'jTi - ' I. avi . -rt , V,-, '-. EVENING PUBLIC , LEnGER-PHlLABELPHlA, WfelEgMY, JaMARY 4:il2 J H; 6 M s. --- v I i m mt F3l r- l I."" i derrC TJtn ( Vei'il w& 'i-. vwzr.im j; iwa V Study our fJskin Begin te use Resinol oexp ana vinimenc and watch results. These wholesome agents preserwjgwdcompleMens and improve bad ones. rr, lllG TcosineJ treatment k ideal for bahys skin RESINOL .Soelltinq and Hc&linq 11 FROM NOW ON By FRANK L. PACKARD AUTHOR OF "THE MIRACLE MAN" CepvriaM, lilt, bi) PubUe Lc&etr Cemganu Tins iifxuxs ran steiiy Pave Hendersen, s Iloeklo Skarvah's eentld nttal man, In jnt te Miirtln Tyde mtti te t tlOO.WO te recoup racing lee lis stents the money una calmly eeres hlii sentence cf fle earn without disclosing the place where he has hidden It In r.n old plceen cote, despite the fact th.u Hetctive Itarjnn Mid Skarvan both Mslt him In Jail, each trjlin t. wins frum him his secret with opposite pur-pe-es. Jut hofero his term eplrs he tentldcs In Mlllman. u prison tn.ite. who Is freed two month curlier and who premises te net the loot and meet Hen Hen dereon at the St. I.uclen Hetel In New Yerk at N o'clock In the evenln of July 54. He Immediately renrets thla one slip In hli detcnnlnntlen. nmbwhen he leaved th prison sets cut almost heplely te ivrtake Mlllman, nltlieunh almost tm- edlately he finds both the police nnd the old Banc en hit troll. H succeeds in niemrntarilj throwing oft his pur Miir nnd Kvts te ih home of Xleole t'arrlann. en old l.l-nMcn Itn.lsn. for fer irm.y h n.irg leader, who lives alen- v t!i hii ('n-urhtt-. Tereia. In S?.in I'rar !.' Jt.iMi R be-i sen" h one te whom r " uM man ewes much. h succeeds it. i nninr freir him n prom's of aid. ani , l.antes his clothes while the lauhter i.ts trusted dtnUfti of the underworld i ti.i ,i .ur te take Dave te u hldlnc ! ate. M IIi:ili: IT CONTIXIX8 I he'll ltnvc te chfinRC hln mind ! Fardeti , me, MIrs Cnprlnne, If I " A quick, heavy step sounded In the I hnllwny. Xlcole Cnprlnne's nlcrt nnd I llxtcnliifc attitude wns gene in n tlnslt. He pushed himself up in the bed, nnd , held himself there with env hand, nnd the ether eutilunc, knotted into a fist, I he shook vlelcntl,- in the direction of N GAS Soldering Furnactt and Appliance ianunrtured by L. D. EWgcr Ce., S9 N. 2d St. B. ilarkrt lit Kryilcme. Vain mil glDOllWTWlWl1i3lrTa'n IT.. W J Quality and Quantity Victer Bread MMmgNBgk 2Lc Big Lea Sold only in our Stores eincnwii m axewes co. BjiilBTte -iki" hiMi tMiSui iin;-uC3iJ' mi ii.al53 iil DANDERINE x lCOr.O CAl'HIANOt; eyes were rioted ; the prepped-up form en the luileus wan motienless--onlv the thin 1 i'mcet- pluelclnc ut the eeverlet with 1 curleush patient inslsttnce bore evi dence that tins man whs net asleep. Suddenly he smiled; nnd his eyei pencil, a dreamy, sme'ilerinp light In their depth?. Ills hand reached out for the mernliiR prtper that lay en the bed beMile him. nnd for the second time slmv Teresa had brought him the paper, halt' an hour before, he pored for a leng1 nhil eer a leading "story" en the' fr.mt page. Ir had nothing te de v..lh th" 'l.Murba'iC'1 in Vine'te'i, saloon of the night hete.e: it denlt with a 'trnnge ntnl iujsti'fi.m hemU oxpleilon 'u . dnwntnwn p.u'i iluring the sm.ill morn ing leurs, winch, bi'iidei imnkening and terrifying the immediate neighbor- i .heed, had, nccerdilig te the newspttpi't 1 account, literally blown u man nnu, with the