,ftr-Tr ' ' s . i '. . - .. . ' - ' 'fA,T'ra A A' '?A X, r . tJ, I J , ' (f . (, . : .1 5 n f A m SatsMncSMBHaKTlsd tswtrarjagHsnHaHuii steuld. ') usflvsKiJBCsens r.r Jt ' i Jkz Jf my rw lifil'S WAmKmMmmmW. . .aH wnmki t. SBStSBK .dSV . SS1'-I -'I-. ' l lAKAt ESTA'ttJy SOB, SALE l ' . CTV Valuable Central Properties S8T N. 13th at., 17x37; 1B81.88-8S Vln St., 4xl23! 211H-20 Vine. 48100, 123-2f N. 10th at . 8.1x100 (corner Cherry). 8, E. corner 22d and Parkway. 10i7 'ft, 0 In. A. J. SANDERS . 504 Land Title Bldg. Locust 3754 3236 N. BROAD ST. $3500 CASH I all that Is needed te buy modern perch-front. 14-reim heuse: het-water hsat, clee.s (1 bedroom. 2 tile baths, storeroom, owner moving te suburb!. Apply en premises, or your own broker. WEST PHILADELPHIA A GOOD CHANCE FOR HOME SEEKERS Wa otter the following tin (10) houses for al en easy terms: 2610 8. Dewey 5821 H. Robinson , 2600 H. Old 1'rtlO H. Robinson 2811 8. Robinson '00-t 8. Itoblmen 8807 8. 02d :BM S. Hist 5510 8. Pershing? .814 S Bonnafon , Thess houses are In the Heb Island me tien et tha city and arc all in excenen con cen con diteon: built et the best material, with even modern iripicvemmt and convenience. They ! wire built by Uncle Sam during the war ', Each heuse has 0 rooms and bath, station ery tubs and eleatrlc lights. We will rlnance the purchase of these houses upon najment te us et two hundred I and fifty (I2'0 ded'ars rash. A Title Felic will le ghen te thj buyer with each deed. i The Philadelphia Heme Building , and Development Company ROOM -308. THIRD FLOOR OK TUT. KEY STONE AID SOCIETY BUILDINO S. E. Cor. 16th & Lembard Sts., ' Philadelphia. Pa. Tclephenn Oregrn 0204 Office hours 0 A M. tt: 5 P II. MARSHALL'S Overbroek Hemes -$2250 Reduction Thp Lewest-Priced Stene Hemes in Overbroek 1100 BLOCK G5TH STREET NORTH OF LEBANON AVE. Can be financed en easy trm. Tfl-'t street lln ft. btven perchee .arise In In ceosed perch. French doers ihrujthejt living- room and dining room JOHN J. MARSHALL BUILDER AND uWNEIl PASS NOHTH ny MD KT Til LFB N1N AVE. FOR enj: I'ARE WALK WEST 14 BLOrKS TO THESE HOMES PEXN M. MOONEi" AGENT U N. r.'JTH ST. Belmont ".304 Sample ouse open etes. until 0 o'clock. wmwmmnRmmmammri PINE ST. AT 50TH Ncv 10-room 2-sterj- homes U with garages Possessing every modern appoint ment Prices Reduced $2000 EUGENE L. TOWNSEND S. E. cer -Othmnd Baltimore a,t, n 3IR. TOWELL ON OPEHATION H 3 I QBiMniiiaixiffli mniiii A COMPLETE MODERN I HOME AT OVERHILL ROAD SOUTH OF CHESTNUT ST. (ceTir st. septieni two story sKiir-nnrAfHED INSPECTION IS INVITED AI'IM Y ON PrtlMSES OK TO ROBERT KILL0UGH Wsvn- ri DnvM nta , l rmantewn. iiliiilllWiMWIttilll $400 CASH BUYS HOME MAHOOANY AND WHITE 1'IMSII DUTCH HALI. EI.EC I.IOHTS UlUil Uri.ANri ST. Handy te !J car lines auwav and sur face!! 1 bte k from I' R R fetatien. J. J. NEVILLE Strnlin O'rard Bldg O'NEILL, S72J Chester avf G ElfMAXTOW X llnlldlng I.etJi a BUILDING SITES its of the finest locations for an operation; .34x800, 2 fronts, surrounded en all sldes ty old uoiemai nianeiuita uiuy . squares from either station or trolley jU'iri J. cv.Arf bn... uidi Mtn. ave. I.OOAN rORTABLE STEEL OARAOE. slxe 30x78 or zieund without garage, suitable for hulld. Ing 4 apts, and 2 stores 471B N B read st rmTNi-T iiu.r. ATTRACTIVE corner 'property, convenient te Mtlread depots and ti-lVy line, let about H acre, beautlfulb mscaped. fin ehada .Z.A hnibbery. C iHs b'ene und tlle huu.e "" vD.tn hv Kmii urt,. living room with a-jrepiace and buu'ji ' ekrase. center hall. '.inln: raem. with ttre-. ice und hul t-in nlnn teset. den. ereanmv. room. Kitchen, i) bed .bambere. linen ind trunk closets 3 baths , te.l hardwood fljirs. cemplete laundry and ther ',a nnn,!aw'l "I't1" cer"""n. garage. 130.000. Will cons Ider erfr fop l5fc "sale H J. PAPER. Ambler, Pa f0r 10 RMS. bath elec It. h -w heat. 23x100 te rear etit-ni ei, .rt.-iieiin reaa. WESTNEY 203 Llb.