-wwj v yf w I U fTfr;Jl " f ?y ) A: i ii if'L THE letters telhc Editor . . r.piilcB of Nowspapera a ,'Atter ef the Evening rultte Ledger: w,i. of your corresponds fk. fc8l.thl muh '" thp W "vul crimes. rebMrles. etc.. nd '? ae f,wi I Judre that the nw nw 11,llef thi day in simply ' ,IbiM,,m WiuiuiS" h would net !. likely 8 "5 w. nime i tb. ts. but fhs t0 "Miht rebblnx R bank or cemmlttlnB mti,.r of ihit dy bad no account of the "TrEl would consider It f Peer mm "m in!i Veuia t-rebably ault buylns It. JKr fVlhet it l th unusual occur "" ?. are nvsnth. bis play In lh rsr.cu that ' "' V" nl, thrU soed vastly fL"J. Tr itVeVere all bad and prtdomlnaiei. '"J, f ,w evcry any. ,OBllh"a of the newspaper that K irteeM a I ef'thM. infraction.. Ner.. Tl, cma nlV wunl newspapers thai de '. rd crlnicJ, robberies, etc. Th.y Hi r ! l "SiPWri. H Is net th. fMlt e? th Pawra that crime, art com In Id Th.y are limply mirror, that rs- i he dully llf f th. day. se Hut 1 !'t wW w " ep4n t0 crlllel,m far a. their n.ws columns ar. coticrned thVy attempt te slve a- tru. ren.x with ut bles or color. . , If I want te hear ft sermon I se te hurt. " I wmk th. n.wa I buy a new. J.bm If I want te learn semsthln about iny of th. sciences I precure ft work en .hit particular nclance. If ene want, te ml tietMn but religious trncti, I liave no quarrel with him .e Ien as he Brants . the sum rights ns he claims for Min imi te de as h wishes within the law. D, L. T, rlilladelphla. December 2T, 1021. A Practical Gift I I. Editor 0 t he flveisinc .Public Ledger: SirApropes et this holiday r-urle.l I bv t, thnt every ena should new fer.-et Chrlslr.ias and try te get tbelr work .tatted ut . eoen as poeslble In the new year In erdr te bIv. ths unemployed work I think It Is up te employers te see that cx-servlcfl in ceme In for their share of the business ririral. The best sift t. at an employer can buletr la s. Jeb. It effeetu Oie UrRest num. Ur of peren. and It. .tan. thliiB. rellliiK tick te normal. I i.Allae Ihit a Jeb cannot U ertered when It does net xlst. but I knew thnt th holiday iwtsen brlnrs a great lm iua te Industry, anl employers should be mjlck te seUe the rhanc. te "creale a Jeb. Thli M Meu'id economics, for th rf.llef of tinempleyment means the end of bus.nns le rrtilln. and the holiday season Is t..e time nhn mpleer.i can at.rt the movement without sufferlre financial less. r.illndelphls, December 23. 1021. Proposes a Rentcr'e Strike re Ifte i.'dlJer ef tlxn t.vciili-e ruWe Ledger: BlrjuM at present we r getting werl.ed no eOf the continued high uric, of certnln ntceiiltles. but v,by .train t n gnm mid fallow a camel. tVhy don't re wt ci cited and niltute about the high rents? Seme charge! Just Keep cternully at It mill em of them must cenw down or the tax man will give them a. Just cause for lid tent. Kvry one knows that conditions are dlf frnt from n few jeai's ose and thrt rents mtursll had te malm some advance, but 80, 15 and 00 per cent nnd mere .rtvance iitms out of reaeenj while at the eame tlme the kind landlord vrlll tell you he can't tlferd any repairs. Of course, some will say thw bought re cently and have te ralse rents te corre cerre uetid with the cost price, but even these, tt times, are very peer In Ibfurlns. nnd bef many there are who bought leni? be be fef high prices cam. and .t seem te (Ml real content In mind and body te rnhe nnti te the snapping point. Having some atillnss with a few of said landlords, they trs the ery ones I think who hasgle and Wckr about paying any en ele. .len e. IUIce nuge for nny services rendered. I itlll cite, for Instance, en. properly boerht quit, a while age at what was then s price. The property Is listed evrn new os ttt tax duplicate at a very llttle ever 13709. Th. landlord only nsku H3 for en. Mt, Of course, that only means about -s rr cent en tlie tax value and, no doubt, tin peer landlord needs the money. J'reb- blf his auto needs replaelng or the cold wither gives dim chilblains and lie must hie himself te a warmer climate and needs ths money. At any rate, he can't worry Ster your cut In wages or get at all ex cited about brlndns down prices that may cenest ou. II. occupies th. horizon all alone. I nl.h w. could all get really excited about bringing a chnnze In these rent con ditions. Appealing te the landlord's spirit e( fair dealing, charity or Christianity dn't seum e help. The only way out for tlie unfortunates who have tu pay Is a long pull, a strong- pull and a pull alto gether. Come en, fellows, let's de some thing. S. S. r. Philadelphia. Deeember 27, 1021. Opposes Removal of Tonsils Te Die Kdlfer of li Everting Public Ledger: Sit- Is Ic net about tlme thnt ceme steps "(re taknn by the med'cnl profession te put step te the crare for Indleerlmlnnte opera tions for Hit removal of the tonsils? If n l(ter cannot tell what Is th? matter with th (hances, eie that he will recom recem iiend an opeiu'.ln en the tnnslli. I hiiv peken te a few twrieni who have had their temtls removed and they tell me their litnlth Is no better, x And today two cum of pneumonia, dv Wleped nut of thsue both children have eem. te my att.ntlen. I have been told Ihm he pelssn lnfl'tretc Inte th. lunrrs whn the (peratlen Is net properly performed. It T-euld aeem te m. that. Instead of n.clru fir. Lerenz, tlie phyvlclans of tUn country might gi together te step thes operutlens en children, at leatt. V. L. HAOAK, Philadelphia. Deeembar 23, 1021. Doesn't Fear Future e (lis Uliter et fhe IXiening rulllc Ledger: Blr On. of your correspondents, who