Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 02, 1922, Sports Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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r- im-M'.. r. , t,yiy , .j "a- A SPQ
H .
rCe Daily Mevie Magazine
This Is til' i rj Mtlunble section of
ernnmcntnl plaster sliep. but folks
r' IS a far cry from statues of huge
nages SlamVsfi dogs te just plain
bricks, but In the ornamental plaster
shop of a modern motion picture studio
they are all in n day's work.
The plaster shop Is something that
cinema devotees knew little nbeut, but
it li one of the most fnscinntlng parts
of the business. lAt u director ask for
nnythlng from a statue of tbe Madenna
te a simple -wall plaque for his picture
and the plaster shop can supply It.
Net long "hge the plaster shop at the
Laslty West Coast studio was called
upon te supply replicas of the Interior
decorations of a large New Yerk hotel.
Then decorations were copied from pic
tures nnd made In plaster of parts In
two days. The following day the work
man were called upon te meld two
i,, nages, sever
Cecil B. De
V 111 V.L1,.
seven feet high, for uee In a
Mille production.
All bricks used In building sets for
L Ibe company's pictures are made in the I
V nnnM-,fa nlB.ijt- l,Ar. i. aKAA.u nr i
company's plaster shop in sheets of t
thirtJ-five from n mixture of plaster
ana nDer. inry nrs-eniy n quurivr ei ,
an inch thick, but they are se tough
and unbreakable that they can be nailed
te a wall. When they nre painted the '
cleveres.t brick fancier cannot tell the 1
. difference. One man can make 1050 of
T these imitation brick In a day.
mHB odd pieces of decoration, the j
. m . , . .fl.'eMl.-ti.lau" Tli .nnnn wir e.rl..lt
--? J. usual bita of statuary, qurer erna-
mental decorations, frescoes and Irae Id- , tinulty we would say something lik
ings seen in pictures come from he ,,,,. Srcne 1: Leng shet: Jehn nnd
plnstershep.Vstn clay mode of the M , , jhn b"v,-s. and mi.vs
t eslen is made and then n glue meld ,,... 0' 0. n.. ' .r .i'.
into wheh the plaster Is poured. Ihe i
process Is simple nnd quick".
An Interesting statllO that Stands in
i Oie Lasky studio is a papier-mache
replica of the famous Juan of Arc
equestrian statue.
The process of making imitation
marble Is most interesting. Keenr ce-
lnent Is used. Hefere it sets, silk thread
dred in various colors is drawn through
jt, giving the characteristic marble
coloring. When u piece of this imi
tation marble Is broken the colors can
be seen through the entire thickness.
Komee Cacclalanzn, the marble expert,
who learned his art in Italy, also lias
discovered a way te make imitation
alabaster. He makes a het mixture of
marble dust and alum which he pours
muium uuei uuu ilium nuitu mj iuui
Inte a special glue meld. The finished
product leeks se much like pure ala-
taster that even experts nre fooled.
It Is many times cheaper than the real i a" "nt-Hias. was educated by private tutors and In
thing. i a convent In Les Angeles. ,,!, T0U
Tens and tens of gypsum nnd bales Frem Will e the Wisp "I had no Imagine llehe In it renventV She Is Inl
and bales of fiber arc used every month Idea It would be se easy te break into i feet five inches tall (if 5011 rail that
Mr- the rjlastcr shen te provide nle- i your Letter ltex ami net the sllclitef tnlll. ueieliu I'JO luiumls rlnndtn i,nu
!- lures with the best in plaster erna-
mentatien, tstatuary mat would cehi
Thbj detailed, scened-by-ecene, form, I
hundreds of dollars if it were bought by I
tbe piece la melded every day in this ,
kbep of wonders.
He Has a Name That
Is Hard te Pronounce
actor who has been engaged te
play Hupcrt of Hentzau in the
Hex Ingram production of "The
l'rlsener of Zenda," strolled into the
puDiiciry department at Hollywood last
week. Just as a publicity writer wis
turning out an announcement of tbe '
acter'a selectleu for the role. The
writer was going en te assert that Mr.
Haminleges was regarded as one of the I
most premising actors of tbe screen.
He began:
"Ileinan Samanlcges, pronounced b
many directors ' '
But the actor interrupted.
i ,1- ' net pronounced ey many .11
Ljl Vectors," be said, "They avoid it by
fA llins me 'Sam.' "
U -Tjr-z .
ajucKy aiiss ucnseni
Little Miss Annette Bensen has hist
signed a contract ter an Important part
In "The Man Frem Heme," the next
OanrrA IMtemnnrlcA nrndnrHnn wMMt
qjrlU furthermore jive her a wonderful
srTtrlD te Italy, where some of tbe nicturn
-.-.- -; - ------ ,-----, ..h..i
te Italy, where some of tbe picture
be filmed. Only a year aee Miss
will be lltuied. Unlr a year age Miss
Bensen deddid te abandon the career
, Vj bee imu mnppeu out ier nersen as a
petier aesignir ana try ner iuck in pic-
r -f ,ture. titr cierer cnaracterizatlen In
, t iv cester girl's part led te her engage-
i tticu iui Auin xiva uuueia,
it'( mtanturlct's rpcent picture.
Agnes Ayres Becomes
"Helle" Girl in Film
A ONES AXIIES, who will play
th feminine lead in "William
DflJfille'B production. "Bought and
Paid Fer," which will be put In pro pre pro
ductlen at t&a Lasky West Coast
Studie een, baa been spendlnj con
eldwable time lately studylnj the
telephone operator' art. She en
rolled aa n rezular student in thn
'.vjjlyet Angeles. Telephone Company's
v.' hff.fev"operteni te learn the
-j wrectiy.' an tne picture
WJmf jwene ppcraier in several
V.. -.,
M. '7MI
the studio wliore tlu-y iimkc ubjW'tx of aft
around the studio call it the
"mud 'hop
Master) in the rear
n.r HENIir
Iiever of Movies, Spring City. Pa.
