' (?75',T,'''" " 'rr'r." (t"fJ ft, I? m : w 1' s .20 w- PARCEL POST Army Officers' Dre33 Shoes Meat comfortable ahe made, Fine mahnsap' calf ak n. Plain ler rublwr heela. Watn Watn Watn proef and jtuaranleei! fiet tu crack. Al .1 100. 3.85 Werth T..K. Parcel U. S. Army lwt, 10c Kttni Weel Underwear Brand-new undemear from the O S Army Ths shirts are pu 1 1 ever sty.a w th Ien slteves, ami drawers te match. Fine e-l ribbed; ths kind that ilesa net lleli. Feels Ilk allk en the body Each garment suur antced SPECIAL! 75c EACH ninl V lnc S Psreel ret. G0WM1 NT Pt surra mm 6UM2M17 SlVmi&.ft THE EAS1WAY Scrubber Mop Clcaner& j Polisher s A t,, Of It U nil nn tha mirk' Jat- iiU rtlnn rihfnlutety or money cfuiuled 4 hit ij.AD- EesUuj Mups. -j riu- Si .271 lut tjpe, imiu . .-t Tw.mpiru llrli mmI. .Mj.'I eni-l ' riilmvttii llriuh nitli Mnl'l cemplrte Ilr' e Hr ' vl'h M." rem'il'i's Frank B. Henry, Distributor 52 S. THIUU ST.. I'HII.A SOMETHING WARM Pure Wer.tci I'nllmcr SWEATERS "lrpepss V NccU M.tlc H.10 1 fiSrlW.WjJ lUe P. P. Mim Tlie hiTP.iters lire kh I.I ;nd icunr'lliteed f sv n ''ir. ll sites 31 te 41. Crown Army& Navy Stere 241 Market Street Be Sure of the Number (ieuulne Orlclnul liristeue ( u,iI-S,iim Pet ice. Fermcrls JS.iiO ji 1180 for a llmltsu time. 1 nave u chaieti from the Ulrare liurnsr i 0 lie .t'lre coal ceal sa1nir dev e. Peicei inisi. 4n,ber. lnc extra. IlrliJ: den.' "till install for L'.lc Will Inata I anivhe-e In PI ila . 30r Yeu knew t'int l1 e Keysiune 'a iusltlsl Kuuruntreri HENRY SEAMAN Care of Girnrd Burner Ce. 2S2 I'AT 4 . t K A i: I UI'.MI I'lipiie I'r'l lpiie'nrten :i(18ll -MILL BARGAINS Our Your Dress liueds A Suitings Cheiip Latest st)le-i tali 10. 1 u 1,1 uu v Velour and Belivia Cleth, Mlxturts und I tseedH, Worsteds. Vrlcu tine Ladles' und Mm a KuiMnas Silks .in, I Satins. I Inlnss Remnants In Spert fonts. null and skirt lencths. CONNOLLY'S tlrest (,etid S. Mill I'n.l limine. 11)30 1".. I.eliU'h At, irnr. Kmer- ld St.). hennlnirteii. I'hllii. Ilelh phones. DOOR CHECKS ' I Ill.ikrN rt'ii IpimI 1,1 iierk nd mik like nru. eiiil Ihein 111 and let us put Ihrin In tlrst tlrst ees riiintirun. Me nn earr a teod Hee of 11 e w 3 11 11 r Clerk., JtlsKPII 0TFICMN .Telephones I IB N- 10th SL. Phlla. . P11., EVENING CLOTHES TO lllltR AM OK VI r. 1'ritl Dress nnd Tuvedn Mill. Cutn:i.s for .Mernluir Mnlillnx. I.-et Meitrls rt tl-'-st lliiillltj SAMUEL COOPER ..J'! 1010 GIRARD AVE. , - H.I I 01.1 iii'i i:us 111 iiti i:i Write cr 1 hoi e for s nn.le nnd nrlres r. SCHMITT. Mfr. i8is.iV ukierd ienue 01.1) (.(Ml) IIDLIillT !.. (illlll I'. 1J .. I'OK 1 MI 7lh -t. I.EtlM, llhRTsi;Mh.s W ,NrR JfpiPwvu Awmsm W-T3Sn,4a mmm He t' 'K, O c Ql 3rrfC aK-fsV l2f flsBT fSPjsfl fi gr,KST.VTi: Ol' 'I Uei svu i.s ANN x. EIMLMIHEI, i.e ters 1. r'anientari utiuti tpn estate or Anna & i s. ntin'y iirreiieni hallux been sianted 10 MI'El.f'IY Till I' COMPANY, ill persona Indebted u ihi s.i'd tatate are nsiuested te nuikr paymui 1. nnd thets havlns clulma ii.'-'.linl th- s.ni te l" sent them without delay it the urflie uf the said company, Nes. .I.'.VJ.'U Chestnut str.ft, l'lillad.lphlu, WILLI MI P OUST Presldein tKiLI)ST (IK MISLAID I'KKTIl It TK . f3" of atnek Ne. 2.'37 of the Kni'-mount 1 Ave. Hulldlnir and Umn Assod.nleo lur the liares In tile forty-second series In 1 1 iinme of Herbert 11. LnuJetislua-r Vpnili-atinn J 1 as ben made fur n new cenllfai-. Return "alrmeunt Ave llulidlnir U'nl l.nini Assei'.a lien. 2tiVY trrduye I'hllii bSSrEMTATK or JAMK.S ri,AUi:N(lY. 'drccnacil Letters teitameiiiiiiy upon th estate, of Jainrs Clnreiie having been grained' te 1-ldellly Trust 1 en.pany. till ier ne nj'btwl tu th" 'iim pslnt" are re aueatPtl te mske tiaynirnt. and these having claims ssstnst the same tu present them. wltiieut lleiiiy, Ul the office uf the said 1 "Hi 'Ul Vul in- ,'- w- .,, p-.-v. - Nu. 32J-3SI L hustnut alrcut, Phllsdel. P-ll) Iihlu, WILLIAM 1. OEST "p. ilritt 3rKJ4T,Tr: OV MABIK IIHKIINS, lE - CVMSitl t-Pltt-rn tei ilticlitiiry upon 1 the rstate of -Mitrle HIlnK hivltu ben iVianKi! t 1'ldellly Trust Company all p r r,.ii -r bed In the said estute are requested IWuil' iff'i'A 'A present iiVnvwT.iieui .Nf". UZrnd-ll L. ItTSlli Mt ---"r - - ' " in itia l ! H4eV.l' UHMt AIIVKKTISEJIKNTS JSgKSTATE OK- AUtKDA C. KUNKEL, dccrjeeil letters testamentary upon the estate of Alniedii C. Kunkrl, declared. avlntr bm granted te Fidelity rrust Cem any, Kx.-cutOrr all persons Indebted te the aid filiate are requested te make payment. ind these hnvlnic claims nnalti.it the samp tu .iresent then without delay, nt th efflpr f the mid company, Nes. 32,1-3111 Chestnut street, Philadelphia WILLIAM T. OE8T. Pit ilant jBt.KSrATlJ 111' AMELIA lUl'E, IF rpiitrd, Letter, plslamenlarv lifen he estate or Am" 111 Hire Having ranted te lr.d.lliv Trust Cnmnanv. II uen i Irrhert I Rice and Finnic Itlir, all persons Inilebt d ir the aild relAt are requested te make paynunt. ard these. hnvlliE plaints acalnst 'he name te present tlipm. without delay, at hi office of the said. Company. Nes. 3.5 f31 Cheatnut street. Philadelphia, WILLIAM 1. liEST- " pa dent.. "jtatk uf rj.i.iA nr.viuivt. wry rrimtl L Iters tratanientnrv en the above eetnte huvltiu been aranled te the nderslKned. nil istseiis Indebted te the aald (Mate, iirp requested ie niak- payment, and hose havini: claims te present the same, without delay, te ... JOSEPH SPATOLA. Heading- Termhial Market. Or lila ntternev, MICHAEL A SPVTOI.A. 