templalns of th. growing Independent spirit f women, may yet recover. If I were the TlUr l would net become no completely discouraged ever his mlsfortune In being born without a vision and apparently com cem t'et.Iy Incapable of adjusting himself te the laws of eiolutlenary progress, Th. econemlo Independence of women will mark the bTlght.st dawn In the world's his tory, and It Is coming rapidly. Ne man who Is a lever of his race, a respecter of 'Teman, and who Is net completely ossified morally and mentally, can held such views s expressed by this disgruntled contribu tor. or a hundred years It has been preached byth. reactionaries and standpatters that eman would let. her Brace, charm, moth meth rly Instinct, morals and what net If she rs glsn the franchlte. But have these vielenless men ebssrved any such ralsmlty sine, woman has been riven th. same rlaht tfranchls. as that allowed ttie lowest of wwbiew bum and the half-wits who hae "n selling their votes end entrenching goiltieal dishonesty In power from time aunemerlal? t-f ."th me'ber of th. race" has no right esurraln. th quality and quantity of her '"Prtna- X would Ilk te aak then, vlslon vlslen 1"' 'be has? Noturelly they haven't "unt far enough te l.arn that It Is the or quality and Immense number of the i. iM that ar brought into the world that responsible te a grest degre. for the saT .v0V,rty: crtra nd degeneracy with I.U1 wer,a ' becoming constantly mere Willadelphla, December 37. 1021. Why Pick en Russia? e ie Edller e tht Evmlne Public Ledger: Sir .Dr. Crajie, speaking; of Itussle, s that the world will net stand for a WTernmant that Is net baai-d upon th. lvlll J th people, rin.l But hew about ISns isnd. whleh U holding seme 200,000,000 llln ras In subjection against their wilt? Why West en Itnssla,? 8. i,. p nuaaaiuaia, Deceniber 23, 1021, Letters te the Krtlter ulieuld be nn iJ, iLani1 le fie Plnt "3 lieHslbl.'. JveldlnK nuytlilne that would open oenemlnutlouat or eeeturlaii uls- CUSSleil, ? .tVllll,en wl11 be pnM te onuuy enuuy mSif l1- Wentes and addresses LJiS be Mgticd iib an evidence of K ri !th.' !heuBh numea will net tW ,-te(1 & requeet Is made that "ty 09 emitted, te h. p,l'bllcatlen of a letter Is net .V'j".nt.,aH B" Indersement of Ita "ys by thh patier, tS"Jntinlcatens will net be re- tS?nernf8 wminl"d by pet- ., iiiuiiuiDV. jifc nq QlsVVCUe FT PEOPLE'S FORUM Is Ours Really a "City In Pralse of This City fthlSlt?" 0. ""V" f-WU Ledger: rrtaitTS? JfW hl'"Pbla. hew many haw bn ..C02m.ttU.'1. ln '"y "am. I Teu bS J?? ,!'" butt et Jefe 'or many years. v"ar f(.rVtnahMd "nd . and . .if ytY hv kP' ""Wing te your ffi? S? " en,ud11WPulatlen. Te," hive yeurlci(I.ra,a M t0 nt"butlen, from .T?.,nVr anr "al brellierly love Is te be "tie, fMi.i.U ,"e,the Lnlt,a,lv, ether ?W .le.' '0," h0 k.necl Pblladel thll aL. ,or . Personal reason, but enstt.i t0.Jcek ,about vy niuch W. Z nl'ei:tlhr"l,VM nra wapensi. th'i -if k lnt0 thl fnc" et lh Peple of tnls clly and you will find them a hapev sjiU temtnted let. They de i,el grew eM c lies aa Net; Yerk and Chicago. Ferget Dead XV,"Cny J ,lw Surfed Jek. den'? ?.n lh? F'ntl "Wings that vcm ??, m" 8,na Uu,rh Bl hl 'ult te iris.' ers'm k.new. yAu r"'nt by a hiss or chorus of hisses. Teu have Just PlaJdU. '"ulUng pun a. te ap- r.l.e1'.!.'!11" as"-lne rhilsdelphla, whleh rh . i 0W1 resentment even at an Insult .l! nuna "2t0. U ,ace' that a nt de- t 5 lre??-la ' at th. box bfflc. te pay for the Insult that has mad. un ,", reed nature. It 1. tills poed riVt!lt.hent.l,li " t0 ,h nickname SP ?' 'e"1"'' Le-" We lire ft happy, contented peeple and knew our worth and our iidvant.irr., and It I. that which makes us held eursjlves aloof from crltl- Iiik' .. .aP' ..n" '0,n,, lnt0 our """"t with the right idea of becoming acellmatcd nnd accepting us ns v.e are, 1 am sure h Trlll find us perfectly agreeable, compan cempan compan lenib.r, nnd all he has thn right tu ex-p-ct of u. It In the person who come. her. vllh ft chip en his sheulder who Is the one tS1? iULV . JA5S T. I3DWA11MS. Phlladelphln, December 28, 1021. Found Phlladelphlans Obliging Te thr IMter e if Jivtrltg PubHc Ledger: filr -I hnve read centlderabl. cemm4nt nr.d criticism en the coldness nnd unfriend liness of the people of Philadelphia. I will glve my "xperlence. I moved hr six months cte as a stranger. I did net knew Questions Answered A Familiar Saying Te ;-e i'dller of the Everlng Putlle Ledger: Sir Did Napeleon originate the saying 'Ged Is ftluav. en the sM of the heaviest battllens"7 And, if se, what w.i the origin of th. s.vylnc? T. I.. MOUOAX. Camden, K. J Decsr.iber 27, 1021, The .aj-in. Is frequently attributed te No Ne No piileen, bJt It was a common expresilen long bilore his day. Marshal d. la l'crte auetrd It te Anna of Austria when that sovereign rsierled that, though tf. enrny were th strnntrer, "we had Ged and Justice en our I0e." He replied: "Don't bs se sure. I hnve always found Qefl en th eld. of the liealet battalions." H may he found In Mine. Sevlane'ti letters, ard Veltntr., in a letter te M. le Rich, written In 1770, says: "tt Is s-ild that Oed I. alwaj. en the elds of the hsiNlest battalions." A paraphrase occurs In the sixty-seventh chnpter of Gib Gib eons' "Decline and Fall of the Tubman Em- plre"- wty. ter." -"The winds and lh. wavee are al al en th. sld. of tl.'e ablest navlga- May Yeu Live te See It Te tht editor of th Evening PuhUe Ledger: Sir Tills year New Tear's Day comes en the first of the year, as uual, and. of ceuree. th. first of the month nnd alto the