Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 05, 1922, Final, Page 13, Image 13

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.- "T
' l'jl ' j' x!! !""! "
Tiim I1K01N8 THIS flTOHY
mv llnaren. Boekl flkarrn's
PflVentll inn. I imnt te Martin Tyde-
K.. lis ntel th money nnd calmly
L?m hli ntene of ilv yr without
JiJeleilmS Ins place where h ha; hlddim
ii in i an eM P g?en cote, desDlte the .fact
llial Petictlve Wjan and Skaryan both
5iilt him In Jail, rachtrylnir te wrjnif
Jiim him his efcret with oppemte pur
JKJV D Tint before hl" term wires
KnMet In MUlman. prison mate, who
ff "freed two months enrllnr and who
imiMi te get the oet and meet. Hen
SwSn at a rVw.Yerk hotel. II. mm..
S?itlr renreti this cue llr In hli d.
RSL'K.iiSn. nnd when he. I uvea the
fSnWlatVly he finds befj the p
the old fault en hli trail Ce
in t tins te the home of Nlce
xeii.....--- - . .- nvertakrt Mlliman.
police and
e Biiceedft
In rettins
Icole C'anrl-
n ed Dfa-riuue.
Italian, for-
With hli dauuhter. Tereta. In Han lan
wil& Having netn sent by one te whom
..old man ewji much, fie nieceeda In
innln from h m a premise, ei niu. ana
Thinis hli clethee while the daughter
mm "triited ilenlien of the underworld
Sit V ear te ake Dave te a hiding
Si-e. Jiy ! clever rue. Caprlane per
SaadM DarTin that Dave had been the
Sin "lawn te untecegnUable falti In e.
tomb explosion.
flABOUT the clothes?" Inquired
A Nlcole Cnprlnnecnuntlcully. "Brit
I should knew what he lind en since
they vtere my clothes chY And you
haTO only te leek nt the ence thorp en
the bed te find out for yourself why I
cve him some that, though I de net say
they were new, for I lmve net bought
inr clothes in the three damnable nnd
cursed years thet I have lnln here,
worn at least net nil tern te plccca
Barjan was pacin? up ana uewn me
room new. When the ether's uncle wn
L. .t Nii-nln C.inrlane ncrrtiittcd ft
ilnWer and met-kins smile te hour en
his HP: when Barjan faced the bed
Nlcole Caprlane eyed the efhm- with
i sour contempt Inte which he Injected
a rert of viciously muuiyuum. m-ihi-dicalDn.
"Come across with the mtl" wild
Barjan abruptly. "Hew did Davpilen Davpilen Davpilen
dorsen "ome hcrfr te you And what
cbent that bomb? Did you glve it te
' Neb Capriano's convenient irasci
bility' w.u fnstently nt liH ceminnnd
ain. He scowled nt Barjan. and hi
KiAvrny fist was flourished under Bar-
"T'dldn't!" he snnrled. "And
teu knew well cneuslt that T tiltlrt t.
Yeu riill trv te make me out the (,'ullty
man new eh just bccnui-e I was feel
meubIi te hflp you out of your mud
dle!" Barjnti became diplomatic again.
"Nothing of the kind !" lie said np
wasin?ly. "You're tee touchy, Mcole
I knew that ysu're en the wiuare nil
llsbt, and that you baTp been ever
firce veur gang was tbrekert up nnd
Teny Lomazzi was catigbt. That s Reed
eiieuch, isn't it? New, come en! Olve
ec the dope about Dave Hendersen.
Xlcole Cupriane's fingers plucked ul
Itnlv nt the coverlet. A minute passed.
"nan!" he grunted finally. "A lit
tle honey ch when) you want some
thing from old Nieolet Well, then,
listen! Dave Hendersen caine here latt
Bight in these tern clethcf, and with his
face badly cut from a fight that he said
lie bad been in. I don't knew whether
his ftery is true or net you can nnd
that out for yourself. T don't knew
an thing ubeut him, but this is what
he told me. lie Buid that his cell in the
rriwn ubs next te Teny Lomazzi a;
tmf im nnil 'Pnnv wprn friends: that
Teny died n little while nge, and that
en the nlElu xepy uica no leia iuib n-i-
low Hendersen te come te me it nc
seeded any help."
'Vr!' llnriau'a voce was eager.
