Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 31, 1921, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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y '.' :k
ll v i- , i ,
pirncy JFyimc 'eHs e tte
She bpcalcs of Miss Elliett's Engagement le
Mr. Wither C. Pew Other Matters of Interest
TUB sudden tlcfttli of Mrs. Uuduljib
LMHii .vrstertltiy lit lirr iinmp In llryn
Mawr but " r" ,0 "", r'x''x wn,ft's 'l0r
ion mid !niiRliter-ln-1nw Mr. nml Mrs.
r William HI tut hers riim, were te nave
riven tnxt evening for tlirir .laughter.
Cintra Ellis. Mr. HliK who in nrr
veiinicer dn.r wits eeiiililrrril one of. I he
most Icauwiii ei I'm niitupnin women,
I 'l,a,l no h'Eiirrtl preniinriitly 111 Mielal
things for M''1' "ln0 wlns te hr-'r mi
lt vanccd jrars. nui sue nat iithi ier a
R long llmr t l,,,r nerni'. ' HH!. In
Jf Tlrjt) Mawr. Mr. l.llls lirl nbeiit- live
Jy rears no. r
!' Mrs. 15111s' was greatly levrd by hit
family mid friends anil their li much
sorrow nt Hip. news, of licr death. She
had ntdilncd the jiraiitl old dre of
rhrlitj-eilP. Mrs. William Nlriltlicrs
Kills Is one "f Hip elv lUilreiiraM'.i of
the Assemblies this jenr, hut will net,
of cenrsp. wcive lieu iriday night
I suni'O'-c some one will )ip n'sknil t ct 1 ilwart9e. Mlsit r'nihiulnn Huliwnrtx,
In her pliife.- 'Hint Is llir usnnl mpthedi".""?,'!1",. ;'' MlBjftlCarinlta
, of r.oc.,l.e In such n centlnRnu,-. , llXXMI
I Anna Harris.
IS IT net Interest Ins te hear thnti , ,..,, i
Hannah Elliettls rugged te Walter I t.eViIk' flSi? 'S W
Tew? ou knew IlnniiBli Im the secenil I Wlntlirep Clnljhern, Jr.. of ,nnsl.v.
(tehulnntP of this H'asen te niitinunrp l Martlnr. lane. Chcntnvit Hill, hnve
litr rtiRaseiiietit. l'rlscllln Merrlx was '"'""d Inv'tntlens for Wpdnesilny afler
, the first, though of renrt-c (Jirlsline I P"1?"' ..,"1,!"?Tv1,?!-1'VrweH1V fj,r
f!n.lnalader put one ever en ns-bv belns i V"5 i.,.nl hy lnlfrc.1 Murshnll, of
. " n-L. . -.1 1 . I.-..1 !..! 1..7
the first fUBURed and tnnrrli'd. Hut her
ehengement vnsnel niiiiniiiiced. you spp ;
.e I think wp may rnll lvl5cllln Mei-
Th1 engfliteii.ent te Krnfn Elsenbrey.
mhld. WnSHi-iieunced en ChrlMnuiH Eve.
I'm-, nun nv" vuiuiT
a timtlier of Arthur. !
v Elliett. Hflnnnirs1
I jiel srem reinnntic-
r attendants nt Item
snd Arthur's .neddiu; .... the elshth of i.-rtrtflwi
October. That Is. llnnnnh whs maid of t Carolina t.encncre. The miesis wlli lit lit lit
lioner, and .Mr. I'pw whs best innti. cltnlw Ml. Ceidctia Van tten-ialaer
rieth Arthur nnd Walter I'pw n.e heiii ' irenr; and Mls- ('ntlinrlnn Van ttens-
nf the late Mr. Arthur E. IVw, of
Ilryn Mnr. Their inelher has mar
ried iiriiIii sinep Mr. Pew's death ami
It new Mrs. Charles I'. O'Connor, nun
lives at the t.nlhnm. In town here.
Hannah and her inelher, Mr. Wil
liam .1. Elliett, will cull for Europe en
Jamiury '.'I nnd iv 111 trnve threusrh V, ' V.VrU, ''u,a"- "' -Mnrcaret Me-
lliilv nnd Ureecp Tbev will he m, Atloe. MIhs Murirnrpt M.Cerd. AIIm Kler- i
ik..i ?.....! I ..-.i ' . POnetenee Henry .Mlcbell. MIkh Helen Chan-
about two nieiiths perhaps three. The man. Miss Dorethv H Ued'-e "ll,s !
date for the pddil has net yet linen Alurlel 11. HedRe. Miss Alarjorle V. ,a'l- '
wt, 1 understand, but It Is likely that
It will take iilnec Miertly after linn
'nah's return from the etlier side.
MIE chnn) set had a poed time lust
1 night. The. William Merlce. of
Che'lniil Hill cave n ilnnnn nt ibn
Tldlsilenhln f'vtcl-). ft f tn .1
IfillHilrlnnle ( rick el Club for their
datishler. Mnry Alice, and most of the
.lOUHRiT t nttPllded .Mrs. Hveiett
IlHwIey cave a lnrs" dinner before the1
dance for hpr daughter. Kllr.nbeth Or- '
tiilne.1 at the l'hlbidelphltt Country Club1
lur tneir uaugnter. (.nrmiin Kenucilv.
and their seu, GeerKP Kennedy. '
I SAW Kntheelne Inn ., ti .1,,. Cever. Allss lM(hrlnu Sa'nferd and Mls
iA unthcnne I.en en Ihupxlay tjertrude Dixen, of llallltnere. Thcv
evenlnc In the l'lthn Hoein of the will return home next week.
r'uS,;r,f"n1, She was at the. Mr Rna M , , ,.0lI
tinner her father nml mother, Mr. and jr of 2015 Locust street, will entertain
Airs, t hnrles M. I.en. jnvr for tlie lit-int a dance at tlie Itlts-.-Carlten durlnc
tie HuilMin Ctrl before the Satunla ICaster wet It In honor of Mrs. Pntre's
Erenlnc Katberlne is verv dark. ou 1 r'e-". Alissj llannlnc; tlrancp, dcliutante
knew, nnd bus n weallli of beutitirtil ! daughter of Air. and Mrs. William Dray,
hair, which she arranges cjttreiuc! ,n" n"B'- ' th" Wolllnpten.
wall. In her hair n"re.ss the front of .Mm. Charles r. Perkins, of .Merris
the head wns plnred n narrow sold read ami Williamson avenue, Hryn
hand, and her dress wns slinplv leveU ' Afawr, ha.s Issued Invitations for a ..mall
It was of p1h.tt valvet. tntitlu ppilVct'lv Np"' v,r"r ,ea '" l",.r reHlilonce en Alon Alen
Plain nod Inut ilrimeil nrnnx (be f,.,,'i dn' afternoon next, January 2. TIip
nf l'e .bi,.' 1. r tV 1 ? M. "10, ' enl quests will Include members of the
nf the fklrt In folds nml faMenrd in a . yetinircr married set.
knot at the waist line. I have never ..
ceu her leek belter Mp !lml 5'rH' " Mvansi arn bclnc
' ceiiBratulnted en their fifteenth wedding
Briniiv ....., 1 - .1 . .1 anniversary nt 1 C ICast Tiega st.
Ullin wanted a sister mere than
nnithimr in the world nnd be M's!' Amelia I!. Selvas, debutante
nrave I ami n.-r v..,l fne 1 ;i r ?. daiiKliler of Air. and Airs. Theodere) CI.
prayed and pni.ted for one sien.m.v for selxas. of Queen I.ane Maner, tlennan
at le.il two week-. 1 hen, grltii'j; tired. , (,w,i. will leave en TueMlay. Jauiiarv .".,
nn turned his attention te oilier thins--, for n.-iltimere, Aid., where she will" at at
se. when 11 few days pre father palled tend the dancn .Mr. and Atrs. Arthur 17.
him iu tin innnilnc and told lilm lie 1 I'eultney will slvn nt the Ualtlmere
mi. sa iiin 11 lew days Pre father fallen
him in tin innnilns and told him he 1
had MiniPthinp bentilirul te slmw Iiltn. !
he wpiil '.kliiiliitr Im.i inntlu..-' .....m
a,,t ,;..... J'i'.i1. uelliei s loom,
an.t .... 1., 1. ." 1 V . 1
.til 11 "J ..' 1!nv!";m't Hi peep In-
-.., wniiuiii mi' e-iihi Mispii'ien inntD. Dciiugliue, of 73n uniicn street,
ills prii its hnd been answered. And, ' i.criiiuntewn, will luine today for Hal-
indeed, thev had, for there 011 the pll- ' tlmer. Aid., where she wlli tipend tile
lows nestled, net one, hut two little week-end as the suest of Allsa Kmlly
"Mem. "tiee. dad I" PXidnlmcd ll.ihby. I 'c'.ll,,,"T' ,la,,,',f!,,,.v.r of M''' "nd Mr"''
'two of Yin! NY.mi'1 il n sen.l thliii Art1"" '" ,,,"t,"-''
t kteppeil praying when I did!" Air. nnd Airs. Frank A. Teughlll. of
VWf'V ivvYVl' I H,p Klerence. Kerty-nlnth street and
,..i 1 tii..M',. 'Klerence nvtiiue. niineunce the engage
Mr arid Mrs. Jam t, I'nveily Newliti.