man, the bench en which he hail evidently been sitting under an nre light, te pieces. The victim was mu tilated hoyend recognition ; nil thnt the police had been nble te identify were frrgments of i bomb, thus establishing th" eatise of the accident, or, mere iik.. as the pHper hlnted. murder. "The feel '." Nlcole Caprlane wills- . pert'd. "It wns Igiiace Ferroni the feel ! And s0 In, would net lNten te old icole--ohV" lie cackled nut suddenly, , Iks laugh shrill and high echoing through the room "Well, perhaps It ' is us well, eh, Ignace? Perhaps it is " n well perhaps you will be of some' seirioe. Ignace, new that you ere dead, , !) Ii-nnne'' ., lil.h la utim.tlilne' thnt yu'i never v rre when you were alive: ter that I want te talk te yen about, ami He laid the paper down, nnd again I that I'm going te tall; te you about his cjes closed, and ngrln the blue- i whether you like it or net that's all tipped lingers resumeil their lntvrr.il there Is te it. And we'll get right te nnble plucking nt the coverlet but new ' the point. What de jeu knew nbeut he whispered constantly te himself. that affair in the park last titght A hundred the-isand dollars -Woie Lnpriune sank uneR en ms pii-' h is a great deal of money We ,0K- ,w,l'. ll twluu snarl. He still worked for much less in the old days , shoe fc his nM. at the officer, for xerv much less. I am old' , '" "1,'1'1 , knew nbeul your n.i ti.T.- c, t-) Tfn he' I Jnwrfihle affairs' he shouted. "I it -', nnnn ,,r eilJnsr m,ee i knew nothing about any park ! 1 knew- out of here! Ge en!" He rfioek n frantic fist nt .Unrjan, nnd, choking, coughing, pulled himself up in bed again, and pointed te the deer. "De you hear' Oct out I" Ilnrjan shifted uneasily in nlnnn. Nicole Cnprlane's ceughlnK npcll had dl-velepcd iute n paroxysm that was, genuine enough. "Loek here," snid Barjrtn, in a pac ifying tone, ''don't excite yourself HUe that. I take back what 1 said. Yeu cave me a jolt for a minute, that's nil. lluf you've iret the wrong dope some how, Nlcole. Whoever it wns, it wasn't Dave Hendersen, The man wns tee badly smashed up te be recognized, hue there wan nt least some 'C his clothing Itft. Dave Hendersen wnt followed nil dav yesterday by the pollee from the 1 minute he left the penitentiary, and he I didn't buy nny clothe.-. Dave Hender Hender eon hnd en n black prison suit and this man hadn't." ! Nlcole Caprinne nhruggcd his shoul sheul 1 dcra in angry contempt. ' "I'm satisfied, If you are!" he snarled. "Ge en cct out 1" , Ilnrjan frowned a. little helplessly new. ' "IJut I'm net B.tlsfied," he ndmlt ted earnestly. "Loek here, Nicole, for the leve of Mike, kecy your temper, nnd jet's set te the bottom of (his. "I-'or some reason you scent te think It was Dave Hendersen. I knew It wasn't; but I've get te knew what started you off en that track. These clothes " "You're n damn feel I" Nlcole Caprl Caprl aeo, apparently slightly mellitled, wni jeering new. "These clothes ha, hu It is like the police 1 And se old Nicole is oft his nut eh? Well. I will tliew you J" He raised his voice nnd called his daughter. "Teresa, rc.v lit tle one," he said, ns the deer opened nnd she appeared, "bring me the clethca thnt young man hed en lest night." "What's that you sny!" exclaimed Harjnn in sudden excitement. "Wnlt!" Mild Nlcole Caprinne un graciously. Teiesn was back in a moment with nn urniful of clothing, which, nt her