He dropped into' the chair again and
leaned attentively ever the bed toward
Nicole Caprlane. "Se he came te jeu
through Teny Lomazzi. eu: vhmi, e
far, I gucs.3 the story's straight. I
happen te knew that Hcndersen'H cell
tbs nest te Lemazi's. But where did
he get the bomb? He certainly didn't
have it when he left) the prison, aud
he was shadowed "
"Se ou said before!" interrupted
Mcole Caprlane catibtlcally. "Well, in
that cabc, jeu ought te knew whether
the rct of the story is true, tee. or
net. lie f-nid he met htrangcr in n
uiloen last night and that they chummed
up together and started in te make a
night of it. 'Xhey went from one bnloen
te unether. Their Kpree ended in u
fight ut Vinctte's place up the block
here, where Hendersen nnd hid friend
wera attacked by seme of Baldy A'ick
era' gang. Hendersen snid bis friend
ai knocked out, nnd that he himM'lf
had h narrow t-queak of it nnd just
managed te cscnpe through the back
deer, 'and ran down the lane and get
In here. I asked him hew he knew
here I lived and lie baid that during
the afternoon he bad located (he house
kcause he meant te ceme here last
night anj way, only hn was nfrald the
Police might be matching him, and he
had Intended te wait until after dark."
Ji'ieole Cupriane'B eyelids drooped te
hjde a Hidden cunning and mocking
gleam that was creeping into them.
"Yeu ought te be nble te trace this
fticnd of Hcudcrsen'H If the man was
.xnecked out and unconscious at VI VI VI
hotte's, as Ilcjidersen claimed and if
Hendersen was telling the truth the
ether twiuld corroborate it."
"We've already get him." said Bur
3n with a hint of savagery in his voice.
Che "friend," nlins n plalu-clethe-imin,
had precd un.uhlug but au iiibplratien
from the standpoint of the police! "(Se
a! The btery is Hill straight. Yeu
My Dac Hendersen taid he intended
te cerue here anywaj , tjnite iipart from
making his cteape from Vinctte's. What
Nicole Cuprlone shriggcd his shoul sheul shoul
eem, , "Meucy. I dnre sny," he bald tersely.
The ufciml thing! At least, I blip
pos thats what he hud originally in
vended te come for but we didn't get
J far as that. The fight nt Vinctte's
jwracd te hne left him with but one
LI'":, "Ilen he get here he wab in n
Jvll h rage. The only thing Unit seemed
rin.i Vi hia 1",l"d wns t0 t'ct some
Jitnat wouldn't nttrnet nttentieu.
ul! of ,he, tern en,'s "P llQ(l n. "id
IS.8 i?ut "Bai" "s seen ns hn could with
ie object of pelting even with this gang
eL1.d,.B; "? Kaid ,hy te thS
theil f. fcc,,t ,,,m ul' ou account of
h.!.ruc;,,lp";;p "t his trial, nd that
UC,'.aftcr ,,im usnl" "ew brenilKf
l' l,ml mm" me,,cy ,,hat ,1m,' ''"HMeJ
J 1 aU, hidden seniew here. Uc was like
?"? ,"e "Id he'd tee them ml
J'JM pm. In hell befe.a they get
t mono , , 10 Mseri, ht..d ,,,.,
1 bunch. t,,ul Bll,,s-!l,uJ set them l?,
I trfel,ili1ll't '""w lat he meant then,
as well Im,?"11;1"? !lewu' V"1 l Blit
tried Lh ttv. ,,'.l,kcU t0 u wl ' beiist. T
abcd-iS.J '""te tay lere nnd go
i oupeT l?d'.he ,uuBbc'l nt inn Tn
face f". I ono..ef. 'he crowd eK the
v. 7 curiu UCIere innrnlm. 1
Mfw: "
Vat e,it egaln.
i..v ' .'"" ciemes l cave him. i.n.i
Harjnn nodded.
but thn.-u ... i.""r. l' . SQ ll nuietly.
I,:?"" 1,1Q ""co lest track
in,,"."" "l 'nn in iicre."
fter hi
r,. "" .l;u'!1 knew the tmlicn rW
rum iMruie rum-nun
rrl..T. "".". '"hi'i'i- HUH
Mhut i: ' i.v. y "" """ tne tiiims.
VPl I n HIl J I Mn I.n.i A I. . .-..
enrc i .... i ,'"' "'e loot (Jf
It Bi,':,.lt.wHlll t BO oft IIU Uinmrhr
rkVeX1?8 lt "eainbt :.
