 07 07 07 07 00 004 00 004 Cenm'k On wl 10.. B.. 10.. 5.. b.. 10.. 10.. B.. I.. a.. 1.. 1.. 4 . 1.. 1.. 1.. 3. . 1.. 10.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 0.. 1.. 04 4 044 044 044 044 014 044 044 044 044 044 944 044 04 Denmark Cen ct A 8a 1 1.. 4.. 1.. 1.. B. . 1.. 1.. 1. 100 1034 1034 100 100 100 100 108 100 . . 1074 .. 1074 . 1004 .. 1084 . . 107 .. 107 . 1004 .. 100 .. 100 . 100 .. 100 .. 100 .. 1004 . 1004 .. 100't .. 100 .. 100 .. 100 .. 1004 .. 100. .. 100 Chile '40 .. 100 .. 100 .. 104 .. 103 . 104 .. 100 .. 100 .. 100 .. 100 .. 100 .. 10U ,.. 100 . . 1004 ... 1004 Chile '20 ... no ... 09 Chile '11 , .. 101 ... 101 ... 101 ... 100 ... 100 . .. 1004 . .. 1004 . . let 100 101 1004 1004 100 100 1004 ... 1004 ... 100 ... 100 . .. 100 . .. 1004 ... 1004 6 8 I'd Ii . .. 83 .... 834 . ... 834 83 . ... 83 A n'ff Ba .... 874 . ... 87 . ... 874 . ... 87 . .. 87 . . . 87 1, 1., 1.. c n 0., I A 12. 1. 18. C R B... C A O 1... 1.. . 1... 1... e 1.'.'. B.14 33 0S4 V fd 70 73 734 70 U 734 P 4s 70 cv 4t . 834 . 84 4 . 84 . 81 . 8.1 83 4 I.& 1 .. 7... 1... B.. 1 .. 1... .:: 1.. ' n... c. . n... B... n... 7... 0... 2... 1... 1... 1... 0... .1... 1... 0... t... 1... 10. 107' 107 107 1074 107 107 107 107 107 1074 107 107 107 1074 1074 1074 1074 1074 1074 1074 107 1074 1WJ4 107 1074 1074 107 1071; 1074 107 Heck Vai 4 4 IB 814 - 78 Hud A Man fd 3 87 1 78 3 784 1 74 1 784 1 70 1 784 1 784 1 73 2 711 2 70 Hud A Man In 10 47 40 474 10 47 1 48 2 48 10 47 1 47 1 47 10. ... 48 10 47 r... B .. 1... 2ft. . n... 2... 7. . 10... Le A 1. 101 ; . 101 . 1014 . 1014 . 101 . 101 . 101 . 1014 Nath 7s . 10(14 Manhat KM 4a B 87 B... . n7 30 B7K Market St niy fl Fran 1st 1 81 0 .... 81 M Oil war 8a 1 00 Mex l'atr'm 8a 2 00 2.. .. 00 4 1 00 Mid S A Or na 4 834 (1 834 10 84 11 SIP a B St M 04a rem 100 Xw VNIIt1 H 4s '67 2 81 New T N I! A llart'd Us 0... 1... 1... 1... 4... 1... 4... 4... 1... 12. r.7w .B7 B74 B7V4 B7 874 .17 87 87 3 Pennr II It 7s 103 10011 100 101 101 100 100 100 M K A Eat lat 77 M K A T aj wl 3.. 4.. 1.. 4.. 1.. Chea'e A O Be 2 844 I 2 81 , 7 84 4 Chicago Mil A I SIP arm 4 4s 1 I.. 1 I.. 12 . 23.. Ill CentrnI 10., .. 3.. .10, 34.... 8.. 10... 2.1. . lAm T j 10.... 20. .. Amn T 3... 6 se!!!! a.... 0.... 1.. 12.. 3.! r... 1.. Amn B.. 8.. 1.. 2.. 8.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 1.. Hep 1.. 1.. 1.. 1., a. 2., 2., 1., 1. 0. e 1. 1. Hep 0. Hep 3. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2, s! 6. 1. Itep Cuba 4 4 1 70 1 70 npub of Uru guay 8a 1.... 103 2.... 103 Se Perte Hlce T 7s rets 0 03 a use. Swltc'd Cen Si 10.. 1.. 1.. B.. r... 6.. 10.. 6.. 1.. 1.. 10.. 1 Atlantle ct 64a 1.... A T A B 1 084 . 08 . 08 I . OSS 1 . 08 4 i V clt . 70 . 7d A - S . 02 . 03 . !2 1 . 02 . 024 . 02 . 804 I . 02 I 03 . t . 02 I . 02 I . 024 I A T rta 1 1084 I 108 108 108 108 108 108 ' 108 I HW I 108 108 100 108 I 108 I 100 loe ? I Heftf ' 1.. 1.. 0.. r... .. 1.. 1.. 1.. C I! a., i.. 1.. 1.. 711'. 70 i in. 7041 7 ... 7I111I Cen 70 7.... 70 I KL... 70k. 1 1 ... . 474 48 48 fd 824 824 824 81 83 83 la '83 784 784 70 70 . . 78 . . 711 Q (14l . 1004 . 100 . 1004 III Cent'l 34a Oilcare Mil St P 4s '2.1 1 71 Chicago Mil A Stl cv 14a r. 1114 A N w nf 1 H)7 I 107 1 107 CM Italiw-a .1 a 07 C A W I 74 10.... 100 1 011 Gee C Chi I St L 0a , 1 .... 90 I S PC 1 (sale! 03 Cel A S 4i. 1 a 83 Ciins'd Oas 7s 1 0 1 H 1 0 III Cent'l 0'is t.. . 1004 UN Steel 14" 1 ami. '"" In.l ria ft I. Is 3 73 2 78 Info Met 4 4" 8 104 Int 11 ct 4 4' 100 t n.. B.. 11.. 3.. 13 8 .... n Intb'e It I 1.. .. I . .. 11 II 1 . a .!!! 43(aale) n 10 10. ... 8.. . . 10 10.. 1.. B.. 1.. 1.. ii!! 103 V 4a 83 8.1 834 834 83 B.1 834 8.14 A T A S Te aj 1. ... 77 1 774 A Ceaat I. clt C 734 1 704 B 70 6 78 Const L 7a 4.... 104 Bait A Ohie cv ... 1034 . .. 1034 A Hud cv .... 00 . ... 00 . . . . 00 Det Edl Ce lis1 1 00 2 00 a no it Det V 11 44s B 014 Den A It O fd 1 421 Den A It Ci 4s 1 73 D de Nemours Pwdr 7Va a.. 1. Bait 1.. 1.. 741 , . 74 .. 74 .. 74 .. 71 O 84s , . 89 89 B. 1.. 4.. r... I.. I.. 1.. Bait A Ohie 4a t 1034 103 103 108 103 103", ifa 103".; 103 103 103 1004 103 104 103 101 104 1031J 1... . 1..:.. Infl Aer r. 1 1 M Murine ds 84 84 7 T fd n.i B4 B4 31 r.5 33 33 4 8.1 8R 8.1 4 nr. f.3 4 83 8.1 33 3.14 0.1 824 e ns 71 74 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 V, 44 44 44 44 43 43 43 U 43 43 41 44 44 14 44 44 44 44 44 T 2nd 484 48 T 4s 73 73 74 74 4 74 74 . 