Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 03, 1922, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 18, Image 18

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Comedy Talent
V Ml
Wonderful Thing" Gives Star
h .' i ' Chance for Her Delightful
Stanley "Tlic Wonderful Thlnn"
WH start the new yenr rlplit for movie
fins who n'e ntlmlrcre of Nerma Tnl
nidge and they nre legion. Fer the
flrtt time In n lone while this cnptlvnt
iff itar has deserted the heavy emo
tional parts which phc has csnyeil lntely
Wd new appears In n cemedvdrama
wlhlch hrlnrt out utrengly the ficlnnt-
lighter slde of her personality and
Vtnnltfl her te use the famous smile
whh which she flrst captured the hearts
C'the public.
There Is nothing particularly unusual
tft the story, but It Is se well put to te
Cither and bound by se many Reed
comedy nub-tltlcs that Its well-worn
themes are lest sight of In the pcnerel
Impression of delight nnd satisfaction
wllch U gives.
Nerma plays the part of the daughter
f, an Amc-lcnn "hog king" and mil
lionaire. She has spent her whole life
In a French convent school and her
dialogue Is entirely In comedy dlaleet,
which, while scarcely convincing In an
American girl, even with French edu
cation, Is sufficiently bright ami nmus
lar te keep the element of fun upper
Most. She falts In love with n young Eng
lishman, a member of a nebhlsh old
family which has fallen Inte poverty.
She boldly propose te him. nnd he,
trtlng In dire need of money te p-etect
hit; younger brother from arrest for
forgery and his family from the poor peer
house, marries her. Hut by the time
he discovers he took her only for her
wealth he has really fallen In love with
hr and she has wen the hearts and the
gratitude of the whole family. She
aves everybody, of course, and all ends
Miss Telmndgc hns, perhaps, less
hance te use her gift of pantomime In
this picture than In any of her recent
tw. There Is net a great deal of ac
tion te It. the story being advanced
almost entirely by means of the sub
titles, but they are clever enough te
carry It, and the photography, with the
exception of one close-up sequence, en
dows her with nil the beauty nnd al
tering charm that her admirers expect
f. her.
Harrison Ferd mnkes an attractive
and convincing leading man, his acting
being uniformly Intelligent nnd un
forced, Julia Heyt, known in peclety
and te press agents as Mrs. Lydig
Heyt, makes her screen debut in this
picture; but, while she Is photographic
enough, It cannot be sold that she hns
learned hew te move before the camera.
Others in the cast arc Heward Trues
dale, Itebert Agncw, Kthel Fleming,
Mabel Burt. Walter McEwen, Charles
'Craig and Fanny Burke.
Arcadia If anything (else were
Meded te establish lovely Betty Comp Cemp Comp
en firmly in the hearts of picturo picture picturo
feers, "The Little Minister" should de
ft, even without the recent photoplays
Is which she has appeared. And
qually firmly should it fix the name of
Penrhyn Stanlaws in the memories of
2boteplay fans as n director, for her
let three vehicles have been made under
his supervision and all of them hnve
been far above the average In intelli
gent conception, artistic feeling and
technical execution.
Bnrrle's quaint story of Thrums life
la tee well known te need retelling here.
The picture adheres closely te the book
and the sub-titles are taken almost en
tirely from its pages, with their Thrums
dialect nnd their keen portrayal of
Thrums character. The settings fairly
bring te life the little village as Barrle
has made us knew It and fans have sel
dom had an opportunity te tee such
Tltal nnd consistent chnractcr acting ns
la given by the members of the cast who
have been assigned the various roles.
Miss Compson herself grows mere
winsome and mere captivatling with
ach picture she makes. Her charm is
that rare one that nppeals te women as
well ns men and it Is only necessary te
bear the comments of the audience te
he convinced that she is winning an Im
mense following by her consistently im
proving work. She is a very reincarna
tion of Lady Babbie.
Gcerge Hackntherne, ns the Little
Minister, is unfortunately the weakest
pet in the cant. He nets well enough,
liut hlB conception of the rele is net a
yxnpathetlc one. nnd his personality
leaves one hoping that Babble's ro
mance will end happily rather than
convinced that It will.
Rebert Brawer, ns Tamraas, nnd
. Mary Wilkinson, ns Nanny, give two
of the best character Interpretations
annen the screen In a long time. Nigel
Barrle is an impressive nnd striking
looking Captain Halllwcll and ether
8 arts are played excellently by Edwin
tevens. Will B. Walling, Guy Oliver,
IVed Huntley nnd Jeseph Hazleton.