'II".' iviiii .ae.ii.np HIiJl . JSFJINTATK Ol I'HANCIS C. WII-frON. "" decpns-dI, t r te nmentarv upon the estate of Prencrs C. Wilsen, d.-ccred nvlnc been --ani'd te Fidelity Trust Company, all person" Indebted te the said etatn nr r quested te make payment and t iep having clntmw against th Fame te present them. v. theut delay nt the nffle of iti suld rmnp.nv. Nes. 32S-3.11 Chestnut r.... Ph..ade:ph.VihuTAM m V t.'nt 'SfNOT nri-TllKItKltV 'OIVKN" TILT - nu i,m irntlen ' ' tniuli te th' lovernor of th' fit -f IVnni"vn!n en n'inrr 9. A l. irn2. by Wlter H. ttixlrsen, 4esnh It. Ilpettr. Theoeerp K. Iteittr and .1 'inpa I Itenttr. under the -t of A"emhl of tbe rorrnienwealth of - nn Ivnnln. entltleil "Ar Act tn prelde i r th- IncortmrnMen and reKU'atten of c r- n n cirjAntlens " atmre-ed April 211 !" 4 , iid the s'lnpli'tents tSppte fur th chartpr f an lite- d ! ror"eratlon te he cared . M'rtltpr v: Hndr-'n. Inc. the eharife- ind I Pvt of w" i'' la te mtnu'aeturp jiceiiard , attrn i irfls 'n'np tl nd punche ' cards of prv sort Td der!ntwin and for thpse , jn c te ln.' ut'l miri'f (ind enley all hp ili-hts Ipnpt1t ard prlvl'p pi of the said i X 'f aenbly nit l' sninltn"i's c r. W'TTKnsnV Sn cl'er I LOST AND FOUND , mi i.cut sin ill brown :.nd wh'te d.i - i en"- Ne iM2 lt.lurn ve r,3 W. Che.ten ' lleirnjd i'i'V. Lest. I. ick f,i fur en train from isbl'fteii te rii.lp . r. t.-hln.' nreul M -t.i rimn It It. at '" P. M . ' ' iiimuirctp 'i'h S. 11. L.ijman S01 W " i s' x '" ti en. Im I.i'lTTTvsTTi: VND r-n VIV Ieat, Tueda . plutttrnn and iws lerBnrttP nnd chain. ?. ltli d aniends, ire ni; from JUth anil ''arkrt te 1'th and Vine Liberal reward If .fjrn.cl te 111 Chestnut st PERSONALS FRFPII PC"Pme,ied In 4 dava ruaran- ii-kikij tr(j b:i -tie-s, vunlty box- s .-Iven l Rpal EstJt" Pwlmird lleautv Rhen. :.:I4 Trust Hldir Hread and Walnut. HELP WANTED FEMALE IIUOKKKEPER ami tvplsi. slate aire. perb-nce and salary des'red. Iljx 70. Der- lrd A'l, A -encv All Tt'p City N. J CLERK for venerHl nrflc work, textile trad, one who und rsiapils cotton yarr. State fu I part 'U are. ur. rpllilen, nf and r in P 1031 Leda-x- Off lie 1. 1 I SUU El'.PLlll Amerlcan-nlan Imicn-f-" nt helPl Aliunde City: -fferpnee nnd xperVnce necessar U n 1031, Derlnnd a fry At'PPtli- Cltv V J .iIuTHKK'8 HELPK'R Werited. expcrlc-icpd mother's tn-lper te assist In taking air. f borne i.lth 3 small children. Address je : fit-- st Tyitpen Pa NCllbEr. Oraduaies, undeirrndu-ites "prac-li-a . at ,ii'e. P 10.1.'. I,-leer uffe s.ti,h!iMulI,N Exceptional 'ppertunltv , rer an viH-rtnd irsji. tapablc ..f taiilm; enure cli.irB se I'nr and iceid rlmr , ... . i -- ".,j -,.-,,., 1 ins era d'li'ln T' 1 1 .'HI Li rice- Ofric 'i iN'J'1HPKI-:r. IntPlilvcni 'If.. Insii'anic ifflie: riny en pal le In I 17 Imni'- r.lnr .Tlv'nfc ip, e ,tMieiic?, r f' nr.l -v eiiiM.e,! ni t.e iWr .fl- TM'tsr "v.. t I n l r' le.J se nidr 1 peii r-r.d and i f be,i.l..vrlue. "Ci-urnt Appl llil rI,IL SERVICE examlrailens. Jan and ' rli. tnafi ncarcles. salsr" 140ii.00. write fur sample t'Sts. i MS I. Ied Off. HELP WANTED MALE A PIIACTICW. SALESMAN IV lNTWRIyl: DKCORATIOV IS WANTKU UY ,VN.MAKEIfS Vut be thernuih'v cempptcnt. able le fur- iiisn with taste nnl Mull iu re"tn or ny bcuse: nrtlitlc ubll n tc.ulrd. hut surcess fu' selllnc epr!ni." In rtm.. fur.Jluie nnd Interior desolations essential. Call fur an Interview appointment. or telephone, for an IJureau of Employment W.VNA.MAKERS UOOKKEKPKR stock Exciiaiu-i house stunt. t.itf ,ttt xi inr: riff retii'tice aiid inr .xi' ( tii a nn 1 fl r-r t irnr tilt It Kl. AVERS IV. . .julil u." thse s.irvli r, of a number of brlcVlaers t 3H rents .1, lien- for ii '1 .iu'i"" ea must be exiier. "" ee P'ei . Apply -ead .' te work III 111 tliiln R. "n.nj i. u Fiepluyriii-nt Di-et. ',1 ; 1 P isi. link n i.HP'KI.AVK"S Waae Si !er hour Hen--1 le tn.l K n s s. 11 irili of Vestiiiorela,iu r nd I.'msi of Rich, Mone si CORRKSI'OS'DEVT Old-established house has ioed eitiltK for euhk ur middle ased 'man, ieuuk iiUerney-.d-Uw with business nsnlrutlnns Mill ast preference. b"nd nd Ketsl referencei required. A 116. Ltfd Off UEnllH Te PELL 1 lie. -apa'ile man impled te iner nrd seli cxri-utli'ee, sulerj .md uimmlssljn. iwuteetej rrlterv rights, ru tuit'nii fir course of in strilpMnn. V 112 I icer flfflpp. LCUiM FIXERS - Umit-d. E. Pl.ltlh.M'ED JACgt'ARfl CARPET tiUM FIXERS. STKA1IY ililllK tSL'ARVNTEED M Ml, LEDGER UFFli'K -MEN M(ii of us "snt Pnht ui'k siteit hours 11 1, hi t 'e thin!' sisiut .ind xoeO p.i tins Is 1 01 iIimi I hid of a ,ob 1' is hard nfiri li.nj Ir.its hum r e.uires ! isi'.. ihlpklnn iu tas jieerdiiut. I li r h.ird'-r and IiIiik. r I b ihn most tilers of ihi. pus. In k for no , v ,itteual g, mus is net r.'iu(re lut a ' sr nn1inar ti ii iien't di , !, niu. t Is- eier 2.'i ami under 4e tnsiess t suillil dlsi.isllli p nnd be ispal.le of heldi ur ih. rrin'Jshle and re spi- t of It's rf eei l.lle. !' fhe rea-ier '. MHsilrne pffir's te t-riiiiethini: that does n t sffiird future jnd I i.s 'turiipe t ir' for h illlS'll J.illtnn h" is Inilted 10 11 it our 111111111.10.11.1 rtlf. . ito.ne 4.1", h-li'll .t ti,'fi,rt in, in .1 1 nit .insuir enl'Sx jii 1,11 reiniiln t inr uu'h px ili.u ailuii Al fur Mr WJJUiims V.i hnii' i -ri. tins: ion- imipii fur hiKb ur nle ire 1 n mn nspninn iiipart-111-nt these v th L.hiiirrtl si nun or t'lil'eae ir.ilnliiK who lia's hud xperleine lninilllni; nin yieferreri r'le st.iMna 'if ei'iipitnr HX'ierlPin e ,ied ,al.iry expe'led. M M'7 l.edser Office THE KERNEL th WHftT ARE VJ CiONNft. OO,TO'M0t40WI WK? V4HV? -J N TvA ..r-r.".. 