-rty llldir mjir.v I860 CASH every modern convenience, at w most me'iraie prite. iin wiuh utrcvt N. 2224-80 West Fisher aia 7 rooms. Inclesial Vperches; Immed'ave possusslen. ABEIt- J-ETHY. 1J2S Chts'nut. KLINGER, 2724 X. 0th. FOR, MODEPN. up-te d it herre In Olney sts 1SMIL S1A1IU Brs Nl 3d at. Wye- rate price, nn wiua utrtt mlng maw J earage, ioex::". ii:,oeo. gn Mbsrtv it dj WESTNEY JIENN?vIvJ-JlLir-,i,'L'?J!LyN FOR AN ESTVTL we offe 12 acres near swtiull sjid trolley, at I'inlljn i'b nn lawn, old shade and shruubeiy. morien ttweillng, coach house and gurase, n bargain ler 117.800; can divide and sell Improvements rlth acres at reasenable price. H. J 1AQER. Ambler Pa ADJOININO golf links 0W acres, woodland and stream, opportunity for beuutlful landscaping; house with attractive first fir (tens fireplaces, several chambers. 4 baths lavatories, het-water heat, clee., gas: atuble 180.000. J. M FRONEFIELD. Wayne. Pa' 15-ACRE COUNTRY HOME 14 miles out, Penn It R. Stene dwelling stable and sMrage. grounds tun te beautiful stream, trees In abundance, Vessssalqn March 1 M 002, Ledger Office. ysrterles. Warelieusf , .Manufacturing npers ' CTORY building, Ambler. Pa 20 000 sq peer space; pum mis, exceptionally modern construction, fine condition; J4 2V4 acres; railroad frontage and u..i. ia. vimj niiu irmi wbir. in. cxraiieni laoer conditions Price. This Is less than fedav'n ,.. ... Ing building, sxcluslve of ground, ibis terms. 11. J. DAOER, Ambler, Pa AMIH.KR MOCERN. bungalows being constructed of ' hollow tils, with stucco finish and asbestos is; contain uwiig room, dining room. n. - pearcKims tutn en 1st fleer, i an 2d fleer te finish '2 roemm mn.... ' vsnlMicss. Including alsetrlclty A a. in. Ml98Mi ft. I ready for occupancy about Feb rmJyl. .Prlra 13300. tlOOO cash, balance iJwngM. it. J, iJAUt.lt, Ala- 4r- '!, "j"! .J ir. a5- REAL ESTATE FORMAL!? ritv ElBfflHIW Yeu can buy this factory building 20,000 sq. ft. fleer space with power, in well lighted, self-contained 2-story brick building, com pletely steam heated. Situated en Frankford Avenue and Amber Street, in industrial section of city, rapidly increasing in real estate values. Convenient for empleyes. Suitable for hosiery, carpet, leatfler, paint or rubber factory or for dye-works, laundry, milk plant, garage or automobile service station. Call or write at once for particulars. LIONEL FRIEDMANN 251 Seuth Fifteenth Street Phene Spruce 6141 fljgjiiiMii imam mk mi iim u mm wax MiiiiTOiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBraiiiJi'iiM ninimr.irginaimiiiiirffln'ArKi.'. linn di!!jBiiiWi!!iniM!ii!i niniwiwiHip wipiite wwii njinTiiDrawinp wiwimr i MCTmrnimnrairaiii rawi 1516 Chestnut Street ' -SALE or RENT- . . WONDERFUL LOCATION FOR ANY BUSINESS JOSEPH H. KASS, FINANCE BUILDING a fF "ijii wctiih it. ei iriwiffi iLiiinn iiimiP' iraiui.Ksiiit.irufiTiiajfminm'iniirriGiniEiiiii.ni.snijrjtniH.nniiKiriiirTmnii.ii.riMtnirunn n ' m:iiMNTtmv a: 'iii 131, miiirtiiicirab,jMirpiiiirr,,,i'iH riTOgj LINCOLN DRIVE SECTION BEAUTIFUL DETACHED COLONIAL HOMES CENTER HALL Five Chambers 3 Baths 2-Car Garage SOME ARE CONSTRUCTED OF ALL-BRICK SOME ARE ALL STONE. HIGHEST ELEVATION IN PHILADEL PHIA. Priced low at $22,500 DON PETERS 515 PELHAM ROAD .1 ta H i WlliMIIM Twe story, all atone l rooms and tiled bath, het-water heat, gas and electricity, hardwood floors throucheut. open flrepluce: near Penn svlvanln. It R end trolley. E'xamlne quickly Smith, Dalgliesh & Russ C001 GERMAN-TOWN AVE l'EXXSYI.VAMA stIU'imX BREAKFAST TABLE TO 1JROAD ST ST ONLY 29 MINUTES-$20,000 . .. ........ i 14-room stene house, j patns: garage wun ' ''lng qunrtera. greenheusa aoeut an acre. " Heirs reside In Calif . quick s-v' or derM. fj p PETEIlP dc BU. in Lf-iii.. t. ATTRACTIVE c.mntry I lace n-v I urt Washington. Pa.- 10 acres with fine lawn, , (.had and shrubbery. acrt'S erchard: Colo ssi dwelling. IJ rooms. 2 baths, hardvw.ud t'oers h.