father's direction, she deposited en the feet of the bed. . Nicole Caprlane waved her from the toem. Hr leered nt Harjan. ''Well, nre theso the clothes there that you nnd your police are using te blindfold your eyes with, or are they net ehv Are thobe Dave Hendersen's clothe?" Unrjan hal already pounced upon the clothing, and was pawing it ever fever "Geed nhnrply. Ged yes I" he burst out rply. And the clothes that the tlcnd man had en let me sec" Nlcole Capri Capri Capri one'n voice wns tauntingly triumphant, ns, with ires half closed, vliualUInn for himself the nttirfl of ene Ignnet! J-'crrenl, he slowly enumerated the vari ous articles 'of dress worn by the actual victim of the explosion. He looked nt Ilnrjnn mnllcietifdy, ns he finished. "Well," he demanded, "wna there enough lct of what the man had in te identify nny i.f theso things? If se " Nlcole Caprlane shrugged his bheuldera bv way of finality. . "Yes, yesj" Berjnn's cxdtcment was almost beyond his .control, "Yes, thnt is what he were, but geed Lord. Caprlane t what deca this mean? 1 don't understand 1" Te be continued tomorrow ishly. V-.SS Narcotle 8quad Chief a Father Herbert 8. Ferrcr, Chief of the Nar cotic Squad here, is being congratulated today upon the birth of n second daughter. He received the news from his home In Chicago, Mr. Ferrcr hna Jicen In charge of the Federal narcotic work here fer.n year, succeeding Colonel Will Grnv Bench, who was sent te clean up cities in the "West. Mr. Fer rcr b nrst tiaugmcr, uiizaucin, is iwe years old. ' . An Inexpensive Br aceletWatch This small, round watch is made, of 14-kt. geld and fitted with a dependable move ment ribbon wrist band $25. The popularity of bracelet Watches continues. Our stock offers a large and varied assortment. S. Kind & Sens me chestnut st. DIAMOND' MEfcCHANTflJEWELKRR SILVERSMITHS "Ye.s, that Is what he were, but, geed Lord, Caprlane, what does tills mean?" I the deer as ilie tigLr et the pluin- clothes man appeared en the threshold. ' Old Nlcole Capriano was apparently, In the threes of a towering passion. "Get out of here!" he screamed, i "Did my daughter net tell you te get1 eutl Ge away! I want nothing te de with you ! Curse you nnd nil the rest . of the pollen with you ! Can you net leave old Nicole Caprlane te die In peace ich?" "That's all right'' said Harjan oeollj , He glanced ever his shoulder. Teresa was standing just outside in the hall behind him. "I'arden me.'' he said again and clestd the deer upon her. "New then" he faced Nicole Caprl Caprl aeo once mere "there's no use kick ing up all this 1um. It won't get you anywhere, Nicole. There's a little mnt- Steps Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. (49 nothing at all ! Why de you net leave me in pacc eh? Fer fifteen years this has gene en, ulwujs spying en Nic- ' ele Caprlane, nnd for fifteen years Nle- I ele Capriano has net lifted u linger j against the lnw." "That Is true u far as we knew." clever enough te find ' said ISarjau cnltul; . "Hut there's n if th" police de net . little record thnr gees hick be mid these mere te see it' the old cunning Is net still there. And if the cards nre thrust into one's hands does it net make flu fingers itch te play them ! " Yes. yes, it mekes young ngnin the bleed m the old vein. And Teny is dead. " xes. yes, the young fel 1 le. is clever, tee the money again 35 cents buys a bottle of "Dan derine" at any drug store. After one application you cannot find a par- Besides, every hair shows new life. abundance. Advt. feltWAlW. M, wwm '.'