. I rl jW ir " THtl ", f i -ii l'i-.., !' - " V i i-,v -rr 7rr 'V, fV 1 BOTNlird"-'-!; frg&fl JAiffis' 5-'' If - ' p if f i :i- ; N -.' , WHERE BRIDGE WORK WILL START Stin pitiitq m MADk . Illllllllllllllllllrillll RRinfiF-WnRK START fflWBEBfflP3B3BSSi39 I ittHK.n ihkiviv vms '.,-h. i i-citcj t.Hkk. a? rx - (, jv iA'.5iii vma-zxmz 7izi ' MmmmW!SMMmSmWmammmMWKwfmSLAWaii Oovernor Sproul Will Swing Sil ver Pick at Pler 11 Tomor row as Formal Beginning CAMDEN TO HAVE PARADE, Schedule of Festivities Fer Start of Bridge Werk Tlie following program 1ms becn arranged for the celebration In con nection with the unit physlcnl work en the new De'awnre Illver bridge: 8 ;.fp Governer Sproul nntl Gov? trner EqtfnrdH, nrcompnnled by tlie Phllnde'pbltt Commissioners, leaves Bolleviie-Stratfon! for Cnmden. 0 I'nrade starts In Cnmden. M Porade starts in rhlladcl- 12:45 Lunch nt Dellevue-Strat- teri. . . ... 2 First swing of the silver pick and first prod of the crowbar nt Pier 11 dignifying tlie ecttinl beginning of the physical work en the bridge. 2:10 Ceremonies and cxcrclsea nt Pier 11, North Wharves. Ad miral Dewey's flagship Olympia will belch forth n salute from Its guns Ilyilreplane leaves Cnmden for rhllade'phhi stretching ribbon ncreas the Delaware. . 0 Hanauet and speaking nt Bcllcvue-Stratferd. Wlim Governer Sproul drives a nil- Tfr pick Inte the old planking en Pier tl. and Governer Edwards, of New Jersey, Riven nn extra prod with a crowbar tomorrow, work en the Dela ware Jliver Bridge will hnve begun. Incidentally, a program of celebration will nlfle be started in Philadelphia, a rentlnunnre pf the ccrempny which opens in Camden at 0 o'clock In the morning. There will be parade in, two StateB, New Jersey and 1'cnnsylvanln, speech making, banquets and luncheons. Everything has been timed and planned te the minute rer a gala day. Frem 0 o'clock In, Camden until an hour net yet fixed In Philadelphia ether things will be stirring besides the mud and fishes in the Delaware. Banners will be flung out here and In Camden for thin occasion. Camden ParaUe In Morning The first of the ceremony will start In Philadelphia, w&en at 8:41, the Com missioners of Pennsylvania will leave the RtltyvCie-Strntferd te join the Com missioners of New Jersey In Camden. There Ihey will enter the parade, which will start at Delaware avenue and Fed eral street. James II. Leng will act as marshal. Te the utrnlns of the Lyric Hand, of Camden, the Bridge Commission will fellow in twelve automobiles. There will he a detnehment of sailors and marines from the Navy Ynrd, the Phil adelphia Police Band, National Guard of Pennsylvania nnd New Jersey, the State Constabulary of both States, the mounted police of two cities, the Pub licity and Public Welfare Committee of Camden Council, City Ceuncilmcn. Camden County Civic Federation of Camden, the Harrington Band, two Camden City floats, Camden Rotary Club. Camden Chamber of Commerce, Camden Itcnl Estate Beard arid the Aute and Tractor Association. TIki line of march will be cast en Federal afreet te Iladden avenue, te Ofetvten avenue, te Broadway, te Mar (Vt street, te ferry terminal. U U:.'10 o'clock Governors Sproul v ) Bdwards will de their bit, after wflich Majer Moere will take a swing with the pick, with Mayer Ellis, of Camden, us helper with the crowbar. Governer te rrealde Governer Sproul will preside at the wit exvrclHcs. After the singing of "America." prayer will be offered by Bluhen Uhlnelnnder. Governer ttpreui will deliver the opening address, fol lower! by nn address by Governer Ed wards. Ilabbi Krauskopf yill offer prayer, nCter which a band will play. After prnje.r by the Kev. J. Fitzgerald and the, playing of "The blar N--ngcil Banner," a sailor will wig-wag te Admiral Dewey's old flag (nip, the Oljmpla. lying in the Dela ware, whereupon the 'guns of the fa mous old battleship will fire a salute, and nil riwr craft will join In the eel ebrntlnn bj the blowing of whistles. At this signal a hjdreplane will rlse nt.,,V, Cnmden sldu and fly toward Philadelphia, btretchlng ucrebs the river s ribbon, ns u symbol of the bends of friendship between the two States. Cars in the pnrade which will leave The Question Cerner Today's Inquiries i. hat interesting experience waa bad recently by Mrs. Lige Cngle, ;f Polk County, Arkansas? In typewriting, hew may the troublet-emo last line of a 6mall piece of paper be steadied be that it does net make writing dlfllcult? 8. Te bring Soed luck te the posses sor of a loom, what sort of new doorstep has been devised? ., '? . a Ket cf eandle nnd candlestick decorated in a strik ing way? e- When two hands of narrow trim "ii)g running around a bodice cress two ether bands running lengthwise of the frock. In what unusual place ure the cash ends Mnrted? 8. Instead of a geld meMi bag what less expensive kind which has nl- hy0'hand,S""10 CrCrt Cn" b lnnt, 1 v Xnlay's Ainners ll J,nrPnrc,t '' Ieng, of Chi. rage, innde the remarkable se. rig record of $1,500,000 worth et , lTepeity since February 1. wl, Inn,i"r?I lR ll!",s Mrnlllt " tlif .innl i tI,7' tVrne'1 wer se mZA iH twhtP,)' ' ea"'" U rfl',,PVi,'r, for ,,:c,i,,R Potnten ,n im Hurfure "f con,-e and- ?"..? t,,8t ""' nam'H "r-e pro pre . Jjeted from stains. ' vhirh''' ',"., " tttU cluhs el-be. Willi h K like n vase, s n geed. l"eklnK cand'e for the bedslifr ". - '""very newest of wnlsU for an tun" "R ,IrfM lM ,n' lV hlng two hreadtliH of material, p "d ? r" ,An' nml cnl('1' ng t lien leuiueis of n round neck and '"' ends f s)nHhp( H """ fj-urth Mde , nttachTte ' n,Hi '"''''''"ting hat, which i. 'naile en KpimiNi, ;.,, "fie ' ,, ;ii.nnp;;iiit;r1,.';.ftb,ut,k',,,?u IIUPulI..,. . I ... ?AMiS,,,'L".llINtl BAIDl Hi.. ur " urBiiiian in ..i. i 7"'l'- ". iiinne aT n Tl &i -xrM i favizs v.i4 ; ;. jjr ". '." ::t, r n r-s '-i'i ?.. e. H U aWW?-'jHi!LjyiJI EMkatfittlMlkMkM xj&L I'ler 11 will be tlie scene of ceremonies tomorrow, wlirn oevcrnun hpreul and Edwards will pres.de at the Joint ' celebration hla early In the mernlna- will contain the following eccunants: Ne. 1. Governer Sproul, Governer Edwards nnd United States Senater Edgfj; Ne. 2, Mayer Moero nnd Mayer Ellis j Ne. 3, Bishop Rhlnelandcr, Rnbbl Kraus kopf and Father Fitzgerald; Ne, 4, Commissioners Smith, Snyder, Lewis and Adams; Ne. e, Commissioners Wcgleln, .Stevens, Jeffries nnd Shay; Ne. 0, Commissioners Barlew, Neycs, Beattger and Beyle; Ne. 7, Commis sioner Gallagher and members of Coun cil for the Joint Commission; Ne. 8 Bear Admiral Nulton, of the Philadel phia Navy Yard; United States engi neers and Cemmnnder Simpsen ; Ne, 0, executive officers of the Joint Commis sion; Ne. 10, Beard of Engineers and assistants; Ne, 11. assisting consulting engineers; Nes. 12. 13 and 14, guests,' Parade Here In Morning The Philadelphia parade will start at 11 o'clock, the commissioners dropping out te review the pnrnde nt Pier 11 at neon. There will be a number of floats, Including the Chamber of Commerce. Beard of Trade, Lumber Exchange, Ceal Kxcnange, netnry uiud, Maritime Exchange, Philadelphia Chapter Amer ican Association of Engineers, Civic Club, Keystone Automobile Club. Real Estate Beard. Master Builders' Ex change, Kiwanls plub and Council of Associated Building Trades. In all twenty floats will be In line, which will proceed from Frent nnd Market streets te Bread street, te- Spring Garden street, te Dclaware avenue and back te Pier 11. On the pier Itself 5000 persons can be accommodated. 