1 1 - - , 1 1 EVENING PUBLIC HELP WANTED MALE SfKM Mn heldlnir txecutlvc positions In the meter Industry tettav arn usually men who went with their remputilea when they were veuna-; such nil opportunity Is new presented te mature m-Ti, 23 tu SO tears, by Desscmer Motertruck Ce. See Mr, McMillan. 1809 I.OPUt at. OKKICK MAN IirKn nnd erewlnir rnncertt ran place a yeun man In position of ten eral office ksslstnnti Preferenre will be rlen te imp ltli a knewlednf of acceuntltiT tnd cost kfpplni:; must be nulck nnd uc-cur-ite at futures ami wllllnu te start at moderate salary: stat" nu.'. enperlenre and ...... tpeciP(i a 117. lvlger nrrne. OPPOIITONITY Feil SHOE SALKSMA.V Here ta an opportunity for a real llve s)ie man c.Mibp of earnltic from $30IX) te I30O0 Jiarlj. The m.ui we want Is probably erklmr In a nlall s'iec stern new. tut Is loekinit for an opportunity te spread out. The man p pkk will represent ua In Phila delphia. Wr tp us for furthpr ileinlla, ifhlnir aire, ex perience and references: send photograph If pusslb'.e. EDMONDS SHOP? CO. Milwaukee, Wis. SALESMEN UOIlMS mbn wanthd iiy i.p.nn cty-iTit- 1N(J CONcnilN i-ilNTH.MPL TINO llilI.NM AlTi:U CJ'ANTITV TU'SINKSS IN t'TFOIMS Tim RAILWAY. P . I.ICKMBN .SCHOOLS. cei.l,i:OE AND KiNnr.iin tiiir.ANizvTieNt- mi'st havi: ti.Mii.iAit KxpntinNci-; and 1'iii.i.ewivii hr.n; rri.i.Y past I'.XPKIUCNCK AND SALARY D. SHIED WKlTi: H. L . tilO LONHACKE l'LDG.. ". Y. 4A 1 .V-ltr!V The Inst ei4P hh. rien nn. nf ad1ustn-ent in our erganlx itlen: we have I weeded out the drones n.d promeipd the d r-crUnr; te execitlv positions of resiens. blll'y an I consequently luc-itlve remunern. tien, we no-v warn .1 mp.i te mli-. tliu places I f thes ncentii premute.! unlv men pe- essin se i-rnn.nit-nt'". uiiiiHin nnu atnhl , tlen te rise nulckly wl'l h considered be I cause with the expansion of business In sleht for 1U22 we mu-t necessarily flsrure upon early promotion for the successful ap plicant. Apply suite 11U8, Land Title and Trut P.Mg. SALESMEN J.'OH pr month new belna 1 earned by sales ac nts In PentisVvanla I'elllnir Wales Addlmc end lloekkeeii nir Ma chines' w are about ! open a few new ! saer.cles up tha State and v.'!'. I assign s.v ral counties te ttuaranteil territories nnd 'lll pay n ery llb-ral commission te men selected. Ibis Is an ex.elmt opportunity for spec aity salesmen. Writ ur call en W 11. Mr hi rla nd H'3.1 Chestnut t. Phlla. SALVJSMEN te sell electric fixtures en I monthly payments; IS per cent commission, naiuble urakl: strenr cooperation In Lles- Init by exprlcnce eaics manase.- See Mr. ' iCresbx. 140 N. Iltb st , SALESMEN Nationally ktieun in.inufRc- turirs of feed products dut te expansion haie several acuncles In their sales force HtpIlcanlH mutt nuke hiadiiuarters In ter- i rltery asslitned. Reply b inter only, niuln; I ase. past exprlenc ducjuun and lsrj. i p 1n2' l.edter Office. ! SALESMAN W tilled, xp. lumber uhniull te r-pr. si lit U" In I'lillu and surrejndln I territory en nur.'iilsslen bsls. suae expert! nee und itive refcrinc"" In rplv Addir1 Whele'MlT IlQX Nn 141T- Nmfnlk Vrf sAI.ESM N wanted. x.ierleri- d. lu eell rei.iructltiR und bu Idlnif niatriUI trade In ivii. . staple cnnimedllj state pxperlence nnu euniin.",i'- i"i . ".., ,.. mi ,n. SALESMEN A v.eu-kiienr. nationally nd- ertlneil pnonerapn reinpnny uesires in ...rvl.-es of xnerMl men cue-rlencd In beur- ....beuse canvsslni: irm lilhl iiujllfl.il ar. .ssurid of ,1 1 rmi.n.nt P'lsitlen of unuual ii.penu-i i ti m.ik me:.'y. App'y 1'nlumbU pr, inecnvDh Ce. 4i N nib si. be,. mi :i nnd 10 V. M l- 'or ,'ir rurnnajieff 111 rsMKS We ,'nr,t bliih-.-rj.ep te Si-ll Sliares 111 it tuirun ri-.ii uniiii irsil lut Ien; hlKhest oemmlsslnn paid, first-class selllni preposition for ncht msir, this Is emetbln'.- different. exp-rl"ce net rn.ce ,ary Anply 1117 Vldnr H iltf. I S Vt.F.MEN Cr-dll cen.p.-.n need 4 rrn-e 'sni.smnn fur Ph l.i. territory Kpli'iidld'npp for nun villi soles .-P fi.ll fcr 'ijip 1 . M. "i .'"te" ' '' M "' '"" l"'n'v "Idg. IsM.EsMEN Wiinteil 1." ir d A-1 men te sell something tlmt U hleh K-mle and Kill pileed; Plenep ii.ite rcf-'pnres. ubhle un-l all nartli-urara Ir renlvr P 1P.1M, ijidit- 1 'f t'ce. . STKNiKJIlAPHh-R-l VANT YyPNfl I MAN WITH AT LEA XT I V U' J CV- I PERinVCE. RAPID ON 1VCTATION AN'IJ VVpEWKiriNU. ' I.IM1 ... ..V''A'i nvp.ii V"( 1 R ir,:;riT ,vu imnukvi IN INSIDE WUIIK MCST HAVr: 1I1J1H SCHOOL VIH-i AT1UN !; sil) APPKAU- vnci: erp'K at rii. res apt in HANr Vi.inc nrvici: hf.tai'.. Tins is a vinv :.jiu OPPORTCMTV FOR THE ' hiiiiit miv Tin' SALARY Will. .'I -, 'PER WEr.K. THE AUE EXPERIENCE 1 BUI-CVnt.N KEFEIl-SCEa. En. l b34. I.I- 1X3KR OFFICE. I YOL'S'ti MEN. "er 17 desliln ij.nnrnment positions. l'lu tnenthlj. write fur free list r.f reeltl ns iiev ei-n. J l.wini nl (fernier r roe 111! Peri. fAJiin'rir'. 