"i I'a" r ford, announce Hie engagement
of tlielr (laughter. Miss Aib-lalde Slina
Ywlin. te .Mr. Wlllain A 11. Paul, son
"i Mr nnd Airs. Henry Nclll Paul, of
' hestnut Hill.
Mi cngagiment of Interest, announced
tedai. Is thai of Allss Al'ee Wllmn
Murray, iimigliler of lir. and .Mrs. HII
nrt D Mnrrav, of .Si'ranlen. Pa. nnd
Nirlng lLi. . .1 . te Mr. F.dgar W.
jTetmati run nf Mr. nnd Airs. Walter
il Freenipn. Mies Murray Is an artist et
"'elder! talent and graduated fieni Co
lumbia hi ini n- ami bns ben sludvlng
seijlptura since then. Afr. Freeman Is n
giatiuate of -,aj, I T 1 ' . and of Harvard
"ew ec icj ue et
trop.enl tiurtlatn 1. 1
mi.n..i .- .-;..'.. ': :
ir.il. . ' ' i'""ei iicMcrve liearu
m Wellington.
n.Hl-11"'1 s,r'T Hnhert W. Wilkinson,
or 210 t.ewen avenue. Mount Airy, an-
"eum; the engageinent of tlielr (laugh-
r Charlette ti. Wilkinson, te Air. Dela-
Chll" i'0,1?"",10,1' "0M- r 'M,'H- I'-HiahMli
' hase AlcU-itilel. of Civi.tv ew. Wjnuete.
M , '
Air and Mrs Ary lldniund 7.ennr. et
Minneapolis. Allan . nniiotince the ognlte-
mem of their dnnjrht.T. Mies Constaue.-
enne, te Dr. liirl A. S'luinan, son of
air. and Mrs. Arne Sliiiman. of Our-
Tlie gue-ta who vill nttend the dinner
nn evening w 11c 1 1 m Sunun 11 sii ..
- - - - ..... ... nn "
Hie ,e. " 'V ""lM,en' "' William II
trn-rt iind Air. iidward Uiewiilng.
Mr and Jlrs. Jehn Hnrnes Tewiisend.
VL "".'i'."""' Hadner and the TMss Carl
l?2:V." K,v " '-' pnrlj te be fob -
jawed by riupner at the UlDi-Carlteii en
of .ir-1.Ry fv",1"l January 28, In honor
lUtt-c arlteii befere thn FlmV a .eiiv
iiie giieMs who attended the dinner1
nrM,' ,'MV Wl.l.1!!,.m w- "epburn, of I
ill. ".. ' HiAiieva, gave at
e... v"..ivn ...i-i.iruy. .11
borteo'irT ."!VIIII"m Seller Mr, Pern -
"prien Hutch nuiin m.. n.. ,.- ...
Af. II.' ". .' . .r"lh l-VI.l-ll.-r,,
lir e !.' frW""1' Mr' Alli"' UC C'''
'r, Mr. Wluthreh Coelldgb, of Chlcuiife.
"finn "'U"'"'' or Alts. Ilcbeit l.e Ceiite. tmirheen en Tuesday. January .1, In
uuu .tpru.-a Miicct, will glvi. before the honor of Allss Alary Loulse McCewti.
Mnf ,'Y1'V. "0 X!lV n!"1 M,'M- -'''t-e Hnii- i Vho gurats will be All's. Jehn A Ale Ale
ei1"1 , :c,ly, W,IU Klvc nt ll" HUr-Cail- (.own" MIsb Julia Lcc. Allrs Mandclleue
JLf111 neltpie, Mr. and Mr... Jehn If I Franlte. Miss Kdlth de Zuuche Alellly,
veir ";;. ' M,r Nancy Vull'a, of New i Mls-i Annettii MacOrath, Atlss Francea
ir ,v M,B'? l"lly '''I'-iVer, ,Mln Mtilslc y, Ser. AlrH. Donald Smith, Airs, Herace
lYira d i v . ''' Al,u'" Hlchner, Atr. HarUa and Alls.i Uleaaer Presscr.
nil' i . Air. inv sniiMi iir
ariien 111 lienm. nr s.11-,,. ,,. i .win.. -.-.-. - --- 1 ... .i . . ---r-.---' r--j".;-.---." -v- ...,...,.
da Alerat Smilb del. ii.V,.t..in..i, 7. e; Ninth street, gave a ru puny ... tc Tne nriae. wne -win no given in mar-
Mr and Atrs Arthur n iei.,'2.'ffh-0.?r!veiit"rdtty afternoon. TI1.1 guests In- r,.R0 bv her father, will be attend. d I
"f SdHiic Voile,. wv,''"rb0,1 a.mi,, eluded Mrs. tleorge Shaffer. Mrs. by twit brldcsmnlds, Miss Olivia James,
Mies Rural. el-an 1 ?. 0a ' ,nc1"?'n Vlldy. Miss Mabel llutter, MIki 0f Cincinnati, the bridegroom's slater '
liethJeafies mu a. ,.".,' .'' '';," '''"' 11.1u tuiBseu, Mrs. Mary C Pat- nm Miss Kthel niclterman, of Ln.
Wss ri.nnd. ,,.Ai,aAiX.V' "rf!",'' i nil n Jehn Hliarplesa. Mrs. Hthel , Vlle. Cril. Air. .1. !ontaemery Fersler.
pu.L'P ,,. n" We?,.A,Us,,.""K,!"Pl "if Jui 1". Mis. Themas J. Pebbinn. Miss rf st Pavlds. will be Mr. James' Wt 1
W - r'sF;;i,,MNW": ' fcn Z I?U -.-it,,,r,nB S2!cJnil ,che.r.,v,Hilun.
HrMTV1"'! AA s nemc K, Va,,.. of NVw Vr fe : Ai-,OTMW
11am 'ie nn,n,lu narrluger, ,Mr. WU-, ntv. returned te her home today alter mii, ,inf. ,mV, HicharU Hum, of ft dlSv '
Mr" p t?,0:!!!1",'. , A'i'.el'l Jennings. I UViidln a week w Ith htr pa.-ent 1 r. 'A' brcn'Uflast lU stratlinven j,5, ,
ahe?Iee,fjT A,u?'.AVWM'ei wm t -'
inner 'i lmj nik ".v111 e 1 u r t A m at, s.
DcafV e lw. tludttlph Ellis'
Carlten before Hip dance Ills brother.
'"''"vftnU ulster. .Mr. and Mrs, Carter I
UaiiUelph Le.idy, will Rive fit the llltz-.
- i nun.
Alias Hvrlyn Hedman Drayten, debu
tante daughter of Mr. Uebert Masscy
Drayten, or the St. Jnmcs Amies, wltl
lie th guest of honor nt a dinner Inter
in tin- winter, which Mr. nnd Mrs. Derr
I.. Newton, of 20lit Locust street, will
The guests who attended the cud
jmity jesinnlny afternoon which Mm.
t Imrlcs lte.ets. .1... of Bl.'s Clrcene
street. Orimihtuv.ii. gave In honor of
her daughters. Mix .irmiiii,., n, ..,.
nnd MlM Klli-abeth HOger-. Included '
M f," ntty Menrhln, Mlmi Anne Wetli-1
?'"' J""" iiine M uoeiiinan. Ml"s Kmlly
C. Cneknmti, MIm Pelly Itebinmn. MIrm
Mmmirct Untnn. Mies Kllmhctb I.etiii,
.Miss lie en f! intimmi Ml,,, it,....!?.....
nm)innti, Mlfs IJertlm Ktiijtlm, MIj's i
At s.i 1'TlHa Krnme. Ml I.ney JefTieys.
Miss Mnry Whitney. Miss NHhry Wool Weol Woel
ston, Mhi KltzabPlli U'oet.iton. Miss
r.llzahcth ltensnii. Ml in.. r ..!,.
MISs Hetty UKJen. Mlra Conbtnne'n Mnew!
.Mlsa J'.leAiicrn t'urvlnnce, 5tl.s- Annr.
. '"" l"I.
. At "te luncheon ie be Riven en TneR-
TJ ""t ",. '' -ern Club by Mrs,
"ft ' ' " "' ""W. of OH D.