734 73 73 II 1C A T 4 wl 2 04 10 04 1 01 I.. .. 04 Me Knn A Tex ct 4 4" 10 . B2 3 82 M IC A T 3s wl 1. 3... 1... 8... B... 1... 0... 1... I... 10... 1... 1... 3. .1 F.!! ! a... a... a. . . 1... a... a... Mn ic .1 . . s... Me K 4... 1... a... New Yerk O A West'n 4s a 03 n Tk rtiyii n a b N Yerk Stat ltlys 44 2. 4.. 2.. 2.. 10... n... 1... 4... 1... 1... 104 104 104 101 1034 1... 1... 1... O n!!! a... 1... 1. 03 h en 03 03 r 03 e 03 2 03 New Yl: BueqJ ft w n irm 1 38 U N Y Tele 44a 1 88 3 884 X 88 t 88 1..... 884 ft 1 TSle B '41 4.... 102 7.... 102 1024 102 103 103 101 102 103 102 103 102 102H 102 1024 102 1024 102 102 102 102 102. 102 1024 102 1024 102 1113 2 102 N Y Tele'e '40 7.,.. 102 1.... 102 1 102 10.... 1024 I 102 1.... 102 I 1024 N Yk W C A Hest 4 4a 1.. 0.. a.. 1.. 1.. 2.. 1.. 1.. 0.. 2t IV.. 1.. 1 1.. T!! a.. 10.. 1... a... 1!!! 1... i... 103 103 4 103 100 100 10.1 1084 103 renrla A 13 Hit 2 724 1 724 4 72 4 73 Pei-e Marn.' 4i 8 70 2 7(1 iPere Mur'll 3 0 80 2 804 t... .. 80 3 89 Phlla. Cnty cv 0 00', Pierce O 8a wl 8.... 100 12.... 100 Pitta C Chi A St L a B 2 004 3.,'... 00 Frodue'a A lie. Oners 8a 1.... 101 Pub Serv Cerp N Jay Ba 10 731. Heading Ce 4i 10... 0... 6... 8... 1... 1... 1... t... 1 87 1 874 13 874 1 87 Sn Illy Mobil A O Ctfa 4a 1 en 1 00 Stand'0 en e Cnllf 7a 10.. 1... 1... 0... I... 1... 1... 4.. Steel of A 1... 1 8. n... 1... NU !' at . 34 . 84 Pwr 3s .. 04 W'n 4s .. 804 .. 80 85 I.. 1.. 12.. 1.. Nfk A 0... 14... 1... Nfk A V cv 0s ft IIIITI ' I Nflc IV el 1m 0.... 107 North Weatern Hell T 7a 100 4 77 77 77 4 77 77 77 77 77 77 804 80 ! 80 814 814 80 80 81 81 80 W 4s 74 74 73 A I.-.., nie e 1... 4... l.... Reck Il'd A Leul'a, 44s B 77 7 Bt I. I Mt A S II wy 4 s 70 7(1 73 4 70 70', 704 '. 1 Mt 4 1 1 u O dlv 4s 10 704 1 704 8 704 10... . 704 13 70 5 80 St L Peoria S N W 3s 3 03 St L A S V At 7f laale) 3 (1 B S' Philadelphia Markets 100 . 1004 . 100 . 1004 . 100 . tee . ion . tee Tube Ce 7 ... 07 118 Trr A Pae 1st 1 874 1 88 Third Ave nj ! 444 Third Ave 4s 1 88 1 na 1 88 in 88 Tidewater Oil Te ct 041 10.... 100 1.... 100 2. . . . 1011 1.... 100 Teledo A Ohie Ct'l West D 1 00 Union Pac cv 80 80 80 R04 80 80 80 804 2 80 8 80 1 804 Union Pac fd a 82 Union Pae 4a 8. 3.. 2.. 0.. B.. C r... 1.. WHEAT Ilecetpln. 131,400 bush. JJjr ket further advanced lc. Car Ieta In ' elevnter Ne. 2 red winter. M.1401. H"!' 2 red writer, garlicky, I1.08W1.13. et ntr grades dueled at the following scliec Jul 1 of discounts! Mlxt.l wheal, (Id under ''I(!v,n; ten Ne. 3 wheat. 3c under Ne. 2i Ne, ,4 wfeal. 70, under Ne. 2i Ne 0 wheat. ItO .in.l.e Mi. 2. Snmnln according te iuallt. L rOItN--nceel.it,. 13. .80 hurt.. . iSZitX-SZ 2V li.HJ.ilc; Ne. a.-B8ff 3J.CI N. 4, B.1irf.10i Car lets for lecnl tmtl '-Ne. 3 jellew, 024034ci Ne. 2 yellow. 004 61 OATS-Mtecelpts. 12.001 buahcla. Quiet and unchanged. Car Ieta, na te '"f,"""" Ne. 2 white. 4040','jci Ne. 8 white, 414 FLOUIt Ilrrclpls. 000 bl!s. unit 1.740. 438 lbs. In sacks. Trade slew, but pr era sner little change-. Ouotntleti for U1". 'S'-.Pniihi u.'.im. swim.-...!! de. de. nparnv. l.i.z.iT ii ..'. ..-"'-.--. -,.., mn .ff.,i r.ni roe.ooj nam winter, eirniam. "(" ;.,' de. ahert patnt, J0.7.10! Prln? i'J? clear, 13.4008.(13! de. ..PJPi-e- ";"?,?,. 7.2.1! I0. snort patent. 11 "". "",; ' aprln and city mlls tn te'ti t. f umlly brands. 18. BOOH, live flour. t8.8liff0.2S. PIlOVtBKINS Steadily held. Quotations! Heef. In iifta. cmekttl and tilr .drle.l. 40c. beef, knucklen and tenders, amekednnil ulr dried. fiOc; perk, family. $34 1 hums. H. I cured, loere. 20 32c: b. "klnnetl. loose. t.1V2le; de, de. smoked. 20ff23e. hams, tolled, boneless. 30ei Picnic heu!dere 8. P. cured, loose, Kiss de. ameked, 17c. hlli. pickle, loose, 17ei breakfast bacon, 21e: lard. 114 c. llUTTEIt nulet and selld.nncked creninery 4 0 lower. Quotnlensl. Solid-packed cream ery, extraa, 4040! Jobbing ealee of high- ..1... ..A...... JlAi Khmli. . evlra flrstS. 311 80 4c! flrat'a. 34 036C! aecenda, OO.OSSci aweet creamery, choice and fancy. 4J4W 434c: geed. 834C4140! f.incy brands of prlnta were Jebb'ng at BjOSJci fair t,e choice. 4BCTB20. . , . vnnarn imttee rnnueat and nrlcea ed- vanced 24 c. Nearby extra flrats. 