ize WW 7 jF W. ! WW -"T V i -e-(' Wt. bbbbbbbbbi ii swiihibbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi ! i . r" a Tg?, uit i .p wafw'n t.imbwwt in 'Vim WmrmfwTi f J " -. EVENING ' PUBLIC LgDGBRHIL.UIiPHIA) WflttftEStilY, JANUARY 4, -111122 , -J& . Wjm pwJtV .u8wr i sv T If :v il 10 rca jntaiirl Wu Uns C trarv 'i IT tls ua f inert pef ICuticura Talcum ii Fragrant and Very Healthful sample JLMK free of Cullcur lln.rlnrl.i. Dent. Wn, Mux. 23e. evtnrwhere. Willi III MM ill J Est. JOS. P. MURRAY Coffee Roasters Tea importers 4153 Germtntewn Ave. MV) online 0711 Special Blend, 25c lb. Wt l)f liter n.litre CLAD'S URNS ifer COFFEE Chocolate, Het Water .r Stjl or ilre Kitchen Equipment Fer Hetel and Restaurant n e i inn Plate a mr ijr i j S oxen ( s VV ain Irons VICTOR V. CLAD CO. 119 and 121 S. 1Kb SI. Skis Yia ua wnr Tour SMALLEST SHOE yrttfx EASE ntt COMFORT wfaIU uung MACUIRES IRieUPrTw- CORN NO PAIN Taktt OH Calkm Ybtrn Out br thi Roots PLASTER Stick te jroer faat Uk a paitiftt aUatp. . U itr U Arm Sntiltrti Tiu itfxr. j THE TRAINED NURSE INFANT SH0P 1810 Chestnut St. Trained Nurses in Attendance Ltyettti from Safely Pin te Bed. Tli- eul prospe t' tain ii' ler ''" ' r rnnlil hull Itifan s'l ". O! ninth I .in i here in an .hop a. i.l ob eb h iir'in. a ' "' $1.00 I liif MIU-.iiiiI-WiiiiI T"k - ,. . .. 70c SPRUCE 2193 Rell Fila.s Developed FREE IVHtN prints art ' ' ordered. Print. J' 45' . postcard size Qc each KEENE&CO. Opticians 1713 Walnut Street MUilWliiiin wiii'i imiininr "irawnni liiifiiiin'i' innai'll ftfe Fresh Irem our roasters own Coffe t lb our Stores -THOROUGH LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION i , n, mi P n innau . liaii ' i eyr r a -rtmli Frlp e' i Ev inn I. (or i t i . r i Hni i i i' 1 ru' t ii U'j"j ' hn Ti'Pfc'iM nuriT i-.- XT' ..lli.fur'n' s ' - ' ' H ' U I I r i en Da ni 1 i J " . . Ila rsi O U AG ES I'st jH h U a i.mi c iurst t vr Knlrmiir en Iflih "t Irlrplieue stiruii -16(11 DayShael Vim igoeWntnul SU'hilr TREASURY TEE CUTS F Recent Bride UNDS Heuse Appropriation Bedy Fails i te Fellow Recommendations Under Budget Plan $12,696,827 LOPPED OFF. Ily (lie Assnclalfil 1'irii Washington, .Inn. I Despite 11 formal rqiirts from lli" Ailinlntstra tien urghiR .Iek fellow Ins by ('eiigrps' of Hip rstim.itc siibmlHeil tv the new nmljtrf lltirpnti (lie Trenmrv Pepart ment apiu-'iprlallen bill reported tedm b llir lleur Appropriation Cemmitter ltolefnl n nit of npprexlmnlclv II per fent. The measure Is l Ik lirt of thf rf nlnr Mipplj bills te be completed bv the committee tinder the new system pro vided in the ISiidget A t The bill nn reported inrilcs n 'etal of SI IS. 010.1)511 for expenses of the. Trensun during the fival jrnr besln nm? neii .luh 1. This Is St-MWd.-SL'T :is le llinn the nineunl reiiuested in the lindurt iiml S17.770.."H1 lens fhnn tie tot il let the ciirent tisritl year Tl i ine.iiire pri'bnblv will be taken up in the tloei uiniortew. I'm ciif.r"'iiient of pioliibitien ?!i. J.'iO.tini' iv leceimiK nde.i- S7fill.000 less thnn ''is r ine-i-d but SI. 700,000 mere than un iivn nble tlm irar. '"ro '"re hibiti'Hi Cemniisiiniifr Ilanies told the renimittec hile tlin ir.liihltlen null Inn 11.'!! t.elil .isnitv ,,t,il clerks, an ad dition. il fet e of 7.10 Held agents and I.'