Address Mntjcl l.allln at .nm f Utn ave-
nue. New Yerk, nnd Anne Little nt th- ,
Hex Arms Apartments. Orange street. I
Les Angeles. The cart of "The Lure
of Egypt" was Claire Adams, tlebert ,
Mclvlm. Je'ph j. Dewlinc. t.irl (iniil-
voert. Maude aync. illlnm Lien
est, i ranis iiaycs, .acK Williams, senietmng out or Keeping witn tin
Aggie Herring, Geerge Hernandez, and ranch house. A simple arrangement
Harry Lerraine. Yeu say you have a would be hotter.' Hut tbe play we
"few" favorites; whose pictures you , both thought fine. When the wcak wcak
weuld like me te publinh and then you 1 headed son of the ranch owner allowed
give me a list of twenty. Hew many I the despicable wife Mimp te inlluence
favorites have you altogether, If him. I aid. 'I hate him and If I were
twenty Is only a "few"? I'll keep an actress I would net play such n
your list nnd print them from time te i role as that Mrs. Smith deci.' 'Oh. ou
time, but you must give me n dinner wouldn't!" queth the man at my side,
te comply with the requests of ethers, and thus we saw and commented (I'll
tee, admit I always de the commenting.
t though L Fer a comic, there was 'Start
T. J. Davis. 27.11 Grays Feiry ve- I Something' and we went te a prize light
nuc I am sorry, but I cannot quite In the course of It. I was se afraid
understand your first question. Will
- 7 --- . -, - ... -. ...
" wr"e rat again ami iry 10 cxpmin ;
'" clearer detnil what you want? Then l
answer it -lr .1 can.
f'U ntiswrr It If T can. Tim words
tnnt appear en the screen are known as
n..u-i...e. .. nv. ,.... nu.
speaking, Is the detailed list of scenes
"" sub-titles that enable a director te
Plnn his whole schedule of sheeting be-
forehand. The story of the play, net
In detail, is known ns n -.ynepsK
Scennrie is new used te Indicate the
continuity : the two words nre syneny-
nu In their modern meaning, 'rims,
,. ' .'., .. ,
b . s j,. rln,.... ' nf ,nrv.
sh ........ ,,.,. t Jehn's come.
, Scene 4; rVintlntinrinn nf " Snfi.tltln.
"flood-by ; I am Oelng Awav."
Scene fl: Continuation hf 4. Let him
j say it. Scene 0 : Medium long shot.
i They shake hands nnd Jehn exits. Mary
elands looking sorrowfully nftcr him.
cene , : Medium long shot; deer
Jehn opens It. turns, smiles sad goeil-
uy te Mary and gees out.
This detnil. scene by scene, forms !
Is what is known ns srcnarle or con
tinuity. It Is much longer than the syn
opsis. .1. W. C. Yeu cannot, wttheut the
author s permlsulen, sell n scenario of n
nnnrr:l,,l hnnl. ilnrlnr tlin len1 llfn ""' ",r ITU .Ilium neee unniCIS.
r,fPM,r remrieht Dmrns' sterv ,,,'1'" Bt u teueh of the same fever my
n lh shf,rund?r the tie "In. Dame " 1"1 J ,let t0 V wpII. She
? .,V."T.r. Uic tlUe' La IJamc was born in Dallas. Tex .In 11)01 .and
'Idea you would publish the fact tlintUilue ejes and (at present) uulmni hair
i ii.i net want te nave my name and
The Deer Circle
This tceeU Jaek and Janet go en
a candy hunting trip, in thn big
tcoeils. anil team tome of ihe secrets
e; tne tctw effc
Changed Inte Rabblbi
SNOW lay half a feet deep in the big
.lack and Janet played about their
homes beside the lake, but they did net
venture out of their own yards. The
snow made walking tiresome j they knew
they would be quickly worn out should
they go wandering In the forest.
"I wonder what the deer and the
bears and the rabbits de when the snow
Is deep," said Janet, when they paused
te rest und get warm before tbe big fire
in Jack's home.
"The bears go te sleep," answered
Jack, yawning widely, for the cold
had made him drowsy. He closed bin
eyes just for a minute or two.
The deer and the rabbits don't sleep.
Wht are tbey doing new
Janet, also closing her eyes.
It was cozy there beside the fire. Jack
and Janet felt se comfortable tbey
didn't hurry te open their eyes again.
singing outside. And this is the song
tbe voices were singing :
"Illpplty-hep, te the l'epprmlnt shop,
There we will step for a Bwcet lollipop,
With a berry or two te go en tepi
Hlntiltv.hen! HlnnltT-dnni" l
Jack and J.n.t ran te the wimi
r.ei.Mn'nw.V. uZ'L i?ef.t,Ti lne
a. !... .1 I 1, , .,
.l.rt. .A .... ltAHni,H.ifA.. n-i.t.i,. i i Tirnldent nf thnt nrtynntvnllnn lM.i pnMbilue
W(tr"nnPnlL ln ' 'T110'; '" bp '" eTPry lty f ,1"' ceun' " aH a ,ueer plaee-w.ih iU dark-
he inJ.lP S g ' th' edge of ""? ," Jnnuary 10 the anniversary l ness. and Its twisted passage' Quite
"lll'.nm.ftl.-j., l?f tl"5 d?,tc .w,len na,Ienl prohibition nueer for he small and erdlnarj 't
th.v , li .i. ni b7.Wh.ev.re beenini. effect ve. . wellini; - but. if rumor were true, it
bbita0theyCrieeoeJ.8dnet'B Vht . J BP..fflt !"'5A' . " ad, had been ...ueerer .till In th. years ee
ire Illpplty-Ilep hopped. That lau be
ubllA criyutli b tS tQV J,t
-s-l Vel b?iT V, ,.,, .,j,.
vvi nielil. Its ellk'litl tltle Is the
Netice tbe statues (made of
'address nscd and that I would like te
ne your assistant.