Palace One of these "after-thcy-wape-married"
yarns Is told with n de
gree of Interest nnd suspense in "The
Child Theu Gavest Me." in which
Lewis Stene, Barbara Pastleten und
William Desmond play the three cor
ners of that old, familiar triangle.
The situation of a bridegroom, en
the very day of his wedding, finding his
bride clasping a little boy te her
breast nnd crvlng, "I thought he was
dead," is sufficiently unconventional te
give the picture n running start, und it
never flattens out tee much.
Lewis Stone gives a strong per
formance, and little Richard Headrielc
Is as cute and appealing a youngster as
'Over made inntlnce audiences weep
copiously. Adcle Fnrrlngten, old stage
rtar, contributes a neat bit, and Win
ter Hall is his customary effective
Victeria. Tem Mix, without chepa,
apurs nnd bandana, as a "rough ten ten
dereeot" ,1s a feature se unusual that
the picture in which he happens te ap
pear fades into insignificance. How
ever, let It be noted that the film has
the suggestive und praiili-land title of
Trallln' " and Is plentifully supplied
With thrills.
It's all nbeut n young man who gees
at West te seek his father's slnjer
and there Is a lively surprise around
about the flnnl fndo-eut. It has Ui take
a back sent te the amazing ight of
Mix in evening rlethes nnd fox-hunting
garb in the earlier portion of the pie
tun.. Kvn Novak Is the star's inter-
stlng lending lady, nnd Kid Jerdan
l.. .1... 'mml Minn mle.
p 'iwprww jwmgEi y&; : i.
Photoplays Elseivhere
STANTON " Connecticut Yankee
In Klnc Arthur's Court," Marie
Twain's famous nattrle comedy,
with Harry Myers.
KAIlLTON"Peler Ibbctsen." tu
Maurler's beautiful leve Idyl, with
Wallace Beld and Klsle Fenrusen,
Elliett Dexter, Qeor;e Fawcett,
Montagu .Love nnd ethers.
M'nlster." with Hetty Comnsen.
IMPERIAL "The Invisible Tower,"
with Heuse Peters and Irene ltleh.
ALII Ail 11 It A "Burn 'Em Up
llnrnes," with Johnny Hlnes.
COLONIAL "Don't Tell Every
thing," a comedy satire, with
Ulerm Bwnnsen.
William S. Hart's newest Western
LOCUST "The Barricade.," a W.
Christy Cnbanne picture, with
Kenneth Harlan.
BELMONT "Mether Mine" and
"Never Weaken," with Hareld
CEDAR 'The Foolish Age," with
Deris May.
llnrnes." with Johnny Hlnes.
Must Llve." with Hetty Compson.
STRAND "Don't Tell Everything."
satiric comedy, with Wallace Held
nnd Olerln Swanson.
LEADER "The Cabinet of Dr.
Cnllgarl," foreign futuristic picture.
Alice Lloyd and Hanneferd
Family Score in Shu-
bert Vaudeville
J nnd finds n grent spread of swnmp land
his portion. He becomes n clerk in the
village tavern, nnd proceeds te make It
vcrv, very het for the villains.
Tense atmosphere, with a little bit of
rustic humor en the side, make up the
picture. O'Brien. Arthur Houseman,
ltuth Dwycr and Frnnk Currier handle
their parts In clever fashion.
Itlrell Harry Carey, in a very
"Western" Western yarn called "The
Fex," rides nnd sheets through six or
mere reels with buch perfect nonchal
ance nnd geed humor that any audience
will be intrigued.
Little Breezy Easen, whose trnglc
death recentlj shocked the Coast, shares
honors with the star, nnd the scenes
uctween the two nre worth the price of
admission. Splendidly photographed
scenes are another feature.
Chestnut Sfree t Opcrn Heuse Twe big
snows in one? vaudeville and n circus
arc offered the Invester In entertnlnmcnt
here. Th combined effect makes n
regular "hoop-In," pcrformenco and
gives no chnncc for n dull moment.
i AHce Lloyd, charming ns of yore,
sing a number of reelly delightful sengi
which teemed with old-fashioned philos
ophy and the follies of the day ns well.