.'! Held ilerk was ue-drd I'm nnnreiiri.iiinn. Chairiniin Alad- den s.iid. eu'l provide for npprpx- t imateh mnfiil-tive fewer perens than "r the ii'iiiilier H'iUcted. The inninnttep eltminateil all leque-i" for Milan 'ni'ieai'H. and reduced the estmiaie. under public buildings ap ap Iirexm .iteh L'.'nO.V)0. Aninng tlie Items eliminated au ."(K1(HX le- purihifp of ft Mte 111 nhingtn fm n national archliCH liuililinc. SI. 000. 000 toward i on-true-tien of a vnu't for the TienMiri. S7".". OtMl for repuiri le public hea'tli service heMjiltiilx "fl'-tu fet !" tetersili". uhlrll v ill lie supplied. M Mllihli'il vald, ninli" apiiroprlntiens for the Vet erans' ISiirrau. and S7.'!.(l0tl tev the lloten Immigration station The bill carries Sin.'.OOO for tin tin preemen(s t the Detroit t'oitefflie mill :;."),(M)0 for repairs te the Oswego. V. ' . posteftiee Ter tennlrs at four hospitals hetihlng Veterans' Uurcau pa tients, npproiirintlens were recom mended us follews: Stceii. N". C.. S100.000. TerrTville. Mil. Sl.'O.OOO; West Ilevhun Mas.s . S.-iO.OW). and 1'ale A'te. Calif S."0.(l00. aaaaaaaaLb afl aaaaaaaaaaaaVar i& 'MH B' "vjgigH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBat BBaaaal aaaaaaaPV aaaaaal aaaaaaaB "P!' Laaaaaal pumi's -' jH aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaB MKis. IM1IMI' IHISKMM.IM Mrs. tlesenbtiiin was .Miss Itutij l.ulierelT. She is a daiiglitcr of .Mr. and Mrs. V l.ulrrelT. of 11)28 Xerlli Secnlli street. Ilrr mar rlage te Pr. Iteseubliini took plarc en Sunil.ij FIERY LOVE NOTES FIGURE IN DIVORCE SUIT AT SHORE Illl.Ullllillll'iJ'llill illll1!1 II IV i HHll! Ill'l'ilih I II i a , I III t XTION J ' Until 'run APPROPRIATION FOR PHILA. POSTOFFICE AND MINT CUT Heuse Committee Denies Request for Meney for Improvements , Wasliiiifleri. .Ien 4. 'the lleu-e ' pproprintlen Committee. In tlie Treat urv Hill reported feduy. disallowed a request of S-.".(l()0 tm tne I'hlludelphln I'osteffice and Courthouse and cut the amount for running the Mint In lineal i 1 !)':'.. $72,0011 under iisc.il lll The director of the budget, in fact, ha'l done most of the euitiiu. ami the committee .ii tuiilly cil' his estimates only S'JeOO. The total leeemmended for the Mint is $4M).(i0'.. ami tli" tetjil allowed for the current car was K.'mvOOii. Supervising Architect Wcdtmore. of the Treasury Department, recommended the I'likteffice hnprevements. desiring PIO.OOO fr acoustical treatment of the courtroom und Slfi.000 for extension of the lookout sNstem. lie said the budget officers had appreied this Hem becau-p e the pcx'jliur conditions "The .ludgp holding cenn heating's" he suid. ' states that the conditions ate mch that witnesses cannot be lieaid. that l'." per cent of the time of the jui leu i teiiMimeil in having testl iiinnj lead from notes and thut wit nesses iinM- te ipppiit much of their lestiiueiij Anether .luilge stated that the iifellMns of the ieum were se bad that no one inn b sure he has, heard all the testimony, and that In one trial it was found, after the verdict was rendered, that en important piece (pf tctimenv had net hei n lieaid. and in i eiicpquei'.cp a new ttlnl was ordered ABANDON COAL CONFERENCE Operators Refuse te Meet Miners te Fix Date for Wage Negotiations luiI!aiiapelis. 