"I wonder if you have any mere
'movie fans like 'Will e' the Wisp'?
Fer Instance, last night, sweetheart I?)
and I went te the show. 'The Mys- '
tcrleus Mgnt Kldcr, nnd I said. 'Cel-
uinblne s hulr Is tee plum dtiny or
'e near r-m nnmn weum ee nurt. ey
' "" pi-u..ii. . nji i
weeping, for. between you and nn I
am awfully fend of Sidney Smith.
"Perhaps I get n let mere out e?
the movies than most people. Hut 1 get
all there Is in almost any Incldrnt that
happens my way (you, for Instance I.
VSa.i f ca.i. fn..ll. TPn. in "VI. T'..
Prnl. Wnllnn T nnt -In4,l ,,r ,.! .....
nbeut te sail toward the stage ti save
the be who was getting winded nnd.
but for the ever-present sweetheart. I
den t knew what might huve hannened.
He'n, n sort of damper but, for that ,
very reason, necessary In my daily life
"Happy New Year. Mr. Neelv
With the se-called 'movie eyes' :
Mny you speed the Ledger highwav
Till thr fans arc worldly wlte.
It may be slew or crawly
In the town they dub 'the sne'.l '
Hut nil us Hilly l'enn folks
Hathcr like the lazy trail
I knew the movie bosses
In every plnylet house
Must show up men as villains
Hyena or the mouse.
But It's geed In leave thr meiic-
With u" smile upon the fare
And rhnttrr of the wisdom
That bars the 'Fatty's' face.
Thr llider se mysterious
Has a sweetheart, poll and reek
Te bring the laugh; seen followed
By hisses for the creek."
.1. M. T. Ne. I don't blame you n
i bit for being crn.j about Hebe Daniels.
rrnl auburn. Ami she isn t innrried.
and before them steed Dnrae Instinct In
, her white fun.
"Ilclle. why are von follewinir n'
atKeil Uoppitj-IIep Rabbit, when b.
saw tncm. "it
v them. "If you give the right an-
er we will let you Ke with us."
"We arc folleivlnir rnn uiiu ....
'I1 !... Ml....!.- I 1 t , , . . - !..... 1....1 n,.,nl Ik I'UIUI'-
..,. V '''i' '"."" T.C"ep "v- ,h, entlrc. 'el, "1' " ",'. ' "","' '". " ' frihin.' und imma. ulute rleanlinem-
iii. -"i- ,,-"v juu urc Its.lf in mine n . : '""V """, " " , like the revcilet. lie feired Ills mind
I rabbits, se hop. hop-hop. , nlnnlng pcll-mel in an " te , b; k ((( SWue c iani) ,md s.lj(1 ,
And suddenly Jack imd.Janet found anywhere shut In 'n I" .m.eh h" ' 're all his c.r.N te go fare p en
that the. tee were clod in white fur, police arrhed. '" " '7, l, . tllP ,,,,,. for Nic00 Capriaue te see? ,
white fur that grew en them. The better! ler the moment, ni '". ,,,,,.,,,, ,
'had been changed Inte rabbits hud evaded the trap set ter him both Me had intended te wake no mere of
i...,, . , . , h Hoekle Skurvan pack and by the renlldant of thr ether than was ah-
UnefilrC,iirl,t..,i0?.r.,ni,.i:r lftlican.l tlie next .move depended s,,lutey necessary ; but, equally, he.had
1 III...!... II,. li in. c. I, V inrv lariZOI UPOll .l'Uiu .iji.iuin.., .. . nu( ,-in-i-v,-w tu i.iiu in .'i"iiu v-.ijii 111
I UippIty-IIO I Itllhhit. Soen they rnucht l0r,U1 ...' , Ihl. .luni-hll-r .. ,.l,.,-tle iw.lnle nn.l I.I..1.M.1.I
nn fn thn lu rnhl.Ka nerllBPS m'll lll.li., ill. " l')'"i .-.,.. .....
want te ke te the peppermint shop for a the old man. whose reputation. In In
sweet lollipop," anmvrred Jack. "With day, as one of the roeh-si und shiewde-t
a berry or two te re en top." added f thoe outside the pale of the law
.Inner. Thci- answers seemed te he was at least substantiated bj the f.iri
thn riuht enew for Ilopplty-Hep thnt he hud been ubl" te stiind off tli"
twltrhcd his whiskers, neddisl his head police for virtually a lifetime,
and hopped en ahead. i Invr Hendersen raised his hand, nn.
Soen they met Hrave Buck, the de-r
and his sweetlieurt. Dear Deer. The
two scemiil very woeful. "
leek no tad," asked Janet.
"ISeeauw the snow Is deep ever the
" V!1- --' nJ"VthlnS gree
te rat," replied Ilrave llurk. J,f'tle rll(,fuily le himself. lie bad come
Jack and Junct looked ut Hepplty- oft far from scatheless hla coat had al al
Hep Kabblt. Would he ask the deer te I most literally hem tern from hl- ha. k
KO with tlirm? J Voices reached him ngain from th
(Tomorrow will be fold what ihcv
find In the lollipop mhep.)
, Twe Years of Prohibition te
Marked by W. C. T. U.
A (.pedal celebration of national
prohibition new two years old will be
' held by member of the Wemen'H
iri,ricfi.n 'i.mn...... t- .