. v ; y y v -r, meddle with him. And the gang. Huldy Yickers' gang bah ! they nre already no longer te be considered they have net long arms, they de net rcuch far they de net reach te New Yerk eh where he police reach and where! old yioelu Capriano reaches, tee. Ignace the feel ! Se he would net listen te ine, eh and he sat out there under the pnrk light trying te tiv hi old bomb nnd blew himself up. The fuel but you have no reason te complain, eh, Nicole? It will bring the police te the deer, but for nnce they will he welcome, eh? The will net knew it but they will le w.-lcmne. ' We will see if Nicole Cutirinne is net still their match!" t lut-side semewhere in the hull he could hear Teresa moving nbeut, busy with her morning work. He listened in tent! net te Ills daughter's move ments, but for n footstep en the pave ment that, instead of passing by, would I climb the short flight of steps te the fnuit dner. "Well, why iX'j th"- nt mint eh:'' he muttered linpatlcntl . "Why de tliey net come?" He relapsed Inte silence, but he no longer luy there placidly with his eyes fifteen years, Nicole, that keeps, us a ;)itie cnummy with you ami you been valuable nt times, Nlcole." "Bahl" Nlcole Capriano epn' the exclamation viciously at the ether. "About last night," suggested Har jan patiently. "It's rather In your" line. I thought perhaps you might li able, te give us 11 little help that would put us en the right track." "I don't knew what you're talking about!" snapped Nicole Capriano. "I'm talking about the jihp that was blown t pieces by a bomb." Iturjan was still patient. Nlcole Capriano' s ces showed the first gleam of Interest. "I didn't knew there was any man Uewn up." HU tone appeared te min gle the rage and antagonism that he hud first exhibited with a new and suddenly awak'ned curiosity "I didn't knew there wus any man blown up." lie re. pcated. "That's tee bad!" said Harjan witii mock resignation and settled hlmselr deliberately In u chair at th- bedside "I guess, then, you're the only man in San Frutieisce wiie doesn't." ''Yeu feel!" Nicole Canriane rasntsl in rage again. "I've len bed-ridden One-Day Outmgs niesi riiiLAnr.i.riiiA t New Yerk $3.00 Every Other Sunday Ntit KxciiMlen, Jar.narj S Special raln Icrvh Head: e Ter minal S 00 A M r pui.su'' um bla Ae 'lun r. 1 hi x function I.eiran hi J ' uttv r N Sunbury and qe 7c LewisburR i ipO.IO I $4.00 West Milten Montgomery Muncy Monleursille Williamsport Nett r.unij. Jinuur H Special 'rain uvu lir . . i g r mlnal 1 00 A M nnnnj i i , tumlila Avii IIun'lnEdun si Mltr . yunk. iri.luhj'k "; t town (De Kalh Hi READING $2.15 HAMBURG $2.75 POTTSVILLE $3.00 Auburn nnd Sihiulklll llmrn HunUiiy. Junuun' A Hplni train leavej rteadlne Ter mlnal T 30 A f 'tupplns Columbia Vv. ilu nrfil.Ji R Manayunk i nnsheh... k x j n . rtitewn (le Kt.li ) SEASHORE $1.50 l!irurolen Kverr Sunday ATLANTIC CITY OCEAN CITY STONE HARBOK WILDWOOD and CAPE MAY Via Atlantic City Ilallread , lava Cheatnut nnd Hnuth St. Ilarrle ter Atlontle Uty T 3D A M. Fer Ocean City titenx Harber Wliaweeti and i.