first of the week. I understand thnt this does net happen very often. Hew many sears befere It nlll happen again? e. t. r. Philadelphia, December 22, 1021. It will net happen again until 103.1. It will also fall that way In 1030, 1914 and lOiO. Forfeits Citizenship Te the Editor of the Ilventng Pullle h'dger: Sir It a man Is dishonorably dls:harsd or descrts th. army or nav; does he lese hi. United States cltlrenchlp? If a per son Is convicted of a felony does he lese his cltlzenshlp? V. I,. D, Phll.idslphla, December 22, 1921. Sections 1000 nnd 1001, R. s. U. S., pro vide that all persons who desorted the mili tary or naval rervlec are deemed te have voluntarily relinquished and forfelted their rights te citizenship, a. well u. their right te become citizens. Thee, statutes have been held te apply only te these who have been convicted for desertion. Under the laws of meJt States a person who Is con victed of ii felony forfeits his rights of cltl renuhlp nnd, therefore, also his rights te beceme a cltlren. About Wallace Nutting. Te tin Editor of the Evcnirg PuhUe Ledger: Kir Would you kindly give me In vnur Pejplt a Kerum some Information about Wal lace Nutting? WALiTKH T. CAIU'.OLI Philadelphia, Dicember 22, 1021, WilUce Nutting lias been called a photo graphic Interpreter et the New England countryside and of the heuiei of prc-Itove-lutloniry days. Kdrmerly l.e was a minister, and lie bought a 300-acre farm near South Seuth bury. Conn,, which la new his studio, with th. purpes. of regaining his health by farm ing. Ths quaint Colonial house en his farm nnd th. vlllage nearby suggested the pos sibilities of photography, se In abandoned his plan for farming. Ills art Ilea In tlia J I I l-CJLZJ. I J irtjIiTiMl-, I "T I I l I 'VI. Itr j i il j iJ-i J J Elf J I l as J LrX' , nj., I ' , ' ' EVENING PTJBLIO of Brotherly Leve"? a pet son In 'thlslty. I have already made several friends while walking the streets here, alt through a happy "geed morning" or "geed evening," and I Imv always found n ready response I travel slowly and Bometlmes wltli difficulty en account of my rheumatism, sometimes being obliged te step suddenly. On two of th.se ecca slen. I have been offered help by two dif ferent ladlea, one of them offering te ac company me home It I needed h.lp. which sink. well for ths ladles of this clly, I havn Attended three of th. churches here and I have been met with kindness and friendliness In them all, I tike the people here, nnd I believe Jn my heart that this l the best city I have ever Men In, and I nay this; "Ged bless the men and women et Philadelphia." T. E. HUYLEH. Philadelphia, December 28. 1021. Community Clubs Te the Editor of the Evening Publle Ledger: Sir t have read teveral letters In the Teeple'. Forum department from strangers In this city who suggest the forming 6f a strniuterV club. This would be entirely Impossible, for there are se many thou sands et strangers or recent resldents of this city that It would net be pesilbl.' te collect them In one or even a few clubs. The only way t can ice out of the situa tion would be te establish what mlgtit be called community clubs, ln which all these unacquainted In this city and who f.M lonesome could become member, and thore form little aetn et their own among these who would find themselves congenial. Or what might te a better way te help the lonesome and friendless In this big city would be te have Yr M. C. A. and T. W. C. A, orrnntzatlens In every section of the city wtiire such people could assem ble and which they would help te support nnd thus find a relief from being strangers In a big city, I feet ttjat something h6uld be done for this clats, nnd there Is no better wny than Ihreveh the Christian associations, but thee, associations should bs conducted under i different plan from that at present fol lowed, for I de net feel that there 1. the home spirit In th. present association, that should exist in them, but they are rather In clined te let everybody help themselves rather than te make an effort te help them. There should be committees appointed as a Lrert of go-betVi eon In th. Christian asse- chi uens wnese nutlen it would be te intro duce visitors and make them feel perfectly at home. MHS. .1. A. CASH. Philadelphia, December 28, 1031. oreatlen of his subjects. II. ruled his house with old Colenlsl furniture, which he bniitftt from his neighbors. He built a pond, ar ranged his landscape vlste. en his farm and Placed fleck, of sheep en th. hills. His home was mad. the stage .'or his quiet photegraphlo drsma. In old Colonial set tlrgs. If. besan maklns photographs and tlntlrc them by hand. Comparison at Battleships Te f.e TTdlfer of the Evening Public Ledger: fir Hew de-, th. great Jhpaneee bnttle shlp ICnga cempaie with our U. S. fi. Mnry b'nd: e. D. I.. Philadelphia, Deeember 17. 1021. The TCaara Is unofficially reported te have t. length of 700 feet, and will have a main battery of elgtit or ten sljitieh-lneh guns. It is estimated that her turbine enclned will drlve her at twenty-four knots. The U. H. 8. Maryland, which ha'i been under under geing1 trial, carries elaht sixteen-lneh guns In her main battery, ha. n length of 024 feet and a full-lead displacement et 33..VJ0 tens. Her best speed en trial was 22.49 knots. Civil War Veteran's Pension Te the Editor et the Evening PuhUe Ledger: PI- Is a Civil War veteran who servrd narly three years and was honorably dis charged entitled te 172 a month pension, according te the act passed by Cenure3 ln May. 1020? H. A. L. Philadelphia, December 27. 