I Christian lempcrance I nlen, accord-
.. , ln te Mlss Anna A' c'ien, national
I -." . ..... mv v..... V..MV.J VOIIU.IUII, .,t
the benelita that bave resulted from the
of tbe K1htn" Amend,
mien. i.J'Tiewll evctitti! The gurreundlnva i
lUV hih,er!', of ,l'M""Kfen H wrjl ft win, n rcrard much te be drain
VNl"re svJ"?.t' ,,verki .tUktk f07 l11 K, Wave Ucudcueu'i
, . 1BIB
rav Hfnderiien. as noekl Skarvan's
confident!!.! man, In nrnt te Martin Tyilo Tyile
tnan te net $100,000 te reup raclne
leea, lis steals the money and cnltnlv
erves hla ntence of tlve rar without
dlscloe'nr th place where he hnM hlddat
It, In nn old puren cote dfplte the fact
that Detective llarjan and Skarvan both
Milt him In Jail, each trliis te wring
from him hi icret w'tli oppenlte pur
poses, Just befere lila term expiree he
cenOd In Mlllman. a prleen mate, who
In freed two menthn earlier and who
premlcej te get the loot and tirect ltti ltti
1eretr at the St liuclen Hetel In New
Tork at 8 o'clock In the eenlim of
.tuly 2t. He Immediately r.'irrcH
this one ellp In his determination and
vhen he leaes the tirlen "els out al
most hopelessly te ecrtnke Mlllman.
although almost Immediately he finds
betli the police and the old can en It's
. trail He succeeds In momentarily
throwing en his pursuers and a-ete te the
home of Ntcole Uaprl.im, nn old bed
ridden Italian, formerly a Banc leader,
who lles alone with hla daughter,
Teresa, In Pan Francisce.
am) iir.iti: it cevrixri's
FIKOl the deer fame a girl s -tarried
casn of dismay and alarm : from tip
tlie tone new unmistakably enme the
pound of raclnc feet.
"Quick:" whispered Dare Hender Hender
eon hoarsely. "I'm from Teny I.nmriszi.
i Fer Ged's sake put out that Heat!
I Tha Hunt in the perch ent out.
'Frem within, as theuch with slew,
dubious, hesitation, n key ttrnert in the
lock. The deer opened sitsmiy. nnii
from a dark interior the pirl s voice
reached Dave Hendersen again.
"Teny Lemazzl sent you. you say!"
she exclaimed in a puzzled way; and
then, n sudden apprehension in her
voice; "Yeu are all covered with bleed
what is the matter? What de you
Frem the lane, the sound of pound
inc, raeiiiR feet heemed almost opposite
the Italian's perch new. un)e "urn" j ;
son. Wlllieill ivmnwiij. i'- . .",- .... i
1 SSUX CRkS" '. l '.''. .
It rldlcil. as tlie gin i-ViiiV"
ennllnslde. closed the fleer seiuy."-","' "-'"";,
Intake of brcaUi.
"I'm t.erry!" said Dave Hendersen i
fiuictlv. "Hut it wbb n bit of a close.
call. I'm net quite sure vfiici.ier u.
cnu. """' J mnnlne from ,
nre running after me or nn!n! l"1(,
the police. bu,VM,"l"bnft if I had
have been a little nwKwaru u,
been seen. ,
She seemed te nave b,u" ".;:,
nesure. for iicr
ns sne SDOKe i
SgalnrwasnsqiiieiaiuJ as evenly med-'
ulatcd as nis own. i
"What de you want?" she asked enre
mere. "Why did Teny Leinazzl send
0i'l.1Cdid net nninvcr at enre. Frem
se. ewherr in the front of the beuse '
muffled, but still quite audible, then
came the voices of two men ene high
pi "lied querulous, cur ieusly short-
brtntlu-d. the ether with a sort n
monotonous, sullen whine i It. , IU
listened automatically for an Instant,
as bU eves searched around him It
was almost black '"side here as he steed
with his back te the deer, but, grown
mm- nrrutemed te the darkness new.
J" ...V.i i. ..t .. fnlnt. blurred form.
ubicul-thflt of the girl, a few fret
uun.v from him
i 'aut te tee Nicole Capniine.
It' vmis her turn new te pause before
..1 !. .,..1m'" ahl! ASKeil filinll
slir utiwercii.
Teiiu es." Mild Uave Hendersen
"Mj father has already had far tee
much excitement tonight, slie s.Hd '
n low ve re. "He is a erj em.
Tliyrc is some one with mm new
0U COUld give III" "x- iui--t.- -
better. Ask for any help you : i.; e. d.
for wm appear te be hurt. 1 will gladl
attend te that myself. Vm Mb; ;
. . ..... i. iijii(.(i ir wii 11
ued of that, u ou coin- ii" .
' '"s'he'w'aH Nicole Capriano'.s daughter.
1,-n! It struck him as a passing
thought, though of no particular con
seiiuencc. that sir sp'Jse
Digllsh for tin Italian girl.
..!.,. nfVnM thnt wen t de,
said i
rime Hendersen nerieusly. "It Is prac-
tirull ii matter eMi anu .iwuiw ...v. ,
1UV UVim'' ' " " " , . .. .
Id see M.oie v.uiuiui. .
rrem the front . el , th The $?
querulous voice rose suddenly in n Mill
hlgheifl pitch :
icrcsa. i
nuewly in tne . or.
If ue ih aiuuu win-" .'s" . , , , '
Due 'llenUerHen he sai, 1 drjly,.
srwlse. it is hinltb .lebn Mnitli.
it is
Shu was gene.
the lnne,
l?rl.r "., vi"t.
...!.. I. !... ,.-.iw
nothing te indicate "mi n "':''-"': ;
"'"(Tinri, invthiifc
pern b.i.i-.. " ""'I "- : ,,,,.
..nminan 11 wu-. iu.u.. .......
nf his. sinci" li
wiih slrk. Thr Kirl's name was ap
parently Tmcu which muttered ei.
'..tie What mattered a sriat de
I .. ., ti,n shn pvldentlv had her wit
ni.n.it her un inhrritulice pesBibly freii
W BlnR' w'r VW.iM8. ." P .. .
bleed hnd steppei newiiiB.