-.pi May. leave Shettnut St. Ferry TiSO A. ir . Seuth Bt. Perry 7-10 A M nturnln cram an peinia n in i- m SMHSBaWMUMH ' clnse.1 A ctrnnee OTpltl.menr ;eempil trt. fnr Hiren vimik n.l I ...1,1. ,-,.! be growing upon him. It tinged the you hud been, tee!" lie choked and, skin under his beard with n hectic tlnslt. coughed n little, lie eyed Harjnn mu- i und the black eyes glistened nnd glinted t lexelentl. "I tell j en' this l thcr first abnormally, as they kept darting ob- I've heard of it. I don't hang nbeut the jwtlelei,;j glances here and there around the room. v Perhaps half uti hour passed, und tin n tin siei, man hegnn u ra ltter ngnin : "Will thej mnki me send fur tl em the feels!" He niMistrephiied the' feet 01 the bed viciously. "Ne, 10 it would net be us safe. If they de net nine :n another hour, there will be time uiuugh then for that. Yeu must .nit, Nlcole. The police have always cume before te Nicole Capriano, if they thought old Nicole could help them .ml with a bomb ha, hn te whom else1 i.niild the i eme th.' te whom- sireei. corners picking up the ntws ; Don't sit there v.ith our silly, smirk ing police face, trying te see hew smart ou can be! What information de teu expect te get out nf me like that? When I knew nothing, I can tell nothing, enn l? Who was the man?" "That's what we want te klew, said Harjan phuwantly. "And, IneK here, Nicole, I'm net here te rile .mi. All that was left was a few frugmuits of park bench, man. arc-light stand ard, and a piece or two et what waj evidently a bomb." ) "7iat time was this?" v, CdDriailu's en'-. eie e: the. inr, ,,f ,,,, 11' wdv iniitatitiy ajert. Heme en1! tied. was outside tlu-re new. He heard the "Thrre .. ele this .uernit.g. R doorbell ring, and presentlj he licurd jan uniWered 'I'ere.sa answer It. He .aught u con- rm ,, , ' K .:. ,-,.,- . . fused murmur of vu.ct. She thin t, ' "'T , The black , yes. httlf c lesed ?,al, fixed , &? VcSL'd '"Cht rtnt '.'.'f .xiM-ctuntlj mi th- deer et the room H,e bed again. opiiesite te the feet et the bed. It liin-i.,, i,,i,a , . ,i. opened, and Teresa stepped into the t Unew'"Xethini a. , ruem- ,. , . , It. "h. N'irole?" he prodded setth. Ir is I.ieutnant Harjan, father, "I didn't knew iinjthinj; had Imp. she said, in a low tone. "He wants pened until jeu said se." returned tnlk te you about thnt bomb ex- Nieeh, Canriatin curtly. "Hut sceliu- it plosien in the park.' I.as happened, mnyhe I " He cut "Se!" A ipieer cmlle twitched at the his words off short, und eyed the rlain- .in i.uiu uiiiK -j nun. nt: in-vnuin.il iu ciuinuMiiaii a?uin. "is rne man urm his daughter te approach the bed. and. t as she ebeed, he pulled her head down ' te his lips. "Yeu knew nothing, Teresa nothing! I'nderstand? Neth- 1 ing except te corroborate anything that I may sa . Yeu did net even ktie'v that there hnd been an explosion until he spekii of it. Yeu knew nothing about Iiriiace. Yeu understand?" i "Yes," she said composedly "Geed!" he whisuered. "Wtill. new. go and tftll him that I de net want te he demanded, witn well-simulated sud den suspicion. "Yeu aren't lving te inr eh? I trust norm of you' ' "Dead!" ejaculated Ilarjft'i almost hj Mtericully ' (Jeed Ged dead! Didn't ' tell you he wns blown into unrec jg. nlable atoms '" The Hherp, bla.'li eyes lit.jeied a lit lit tle longer en Hui'jan'n face. Th. lesnlt appeared finally te alley Nlcole Cnr.ri Cnr.ri nne's susplcfens nii mi rigiu, inen, I'll ten jeu. see him. Tell him I said he was te go he said, but there was . grudging note away. Tell him that I won't see him, ! still in the old bomb king's mice "It (hat I won't