Jft ttirVn'S .'inaert'aS
jjinn .nary I'iiisai) tn l-;vnnn. of rblcaKO,
Mr?, Htreiie will bn nsWetd In rceelvlnir
''.v Mrs. William Woodward Arnclt.
Mra t'hnrlpn Siev.art Wurts. Mm
Xmm Mr u-m"1, ,Mm ,';n.rl !'
.& ,?.'" A.," p!"' ''"s: r-- '-
jniaer StreiiK. of Ne Hninswleli. N'. ,r". ;
.MlSfl iririnln NeitIh. mi I ,...u v..-.
rlii. MIsh Helen KnlRlit, Miss Joscplilne
K.ilBht. mimi sural. Knmklln Dunne,
J ' Agnes M. I'eive. Miss Alice Heyt.
Mis.i ullvla Cever. MIpk Hertcnsia
I.ina. Miss Carel Vrnlan. of NVw
verl: Miss Delia It lir.n.i, Afiu. nni...
t.-i.....:...i.. ... ..--j.-ii
lett. Alls;: Jey Urew-llaer. Allss KrnneeM 1
rierlMtnl, Alls.i .Sarah ItarrltiRcr. AI'ss rlsle. .Miss Alarearet Ala'r. .Miss Alar
ttcrtruile Uorten and AllM nilscabctli M. ivrel Alt'CuUnlnnd, Allss Irene K KrlcKer,
.hiss larisse laibnrne. ilntts iter of
''".' w"0, wlli her mi.llipr. lias been
spendltiK a year In Constantinople, will
, pass Jnnupry as the ruchI of Air nnd
Airs. Jeseph Sill Clark, at Kates Hall
tlielr cstate In Chestnut IIIII. Mr nn.i
Mrf- f'lrk'H son. Mr. Jeseph Sill Clark.
slL .WT '!? f'',,r,mlln " lielldnya with
'!' Hn" -"r.". .101111 juckseii. of 2113:1
Spruce street, are enterialn'ne as tbelr
Clients ever the biillibivu Ml itrn.-r.
tend the dancn .Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur
I'eulttipy will slvn nt the IJaltltr
-',"V,n,ITy iC""'. "'",'., ev,,'",P li1 , !'.
of their dnutr.ittr. AI sa lCtnlly Peultt
M, Marlen C.iblr DoneRhuc. d(
' Ansa .Marien uantr uoneRiiue. uemi-
t!U1le daughter of Mr. and Alts. Charles
ment of their daughter, Allss Knthryn
C. Teughlll. te Mr. Harry Owen Walp.
of Tleg.i.
Mlrs S. C. Hates announces Iho engage
ment of her tike. Allss Alorle VI. ltateti,
te Air. Jeseph K. Almend, formerly et
New- Yerk.
.Mr. nnd Airs. Artliur .Montague Lewis,
of (he Hellouie-.Stratl'erd, will leave,
tediiv fop New Yerk te nttend the wed
ding' of Captain Frederick Schwab and
Miss .Mildred Tliiiinpseii. of New Yerit.
wblch will lie nelfinulapil wy ipiletly
Ihls afternoon In Ht. Murk'b Churcli at 1
o'clock and will be fulluwed bv a small
riccptleii at tin Hetel Chatham. Cap
tnui and .Mrs. Schwab will sail tomorrow
for a trip abroad.
mi . Maw P'reat. of Husten. .Mass.,
.. lit ...pic, li.ilev tri Hnptlil till Wcid;-
" mi. .. - : --.- .:-.
(., with Air. ami .Mrs. Ariuur .
' Scwall. of Kill Spruee street.
jir. n,i Mrt. Sidney K. Allm.in. et
jCi,klntewn. will leave today for a vlalt
1e tlanth 'ltv, where they will spend
tu" New Ynir holidays at the Atari-
' .,,,.,,,,
Airs. Frederick Met). Kali It entcr-
tallied at dinner en Friday evcnlng In
honor of her daughter, Alias Natrlna
i.',t,.k nnd lier win. Frederick AlcQ
I i,",iui-.. Jr.. before Alias t.ockweod s
iianelng class. About tourteen of the
1 y0'm;v cehoel act wctt present.
Mrs. Wllllnnt TeniKiit Metlly, of Allen
1 , i..,n Unii.wl inv talleiiH rer i.
a . unci sjwi. .,...-.... ..-. -
' Alt', mid Mrs. S. J Hendersen, et 22.
l.itiwec.1 avenue. Ardmerc. iini.ouilce tiifi
, nngageinent of thrlr daugliter. Alias
i Helen Hendersen, le Mr. J. Harry Leus,
of Aidmore
, .vcnt.v-nlnlh street,
1 -"'
111.4 Hartlirt
., ' ... ., ... IIIA'I k...l.
1 v... uniiur, u. u.u. ii.i. ... ..... .... inn i-mni-ii. iii.....iiiiii.r .in, .T.-rriii.ri.ii-
r ,1 ATI. ir,P .....1 Ilia J 1 . 1.1c .ki. . 1.1 u.. ..w... r... ... i,.i,in nui..., nM.I ,1.a ........11...
mish lteh.i H Purser daughter et inn nu. mm l.ii,,d.iinsii reame in t
sir mirt Mrs. H. - PuHsfli, of 2842 Wjemlng, O., a suburb et Clncjnnatll
nlainend utre'ti has, been spemllllet the --
?'L.mT Allanl 6 Clky'as Hi saiAt df . xew kilAWA HlVfek htihn
KeWt BtrjiraViri.1f.upntavrit. will bi .tniMUhM
Miss Mar.-uret fife;tWyt nl Ch)ca(rt,
tUHHIi. ' xliiM;
ftiixtftxkfti& WlsW&&!ii&t$wl
The riicasemrtit of Ml Henleh. .
(I.iuchter of Mr. nml Mrs. .1. Henry
Itenlnii. or 1 liO.l West lliitlrr
Mrtfrl, te .Mr. Arthur Itupcr. of
(irrt.ianteun. Is .'iiiiibtiitcetl
I visiting her aunt. Mrs. Merris V.
l.ausfeUl, nt the Hetel Lerraine.
Mr, and Mrs. A. Seclicl, of 26t'i North
Thirtieth street, a.ineiincc the be
trothal of their dnuchter. Miss Jlrn
rtettu C. Hertvl. te Air. Judrtli Sclilcln.
of Newark, N". J.
Majer Prank L. Mueller and .Mis.
Mueller, of r.0. Woodland terrace. will
tontlm.e their usual vuxtem of hnvluR
New Year's open house en Monday. Jan
uary 2. Ne cards have been Issued.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kaiser, of f.521
OsiiRe avenue, nre entertaining for a
few days Riiests from tension, I'a.
Mr. .and .Mrs. I. lldward llrewn, of
DC lt I'lne Ktreet. nnnotinee thn enuape
ment of their daugblcr. AIIrs ttutli If.
llrewn, and Mr. F.niOry II, McKclvcv. of
Inland HelRbts, N. J.
Mrs. Walter Samnns. of 2622 Seuth
Twentieth strert, will entertain this
evcnlnu at a dinner party te be followed
by brlriKc. Her RUents'wlll Include Mr.
and Mrs. Krnnlc Deianey, Mr. and Jim
Nrrt. l,aln, Mrs. .Mabel IIIII nnd Atr.
Walter Kaynns
Airs. Jehn I.. I.ecber entcrtnlncd the
mcinbcru of her sorority at her horn
y.nterday itfternoen. Amenp these pres
ent were: Miss t.enere MeCulleURb
Allss Kranres AlcCiilleugh. AIlss Knlh
Airs. Jehn I.. I.ecber entcrtnlncd the
Krlnn .McDowell, Atlas Kdlth .Macliar
.viisrt tinnrieiiii .eituiin. .tiies iiarip .iic
Clure and AIr.t. Karl llrnndt.
Mr JanicH AtcCann Is snendlnc the
belldnys nt bis liome. 1935 Hltner sttcct,
after having- teen rer tne last six mentus
in WnHhliiBten. V. C.
He will return j
there next week.
. M . . ...,,. ,., rMB
of their ilnuRhter. MIh.h Itesc Mary Ue.r-
Ul lll'Jll ii.iUrsinv. a iir-rs) iivai; iini, vi - i
., ,. r.. nmw.fllnf A unli ..f ihl
..ia..' ' ' i
Wra - .- .. -y. ..'
m ., ..,-r,,i:1
r .. ' r "riT t rry ' ' ,tT'trrt'"
C,,J' i iiijg.tev Detis wa, pardoned. Diff-r-nt '
Airs. S. S'lver. pf 3230 West Nerrls , Cetple havs different opinions en this aub- i
street, announces tlu engagement et her, ef., Here's mine.
daughter. Miss Hesslc M. Silver, te Air. h,n -,Ir. Wl...n refu-ed the raiden. he
...l. Ill .. i.uiiinj, v. . wv. ..,... . u.
y. 01 reusviiic. I'U.
ckensee. of 1804 North
Airs. I.een Wane
Twe ntyslMli street, assisted by Mr. and
Mm II. J. Kttleseu. will receive tomer-!
row from 3 until B OV1.ICU. It. honor of ,
her daugliter, Allss Itese K. lllanckcnsee,
Airs. T". J. AtcAullffe. of r.r.,1 Heyer I
street, will entertain for a few davs n I
her guest Air. Hubert (Jarrlwn, et Sliver i
Springs, va.