,. .....,... ...... ., . .. -
ft?w.SrV thefecT He ceu I Z'M he
j..i:.. r inn irnv. ' .. i'.amiifc- i I'liutiiiiri. nr innvAnsn-i- rAm h. 4i..a.
nothing, but one e u ' " " feunrt limseU wellder,K at the man's f." " " "" W uaii-ciesw
iiiiii vn'v i ii niriiDnnj in nnn nr i in p ri n. null'
liltn .samn n SI1U1I. UUH.. '... i.i. i t . !. !! UlK- liua
111.... . , , . ,..,( ..f in. -Ill, inl. i-L'nil Ln lilili'lr flint
03, I am con I ng . Uie ri " ' tllev SP,.,.(, , p0MSCSH no ,mpiU), which
out. nnd then 1 """"J' ' "" '"j w,..e in turn lixed en him by u strange strange
Hendersen : " , hwc a , oeUillB gure ly,ng en u nunntt eUi. ,
wil tell hlin. A hut is our name. fllk)llum., feur.0stnr bed arress the
Uuvr Hendersen smiled a '"ta i , , .
nnu wus num. fnntwiniM ilieil "'uns el jiillews that were supported
He listened i h feo tstcps died ,.,, ,.,,.,,,. bcll,ll(, lhcm . bt.tlj
away in the darkne, ;','1 rln '' hands, wry white, wry blue under the
li-teiicd nBani "J'"'r:l0l)urt,lTc"' nails f the long. Hleuilcr tii.grr,, 1,
Mill a great del of commotion out tiici. ,...,,.,..,,,.,.,.., ,.,.. ,,lm .,,. nn .....
ie old man, it .sreineu. man.
"Whv dn nn ab a nirse nun wen-m mi n'"i'
ny dojeul., ,, ,,.,. , r.mrill,. nt iut
what' particular MtaRr nf tue iisht tua'
I , ihJ ,Pe ,e
I f
I. i ruin wis neu.i. in'" iiuiiu
ni.. .1.1,1 lln i.i.ililixl !
front of the house; lie lieanl the girl
Hiienklne ciuletly in Italian, he hiani
Pome rcpene in the mllen whine thnt
be had remarked before; and then tin
street deer opened und chwed. Then
wuh silence then for what i-eenied n
Ions time, .until finally he caught the
sound of the girl's step coming tewaul
htm again.
"My father will sen you, she taid.
"Hut I want te wain you again that
he Ih a very Hick man sicker than In
liiinglnes he ii. It I bin heart."
"Yen." mid iJme ) lenders, n
Ciiiiie with me, then. she nani
here Im a deer here th.
turns te the right Uun jeu
l)V 4.
.,, lips, us be followed the hhadewy .
fri of his conductor. It auftired wtdl.
r xilui aiiiiic i-iuaiuti wuvu iJUJiuiT-
Frem Tsfew
The light from an open deer bryend
the turn in the passage dispelled the
darkness. The plrl was standing Incrc
new, motioning him te enter but uud-dt'iil-.
for n moment, he ntoed nnd
stared nt her. This was queer, tee
KvcrvthluK iilwut the place was queer 1
Somehow he had pictured In the dark
ness an Italian girl, pretty enough per
haps In it purely physicnl way, with
geld rings in her car-. perhaps, such ns
the men were, ami slatternly, with feet
shed In coarse, thirl: beet.-; the only
kind of nn Italian girl he hnd ever re
membered hnvlng ieen a ilrl that
hauled nt the straps of n hand organ,
while the man plodded along the streets
between the shafts. She wasn't like
that, though nnd hu stared nt her:
stared nt the trim, lithe, daintily
dres-sed little figure, stared at the oval
face, and the dark, bteady, .self-reliant
eves, nnd the wealth of rich, black hair
that crowned the bread, white fore
head, and glinted like silken strands, as
the light fell upon it.
The color mounted in her checks.
And then, with n start, be pushed his
hand across his eyes, nnd bit bis lips,
nnd Hushed a deeMr red than hers,
mustache but partially disguised the
thin, emaciated condition of his face.
Hut it was the eyes tbaUnbevc all cle
cemmnnded uttcntien. They were un
naturally bright, gleaming out from
under enormously white, bushy eye
brows; nnd they were curiously in
Hcrutnble eyes. They eemcd te held
great depths beneath which might
wnelder n passion that would leap
without warning Inte flame; or te held,
as they did new, n strange introspective
stare, making them like shuttered win win
eows: Uint gave no glimpse of the mind
within. , , ,
"I nm Xieole Caprlane, ' snld the
man abruptly, and In perfect English.
"Mv dnuchter tells me that you gave
reue nnme ns Have Hendersen. The
familiar. I have heard It
anmiiwlipre. I r.-tiiember. t terms te
'"ii - .i - ...-.. ... emu mm ........ rttn
" 'M iM-S'llS .
consciously he wns aware that the fur-
nWj, though plain nnd simple and
breni the deer raine a girl's startled
gasp of dismay and alann
II r ire- Mint had begun te harden
:i Hu i met Mis gaze, peftenvd in nn
inbuilt and bhr smiled. His confusion
li.nl li en Ins apology, his acquittal of
an, intruded offense.
She motioned again te him te enter,
and. us lie stepped forward across the
threshold, she reached in and rented her
mini en tnc- iioerKnoD.
leu . un cull when you need me,
r.. b,li(,nnd clW(, th(. de0i .
T ft ,',. Hendersen's eyes swept the
! room th n . cimipn.llcnsiTe ,
glume; nnd then held steadily en a
it the bedside.
be.medte Win...
mnn n lroiiieU upiiSlit in lid by
1 te him.