1 nil.. .Ian 1 i By A I' i The meeting of dial operators of ihi Cemi.tl Competitive I'lcld with otli etli i pes of tli" I'mled Mine Werkiis of Anieniii .ilicil te nui'i at I'.ttsb irsh l"i ii.i, .is i tiled off tedav bv Jehn I. I.'wis. piesldent ei the union 'I'ih I'ltts'uuigh milling "as alien lui the pun use nf nting a un'c fei Helding in gotintleii- en a wage a?ree a?ree ne nt ie hei eine effi'tie next Apiil. Mi I.euis in u feimal statement, de- 'aii il the mieling was nbandeiied be-(ii.-p the opeialers icfusi-d te inert rl i he ininerH STRAYER'S faaltlen cuamn'J JArANF.SiF. Iln KKHIItKs T (.( Ill Bearding frlinnl. mill de mirk fur III, initial). Aiipl l",1 N Mill s, 'Hie llrst lluilntia SrhtW () Clli:-)1M1 hf. lCnter nmt liny r nlxBL TROLLEY GOES INTO DITCH Score Injured. Twe Probably Fatal ly, in Mishap en Ohie Line ( tnrl.ind. ()., .Ian ( -I'.'tueen fif ie i and tent insiins were seriously iji'ii I n i rnbabh fatally, anil a ii.- iimii' b.'illy shal.ru i p and bruised 1 in i before neon tedm uln-n the first ni nf n double -hendei' et n srnithheiinil vi l.itiil-tn- Akron-Caiiten iiitrnirban 'iintel n.is ii railed and uiii into a 1 t ii I i,i re iiiilm sillli !' Iliilf.iid iiem hue Storm Damage Tulsa Okla. luls.i. OhUi.. .lap l-'lh A V i I i'liishe il.'inuigc as laii.iil here eaih tiiilai iiv ii ewti smiiii, which put nnei 'me ii n nl ciiiiiiMissInu, hlmt-ti-ieil s me fmiirs und lit ic red tlie streets with ileliii- 'I lie plant of the Tuliiii TiiLuii" nn affeinoen paper, was pur ejt t ( Minim" en. Fltislmens Says Pluladelphlan Courted Hl3 Wife Atlantic Clt. .Inn 1 -Torrid love letters, which be claimed were written from I'lilladelphln te his ife by a man who signed himself "Writ"'." in which casual mention was mane of a ga pnrlj in a hotel in that nl. were lntieduccd at the opening of the divnne spit here wsterdnj of Dr. Otte I erej I'ltzsiineti'. wealth sheie ilenti-l. against lil- wife. Mrs. Marguerite Itubie fit 'slinens. The letters were Ciuiched 111 llir met indent terms with refcreme te Ihp nl Ipgpd nffepilen "Wii'te-" In hi for the jeting matron. In the testir.mil inert (he hus band, he asserted bis wife's Imp for him cooled aftPr their honejinpen, I'niler 1 cress-examination. Dr I'ltslmenn de nied emphuticall Hint he had faded le provide for his wife's support while he wus in C'nnuiln lie was ordered te produce canceled (hecks in reurt te- I dai (0 prove hi assertion. 1 Altheug-h but lilit "it nianen was riven of the llii" of d i'cre 11 his been idinneed that it wil1 u 'hiii of mis- ' 'alien Identity Hefen in s v , rp iiiine leilaj te the far t tlat Mr-. Ci.simurs las n tvln siMcr who gie.it'v resemble her HOUSE REAPPORTIONMENT IS URGED BY MONDELL Republican Leader Predicts Passing of Antl-Lynchlng Bill Washington. Jan. I (Its A I' i Reapportionment of the Heusi mem bersbip under tlie 10-0 census lieiilil bp autherl7ed In Congress Ik fore tin close of the ptesept sesMten, Hepicseti tntlve Mendell. Republican lead''! . ie dared in a statement today The Heuse nt the last session Uilleii a apportionment bill providing fin an imrea-p In its membership te 10" while pr"iinusl a measure, passed b the Heuse, providing for