The Allssea llannn
lilcken Anartmenl".
nt luncheon, fellow
Air. and Airs. Harry Shoulder, of 221
East Sedgwick street, Oermantewn, nn nn nn
nounce the engagement of tbelr daugh
ter, Allss Helen Shoulder, te Mr. Wll
llum It. Alutrhftt at n card parly en
Monday afternoon.
and Air. Milten, M. v;tllesen, wnese hi- ""':', -ri,n ns no place for Mr Pebs. ,.. nidatien held lis flr-t ."-aeti ui Ji , "'" " " vv r ie nav. ,.,r envelopes , m
gagement was recently announced. I , J.'1,1! "J I, net a cr.n.mal: m. Insane I this summr. attended by radicals fro." a,ldrs,d In the above manner. R
, '"J"1 h" ' ,,, for bin, . because ,,,,ny ceunlrl.s. Including the Pnlted bt,.U;s . x y M
GERMANTOWN , crm'l n'cure him of being crnr Hut The object of th inclement Is ... '"'.'; Northampton. Pa..' December .. HJJ,. , 2
, ,7 i . -. e de think that b" " ieu',.1 nive e-cupied , secUllet prepiaanda and phllosepr,' . rlii -K. r,. T."-The flrst United States cen- 8
Air. and Airs. A. W. Neclcy. of -'' "V'( ,,''",. u next le the rr.nrlim of Ati. ! "First lnt.rniitlenaiy ' was held In l.tm- bus was taken In 1700. n.
West Duval street, gavn a Christmas I " sti.leroe.i next e me '"'' rre , ian. Miertlv after Karl Matx .n.ieu.i. l
dance at the I'elham Club last evening i 'rrlll;". Whet'er In' or out of Jnll. Ids pi ll.ei.hy of seelsllsm In ;.D.i - U. H :;1; . r r "-Th. War Department sav. R
In honor of their daughter, Allss F.ll!;a- , V, led hia s la net thr rlace far hlm. , The "fleemid InternHtl.in.il'' was fe.i.K'd ., m , ,,,,, ,,,., 'nn
belli Neeley. I U-i i ,, narder.ed or net. he is net nil I fallowing the Paris e.unmum- neetlnn with the drnft It wa-. found tb.it
recently tntertalnerl I nerie. Hut our bleed boiled when we were , sn: i" net. iu . "r, ... ,, I
i-cd by a theatre I informed through the press that, while, ',..,..,, ,,,.. .,- ,,,., '
e,.,- l.ev were fighting te avenge the bar- Philadelphia, December ... U.i.
Mr Ifarrv rtrndlev of C"G I'ltl In.1 L"O0.0(O people wanted te see sharing the
dlntia avenue has .turned, from' n vis t I l"rl" r arBe Washington and Abraham
?. i?e.i,2,' itiurneu trem a Msit ,,., .,-tm. wns t)ie way a man acted
te 1 Ittsburgh. i (n )h. ,,,,. wmtni erlsls after hnv-
AIlss Lillian nacliman. of 32,"9 XetlhiRK Bnneuncd hla liifntlena of tnklnv the
Frent street, has left for. New Yerk,
yre alie will spend a month wltn
tttlatlves and friends.
Tlie ninrringe of Alias Alva Anders
Schultti. daughter of Mr. runl Airs. Jehn
J. I(. Kehultr.. of r.er, iiamlllen slreat
and Air. Hareld Allbeuse Paplbly, son
of Mr. and Airs. 11. Whitman llambly,
ei niiiiiparK. w.iw Miiciiiui7.eii en i 'ct-wui-
ber2S nt the home of the bride's parents..
The ltev. P.ebert J. (ietnhalk, pat-ter et
the Schwenkfeltcr Church, performed the
enreineny. Air. and AlrH. Dnmblv left
for Bosten, Alass., where they will live.
Miss Suzanne S. Fisher, of 13tr. !)e
Knlh street, and Atlsn Flenner Uremley.
of Wlssahlcken. have geno te Atlantic
Cltv, where I hey will be guests ever
the New Year of Air, Waller Urelith).
Allsa Itreniley'.) uncle.
Atr. and Atrs. Alexander Fester. Jr..
of Ovorbroek. ars receiving congratula
tions upon the birth of n daughter.
Alnrleu Stockton Fester, en December 0.
Mrs. Fei.tnr is the daugliter of Mr. ami
Mrtt. ICdward A. Stockton, of Swartli Swartli
mere. A dance was given In tile .Media Club
house en Thursday evening bv the
Junier members et the Weman's Club.
, ., ,, , ., ,. , ,. .
Dr. and Alts, .-rncst Vullcrteu (-oek
hnve returned te their henie In Swar h-
mera fiem a visit te tllO pev. A. Pelll-
mm. ui.u -"i. ' """""". "' -wb".
, ,, , ., ,. , ,
Mr and Mrs Arthur oeihets. of ,
Htanwlck, are being congratulated upon
the birth of a Een en Uec-inbef 23. j
Tlie Sunday school of Trinity Kpls-,
copal Church gave a Christinas, enter-
In nnient In me nai SII louse nil Tliurs. .
day evening.
Alrr. Jeseph tlasklll gave a luncheon i
and biltlge en ThunsdAy for the card
eluli te which she belongs at lier home
en Chestnut street.
James Garrett Wedding
Alias Klliabeth Che.vnev Carrctt.
daughter of Mr. and Mr, William A. i
f1. .... sit lull Itnan niiAinl hm ... I I
a.rrett, wlie has been npcudlng ttevnrnl
weeka at Btrathaveti Inn. Swarthmore.
will be married huletly thla morning nt
Christ Episcopal Church, Medie, te Mr.
Edtvnrd Murdoch James, of Cincinnati.
O., the Itev. Harry Itansemr, rector of
famlllrn wilt follev. After a wedding
Letters te the Editor
Hopes They Won't Mnrry
Te (he r.Mter e (tie rtci:(np TuMle Ltiletr:
Hlr I only hop tli.l llw VMe n''
den't eet weJ te Uncle mm. It would jpell
sll lh fun. Uvery evenltn when "''"
Ktx.tt Il.tM, .rt l.vmirn nrrlVn I .OOK tO SCI
i if thty nrs mar'rle.1. I wouldn't bke te c
.no eumt) ratnl.y dlsappeinwu. .." ""
ueh A fun ever Unde Him wlwn he come
te visit Ihttn, se thO Oumn millions eukm
te etsr it Aney, vf$ffi$$SV
rhlladelplila, December 28, 11)21.
AnalytlB of International Conditions
Te Ji Kdlter e Iht UvtntHt Pubjlc I.tAgrr:
8lr The allied afmlei .have ,r,e;,"u'rr.
lntrnstlenil rsvelutliitu ana rol.elllon. in
Wnshlnvten Confereneo is about te frame
cenMHutlen Berernlii R se-cnlltl "if
rower, te ntvnlalr tctt and prevent revo
lution anil tfbe.llun fretn manlfestta II'
self, but the spirit nnd desire will cenlinu
Me-i or le un'i the conmmmatlet. n hii
thlnsi en eurlh.
ThU International Tederai CenitlH ten
(an te tpenk) eUBllt te flhlde at iHe "'"
hand alde of the Kevernment of Clir st en
earth tthe Churchl, wjiose conatllutlen il
framed by n hlahe" I'ewer. Aln.tnhty Oed.
The Chureh ha been e.rrylnr en a war
Mi with International reul Ien of sin ana
wickedness, and nhall tei.tluu until tlie
end of ths dlspinsatlen of ktik-e and tnd
fillnllment of tlms by the millennium.
(UinlUli: t'AHHKl..
Hlivoed. N J., necember 2. 1821.
Veracious Office Girls
Te Hit Aliter e' Hie t.iinUa rulllc Udetvi
Sir De vrnl net pest Hie eun' ludlei who
nislat ear huebands anil breiher.H at U'le U'le
rliene. typewriter or file knew thn I Iho
candy which they se kindly accept mid eon een eon
ume Is cenerally purcKad With money
that eunlit te bi used for luncheons.