1021, Under the law of Jlay, 1020. a person vl e e.rvcd ninety days or mere ln the Civil War and wan honorably discharged Is on en tilled te a pontlen et ISO per month. The rat. of $72 per month I. provided fcr nny Pel son who served a. above and who Is new or hereafter may become, by reason of ate and physical or mental disability, helplees or blind or se nearly hclpler. or blind n In require the regular personal aid and at ttndanc. et another person. Poems and Songs Desired Wants an Old Peem Te the Edtter et the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Dee. any cue. recall reme little verse, fanillla- fifty jears nge, which besan lilt, this: I s.Id te my wife, "Will you se te New Tork, While the wealhir Is pleasant and fair?" She cld, "It would r.mke me a Creat deil of rerk. Ter you knew I liave nethlnr te wear." ,T. J. I. Plillcdelnhla, December 23. 1021. "The Jelly Welshmen" Te the Editor of the Evening PiiMlc Ledger: Sir Will snm. one tell m. where I can dud this son, wlili h muit be about seventy five years old, that begins like this: There were thre Jely Welshmen, and Jelly men were they. Who all went u-huntlnir upon a rainy day: And they hunted ind they hunted, And the first thing they did find Was a frog In the meadow All tuckered up behind. . IOek-a-dre, One nild It was a frer, The ethe.r said "Nay." nn 1 - rJ $100 te $500 REWARD It is net an uncommon thing for people, for various reasons, te offer pianos, motorcycles, auto mobiles, etc., for a hundred dollars less than actual value. The same is true te even a greater extent in the offerings of real estate by an individual who finds himself in sudden need of money. He may sacrifice his property te make mera en something else. Jit3t' such offerings are te be found day after day in the Classified Advertising columns of the Public Ledger. If you will form the habit of reading these items you may find your efforts very generously REWARDED by money-saving or money-making opportunities which may mean MORE te you than $100 te $500 a geed job, for instance, or a 1 business partnership, or an offer of investment money, etc. Get the habit It will be geed for you. SLEOTE1&-PBXCADEIPHIA, FBitxAX" DECEMBER 30, 1921 On said It was a canary-bird ' Vltli lt featii.rs blown awnyl It. K. t.. Philadelphia, December 20, 1021. There) ire Br.rM versions f Mil old rorer, which Is entitled "The Three Jovial Huntsmen." We de net haV copies et any of thm, Who Wreto It7 Te the Editor of the Evening PuhUe Ledger: Blr Ran any et the readers t.lt in who wrote this title poem? .1 firs; read It about two years nge, The author's name was nut given: cimtsTitAS nvn en msACOK-itiLi. Hew he told me all, men dourhbeyl Chrl.tmsn T3v. en Ifeacen HUH , Wlf si qilulnt el' funry eustem.i; Candles en st window sill. Cheery groups of singers marching Up nnd iewn ze llttle streets, Chanting: carols ln ae derwnya. Ilunr wlf hotly berry west's. Se I make gay In my window Winding garlands out of pine, Lighting many little candles, Like i beacon far te shine, All nleng across ze ocean, Where ze heart of me dees f til. In his home a i, ninn cher Tnnkee Christmas Ee up en ze hill! , (Mrs.) I T. LAKE. Philadelphia, December 25, 1021, Ills. Hele a. Ferenz, New Yerk, asks for the poem that contains lines something like the following; "Lay my heart upon your shoulder, Darling, turn your Xace te the West, Fer It, the hour when the sun turns geld, Tlie hour that mother Ieve-best." i." Treu'e I'ernm will appear dally !n tt9 IiT'nJng Tub e Ledger, and also In tlie Sunday Public Lrdccr. I,e ttrM dlscnss ng timely tonics will be printed, as well its reauestril poems, nnd qnee tlnn. ef general Interest will be nn.wrrrd. N. Y. TRADE BOARD FAVORS COMPULSORY ARBITRATION Bill te Forestall Strikes and Lock outs New In Preparation New Yerh, Dec. R0. (My A. P.) Compulsory arbitration of industrial disputes ns n measure of protection for the public Is provided for in a bill sponsored by the New Yerk Heard of Trnde and Transportation te be sub mitted te the State LeKislnttir. 'L'lie proposed legislation Is Intended te foro fero fore Htull unJuBtlfiable strikes and lockouts, it was said, and by its provlBletiH Jus tices of the Supreme Court and the State Industrial Commiesiener would be empowered te handle kiber disputes. In mere aggravated situations, or ln the event of extreme differences between employers and workers, the bill weul'i ehtnbllHh a court of InduMrlal velntleni. IlenfcRcntntlvcs of organized labor In the State have expressed their oppo sition te it. The bill stipulates that any ten citizens may appeal te the Su preeo Court and obtain an Injunction preventing cither employer or empleye from paralyzing nny industry supply ing a necessity of life through a strike or lockout. "We era drafting the bill," one of its sponsors said, "with the idea of making nn appeal te all parties nnd will cover every character of industrial dis pute involving the Interests of the pub lic. We want te protect the intcresli of all three parties concerned -the pub lic, tlie employer and empleye." 