She took cure that the words reached
the audience ns well as the melodies.
i The well-known Hnnneferds with the
1 fnmeus "Feedies" supplied the circus
1 clement. This sextet of dnrlnc cnucs-
i trlnns gne n thrill every moment nnd
Poodles added some innn-slzed laughs
I between the thrills. This net, which has
I been a feature of the New Yerk Hippo
drome for several seasons, brought n big
hnnest jf npp'ause.
Clnsslcnl offerings of the pnst and n
few of the songs of today were Included
in the repertoire of Gulpe Ciccellnl, n
young Italian tenor, lnte of the Chicago
Opera Company nnd Cevcnt Onrden,
Londen. He possesses n voice of re
markablc sweetness nnd sang with ex
cellent expression.
There is no lest motion in the skit
"Heme Times Have Clinnged," offered
by Charles Heward, nssistcd by James
Graham ttml Alberta Fowler. It Is punc
tuated with wit of spontaneous order
and the laughs come quickly.
Aleen Bronsen In the sketch "Lnte
Again" followed the comedy pace of the
show, with geed results.
Tnmce Knjlyama, known ns "the
man with the five minds," showed that
he could de five things nt one time
without the lenst concern. Despite the
details Involved In his net it was highly
entertaining and scored emphatlcallv.
Sailor Bill Neilly told some jelly
geed stories between a number of ex
cellent scngs. He was well received,
Itoede nnu Francis, slack-wire artists,
gnve the t-hew n Hying start.
Star Duplicates Success of
Stage in Fine Screen Ver
sion of His Play
Aldlne These are days when hand-
picked, unduly inflated screen stars and
"starcttcs" must leek te their laurels
and de sonie ncting for n change. If
they de net some "decrepit old wreck"
from the spoken drama who considers
mere than his clothes in the ncting of
n part will come along and prick their
menev-inflatcd bubbles.
Geerge- Ariiss in no way resembles a
"decrepit old wreck," but he seems set
en showing n let of screen players n
thing or two nbeut their own art. In
"The Devil" he began their education;
In "Disraeli" he Just about finishes it.
The screen version of "Disraeli" Is
net at all what some peeple expected it
would be, a mutilated, distorted, movie mevie
ized version of the btage play, with n
set of sub-titles that emanated from
some obscure cccnarle writer. Ne, sir.
It is every whit as dignified and sincere
ns the original and, by the same token,
every bit as fascinating.
The sterv of the great English states.
man and his "dream of empire" is told
directly ana dramatically. Thcre are
thrills In his efforts te cope with the
machinations of KusbIuii spies in his
plan te put across the purchase of the
Suez Canal; real pathos in his nttneh
ment for his wife, the nlllng Lndy Bea Bea
censfield; spirit and color in his final
triumph ns he walks through the court
room te receive the thanks of his be
loved Queen.
The pretty Uttle love story of his sec
retary is told in a miner key which
never disturb the main theme. Ariiss
as Disraeli Is always the main figure,
alwajs the appealing one.
The great dramatic scene In which
Disraeli, apparently beaten by his ene
mies, commands the governor of the
Hank of England te make geed the
money for the canal's purchase is one
of the screen's finest moments, und in
the hands of Mr. Arils nnd E. J. Bat
cliffe becomes 11 mighty thrill indeed.
The period of the story Is well taken
care of; the characters that appeur in
Its telling move with authority and
geed taste. Louise Huff returns te the
screen u new person. A little mere
mature, but just as charming, she does
the best work of her career as the young
girl whose lee affair Disraeli cham
pions. Batcliffe, mentioned before, is
a commanding figure. Frank Lesee as
Meyers, the Londen banker, gives nn nn
ether of his finished character delinea
tions. Mrs. Ariiss Is appealing an the
statesman's wife.
The sub-titles, ery often tnken from
the play, are n real delight. There Is no
evidence in them of a desire te come
down te the level of the nickelodeon.
Their subtlety, their flashing wit, their
barbed Innuendo make them stand npart
from the nvcrnge stuff.
But, after nil, it Is Ariiss who domi
nates the film, as he hns dominated se
many stage plnjs of vastly inferior
merit. Last New Year's Day he wes
playing here in "The Green Goddess"
before the footlights. Cinema funs are
te be congratulated that lie has con
sented te divide his talents between the
two arts and has mastered the screen
technique as he did the stage. His DIs
well belongs in the picture Hall of
Geed Singers, Dancers and Come
dians Feature New Shew
Casine Irons & damage's produc
tion of the "Garden Frolics" has a
series of unusually picturesque settings
nnd a company that ceutnins such fun
makers ns Leu Bewers and such
dancers ns I'enrl Hamilton, noted for
I her serpentine steps.