The nverane drl elerk has mere Hpcndlrnt
meney today than her mile anwclale. una
usually nays a nominal nuin t heini as
beard, wberras the man aiitiperts narenia
or a family of his own. Out et his Utile
be must produce th. weekly pound of randy
ler the glrlx In his efflcr or b-i labeled
"ttlnay." If he has the imierlly I" tro tre
v.,lc i.u lnpnslv.. brand, pnch Rlrl eon een
ilen her rharn te the wate tusViet. llnw
.le the- tiiit.re this petty form of uraftum
llh th.'uia'-lves? , . . .
Tin nftlee teri or Indn: Is rarely und?r
imld or ov.rwerked. Sli Is a ery haiuhl
damael. anrt. If resilbls t' br t'r ;e
above r-lble. The v?eU ttllnit" does, t
.nd the nulfanre. rllhcr. At uirmirai j ,-
mnn in-iy hnw hr.w truly they value the
' Kirl's pretenc and uasistnnee. It nry
d.n'l make ijoed. there u.H u- u' "
idiert ansivjrs. ... .
Ilcnt. Insurance detitlsl s. de'tnr i an.l
feed bill- lnnve the salaried clrk vlrtiull)
nflhlnr for th' preverblr.1 rainy dav. se
wl.ere is the luxury ta fnr lh lsdi' l
found? We read e much of the nun
standards nf the modern business lrl. hi t
believe ,h.y are sbe.s -,-!fl '
I hllnilc!phl.t. Pecsmb'r 2S. 101
Brethers as Governors
Ie Uir r.Mem) lie Keeirlnf Pitb'lc I.riun:
Sir Th writer notes queries nt'd an-
. . .1.... l.Af,r llni.r.
aera In renr.i 10 uruimu "v"'" . : .
nnrs. Pennstlvnnln. I Delleie
holds nil
records In this respect.
Wllllnin nigler
n . .. .. - U -..l.....la mtA
was elected Uevernnr m ''""'"
nn the same day two of his brothers were
elene.l Ooiemers of etlier Slates. ma
Stales. I believe, were West Virginia and
California. CltAUU.S P IIWrtrtON.
rhllndclphla. Deeemher 2f. Jb21,
The Debs Parden
... ., , ., ... - .j-,-.
Te I it ffrlifer of )hc Vmi,e Puwic I.t rfflf r.
-.... S.AHIP nnrtttnr1 lhf ffll't thftt
rvitl'rlll , l,n UlUIIl.-ll. ,.nu ', . .....
ce.,:diit be blamed. And r.ew nm. .-.ir.
'! - ' - '"V!-'':';
" yY ll',l th Cal TsTS
" 'c VJ" Ku !,' , deuh V. la-1
f uf
Joined the wed i.newi. m. i . '
We Amerirnni ein stand mute a ii.i fr.n
fiese "nut".'
!..... n.ti..l..u rnmrnllled hv an nrinv of
i.i. ..... i. ...... il,,-. thl. .n.rnll.,1 nreslden-
llal cnnlldate was doing hla utmost te bin-
dcr the progress of the war machine by t
eeiendliig nrepaitand.1. In.Uelng our bes
te slav at home while bayonela were being
tluust through Hurepenn panics.
That, perhaps, would l leni socialism.
Thm irni tlie ambition of a mun whom
piesldentbil oath tf defending nnd protect
Ins- the American Constitution and Anierl
can rights.
Dbs srd and Debs was pardoned,
l.et'a hore he gn.neil his senses occupying,
perh ips. a cell neM te i volunteered dough deugh
liv i.he w-.-.s t-nerl-niiirtinl.il and sen-
i..'.",l re. .Irt-neiL- oe d.iiv nfter huvlni-
(rrt.rii ccntlnueusly for twenty-four or
farty-elght hours se the lil;es of 11 V. U.
-ln live. I
Uncle Sam can sinnrt a Int. hut when
von stiri in i.ull his whlsltera he lets mud
Yeu' in fitx- ugatti. Uugene. Hehnie lour
Self. MUHI1IR YliAtllllt.
Philadelphia, December .7. 1921.
Stung en Theatre Tickets
Te thr f.'il.'ter 0 the Kvtnlne Pnh.tr l.ulpn:
.sir l ii.iv. recently had an exrvriemt- ui
) h'liidelphln which I think ma sena as
warning le ethors.
Many ef.ua enjoy nm ST te Hie theatre en
hiPdns. After canvanlng tne various tlrket
efnecs n nn gettlni rn satisfaction, I went
te an nacney whle'i nlways seems te be well,;
kiipplle.l v.llh front ieats, and reterve.l
lour fetj fhrlslmni Day. M'hen I rnlle.l
for th'in I found that they were scat,ei,l
evor three rows ..nd the price I wnt cliarsed ,
was 110 SO
llnilnn Invited guesls. I h ..I le nv this '
. extortlenata amount, but latur decided net '
le re. unce we did net wish, te be separated I
'in this way. Tre nginlr were ilellatiied te .
i gut the sw.ts back and refunded me Jir.,20.
( rep,.nlln ,3i30 nnJ nn nrtl,u,.l(1i fifty ,
c,m, Ux en rarh M , esplnlned that I
,,,. ,,, jjn.sn, nnd. after a lonference
among themselves, they returned the full
' cnn b'n' 0,m0'1 any cnmmed.iy ai the
market prl-e. except theiti tickets n At-
Breble le atlens. In New Verl.. the agen-
,.,P1 n.'iertls- an extia charge nf tiftv i.nts
rer erice. but line Is a concern that is
I'-Allred te hiv up keatg and charge any
)i.T" . ,'. Pi!i- --.r-"'"'" rnm"
"" '" V" -" -"".. " ....iurn
7c.. ' no lenae- can doubt Iho alitemeni
that the thiat.es ate In lesgue wllh the ,
(..curies. fdllNRLlfs iakuii.
J'liiJn.L-lpli a. Deramber Jb 11)21
ucstiens Answered
First Celebration of Christmas
re tlie LMIter 0 the Vventnp rullic I.cttetr-
. . ... ",
Sir When was Christmas first observed;
11 . L.
PlillAdelphla. December 2". 1021. I
The be.lnnlne of the celebration nf
Christmas aa a christian anniversary cap.
net ha dated exactly. The first certain
mention of the festival Is In the rclen of
the Ilmperer Coinmedus (A. D. 1 Se-10)
Letters te the Editor should be at
brief and te the point na possible
aveldltitf anything Hint would open
11 denominational or sectarian tJl tJl
cusslep. Ne attention will be paid te nnenv.
tneus letters, Naincti und add rest.es
muut be signed as an evidence of
geed faith, nltlieugh unmes will net
be printed If request Is made that
they be emitted. l
, 'lite publication of a letter is net
te be taiien an at) Imleisuineiit of its
views by this paper. ,
...CfOinmunleatlens wll net he ra
ttlrhed Unlssa awcnhpanleU by poet,
etc, nor wllljinanuevirlpt be safved.
.. We J"T "!..n.RnL1 .-...',.. 7o.,er;1lieroII,ei;rc,.i... f'.'uL. Isdurr:
1 prei dentin unnei se ennn. wr n fc-i ... .... ,., . ,. ,k, ,,, ,.,! Vetthneat '
... i. i.. ..-- .ii.eenilmiea the nractlee. W. Sir A says that the I.ewii .-iiiiiiwe
tl. of the Wlssa- 'ViVct mm. that. Ve Just admired hla Meul.ted Police I, oil. of .'.la ... "" "
Is Ours Really a "City
An Englishman's Compliment
Te tlir ll.itter et the r.vrnine Tueic l.tdecr!
filr Mr. Ueorce T. Jlner, your letter in
Monday Htfcxisn I'rruc I.rnerrt Is di
rect challenife te me. The writer came from
linKland eleven years ake and was n per
fect strnnaer te New Yerk City. Did tny
dnramilinrlty with American cuitema deter
me from inultlntr many, many stanch
friends? Se. American churches arc pel-tlvel-
trlndly, nnd no one should have ra ra
en te be freaen out What you need,
(ieorje T. Mayer, I a renl sheklnc up.
Aeti .,re mentnllv bankrupt!
I") in.l visit Afch Street Methodist i:m
eppnl Church etrtp Sunday merning: or eve
nlna. fee what a frlsndly tluirch It Is,
Oq te any church In Philadelphia, you will
(ren'mlly nnd friends, but your attitude
must I,., ehsnxed.
Wake up. yeiimr chap. A I'rtlK.VD.
rh'iariclphlii Deeembcr i'S. 1021.
Why Pick en Philadelphia?
Te the editor n tin Ki et.liia I'ubllc hr&vtr-
Sir--I nentier why every one likes te
pick en Philadelphia. It seems te have be be be
oem 'i nruila for aety one who emca te
this it te point out all iii'r fiulls nnd
wenkneMns. os if thry Klsted new letre else.