"inerpiith n "" "'iiiiiiu in-
C a ovie ll fn"!? ba,,v l,r.re "K"1"
h bail n wm.il !? he ,',ern,"S' "'l
(kc,i Jil.?1,,1?l! (1?,l,eI Caprinne
.''"Wy'sBaninu-' ""J""1 feuml
Merri..8.?.a" ' ' tescthei- ,0Un .... u
i Mllll iMPnln f '.i . -I .. .. . ..
the clockwork. When he found It
didn't explode, he picked It up ngnin,
nnd brought It back here. He wanted
me te Hx It for him. I nsked him
where he get It. All I could get out of
him was that Teny Lomazzi hnd told
him where he had hidden seme things.
Hu, hnl" Nicola Caprlane cackled
mero Hhrllly still, nnd began te rock
in bed with unseemly mirth. "One
of Teny's old bombs! Teny left the
young feel n legacy a bomb, nnd
maybe there was seme money, tee. I
tried te find out about that, but nil
he said was te keep asking me te fix
the bomb for him, , I refused. I told
him I was no longer In that business.
That I went out of it when Teny
Lomazzi did fifteen years nge. He
would listen te nothing. He cursed me.
I did net think he could da nny hnrm
with the thing nnd I guess he didn't 1
A young feel llke that in best out of
the way. He went nwny cursing me. I
suppese he tried te fix It himself under
that arc light en the park bench."
Nlcole Caprinne shrugged his shoulders
again. "I would net have cared te
open the thing myself It wns made tee
long nge, eh? The clockwork might
have played tricks even with me, who
ence was "
"Yes," nald Barjan. He steed up.
"I guess that's geed enough, and I
guess that's the end of Dave Hender Hender
eon and one hundred thousand dol
lars." He frowned in n meditative
sort of way. "I don't knew whether
I'm sorry or net," he tald slowly.
"We'd have get him sooner or Inter,
of course, hut " He pointed abrupt
ly te the prison clothe en the bed.
"I'll take these," he announced briskly,
"they'll need them nt Oic inquest."
"There's some paper in the bottom
drawer of that wardrebe ever there,"
said Nlcole Caprlane unconcernedly.
"Yeu can wrap them up."
Barjan, with a nod of thanks, se
cured the paper, made a bundle of the
clothes, nnd tucked the bundle under
his arm.
"We weD't forget this, Nlcole," he
said heartily, ns he moved toward the
deer. '
"Bah!" said Nlcole Caprlane, with
rs'ffijt'jt. hivJmia t 11 jipLLLLLLLVI
"Geed!" grunted tnu old bomb
king. "1 thJnh Barjan has swal
lowed the lioelc. But I trmt no
u bcewl. "I knew hew much that is
He listened attentively as Tcrcaa
showed the plain-clethcsman out
through the front deer. Ab the deer
closed nguin. he called his daughter.
"Listen, my little one," he said, nnd
his forefinger wns laid against the side
of lits nobe in a gesture of humorous
confidence. "I will tell you something.
Ignure Fcrreni. who wns feel enough
te blew himself up, hnB become the
young man whom our geed friend Teny
Lomazzi sent te us labt night."
"ratherl" Her eyes widened in sud
den umazcincnt, net unmixed with
nlnrm. w t
"Yeu understand,' my little one?"
lie wagged hit head, and cackled softly.
"Net u word! Yeu understand?"
"Yes," she said doubtfully.
"Geed!" grunted the old bomb king.
"I think Barjan has swallowed the
hook. But I trust no one. I must be
Mire you midcrbtaud sure! (.Je nnd
telephone Hmmnnucl. nnd tell htm te
find Little IVter, nnd send the toun teun
drel te me at once."
"Yes, father." 't-he haid: "but "
"It is for Teny Lomazzi," he said.
Shu went from the room.
Kicole Caprinne Iny back en the pil
lows, and closed his ejes. He might
hnc been nslccp ngnin, for the Hnile
en his lips was ns guilelcs ns a child's;
nnd it remained thcre until nn hour
later, when, after motioning Teresa,
who had opened the deer, uway, he
prepped himself up en bis elbow te
greet a wizened, crafty-faced little rat
of the underworld, who steed at the
I "It is like the old' days te see you
I here, Little Feter." murmured Nicelv
I Caprlane. "And I nlwnys paid well
ISE MEN every
where have said
There's nothing
new beneath
the sun;
But even Wise men
new admit,
At last we have
discovered one
,tt '"'i'
CovvreM, lest, iu PubUe I.tSmr Cemranu
eh? Yeu have net forgotten that?