The rempuny also includes J.lllinn
Bcssent, Dunn Huge, Det Stewart nnd
Ed Helder's comedy mule, a kicking
stnr from the circus arena. A large
chorus that can dance nnd sing is also
n feature.
Trocadero "The Cherry Blossoms,"
this week's show, has n number of first
cluss fenturcs which nre bound te strike
the nudlenccs' fancies. Baker nnd Hil Hil
eon, two Hawaiian dancers and instru
mentalists, scere unmistakably, and
Captain Fisher, the noted "handcuff
king," docs his usual pregrnm of very
unusual stunts. The main show hns n
hlg enst, Including such people ns I'enrl
Briggs, Dick Huhn, Al Marks and
The "Zlegfcld Frolic," which had
been announced te open nt the Gnrrick
Theatre next Monday night, will be
postponed until Tuesday night. The de
lay was found necessary because of the
extra rehearsals found Inevitable te
adapt the novel entertnlnmcnt te the
Gnrrick stage. These rehearsals will
censume all of Monday afternoon nnd
State Officials Give Up Holiday te
Fill Floed of Applications
Harrisburg, Jan. 3. The automobile
division of the State Highway Depart"
ment had up te the clec of business yes
terday pent out 203,000 passenger ve
hicle tags. ,M,000 commerclel truck tngs
and O.'t.OOO drivers' licenses for 102U.
The division was the only branch of the
State department working yesterday.
The mails yesterday brought in 23,500
applications, and 1200 tngs were given
out te applicants who applied in person
and steed for hours in the zero weather.
There are today in the State, It Is
estimnted. 312,000 car owners who can
not legally operate their machines be
cause they have no 1022 tags.
plays the "mad man
Itegent Tnke n nice, ntmesphertc
ncestrnl castle In Ireland, add its
? pretty and orphaned mistress, and stir
b a plot that concerns her gallant
(but net always scrupulous) attempt te
Mve her home from creditors, by dls-
inilsinr nerseu ns n serviuu, nun you
j"ujBftve "Roem nnd Beard" in n nutshell.
UOnsunce iimney manes u niviniiing
v Lady Mereen, nnd Tem Cerrigan plays
' ithe Prince Charming, who comes along
is the nick of time. . Kxcentleuully at-
Mactlve srenes, well photographed, help
te conceal a story structure that creaks
with Imprebabllit) nnd age.
" Capitel "Speed" must be the middle
name of Eugene O'Brien, who nppears
In a new picture nlinext as erten an
the stars used te when twe-rcelers were
the limit. His latest is "Clay Dollars," i
but that doesn't stand for u new coun
terfeiting scheme.
"Clay Dollars" is all nbeut n "young
w-i. i wy Kijer' who gees uncu ueme te reui
i -,! A lab en what his father has willed hitm
Why drive
a shabby car?
A shabby top, faded pnlnt,
or frayed upholstery spoil
the appearance of any car.
The Oldsmoblle Itenevatlns:
Sen Ice will make your car
leek like ni-w at u ery rea
sonable price
Get Our Eitimate Ne Obligation
Pheno Poplar 4697
Larsen-Oldsmobile Ce.
800 North Bread St.
JL Office ami
fSrAADainik bmpjplhcs
i i
iMank Beeks
bound lr Eoeoc&eaf,
J29 rlfarket Street
A Geed Time
RE you planning te
build next spring? It
will be a geed time for
builders who realize that
high investment value de
pends upon low cost, and
that common brick is net
only the best but the
cheapest of all fireproof
building material.
An architect who knows
hew te use common brick,
and where te get the best,
will give you every advantage
of beauty nnd fitness in your
building, along with low cost
and high permanent value.
Theiefere, cheese for your
architect one who knows hew
te select nnd handle common
When ou uunt any lnforma lnferma lnforma
tlen about brides, their kinds
colors, cjualltlf s, styles unhh or
prlc.H. th products ut different
n.iiker.H. hew ty word Hpeoltlcn Hpeeltlcn Hpeoltlcn
HenH, names of competent nichl
ticts builders. nglneir.s, etc,
mil up either of our elflces.