47c near by flrati. 40ci Western, extra nrau l 434c: firsts. 440444 0! aecends, 87(34Jcl lobbing aalea of cnntfled fresh eggs, 01 SP 02cj fair te choice. B300c. . CHEK3B Quiet and unchanged. Njw Yerk, whole-milk flats, fancy. 224 023c. de. fair te eoed. 21S,220! Longlierns. ii 2.14 c i single Daisies. 214 023c; sales of I 8.... 1. 87 87 87 87 4 874 87 4 87 87 87 87 87 Union Pac fls 1.... 102 1.... 102 1.... 102 1 102 3.... 102 U'n Tank C 7a 2.. . 103 1.... 102 1 103 Unt'd Dru 8s M IC A T 0 wl 1.. . . 1 1.... n i.... Intern'l .11 wl 1 10. . . 1.... 2.1 13 89 811 , 80 , 80 , 80 80 Papier 80 , 87 . 87 . 87 , 87 Invincible Oil Cerp 8s 2 fifi 3 Sil 1 83 1 8.1 a... . 8& Iowa Cent'l 4j I 34 & 334 2 334 Iowa Cent 1 3s 3 Knn CRSt Memp 4a 10. in.. a.. H.. IB.. 1.. I !!! 10.. e. . 10. i . 81)1. . 80 . se . MM . 80 .SW . 80 . 811 . se . 811 . 80 14 . 80 . 80 8'l 80 89 10' 1074 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 1074 107 107 4 .107 4 1074 1074 107 2.... 1074 ,N I'aclfle It 3m 00 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. t.. 1.. a.. i!! I!. 1.. a.. i.. i.. i.. s!! St I. i 8 8 B(sale) 1.... 1 2 3 10 t 0 10 1.. 8.. 111.. B.. a. . . . l(aal-) 28 31 IC A T note 3 88 12 88 3 ... ,ih a r.8 . i ie ns ., a 88 . XIn Pe.rtr. Am - 00 .104 00 4 00 8 (10 13 00 4 N Pacific II 4s n,S,;VnMWeliWch TH-. Bait A Ohie Ss i jeHi; 1 -ALL . VO .1 Denmark Cen I ct II 8 4 ... 103 1.... 1034 , 2.... 100 ' Dem nep'e Ss I 1 834 Geve't Trench It 74a rcta mi I 0 08U V7t I, 134 04 un 134 0. 10.. 0.. 1 . 1.. 4. . 4.. ... 1. 1.. 3.. 118 113 113 1184 118 118 II 4 I 1114 114 I US', I 784 78 78 4 Halt A Ohie Ca t. 1 1. Dun 1. 1084 . 108 . 108 Light 0s .. 100 .. 100 .. 100 .. 100 1 100 2.... 100U Krl Cenl Lien 1144 FOREIGN EXCHANGE i New Yerh, Jnn. C. The ferelun ei I change market opened weak at declines running from IV3 cents ln sterling te fi points and upward In the ether ex I ehniiKPH Marks were down te a new low for recent trading. 1 At the end of the first hour the mar 1 ket wim n Rhede above the parly low fig- ures for the allied classes. Sterling rallies tere quoted at 4.17. demand 4. 17 ! Ifrnne enbles 7.0T, checks 7 01; lire ca tbles 4.im, checks 4 2,') i murks .TO. The Central European exchanges were quoted today as follews: Itiimanlan, 1.78; Ilulgartan, .81; Serbian, 1.48; ,C7.echo-Slevnklnn. 1.1)1; Juge-Kliivlan, !..'!-; Creek, l.IW ; 1'ells.h. .'l.liO; Kin .ntsh, 1.07; Austrlun, .04I-; Ilungnr- Ian, .17. The Seuth American exchanges were quoted n follews: Argentine, It",. .'We ; Hrezil. lite; rniRim, l.",(l ; Chile. lO'yjc. The preniliim en New Yerk funds in Montreal tedav weh slightly firmer at ,"'' ner cent. The discount en l'n 11 ud I un funds In New Yerk today wa a fraction higher ut 4T6 per cent. YUSTLHDAY'S FINAL QUOTATIONS Sterling Kranca Lire Guilders Demand 4 10 h 0'i 4 204 an.flH Uublea . . 4.20 8.01 4.27 88.74 TODVY'3 OI'K'INO QUOTATIONS SterllnB Ianc Lire (lulldera 4 17 7 04 4,24 4 80, 03 1.174 7 3B 4 23 80.00 CLOSING QUOTATIONS Sterllng Franca Lire Oulldcra . 4 18 4 7 00 4 27 8(1. 83 , 4.10 7 0d4 4.274 80.01 4. . 1.. 14 . 10 . BO.. 1.. 3 . r... 1. 1.. 1 1. a . 4. 1 1 2.. 1.. t.. 1 . I.. 8. 1. 1. 1.. 0. 13.. Demand Cubic. Demand Cables Recerd Only Sales Above 5 Shares Tha aeverntnr Committee of the Phlla iltlplila Stock Exchange at It meeting yesterda.y rultd that en and after that data en transaction, In stork under five srjarcs jihnl! b Jirlnlwl jU the taps or stock Jlat of 1. . 2. 1 1. . . 10 . 7 7. 1 . 14.. Oeve't I 1 1 . 1. 4... G . . 1... 1 7. 1 0 1 1 3 1 Ora 04 04 4 04 04 044 04 4 04 04 044 04 04 114 04 04 01 01 04 04 04 01 04 01 044 04 04 04 4 04 III (14 01 04 01 03 01 04 04 04 4 &4 04 III 01 01 114 4 01 It Si 00 90 0(1 011 00 00 00 09 8'i 00 4 00 00 4 00 no u, 1111 00 1104 004 00 Trunk of U IC Ort Ilrlt A I'd 1022 1. 1. 18 3 1.. 1 43 3.. 1.. 10 40 U IC . 100 10'l .. 1004 ! . . 100.3 . 100 1004 Ort Ilrlt 05 03 1)3 08 , 08 IrS'i 05 . un 03 , US , 113 . 0.1 Tel 4s 2 ... 03 1 . 03 B H O V L E 1 1 -1 1 , 1 ... 1 A O 100 100 100, mm, 100 lUdU. Iti0 " Teleahene 100r- I of T 7s 43 42 42 43 42 42 Dile Itll cv A 1 1. 10 A fd 1020 20. 1 1 I 1 B. Beth 09 00 00 00 09 08 08 08 08 00 lill 00 no 00 03 00 004 03 09 08 no 08 08 00 98 V IC Grt Brit a 1 a iuai 108.. 40 28.. 