3 "MASSAGE" INDICTMENTS Immorality Charged Against Owners of Certain Chicago Parlors Chicago. Dec. 30. (Ily A. 1'.) Orend Jury indictments of three women, cwners of maxsnse parlors tinted en eviden"c of what State's Attorney Itob Iteb rt K. Crewe terms "gross and increas ing secret Immorality,'' were announced today as the beginning of a determined campilgu te rid Chicace of tcerc3 of such establishments. Ciowe announced that tlie most pre tentious of tlii'Kc ninssaKC parlerp, which features "female attendanta," are In the loop district. "There are hundreds of these places in the city," lie said, "some of them, of course, are legitimate and respecta ble, principally these catering exclu sively te women. Hut T can see noth ing rctpcctnble about a place where girls batlie nnd massage men." SPROULS PLAN RECEPTION Monday Will Be Observed as New Year's Day In State Capitel Ilarrlsburg. Dec. SO. Governer and I Mrs. Spreiil will sive tlieir New Yenr'' I Day reception at llioKxecutive Man- tlen en Meniiny afternoon, 'flic Cur. ' (rner and Mvw, Spveul and a party of friends will nai-n the week-end In Ilar riKburg. and the reception will be in l'nc with the tratlltleiiH or the Gov Gov ereor's afternoon "at home." Mendiw will lie observed ap 'Sexe ! Year's Dnv at the State Canltnl. nnd I i there will be no business transacted be tween irinay evening nnd Tuesday morning. Early next week the various commissions and beards will begin hear ings of cases continued from this month 3ZXJ. - J V ni. j i. uu-UJ. EL). r JI J I J-JJ-. J. J I I. uf SS.iHSSSP.fHl OBI-tilBB SSBBflBSa jju: J I J I L J -J. J I. .LJ. J lZ J-J. I I - I ..I.'- id DREAMLAND ADVENTURES Sanla Claua' SUter Ily DADDY (Jack and Janet go iclth Dame Itf ttlnct tecking a tummcr lird that lines inrlnn jteiins In the idntru , woetf. They find Littte Ourlu-JUad tcne Had expeetea uanta vtaus te hrinp her a bird for Ohrittmaa. Dime Inttinct tells Curlyllcad j'anfe t7 hat given- her lird te a mother Icia tick girl, but that Banla Olaut' titter will find her another bird.) CIIA1TEK IV The Summer ItfrtI "pEEPl 1'ccp!" The sad little sound came from beneath ft big snow drift en which JacS nnd jAntt nnd Dame Instinct were rititndlns: "I'cep! l'ccp! I am se cold! Peep I I'ecp! I am se hungry!" Dame Instinct warned Jack nnd Janet net te make a sounds As they listened the clear whistling of Little Curly-IIeae came from afar. The bird in the diift answered as If mocking. "Oli-ce-oh-ce-eh-cecol" "Here Is the rascal for whom we liave been looking," cried Dame In ttinct. "We must dig him out." Jnck and Jnnct set te digging with n will, making the snow fly in a cloud. They dug until tlicy came te the leaves, but found no bird. "Deeper !" urged Dame Instinct. They dug into the leaves, and nil of n sudden came upon the hiding bird. He was crouched, shlvcrlns and shaking, ln a llttle nest hollowed among Hie leaves. ,, "l'ccp I l'ccp I New I am a goner, chirped tlie bird faintly. "A deg, or a fox, or a wolf is after me!" The bird tried te flutter away, but lie was Iej cold end wenk. Jack picket! him up and held him for Dame Instinct te ica. "Oh. he, se it is you. Cnt I3lrd. cried Dame Inrtinct. "I might have known jeu. by your ineckln-; ways "rccp! L'ccp! I am sorry I disobeyed you, Maine insuncs, wmvercu ui Bird. "I am Vurry I did net go Smit'i with the ether biids when you told me te." "I knew you would be sorry," said Daine Instinct severely. "Why didn't you go?" , , "l'ccp! Peep! The wny te the Seuth Li long, nnd I like the North woedr. I foolishly thought they would be as nice ln the winter time as In summer. ' chirped Cnt Bird. "I told you Old Man inter would rvrriAMSitip NOTirr.s w inter Cruises de Luxe West Indies Panama Seuth America Fares $300.00 up Tt rmfkl', critics lv W ( lr' . "EMPRESS OF BRITAIN" 22.200 tens displacement OH-burnlnc. Frem New Yerk Jan.- 21st and Feb. 21et CjIIIihj at nil the ports of Interest OubarfJamalca. Pannma. enezuein Trinidad, RnrbadOe. Marti nique. St Ttinmns. i'n-iii Rlfe Itahanihs, llermud.i. Appeinlmenta equal finest hotels. Fer rates cf nil (iierrwiffnu nvvhi te local vgmts or Ask the CANADIAN PACIFIC R. C. CLAYTON, City Passencer Asent 010 Cht'itnut M I'lilhiileiiihiu., 1M. Tl Lembard 71 1U e Mssres-i New Yerk Cherbourg Sciillinmpten OLY3IPIO Feb. 18 3lnr. 11 Apr. 1 New Yerk Llierpoel unci (lueenstenn RA1.TIC Jun. II Feb. IK Mur. 13 t KDRIC Inn, SB Feb. 25 Mnr. 2.1 UlLTIU . Fill. I .llur. 1 Ajr. I MEDITERRANEAN VOYAGES Te Mmlelrii. (Ilbrnlt.ir, AUlerv, Muiiiimi. (ieiie, Nnnles, AthriiK, AlcxiiiulrLi, rer Kuvnt nnd the MIe. AKAIIIC (ll.SIt tenM Jan, 21 Mir. 8 ADRIATIC CM. .14 1 fun) Jun. 7 IVli. 13 I.API.AXH (1SS03 Inn.) .Feb. I l'HILUMXritlA IJVK.nrOOL 31CLTONIAN Inn. 10 LUYLANO LINIl I'lIILAItKLPlIIA-MAXmiRSTKH .UELTONLVN Jim. ie Re Star tern Call nt Ilnllfnx, reinmrnrluc Jau. 7 lllll net mil nt Hullfux. New Yerk, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Antwerp FINLAND Jan. 7 Feb. II Mnr. Ill KKOONLAND . . . Jan. 21 1'rh. 23 Apr. I ZKI'.LANI) Jim. 28 '.Mar. 4 Apr. 50 iriiiii.if j rn. in .Mnr. ::. l..lr.ND . ..Apr. 8 Mlnr. Ill Te Danlc Tl.i Men mid Ilnml.urr SAMLAND . Jun. 10 rillLADLLrHIA-AXTM Kill' lli'h.-liin . . , Jun, 6 .Murklimu- . . J.ui, in SUSMbSIITI .... Jan. 20 se Vr.IV YORK HAllIll'RO DANZKI tlONtitll.IA Mnn. 12 IVb. 2.1 IIINNKKAHDA (3d class) . t.Inii. llAVI.Krilltl) IVli, 0 Ht'.ills nt I'bnientli nml ClirrheuraT, rillLADL'I.rillA-IIAMIIL-RM .MiiUnaw ,,. Jim. 10 Mnrjlnnil .Inn. 21 ATLANTIC TltAXnPOKT UNI: PHIIlKLrHIA-I.ONl)l)N Relslnn Jun, 0 .Maryland Jun. Mi.xsirisirn ... . ,u",;n HOLLAND-AMERICA LINIl rilll.AIIKI.I'llH ROrriJUDASI DnilHIinYK ...Ian. II SOIl'DVK Jun. :rt International Mercantile Marine Ce. 120 KTEAMKRS. I.HUO.QOO TONS Pnt.enser OKIce. llltf) Wnliitit .st , PhlW. Krelsht timer, 405-411 lleurwi llldp,, l'lilln. 