012 t:iuitnble 111-ur . I Wi.shlni.-ten. I "i " .MAN wanted In office of account i,pl. stating age juJ experience. lA'di.-r Orflre. ants. A 11.1 IVtl MIRVICI", ..! Illiltlei .Ien and M inr ji-ce Feb . man:, '.sianpies. sum -lte fur t.imple Irst. 1 1422 Li-den urf SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB llL'SINESS WOMAN desires charge small off Up ei .'erlcal werk: 112. A 114. I. "J Off t- inserjR M'lll.R leuiii- dv. high j.-hoel graduate, with practlial eftk-e expcrl-nc deslics peilll m wlire senlces und ability will be eu.'u Utcd. refertmea A 10'j, l.cdirtr Of tic. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE lltluKUKKPKII and aiceiititsrt , for part-lllll.' Niekkeepl-IB IsSlllS ll'P llH Utl . UU'K, open sod rle.e . 1 '". 'A-d off. CIlAl'FFIICIt As I .in cpIi'K alirudd In detlnltelj I V euld 'Ike te pla ni hauf-1 ' f'-ur 111 ti weed position, an lAcejivnt tnau. 1 027 1 OMl" l.edrrr llfTI'-e 1, i' 1 i'i I sirs "erk anfd. Jeiianess s en fiei llarrise 1 10. lm AGE NTH EXi'TfrilM." '1EnT.s WAMLD vm 1 iintiilii' line of t'jlKi -".if nod i,iiseli"'d nri i-h iMHiderf'i1 , 1 ,. irtui I'i , 1 ,11 ri-ii' 1 pH-hian no 1 .' ' 11 r...j'i r t.1 , uru-i' I'm mad,' ln Hie flrs p r U 1 ite r pro'.esllluli. lilt Ph uir ea I .. j..j- 11.11 1 1. liM-ntHR'TOR-' Wauled. n-u uianUKpr . nuni ind 'l ri prerent.il i "s inr our 1 uile i'il b h I Ms I' -aln .'.IK . IS Kill i 1 I'.h Mft. -e iM . islen cl -ar 'r um I in v iclat, eli 1 'alls f r i'" sober. nil r wrll-. .1.1 Teinlle Ill'la ' .111 Ii- . N J A I. KAMI'S' iinled f Nn l'ni. neli id en ilHln 1 i- -In or f"i w 1 .n 1 i ' 1 s lii"ei is ki 1 lilenl VP I 1 " '-"-'' 1. NO-DI.M Vi-llli:i.D 1, til. Lest Ae. I . 1 .1 t MACHINERY AND TOOLS BI.ECTRIi L XIHTtlRh MSI'lTli: fl"sjl.i PUWI R Kyl'IPMF.NI' liMRMiS MAi'HIVEWV CO H' V 'ih S pl'Ll.hYS haimers. shaftliiK li t.nrf, half price. Muter E'vihamte. .127 V 1.. Phlla. ( VT'S SUMOlVt' 1 ISN'T IT? r m 1 NO,To.M0RlieW 15 3P.TiiectkX LED.aERr-PHILAPELPHIA, FRIDAY,r USED AUT0M0DILE3 1022 AUTO LICENSE SERVICE TAGS 24 HOURS J. p. iroenB 855 N. BROAD ST. BUS 23 paaseneen coeil tires: goei dlll-n; priced for a nulclt sale, MACK INTERNATIONAL 2.1 Df) Chestnut st. Philadelphia. Pn CHANDIJtll coupe. Reed condition; no rca rca reiifilile .ffer refusrd Oarrleld ealll. rt-IPVRni PT " roadster demenstra'r UlUVaVLLl fllri llll0Ut j()0 mn,,! w) ml e sold at lib. disc, .m Walnut st. Cu mile M UODUI-: teurltiir. ll: lit r.'uii ihiiii. u vvtu v9. rsiiiie Addrrits 10U3 S Jith at. Phen Wuedlnnd ;i7iu it. Reller Ball and Babbitt Bearings piMIil'im 3330-43 MAR1CWT QTI IT7 il)50MedeI if: run eiilv 800 OlUli. m. ,crl,ir,. poplar 0213. I). L. P. Muter Ce.. n02 N. Ilread st. ST.VNDAHIi S. (itupllceliy brand new Sedan. sell nt n sacrifice. Paring 3S4 J. , WE finance cars sb'.d by liidtvlilualv te Indl-1 lduils en t rins suitable te putchaser, Th. Walnut 12011, Call 1211 Chestnut. Roem 20. CHEVItOLET stdaih 1H2U; price N25t Just been everlnuled. Phene Media !ns w. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I HOTEL OPPORTUNITY Oneriter of lilnh-class Resort and Commer cial '.let'ls. about te espand en Uialn Hetel plan, eftera opportunity te amhlt.eua yeunf man te connect with enterprise. Splendid ('isnee for one te learn hotel business, oiial eiial 1'ilntr for executive of extenle buslniss. Preapect of handsome returns en Investment secured by Intcrset In business and owner ship hotel property Only iri-ntlcman of boe.1 family nnd personality considered as Pa""'' nnd member of ndvertlscr's fam ly. Stn Stn tlen Investment strenirtli. and qualifications for liiterlcv A. S. STANFORD Hele) MsMen Pr.ll lllier. Mass. i ;'":- A RARE OPPORTUNITY A Philadelphia corperallor. h-iWnjx centrac" that Insure continuous dl.ldends en Its capi tal stock has nn efflc al pos'tien open for the rleht man who can Invest In or place IROO0 of Its stock; salary commensurate with duties requlnd. Address. glUm. reference A 113. Ledrer Office APARTMENT HOUSE Poplar s , $17,300 cash and inerUaae buy; property and furniture, ml r.. 15 baths; ".100 yearly liicem" wl.l consider selllnir geed will and .renting. Phene Columbia 12911. s I; COR sin etui O. kdale sta. I.tnin lieulevard) Twe-sty. med stJre preperty: 4 b r. h.-w. hent. el. lleht; store vac: (reed otpertunltv for milliner or dry Feeds, etc , price JDO00. Apply en premises or te Jehn 11 Kane 3837 N 2ti. T'eta 014H. I.ADIK.S w th capltnl for bus. partnership en famous art neve ties, perfumes, table lv.laltb-s: Ininrm. Klvcn. A 110. Led. OL. BUSINESS PERSONALS "diamonds "bought Suite 2 22 second rloer. ever Clillds' Rest. ' DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH. 717 SANSOM ST. FOR SALE SALE DRY GOODS MILL ENDS & REMNANTS BLANKETS, SPREADS COMFORTS, TOWELS, Etc. UIk Clearance Hale That Will Delight timers Shep Early. tlte rnriii W. H. SMITH & SONS 914 Walnut Street, Phila. eTtcE i'i itsiTi.nr. 1 in.? Ie! 11' lie-' - s til s jib 11 ts l wen.. Al ifl c fin .l.uie. 10 1.M11CS. kin.. , ( se I 11 'd "Cianite, PATTEN rCRNITfRE CO.. 11C1 . iflTii 1 1 '-'7 't(M -VI . RAi.'E f.O'i rw 1 1 bit vl lk s 2 I meuslll, billies ; i'- U.nil II is . l .'Sil - au.i.ne.11 s, ii,nii.e IS' I iPSV. 11 1 bllit. OiH'i r i,n I.