It Is only selfish en the part of our visitors
or recent residents le oil" her e-nd eciepl
our hospitality nnd rlisht Ie rtir faces lar
us Ie piece.
I'lillndelrhla 1.1 a K'.nd. wholesome city
In wliii b t ... nml 1 hl'e. as a whole,
the leeple .ire niem comfortable, tier than
In nny nthe !. In h country anywhere
ttrnrlv ii'ppreacnin,T Hi" r'.r.t of I'litle'Vlphla.
We linve n clean nnd b'autlful city,
wllh admirable Ironsperlatlon fncllltle.
cemfirtONe nnd commodious hnmeVj, beauti
ful rnr'xs and situates and most delightful
suburbs within easy access te the city.
in spit? of all these conveniences In thl'
cltj, strnmjers lee i poke fun at u; nnd
wny7 llcatise they have heard eme nn else I
de se. ind '.ney ihlnk It Is smart te con
tlnue this criticism. Hew can they expect
us ti. make f.-lenrli with them If they take
n dllM In erltl.'lzinx us and holding us up
te rldlifle? In no illy In th ceuntty would
thn puldir l se patient under these In-ults.
They are flung at us en the s'npe. nnd we
laugh at nny ssrraailr refeienie te our I
belnt: slew, or Jel.cs r.'rlcctlng en our sub- ,
urbs. Camden. Darby, MnmiyunK. Tratik-
fafil. . hleh iitm really a nnrt of u. I
We should reeiit the-e in.iulls a well ns .
Ihes iidmlnUtered b;- t eep'.e In the stieet
er ei "1 In our own h-mitM The great treu
hie Is that tlie tMileal I'hllnilelph 1111 Itnews
th wertn of ihls oily and cures net what
otlle-' i.i.iy i.n, and third.. Ve are tee
I Allen-, tee ferclilng. loe little Inclined te
rernf inl.e irltlelm. We are, unferlu
hatel-. nrldlcted te one Ir.bll. nnd that !.
the nbsence of self-ndvertlrenient n go
te 'ether cities, and thn neieii; of new
scenes, faces and Incidents lentls ie make us
feel thit we 'ire reall te be fi mid want
ing, an. I It ii out habit te ri.'ii" ei cry
thine arl make te.iii;irl.ttiis wltii home
I nave litt'.e r'ipe't for a I'lillndelphlnti
who I net willing te boom bis "home i strain at jenie future time,
town", te point etjt our beautiful nnd his- I nlfe w Irb te knew mere aliem t'i club'
lerl-d plarca if Interest: te point out the I for at.-angurs. as It. tee. Interests me. Per Per Per
eonifeit and renl?ntir-nl of our Deeple haps the editor or centrlhulnra can sug
What de we de Insic'ad of this? We In- cost n practical plan of pulling It Imp .'
'varlahb agree with our critics and add , ojurntien. I al'euui tie very glad te co-
fuel 10 their fired sarcasm. 1 this net
the -eafen whs people pick en Philadelphia" I
Miis. 1:. i,. dvw.sen. I
I'hlleilelphia. D.-tetnher 20. 1921.
The festival is ale spoken of In the third
century by Clement of Alexandria. It was.
of ceunte. n celebration commeinerntiiiu the
birth of the Hen of clod, nnd was pilrtlil
rated In by th" little s'eu:i vhlch recoc recec
nlred Christ as such
The Third Internatienale
T ,r K.ilter of thr l.i'tvtna I'ulUe l.itlwi '
,. ,.,.. u . n .xelanatlen of the
'- ; '; J ' ""f ' I ,- Hew
- - - , , nnvwhere
. .. " T
Phllad.lphln: Ditembrr 27 1921
The "Thirl lat-nmlienal- l n erwiil-
gallon or mternatlimal rnmrr.un'sts. It ,
ruii.tU.ns the world nvr. Th- present or-
Who Is Right?
Tl.i nnme la no longer UJC.l. The fa
nadlnn Mounted Police wvre ree-gnnkea
InH yeir under the nnme "I'.emiI Canadian
.Mounted Police." The new force Is mi
niualgam.itlin of the old Itejnt Nertnwe-i-
en Mounted Pollce nnd the Dominion Po
lice. Battleship Maine Monument
7e (lie rrfifer et the .'ueMiist Piititlc .."de"
f.'lr-1las there ben a menuintnt creeled
In Havana le the battleship Maine victims? ,
S. S. L. ,
Philadelphia. Deciiiber 27. 1021.
In 1913 a Cuban presidential dee-ee an
therUr.l Lids en the cnnitrueten of u menu
mrnt te the nemery of th" bsttlerhlp Milne
the total cost net Including that of pHielng
In oeillon. te be fan, Dull The sit" eeleeteu
fnr thn monument whs I I til' Vedado. Oil
ti.inguUr plerc of ground feriin-d bv strcM
r-etcntcrn, Mnete. n and th Cala.lu d
vii.arte. Tim niter is n. -v.u, en. -e ...
i ue which skirts Ihe wn, through ill" innsi
.beautiful resldcntl.il teeiinn. The ijmi l
nlv till) feel fiem the water and m.y b"
Ken from all ships approaching or lralng
He hnrber. Fer sntn" iiii.iiciuniahl" rea
nm. however, the pruleet has net I !"..
curled ihi'ei.li le rumpletlen. .ind te date
th monument lus no' been pa. d in r - j
sillen. I
About Geerge Mathew Adams
Tn the Prfifer of Hie Erenlne PnHlc l.'ter.
Sir M'ellld M)U be kind ene.i.i. '. V i'
In Miur People's Peruni a -Kef 'i of mr in
Mathew Adam, the writer
i.,1.,,i..iDi,a !'ecmb.'r 2S Vli.'l '
I Id aunpn.n. le.enie.r u-
can ..illy gue spa.-c te ptinnne ..
brief sketr'i of thin write-. He was li,.-n
''' ballne. Midi. Mir.ust 23 islv He s
'ducated at the Ottawa U'uvnsi'. Kansas
where he gradual. l In IStll. He v.n mar
rleil le Harriet lsab.il llreese en lure a,
1""''- ' b"-an ," "' -1,',va""- V"' ln
blcage. affr wliirii (." t-rurn; an a.i
irtUement wilier fe- several ttt-ms He
president of the Adams Newspaper
The People's- Forum will apneiir dally
In the Liming Pulillr l.rdgrr. nml lt
In the -unds I'uhl.c l.wlrrr. tellers
ilUciiaslna tlmrly tciilrs will be prlntrd
na well n reuueslrd iMiems, nnd ours.
Heiik of general Inlrrrst will be uiMviereil.
Frem the nest le your
of twelve
Strictly fresh
Sold only in our Stores
Oar 5leri will it epin JhiM 0hiit 10
sPM al (fflyd.
I - ...... '' wMSl
r?rs 1:,.
? 31
DECEMBER 31, 1931
of Brotherly Leve"?
X "Stranger" Gives Experience
Tell, Kdifr 0 IhC Kvtnlnt Public t.ulatu
Slr-Altheuah I havs ersvleuly written
nil BTIirin ill lnnr rniuillll rmi'iiitsj i
U'Splt-illty of I'hllsdelphlsns In eneral
wish te aaln aniwiS' some of our contrib
New that Is A. very unfriend!', ni.rrov ni.rrev
lnlm!?d -way of inswurln In which "Mrs.
W. I, V." unkindly -ays that the writers
must In from em (lepher, I'rulrle. I
think that Is tf typical spirit uf I'hlladel
rhlnrs. Why must people form friend
ships In youth. And then never nsaln form
any LecAiii f.f ihat conllllen? It would
be a viry sad world If every one had such
seinsh view, and I think our friend, or.
I might any. our .remy, "Airs. W. 1., V..
rr.ny sem day ceme te f"l what eh new
seems te knew nethlnir nbeiit. I myself
eeine from nmilher city, by no menns pr'i
vlnrlal. but yet th inhahltants still make
a show of courtesy even If n Is le (..
stranger within their mld?f.
It Is net nlway r.ecssary te asei-la'r
with people, but erie can 1-e polite een IT
they de net Intend te make an ncnualiit
anie nr Intlmnte of another human blnt.
It costs very little te be kind, but thn
I'hllad'.phlans de net reetn In recard II In.
that ilsrlil . Thy nnd It easier te be rudi.
nnd unpleasant. It Is positively trui- tnni
... -..r.. -.."'"-"..."""" I
ine jiepie nre as ir.e various niinnii-iB v p
resiuents er a snort perw.i nnie oeecno-nH
them. lam net prejudiced. J
I like I'hltadelnhla n city vry
na It Ins such wonderfully bread sireef.i
.a 1. ... -I... ..., 1....1 ...1.1..), ,..inii
appeals 10 me. nnd I n'y ftErtt that thei
natives are re illfferent fiem their city
Th stieea are t'elljiiitful In shop In, nnd
all In nil, I like It ier.v much, mere than
' ii ., . t - .1 . 1 'rhli '
pterh- fill down uiidr- the neul tel. The
nri iiafirnllv snobbish and inclined le be
c.Uiuy n.,-1 elannlh where there Is no ec- I
inslen e te se.