-w, hit. inoreilBl.iy rn..ri . vj-i ondltlen garaic-. has heen held st IIS 000; no riaseiabU off or refund for uu ek tale I - i II...A.iitl lr miSilOPII Al If J n-AOEJt Ambler, Pa , I Fert . n-rn irTirn country place near rfVA..v--. . ,ltk fl.. I .w-. WttHhlntttun. -a l'l i ........,....-..,, .hade and shrubbery 4 acres erchapt. Colen-1 J.! dwelling. 12 roertw. 2 b.ith hart floors h- heat, thoroughly midern und'tien. garage has been hell at 111 itui unuuu A-l i rendition. arage ha. been n, , a ie uuu. , Ne reasonaeie pnnr rriu.w iv .a oate. ( II J DAQER. Ambler I'a. NEARLY NEW 12-ROOM MODLRN HOt'SB 2 baths and sleeping perch en 2d fioer 4U, ACRES LANQHORNE Stable garage, fruit, etc . en high ir-eund;: convenient te station ana trolley piintes PETERS A SON.B08 CHESTNUT ST PIIILA CYNWYD New stene home, 10 rooms, 2 baths. Inclesed perch, ste-ie heated garage; N W cer Hala and Oynwyd aves., for sale. WILLIAM H. TATTON 04-F C3d and Oxford Ualment 7077 R. OLENMDE OLENSIDE Several geed bargains, from J42O0 te 113 S00 rnd for descriptive lift, best and cheapest lets along u.e Read ing come out and let one of our representa tliea show you around open every day ex cept New Year's Imv WM T B ROBERTS Olensldn, Pa. 300- Single 10 rms epn flreplace. h.- I i w ht ht large let also 10 r. semt-det dwg ; jneuu inn uoe up On ev day. RENNINGER & RENNINGER OLENSIDE, PA.. OPP. STATION THE KERNEL tf niiiiiiiiffliiiiEOiiEiii'ff'fiiiiiiiiiffiwaiiw 1 1 WEST SIDE-$8500 ! I rwn terv. nil stone 1 rooms -sdJlJ- EVENING IUBLIO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY MlftAN $53.50 Monthly Expense Attcr $.".00 cash payment. Beautiful Heme and Garage UNEQUAEED VALVE UNUSUAL TEHMS. lhree larze hcdroemi and slec;!r.e perch. pQUlalent te 4 t-droems JarBKe nnd Incleied front rerch (heated). I'errti en leel with IIMntt room. 4 Trench iloerw twtween: unusually lares kitchen, 3 windows, white enamel finish, t!l bath, with built-in tub and ehewer, brick fireplace, etc. The Finest Heating Plant in Legan Separa.t laundry In bmmmt, plaitered walls In high cellars, heaters, plumb Ine. reefs and c-r-.cntlnB nuar.int-eJ. Tenth above Courtland. St. Just abee Ileuleard and Iluntlnc I'ar'. (TEN DAY AND NIGHT. S. C. ABERNETHY 132S CHESTNUT ST.. 4021 N. 10T1I. riyxsYi-VAXi.v- smuinnAS IIAI-TYXVTD MuUKKN' II litKS. senelbly planned. boeI construction nnw wirg num. readv ij rlnir, all conveniences li nd accommeti- tlnn for appears fHinlly 122 OH te J2S.000 AV I Tl.il h SL'IKi:ilLANI HaU-O ivU I'hone t-'nHvd 212 17 Maple u3 IlulUllng Lell lllLUIN') blTl.S in Hub c mveMent ail ileiilratili suburb can new ti 1h. lyht at ic-i te our uutantauei let n.e linerf iuur ' WALTER S Sl'TllERLAND. ITla-Cvnwd Phene. Cj-nwrd 242 107 Maple ave nvwoen MODERN all-9tcnj duelling, llinc room, epn nreplace dining room brrakfaat r-xjn. kite en rantry, 4 triroems t!l bath, fewe, finished attic: J12.230. (IRQ L HARNES. 12(il Cheetnut Wal 4(125, cilKSTWl RUSSIAN and Turltlkh bath heupe for sale. clab!lph'"i since lSUO. s til finance. Ad I dress Ilex 3l. ehstr. Pa. i iiarhy OUT SPECIAL SUBURBAN SALE LIST OlTfftDC S. OfM r.irt.ta r. .. jnufL Ot OUH "n,,: Hi. "" -. t - . NCTV JERSEY SI'lU'ltnVN ArnrneN HOUSES lets and bungalows. (3SO0 -jp te j-tlinn, 7-rm bungalow all cenv WM It. EVANS. 184 Oakland ave. COLLINOSWOOI) STOKES AVE Stucco. 8 rms . bath, all cons : white mahogany finish, awnlniri etc . cer. let BOaU.0, I300O down, terms ar ranged. Colltngsweod Ileal Estate Ce., 720 Haddnn ave f'el. 10.13. urLT r'.r ivlii ,. -" -- "'" ' u . etiAuw ' i""iiib uuu itttii, Piecinc. het-water hat cer. proeertv Tn-st 1ep. nnSt, "ITi"?..... f",v,n- -"' -.w... ........ .. ...7 ,u SIX rooms, hath, let 40175: garage: de & Pl0rAUnTJLaln: "B0- 1M1S mAISE, 400 Rickey nve. . LigiNlYLVANIA FAUMH rARMS 6 Acres With Stene Heuse Between Phiia. & Baltimore On high elevation amidst healthful surround ings and prosperous farmers essv wQ t. main-line R R station, close geed buslnets luwn, iv niicn iirrtvi'-crapping Ullage stream-watered pasture, woodland, fr'ilt. 2 story 12roem stene-and-frame house cellar barn, poultry house, garage, etc : retiring owner Includes cr horses 4 cows, poultry vshleles. winter's hay, grain, etc ; all 147f) part cash, easy terms, details and photo graph page fil Catalogue line Bargains. KRLE STUOUT FARM AOENCY Hi L Land Title llldir Philadelphia Pa 1'RUIT FARM. IS aires, of which about 10 terns are In apples Just coming Inte prime bearing; stone house. 7 rooms, bath, etene barn, atone sprlngheuse, stream, beautiful views: Jll.oeo J. M. FRONEFIELD, Wayne. Pa, nt EBGUllr - PHILADELiPHIA, WEDNESDAY, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WEST ntlf ADKI.nilA A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION OWN YOUR HOME NEXT YEAR COMMENCE TODAY TO PRACTICE THRIFT OET ACQUAINTED WITH OUR RASY-PAYMENT PLAN THAT PERMITS YOU BUYINQ ONE OF OUIl Greatly Reduced Hemes IN THE HEART OF OVERBROOK Lebanon A anOn We. ONLT 2 ULOCKB 'WEST OF C3D STUEKT CAItO Carrying Charges, 57' Gives you posserslen of en up-te-dato stone, home with a lartte private earace en a wlda Ueulevard, with center parking. Thlnlt this ever then visit our ceiy and cheerful sample house 0B33 Lebanon avenue. Open every evenlng till 0 P. M. JOHN F. McGINTY & SON C335 LEDANON AVENUE TAKE "L," TO B3D AND MAnKET. PASS NOIITH ON NO. 41 TO LEBANON AVE. WALK TWO AND A HALF BQUAKES WEST. f r OVERBROOK Mr. THOMAS B. RICE, 3rd Begs te Announce That He Has Bccome Associated With McDEvrrr & mullin City and Suburban Real Estate 68rd & Lancaster Avenue nnd would be pleased te receive your inquiries. McDEVITT SWMMWiaErafl New Hemes Twe-story, delightful new homes, ready te move into, every thing modern, large rooms, garage. .3 '$11,000 REDUCED TO $8725 60th and Jeffersen Sts. Wide street, high elevation. Take Elevated, free pass ever G3d H Street te Jeffersen. See the furnished Sample Heuse. i J. HARKER CHADWICK, F&miiimiaiiiMM 1,KXNHI.VAXIA StTHTUIIAN iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmrnnr Xi -l HAVERFORD L'nusuaJly well-designed trick nnd stucco Colonial house, with spacious sh&dt-d CTeunds: 18 rooms, 10 chambers, b-it": 'arge first fleer, excellent for -ntertalnlnt torrace and In In ceosed torch; 3-car g-irixe, Ttan'a quurters; can be ecin en'y through ihia eftlcc, J100 UOO. ARDMORE An irtlrel new efferlni en tin north slJc: white Colonial heuij md 2-csr Farage; large hull. llWnc room, tnclespd reith. lavaten. dressing room ctft n the first floer: 4 large h-d-roems, 2 baths en the sccmki fleer; 2 maeter'a rooms nnd bath, 2 servnnts' rooms mil bath en the t Ird fleer ry rv.iH'jnably priced, J3U.0M ST. DAVIDS A comfortable. v.cll-plannel house, garage nnd creunrt i 12 rooms, 7 chambers, 2 ba'S. 3 cir r-rrge mnn'w rcen i.'at Jii n-or station nnd Blf clii'i, larKS l?.w-n entire iih -e n ix ca'Ient condition, 327,1100. A. D. WARN0CK 132 S. ICth St. IIAU BALA. ftnnis flnrt clr.stcr heUB con- iwtlnlnK 10 roerr.K, 1 baiti &r.a 5 chambers; theruuehly metirn. Can be purchaied nt n. er rea rea uunable price. Immetllaie pea- Be union. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BLDQ PENNSYLVANIA FARM; FINE TARM. 137 ":": " .miles asphalt reads te City Hall, Philadelphia, owner's res'Jence: electric lights, het-water heat. epn flreplAces, beautiful lawn and shade, extended View, large stable and carriage hrus. modern cow barn. 44 In ad, tenant lieusi't, purest WAt'jr In abundance all nee ersary buildings; macadam readi each lde and through farm: 140.000, buildings could net be replaced for 50 noe. 2024 N, lOUl st , Philadelphia, Pa. .-.T.vrnv RrT r.r P.inll 3 acres with rhirmlne 9W 'ien.e -heu" c carefully remed eled, attractive first fleer, several master's 1 chimbers, 3 baths. 8 servants" chamber" and I bath, electricity, het-water heat, gas. laun i Arv with laundress' quarters and bath: garage with chauffeur's quarters and bath, 2 tenant houses witn tneaern imprev . . ...... ,..1.h .nnan I i v.vn.A-n ..n. a tenant nuuna ... ....