be. bothered with him and can't de the man anv harm if he's OVad his cursisl pollce unies ! Tell him that" 1 imipks nn'll Um... !, ,, .. i. ' an paueu ins riatijntnr s nead con lldentiiill) "and leavt; ihe deer open, Teresa, little one, se that 1 can hear." "What de ou mean te de, father?" she nsked iiulcUl" "Ha, ha you will sec, t y little "lie you will see!" Caprlane patted her neuu again. "e de net feriet our who milled that hundred i , . . the fellow theuHnnd dollar robbery nleiit five venm age en old men Tydem.iP - ce fellow that went by the name et De He.i He.i ciersen. 1 don't km w m liether that's his teal name or net." "What!" sheutid H.njn . Ue hnii iesi ins compos-, le. lie was 'ip from l'er Detailed Information , Ionian Axents see nreri i iekcib viav uc pMrrnuseci prier te M Vet (a of lixcurawns. Philacielphia & fif;jgggging Railway I .1.1. . !-.. - T f . . . . - " ' 1 uvuv ie iuuy i,enia7.ti. .e wen, you i nis chair, and staring v.l lv nt the nlil win see. Tell thp cunning, clever man en the bed. "You're crazy!" he ..-.j.. ... h u.. , jt-rncd eui suijiieiuy. liltlier iYnvsii!ii ua oue icji me room ; anu , ijing te m?, or you m off then, his head cocked en one alrle in I Vnn " listen, tne Diuettlppecl ringers reached ' stealthily out and without a sound slid' you re your nut ! in a towering , the newspaper that wns lvlne In fmnr of him under the bed covers. "I am very sorry.'' he lieuid Teresa announce crisply; "hit ni father posl' pesl' tlvely refuses te we you." , "Oh, he deMJ-diM ll0?" a veire re turned In Wand sarcasm. "Well, I'm i );ij evj uijsk-ii, nacn, uut j. Nlcole Capriano w.i tage in an Instant. "Yeu net out of heie!" he screamed. I "Yeu get le hell out of here! I didn't risk y.v.t te come, and 1 il.in't give n uamii whether It wnH Dave Hendersen or r, polecat! It's nothing te de with e teinuwl UMten lai'iiut,. peiecuii n h netuing te de with It s your hunt- se je tiuil hunt vhere elss! I'm lying, ur I'm off I-1 ut am li WclL you jet te .hell I I ilwWiHiniwt Loese Leaf leder eh Quality Our Eeijal or Security kder Finest Mcckanism Best Finished Cheaper Grades always ixi Stock Loese Leaf Journals 2 te 126 Columns "Yee & Ltjkens Ce. Statieitei's Frmtevs &K -3th- St 719wnutSt BmimnKHChargc Accounts InvitcdBKMaiMWJniiKiMail Orders Fillednnnte Fur Repairing and Remodeling at Very Moderate Cost "Pay for the Werk When Yeu Want It Delivered" uS. ...... r r. ,.,..... .i, . ,i,' in. ffi'iHiitiuilttt. srs A AT PUBLIC AUCTION mktai. ami lvnnnwnnKiNCi maciiinkux. w,Tiat TIlANSPOnT vrillN. HAII,UI)AI) nnd CONTIIAOTnilM' STOCK mill I'.QI.'ir- MKNT. MAV MlTTUIAt,. M'MIIKU, SIH'I'LIIIS, llsCI.M.NK(II H UUUIl'- "MKNT nnd MATKBIAI.S. 17 STIXI. nnd WOell Ut'ILII'MiS. By Order of DOULLUT & WILLIAMS SHIPBUILDING CO., INC. VALUATION $2,250,000.00 Fitzpntrick-Till Auction Ce., Inc. Smith 6; Jnffc Herry t Kltzpatrlck Philip Smith, Auctioneers Sell by PUBLIC AUCTION Without Limit or Reserve January I 1 th. 12th. 13th nnd 14th, at I I A. M. each duy. U Shipyard Ft. Dewman Read en Industrial Ciinnl, New Orleans, La. tl eu Mrl O I llnreex, 2 tuentr-ten I), &. . fxii oinetlle Criiiien. S 1'iirtilhle hlllp C'ninrn ixiuiplete, 3 Sullivan Air Compressors. 