One thin; I must sa- and that Is ti
priiN" th liberality nf the Kskv.mi rtnt.ni
l.flxlKn In milill!ilv thrt varlml i.rtlnlee
lrrerectie of the opinions rpresiiu
whether detrlmentnl or prmseverthy I'
only tn citizens of this burn were hs lib-.
oral, hew lovely llfe mlahl ullil" by whll'i
In t.lls t'ty of Cti'iretiierlv Iive.
rrep usaln. te nunte AI' W. I.. Itacen
"T!i stinnccr In lh ilij dean t fit 111
well. ' Win? Isi't that an unelinrl'nldn
remark fee en IntslllTetit seman le inul.e
I sheu'd !il; te knew? I cannot i-s an -
swering sucli uinttnieii!, f ibcidedlv thlnV
It mere than "catty' te jay It. She hnill
loiter stay in her oily, with winch sl- !.)
emir'iv .niicni. t'.f- she may he made ti. 1(IR(. u. be-niiw he lind te than lit'
feel as the ether writer .Uete, nbue 1 ., f.n,M. i,0 ,,.11i,,,l (0.
MrietVetiCr'inieak.n,,,,,,. . " -". X. "S der,',
remark, but m-rely Hint I have, m.s-lf
In made te fel si) bitterly alone Hint Ufa.
lest all Its glow. .Mrs. Ilncnn. this cltv n- I rates this tuiinth. The Lew Davis nnd.t.M'. tip Till: iUii:sT M IOeT 1111s 1111s
net Ilk" uher rltles. I wish te tuKe ljsu..( j.;, Wernlek Stamp Licking I'e. Av- tmlcal sne: In lnnmlnnin Is the Ot.t
wiin ou 011 unit point. .Nowh-re In if- '
made .i. feel se small nnd unnecsary and
unwanted. I am willing te aiand hack of
mv nsteitlr.n. Thai la all I inre te say
fir tb. a time, but If the ndiler w'll bear
With me, I should llit te exprej, m.issir
npernlc. ThanHUir; :-ou for your previous
laiei ' and courtesy. I nm,
n.K nr Tin-: sTrtANenns
1'hllJdelphla. December 'JH. I9L-I .
.r. i... r.. ion- 4. ,,.. . .. '
.strike from WO, te 1111(1, and ha a nre !
!,.. . ... .... . ., ,, .. ------- i
idam. .,ve. Ti .1 h' r,0'" .l !
rin " T,l i. ZJlarr . r"u
m.n,--,-.e JJ. pirr,.. h"eV. .."A1:-
Ills office at present Is s Wt Fortieth
street. New Yerk Cltv
Bad Taste. Especially te Friends
Te the Hditer of Iht Kvmlnu Public Lrilar,-.-
Sir- Will you pleaee t-ll me through
Mur very Instinctive Peeple'c Forum cel
uinra vhelh-r It Is bad form te tvyewrite
n oeoress en tne enve'ei containing
(-",-"'."T " ' u"ua"v " '"
i-clshborheo. of m0 card, te friends, hi.sl
'"s aeee-Kite, and emplejea. nnd the nu.r-
Hen has been brought up us te whelher or
thirty-six out of each 1000 aam'ne.l . ,.
akut'tly six feet In height. I
i. c n
-In the Ilemej.ea.l n
Individual j&igerie Shep
of the Januarv
Remarkable Values Offered an Every Caimeitl
in Our Entire Stecl( of
Exempts Frem Taxation
iddittii further cvenuinica in litest; lite leircal trier
in recent years.
Sec Sundau and
for Full
Tomorrow Afternoon, 3:15
of New Yerk City, Auther and Lecturer
me pinvesiiva man la evel... . snineth
that whleti uplifts and mahes for success
Deers Open 2:30
Vita LaMoneca
l ISO'.! I'Vdfrni t 'enp ere net u'fl. bu
I Mrtuallj- thtf whftl- .Vnllannt Quurd of l'enn-
pflvelila wus called nut.
' j Poems nnd Songs Desired
Gives Twe Stanzas
Te iltr t:ditnrnf th :eefne fi'M'lr l.ttltirr;
Sir fan any en tell me the author of the
"' two sunu. of which r as
..Krem' lfft l(J ,fc) ,)f V?.A no (1,h
This la A step nt progress. 101 the end.
O hear her aaylntt, with n voice nf cheer.
'TIs of life's nature te asiend
J'rem loe te love she pasted sweet lee s.v
And breathed It bere as freelv as the air.
Hit love na tender, love lenis-trlrd enU true,
Hhe knew w-ai waiting- for heT ever thr
V'Wlndelphla. December 23. 1921.
By Lcc Pnpc
i na. rnrK .ive. .w,
Weather. Mitl.
net 1
StinarlN. A lii'b'imn RUeuine I'enteiit
. ' . .- .. mm. '...I 1I..1.. ui... .
n,urt inini- met 1 unsung mi ii.n ,-im-
;jhhph frlltlt ftetxi te see wne ceillil
mnkn theirs InM the lenzrvt without
Sin'J Nuckln- Sid II lut winnlnc Iv
"' Vy"K . J"1'""!'" T ',,,.,, 1 1- ,,
tiinKlnc bis lal 11 hour nml di minnits
but some of the ether felews claiming
n fi.wl en nrreunt of Sills leilyimi) be-
jnij llrK'C'fNll (intl eni-y te Stick slew en J
a,.,.0iint of him net likitiR lickprlsh. '
- 'ml. Hi-Htiy Hetts. n hour and .TJ mln-
. " .,i" .. ,,,,,1 ...i , i',au ..
'" rar.z err.t . M 111 ..r.l. Snili I w. 11
hour nml -'- minnlls. lemmln. I'.d A cr-
nick timekeeper.
It All Depends en Ware
I'eme b Skinny Martin
f tlri'w a pis with my eyes shui.
It had a talc and nil.
Hut m, mother cniildeut npprleintr. Us
Hpt'atiFi' I drew il en thr pnper in the
SisMety. Mr. Alt if Alixaililer sppnt
the week end ill Ills unt and uncles'
hall !.' will ih-k your .'.lamps let'
ml and thru mail the jotters. Special '
Vrrt ir.rtneill .
I.etf nnd round Net sn far.
M -. and Mrs Henry J. Knhtier of
71.11 Sprngue street, enterlnlneil at a
card party en Thursday evening. The
gucM were Air. and Airs. Paul Kltclicn.
.Mr. and .Mr. Alfred P.udd. Air. William
Ktiaucr. Air. and .Mrs Janiei Spencer.
.Alls- (1. II. Kliultz. Mr. William Tourl Teurl
1 son, Airs. S Tourlren and Air Fiank
Alts. iJ. iirla.v. of thestmit Hill
entertained at bridge en Thursday after-
neon, when these present were Airs
i r.,-..,. r nfr.-.r M.. n -nt.r, t.
inn ) .). eiiuui, ..iij.. i, ,vi-uii, ,)i
'harp'i Simpsen. Mrs. .S II Frecd'tir
' ' '. liti. Airs. C. AI. Capiat! a
Airs. V. liackmnti
Airs. .Sedgw'ck Tounsen of 12f. rC.ist
Durliam street, will entertain at a t-atd
parly at her home tills afternoon.
ipTiKi'!Bi:i- in n mi; niinnm iiii-wa
M 'TfllTiinPF
Measured and
Hung In C4 Heurs
is) I
Bir Stock
Bij Facilitits
Alk (or Eltimala t-j
Ralph De Frehn
1- Ui, g...r 113" I rf
id bi 'ii;,:i B!iH,,ir'i:nia bl'i-1K-9
I. 1
Monday Papers
n i,,
- i , te . i
Oi-an Recital at 3 o'CIeck
at the Organ
! Spcc'.n Ner ff'r' Service wVxij
. fmi
CentrAI Y. M. J, A.
H21 Arch St., Philadelphia
Sunday, January 1, 1922, 4 hh
Thn Celebrated
f f t 1 . C", -
tiariea juaitee negre dingers ,
Win aive
Old-Time Southland Spiritual, IlevlvaJ af'1!
Cninp-AI'eetltitt fenaa ,Jft
Shrak-ci-. Walter M. Weed
fieneral Serretrjr V. M. (. A. ;f Vhll
f.tiillfy Inv Icil I tTPjeue tl'ctcetij
Second Presbyterian Church
21st nnd Walnut Slrenl)
Rei. Aleintider M.irt'ell.. II. 11., MlnUtrr
Chrishnas Oratorio St. SacnJ
trlni:. IIan tl'blki. tlrr),,) Mr. .?, n,
Dunne, nt thr Urgnn,
N. Lindiay Nerden will conduct
Iteurs Open ill 1 V. M.