10.. 100 IS., e 1 no.. 40.. 23 . a.. 7 . 18.. 2. . 2B.! 8.. 18.. 0.. 1.. 10 . l! Ii Steel 1.. . B.... 1 ... 1 1... .. 1084 I 1084 1084 I 1084 I 108 108 bteel fd 004 fis '80 804 I 804 80 , 80 I 80 I 304 30 cv D 38 37 37 1 ICati C 10..., 1.... 1 10..., 10 10... 1... 1..., ICan C 1... O 1..! 1... . uij A S 3a 1. 1. 1. 1. 10. 2.1. 1. 1. 1. 1. T! 10. 00 00 oe 00 no 001, .10 CO 00 00 CD fit) f.0 00 80', ! Nth B.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 3.. 8. 84 84 87 84 4 3 Pwr .Is . ... 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 14 . 71 . 714 B V In . 84 . 844 . B4 84 81 84 84 84 84 4 B4V, 84 4 84 4 B4 4 St L A S I'rnn Series A 08 08 08 C8 084 08 08 08 084 08 084 C8 08 08 08 084 St L A fl Pran Series D 1 &.. 1 1 4 18 1 2... . lB(sale) 3 1 r. 1 1 1.. 1.. 2 4.. . I!!!! 1.... 1.... u s n 1.... 1..., 3 101 101 101 101 104 Kit 1014 104 104 A I 8h . 02 . 02 . 02 U S nubb'r 3 80 4 80 80 80 811 80', 8il 2.. .. 80 B 80 u s nub 74a 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... nNANOIAT. Te the Helder of Certlficftijpl of Depetlt of the American Cltlet Company 5-0 Collateral Trust Bend. The undersigned Committee for hetdtr. .. deposited Atnrlcnn cities Company iji' Collateral Trust Bends under llandhelaS Deposit Agrement dated January ig" ,!', has nppreved and adopted n. Plan and 1,3 ment for the It. organization of or neaaii? ment of the American Cities Cotnean ... In accordance with Artlele "Eighth" if Si Bondholders' Deinlt Agreement, hai iJS a ceny of mid l'lnn nml ,iri..m.;."i Mercantile Trust Cempanv, of Nw y.'z City. New Yerk! llimrnnlee Truii 1 S? if. of PhlladeliAiln, p. ",'! Denntlt f'nmnnM rannl Commercial Trust A Havings lu.w New Orient., La , the depositories u!5i anld Bondholders' Deposit Agrumcnt 5T. Inspection by the depositors ' '" The . Cemmllten hns also mallei! a eetn.i said Plan nnd Agreement le each deM.i," na their names appear en the iceerdi of 1? Committee. Addit enal ceplea nre avallnS' nt the onice of men depositary ""Ml The llme wllhln whldi depoaltera th ' net aesent te auch plnn rnd ngreement Z withdraw their bends nnd loupeni n5S srnted by their certincatra of dcpe.lt S ju.uit te the nroMsIens of the BondhelC Deposit Agrermcnt, uxplres en Junuarj jj Dated 1021. .1 IC. NIIWirAN. Chairman I.VNN H. DINKINS AIlCHtnALD KA1NH l.nW'IS II. PAHSONH PKIICY WATtNEIl Secretary of Cemmlltee. II I 212 Oarendelet Street New Orleans, Ln New Orleans. La December il Cemmltt 1'AIJC, Jobbing ncy reeds. 23020c. LIVE POUI.TKY Kewls. net leghorns, niriiwnei) coal cem: cesifasi TlVILNTY-llVH-Vr-VU PlllST M0t OAOi: S ITU CBNT HINKINO rCM) iiiii.w imni.i iiu.Mri, uuii IXDlr AllY 1. 1n.11 Ulackwoed Ceal A Coke Cemcanv Ii..... netinej the undersigned of Its cenclmS te cxerclse Its option contained In It, tam gage dated February 1. 1000. te redeem X of the outstanding benda. nnd having ni a deposit of funds te pay for same. t2 undersigned hereby gives notice that i.i benda hne been formally drawn for pbim3 hi 1u.1v, anu eccrueu interest as ut ftbnl e . . ...... .". uu.T .yiiitii uaie intertit Ihnp.nn ,vlll r.A..K 'v., I.npi, fi. vetlnw.sltlnneil. welahlnr e Ins, each or ever. 32084c; medium nunllty. 28W 8lc; Inferior. 22CT2SC: spring chickens, fancy, yollew-sklnned, Plymouth Ilecks. weighing 0 lbs. each or eer. 28030c; spring chickens. tin. Tirhnrns. medium eualltv. 26Cv20c. aprlnc chickens, net Iyoeherns. Inferior 22i24ei lysherna. 20024c; at.iggy yeun roosters. 1BM20C! old roosters, HU9 t8c: tur-1 keys. 3840e! ducks, white. FeUln. 30W32c; de. mixed colere. 24 0 23c ; de, Muscevy, 18 W20c. rcee. 23W2.10; guineas, jeung, per pair, weighing 12 lbs, nplece. M.18W I 1 'ia; weigninir ihii ins. npiri-i-. hvvfi guineas, old. ner pnir, ISORCc; pigeons, per pair old. 80c young. IB W 80c. 1 1M(1;mI.I i'Ulllillll -I els. irraii-Kincu, . dryplcked. In boxes, weighing 3 lbs apiece, The twplty fourth iinnual meeting of . 8,CiV,el?L,,ni'niA,!iV """S'Vi208 n !. ineV steckhelders et thin company will be held ..... .,.. -" .,":." . : . . ' . liie kviii u, uutvn Sulil bend, with all unmatured ,.,.... attached, should be presented for ParaiEi at ortlce of Trustee en or aft, r l'ebruin (lllltrtl) TIIUST COMPANY. Tru,le. THOMAS' H. HOPKINS, Trcaturer. ' l'lillndelphla. Pa.. January 3, 1022, 83? ' Tim Annual Meeting rKr?.W.ftYs?S,A-. waniB ......ii ..i 1 Mt :enernl elflce et tha cempuny, Ne. in n Seventh ae., Scratiten. Ia VrlJu 11 ry 20th, 1022, ut 2 P. ill., for the elin . mv ,. -. . . .... -- , - . I)(,) ,, III, .I'l, II I, KIIM lilt. II nil3f.