irnppnrtinii ment without Increase In meinbership wiih permitted te die in the Semite. Predicting thai Cenjress would be able te wind up this sei-sen b .lutie I. Mr, Mendidl said he expected the J Ions, te pass the Djer uiUMvuching hill "In the veil near future." The Henublican leader snid thai 'M is new gencrallv undei'stned that we shall pre. "ed te the early (onspleratlen of, and in due time in this session, enact an adjusted compensation iut fei vetcians of the Weild War EX-SOLDIERS HONOR WILSON Majer Pickering, of Phila.. One of Endowment Fund Organizers Nevr Yerk, Jan. 4 former serv n men throughout the reuntiv aie oigan eigan wing te assist In paying a nibute ! teiinei l'resideni Wllsnii. 't wis .11 .11 neumed today bv Hamilton Helt, exec utive fliteiter nl the Woediow Wilsen foundation The movement -eeic f raise a fund of M.OOO.(HH) m nun. beRiuning Januaiy 10, te 1 lulew tin Wondtev." WIIen Aw. mis im men tui inns serv n e The weil: el nation,' oigniiicauen et the -5rviie men Is hung ilirei ted bv Melviu It. Hildietli "I Vnhingleii I ('. Senpc nn 11 who nie ti hae ihatge of the vm-li in ether Stales ,iri the pd'ewing: Majer Picket lug. Phi'.i delphia : Captain frank Ilnjc. Pan tucket. It. I . Li'Utetmni .In mis P lirennan. Hesien , ineral Walter A Harris. Mikep da. ( olenel llenneii Clatk, St I,euis C0I0111 1 Hariv Heirv. Nashville. Tepp. . I.uuik A Jehnsen, Clnrksbuig. Va lless 1 I.Ulnril, Oklahoma Citv und I.Kiiten nnt Maxwell Stemhnrdt. New eik FIRST MERCY SHIP SAILS Carries 234,299 Bushels of Cern te Starving Russia Itallimere. Jan I M?y A P With i". 1. 21 if) bu-hels .,f tern 11 her 1 olds the inen.v ship innebngn -nilul 1im1.iv 101 a lless nn mn en the P.ljc, Sea , 'I he WniPeb.uri ilic fust el a lleei of -.Infis v lin 1 1 1 he cni h I e ' Ann lean 1 1 1 j ulmnvistialieii w.ili toeilstufls te .im .1 the famlip ,i. r'c. of Uuesia under mi a(,ieenieiil in nll.v I em lied lulwien ngrtils of the Soviet deieiniin ut aim ihi' I nilul Mpi -d'everiimi lit. hlppinK authnrilie ln,iei the vessel me 'Id lemh Its dest inuliep l febiuai.v 1 WOULD LET EUROPE W INTO II S. GOLD; Owen Urges European Foderal Bank Backed by Amer ican Roservos FOR ECONOMIC UPBUILDING tl.v the Associated Pi ess Washington. Jan. I The establish ment nf a fTurepetiii federal Reserve ' flank providing 11 geld-secured currene.v mil Unite 1 iiisepnrabl.v with the Amcrl- 1 ran Reserve S.VFtcm. from vvhlrh it would drnw Us resources and reserves, was atlyeented in the Sennte today by Senater Owen of Oklahoma, nn liasle move toward restoration nf Mablr eco ece eco nemle ronilltlens throughout the world Tn nn extensive speech en pest-war rondltlens. the Oklaln.iun Senater sue tfi'nted in connection with the proposed reserve bank the following iiropennl'' . for Anvutan eul in world rehebllltu- I tien: ' "Firs!. That we should postnene tlie final payment of the World War debt 1 In the 1 tilted States by extending the pa.vment ever liftv vears: that we, fdieuld net for ten vcars collect an.v amount under the sinking fund. "Second. That in arranging the pay- 1 ment nf Hurepe's tlrbl te tlie CnltPiI Stntps we should extend time te I'll -rope necesnry te enable It 10 rend just lln alTalrs and regain Its pro pre diiPtlve