-. - of im.-ls. bpiii tre.rn t.iiii id 11 at CtJli'i; D Ittlflll 'llllhnB. ,.l,, ( v.1 . I'j- 1 "", u-.P; wi'-'ii l'' ''"'' ' ''' Fe.n mill "i" or,".'-' ' ?- phone NVuii.i'p iL.i ATFv'UlT'T',r. ic 1 p e; .,.,, .l.,iii:-oelil 1't 4 chimin, fu ' ii.M bl.rr .. I11K u' a,ip ilntiiiim Ainencan wa i-le- le.eur ' a nut l'fii'1,1 T ni'USl st. Irt-re sci s: -roeM hoi", - .... II lOtilllS 1. II . .1-11 TTt7i?DirrDATnRi N'-, fimu,:. r.Lril'J''1'-"w ti-rrns ir ,ie deslri d. llaiulill t, Ce.. nai N. 2d it. FACTORY .-hairs aid steels, new nod us-d I'hair VOxihamrp;!- l; cer, fltli c.id Vine niiei, tutiles Uiusht sold ami replreu L ltlfcr, II2II W. Glrard ac Ph. ens. '.'313 STORAGE AND MOVING ESTABLISHED 1S72 CONTINENTAL j STORAGE WAREHOUSES ! 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING 1 TBI K.PHONK I.OCCbT IWO I LONG DISTANCE MOVING TlIHi B13SI II Jill'. IHBAPKST The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO., Inc. f,7tb ind Market Phene Rnrlna lypp VICTORY STORAGE 320(1 FILHERT Phens IUlment 4670 for estlriutn Plsrcs-Arrew ywps MONARi.II 'rORAilB f'O."7lS70 LA.NCAS TER AVE M'TO sl'RMi'E STORAOE. PALUIN'J l.eMJ-DISTANCF, MOVING. STAMPS HULT - I A'f i Pilll.V .TM1' AND COINS " III V OR SF.t.l. ISTII ST. TIOOMS FOR BEi7'i- I CHEbTNC r ,-T IP.'l t-incie room, fur- 1 Vpil .III r 1! 1 pi I if. W. OIRARD. 14H5 Attract! new' furnished. brlulit suti'i,", larru rejm wl'b kitchen- rl'e hise ether n ems IttiniscuUtelv cieku. tnr.ils .l.'Pd.'f d-e,li"d. iSAVRR'iK ' " '" 1'iia 1 10 or 3 unfur ii .hp'l Miqei.epi c rooms 1 Vl'1 . ' .lull.' - S'n 1 Iv fum rn s . iiel. Ik ard t.i-nis rt.is . n -w, heat e pi', ITIl7N 13'i. HOTEL RCRIC CeniraT' near siat'en and sliepplnt' dlstilct: beautl- fuMv furn rooms, elec. '.spotless, nicul rates I22D. S. I.'ll llc.iltlfUl, new niederr suit., I 2 room. batb. 1 suite, furn. or unfurii , I 1 lili I, tch 1 site also moms furn. 11-jdy Jm -. J Phnur Ixicusl lb13 !i;.ril "' 22IH-Ti.il i.oii'lslery "front nsii is ri,Miiiiunli atlnt w lib klb'hem-tte fur i.lnl fur bulit ',.4Uskn ping, rue'uiiK v'uter lii.ituiii 'I I1I1IU M . CHESTNUT 20011 I iulir sfj'iih're I aisi roenm, eviiesurc lunnini. HOARDING PINE. 41111 -lii'iuilful l.nm'i-r brat'class l.ll le .fmeni.s. Ml.. Hnnle SPRUCE, fain IKiOipi WITH bearTi'. REShONAIiI.F. RVTES. UALNLT 72S.1. I ,.-- -. I -rf ffhz li r - -----. r ZJJfx A ? s'W ii REAL ESTATE POR SALE .WKfT I'IIII.AIH:M'IH A. NEW YEAR RESOLUTION OWN YOUR HOME NEXT YEAR ' COMMENCE TODAY TO PRACTICE THRIFT UET ACflUAINrr.D WITH OUR EABY-PAYWENT PLAN THAT PERMITS YOU 1HJYINCJ ONE OF OUlt Greatly Reduced Hemes ' IN THE HEART OF OVERLOOK Lebanon Ave. ONLY 2 ULOC1C3 WEST Carrying Charges, $57'00 Oliea you possession of an up-te-date stens home with n, larce prlvata sarar en a wlde neuleard, with tenter parklnc Think this eer then v.sll our ceiy and cliterful sample house C335 Lebanon aienue. Open every evening till 0 V, it. JOHN F. McGINTY & SON 6G3S LETIANON AVENUE "L" TO !3D AND MARKET, PASS NORTH ON NO. 41 TO AVE. WALK TWO AND A HALF PQUARES WEST. TAKE APARTMENTS BEAUTIFUL HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS IN THOROreilI.Y MODfIlN APART MENT HOl'SE Jfl.l TO 173 Just finished and never Ivn erx-upUd, ImpeslPK entrance. Ilvlnc room, tiedn-em. InrKe kitchen and hath: all llcht. nlry, nutslds rooms, half of the suites havlns spacious, brick-columned p-jrcliea; hard wood fl era. shower Lath yiper heating, centlnui Us het-wnter srilce; full elec tric equipment, lth ciitiseie nt.d cellimf llchllnir fixtures: numerous base pluus In c-ery room, telephone connect ens.: pri vate rMr st-ilrs te esch klirlien: pri pri vite lockers; ipfrltfprnter drained te cellar. J mlt .r service, .'ts WLKPHONK HIA. PSSrt J I.VCATION 1S21 & 1S23 N. PARK AVE 1414-1416 Spruce Street Richelieu Apartments FOR RENT Raclieler npartments of ens and two rooms with bath. Housekeeping apart ments with lhre.u rooms and batb. Aasnt en prim. sew. THE EN11LKWOOD. 2U S lllh t. (lltli i. Spruce) Med. n-rni. i.pt., twrfvet cend ; fnd L A. Teul.vi". Henliur. HI ! Walnut . 1'1'RNlSItUD ROOMS ltli Mrvlie: reasen- able rat?s. Uelle Claire Annex. 40lh und Parkalde ae. I DESIRAIILE unfurnlshel apts. for rent. . Apply te Hurry 11 ShiuinnKir n pn-nilses. Ph. -Wal 740Q. Lenex Arts . 13th & Bprure. ;i417 VNUORA TEKRACE First fleer, Iwst nnil. Janitor; 170. is. 11. Lima e. 13011 Columbia np HEADtiL'ARTEIl.S Al'AP.T.MLNT Central apartnienla specialty. Sherwood iilin nt Au-enc. l.ir.4 walnut st. TWO rooms and bath, second t'.oer. 1720 Chestnut st. J. IS. Llmeburner 'e., FURNISHED APARTMENTS THE LATHAM N. E. Cor. 17th and Walnut Sts. Exceptionally attractive, well furnished, fl rooms and 2 bathrooms. UAncr unllic abroad EDGAR G. CROSS lilt Walnut Street .. . lilTH ST ITns Uenevai t and : room suites with bath, well strvlcsd, la heurt of tlis business district. - HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS I WE HAVE a great lnuty merl attrac. apert- n nis, huth turntslu-J ami untu ulsiird. 