'CPMRflERCIAn oicHivienir nnca PHILADELPHIA le CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY SS"Eastei-n Tempest," Leading S S "Eastern Ilcllc, Last 'j Jan. Moere and McCormack, Inc. 428 Bourse Bldg., I'liila. Lemb. 0585 .Main 7513 Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow U. S. S. B. S'S "0PEL1KA" EXPECTED TO SAIL JANUARY 14 AT CONrKKKflCK IIA1KS Hprriss, Mngill & Ce., Inc. 25 Lafayette Bid., l'hiladelnhie 425 Lembard fi30-t Muln ?S;e change everything when he came, scolded Dame Instinct. "Yes, but I thought if Junce Snow Bird stayed up North, and .Tudge Owl, and Black Crew, I could stay, tee. I urn hungry. I can't find anything te cat." "Of coutse yen can't," said Dame Instinct. "Yeu cnt Insects and fruit and there nre no Insects nor fruit in the North weeds ln the winter time. Junce Snow Bird cats seeds and such things and knows where te find them even in snowy weather. .Tudge Owl gobbles mice, wlille Black Crew gorges en nnythlng he can find." "WW shall I de?" wailed Cat Bird. "I can't fly te the Seuth new, nnd I am frezing nnd starving In this drift. "H-m-in-m!" said Dame Instinct, winking nt Jack nnd Janet. "If 1 should find you n warm place te stay, with plenty of feed, would you earn jour keep by singing every day 7" "I would sing from morning until night," premised Cnt Bird. "Then come with us, and I will 6ce wiint can be done," said Dame Instinct, again winking nt Jack nnd Jnnct. (Tomorrow will be told Iievp San (a Clans' sister ghes Curtry-IIcail llie bird she wanted.) SEARS-ROEBUCK CO. HEAD PLEDGES FIRM $20,000,000 Buys Real Estate te Tide Business Over Period of Depression Chicago, Dec. 30. Julius Itescnwald, president of Scars-Itecbtick Ac Ce., the big Chicago mall order house, pledged approximately .fL'U.UUU.OuO of his per sonal fortune yesterday te tee the com pany through the period of business depression, nnd rendjuttment. Mr. Beflcnwald purchased certain of the company's Chicago real cstote for SIO.OOO.OOO. making a first payment of ?-i ,(100.000 in cash and Liberty Bendt, and making n trust deed without per sonal liability for the bnlnnce of the purchase price. In addition Mr. ltetcnwnld made a gift te the company of 00,000 shares of its common stock having a par value of $.-,,000,000. It is stipulated that this stock Is net te be sold for less than pur mid thnt Mr. Kesenwald shall have an option for three years te repurchase the stock for cash at par. The purchase of the property pro vides that the company may continue te occupy it under a long-term lease. Beth the lease and the deferred pay ment of $12,000,000 which Mr. Boscn-' wald Is te make, run en n 7 per cent annual interest basis. In effect, this menns that, aside from the payment of Interest en $4,000,000. the company will be enabled te tin1 the property without charge. STKAMSIIIP NOTlf'KH Largest Me.imer te the Tropics Newl&fk te eimiAmenca . US.QevemmentSlu'ps Fastest Time te Iltede Janeiro, Montevideo anil Huenej Aire. Flncit shlpi- American service American feed American comforts. Sall Incs from Tier S. Uobeken. Vnirrlruii Lrslnn . . . ". " Southern Cress Inn. 10 Aeolus . Feb. 2 Huren . Feb. Ii. Eer i. . 'ipl.is loel.'et, addiese Mamcra SteamshieLines 07 Wull bt.. New Yerh t it Plilluilelplilii Olllce, Ilreiel lllilir. Jiii-iu; nil Oi' titers for LINE PHILADELPHIA Direct te GLASGOW S S "1IOX1E"... Sailing Jan. 19 Hudsen Shipping Company, Inc. JLAFAVl'.TTi: IlUILDlNd VlIILAIIKI.PlIIA. PA. Lembard S20I-A Mnln 1 Agent for BALTIMORE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Inc. KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG SS "HICKMAN" (U.S.S.B.) Sailing Dec. 31 SS "DALLAS" (U.S.S.B.) Sailing Jan. 14 HUDSON SHIPPING CO., Inc., Agents LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. I (Milliard Riat-i Muln Atr.n V -Zj- Va represent all Cruises, ana every ereamsmp Line. INFOUMATIOM CIIEERIinXV rUHKlJHCD BARTLETT TOURS CO. jZOOS. 13 th STREBT. PHIU. SBSSBSMIiHSIllHISMBBBasgaBlJI S "SO. Each Cruise evfck. i 27 Days U tji f tumUKH'' teBMaMskstfsal U. S. SHIPPING BOARD iW ' ' ssi a W-M,fy eatfjg ADAMS. On Dee. 2. 10?1. JTtANCna AUAMU. Funersl ssrvleesvn iMday nfter nfter neen, at 2-Jie o'clock, at S214 Oetmsnttiwn nve. AICHELC, Dee, 28, PAUL1NH W wife of Christian Alehele (nee Htalb). tied 70. Itctatlves and frlends, also Ladles' Aid So ciety of Ht. Msrk'n Rvancelicnl Reformed Church, are Invited te attend funeral serv ices. Sat.. lO&O A. M from hir lata reel denes, 2921 N. 3th st. Int. private, at lit. ytirnen Ccm. Remains may be vlswed Frl., from s te 10 1. r, ALLCIUCil. Dec. 28, CAnOf.INK WIN TEH, widow of ViMlam L. Allebaeh. Berv Ices Bat,, 2 P. SI 81144 N. Tercy '. Int. Ncrthwed Ceni, Krlende may call Frl, ovo evo ove iiintr, from S te 10 o'clock. ANOUIANO. ln llosten, Stars., en Dec, 25, 1021, MARY LAWFOItD, wlfe of L'r hsnn Atmlane nnd delimiter of thj latl William ajid Itachel Lanteid, Funeral rorv rerv lees nnd Inferment at Westminster Ceme nt y. Krldiy mernmir. . A.n0,LD;De' "9- J821- J'- JAKK ARNOLD, daunhter of the late Themas and Jane Jacksen, aged SI. Relatives and friends are .invited te attend funeral., Men., 1:30 V SI from her sinter's residence, Mrs. Mary A. Ashton, 1014 Kerner t.. Lawn dale, Phlla. Services tn St. Andrew's In ths. Field. Somerton. Pa,. 2:30 P. M. Int. William Penn Cem. Friends may call Sun. BV? UALDWIN. At his reslderrr. 5213 ICInitsiSslna' nve., en Dec. irs?ssina nve.. en uec. vi. 11121 11121. Wlf. LIAM C, Imabtnil of KUzabeth W, win, nsed 8 years. Relatives find frleniln. .. iiu.hiij ul jiiuturin w. i.'iiri. nlse emhluyrs cf P, It, T are Invited te tbe services, en Friday afternenn, st ' o'clock, at the Oliver It. I)slr llldc, IMn Chestnut at Interment private, Vlswlnj ThuredAV 4veninir. st 1820 C ettnui si. I.'AHI.KR At notion, Mass.. en Tuesday. DfC, 27, 1021, HMZAllRlII RU1I1I. v Id.n of A, Roblnjen Unsler, runer.il servlees en Friday, afternoon, at 2'SO o'clecl:. nt Hi. Jamen' Chureh, 22d und Walnut sts. Int. rrlvat. UAUiiaARTNER. Dee: 20. 