-.-v.... ,(.tviv.tn,e(itnt I large stone barn equippea for nunters and drivers, greenneunu i.cuiru uy nut water Jprlniheuse. chicken heute timber, streami ' lake- a most complete home In flnst cendl- Hen J. M FRONEFIELD, Wayne Pa PENNA. FARMS FOR APRIL 1 CO acres; stens read and trelliy te Phlla (1 hour): belt sail, modern bldgs . $17 500, Ml ores med bldpn , firtue ur II, State r.ind i and trolley te Phlla.. IJ.'. 000; 211 a'rtt I med. bldgs.; new stone read (1 hour te Phlla.); best soil ana environmerl nd envlrenmcrt, II2.O0O, I n stene reads Mid trolley ' f. West Chester Pa I Viava mnv sthfTS 1 A. HALTMAN NINETEEN-ACRB truck and peultrv farm, does te stores, creamer), etc.: mile te trolley and State highway; 7-room house, heater, barn, geed outbuildings, l horse, I cow. 10O thickens, crops, tool and Im plements Included: prlce J400O; V, cash or consider city property In exchange, HENRY 'HAPF. 3003 3 , 5th st. T I It ,' , -T ', ' " "" -'i iriiV'i inirj " ' ' ' " r-frTTri) in-- , - , n T" V'mmmmJ,' ' "" h I 1 REAL ESTATE EOR SALE wniT rHiMnTXTOiA nnttVcen CBth and 6Gth Sts. EDWIN J. KELLEY Begs te Anneunce That He Hns Become Associated With McDEVITT & MULLIN City and Suburban Real Estate 63rd & Lancaster Avenue and would be pleased te receive your inquiries. & MULLIN in Overbroek Land Title Bldg. cut PKNXSYI.VAN1 Slliunil X HAVl.ltFOUD HAVERFORD Colonial stene house and ga- IT1. ""..""" we or IS rooms, S baths and 8 chambers) raedern throughout; renvenlently J.Vn1 t0 "che01"- club and rail- -v-u, ,-imgeamii aoeui nti aays. WIUST & McMULLIN weaT end TRUST BLDO. JKNKINTOWN SEMI-DETACHED HOMES Nine rooms and hath, all nudern con veniences, exceptional order. HERKNESS 6f STETSON I.AVH TITLE riT.ne Vir.LANOYA VILLANOVA Attractive brick resld.n.. and saraae. with ih.ni -... "" of lawn; containing, 12 rooms. r... -""."" viinunrs: reason aniy priced considering the leca- HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BLDO PENNSYLVANIA FARMS Newtown Scraare 40 acres and lmnrnvm.nt..- modern stone heuse, 8 c''am. eers, u eatns: nnest water sup Ply, barn: garage, with living quarters; farmer's house, chicken! iieuse, laxe, stream, meadow; In I imku state ei cultivation; ft mile ie train: near Iiaane Hunt. xilKST & McMULLIN .WEST END TRUST BLDO SOTJTTI CAROLINA SpleRilid Game Preserve Beautiful plantation highly Impreved: 1200 acres: rlver frontage Splendid quail sheeting, duck erhoetlng and fish ing Something excoptlerml oeeroe Mccormick Georgetown Seuth Carolina iniummjiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiaciiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiriiiiiiiiiiflinMiiiiia PENNSYLVANIA fllllinHnAN ovERnneoK OVERBROOK SEC 0017 Hacelhurst rd.; igSfo-Veur t7 rms Westnev 'eT T'ih'.rtVWS' "n. y"r terms westne J03 Liberty Bid, HQSLYN RiinrrilnviJ0" 'ar iei "" conveniences, '18300. Hlllthiepfl Realty Ce R. E, SALE OR EXCHANGE NEIV JiatSEV SFBl'ItllAN HOTEL at Oeenn City. N. J for sale or exchange for Philadelphia Property. Writn fcr information. Postefflce Bex 204. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE NEAR Haddenfleld; modern residence, 14 rms , large perch: clear: will exchange for rhlla, or Camden property. V 1103, Led. Off. JOT&RY $ U922, REAL ESTATE EOR SALE. PK?tyBYT.VANlA StniPBlUN. r -sfcsslM aCAAAJ.A.A.a.XJLA.A.JLAA..AAAVl.AAAi! SUBURBAN HOMES OVERBROOK ntone-snd-shlmle residence! reed location; 0 bedrooms. 2 baths) csntral-plant hsAt. tlectrle lltht: let OS ft. by 1E0 (t.I pries flS.SOO, and wsll financed. MERION All-sten Colonial residence With desired renter-hnlt atrangement en first fleer. The upper fleer have e chambers and 2 baths; very modern convenience. Wood work has strictly Colonial finish: house Is well situated en spacious let with old shads and southwest ern exposure. Q a race. I'rlcs $20,000. WAYNE Sten-and-shlnl residence well situated en corner tot commanding cemmanding commanding sxtenslve lew. Over 1 aero of around. Heuse In excellent con dition! 