Ciedfrcy V. of 2d st pike Fk 2-34
Nketewn Im & U HL. Kens. 06-67
H. M. & C. B. SINER
Church and Tacony Fkfd H-39
jxiceiewn im. u is at., Kens.
Continuing Shows
WALNUT "The Bad Man," satlrle
comedy, -by Perter Emcrsbn
BrcAvne, with Helbroek IJllnn.
BROAD "Declassee," society
drama, by Zoe Aklns, with Ethel
SIIUHEHT 'The Passing Shew of
1921," Winter Garden revue, with
Willie nnd Eugene Helland.
OAKIiICK "The Famous Mrs.
Fair,"' with Henry Miller and
Blanche Untes.
LYRIC "Hcd Pepper. musical
comedy, In which Mclntyre nnd
Heath nre co-starred.
FORREST "The Wenderlnir Jew,"
spectacular version of the fnmeus
legend, with Tyreno Power.
Entertaining Bill, With Harry
Langden, Keeps Audlonces
In Morriment
Orpheum Players Give "A Foel
There Wa" for Holiday Week
OrpheumTlie many powerful' nnd
(Tripping dramatic situations in Rebert
miliard's stage success, "A Foel There
Was," are excellently taken cans of by
the Orpheum Players, who have chosen
this stirring ploy for their New Year's
week bill. Dwight A. Meado scores nn
undoubted hit In the part of the man of
nffnirs, sent by the President en nn im
portant mission te tlic English Govern
ment, nnd Gertrude IUtehic rises te all
the requirements of the "vampire"
whom he meets en shipboard nnd with
whom he becomes entangled in spite
pf his leve for his wife and children at
i . 'L1,1 Robinson, as the wife, who wins
him back in the end, mnkes the most of
her difficult part and acts with nil the
appeal that has wen her such n follow
ing. i' ?,.Br reIcB nre "Pnbly filled bv
Melly Fisher, Jehn W. Lett, Hcrnard
J. JlcOwen. TInrrr Wllmia H'llli-
Davidgc nnd Lester Heward,' Mr. Lett
being especially geed.
Mae Desmond Players In Thriller at
Opera Heute
.Metropolitan An ambitious produc
tion of a Uroedwny hit last year, which
has never pluycd in Philadelphia, was
seen last night by an enthusiastic au
dience, which seemed te llke the
"Broken Wing" immensely.
This Is a meledrnmn, with comedy
trimmings, with scenes down around
Mexico, where a young Mexican girl,
loved by n rather villainous officer in
that country's army, makes n prayer
that she be sent n husband from the
skies. A young American ntrmnti
comes catapulting down, ns if in nn
swer, when the wing of his plnne col cel
lnpscs That Is just the beginning,
nnd for the rest of the piny things
move nleng In brisk nnd exciting fash fash
Ien. Miss Desmond, Trenic Fielder nnd
the ether members of the compeny ac
quit themselves well, nnd the thrill
of the falling piano Is excellently
Keith's The best thing en the bill
this week and incidentally n type thnt
seems new te the cxtrn-legitlmnte
.stage Is Harry Langden. He gives, in
i ... . . , .. A ... ,!
exquisite pantomime, nueui iwciii-f
minutes from the life of the victim of nn
aggravated inferiority complex the peer
devil lisli.
He uses ns his medium a Uttle sketch
called "After the Mali'.' (meaning noth neth
int in particular), in which he is as
sisted, capably, by two young women
billed only ns "Itese nnd Cecil."
Net se ertlstlc, perhaps, but almost
equally nmuslng te the nudlcnce, is hn
extrnvngnnt burlcsque cnlled "A Dress
Jtchearsal," with an exuberant cepi'
nnnv lr,l hf TVnnlc Kills, whn hns taken
te geed effect, several leaves from the
notobeok of K.' Wynn. Mr. r.llis ap
pears ns the author of a melodrama ami
directs the rehearsal from .one of the
Miss F.tliel T.evev rIiicb several lium
bers that are well 'received. The Elm
Vltv Vniir slnir senes tclllne of the happy
life of plckannlnics in the cotton llclds
south of the Harlem Hlvcr: Grace xyen
, nnd Arthur McWntcrs present n pleas-
' .. i. .... ..., 0 a..h Jm..ham i.ltn
mil iiuiiiuurri ui rwiiKa, uani-f . v.....
tiens and imnersonatlens. "The I' our
Casting Mcllens," Hums nnd Freda nnd
the legerdemain of Adclode Herman
complete the bill.