11121. ANOIA L., widow of Rebert Usunimartner, formerly of 1250 X. 2Uth st, Relbtlves and rlends and alt societies of which she was a member Invited te funeral cervices, Frl., 1! P. M.. residence of son-in-law, Julius P. Kauf mann. 1028.N. 01st t. Int. private. German Lutheran Csin, Friends ma7 call Thurs. . Ri:ciC Dee. 2S. 1021. MOSnS V.. hus band of the late Marv A. lleclt nnd son ef the lat Ijuls snd Itnchel Rerlc. Funernl Men., ff P, M, resident. Wyemlnc ire, and u. si. ini. .orinueou cem, be vlewed Sun., 8 te 10 P. M Remains may nEHRY. Late of 1842 N. 18th .(.. Dee. 27. HELEN, daunhter of Jehn eml Mipv Herry. Relatives and friends are lnvlte.1 te attend funeral ncrvlces. Sat.. 2 P. 31 precisely, at David If. Schuyler's. Uread and Diamond sts. Int. private, . IStCirNFK D-c 27. 1021. nitllA, be loved dsiiBhier of Thomai and Mej;k1- ltn. fer. In her 20th yc.ir. Relatives and frlende. also Hosiery Knitters' Union, lnvluj te fu neral services, Hat.. 2 P. 31.. late residence. 113 D. flcRa st. Int. Greenmbur.t Ccm. Friends may call Frl. eve. 11L02K On Dec. 29. 1021. DARDARA. widow if Antheny JJloelt, n?ed 74 yearn. Relative i and friends nre Imlted te the serv iced, en Saturday afternoon, nt 2 e clock, at(her residence, tl07 Irvlns st Interminl "HRLTT. At Jlllivllle. K. J Dec. 28. 1021. BlttV KI.IZAIIKTir. wife of Jehn Ilrett. nired 70. Heniceg Sat., 2 P. M , nt the chnrel of Kirk ti Nice. 030l Germantown ttve.. Oermantewn. Int. private. BROWN. Dec. 31. 11)20. MART E. (nee McLoen). , Anniversary mar.3 at St. c'olum c'elum ba's ChuiTh. Mat.. H A. 3t. nUFFUlI. Suddenly. Dec. 20. 1021 at Rryn Mawr. KATHARINE OOUOIt Bt'F FUM. Int. at Providence. R. 1. CAMHURN. Dec. 28. .MIRIAM S.. wife of William Camburn, atred 38. Relatives and friends nre Invited te attend funeral, Sat.. 2 P M., from her late residence, ni)5 Spring Oirden st Ambler. Int. private. Viewing Frl. 7 t 0 P. 31. CON.N-CLLT Dc 28. JOHN' W. litis band at Jary A. Cenrelly. Relitlves and irienur nre invneu m aiicnn runernl. Men. e a. i late Jnhit and Jne Davis. Relatives and frtenuii are Invited te servicer. Trt. 11 A 31.. parlors of Sclie- t. llnnlns-er. Susque hannn. ave. catt of Frent st Irt. private. Eelvue C-m. DOL'KSTAUKlL At wrmincten Del., nn Dec. 27. 11)21. ,. WIM.IA3I I.Kn DOCK- fiTADKR. r.ied. 09 vears. . Funeral service. I II I. will be held at his late residence, una Mar- n fr. at 12 o'clock neon. Interment at Cilur Tint ki tv, i nn iii,i ii, vii eniiiruny, VIC 1, Cemetery. Phlla . nt 3 o'clock. nniiAV ne n tmm a r rrvnxT . irem inn w icriaence. -l!2l fi Hii i Pt 8emn hlTh mtKH of riHiuivn rhiirnh nf Our Lady et Mt. Crtrmcl 0:30 A. M. pre- p,cara-AriLnPff1 cl,rvIC0J ftJ'.c,L.lttl0r?1 UmIv Int. Ildy Crons. P dic. 1B1 S. Pfrrams nvj. riaihtnr. L. J.. PT4vn.. .1- mii sarmw . . , rtn I?r!.. Hun. nil nt 10.30 A. Jf. Int. ftt Wllllanfj. Cray". 'RelatlVM and ffiejuis In- eunt slnal c'm" Phl,a" Pa- n' mrnln. -X vlted te attend funeral, Snt., fi'30 A. M.. SCHOTTER. Suddenly. Dec. 22. MAR-., i.rqm her late residence, IS740 Walten ae. ! OARKT Il. widow of A'jrrust W. Sclietter.' "i solemn reqiiieiri mass imuren or Transflre-1 Relatives and friends nre invltd te attend fi urfll.0,n.i0 Av M' .'.S'1 XSIkS.X?"" c"n- funernl services. Sat.. 1:30 P, Jf.. late te si- ' DA IN Dec. 28. GHORUII W. nn-i .1 ,1AAA 1AJ1 !rle nra. Tin.. Tn, n-lv..-. 9 . late of 1831 ii. l'.'th st. . Relatives and 8:80 A. M.. late rsjldcnce. 7128 Dlcls fl fi lends nr- Invited t ervlces, Snt., 2 P 'ave.. "1st and Klmwoed nve. Hlirh reeiulem . 31. pr.rlern nf Frederick .Mann. Jr.. 1743 i mass at St. Clement's Church. Int. Ilelj'i N. l'.'th st. Int. prijate Remains may be'Cres ,., ,,.,-. ,1 vlewid Frl. after 7 P. It. TAYI)R. -Dec. 27. 1021. WILLIAM. DOl GIIURTl. Formerly of 2Ctn: W. T.e. i husband et the iate Tllla Tayler. Funeral i iKh avi. Dec. 2. DANIL'L C. husband .if i Sat.. 3 P. 31.. late rrsldenje. r,20 W. Dun-Jtnra-et rnd son of Jams nnd Hi idKet 'cannon ave. Int. Northwood Ceni Remalm Di-i'Bherty, naen as. IUIatlies and frlrnrl-, Inlt-J te tuneral. Sat . 7:30 A. 31.. "103 k! Jlunilnu'len st. solemn requiem mass St Ann'n Church 0 A 31. Int. Hely Crcas (Mi .. K3I3IKRICH. Dec. 2T HARRY. )usban3 or uiiza .mmerici iteiaiives ana rrlends, a I societies cf whl-li he was a member, nnd employee ji urnne jirnr,, invuca te fu nt hi. i A,. nirai reries. ., i- r. .u, lestdenre. 2510 N. 23th ft. Int. prlvn'e' a- Ner' i-oel Cem. Remains may be vleved VhZF-'aTRICK. D-c. 28. JOHN J., hue. band of Sar.h l'ltzpatrlrli (r.ee Kenny), Rei. atlve and friends, also De Sote Council, Ne. .'HO. K. of C- Dlectrl-al Aid. D v. Ne ID A O. It.: Court Liberty. F. of A ; SarsCeld Ren : Kevstene Tel. Ren. Eplphar.v B. V. M Sodality 39th Ward ner-. i:en rnm nre ln ll d tn ttend funerul. Sat.. 8:30 A 1:1.1 P 31. an, I . , ir.t. private. woodlands Cem.. West Phlla FIiryVH. On Dee. 2!. T. I- vLnW?3 . J';,. ifT f10- rler of Jlallwuv Cen- n husband of EMudbrt tie and friends, also Or diicters. Mutual llcneflclal An-e and eri- nleyrs KrhuvlKlll Division nf p. R R , nre Ir.vlted te the rervle en T-iesday ifternoen nt 2 o'clock nt his residence, 212 N. .12d it Interim nt e.