.maiiilately white coverlet; the man's
hair was silver, nnd n white heard und
la'b'ns n anything enm.e. were tore gn
and i.mual
but that the outstanding
of the room wn" a sort of re-
It niiidr a dlncrerre a vry great
liifference! If Mlllinun, for ln-tani e,
There's a e"kin Lcautificr a de
HW fi&&R$rV
os Black and Whitp Beauty Bleach,
;ith Blackand White Seap and,
Cleansing Cream nivea eurprising I
,,1 -teS?.,? cte,lef " '
f. "r "'.- .i LZXl -JiT "".
Jivur .ipute, auu tit iiiauu coil, mm
smooth. -
Black and wmte Beauty Bleach.
rn 4V,n TMnVrr- T)linL- nn.l TJt7l.in
Seap, 25c a cake, and Black and
White Cleansincr Cream. 2Gc and
uue V..U tub..uhu. ,it.n. uuu llllltu
White Cleansing Cream, 25c and
50c pacKages. nre sela and guar
anteed by all ,'oed drug and de
partment stores.
"Write Dept. D, Plough, Mcm-
Shls, Tcnn., for ft copy of your
llrthday Boek nnd leaflet which
tells all about Black nnd White
-toilet preparations.
1 III IS Pi Iff
llL'i Ui 'I I III jf I riMR.ri J . ill rX
. i mi ii ' -amm
1 IFilffM 'I wKm
is the ether
Ccpvrteht, tttt. bu rublle I.t&etr Cemvanu
had been bed-ridden, it He caught
Llmself smiling n little mirthlessly.
"That's me Dave Hendersen," he
raid calmly.
The old Italian nodded his head.
"And the $100,000 has never been
recovered. " he observed shrewdly.
"The police nre Interested in your
movements, eh? It is for that reason
you have come te me, is it net be? And
Teny Tiemazzl foresaw nil this and he
bent you here?"
"Yes," Mid Dave Hendersen nnd
frowned suddenly. It was bothering
him again the fact that this Italian
and his daughter should rpcuk English
ns though It were their own tongue.
Nlcole Caprlane nodded his head
again. And then, astutely :
"Something is disturbing you, my
young friend," he sold. "What is It?"
Dnve Hendersen straightened In his
chair with n little start and laughed
thertly. Very little, evidently, escaped
Nicole Caprlane!
"It's net mucli," he said. ".Tust
that you nnd your daughter speak
pretty geed English for Italians."
Nicole Caprlane smiled softly.
"I bheuld speak pretty geed Eng
lish." he said; "and Teresa should
speak it even better. We both learned
it as children. I, in a certain part of
Londen, as a boy; nnd Teresa here In
San Francisce, where she wns bem.
Her mother was American, and, though
I taught Teresa Italian., we always
tpekc English while her mother was
alive, nnd afterward my daughter
seemedi te think we should continue te
de se." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Hut you came from Iemazzi," he
trempted. "Tell me about Lemnzzi.
He is well?"
"He is dead," said Dave Hendersen
The thin hands, outstretched hpfnre
!the ether, closed with n q-jck twitch-
Inrr tnnflnnhn .... i -...I .1.- :..
?.frP t? .uck absinicdly nt tht
" " ""." yi'-"'. nu inc '"
There was no ether sign of
He died fifteen rears nce when be
went up there for Hfe" the man
Eecmed te be communing with himself.
"Yes. yes: he Is drnd h hnu Wn
I dead for fifteen ycare." He looked up
I suddenly, nnd fixed his eyea with a
harp, curiously appraising gaze en
Dave Hendersen. "Yeu speak of actual
death, of course," he said. In a low
tone. "De you knew anything of the
it waa two inenthn urn." TaT
Mcnacrsen answered. "He was taken
I 111 one night. His cell was next te
liulne. He was my friend. He asked
ier me, an.i tnc warden let me go
tc him. He died in n very few minute.
It was then, while I was in the cell.
jthnt be whispered te me that I would
' ucip whcii i gec out, anu De tout
me te come te you, and te say that he
sent me."
"And te the warden, and whoever
else wns in tbe cell, he said noth
ing?" "Nothing," said Dave Hendersen.
Nicole Cuprlane's eyes were hidden
ngain; the long, slim lingers, with blue
tipped nails, plucked at the coverlet.
i It waa a full minute before he spoke.
"I ewo Teny Lemnzzi a great debt,"
Ihe imid slowly; "and I would like te
irpay it in a little way by helping you
since lie has asked it; but it is net to
day, young man, ns it was in thobe
clayH he Ions age. Fer fifteen years I
have net lifted my hand against t ill?
polire. And it ia obviously for help
from the police that you come te me.
"Yeu have served your term, and the
police would net nieiest you further ex- 'signed by the Treasury Department nnd
cept for u geed reason. Is it net se?' Innrt at the Mint here, will be nvnllablc .
And the reason Is net fur te beck, Ite the public through the Federnl Ue-
think. It is the money which wns never
recovered thnt they nre after. Yeu
have It hidden somewhere. Yeu knew
where it In, nnd you wish 'te outwit the
police while you secure It. Am I net
Dave Hendersen glanced at the im-
A,hainbra ih. '.."SYe
In "11LI1N 'i:.M HI' UAKXKS"
'LLtljHLlN I m ,t I) illy .,:10; Uvea. S
In ' AM11.I.K"
ADSI I r G-t i THOJU'SO.-S B1J3.
te A. M. te 11.13 I. M I
t KTin iitti if Mivimni"
" " 1 - - " . r-.-TT-
I'Imvwt.IN JLS niUAItlJ AVK.
i.keik.i. Mr.i.Feiiirs
' BAlTrTMORE 6!fJ Sf 'ZV
In "Ki:ti.l r. I'AVMKNT"
Jii "l Mir.ll TJjilJ.AMI"
wai.i.mi: ni:m lireniv .vA'n- i
"DenH Tell Everything"
! rVYC 1--' MAHKUT ST.
i CArl 1U1 id a m t ii is p. st.