Gleb "The Leve Nest," n miniature
musical comedy, with Billy Uremlell nnd
n bevy of pretty girls, wen npplause ns
thn liemlllner. Ifnrrv Svkes evoked
mirth with his "African Opcrn." , "Can
Yeu Imagine That?" was the miniiiui
vehicle of Nevlns nnd Gorden. Itcnard
nnd West contributed "The Prince of
Hokum," n novel net with n clever plot.
Other numbers were "Oddities of
1021"; a "Musical Threesome," by
Adams nnd the Thompson sisters; T t
Mnheney, the "Irish Chnlrmnn" ; If
Itlchnrds, funny ns ever, In "Hetel
Dlxey"; Cnvnnnugh nnd Burks nnd
Brake's Circus.
Allegheny An nggrcgatlen of nll
Phllndelphin girls presentc .Maids of
Phllly," n new and er'-'-itl net intro
ducing songs of met. They eITercd
modern minstrelsy nnd some high-class
singing. Bender nnd Armstrong get
many laughs ns "Just Twe Geed 5Ien
Gene Wrong"; Stevens nnd Lovejo
efTcred "The Cause of n Shee" : Walsh
nnd Austin a comedy skit, "The Life
Saver," nnd Mile. Aurera offered an
nnlmnl novelty with n bareback line rid
ing act.
nrealvn.y The Brccn family pleased
with n medley of entertainment. Mnnv
laughs went te the credit of Weber
Beck nnd Frnwr, "That Hnthskcllci
Trie." "Cupid's riese-Un" wns u
pleasant comedy pieyict. Fester nn 1
Joyce offered acceptable bits of musi
cal versatility. The motion-picture
s, 66-93 U
The Public Ledger
Department of
you lese your job
your cook strikes
out for parts un
known SUPPOSE you wish te sell
your old car
one of your beard
ers leaves sud
denly SUPPOSE your landlord
won't renew your
you need another
you wish te bor
row money
a hundred and one
ether emergency
needs in your
business or your
De 'you knew that vc have a special depart
ment for just such needs; that you can sit quietly
at home, jet within quick touch of hundreds of
people wanting just what you may have te offer
(service, merchandise, etc.) or offering just what
you desire?
This "First Aid in Emergencies Department"
is mere generally known as our "Classified Adver
tising Sections."
All the wants or offerings there are se listed
that you can quickly find the group in which you
are interested, though you might well form. the
habit of reading them all- for, indeed, they are
fenhire was "Don't Tell Everything,"
shown downtown for the flrst time. The
picture featured Gleria Swanson, Wal
lace Held nnd Elliett Dexter. There
will be n change of bill Thursday.
Cress Keys An old favorite is wel
comed beck in the person of "Senater
Murphy," who nppcnra in liis old role
as "the Spcnkcr of the Heuse," nnl
keens the nudlence laughing continu
ously. Henricttc De Scrrls nnd her
company glve remarkable reproductions
of famous statuary. Kauffman and Lil
lian have n comedy 'sklh Kibble nnd
Kane nre lnughmakcrs of nblllty, nnd
the remainder of the bill provides geed
William Pcnn "Nobody Heme," the
fnrce-cemedv hendllner, hns the skillful
services of Mntt Well nnd Jcnn Mess,
nnd they keep the action going at n
fast clip from beginning te end. Tune
ful music also features thei sketch.
Plctre displays unusunl ability with a
plnno-nccerdlon, Kirby, Qulnn nnd An
ger hnve n clever comedy nnmed "On
the Cerner." The Luster Brethers pre
sent ft novelty.
Nixon's Grand "Babies," billed ns n
"satirical one-net play," has the serv
ices of Selly Wnrd, Mnrlen Murray and
nn excellent company, who keep the
fun moving nt n fast clln throucheut.
Stnn Stanley Is nnether popular fun
itinkcr who has n place en the holiday
bill. Florence Hobsen nnd Eileen Bcntty
have n musical number of high qual
ity, nnd Gilbert Wells mixes comedy
nnd songs judiciously. Bins nnd Grill
nre tnlented gymnasts.