Well, I will pay well again. Listen 1 I
am sure that the mnn who wan killed
with the bomb In the park lust night
wafl n prison bird by the unme of Dave
Hendersen; and I told the police no.
But it h nlwnys possible that I have
made a mistake. J de net think se
but It is nlwnys posslble eh? Well,
I must knew, Little Peter. The police
will Investigate further, nnd se will
Baldy Vlckcrs' gang they had It in for
the fellow. Yeu are n clever little
devil, Little l'etcr. Find out if the
police hnve discovered anything that
would indicate I am wrong, nnd de the
same with Baldy Vlckers' gang. Yeu
knew them all, don't you?"
The wizened little rat gclnncd,
"Sure!" he said, out of the corner
of his mouth. "Yeuse can lcave it te
me, Nlcole. I'm wise."
Nicole Caprlane patted the ether's
arm approvingly, nnd smiled the mnn
"Yeu have the whole day before you.
Little Peter," he said. "I am in no
NOnce mere Nfcole Caprlane lay back
en his pillows, nnd closed his eyes, nnd
ence mero the guileless smile hovered
ever his lips.
At intervals through the day he mur
mured and communed with himself, and
Remctlmes his cackling laugh brought
Teresa te the deer; but for the most
part he Jay thore through the hours
with the 'placid, cunning patience that
the school of long experience had
brought him.
It was dusk when Little Peter steed
nt the bedslde again.
"Yeuso called de turn, Nicole," he
snld. "Dat was de guy, nil right. I
get next te some of de fly-cops, nn'
dey nln't gqt no doubt nbeut it. Dey
handed it out te de reporters." He
Hipped n newspaper that lie was carry
ing onto the bed. "Yeuse can read it
for yersclf. An' de gang sizes it up de
sarae way. I pulled de window stunt en
'em down nt Merribsey's about nn hour
nge. Dey wns nil derc Baldy. an'
Itunty Mett, an' all de rest an' an
other guy, tee. Say, I didn't knew dat
Beekie Skarvnn pulled in wid dat mob,
UPy was ilghtin' like n let of bttny
cats, nn' dey was bore ns pups, nil
blamin' du ether ene for lesin' tie
money. De only guy in de let dat Kept
his head wus Beekie.
"Ha sat dere chewln' a big fnt
cigar, an' wigglln' it from one corner
of his mouth te de ether, an' he hnnded
'em seme talk. He give 'cm hell for
mussln' everything up. Snj, Nicole,
take It from me, yoiibe want te keep yer
cye peeled for him. He says te tie
crowd : 'It's a cinch dat Dave Hender Hender
eon's dead, thanks te de damned men
youse have made of everything,' hu
says; 'an' it's n cinch dnt Capriano's
story In de paper is straight It's tee
full of de real dope te be anything else.
But If Dave Hendersen told old Ca Ca
prlaeo dat much, he may have told him
mere sec? Old Caprinne'n a wily
bird, nn' wid n hundred theiiband In
bight le old Dage, wouldn't be asleep.
Anyway. It's our last chance dnt Ca Ca
prlaeo get de hldln' place out of Dave
Hendersen. But here's whern de rest
of youse keeps yer mitts off. If it's tic
Inst chance. I'll see dnt it ain't gummed
up. I'll take care of Caprinne my
feclf.' "
Little Peter circled bin lips with his
tongue, ns Nicole Cnpriane extracted n
banknote of generous denomination t'tem
under hl3 pillow, and handed it te the
"Very teed. Little Peter!" hr sni.1
softly. "Yes, yes very geed! But1
ou have already forgotten it all ch?
la It. net e, little Peter?"
"Sure!" raid Little Pcler caruebtlv. '
"Sure jeutc can bet er life I have!"
"Cioed-by, then. Little Peter," i.uid
Nicole Caprlane softly ngnin. i
He stared for a Ien? while at tie
deer, iiu it closed behind the ether
stared nnd smiled curiously, nnd plucked
with bin lingers nt the coverlet.
"And se they would wntch old bed
ridden Nlcole, would they whjie Nicole
watches ch somewhere else!" he
muttered. "Ha, lm ! Se they will
wntch old Nlcole will they? Well,
well, let them wutch ch?" He looked
around the room, nnd raised hlinbclf up
in bed. He began te rock te and fro.
A red tinge crept into his checks, n
gleam of lire lighted up the coal-black
eyes. "Nicole, Nlcole." he whispered
te himself, "It is like the old days back
again. Nicole and It Is like the old
wine te mnke the bleed run quick in the
eins ngnin."