In "(UV lKlM-AUS
, ..... , .,,,. KKI A (.i.eiiia swassen in
'DerftTdl EveryWl.
rii.nn'rbe main ht.. manayunk
t,lvll IxI,.JJ
AUM-n ur.l i ..I.OUIA HWASHOS In
un ii t.ii n,,.,I,;r,"
UUU I 1.11 J """O
.,,.. .r.m
In "INTHKitl
FAMILY "VrnrrTu uidnIqiitI
, AV
a !'''' ei'M'r.rui. vhati'iikh
rTLl CT TIIl.ATrib" llilew Hp:
GLOBE Bwn "JT..m ,e n
In "hNOW lll.INII"
pn A MX W2 Ulrurd Av. Mat. Today
Jlrl, 1 . violin und Orcun Iteciui
ceMMur y J
w, t'suia uxixu tumnaxt. .
" " " i i f ji. . i r y i4 ai - - .
passive face prepped up en the Pll,0,ws;
Old Nicole Caprlane in no way belled
his reputation for shrewdness; the
man's brain, however physically 111 he
might be etherwise, hnd at least net
lest lis cunning. ,
"Yes," said Dave Hendersen, with
a short, sudden laugh, "you nre right
but nlse you nre wrong. It Is the po
lice that I want te get nwny from, and
itjs en ncceunt of that money, whlch.
it in nln trim. 1 hid awav befere I
went tip I But it is net only tnc pence,
it lD l,e rrnne if nrnnkfi who nut 1110 in1
.1. IO till, b"C .. . . . , ,
wrong nt the trial wtie arc trying i" interrupting wen we ten mm w wi
grab it, tee only, ns it stands new. I thinking. After nil, Hm thawt th.t
don't knew wlierc tue money is ihjtei.
I trusted n fellow in tnc jug. wne get
out two months ahead of me and he
did me."
The white bushy eyebrows went up.
"Sel" ejnculntcd the old Italian.
".Well, then, whnt is the use!"
"A whole let I" returned Dave Hen Hen
dereon grimly. "Te get the fellow if I
can I And I can't de that with the
police, and n gang of creeks besides, nt
my heels, ran I?"
Nicole Caprlane shook his bead medi
tatively. ,,
"I have my daughter te think of,
he said. "Listen, young man, it has
net been easy te stand square with the
police during these years ns it is. and
that without nny initiative act en my
part that would stir them up against tnc
ngain. Old associations nnd old rec
ords arc net se easily get rid of. I
will give you nn example. There wns n
man here tonight when you came. Ills
name Is Ignnce Ferrenl. He was one
of us in the old days de you under
stand? When the trouble came for
which Teny Lemnzzi suffered, Ignnce
managed te get away. I had net seen
him from that day te this. He enmc
back here tonight for help for a very
strange kind of help. He was one of
.... T l,n.-n until, nnd he liiltl net for-
rrntlcn his old ways, lie had a bomb, a
small bomb in hi pocket, whose nicch-!
!. i, ml friine wrnns. He had al-
readv planted it once tonight, and.
finding it did net explode, he picked it
up ngnin. nnd brought it te me, nnd
nskc.l me te fix it for him. It wns nn
old feud he hnd with some one, he
would net tell me who. thnt he hnd
been nursing nil this time. I think
his pns-"ln for vengennce had perhaps
turned IiIh head a little. I refused te
have anything te de with his bomb,
of course, nnd he left lirrc in a rage,
and in his condition he is as likely te
turn en me us he is te carry out his
original Intention. But. thnt npart.
what am I te de new? He wns one of
us, I cannot expose him te the police
he would be sentenced te a long term.
And yet, if his bomb explodes, te whom
jvlll the police rome first? Te me!"
Nicole Caprlane suddenly raised his
hands, and they were clenched nnd ns
suddenly caught his breath, and choked,
nnd n spasm of pain crossed his face.
The next instant he wns smiling mirth
lessly with twitching lips. "Yes, te
me te me. whom some feel among
thorn once called the Dage Bemb King,
which they will never forget 1 It is
always te me they come! Any crime
that seems te have the slightest Italian
tinge nnd they come te iMcole t a a
priane!" He shrugged his shoulders.
"Yeu see, young man, it is net easy
for me te steer my way unmolested
wen when I nm wholly Innocent. But
I. tee, de net forget! I de net forget
Teny Lemazii!"
Te be continued tomorrow
Be Distributed Through Fed
eral Banks Tomorrow
The "peace" silver dollar, newly de- !
serve banks tomorrow.
The new dellur has the head of Lib- I
crty en one side nnd en the ether n I
dove upon a mountain top, clutching
nn olive branch, struck by the rnys of I
the sun, witn tue word "l'eace" be-
ncath it.
The following theatres obtain their pictures through the
STANLEY Cempuny et America, which is a guarantee of
early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre
in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Com
pany of America.
, IMPERIAL T." li-Td
uniTcr nrVSnr'
iiuuet, rci&iu
in "Tin: l.wiMiti.r. imuvi.ii"
rMLlUlN Dally 11 A. Xf. te 11:30 T. SI.
Wallace Reid & Elsie Fergusen
.. " b
n J.W.I llllll,lfW."
1 l,:U pnl0 Cir.nantewn Ae. and
' XSie4. r,AT- . . .." lr,,TU9
in "vi:niiN(. in. i.i.)"
1RPRTV iikeau & ceuumuia av.
lULi! 1 1 rA . ivi... mail.:
In (It 'IIMIt Tt lltll tllll-ll
'"i '"".'"' "'"
A 1' (,.'!) KTIlUU'l
ii "Mum: ei"
OVERBROOK "" avuhtehd
1" "Al IIO.N"
111 A .r te I 1 I.-. ! M
"The Child Theu Gavest Me"
S.I10 A M Mil 10 l' SI
maui;i:t ht
u is .A M
lleuw 17TII
lu 11 I'. SI.