2000 ruble- ft. ciiti.t 1 llnbi-eck .V Mlleex A, A. T. SIM! M, I. Ilnllersi 2 Tuctw its, 10O und BOO II. I'.l cv t'urtl.s IlTilreiilnnei in rilerirlrrs, remiilete. METAt. AND WOODWOKKINU MACIIIXKHY. Kadlal Drills. Universal W.llrs, sensltive drill pr"ei. I!t ihriMder, nut tappers, planers, turret and emr.n- lntlies, pln mach'tn-s up iu !)" imncr.r nt.d shears, plme tables, steam hRinmern. Krlnil-rs. nunt rrlnklr.T ma. Iilniirv. Lull ilveters. bind, hwIiib and rip saws, Jeln;..rs. a i.lers vt.d ether .. Jtvurklnir machlnerj'. tl Plate nnule furnaces. 3S MOKIItsi. H II.AT t'.n. stiinil.inl Kuusei fj puU curs. i' STl'.AM AMj il h I'O'IT.M'1,1. Ml: CUMrilKHMJIlS, Vv9tlnghouae fleatlns ,ilr Minit.i 'Hur nn l..irM litUSTINii KViiI.N'RS puinps. tliintlnir vile drivers, drop hammers i..vr.JUli:.M tNTIi .1111 CHANI. STtKI. TtnVKll end Tenk3 up te CO.000 pal. l.l.M-ul.N l'OHTAIir.K wr.l.LilNH M.M'HINr.S, pneumatic air driltH. HlvetlnB, in rpmK nnd ('iiulklr.i; Hntnmet he-e. dollies metltuc n-ts and tool repair Prte, .". Menilli bI.iPs. h.'.r.iulle Ju.Ish. ,1ij ind .".O ten acetylene weldliur an. tuitltii; r. he. llnucK Lun rs. .10 . hn n liilnt.i u te ! ten cup.. hlKh spued drills. i m. -ie. taps und . mntei fc'iil-' M. . I.I ir1 mltli loe's, ferir". nnvll, etc. CJVA.NTITY ,r.Vi: AMI I'SKD I.t'MllEH. .-.en tow uim:ts. iiei.t'. NiT...ini:i:i iirahs. ceri'Kn 4 OTiinit mistalh. SlIIl' 'HANI).i:i:y. 1'ninpleti In eery detail Kiiernwur nuatititl. s pliinihlnic, stemn fitting nn.l electrle supplies, paints find ells. errii-L ni.-fiTAi. N-ii I'APmfitiA nxTvuns a.vu i:Qi'n'Mi:.s'rs Ten Intirniitlmittl Tlnie Il',urder V .trhniHti'M clocks, blue prlntlnK inaclilr.e. MOTOH t'AHS- Wlnter, Mx 7 rns.Mir"r nutnmehlles, cirunun-licrnst'n .1-ten nd Oarfur ! 1 ,-ten trucks. 17 Illirh-ilrade Hteel IlrLk and Win. I llulldlniis te Le keld for .-ree'lns 100 Tuns Ce-ll Hall -Iwl-'r wire nr... telei'tipri polee, water nnd air pli ':e hose lire c xtimrulshers an I ntner Innd Improvements. All witter ntid rn ' fin I' tt.'H fnr Milpplnir iiriMiiXG i i.mi'I1(ivi:mkvis wii.i. hi: kiii.ii sat., jan. iitii. av i i Shlpjanl open far In.prct'en Thur., .lun. .".Hi. tentlnulni dully te time nf i-ule ivir cai.iiemies ana luriner particulars writn or wire te riTZl'ATKlCK-TII.L AITT.ON CO.. IXC. 223 nevat St.. New Orleans. I.a. SMITH i. JAFKi:. Oil West 4.-.th St.. N. V. C . New Yerk nni'LLCT . WILLIAMS SHII'IlL'tLDINO CO.. INP.. New Orleans, I.a tire M. aTmmyl i 7ire California Limited caters te highest class travel 7ie Natiaje, TbeMfssiezan, 7Aa Scout earn tourist and standard sleepers Never have you traveled en a finer train than the California Limited. The same steward "all the wj in Fred Harvey dinintfear. A Pullman te Grand Canyon rim. The Navajo makes fast time te California. Sodeen the Mn Mn sienary, which also has Pullman or the Canyon. The Scout's schedule is a little slower. All three carry tourist and standard sleepers. Chair cars, tee. Yeu et ett the train three times a day beyond Kansas City, and enjoy Fred Harvey dollar meals served in dining rooms at ar tistic station hotels. Most trav elers like this plan. Step two days at Grand Can yon National Park en your way. The trails te the river are open all winter: it'n summer down hetevr. El Tuvur, en the rim, is managed by Fred Harvey and never closes.. Write, 'pl'ene or call and let ine help plan your California trip. Ask for "California Pic ture Boek:" something unique in travel publications, contains bird's eye map of state in color. R. C. Smith. Gen. Agent. A. T. (i S. F. Ry. G. C. Dillard. Dist. Pass. Atft.. A. T. & S. F. Ry. 602 