'With a view te carrying tlie affair through without mishap, motorists going te the scene have been advised te use Race street nnd that Vine street be reserved for west-bound traffic. Cessation of btisl nesa en Delaware nvenue has been asked at 1 o'clock. At 12:45 luncheon will be served at the Bellevue-Stratford. At 2 o'clock the gathering will repair te the pier for the afternoon exercises. At 7 P. M. the commissioners and the Beard of Engineers will be the guests of the Keystone Automobile Club nt the Bellevue-Stratford at u banquet. The speakers will be: Governer Sproul, "The Commission" ; Governer Edwards, "New Jersey"; Supreme Court Justice I Shaffer, "Pennsylvania"; United States i Senater Edge, "Interstate Ce-operation"; Mayer Moere, "Philadelphia"; Chief Engineer Medjeski, "The Bridge." I The toastmaster will be J. Borten i Weeks. , .) A replica of the bridge will be shown, i an win motion pictures et tlie pnrnile and the exercises at the pier. The members of the Dinner Commit tee are Geerge H. Welbert, chairman; Edwin M. Abbett, Charles R. Leng, Albert II. Granger, R. Heward Elsen hrcy, Jehn P. Crozer, P. M. Sharplcss, Themas J. Keefe and J. Maxwell Smith. aLHiv &' 11 ''i&iaaaHiflaiall aaMIPMIIIfW mm mm W&g$ iWfrw Mmm w&yz&y.-'i' 'MM' v i 1 twMnlh ' k jMiiffjIlaMMMMMHHRMaHQH kaka aaaaaaaaklaaaiaaaaaaaaV This silver pick and tlie silver crowbar were used today at the ceremonies Incident te the stnrtlug of actual construction of the Uelat ware Illver Bridge. .(Jovcrners Hpreul nml Kdwanls nml Mayers .'Nioero and Ellis toelt ttini, in using tlie tools, which, needless te say, will net be used dully jest started, sed pep, well ha ha ha After the been had balled him out for 10 mlnnlts without coming up for nir llltle Cehen finally npecka up and snys, Trcct me ruff, boss, Im Irish, haw haw, haw. , If that It? sed ma, and pep sed, Ccr teny thnt3 It, dent you co the Jenk? Yeu dent mcen te nay you call that a jeak? sed ma, and pep sed, Its the best jenk Ive herd for munths, dent you renllxe the kids name was Cehen? Well wnt dlffrcnts docs that make, slppose his nnme was Jenes, wat then? ecd ma, and pep sed, Yeu hnve no mere sents of humor that a wild clam, absl absl absl loetly none. And he slammed his hand down hard eh cnythlng rlte In my mod med elling clay nnd pep was se eerprlzcd he jumped up with the dny sticking all ever his hand saying, Wnt the con cen con fewnd it Is this? lice hee, thats certcny funny, Will yum you ccrteny leek rldlckullss, hee hee hee who sed I have no sents of humor? De you think It would make It cny funnier If your name was Cehen? lice lice hee, Bed ma. Im nlng te the movies by myself, Bed net). Wlch he did. TO HONOR JUDGE JOHNSON Friends of Veteran Jurist Will Be Hla Hosts Here Tonight A testimonial dinner te Judge Isans Jehnsen will be given by mero than fiOO of his friends and neighbors of Delaware County tonight In the Hello-vue-Stratferd, United States Marshal . W. Frank Mathueu is chairman of the I committee, in charge of the arrange , ments, and the toastmaster will be lebeph -II. Hinckson. Speakers will be Supreme Court Justice SchnlTer, Majer William A. Garrett, Judge Broomall. Congressman ! Butler, Judge Hause, Sheriff Allisen, ! Slate Senater MacDadc nnd Jehn E. McDonough. WHATS WHAT Ily 11KI.KN riKCir, LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Pape i i sy cQi i s&i CT JS3 ! (MM w i IX x rvf m i m ; WNi t "r sm m iyvi I was setting at the setting-room table medelling with my new model medel ling clay and ma was imbreldcring in- breidery and pep was reeding the paper I last nite nnd ull of a suddln he stnrtcd te Inff loud as cnythlng and ma ecd, Itnnl it nut-. Intlrl : Tta nntlilnp In flip, nnnep T int linn. U ls an lnSUlt te tlie most uneivlllzetl its nutmns in tne paper, J jest nap- trueBmell 0 durkaat Africa, te say Hint pened te think of