8 brlfht. sunny chambers en second floeri 2 bedrooms and itorage apace en third; central- plant heat, araa and eloctrle light; B-car gar&te. SAMUEL C. Commercial Trust Building LOCUST 2S71 yvwyuMwvluu,',lt''vvyUg HEAL ESTATE FOB KENT riTV RENT CENTRAL STORE WITH HEAT 4 North 11th Street (50 ft. north of Market St.) Ideal Retail Location Will Alter te Suit Tenant HEYMANN & BR0. WIDENEH BLDO. THIRD & THOMPSON STS. 14,000 SQ. FT. ON FIRST FLOOR AND 7000 SQ. FT. BASEMENT AS AN ENTIRETY M . Modern fireproof building. te street frents: suitable for any kind nt msnu'nf'nrlnr;. CHAS, W. MILLER 1201-07 COMMONWEALTH HLDO. .. 'i Factories. Warenonnei, Manufnetntlng noers 45,000 FT. FACTORY ROOR ErACE. HEAT. ELEVATOn SERVICE. NEAn AND MARKET. WM. C. BENKERT 1421 CHESTNUT 32D .206-270 S.AMERICAN ST. Sixth fleer and basement: about 4000 sq. ft. each: excellent daylight; large clectrle elevator In modern fire tower; Immediate possessien: reasonable. Apply te sylveete: ,11 a. OARnETT 230 H. 8d St. netn pnenea. - -- Z m HEAL ESTATE-SALE OB BEN1 CITY 1.03-13 S. 30TH ST. Wharf. Railroad Elding, Ulna and Sheds for coal yards or building supplies. F SIMON 11? S IfiTH ST I. tJimUHi I I A iJ. IU111 Jl. OHKSTNl'T HILL VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES ruRNisur.D or I'NrimNisiiKD JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. CHESTNUT HILL. PIIILA. r.-i.-"iit HI'I 1B37 Chestnut Hill 20S7 REAL ESTATE WANTED I AM In the market for a house In some nearby suburb, with 3 or 4 bedrooms, either already cempleted or te be erected In the spring; something for about 110,000; In replying state prlce and full details about house, it 832. Ledger Office. WAREHOUSE Wanted, at one. 10.000 Bquare feet or less; elevator and geed shipping facilities main essentials; Delaware ae. te 4th st. and below Qlrard ave. A. U. Frai,or, 21 S. 12th at. rURN, HOUSE, central, for 3 months; 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms; must be med. Whiteside ft McLanaban, 10th and Pins. Call Loe 0(S7. WILL PURCHASE O-room-and-bath modem house; corner preferred; West Philadel phia; geed location; cost net mero than 10000. Charles L. Brown & Ce. 217 B. Bread at. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEW JEItSllY FARMS FARM 8 acres, excellent soil; fruit: 2 ncres asrtarnEUs netted 1073 last season; 1 aero Irrigation all In strawberries ll'JUO income next lean U-room house. painted, cemenler.ces: new barn; packing neuse; pumping station; 0 minuicn' walk te town; electrle line, en Improved read; some machinery, only IAS00; terms; ether com cem munters' farms. WALTER, de CAITP, 7 Cooper at., Woodbury, N, J. NEW JERSEY FARMS Write or call for free Illustrated catalogue describing mnney.msklng farm bargslns throughout the Oarden State1' with stock and tools Included Prices from 11000 up, many en easv terms State map shown. NEW JERSEY TAllM AOENCY 308.15 Ileal Estate Trust Illdg,, Phlla,, Pa. BUY NOW. before the new bridge across the Delaware sends the price of land soar sear ing: S acres land, 123); payable II weekly; teod heII: schools, stores, cnurrhe and line reads: send for Illustrated booklet free. GILBERT & O'CALLAQHAN. 703 Walnut St., Philadelphia, FRUIT FARMS, truck farms, stock farms, close te Camden. In Camden, Burlington Gloucester Counties, i acres, te 200 acres, low prices. Cutler Ce. offices, Colllngsweod, Westment and Maple Shads. Bell phone. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE rr.NNBYr.vANi mmtmnAfr WYNNEWOOD We are offerlne; several new de tached stone resiaeneea te ee nn- sned In late spring; modern in every respect! B or O bedrooms nnd fl haths. Prices ranging from fSO.ROO te tR2 000. In addition te the above, we are offering several ether well-appointed properties with earlier possession. ARDMORE n neeutlful stone residence, tile reef, well situated en desirable corner let; 13 rooms Including (1 well-arranged chambers and 2 baths en upper floors. Every, mod ern convenience nnd In excellent condition, aarage. Price 123,000. BALA-CYNWYD Stone-and-shlngle residence en corner let with open view; south western exposure. Heuse Is thor oughly modern; contains 11 rooms Including O chambers; hardwood floers: finished la white. 