-l,U bl Itld lng .1 lbs. and under, n I W 1 eUier buslneus ua may coine t.efere S hickin-. Ilealern. ecM. met.tlnif. f. u. HAI1DINU. ' rhlng 14 08. lbs. nnd ever Secy..Ti. fresh-killed Mi' Fowls. nlcltrd. welahlnir. 44 3 lbs, weighing 4 lbs . 28lP2ilc. weighing HiW bbls.. dr- apiece, 30c na- 34 H' 2Hl24e; weighing Oc. Heaatlnit In Imlri. MelpV e,lirrf ni,. uelrliltiff 1 lhs llTjlec" . 3.l HiJahln. Qll II.. nnlnA IflWHi' V..rhln.? 1 .. .1 lbs. apiece 242.1c. ' Ileastlnrf ililckens. fffTHi; ltlVLi;TATn TIIUST C01 IVeslern, In bbls.. wilehlnc 4ir. in. anu i -..- i ui iiiii.AiM.i,riii. .... nni,.rt e. ...... unn niunt.fl. MOiE.I'Jr. January 3. 1D3 coarse nnd slag'. 20(!f28c; rmsllng ch rk- . The Annual Meeting of the stockheljiti ritis. Western, weighing 3V lbs apiece, nnp .or una iiiinpany win pe neiu in us dukuici )! l.ii.liinir i.!iieliLna. Western, welching Seu. beaut Cerner llread and Chestnut sttMU 14 W2 Ibd. aplce, 32rt.14r. Chickens. eat- ! en Tuesduj, .liiililnry 10. 1032, ut It a'cltd 8. 1. 10. St I. 82 ... 82 . 82 . . 82 ... 82 A S Fran Series c 10 04 2. . . . en 2.1 05 13 01 0 94 Ont Pwr Nlag (. L Sew'i Fall fis ' B 084 2 nnii.St L fiew'n nn Ut'.e II Ce 4a 1 .10 1 .... 8.14 1 CO 4 Flak nub'r Ce ret C.. I.. Kelly Tire Bs 1... 1... 0... 1... 3... 1... 1... fl.., ICInga 3 . , 034 034 03 034 034 034 (13 S 63 , 81 , 844 , S44 , 84 . 844 niy 4s , 7 70 Me Pae fis '21 a 1104 Ont'e Trans Bs 1 70 Ore A Calif .', 08 1 78 St Paul A IC C 3 L 44 8 70 1 71; fl(sale) 0.14 Oregon II II A Navl Ce 4s 834 Oregon B L 4s 0 87 Orecen 8 L Ba t...... 004 2 08". Ore-W n n Ce A I. Ce 4s 2 77 Pae Ci A n Ba Ilkn Kdt D 7a 1. 1. 3 1.. 3. . 1.. 22.. 4.. 1004 1004 1004 ioe 100 1004 103 100 100 F 20. l! 1. 10. 1. Can 0j rcta 1004 100 1004 100 100 1.. 1. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. I in ia l l ... 1 .... l 8 1..... 0..,,, 00 00 00 I 004 S(9 4 0)4 00 4 004 004 904 00 00 00 4 004 00 11(1 Il 0.1 00 00 00 00 00 004 OR 004 OGvi MY 1 1 1. l(OTle) 1.. . 1... 1.... 4.. . 1. .. U llapld T 7s 1 .... 80 II llapld Tran ct 7a ata 8. ... as Buffalo nech'r A Pitt 4s 10 . 00 Bush Uildg Ba 1 80 il.. 80 2 HO Hush Ter'i Of 1 .. 82 Caad'n Pncifle Ce d wl 2 78 B.. .. 78 78 78 ... . 78 78 Leather .Is . .. U3 100 100 100 100 1004 1004 tee 100 100 8 ... 100 lOens'l Hlec Bs i 1 73 i Oene'l Clec Us 2.... 103 8.... 103 ' Ooedyear T A ub'r '81 i 84 1 0 1 74 M A O St L A Carle 4a 1 81 2 81 2 81 1 8214 H Bs. jjentr' 1 Tram- ss ways &a B 83 Ment'a Pwr Bs 1 03 1 03 Ntl Ilnam'c A IC U T niy 4s Stamp's Ba 1 02 N Or'a A T 4s su i rau Sprlng'd New Or Tex A I , Mexico Bs 102 - i... . 10241 a!!!.'! n4 i Pelfle Pwr Cs 10 0 .. ' 87 N Yk Cent'l 4s ... 84 . . 84 ... 8-1 C'tl en Is ' ... 70 . . 70 I 711 . . 70 ..79 i- n 4a . . en i N Yl: Cent'! (1 I Haale) HSU Mil Antenla A 8.. 1.. 8.. 1.. l(a ile) 3 1. 88 874 88 87 88 87 87 S7 5.. 102 102 103 102 n 101 10. 1((2 N v i; is ii. oe n. Lack Steel '23 r.. 4 07 1 Lack steel '.mi 1 82 2 82 L H M S .14- 1 77 Lake Shere M 4s '28 8 81 Lake Short M 4a '31 n 80 10 .... 894 Lehigh Val il. 1... 101! L A Myers Br 1 024 1 924 1 Ii. 1 . is!! i , 2.. 90 09 90 09 neli 09 00 HO O'l HO 00 no no no 99 Pae TtTli 1 til'l Packard Moter Car Ce 8s , 2... . 00 2 .... I0 A P n 4e 1 10.1 1.. . 10.11, I'd S Steel .1 10 00 3 094 1 09 20... . 90 a 00 1 00 1.... 100 1.... me 1 09 t... . 00 1 00 1 .. Hfl 1.. .. 011 4 100 a.... ion 1 80 n... . 00 1 09 U S 8 Bs reg 2 00 Utah P A I. 8 2 00 2 80 2 80 Va- C Chm 1st 1 03 7 03 Va-C Ch 7 4 1... . 034 1 01 8 03; 1 01 1 1)4 1 03 crn, welslilng 24 M3 ma. apiece, -u vj .. Ileastlng chickens, nearby, weighing 4WS lbs. and eter uplece. aiy33c. HeaslliiB chickens, nearby, neighing 34 lbs. apiece. 2728c. Ilrellfni.- chickens, nearby, welch ing 14W2 lbs. aplece. 21W2Hr, chickens, nearby, welglung 24 3 Ibi. uplece. ..K't'.'Sc; old roosters lr -picked. Western. 21c . de. de. Southern. ln20c- spring tarkeys. near by. fancy. 40it.12c; Western, fancy. 4348c. erdlnurj. 