Men Ire at 7ifl I'. M,
, itKl.H,ltMsVnTlt'l J,, fl
thi: sAiIvATfev ahmV " Mr.Meiti,Wia
ai immusi. .ei nv nreau. waiejt
Nit Hcrilre. I0:.t0 IV tl ei t.y TO OflSl'
; irnrr a, Knnlc-i .Miratns. ColenOr VJT
' Hrener will renriue' public we.-jii 411
1 I'mniimndaiit Duckworth, nf Ktiglnnd. new',
-'iaf.' Hi.'"'- ,I.Ad..r. Sun.la. . viu u ,
' iSrrtl.ren
. reniren ,
Uli; TKMPl.i:
Itrnnil and It"rkB sis (1000 NM
XDOO Heats
Deme nf thn Grace rtantlst rinireh.
ncss:i.i. if. reNwr.t.t,. pastor
Wm. Dyr MeCurdy. Asseeiat I'astnr. 'e -.1,
farPn HnnnA. Musical Director.
tVedeilek I:. Starke. tri;anst.
K-ty man and woman in l'hlladrlpbia v)iCi
has net been III the hallt ft aVtehdlnr
church Is urKed te make a vear'n'reis
lutlen in Pe se In 1022. The Tmpl opens
wide Us deire and nretr.,rs nt Mil tline rt
service worthy of the bat thought ana qf
the ufnient helpfillni ss. fc
Mr ''unwell prencbie in-.an A M nod 7!
P. AI. Temple rherni slnsts hmh rrrxlee.
lllbje Scheel. Jere I., fresee, rfupt 2i30
christian Hndeaver, fl:.10 P At ...
Church I'rnjer .Metlng. Vrhlav at F V V.
Watch NlKht rvlces tenlslit. Prayer and
testimonial meetlnir S 10 !i t A P. 171
n te 11. Services In L'-mei Temp's, It
P. M.
ltusjell V. feiiwell' werlil-farmUs le.ctur.
"Verrs if Dlo.nend".'' Salurda'. January
?. r.t s.i." p l Per eet villous phen'i
- -
l.ianierii nay
ilhlenl .niletr '
( Di;.M til' AK'SIt'. II A. AI.
Hit. Af.KXANHKIl IHV1NK will npeale tin.
irrMiiAi. AHPKcTi or uia iaueu
teilenl snots In t'nnie Hanei Is the ijt.l .
ur.it: Kit mv:ktinii iiepsi:. estnbllh.l
In HIS2. nt Merlen. Monigemerv I'll. . Wll Wll
llrei I'ene worshiped ht and main etlltll
oetid (Juikere of ill rl li" Hcrviet
nr.. In lit every I'lrst-d.-tv iSut.dv1 ln,.)rnliiv
ai II o'cteek. Celdlul Imltnllen cMclidcd
i. all. .
Presbyterian ,
AKtll M'. llilltClt. "iMIi nml iVrcb.
le:l." -Di. .Macartney will pt.itVh a Naur '
Venr's eermun. "Heglnnma iti-ir A.uln."
A "pet-iil IniitAtlen ie nil who fiel thl
peed of a N.'W HlMrt
12SJ0 lllble S. hoel and .Men f'inaa. 7
c K 7:ae-Heeltnl R "The It aurrec aurrec
llen." Ihlrd la th.- serl en "The Crf-,
dentlals of f'hrlstlanit. VHi 't I. True." v
Saturilav Dr. 31 Watch N'tghl Gervlc-.
tl f 12 Start jour new jear In tll'
rlgb. w ay with Ged
lip. i ii i.i'nl km PHH,sitTfiT:iA cm itcii.'
Htead and Diamond els.
ltev. WILLIAM L. Slci DltMK'lv Paster.
IO. .1 r. CCftrtY. Asstam
l:.iriA At. -"A New Path
J .in P. M. Sabbath Pel. ..!
7:ir. P M H Ind ANn'e Ituff or Dyn,t
for nthiTP Il'mi. i ; S.
The -ant.va -The Mangir Thiene. ' will
h r p-nted si the e.-pn.ng .ee tmtm
SIK'OMl I'llKsllVTEUIAN (lit lit 11
P.... A LI :x AND Mil JlaiCUI.L 4. D MI.V-
itev alvim n. ecni.r.y. assiktant,
fir Man 'nil will pn ai Ii at 11 and sei-.
oiei s appropriate te ei "hie i-ar. Morn
ing suliect. "Thy Will lt Dene A Pre, -gram
for the ..'.. v lrr,' Fourth In Ih'f
seiie, en the Ixird s rrvr iQveiilna; i
snbjet. "Methuselah the Peril of Mtrtly .,4, M
.Multlpllnc Vesta"
. .ae-.MUfeical sci-vic
firings. Imrp Andi"
Nheplurds Sterv . .. .
Hed Is With L'H" . .
i) Zlen Tfist Urlnr.esi
St Saen.1
ni'klnseli -
i Heren Carel
' Infunt te Uentle
Instrumental numhers
Sunda Pehoel and llllih ("lass at 10 A. M.
isiters w-eireme.
I'reteslnnt Kplsennal
mlmehim. riAir.i. nr Tiin" iiin.v
CO.MMl NinX, 7th nnd Whurlen ats. -S
A. M. end 10.30 A M a ri-clnl and
re-1t-e.M plr-e. wli. r prnve.-s pisy Iki
offered fe- t:-, Ite.tUpjr of Ihe nnd. t e
heart -nd ihe bei.v. l.nllt .ls n erlnat
ing memn-M le the Hi illnw Power of
feus l'n"is.
. t "pltT: iT' s ' f i TTitcTi
Third and Pine sts.
I'.v n.1.-srd M. Jeff.r. y -r p rtecter.
"an A. M Hely rnrrmunloe
11 00 . M Morning perlrc nnd sermon
i.i the rwter The .helr wilt siu.i
T Deurii In C . . .Martin
'"aim en the I.lsi'nhi. liar ' .Parker
0" P. M. lirlef service, short odjrejs
and reelial bv the ehelr.
( ' Itelelce In Ihe Lord .. . .llelllns
' N'arareth" tlouned
I 'e Rib Milne" Ilir.ibten
liefere the Heavens ....Parker
I ' " Hqlv .Night" . .
'thi: Piipncii that's ai.ivk-'
, "Win se tn a dead one? '
I'llir. (llt'Itf It III" ST .IPIIK
i AND T1IK XATirmr
; . W. Cm II lb Rhd Ml. Vernen ate.
I uhv jAmkh pope cpossen itncTert.
n 30 A. At Children's. Clurch.
in an A M - Sermon and Hely Communion,
i 2-30 P. M Church Scheel an.l ntble
! .J.:,!sr M -V'nlns s.rvlca and ssrmeli.
; The rtertnr will prearh.
Yeu will net be greeted with an in Mars
as s en Anger but with a warm w'alcbma
, ns s friend
' t'liltnrlnii
rinRT"rxrfrtiAS' r'uVhcu. iim 'cSmT.
net i Itev KnDF.Ui('l R nrtlFKlN
Minster 11 A. M Mr drlfTm will preach
Sul.ler- "Cnte Him Tl'st Hall, Thi
i uiilvers. I In. of Increasing an.) rlimlnlsh
Ing returns.
Jieere el. Rnd W. ( helten av
fund--' .lannary 1. "Seiic. at 11 A. II
I'.ev. ItOOPTt ft. FOrtHUP Minister
Hul.b'.t "Ihe Immortality ef Oppertu-
i-nmla j Primel In Parish Heuse at il a
M-,;l,l,:. ';'
f nun i.tTt TririS'iiv ififNKsf "weiTii
.Ian I - l.'l'ILDINU OF 'HAK r" R)t "
.Ian a--' PIIA-TU-I, l"u OF I.AKMIC
TltAININU. ' -i.-.i.
.Tan .1- "WHAT TIines.iPlIT 1
. s P T en thn r ir-etiv ilte. ,.
Iler.ni .I lheosephlc.il Heclet-,. 18.3 Wat
nu' J'
1 T h c exquisite Leuella
If IJtittcr, widely acknewl-
I euRctl te be "Ihe finest
g butter in America," is
a sold in the Stores of the
American Stores Ce. nnd
nowhere else.
At all our Stoics
rP;S 2 1
I i. m& ' ,
( K
v a'ii. B7nTiTif li
,..n?Mf. . -
f. ...-.:-'.. 1- V !,;, ,)J- .-v r.' -,,, 1 n-Uiju.,-1
'-..I. ()