something funny that ttplttlng .en the pavement Is n, savage happened down in the office today, it SB1!iKA0&1,Is,nI) SSRSteW.aK was one or tlie tunniest tilings I ever i me. It Is only tee evident that the herd haw haw hnw, sed pep. ,aw ." thl subject are disregarded i ,., ,, . ,, i ,. ,...!. .i with Impunity, ' Well tell me nbeut It, dent flit there Men chewlns tobacco b.s they walk I laflinte se sclflbh, sed ma. nloneftthe streets de net liesltate te , .u ,..., a- i P't without knowing; or caring who Well you see theres n little office boy fellows them. Their mingling of tobacco down there named Cehen, ha ha ha, I "nd saliva Is often carried by the wind . a .. ,i. . i,.. ,f ..,n,i of i.i.., .. i ' b0 tbat It epntters the clothing of the and today the bobs get mad nthlm and j pedestrians Immed'ately behind them I hnw haw haw he started te ball him M,n nnd boys with bronchial, and e-ven out till he was blnck in the fnee, sed tuberculnr nfllictlens, ke alfnK hawklnR ! pep. and spitting In the same manner, thus i Who wns blnck in the face, the boy i conveying disease-germs ns well us un-i ,. t!,,, l.r,kM? Kel im. nml non soil. The ' ! ennunesa. te. all p-uisers-ny if the CRIME WAVE DISTURBS U. S. Justice Department Asks N. Y. Dis trict Attorneys te Combat It New Yerk, Jan. B.(By A. P.) Acting en request of Attorney General Dougherty, Stale Attorney Gcnerul Newton today called a conference of all district attorneys of the State "for the purpose of taking seme action for the hotter enforcement of the criminal Inw. The conference will be held next ednesdny at Albany. LawjetH practicing in criminal courts here declared Mr. Iliimlm, t'u ............ wns llnnrmKilsnliul IM..,.. ',. '...! !. l.,..u1 t,l ,r,n nml n..n un,l MM, lllcnilllnesa te intt,i,rs!attonbnth6heprcvn,ence,,f jfM of rr-.rsl ma "" WcU w,itSi 0 tns &zti i"i ' . ?i ' ?. , yp,.a m't,,r of funny about that? Health, the rule of decent manners might , vUv. nF.iim ivuenii uevcrnment. i,ct ine iihimi t uie rave ai reet, ive no enforced by law IH?".?'"" I ..'-. v 111 1 Hirn Ar7.U,.Y ":.."!? ...v.r. ,.".. ""iju in Tiirti rmmt 'lirte IMPORTERS. DERtaNVRS AND MAKERS OF TCO.VfiA"S AND CHILDREN'S APPARVZt 01' TUB 1IIOIIEST CIIARAVIER POR MORE TUAN TWENTY&IX YEARS GOWNS WRAPS SUITS FURS BLOUSES LINGERIE HOSIERY f A rt& nr Chestnut Cerner Twelfth SWEATERS MILLINERY SKIRTS PETTICOATS CHILDREN'S APPAREL NEGLIGEES Wonderful Coats 69.50 Formerly te llO.OO" mm , When you sec this array of styles, then will you better realize the "Harris" ability te give you value and the unusual in effect. Yeu will mere vividly realize the wonder of our FIRST JANUARY REDUCTION SALE Thq Coats are of soft, mellow, beautiful cloths in lovely colorings, many of them fur trimmed. Lined throughout with crepe and fancy silk. Every Ceat represents incomparable value at this lowered price. GOWIIS 54.95 Formerly te 100.00 Indescribably beautiful effects for afternoon and formal evening in this remarkable grouping, also smart Street Dresses. Gowns of cloth of geld, chiffon velvet, brocade chiffon, duvetvne. sequin robes, beaded robes, beaded canton, Spanish lace and crepe Eliza beth combinations. Sizes for women, misses and extra sizes. SECOND FLOOR We iptcialiqe in apparel that tlenderitct the larger woman WANAMAKER'S I' WANAMAKER'S I WANAMAKEK Wanamaker' s Down Stairs Stere 100 Men's Special at All-Weel Overcoats $17.50 Just 100 of them we must emphasize that, se that no one will be disappointed. The first hundred men that come in will go out considering themselves mighty lucky ! Deuble-Breasted Ulsterettes with muff and patch pockets, convertible cellars and half belts of geed heavy all-wool coatings at $17.50 ! Feel the material. Turn the coats inside out. Loek at the way the seams are finished, the