3s43c; old tern turkeys, aeWIOc. ducks, :v":iBc; geese, fancy. ,.'3W23c. de. fair te eid. 20822c. POTATOES White potatoes, per cwt.. "J.2.lvi2.7(l. Swaet potatoes, .terssv per -bushel basket. Ne. 1. 11 CI 23. Ne. 2. 300Uc. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS chiciige. Jan. a. cattlij neeeiptii. jp Franklin National Bank iiif-inik hmnA Tiuf mtr.Hr ttrtlve. tneatlv .- ....... . steady te strenr Chulce yearlings, Jill; rlielce heavy bullocks. Jli.30; sh- sleck nnd j bulls steady; vai cmves. -.i.iuu uiKiit-r. bulk vealera. $S.73W'J. Hteckera and fiudera " 'loe's Receipt. 37.000 head. Actlxe. 13 It 'J3e higher. Tup. IS for hogs, aw-raiilng 103 and down; bulk of satis. 7 10t).(.i. tilgH e.eauy IU -OO iubiit; uuin uvnuuuiu. SHDKl' IUtelpte. 13.000 head. steady te "Sc higher. Pat lambs, top. early. 112; choice clippers. $10.00: prime 95-pound year lings, til; fat ewes. top. early, 10. A. 31.. at which there will be an election l successors te thge directors theis Ural then expire; anu such oiner uusincss win h considered and acted en as may be troeiM before the meeting. nmvAnn y. tewniknd secrettrr. KZf 1IIK 1'KOVIDKM' 1.I1K AND TKCH " Cempunt of I'Mluilelphln. The nfty-HMventh Annual Meeting cf Hi Provident Llfe and Trust Company of Phi, celr.hu, wilt be held at Its OITIce, Fenrtt and Chestnut atreets, en Serenil-tlay Ok, tiny), the Ninth Dur of First Mnnlh Un, arr). 1022. at 10 o'clock A. .11. An elKtla of five dlrecteta te serve for Hire, run will be held batwem the hours of IV n, H tniW2 P. 51. LEONARD C. ASIITON. ciu;sTNt t stiii;i;t vi:-t or iiiieib Phi in " liihlu IJeci'iiuvr .', 11121. The Annual .If tlnu of the h'.iareheliin of thin li.in'i I r the election nf director ti cre during the ensuira er and fur ryl ether busliiiBS a may b pn-cnteil, IU bt hel.l nt the blllkllii; .IOUKe i,, IIKMMV, .lANtAiii ie, 1022. hi;twi;i;.n tik IIOUIIH OF 12 rt'CLlICK NOON AND 1 P.X. 1. WM. HAHUT. Vice President anilCaiMw tar i. Scab'd A 1 1 4 fl 10 0 Stab'd A !....-. Seab'd A 11 2 12 10 Sh Steel I! 8 1 00 Rlnclalr C Oil Cerp 74a 0 L a 14 18 13 14 14 114 L fd 32 I. Os 4: 42 42 42 2 . 1.. 8.. 10.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1 i!! 3 . l. B 024IN Y 1 0 L A Ml era 7s 1 112 1.... 112 2.... 111 Lerlllard C ns B. ... 92 1 02 Lerlllard C 7s 1.... 112 1.... 112 Le A Naah 4s . . 874 A Naah wl 1014 1. 1.. 1.. n.. 4. Ocedyear T Rub' '41 17 IB B Ctl 1 Ctl Pacific 1st 81 i 83 ' 83 , 83 81 83 81 B. I 1 . 1 I. Chicago Union i Sta ct 04a B 1.. . 8 . O Nil 1.... I. Cere da Copper 1.. . 7..., 2. J ... 113 Paa'i) 8a U3H 114 in m 8.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1 ... 4.,.. 1 . f .1 1 . f 2, i . 1104 110 110 110 110 4 110 110 1101. 1104 110 Illy 7s 107 1074 1071., 107 107 107 107 1074 107 107M J0TV 1074 JO. 1 Louts 8a 1... 8... 4 .. fl . . 3... 8... I!!! i... 7. . 8 . 1... a.. n I !! a... i... 3... 10... 10... 4... 8... 10... B... a.. a.., it.. i:.. 107 Q...i 1014 1014 101 4 1014 V01 4 rei 1014 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 1014 101 1014 101 101 11)1 101 101 101 101 101 J"'4 IH 1 L'V 08i ... e4 . .. 084 ... 08 . . . 08 ... 08 . .. 08 . .. 084 . .. 08 .. 08 4 . .. 08 ... 084 . .. 98 Cent'l 7s .. ion .. 103 .. 10BV1 .. 108 .. 10.1 N Y Edlten Ce 04a rcta 8.... 100 2.... 100 4 4.... 100 2. . . , 100 1 100 2 ... 100 1.... 100 104 10(1 10(1 108 K'0 100 100 100 1011 1011 100 100 100 100 100 1 1 1 1 .. . 09 1 99 Pan A Petr'm A T Ce 7n 1.. .. 00 Pa It II 4s '00 10 84 2 83 Pn It en 4i, 03 B. 8 I. 8. 1. B. 3. B. 0. H93e'n Hell 09 4 - OOV.Re P Ceaat 4a 09 ie S84 00 S'n Pae n clt 00. 3 70 li'iSiH n I'acinc tu 084 08 , 984 08 08 84 084 084 084 T fia 03 B. 1... 8... 8... B... 1... 1... a... a .. 23... 91 84 84 84 84 84 84 844 84 4 84 Va niy Ce 3 2 88 8 88 a(nale) 88 8(sals) 88 Va II A P Ba 1 7B Wabash R lat 1 03 Wabash II 2nd B 82 Weat'n Elec Be 7 00 2 90 8 119 1 00 1 094 West'n Mrt la 4 no 1 89 1 nnv, 2 89 We'll Pac Isti 10 80 1 80 10 80 West Shere 4a 4 78 8 70 13 .... 77 V Union 4s 1 88 1 884 3 80 W Union 04a 1 00 1.... IO114 1 1004 1.... 100 iWestlnghs'e I. A Mfg 7s Pittsburgh. Jan. 3. HOGS Receipts. 2..00 head I Steady HcaWe. 7.7.18, heavy Verlters. lb.758.83: light yorkera and pig. '"uuiIiIp an-ii I.AM US Receipts. 330 head. Sliady. Tep bhecp. IU; top lunib.'. 112.30 '''"her. .,. .., ,.., u,..j. Tep. 113. Uist lliifriite. N. V.. Jnn 5 CATTLK ll-celpts 173 heart. 