1 i in, a' the pesent tlm- Sheiwuud 1 paiinent Agency. 1H3I Wa nut st. , PINL ST., it!22 Medi" n. 2 r-jn ns, batn and kl uhi'iette, 31.1(1, yearly Ipihp. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 1 1TH AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Ai'.MI I' MI. STS Fl'RNISHED N'I) 1'NI CRSI-iHED 1 OVl AND SHORT TERM LEAST'S HAMILTON COURT 3UTII AND CHESTNUT ST " rooms and bath, with private ha'l. tion tien tion heusekeeping; unfurnished; nearly lease; din ing renin R II TIIATCHKR. Mnnaer THE DELMAR-M0RR1S W Chelten Avnu OERM.VNTOWN in MINUTES TO HROAD T. STATTO.1 llntsl or unfurnished i'lte h-'i''ntig. spts THE SHhRWOiir 3Rth above ('lnntmil. 2 ind 15 room suites, 'villi bill , ii Ise single rni.: Ainerlcaii Plan. lull I; 714H. lUr THE TRACY, .'intli and Chestnut- Te sub le. hotel apartment uf 3 rooms and bath lv the ear- furnished or unfuri.lslied ROYAL APTS.. 120H N. Ilread at. Fur" I i.'.sbed and unfurnished suites; noted for Us fpe table nnd i'Ti'a; iferetii-e rciulrcd TflK I.ITTI.K HOTEL. 22.1 K. Hread st. -oed place le llve while In Philadelphia KEAL ESTATL EOR SALE CITY 1 tilt .-ALE 717 Spruie st S12..-.0U 12V7 "iiriii" st 22 ,iO0 mini walnut st rm.iiiin Hill Wnlnut 1.' liO.neu I 2007 Cheatnut st lio.eim l-is Arch st 80 000 iiVll 11 WRltiHT 211117 .rch st. UNI Y 2it.Vi 330ft CO.H1I N. PHILA. RllllMS -.MllOEllN Pl.UArillNU EDW. M. GRAHAM 32 S IIRO AO SPRUCE 7.142 S.'.HO t'APH RElL'IRKI--Pri'r. mint. II moms, me ni'tl . op-e lUeplHie, electricity inn ks I'm-MHisr nnni .111- ,1. 1 nn si I O' eri ii'iiiurs can woeiiihiiii tin 1 il 1 All).. VI u loeliJim fei I' i. 'i sp"ieii .-ee Tiei'ii s7(1 a home in tin, nuntlrt K'Tiis, 40115 N. 7th si 17. ",e N. 111). F.R SI. I'wii 10ry dnelllnu; law: 'lnc lllt'e bni'ie . nr Park; t3nuu. 1 1'M'LANE, QUI W.ilnut st 1.117 URANSHAClT ST -Cor. property, ex- lebent condition, bargain. Wauel, 3232 Frankterd sis Hartinld 0i37. Jin.'T uRIAN.NA ST. Six rrsinis "nnil'hith, IJisi'i. Jispph I Ilrmaier, 2202 N, 2d t rhnne Kenslni:teii 2N2M W. '.'II.' N. OA3IM. HP - Tirti aiery. 12 rooms; iiiedrrn p'unihlri;, tin-' luiulitlen, K II IIIDDI. 1: 130.1 Columbia ae. 2-'l NASSAU ST Flie rooms, cneap; J80O. H II, lllibll' I30H I'eluinbli me 1 nulldliis- 3xils. l'-nelery illea. Ep. I M'ltJRlES, warehouses, floors, land. J. L. 1 SThVE.VON 4 SON. L.ind Title Hide. spstore? j """ , 'QfV fr Sc-evrl H" '" -.mil --, ,. m"mmmmiMmmKl0Mmmmm ' , W (. DECEMBER 30, 1921 HEAL ESTATti POB SALE wwt run nKM'iUA Between 65th and 66th Sts. C3D STREET CARS OK LEBANON CITY llusn.e.s rrepertlea and Stores ARCH b!im 24: line 4-slnry business build- itjr. elc-trlc I itht: J2I.O00. WESTNEY. 203 Liberty ITIdi. I'nclerles, Wureheuses, .Miiniifsrliirlnr Iloera Factories and Fleer Space J. LEE PATT0N , WEST PHIT.-.UKM'IIIA enisyran IO OUR miENIH AND CLIENTS WE EXTEND SINCERE W1SHEH TOR A Very Merry Christmas , AND A PROSPEROUS 1U22 H. E. SH0RTLIDGE 811 S. BOTH ST. fa wm r-i...,...,,..,....,.,., . ..-. ........ -.-,- r :ijihHif.LJjii.:".uiiriiii;ini.trwHiit;i'i,iin,itFi.!iii:iiij!iiti;hjirii,iii;iituTi1fiiiiiii: M TAYLOR ck SON Real Estate Brokers I 27 and 29 S. 40th St. 3 i BBiirjaH0iW 1400 CASH; price S3I30. possesien at enc: electric llchts, Dutch hall. nialviMiiy-nnil-white Interior, sample house, tlldii l,iiuid st. open dally, 1 tu & P. M or O'Nelll. 3724 Chester ae. 15322 POPIaAR ST. UHW, well bnHt.ced: 7 I roeniH and bith. oiled. Inclesed iierch, stn- ilenarv tubs, eleatrtc and Dutch hall. whUi- I and-mahogany finish. 100-ft let; linmedlHte . nosseuslen. Apply en premises or te J. H. r Kane. :i23, N amii st I' 1 in t:ehj 111411 5031 SANSUM ST. Substantial, well-equip ped "-stv mug. : suit rur uarnKC, repair .: suit f shoe, wet-wash laundry. Lelley VerrcII. I minil Market st. 131)8.. CHESTNUT ST.. cer. Salferd: splendid bus. puss.; prom, cer, en auto highway: close te nuih st. I.eRey Worrel. UOun Market. Ol.NKV Fishers Ave. & Fairhill St. 5300 block nerth: Vj block west of 3th st.; well-built modern hups. "II iiinvenl. ences; Q rooms nnd bath, stemi l-irthi-s; currjliu charu-i-s at-ou. Jlfl: ein iliunat CARL METZ rrt'H.liElt AND OWNER, en preml fi ...IIDI-.'IIN 2-STORY HRICK PORCH FRONT HOMES. J 1300. J3D00. JdOUM AND UP. OLNEY REALTY CO. 1510 N. 5TH hT. WYOMING 32.10 )K TM 40-ROOM HOUSE. 0.107 OLD YORK ROAD; let 7.1X.103; also viilrance from liread St.; besrdlni; house or saiiaturlum. price 31,1,000 I n'f ciisli. Address or apply W. U. UrubD. t.'.'DH N. Pread tl. I-ENNSVLVAMA-SLriUltllAN CLOSE TO GOLF COURSE ! AT LANGH0RNE. $10,000 Four in,; 32-room 1ieu.hp; carace: old shade PETF.RS It SUN.IlOH CHKST.S'UT .Vr..PHll.A iivtvemi MODERN all-stone duelling; Ihlug room, open fireplace, dining loom, briakfasi room, kitchen, pantry. 4 bedrooms, tile Luth. shewer: finished attic1 (12.230. GEO. I.. HARNES, 1201 Ch-slnut. Wil. 40S3. DKF.XEL llll.l. THREE Drexel Hill lets. 2.1x100 each. 00l C. 11. I.EI7I.MA3ER. 202 Llbeili H.dg. Ol.'CNSHiB. OLEVS1DE Scleral KOud 31200 te 3 13.300: send bargains, from for descriptive list best and cheapest Ieta alone thu Read Ins; tunic out and let one of cur representa e or cur representa Open every day ci tins show you around. coot New Year's Dav WM. T. , RORERTS. Glenslrte. Pa. 1 fiUU Sliiuli . 