geed quarter lining; try the buttons,' see hew they are sewn en inspect the coats inside and out. They'll stand it. Warm Winter coats for regular men ! The best of it is that an overcoat like this is always geed. It is geed this year. It will be geed next year, and the next, because it is conservative of cut. All the sound value is right in the material and the tailoring, no outlay en what a tailor calls "freaks." In geed dark tones of brown, olive and green and in all regular sizes up te 42. The actual money saving is se apparent te any observing man that it is foolish te remind him of it. (allery. Market) Women's Winter Coats Fur Cellars Start at $16,50 r&s l V-U -I I( i CA16. )l $39 These cents nre of warm, thick eleur in navy blue or black, lined from neck te hem -with self-color silk. They are cut en conserva tive line3 that will be as geed next year as they are this. The cellars are of soft bcaverette fur. $25 and $27.50 for a Wide Choice of Coats With or without fur, there are coats of veleur, silvertene, cut belivia and belivia, mostly in navy blue, brown and black. EveiV coat in the collection is lined through out with silk and many arc warmly interlined. They are made with tlirew scarfs, with cape cellars of self material or of beaverettc fur. With Cellars of Wolf $39 and what deep.seft cellars they arc, some black, some glossy brown. The coats arc of belivia 50 in brown or navy blue, made with a blouse buck, which shows self stitching in squares. (Murkrt) tfftilb ifl . i ;' ' m 11 tf- Vk I 11 -- !R i 'I! Opportunities i 1 en the " Ji (CemtraS Aisle -1 White Demet Flannel With a Heavy Nap 20c a Yard Thick and wnrm and with un limited uses, this is 27 inches wide. 36-inch demet flannel, of heavy quality, is 29c a yard. 18c Gingham Will Make Inexpensive Scheel Frecks Sturdy, tee, and they'll launder well! There are plenty of clean and pretty checks, stripes and plain colors. 20 inches wide. Fancy White Lawns 15c a Yard Lets of crisp white stripes and checks, 27 inches wide. Other finer sheer white striped lawns are 27 inches wide at 25c a yard. (Central) SPECIAL Women's Fine French Gloves Lew Priced $1.50 Pair and black, bcli" .sewn. Alse in white, sewn with black or bluck In the most desirable colorings, tee, beaver, brown, tan, white and black, self sewn. Alse in white, sewn with black or black sewn with white. $1.90 Pair for full pique-sewn Krench glace gloves with heavy two-tone crochet embroidery en the backs. The kind every woman loves te wear. Twe-clasp style in black, white, tan, brown, gray and beaver. Abe in black or white with self-embroidered backs. (Central) lite Sale Linen Tablecloths at $4.50 Satin damask linen tablecloths in attractive square patterns are 70x70 inches. 70-inch tablecloths in various round designs arc of linen da masks with a satin finish, 70x70 inches, nt $5, $5.50, ?G, $6.50 and $7. Iirge linen tablecloths, 70xS0 inches, are $6.50. (Crntnil) Children Rompers at 55c At tbat pi ice, Mether can atTerd te get enough te hae a fresh one for each morning. They are of sturdy blue chumbray that will stand many tubbings, simply tinde, se that they will iron easily. Sizes 1 te G years. Creepers at 85c Cunning creepers of pin checked gingham in pink or blue are in fcizes I year te ,'l. At $1.26 there are creepers of heavy white jean, pink or blue pin-checked gingham, trimmed with colored rickrack, and Jap anese crepe in rose or blue. Sizm 1 year te 3. (Otilnili Unusual Gloves for Women, $1.90 te $2.65 l-clasp suede glev's new mero than a fourth less than their fermer price are in brown or gray at $1.90. l-clasp brown capeskin gloves with embroidered spearpeint backs are $2.25. Strap-wrist gauntlets of tan capeskin new shipment of a popular style are $2.G5. Part-Weel Sports Stockings, $1.75 Yeung women find them exceed intrlv comfertablo for skatinc nnd outdoor sports or for street weart, ignt or ciari: Drewn neatner mixtures m drep-htitch effect. Particularly Fine Neckwear, $1 .e fresh and dainty that te sec it I? te want it! Ve.