8lrad. Liilxjs ic cclnta. 27.1 head; 3'Jc lower. 33OHI..10. HOGS lle-elpls. 1020 tn'iid bteady te ;r, higher. Itiivy. J7.S0W7.75, nilx.-d. $8 (M B0. yerkera. f 8 73 Wit, light de nnd I pi g. FPU H.21; reiib'ha. I3.7BW0, atnga, $3.eUlf 4"r?lli:nP 1ND IMIW R-cclPtSjn 12)0 head. I.imb 23c up at 15&13 (? BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE New Yerk. Jan. r,. HUTTKIl unsettled. Receipts. 12.332 tubs. Creamery, higher than citrus. Il)404c, creamery, extra. 02 score. ;i8ff304r cnamer. llrs.H S8 te 01 acere, 384 W .lSr. pacUlnK Bleck, current make e. 2. 23c. KOlIri Irregular. Receipts. 20.320 cae Frvali-gathertd. flrsts. 41 V 12c; Nrv Jery hennery whiles, extra fancy candlul ielec- tlens, 88e. nearby and tuarbv Western hen n..rj whites. Ursla te incrage fancj. Win Clim'.Si; steady. Receipts, 1814 boxea. Stale whele milk, n.-its. frebh,' nveruge run. 20021c. Stute whel milk, fresh, twins, average run 2021c. Thirteenth St Cerner Brings $45,000 Tltle te the three-story brownsteno dwell ing at the nerthwest corner of Thirteenth and Irving atreets. 242 Houth Thirteenth street, having a frentnge of 22 feet tl Inches en Thirteenth street by a depth of 101 fett en Irving atreet. has btn transferred from J Clifferd Wilsen te the American Re-Insurance Company, a Pennsylvania corporation. I Til PrOimriy l iiMrB.ru ui ,jj,u.nj mm mid price P'lld was 143. OOO. Jehn II. Slnberg 1 ns the broker la the transaction. After extcnslve Improvement the purchascM will occupy the entlre property as offices, ra ra inevlnir from the Wldener IlulldinK. Prices Improve en Paris Bourse Purl. Jan. B Fries Improved en the IVmrsA '.elay T ret. per rent rcnten. Bl franca 20 centimes. echunge en Lmden. B" frana 05 c. nlliues. 3 per cent lean, ii) franca 20 centimes. The dollar v as quetiij at 12 francs 004 centimes UA8Atb.h NAlKINiti. UA.1K Phlladelenla. Dec. 13. U'!l. Th Annual Meattnv nd election of 4 rectors of this ban win be held. : tw; Banking house, ceinar Mtn and t.erta trette. Munayunlt. Phtlade.phla en Tr day. Jrinuury 10. 1922. eetween the hound ii A, M. and I 1. M.. and for the trite action of anv ether buslnesa that mr telOl ine inrrui.i; KUOIINR .1 HOnn" Caihlw. Cfif NATIONAL HANK IIP lil'IIMAMOH! PIIILADKI.I'IIIA rter.ni.ntewn. D-c. lllber 111 10J1. The Annual rectlnc of the Stockholm nnd the election of a Heanl of Director! fa .,... .canine lllr wl't l.e l.e' 1 at the tar.1 Inc house. C! rmbrtnun aM'nue end Schail lnne. en Ttiesibe . Jiinuiir 10. 1022. Lctam the hours of 10 A. 11. and 2 P. M. u ' JOHN C ICNON ( ashler. .inns' .1. l'L'I.IN A CO.. l.M'. Th Annual Meeting or tli Stecl holders of Jehn J. l'elln A Ce., Inc.. will It held In the offices of the Cempanv 4111 n.r,nnninMn Avi'nuc en Mnnili. J inexr nih. 1022. nt 10 o'cleik A. .11.. fef la eierilini of Directors le tere f. r then suing 'JjjjAj.. n TU'II.I Y a iw nssr Tin: annial mi:i:tim. or m MnrrU Vnlnuil Rpfuee I.i the llrfr tlnn of iilHcrH vnd trnnaiirlini f elte 1....1.,... Mill lv. held ilenil i .1 inuerr I 1012. at 1212 Lembard t at Ii o'cled neon.- NATA,-IK j m.wiN PresHrat Tin; annial jn.h-riNti or nn: BfT". V3T .i th Heme. 24th and Poplar Mreeli, e Tuewlny. Jenunrj 10, ut I0:.l A. M. MARY HOWARD SCOTT, .errftarr. Dividends 1.1TTL17 SCHUYLKILL NAVK1ATI0.V IIAILIIOAD AND COAL COMPANY 333 Walnut rilreet Phlladelpli'ii. Dec. nth., 1021. A dividend or one neniir enu i,riii-w.. (11.28) rrnta Per ahnre hua been i: payable Saturiiay. Innuary 11. 192J, ChecKa win ut iiiuiieu. Dacember IB, 1021. at 2 o'cIelIi P JI. reeiwned Monday. January HI, ll'-'2 all" o'clock a. MhuaT0N i,ni:AnI,i;r jn.. I Treasurer. PrWtt JI. Pa R am 44hi8'ii Pau cv 4 2.1.. .. 804 n .... 8r, 0 80 i Prnna R R .is 01 I 1.. 1.. T!! i.. i . 3.. 04 94 4 04 04 04 4 04 934 Penna R 0a 1.. 3.. 4.. n.. l.. l 8.. 3.. 1.. U.. 4.. 1.. 1.. I. ! i.. i.. i.. tot 104 104 104 104 1044 104 101 104 101 B 3 8 IB 1 Kaale) 8 0 60 4 80 80 80 80 4 87 1.. 1.. I I.! i.. 4 . 1.. 1.. e b'.! a.. l. Producer Manager in eiwn te 'iea from Stock Kxchangc I Heuse, dtalrlng nn serMies as manager ! nf Phlla. unite, i iieniele anil hlghee refereni ) auuteh iireaer A-lu. i.r.iMir.iv lit i ll l' , et of j 80 80 4 89 4 8.14 B'n Paclfla Bs 7... . 03 Sn Railway Is 8 01 3.. .. 01 2.. .. 