TnJ)e continued tomorrow
Rebert Kynoch Will Be Given Mili
tary Funeral Here
The body of Uehert Kynoch, bhip
fitter, second clars, who died In Brest,
France, October C.I, 1018, arrived nt the
home of his mother, 7.11 A street, Ken
sington, yesterday. He will be given it
military funeral fe'nturdny.
Kynoch enlisted In 1U14 nnd wn nnh
te France in 1017, where he tcrved ene I
year, when he was taken sick with the
inuuenzn. lie leaves, deskic his mother
nnd father, sl sisters and one brother.
. r-
Fer the Beautifying and
Trade Mark
Creams in 2 Oz., i Oz., 8 Oz. and 16 Oz. Sizes
Mail 10c for generous sample of any of
the above creams. If your deuler can't supply you, write
Fricdrich-Fricdrich Chemical Ce.
wmmmmmmmmmmmmmi i 1 1 mmtmammmmmmmmmmm
6SrVO HI a Se
With gargles or sprays it is
under anything like continuous
makes no difference where you are at work, in crowded car, shop,
theatre or church you can dissolve one of these delicious, almost
candy-like tablets in your mouth once an hour or se. An effective
yet harmless antiseptic is released and, carried by the saliva, con
tinuously bathes the entire lining of the month and threat, checks
germ growth, and gives the sere, infected tissues chance te heal. (
Fermamint Tablets used when especially exposed te infection
reduce your danger of catching sere threats, and even inflacnM,
from ethers.
Children can and should use them freely, as defence against
threat affections and influenza which spread se readily in congested
' Faa&mistbeurtndticak. ItidesUfioesrprxhct. BuaCktm.Co.,Iae.,K.Y,
ADDING MACHINES are installed as
labor saving devices time eliminators
Te be fully effective the operator should
have light correct in quality and quantity.
Adjustable te individual requirements.
Ii 1 if i
WM rt'7
Wt f&fV II inr
1 1 Wsi
Hi ie . I
0 Bl J
l'er Sale in
A. l'0Mi:UAN"l'7. .V. COMPANY
llli; lllll.ADLI.l'lMA I.I.M fllll' lOMI'ANY
,,,,,V.,.t,-IN !- TltK MMII'VNV
,l!lliX,,,,.,.l,", niirilll si IM'IA lll'J'T.
NV!;i.i v i-i r run- cempnnv
?."'v. iii.i nn iinii'M
ll. v
J1. I'.'-'iA t'"" r-i.rtTUH si ri'i.Y iemivwy
. v nrriMNAN m iti m)mianv
Alu for ;ile l,y 0mca hUIU,iy ,,n, Mertrl.l
Whitening of Your Skin
Trade Mark
and effectivefbr
sere threat
impossible te keep a Bere threat
treatment. With Fermamint, it
RtoretrnJJ fct lhrtl tmbRttt,
thftkuat, dtntmt and rfrerr.
chine Lamps with the new
daylight attachment change
ordinary electric light intobeti
cyc-saving dalighr, correct in qual
ity and diffusion. TUc nJju..tablc
bracket, nnd green glass shade, male
it possible te concentrate the light
just' where desired, eliminating the
annoying glare from kcybeatd.
Yeu ctn Ret mete and brtif r ueiV out of
very sddins machine equipped with r
limetllte. The leit eye Imuran, e ieu itn
buy belter ecs mean belter v.erl
Wrlie for booklet theulnK. W r'ietni.
Sold by office lur-ply tnd electtu.l deileii.
0 Witrren Street
New erk
Ualirt cfl.tjltn) Vnicn tintt lf"t
any Kwinlid, old r ntw typ ''iMKana
The National Desk Lanm
Philadelphia by
net (heiinut m.
l.'i.'ft Cliektnut M.
I (Hli & Uicttnul M.
in n. ;th sf,
ll N. Ith M.
1ft N, till S.
i.t." m. mil si,
31 N. -S til M.
1007 .Urli SI.
ftll ChrKtnut M.
ft(V.ft-.M N. 4, y,,
Jl V. 7(li St.
lllll Itnce St
, r-l..,..... u.
Uf..ler nn,l fl'-l-rln-. uT.nrlmrnt (or
mP A
raa --
THE renewed activity in nearly every line of
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An analysis of the situation proves that among
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With such men setting the pace, and getting results
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FLOUR, 12 lb bag
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