1'rlce 112,060 WAGNER, JR. HEAL ESTATE FOR KENT h cirv ltmlncss rrencrttea and Stores FLOORS 718 Market Street Wonderful Daylight Space Windows facing; North, Seuth and Last. Including Passenper nnd Freight Elevator Scrvice rind Steam Heat. HEYMANN & BRO. V1DEER DLDO. ROOM 20 x 90 "EAT ELECTRIC LIGHT I7TH & LUDLOW STREETS JOHN g! WILLIAMS C12 LAND TITLE 11LDO. RENT Chestnut St. Stere TLOOR UPACE 1800 SO. IT. CENTRAL SHOPPING DISTRICT AJELX...A..SW3.T. W!tm..lthnir!Jl.Vm i J ' " l' riTY POn RENT Three-stery brick bulldlnr. 70x ...40..f, ,ruJ!lble..fer ."'' manufacturing: elevator, light 4 sides: located opposite P. A R. ny station, Conshohocken, Pa. Apply P. J. LEARY. Conshehocksn. Pa. V 82? f. 24TH ST. Tl.roe stoe" 4 Marlborough read BBOO Osage ave. Twe story 1412 N. 12th St. Three story AIIERNETHY. I82K Chestnut. ..JTB , .. U0 ..00 .. 10 LOGAN 4010 N. Itread St., 3-story side- ard. perch-front dnelllng. 12 rooms, near station; would suit professional man or light Jmslness. William L. Craven's Sens. 1MU ' '' 111 wl- "iepnene uiamend 27.18 ' iuSStSlS-SiaiXA,i-S&' jesepn I'eiaman auu I.lnce'n ll'dg. 2117 PINE ST. A 11-rejm dwclllnir. very desirable 8-story i Dams Apply Penn- sylvanla Ce , BIT CheW.nut st 140 N. 02D ST. SlerJ and envelllug: suit anv business. Charles E. Williams, Lend TIlU nidg. I'VCH-BTOUY mfg bldg.. $70 a me.: Imp. leafs. Andersen & Ilreulhent. Kllbert 4811 Desk Heom IjESU ROOM Ah telephone for lent. Roem 307, IlulUera' Exchange. Factories, AVnrelienses, Jlanufnctwrlng Floers WILL ERECT building, .10,000 te 100.000 square feet. DILTKRICH. 787 Walnut t 10 S. FRONT Four story, elentrle light, ele ele ater: U7B. WESTNEY 203 Liberty Bldg. OFFICES, BUSINESS ROOMS. KTO. DESIRABLE elTlces for rent; newly finished, light and airy. Including; light, heat and Janitor service: prlce reasonable. Terminal Annex Bldg.. 12th and Filbert sts., Phlla delphla. Apply te Harry 11. Shoemaker. Pheno Walnut 7400. iOUTH HIDE City Hall (Baxter Bldr.) Large office, street fleer; suitable for e broker; slngle efflca, fully furnished; also suite of three. BROAD AND LOCUST Suite of 3 rooms' suitable for effice with private entrancs ?.n .VHS'p !.' Awly eHlc.9 0f Windermere Hetel, 228 S. Bread St. " PROFESSIONAL OFFICES; will equip first and second floors 2080 Chestnut st. Offlcei Spacf DESK SPACE, with telephone and steno- fTO?1'? ,rvlcX!,I,re,ul Rna Chestnut sts. P 1108. Ledger Office. WEST PHILADELPHIA 69TH ST. SECTION jjfatdS. ffvTnjr. Sn'l'ng.'br.Kfai?6 kitchen and perch: i bedrooms, tile bath: yearly lease. 180 per month. J. H. Meek.. Jr.. 69th and Market sts.. P. e. Bldg ""u""" 4.e, mien Hunaay. "part aULENOF"irnnfl w,,l!.P"l raclnp 1 arK. LENOE BROS. 17th arTd Mifflin lliisliiess l'repertlfs nnd Htnr $125 lwAimff!ertt ter,'0, Kena """e "nd OREENWELL S. EORNAN, 423 S. B2d st. Parages REPAIR SHOP, garage nnrt ,,...,. ' apartment, room for H car.- iV m 1"'i Chestnut; 1123. Tavler & Hen." 8,8 40th" u (IE1V.MANTIIWK WEST QERMANTOWN Thr....... ZTZ neuse. u rooms newly papered1 IfiO VftttWS'v lub'-peVcff l"-"1"' " utn. av I,UOA 581" CAHLISLE BT below Semervllle aV; New store 2-story house, with iar?g?i sq. north of Legan at.; car lines 7s'lf. 63 waxed floors, white enamel, tile bath ? and shewer: 1100 pr month. ROBKiit n HAMILTON, 83011 N. "ireaa .',te"t'T " OLNEY BEAUTIFUL HO.MI well rum , ... ... lien, garage, 3201 Chestnut, B den; 1128. 