power, and thql we should net for ten jears ileninnd of it the pn.v -ment of inteieM due. hut nllew It te j merge with the principal, 1 "Third. That we should put the in terest rule nt " per cent of Kurepc's I debt te the t'niteil Stales." Mr. Owen nt the same lime submit ted te the Senate a lull te nmriid thh federal Reserve Ail se that establish nent of the foreign liankH would be 'possible. He piopescd that the Kurepean bank should be owned bv the Reserve Sys tem of the fulled States', and that fiem the twelve hanks here It should draw n letal of S.i(IO.0O0.O00 In geld ns : rej-eive This, he claimed, would in no wn.v Impali the reserves or reseiin e of the Aineriuiti ilistittitieilH, .vet It would enable the foreign banks: te issue SI!.. "00. (Mil Mil '0 in notes, backed up by I geld, as well is 100 per 1 rnt eommedll.v 1 bill.". ' J1 e. Founded in 18C5 The Heuse that Heppe built Innugiiralcd the One-rrice System in 1$81 C. J. Heppe & Sen Downtown 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown N. W. Cor. 6th & Thompson Streets Announcing the addition of the celebrated upright and grand pianos te the already great line of instruments ;e'd in Philadelphia' by C. J. Hcppc & Sen. The Henry V. Miller is one of our old favorites. Forty years age wc .were the Philadelphia agents of this famous piano, and for many years wc featured il as one of our leaders. Today it is finer than ever. Hence wc esteem this reappointment as an added honor te the Heuse that Heppe built. New mere than ever piano buyew will find at Heppe's, "tlie grcutcal group of musical instruments ever gathered together or offered in any one store in America." .taaBBBr w tt?lSjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBB The llcppc List of (i rand Piane new includes Masen & Hamlin Henry F. Miller Weber Steck Heppe H. C. Schemacker Edouard Jules , Pnrts from S7.'t!i up The Hcppc List of Upright I'ianea new includes Mnsen & Hamlin Henry F. Miller Weber Stcck Heppe H. C. Schemacker Edouard Jules Marccllus Franccica I'ricti from SHOO ' The DUO-ART Reproducing Pianos The Due-Art. reproducing pianos arc the greatest of al! player-pianos. They will repro duce piano music like a Victrela reproduces band music. Yeu may hear your favorite pianist at any time. The Due-Art is made only in the Stclnway, Weber, Stcck, Whecieck and Stroud pianos all en sale at Heppe's. Prices are from $895 up. Victrelas In talking machines Heppe's carry the genuine Victer Victrelas exclusively. They are the best hence Heppe's carry them. We have outfits at all prices. Every outfit includes a Victrela, records, needles and every thing necessary for complete enjoyment. Prices arc from $25 up. The llcppc Rental-Payment Plan It Ii Is net convenient for von te make full pay ment at purchase you miiv teni any piano, player piano or h'trela that we tiell ami nil rent will be spplleil toward the piirchnsc prlie Velt jre free te purehise the Instrument or rlurn It it nnv time rrrerrrrrrrrfsrrSrrrfrresrsvj l9 Malt This Coupon for Full Information CUncppe a Sen Kyn-VhTTh1e9pSeVSn.,.t ... Without any obligation en my part please send ful information about (mark X below): 0 Pianos n I'layer-rianes HI Victrela: r l if A Sale of Centemeri Gloves A Sale