; sgynsun
MAL IU .cii'i ir.iierici..N st.
.tn "un.vr mi man iixirnn"
pi IRY siAiiKirr ht nui.ew ttii
w 10 A SI In 11.13 I'.
l'.'ii tiA'mcirr htuuut
, WAiUu.B ,., 4 .."JilM A iMiWA In
S A M te MMiilcht
"Don't Tell Everything'
I SHERWOOD"" '.'V-'B?" Av
-. wi JU , .. ljVlj Ui3,
In "MOH.M.h"
. '" '" " '' ' '
. In "TIIK yiONnillll'I'l, 'lIli.Mi"
STANTON M AUlv K1' Xive t uti i
10 15 A M te 11 15 I'M
in uiMiAurijrji'.s nn m
333 MARKET.TC" S"Sj.
In "Vllim, OAK"
v iv i unirt u a. ir te it 15 i" it
OEenur, Mi-.i.rt)ui)'H
ilrrni mh . '
By Lee Pape
Fop wns looking nt the speartius
Page nnd ma was looking nt the joelw
nnd I wns slppescd te be doing my les
sins, und nm sod, Benny, go en with
your lcsslns instcd of sitting thorn
drowning like n statue with it ncd in
the clouds.
I wns jest thinking, I Bed.
I knew von were, scd ma, nnd BOP
sed. New mother, let the boy think
mini, in n wlle. hew Cllll WO tell Wt
tllii. ..f fniu'V nr wnt lilllbitien WO Am
v .....-. - - I , . , i .in
fit li.tj I tin tl.trlfl
Net his thawls, sed ma, nnd pep Bed, ,
Well, they may some day, who enn tell.
I can tell, thnt boy will never have n
tlmwt higher than his ntummlck, sad
tnn, nnd pep bed. Nenscntnr the boy is
it Fetts mill hcs going te bave the
brnne of n I'etts. Ntitbing forms the
enrncter like thinking", nnd its n crime
te interrupt u rhllds thawls. Hew de
we knew wnt he waa thinking about
jest then? Benny, wnt were you think
ing nbeut? .
I was thinking of a geed New lear
resolution, I scd.
There. eii sec. he was forming bis
little cnrnctcr nnd you were preventing
him. sed pep. And wnt New Yeer
resolution waa It that put your hed
up In the clouds, ns your mother Ix
pressed It? he bc.I.
I resolved net te cat quite se mutch
wupplr after this te Id have mere room
for dlzzert, I scd.
Hec hec bee. scd ran Infiing.
De your lessins., sed pep.
Wlch I did.
Heme Progress Exposition Wants
Striking Advertising Pesters
Students of four Philadelphia art
s(.,00is i,V(. been invited te submit pos
ter designs te be used in connection with
the Heme. Progress Imposition, te lie
held in the Commercial Museum in
April, The student who prepares the
most ifrcrptnblc pester will be awarded
a scholarship or the equivalent In cash.
Jehn Andrew Myers, secretary of the
Pcnnsylvnnln Academy of the Fine,Arti,
expressed the opinion that the contest
will stimulate interest among the mer
gifted student"', The students of tbe
Architectural Scheel of the University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Scheel of
Design for Women, nnd the Scheel of
Indiibtrinl Art hnve been invited te take
Fire Damages Necktle Concern
Fire In the Triangle Necktie, Com
pany's inactery en the second fleer of
n bulldlnz nt the northeast corner of
Marshnll nnd Spring Onrdcn streets,
early this morning, did 300 damage te
stock. Firemen hnd little difficulty In
extinguishing the blnzc.
Step That
Ite unnecessaiy and
nerve racking Apply
cooling Resinol
Ointment and knew
the comfort it gives.
3oeihinq ndHlirw
ssrs ssrs viiv vs."..-
' BELMONT,.01!0 A,,!?V,: MARKET
r.leilBV,n A )Ul'1"'"
"tl i Y BLYTHE
In "JI(ITlli:it ! iiivv.
I CRnAR C0T1I A C15DAR7T-p:137;
1 I"?"" ' v " ' u v. si.
"Tin: rueMmi a.ir.
i COLISEUM fu,"" hH- Mth e
ewnnt (Torchy) HINES
l!1,"1' UN r-M VV IIAIIM'S"
Ctl rrnnbfA.A lit
J umbe J urn
'". "THIjJlKKU' .Mil HUNT
-lv 1.8(1 te 118(14 (1.30 te 11
.TI r, S,KC,A, ('A"T In
Ihe Cabinet Dr. Caligari"
LOCUST i-') )? '.OCUSTirmKBTli
it...... 'Jn IlA M. tell I. M.
je - -- . BIVIM A
..r, '"ll"y ' '' S' te II I M.
In lii: Miiiiiivtii.M..
i RfVOLI 'HsiiSSr"
' i'iv 1 1 . .r. m up
" '"lil
in "im: ie."
69TH ST Tll(!tttr'.. OPP- "'." T.rmlMl
rr-r. '"' te '"' ':,u te 11
nu. ii t UUMPSON
Wallace Reid & Gleria Sw'anser
in "iiiivr iifi.i, Kvi:i(i'ini.Nu
I uu in li n t
Ambassadpr I'VulTannii
M-1UII! Htl'.VIIs'r
Ht r.nih
t nntTinimu
f.i....i. ..,.... . ....
-..in, i iii.iiim in
Germantown "Vl
in .. iiuutewn AVi
-MATIVLi; riATr.-rl
UUi & Onuptiln StJ
ip"inr. HKtti;.v,i)v
lint, ".in n tu.
iw.jjsJ vray'