Kcystone Irving nnd Jack Knufmnn
give n repertoire of songs thnt set the
nudlence humming nnd bring repented
requests for encores. "Annnbelle," n
mlnlnture musical comedy, has catchy"
tunes nnd pretty girls In Us favor.
Archie nnd Gertie Falls hnve n clever
novelty called "A Few Knocks" ; Hnr'ry
Brccn, the "rapid-fire song writer,"
displays his skill, nnd the rest of the
bill has varied entertainment.
Nixon One speedily forget the chill
ing blasts etttsldfl en seeing "ferlng-
lw.A M n r,tAtilinaftlln tflhlnltl OE Slim,
mcry nttlrc vvhlch heads the bill.' It Is
check full e geed comcey arm iry
songs, nnd wns well recctved. Ncwhelf
nnd Phelps in "Tuneful Tnlcs" were
ln n inllh nnnrnwnl . OtllPI tfQCiti
nets included Key nnd Arthur, unique
jugglers ; urren nnu urcw, imitators,
and the Bclles, equilibrists, Herbert
Itawllnsen in "The Mllllonnire" was
the film attraction,
Walten Hoef A show that Is full of
action and music Is offered. Nevel Ideas
from Danceland nre introduced by Shel Shel
eon Themas nnd Bnbh with geed re
sults. Sibllla Bewman. "The Girl
from the Gelden West," Bcercs de
cisively with sercrnt geed songs. j'u
Scardtule, baritone cnmplcte the bill
Dumont's Emmett Welch nn,i J.
company of funmnkcrs have arranged 'ki
bill thnt for laughing purposes wenkTr
be hard te beat te usher In .their se. ',
called January jubilee. A scrcnmlni
burlcsque en "The Shclk," with in -the
desert atmosphere employed for'
comedy effect, is the mnln feature of t)i''
bill. f,Out in the Gelden West" Is m!,
ether travesty, with Cherlb Boyd,'
featured, which hits the bulPe-cye of
- -
ftfllE fine Furniture and Decorative Ob
(IL jects which distinguish the Heuse of
Valiant appeal primarily te these who
cherish the beauty of their homes. Sound
geed taste and thorough craftsmanship give
permanent value te VALIANT prices.
The moderate prices are exceptional for
the quality and high artistic beauty offered.
&k' a- v 'scr
&rS3WflHw!M 75 STORES!
Start the New Year Right
Learn te Save at the Almar Stores!
Finest Quality! Freshly Milled! Reg. Price 10c
This illustration is a reproduction of a recent adver
tisement of the Cream of Wheat Ce.
On December 13, we advertised
f gagfSsSJ Cream of Wheat for 24c pk
! X Fffffll Which was 4c less than regular price.
flerfwiXriBB en TODA Y WE CUT II TO
What would yen be paying if it
were net ter. Almar Stores?
; r r
UxIutv Crushed Cern TaI 2
I Almar Dried Beef 9c pkc i i It rn r
Heuse Cleaning Needs
Parson's Ammonia 25c bottle
Almar Ammonia 90 bottle
Almar Blueing 7C bottle
Old Dutch Cleanser 10c can
R" 7c pkg
Washing Seda Zy2clb
BROOMS 6ecsS!::::::b5scc
rtimar Lined ueer c pkg
ha i t ni nf i n t n L
martin suiuoiMDDen uacen, -lt pkg ZUc
Mixed Nuts 20c lb
Fine Flerida Oranges 25c dez
Tope's Pure Fruit Preserves 23c jar
Williams' Buckwheat Fleur 10c pkg
Williams' Pancake Fleur lOcpk'g
20c Penn Mar Syrup 15c can
California Prunes 10c & 17c lb
California Evaporated Peaches. . . .19c lb
, W.....U....U uiufumivu reJMi.uii, . , ,;jc 1U
- '
The first taste of this wonderful
Butter will prove its superiority
beyond a doubt.
WRAPPCn IM win r.n..,.n
W,. ., v.
'rurn 1'IJiril -a
45c Special 40c
AfJVlM 1
TEA ib.
India Cevlen
Old Country
Oranire Pekoe
KluStVtffl HlWf
1 1. felH
IW. Spicand-Sw, GREEN Almar store car Veur home
7 Ti . lMM!iMMM!
with.' -
J. ';:. J-jAjim,
wy -ar- m,,,. H
" '.': w
t.,Tu. .-iM