for Women the annual event that thousands have looked forward te a eempreheiibivc Clearance of all our lines of women's gloves, complete and incomplete, that were marked from 6.50 downward, at the uniform sale price of 1.95 perfect-fitting, Ccutcmeri-qualitv street and dress gloves of French Kidskin, Lambskin, Capeskin, Mecha and Chamois -stunning lined gloves, wrist length and gauntlet an assortment )ou can pick from at random and net fail te select a superlative bargain at Centemeri Gloves at I 1.95 Cash Oicr the Counter Only yiiteSs Teurc Wnmin anil Clrla Become a Trained Nurse I j HeW About a Steh-ChnstmaS By J. p. McEVOY 1i noblest beut-riald urefaiiMlGn nn.n II " i 'lb nebleit bet-rll vrofenien edid te yeuns weimn. Our nema atudy or ticfpltal ceursta lv rapid, thoreuih iralnlnir. HuniJ today far Hoektit a." PHii-AnEM'iuA sciietH. ion Nt nscs SM enrl Chutnnt Ht... I'lillarlrlnhls T'i i flinslians ndibrated still hettci we would have tmir In lunV duvs It' ever the presents ,u. K fP "liri i-ttnac hiitiitiful thought. We aheiila I u ll,n i "ties ue ni.e anil lerward III', in unit i c hristmas for twelve MBfiQAt. iNWTrtPcrrinN Pine Playing Taught Beginner in 20 Letieni OPEN EVENINGS Pheitt Knrure 0907 a.fc ..' .j..ar ir- IRISTXNSKN. tfCIIOIM. Ol' 101. MJ Mi TIME TSCHOPP R M'"ii iiuiije .H-sV."', was a held n Al .iiiv iaii" even It' we ail I have a twelve -(lav elehiatien. th complexi ties of modem life demand en annev. fn the present Christmas Day a dint ( f htep-f hrUlmas for Instance, one ipallj deesii t get men of eti's sifts auil anK until ( hilstmaH I)h Then it Is tee late te de anvthinj hut lesret that phi forset all these people iiianv of iheiu verv de.n Itiends whom veu ipvc think el evceir once 11 ve.il' . If 'en dash out mid p;ei eemetluni; te - ud them, II i emcK late tuul Is a dem i a , a i I the etherh le Ihe friends we lupj fee. Keueil. Il would dl-e sue ps i , ,,,p 0 evchaiiue eui ( hrisimas prr.euts Uip I old a tia! lelrhratiep im p-l'lirlnl mas Tlii- ical i cifur.it inn . ilij i eiimm in threw'iiiK the irmains of the iurlev eul uf Ihe window and .ittlug ijnvvii ' 10 a Riieil sle.ili, nf clearin; . sin ilijlnfr Chi s.lln.1. tin e'M el l In rni j i til I maliiiiK one Inue. luaiilifiil leinlm ir all Ihe dlMindc'1 Mill I iB.i -, inc.. ,,f wishing all tin claim. ,i happV j,',ur. lie) en their ip home ami of lnckinj; eilise'ves a'.iv tm a il.iv of peace en eaiih and xoed-will lewaid mep. All these ni fawn of .i ii p.r hrifct IPIs usuifv bj MIV Inp ir ' ((Hi net e uiip h poise ( A Sale for Men Tlie enee-a-year Clearance of all our remaining lines of superior gloves regularly priced from 6.50 downward Sleek-fating, handsome, hardy gloves of genuine Seuth African Capeskin, Blackhead Arabian Mecha, and real Buckskin. Lined gloves of Seuth African Capeskin with knitted seamless vicuna wool lining and sturdy Pebbled Geat with curly lambswoel lining both with medium or long culVb. Alse slraj) wrihl two-in-one ttiuvhidv gloves. Fer Palm lieaeh gloves of Chamois and French Kidskin At the iiniverteitl price el 2.35 Cash Over the Counter Only Centemeri Gloves 123 Se. 13lh Si. Philadelphia Stu Yerk Grenoble, France ". SkwlVWs Jim I SSS&SMSS6MiJu At 123 Seuth I3th St. near Sansom St. 1i t