-tees with roll cellars in net with imitation Venise, filet or Valenciennes lace. Cellar and culT sets of lincne, cambric or pique with imitation tatting, embroidered dots in black, white or rose, imitation filet edging and ether eft'ective trimmings. Bath Seap 5c Cake; 50c Dezen Uarrel floating or castile soap in large cakes conveniently shaped. And hew well they lather! Epsom Salts 25c for 4-lb. Cans Fer bathing and self-reducing purposes. Government grade put up in moisture-proof cans and in. con i-nient quantities. Hair Nets, 50c Dezen Net-, of human hair in cap or fringe style and m six wanted Dainty Nightgowns, 85c Several styles, tee, and some in pink as well as snowy white! All are of durable nainsoek (no ugly dressing in it) of geed firm weave. One pretty square-ncked style has nbben-run lae beading and lace edging. Beautifully Embroidered Philippine Nightgowns and Chemises, $2.50 and There is such a generous amount of solid embroidery, se well exe cuted that the wrong side is almost as marvelously fine and pretty as the right! The nainsoek is se fine (feels almost like silk) and the stitches se tiny that even without the exquisite embroidery the undcr things would be a joy. Nete Extra-size Philippine night gowns, just as dainty as the etheis, are $3.85. 300 Dark Petticoats I With Jersey Tops I at $1 With cotton jersey tops and rustly flounces of a well-known cotton material, they are in green, blue, purple and black, with elastic at the aisf. Apron Dresses With a Geed reature at $1.50 See the extra bodice with a ah that can be buttoned en ever the dress! That is very convenient, es. pecially if the front has become a trifle soiled. The material is a serviceable percale in htripes of blu. , rickrack braid is snowy nnd decorative, useir te any ngure. Sketched.) $3 MkL I mMmmmX $3r Essprft ' 1(1 , ISsl& 1 Bill 1 M m y W III W KM f y 1 $1.50 Unbleached Bedspreads Te Be Embroidered With French K n e t s, $2.75 Unbleached niuhlm bedspii'.uU are undoubtedly the most (umiioii (umiieii able of the moment. These aie stumped in u delightful basket pattern and enough for a bolster roll is included. They are te be embroidered with large Krench knots and the work gee', surprisingly fast. Fringe te finish them, -'Oi- ard. You'll find them in the new Art Needlework Stoic en the Thir teenth Street Aisle (Outrun pink, lavender or black and the . This dre&s practically adjubts De Yeu Knew What Geed Skirts Can New Be Had for $2.90, $3.83 te $8.75? It hain't been se ery long age swe arv unman epccted te pu at least $7.50 or $10 for an kind of p'n-ttv bpits vkiit of geed wool material. New delightful ones inn be had for much smaller sums. $2.90 for striped prunella sknt , tweed., velour checks and na or b! u-k serge. Pleated or t.i lert'u model. SH for gathered plaid skirts n smart blue or breun tenm. $3.85 for pleated plaid skirts in a anety of geed color cembl nations te match sweater-. $5 for a speciul group of pleated prunella skirts in blue and brown with btripes of contrasting color between the pleats. $6.75 for pleated prunella skirts in charming stripes, with black-and-white, blue-and-tan or brewn-t6id-tan predominating. The pleats are stitched around the hips. i of $6.75 $3.85 price New Baronet Satin Skirts. $7.75 Fine new Bkirts in blnck, navy, brown and silver gray. Tha is the lowest ever for skirt of this quality. (Murkrt) O it. . v Y fl A !-4 n i li - jN Wv r m 1 I llhti , PlmMln eVir-irf", " 9r n,,t m (Catrl) w itj jM " v-,, V . ' .. 1 -v-v .- "'!." '-Im J, It,, ':