1CF. Sellers' HUNTIVn l-Aiiir "V&BS? JH-i'S"' iJ'. A0.. See ......, ,.., .,, ,ul nl, uega BS70. A Study in Expressions r - . ) 1 A j"-'i ."t(V ! ' MZAlj JSXA'A'i!i JTUIl KENTIf - p r; , ; ,tt nrrirKH. iipsinkhh rooms, mrf! LtNlKAL'OFFICES l D Txing JJIdg..,13th and Chestnut 9 Professional llfdr,, 1B81-8S Chettmn-rl lili Walnut st. "" " """. nil unestmn st. Plenty of daylight and reasonable rentals CHESTNUT AND 1HTH BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiffliifflMiiiiinai giiiiJHi'racEiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiimjf Desirable suit of rooms, suitable for broker's or business office. Apply Supt, Flanders Blcfg., 15 th and Walnut. iiBMiwBmmaamiiiiaiiimi RENT OFFICE EMPIRE BUILDING N. 33 cer. 13th and Wslntit sts. HEYMANN & BRO. WIDENEll BLDO. OFFICE REYBURN-BAILEY BLDG. 1211 CHESTNUT ST. HEYMANN & BRO. WIDENEn DLDO. VANDAM BUILDING 1001-3-3 MARKET ST. DAYLIGHT OFFICE SPACE LESTER TOWNSEND II. 402 : aiegris uiag,, Phiia. SHUBERT BUILDING 1 250 S. Bread Street' JT78T . REAL OOOD OFFICE nutl.Bnm BERNHEIMER c SUNDHEIM 250 S nnOAD PENNSYLVANIA summnAv baths. Inclesed perch, stone' hosted gtra'n; N. W. cer. Bala nnd Cynwrd aves.. for ssV C04-F 08d and Oxford. n. m0n 7HIT u FURNISHED On IIMiritrtMtHirt-r. rJVn.-1 l.pnnm ItnutA. - s . M.hn.- n ""T-','"'Ji.' ??" OJC.HU. "ir i-eniicry ucrcv, eiu nnadc, fruit t PETERS & SON.00H CHESTNUT ST.a'jllfft ble. rarteries. Warehouse, Mnnnfnctiirlng Tlr. FOR RENT, near Wayne Junction r-n. 2000 te -OOOsauare feet of spue's eteraim nr Harht mannf..,.. ,.. tlvTl? . " Addres- M 017. Ledger Office. "urw NEW JERSEY HUnUKHAN 1X)U .n,ENTA. flne business corner lna rsntdly growing suburban tmn - .XaJ populatien: 7 miles from Camdtn! suiivSE for bakery, dry goods, l...... V "M,wi tienery and Ice cream or nv kind of biit nets. 410 Oarfleld nve . Palmyra. N. J.T iwiunur,, COnttC roil RENT Desirable, cr.rner duelling, en' high river bank Delnnce. N. J opre.iti Andalusia; large let: all conveniences. Cta, tral Trust Ce . Camden. N, J. FOB RENT FURNISHED CITY SMALL DESIRABLE HOUSE " 2204 'PINE STREET ALBERT n. MILLS WEST END TRUST BLDO. PENNSYLVANIA HIiniinilAN IIALA DETACHED: 1 aere of greund: 7 chambers. 2 baths: gar.: med'n. 1200 per me. Jr Cermlck & McCermlck. Lincoln Hid. Ser. 705J MOBTaAGES Building Aociatien Funds for Immediate Investment Meetings Daily Reasonable Charges Philip N. Arneld 1201 CHESTNUT ST, RITTENHOUSE 2J2S-2429. TRUST FUNDS for Investment In first mortgages en Philadelphia real estate; large or small ameunts: Immediate settle ment. FRANK H. MOSS & CO. "518 Walnut St MORTGAGE FUNDS In amounts of IE00O te 130,000 te lean en first mortgage, central prop erty only. J. C. FULLER 10 S. 18TII ST. . THIRD MORTGAGES At 0 per cent, no Interest In advance; any sum n,nd any location; no red tape; Immediate settlement: advance building mortgages; expert advlcs without charts, bring your papers. PENN FINANCE CORP. 013 LINCOLN BLDO. Snruce 72BO, MONEY ON HAND FOR FIRST SECOND THIRD ALSO BLDO. AND LOAN MORTOAOBJ CAMERON &BARR ..-.wm s;s- MORTGAGES FOR SALE N Dri?.8iNCTESl?"BaT8IfM ROBERT D. HAMILTON BROAD ST. AND BOMERV1LLB AVg. , $50 itsai ssiaie security, immecltM settlement. Interest In estates' TO bought. Cash at one gha..$2000 EDW.M.M0LL Xi-UNDB FOR FIRST AND SECOND-" MU K 1 U A UES JAME3 D. WINCHELH N. "W. cer. . 17th alfd Hansom sts. FUNDS) FUNDB IN ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT BUILIMNO ASSOCIATION MONEY 11BMPHKY & CO." 27 H. IBTH HT WE REPRESENT 0 of the larrest bulldlnr and lean associations and desire applica tions for first, second and split mertfsgti in any sect en et the city or suburbs IBnjltAM JAMES KEOail. Land Tin Illjf. FUNDS for first mortgages for nema evrninl IIAB L. TlROwFL CHAS, A CO.. 217 8. Bread st. .-. ...iT-.a tn hnnd for first anil J MA.1 g'ag... OLNEY REALTYCO?. UlTA 6th St. , b'MALL. hulldlng association mertgsgi. UllV. ew. ...... .m .urn. ' W. H. HALL & HON tHS LAND TITLE ULDQ, LUNDS, 1st anu -u i-nua. and Del. C lJ b T, Lynch. 112 s, 18th. Hpr,,atif: -' s ' i - M ", .? . : .-.,1 "v., !w,v. ' x 'i' --nmmmm n &i