014 1 .11 1 01 Sn Railway 3s 1 88 Ksale) 88 10 IP 1034 1051, 10.1 10.1 10.1 108 108 10,1 103 10.1 10.1 10.1 ' Wlcka'e Spncr rieei is i I I WlUun 1.... I..., 4 1.... t .87 87 08 Ce cv . 8fl . KM, . 8.1 . 84 S4 Wilsen Ce I Kin I 1. 1... 1... I... I... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1.. 034 034 034 (13 03 4 H3 03 4 03 I.14 03 i Total. 114 709.000. compared with 4fl',nen yesterday. Thus far this week. 840. 000 tin - 143, 2.1 1 N Y I Liberty Mherty Mherty Ut 48. LM Is ' 4 w74a ' Mherty Int -..'. LLhMl Uberty M-IKh.. vr 4s i Liberty .1.1 4Vi.. N Yk A Pwr 8 774 N Yk Light H A Pwr fis 2 04 New Y N II A H 4a 'BS 3 41 1 41 K.TN.H High itn.ne ivr.oe fiil.40 117.14 11(1.70 117.70 Liberty 4th 4i,B. 07.18 Vie Notes .'!)'. H. ..100.08 Vie Notes 47iH..100.0H lOO.Oa 100.08 I'V 05.14 07.00 110.40 00.011 OO.SIII 07.ne 00.04 100,04 I'lnie iiri.ne 07.00 110.10 117. 11 nii.;;e 07.00 07.10 100.0S xlutS&Jmi) THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING ELSE Sturtinjr a machine shop is un endless job. Semcthintj; is ulwuys coming between profits. Use your cnpitul in marketing your product. Let us build your machines en centruct. Our service , covers everything from blueprints te bill-ef-lndinff. Heavy work n specialty. Write today. NAZEL ENGINEERING WORKS Warmaclerinj and Cenlratling MACHINISTS 1011-4031 N. Qth St., I'liiladclpliia ""nil" ATI.XNTir IlllKININCI COMPASt 3114 PiiSHjiink Airline Plilludelphla 1 .Ianll.r 3 Mi At a meeting: of the. Heard of Director held .liimiun 3. I. ii )1),'J n0',rrlj Mr share n deemed en (he PfCferW 'stork of the Ceiiipaiiy. payable r'bruari. 11022. te atuekhnldi ra of record nt the eW 'if business Jnnuan HI. 1022 I'lecki w" l!U,!!"jW. R ANIIIinWlN Ke-re.. NATIONAL HA Mi Ol' COMMKItCK . 713 ( hrMiitit Mrret, iiiiiii). ii'iiu.. ... , t b meeting of the llear.l uf DlrfCteril. 1 Ihls lnl' held Januiiry I 1022 a ; ..ir,,,..! dividend of 1 (four ilnllHri P ' ehare) wna declared le stockholders uf r; of tills dav. t.niilile .Innuary 10. 1 Checks will be mailed. jqhn. y . CaeWJJ. JOHN J. l'"Ki.TN"A CO.. INC. . is I .. IIIimi Inra i Trtltll .1 it A Ce.. inc., at their meeting brl I thli id' have declnred nn annual dlildeml of I S " the Common Stock of tee t'..iTi.a., nnd regular iiuarlerly d U1rr.il of I t en'" n...,..... ,,. W innhle .Illlliill!) lu.S 1 Stoekhelder" of ri-ennl en Janu.i v lOtn. Checks will t.,.fjN , nl.IMT, . i urf Mrellllg mill IMrrllilll j3p.NOIlTllVlTJ:ni NAT IOL ". 3" Philadelphia. Pa.. Det il !,, ...- .nm.ul .Unllnii fnr lllr,.l 111 1 M ,11, iii...... v.w.w.. . . - .': , ,.. v,i,i ni the banking house en Turnlii), if. unry 10, 1IWJ. betwien the heuis of 11 A. and 1 1 M. UNFO,tD C NICE. Vice Prer.nt and Cathler.. NAliu..il. UA.1' jr sULIUVVAUli a iniduvifiiiii -. . The Annual Election for Diuxuis "f l! llfcllU Will he4 Ut tl.O lldllKlIU llJ"'.S Tne,day. January lUili.lU .'.'. eeiij.eB.l.V C.ira ul IU a'lluLli A. II. dlld IS l I tl. II WtltT. ,'ailii. l'rope",ilM Hl.l-.vn'l .111.. I , 'ule,t? Ulllie. Washington, i'.. T iltl.Atl.IU Arcnueci a umj., ; vt . . r ,.,V,i.iii)AI jecemutr i;i iu.i ":(""".'0',',"',r Ji til be eptmil in thle ellke at 3 P. .',!: uiirjr ,l. ,1022. for new liet-waier i r mi lilt u iiuvu maica .14111, .li j, Va In acrerOanee with peelWlW Cleverseed Teleda, Jan, i,0l APriL IIS.OV. B. Cleverseed Prima Jll JL,!ii'r.'.' . ,?.u2i aeruar. ftiaroe. ;e,ei pni. ni.ui. aisix. cash. .an.iJ reeruary ana Mar air T N.U A li'e,.T!,jI,"i?i;'". Aisiae it I canh. . 118,110; Prune. 11.30 $?. (OW snd drawlrig. 'ble Office ei r tttierlslnu Architect lillni' H'ler).l..) A shilil cepi.. of which may ' nAU, IIL IIIO III "CO Ol "" ''-'. a-A I'hlUrtelnhta. I'd.. In th dlHTf en .01 - 1 M -- JAS A ehllecl Tiega Steel & Iren Company Heavy Commercial Mnchinlnir. Experimental and Teel Werk. 52d and Gray's Avenue 'rhllattalpUaPa. 'lieclnl Heeling" t lNCOMP. AVil'HANl I! NINO'1;1,' hl'KCIAI, NDTICi; TO hllM'lillOIJIW . Hennl of Directors of Ihls, W'JlS. ailed 11 epcclal meeting of n 'Ym ra. te be held nt the (jetienil emcaf'. any, 001 Land Tllln HullJlug. li. The has ca heldera, ciiinpany, nvi i.niiu .inn iiuiiui.... v- K, phla. Pa., en the lOtli Uuy of "jjii ai luidu uiiurn ,. nt,, 101 mw ---- . vnlln, fee rt nualnll an IncraaSS t eanllal ateck. .fH WILLIAM D, I,AWAb TO 7 a t IMLu i U14 -aMiliaiUe. aaaaa I ei