10 rs., ern fireplace, h also 10-rin, seml-det. di lit.: Inrire let: we.' h.-w. lit.; 3K0UO. Ulll. 53UISI up. op. ev. iiay, RENNINGER & RENNIiNGER OLESMIDE. PA.. OPP, STATION. OVErtllROOK HAZEI.HURST .'tl) W. HOlh; 7 roema tiled bat , ttn'H.i. mclnsid torch, all hardwood iloers, cliclrlc: ?S230: rasv terms V. ESINEV. 201' L'berty IrtdB. NEW JK.RSrn simcnnAN dAMItlSN ITHREK-S'l'. 10-r. brlrk home- tins leea.; I al. 34VI0. sell ter 33400 only J400 cash. ii. w. niiinwcr. !,, r mill I'uiis.. owesr. PKNNSVI.VA MA FARM S REAL GENUINE SACRIFICE Oentleman's 00-acre farm near Hlrdsbore, en Stats hlKh'iaj, Slfi.oeo inedrn buniralew fully furn. i,'as nnd het water heat, open fireplaces. 2 stens tenunt houses, 2 r-raxes. 1 35000 barn. 400 fruit trees, coal, canned I goods, sleck, etc.: all ucrlflued for tlS.000 , ana easuy ierin aoueie; enier coins' south, will flnancn. Delker. HI12 (il- nwoed. Cel,12B 90 ACRES NEAR I-KNOHORNK Pell a rich loam fine meadew: 11-room heuse: elevated, commanding locatien: com cem pleta farm bulldln.s; near Lincoln Highway; same ownership for 4 generations early pos. PETERS & SON.6HH CHESTNUT bT .PHILA. I NEW JKRSFV FARMS I UUY NOW, boferu the new bridge-across the Helawar4 sinds the price of land soar sear , Inr; & acres land, 3230, payable Jl ueskly; Keed soil; schools, stores, churrhss and tins 1 1 eiuls: send for Illustrated booklet free, 1 UILI1BRT 4i OCALLA01LN. 703 Walnut lit.. Phlludilphla. He Nearly -ttEAL ESTA'TE POB SALE rBSNim.VASH MHWBIIAN OUR COMPLETE LIST of Attrnctlve Hemes nnd Heme Sites covers nil Beautiful' Suburban Communities in this vicinity nnd West Philadelphia. If you contemplate the purchase or building of a Heme, we will cladly assist according te your individual Stmtltm &B 1206-11 LIBERTY BUILDING, BROAD Se CHESTNUT PRIVATE DRANCH EXCHANGE, LOCUST 7IOO NEW JICUSKY FARMS FARM -1 er- iwe oil- frult- "' nasture. acre timber. stream, 7-room dwelllns. ,barn. S ether bulldliutn: H mlles te rnllnilelphla; near church; stores and school; concrete readi quick. Include 3 cevs, 2 herees. 1R0 chickens. 4 boss. 3 turkeys, fleck eulnaes, 4 wagons, harness, nil ma chinery and small toels: plenty potatoes. Cerk, weed, corn, htiy, feddir for wlntert arsaln for tROOOt part cah: ether farms. WALTER DC CAMP 27 Cooper st.. Woodbury. N. J. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE NEAR Haddnflcld Mcxlvin resldeiice. 34 rina., larirn r,,r,,h. clenr, wll' ezehanas for Phlla or Camden property. P 102.1. Led. Oft HEAL ESTATE SALE OR KENT rilREK-STORY commercial bulldlnss, "d and nrewn, modern, newly built, suitable for any line of business; possession; 400U square feat. JOSEPH 1T.LDMAN 21)0 Lincoln llldr. . COMMERCIAL bulldlmr. central location; 3 floors, 2.1 000 ft. Apply ewner, Simen Well. 1141 N. 2d st. (lsrnrp CENTRALLY located frarace. capacity Ml cars or trucks: 2 steries: toxiei). Apply owner, Blmeti Well, 1141 N. 2d st. REAL ESTATE WANTED I AM In the market for house In some nearby suburb, with 3 or 4 bedrooms, either already completed or te be erected In the sprlnr; something for about 110. 000: In repU'liitr state price nnd full details about house. M 832. Ledger Office. PURCHASERS' v.-altlne list: want 8 te 11 room dwellings; bst. 12th & 20th, north of Olrard nc. ; state particulars, H. II. HAOEN CO.. H112 N. lath. Toplar S333. TWENTY years experlence. our office. Is equlrpcd te buy or sell real estate In all sect, of city: we solicit your burlness. Jas. P. Cot Ce.. IHOf. Real Est. Tr. Rldg. Wal 1601 rnelerlra. Warehouses. Msniifnctiirlng Fleora WANTED bulldliiK adaptable for inanu- faclurlnir ftirnlture. lease or siile: must be located In Phlla. Adurcss A lib. L. O. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CII'V RENT CENTRAL STORE WITH HEAT 4 North 11th Street (50 ft. north of Market St.) Ideal Rcltuil Location Will Alter te Suit Tenant HEYMANN & BR0. WIDENER I1LDO. 215-217 N. 15THST. DOUBLE PROPERTY, with slore front. Sultnble fur automobile bustneuu. RENT J100 I'KIl MONTH ALBERT M. MILLS WEST END TRUST I1LDU. P33 FISHERS AVE. Six rooms, bath. pch pch medern: 310 ptr month, yearly lease' Edward V McPeak. 2024 Frankfnrd ays. Hilslness Prelierllrs nml Stores iiiiri'miiiEiriiiinieiiiiniEimifliiffliwiiiiiiM RENT Chestnut St. Stere FLOOR SPACE 1800 SO. FT. m 8i4 H t-ENTRAL SHOPFINO DISTRICT J APPLY F. J. CURRY. 3 "12 CHVTNI'T ST. 1 -iJKIIrililllilMIUIIIH'!l!ili.BilIillilill1,!W!'Iilllll!l!;i &MJMM Q3. A( C 1 7iL Cl i uiuic j sj. 1 in ou W. II. BALL & SON 438 LAND TITLE lSLDO, SilMiBIM 14d N. 32D ST. Slore and Givellliii:; suit any business. Charles E. Williams. I.nd Tltli cids. IP S. FTiONr Four story, electrle llht, ele. q.ter: tl7B 1VESTT.T. 203 Liberty Bids;, WALNUT STREET: center of cttyi cerntr stere. P 7021. Idrsr Office I'uplerlfs. Woreheiises. Maniifnctiirlnr Floers FLOORS 718 Market Street Wonderful Daylight Spaoe Windows facing North, Seuth and East. Including Passenger and Freight Elevator Service and Steam Heat. HEYMANN & BR0. WIDEMER BLIK1, RENT FIXIOR 1214 ARCH STREET bOOO atiuure feet; will divide Reasonable rtnt Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 15TH & CHESTNUT ST8. Makes a Terrible Blunder KEAl feSTA'JPB FOR SAf;B '- I'KVNHvr.VANiAsiinruiTiV you te make n selection preference. i WW1 1 vr KJBAlj JKHXATiS FOR 3ENT CITY " xerwirirs, 11 Hrriiouses, JIKnilftetnrlnf Ux.. lvifu. tiLUUi). & PLOORS- lrrt?TT Tl Vnienn n. ARTHUR Tl. FRASHR. SI J2TJIST, Ol-TIOKH. IH7BINKSO minxt.4, KTOi i RENT i OFFICE EMPIRE BUILDING Is. F. cf 13th and Wi pui ! HEYMANN & BR0 WHfi TiMc VICTORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut Street Mnde New Frem Cellar te Reef Several Desirable Offers for Rtnt Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. , IfVTH CHESTNUT STS. WmmnamuamnmnmmmmMsm 141 LOCUST ST. BMend'Htyr rear. -suUnble ter HrtUf. Mrttnr,.Tt.1 ....! ni.. W.l.S. -rii-iivi'i null"! HHttl. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 IV A .V 1. .. iaigi;iia SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street Jim 1 jicjai. ii'iuu OFFICE nuiinrrm BERNHEIMER & SUNDHEM 143 9. nROAD OFFICES 1615 SPRUCE ST MriPERATE CHEER pitr. Pheno Walnut TWO LARGE ROOMS. Inr 1. block 'flein U -tOOr, n ..... In 1 block -flem Urend nnd' Walim. : '. ll with splendid ltirht. i.t r.rtr. r,A. 1. ft. ,i iVi'V QV H-LLVMS. 312 Land Title nidg Hldg. HALF of efflci' UrlVatn nupfltlAn HHj .7 "I inir room. PWtfZFSW' SP tt WHITLEY OUTSIDE ROOM, ALL CONVENi.rvrr.' i PIUiVK IAIMHAII3J 4.11.-,. " ,E'SCES;, ' JI'F1 ITj jLiIj Hi ,ah'iv,'liiui i.-.3-. -'.,;?T,(!;,L .9,'Icb Apply 10t West End Trust UMir , A 1-ROl CSNlONAL I'FFlCKH: Will TlMJuTlm,'.' nnd S.-CQII.1 fliKirs genn -hP..tn,!i"('?r't' ' WEST PHII.UIKI.PIIIA 69TH ST. SECTION J tedW. &. in'l'nbreakV.lf!'' kitchen and rerchs I berfr,vn, .T,V .l! early lease. 580 per month. .1? Jf Mek. 'J Jr.. 00th and Market sts.. P. e. Bid--a nhene I.an.dnu.n. 1vi. .. ....'. ui0i . . wu eunquy, iERMANTtMYN isr uniuiA.vfOHN- Thres-sty. tirla house O rnnrnu ul.i ah..... ...,"' "IS ".,: .....i iVrt . ....Vi'il v iiiim DnTh J 1 imiv I'wii-rru. ,,n,f yi.n'j y , ri .7- - MlGAre 53111 CARLISLE ST below SomerMlIc at all Si New ster.c 2-story house, with carat? 1 " wnxed floors whlte enaml. fhewer: 3100 per month. HAMILTON. .tSOU N. nroae tile bs.th mi RODEUT IJ. st. i.OUAN B817 N. 13th: 3 stv.. seml-det., ID mis. and bath dec. h..w. heat. hdwd. "1.1 'arant Chamtiers 4n.ia N'. nrnad. Wye 733 OLNEY W:aUTIFUI. HOME, v... furn.: best M.v tlen. aaraire, i,-iiden; 3125. It. 1'. Seller!. 12UI Chestnut. ' TIOMA 1322 IIUTLER ST. Elm-en rooms, bit, perch. H15. Sllfir, SC00 Oerinanterrn tit. Tli.u-i 7844. NEW .IKHSnV StlIURHtN FOR RENT Desirable, corner dwelling, en hlth river bank Uelnnce, N, .1., evpniltl Andalusia,; lnree let; all convenlencas. Csti tral Trust Ce., Camden, N. J. ' FOR RENT FURNISHED OKRMANTtnVN ATTRALTIVK detached residence. 4 tnl- rooms, s batiia. rintne lurnt, open nn ,-li..A .1 . Sinn rnnnlh II uui.ui.i i'iLucrr.MA.1 r,H07 Oexmantewn avn. rhen Om. IU fl Pennsylvania itrrnmnAV IIAIA DETACHED: 1 acre of rjreundl 7 charaNri, 'J baths: car.: med'n: 3200 per me. ' Cermlck fc McCermlck, Lincoln Bid. Spr. 7(11 MORTGAGES MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON NEW PROPERTIES: COMMISSION ND 0 PER CENT INTKRES1 ROBERT D. HAMILTON BROAD ST AND SOMERVILl.E AVS.. MORTGAGE MONEY Funds fur Drat and serend mertnisu nremp' amwers en deslrabls sppllcstlent M JACOB MARKMANN. INCORPORATSft "' ' Hi a FINANCE RLDO. Arfi Real estats security. Immedlttt 3J) settlemfjiit. Interest In istitM. srvm tnftitvbt Cash at nnel. m8.t$2000 EDW.M. MOLL'' FUNDS OF $100 TO tJOOO nRST SECOND THIRD., AJL80 BLDO. AND LOAN MORTOAaE CAMERON kBmUSroL$Buea, . ' FUNDS FOR FITIST AND SECOND MORTGAGES , ' JAMEtt n. WINCIIELL W. cer, 17th and Hansom sis. M. FttN'D.SI FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT BUILDINH ASSOCIATION MONET -J riEMPSBY . CO.. 27 8. 1HTII BT, . 3800 UP TO any sum! nole en niartnfM, Philadelphia teal estate; ucttlements M. ,,r.v" F. X. DeUny. 32 S. Bread, Hp. 732,. ' FUNDS, mtKs 1st B. T, and 2d Phlla. and Del. C. Lynch 133 8. intn spr my. 1 fliAVF, JSO.OUO for first and serend ew", iaies, city or country. C 010, Ledrer Off; MONEY T0L0AN $300 te $30,000 Te lean en first and, second men"?' bulldlne and lean associations and n 'j? estatesi prompt settlemehta. II. )! HAa"i 1812 North lUth alimt Poplar H33ii AUCTION SALES Unrestricted Auction Sale i Fine Furniture and Rugs At Stere Cor. Ridge Av.&Vine St, Oil Sutllril.iv )li S11tllr1l.1V. Dpi' Mist i" . .. ii.,l. lluu tuu ehblj Heeds jf y ry il 'script ein , 111. Ulnliitt Roem, Llvln H"0;",'. nrrl us Clillfun i. Pressing li'hji jiret ruen IWHUD Villi, I'll BIB. IH..H,. --,.. A",atl ....7'?'fL.l."ncl'S!B..hr,aiurs: tni.ice, vimm i.eMf.m. iw',,"vv;:kii russ iresset, Sioves. Llnelsum, v"'irrTU')?lf Carpets. Little Olant DsUvsry $5'& closed bejy. pnums.tl0 tires. IU Ba,,lT In aoed condition, trial srlrta. . - '' S - -- '- ' I I DESIRABLE oftlcea for rent- newlv ni.i,7v light and nlry. Including 'UchT.!,"." "I'A J Janitor service: price roawiimble. Terinls.i Annex llldg.. 12th und Filbert sis pmu1 uiiinna. adeiv in itnrrif t uu . --- i 74U0. " oeoomaker, fl 1 (I i 1- -1 . , y. Uf'-MA - rafj X .rr'AfaB. I V :t?i ' il y.My.ife'lftyteW!H ..,- ,4s$dg;---- v4ifctjizattJuA