Finance Bid,,.. Philadelphia. Pa. Pheno i Locust 6424 fSAVSl jS.4LI. alli UM! mi mSOiestntttStreet Illustrated Fashion Felder Sent en Request The January Sale of HIGH CHARACTER 1922 MODEL G At 33V3 Per Cent Off The savings of a third off OUR prices means one-half off prevailing Fur prices. As the largest fur manu facturers in the State selling direct te the consumer, we always save you the middlemen's profits. Our . regular prices are always the lowest fully 20 below all ethersand it is from fhe&'lpw pje ice's that we have deducted one-third in this January Sale. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Yeyr Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Until Next Fall. Payments te Be Continued Monthly Through the Spring and Summer (SO inch)... (36 inch) . . . (30 inek)... (36 inch)... Marmet Coats Russian Peny Coats. Australian Nutria . . French Seal Coats.. Trimmed Leepard Cat Coats (ss .inch)... Trimmed French Seal Coats (se inch).. . French Seal Coats , (i0 inch)... Trimmed Russian Peny Coats de inch) . . . Marmet Coats, Raccoon Trimmed (se inch) . . . Natural Muskrat Coats (88 inch)... Austr. Opossum Trimmed French Seal Coats. . (80 inch)... Skunk-Trimmed French Seal Coats (se inch)... Skunk-Trimmed French Seal Coats (se inch)... Natural Muskrat Coats , m tt (40 incfl m Moleskin Coats (se neh)mmm Moleskin Wraps Hudsen Seal Coats . Formerly Reduced te . ...... t (iS inch)... (36 inch)... Skunk-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats... (se inch)... Natural Raccoon Coats Hudsen Seal Coats Skunk-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats. . Natural Squirrel Coats Black Meire Caracul Wraps Hudsen Seal Wraps Trimmed Leepard Skin Coats Natural Squirrel Coats Skunk-Trimmed Persian Lamb Coats. Skunk-Trimmed Persian Lamb Coats. Natural Squirrel Wrups Natural Mink Coats Jap Mink Wraps Alaska Beaver Ceat Broadtail Wrap Taupe CaracUl Wraps Natural Mink Wrap (36 inch)... (.',0 inch)... (40 ineh)... (36 inch)... (iS inch)... (!S inch)... (30 inch)... (40 inch)... (45 inch)... (36 inch)... (45 inch)... (36 inch)... (45 ineh).., (40 inch)... (45 inch)... (46 inch) , , , . (L5 inntt. ) . . Extra Large Size Ceals up te 54 Bust Hudsen Seal Wraps Hudsen Seal Wraps , Hudsen Seal Circular Canes Natural Squirrel Circular Capes natural Squirrel Wraps , Taupe Caracul Circular Capes. Ermine Wrap Natural Mink Coats .... Natural Mink Coats ., Natural Mink Circular Cape Broadtail Wrap ' i (45 ineh)... (45 ineh).., (45 inch)... C5 inch).., (i5 inch)... (45 inch)... 05 inch)... (38 inch)... (40 inch).., (15 inch).. 05 inch)... ,75.00 75.00 98.50 120.00 120.00 150.00 165.00 135.00 150.00 150.00 185.00 180.00 200.00 245.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 375.00 350.00 395.00 425.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 525.00 000.00 675.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 900.00 900.00 700.00 1500.00 525.00 6.00.00 750.00 825.00 900.00 900.00 1000.00 1075.00 1350.00 2000.00 2000.00 49.50 49.50 49.50 79.50 79.50 79.30 89.50 89.50 98.50 98.50 115.00 119.50 129.75 132.00 195.00 195.00 193.50 225.00 225.00 245.00 275.00 292.50 295.00 295.00 295.00 345.00 395.00 445.00 495.00 495.00 495.00 595.00 595.00 595.00 995.00 345.00 395.00 495.00 545.00 595.00 595.00 595.00 745.00 895.00 1245.00 1245.00 Enftvn Qf7. f - i ,:""' e's, Meles and Sets ui Savings up te GOc pQr cent mmmmnjMM f r f. vKi