-lvatc. Friends ma." call 3Iond 3Iend 3Iond evriilnc OARNCR. Snddenl:- In West Nerrlten Township Dec. 27, D.LWOD s. ten of Mllweud T (larnrr. In Ills 2lt veer. ReK Uvea nnd friend", alfe S. of V. R. CanD. Ne. 30. ,irs in' Itel te ntleni funeral, from the roldenee of his mint. Ksjpt read. Jef. rerronvme, s.ii . 2 i; si. Services in w.inlunKtnn Jlemeri.il Caiiel, Valley , Frrce. Pa, 3 P. If. Jnt. adjoining buryin liieiinuf, OETTT Dee. 28. SARAH, widow of Jehn Qetty, In her S8th ear. Relatives I and frl-nds Incited tn funeral acrttces. Sat., '11 A. M ef her .gin rewt.Vnne KRil Cnhh. ' Creele Parlcwny. Int. private. On vlaw Frl.. 7 te U P. 31. OIKSi:. t his hni.ie, 831 Cerln'hlnn n.. . "II Dc. 2" H21 L W. H. O'KSK hu ',1 ir Sl'il M L-leni. lln'jtU,. nn, i iriunen are ;T.iiea ;j me ivrMces. nn tups. 'lay nflernjen, l 2 o'cleoli, nt tin Q',fr ' IT I'alr indir., U20 Che.tnut nt. Internum irlate Frl.-n.ls rn: call nt 120 Chestnut st . Monday, fre'n 7 te 10 o'eiech. OPINN Dec. WILLIAM II ClT-IVV Furirnl, te which rrlRtlvf nnl fr!nls urs i Inv'twl. "it 8 A. 51.. frul'i lil Iri rc.l. ' rii'tii',.. IHla S. 1!J nt. Sn'tmn hum of r tiiilftn C mrrh of the Purred Ilrart 0 30 A. M rrf sly. Int. Cathedral Cem, HAYWOOD. Suddenly. De. 2T. IIAH ItlDT ANN. d.uiehler of the late Henry and Kinlly lUjvned. l'"uner.il Sst.. 2'30 I'. M reldnee. v"3 Prlr.csten av. Int. prHiits Kttnnins may be viewed rri., after 7 P M. 1IOI.Z D.-c US, 1(121. THOMAS, husband of Airneii Ilalr (nee Michael). Ileiiitlvs unil friends nre Invited te nttend funeral. Sut 8:.'10 A. It., from hW Int rcsldenre. 1902 i; Somerset Bt. Solemn hleh rsqiilsm miss Vlaltutlen Church 10 A. M. Int Hely Serulchre Cem HOHTON. I . 2fi. EDWIN OTCOnGr. I Infjnt aen of Hirh.tt nnd Kll2.il cth I leiee Il.-rten. Imnl nnd Interment private. lHONri. Suddenly. 20th ins,t.. J. TILVNIC husband of Careline Irons. llelatlva and friends, nlre membcis Oriental Ledce, Ne i 38.1 1". nnd A, JI.. r.ip.etfuIly Invltsd te1 service, (Ml . Sedswlck st Fri li30 i T M. Int. private KDDWAUD. Dec 20. 1921. r.LL!Ant-TTt J., wlfe of thrt late Themas Kedward, In hrr Slst seir. II. Ikthss end friends, also rspresentntlvrs nnd Il-ard of I.ndy Man Man acera of th HebiKah Heme. I O, O. V,, jn. lted te fun'rnl cric.s, Sat., 2 P. if, nt nip j..ii,,j. j.v, .. jMii n,. tut. ii. 1'eace l em. HKLLFT. De-. 27 J VMHS T., h-isbanfl of Jsvhtne KelUy. rursral. te which rel,. t cs und friends nre lnltcd, Put. SCO A, M,, from late residence, lflne Hhui k '. Solemn inr.sj of requiem et Cliurch of St Menlei 10 A. SI. Int. Hely Cress Cem. K13NNKDV De.' 2H. M UiOAKET M. wits i.f Stephen Kennedy, born In LImerlel. Iielsnd. IlelatUei nnd frlends ure Invited te nttend funeral. Sat . K:30 A. M.. from Flin-Iu-Uw's residence. 3ln U St. Solemn 1 requlm mars I'hu-i h of the Ascension 10 I A M. Int. private I KOCH. Dee. 2 ADA S. mfe of Wil liam II. Kech. Hi l.ill' e nd friends ri" Invited te attend f'ineiul ken lee. Sat 3 I I. M 4a! 11. Oa dalu me., lilemds, l'a. i Int private Krlends mey call Krl eve. Kl'NZlO. Dec 28 1021. WALTDIl O 1 KI'NZKl. axed 80. Relative! and frl. ml. I are Invited te attend funeral services. Bat , I I' M, at his la'e residence. 1251 H. fiOth st Ini private. Sit ernen Cem, Friends innv call Frl. 7 te 10 P. ?! UMiKiiT.nrn Bl IIOUKB' fiKRVICIJ en clenlns or djslnj iisvsttv f Wl IIIUVII (HI IK J. G. PA'ITON DTEIia AND .U.HANDHS 70S B.t7h. Ors.ren Wfle. r.rletul, IVi,. I'liens Urlstel SIS .ii.. iin ira.v.cn. -, -.'. n. urn ftt nnienin ' til nay iiTi'rnun'i, pi J.," u zr"-r L b- "'" w : ill mass of requiem nt Church of the Uplphany ' Chentnut at Interment 3tt. Merlnh, .ill ,10 A.M. Int Hely Cress Ccm. VANDFAHUFT. At Cernwnll. Pa,. Dec. 1 I'll VNCIH. Dec. 2U. nt his residence. .IDA, wlfn of Jehn II. VandeflTlft and '1 ft Rhydljn Uerwjn. Pa.. JA.MKS O. FRAN- ("u'urfhfr of the late Captain Levi and . m ft-fi&i S MVW V" '?Sf.: I & c'n'r'a Pa'"nsT,U. iT,te 1 feJX'W'1 Sitle'n- fcUffiVwv?r I'n1 ! $ S"4 "" B,r'Ctfv t,r!vMN Int COrn,raU ffl 25 ' e J VI PKATHU IN0.--Dee 2. RATHAhlNlS isr et isie jn-.r Sodality, LKu.ef nacred .Heart, enlpldyas ii of Wdnamaker'n store). Invited te vUw t"V mains. Wed. eve., at brother's residence, B940 Cebhs Cresk Parkway Funeral and In. ti terment Frl, mernlne-, St, Paul's Caurah, V Dslavrar City, Dai. LTON'B. Formerly of Oftnntz. Dr. 81. 1021, JOHN, hushnnd et Mary. A. Jil-ens. Relatives and friends are fnrlted te attsm funeral. Sat.. 10 Ai. M.. rssldencn. 26M) fj. 17lh t, neiemn man renuiem man rhffreH nt lilt. tmAv nt Mtretf It A A.. cfnlte h rW'i)"lr"lf m' !--- 17 Hely Sepulchre Cem, ' .f j MARKS. Dee. Z!). 1ZI HAIMJABBT, wife of Albert Marks (nee Hrnes). , Rela tives and friends ere Invited te attend funeral. Sat.. 8:3ff A. M,, from her ltj resinrncr, iiwu f, iiiynieirnnu ni, lAirm nre Reed), Solemn blah mnsS of requiem 'at St, Gabriel's Church 10 A, M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. ' 1 MAfinK. At Moerentown, N. J Dee, 3", 1 SAMl'ICL II. MAOI3K. In, tils 6tl1 yrurl 1 unerai vn,. - r. an, resiaence or jur, -William II. Masee, 42 V. 2d, Moeres1ev.1i, N. J. ,"l McCnnKRY. Huddenlr, Den. 2,, 11)1, Dr. J03KPH MeCIinKRV. IMneral rv- . Ices Frl,, 2 P. M.. residence, 2CO W. Hey' meur at, CJermnntnwri, Int. private.' ' McKLWKK. Dee. 27, 121. flAMlifltt J., JT husband of Ifnmefi 11. McKlwe. FunrAl services Sat., 2 P M.. residence. fl?.iT Iirewn at Int. Arllnarten Cem. t. I ' McORANIOHAN. Dee. 2P, CATJfARINILft wife of the lute Iluich A, McOranlirhKn. l' Relstlvcs and f-1nds e.re Invited te attend funeral, Men.. S:SO A, It., from the resl nenee of hr sen.n-ln.w. Felix It. Myers'. TH14 Montref st. Selimn remlim mass nv? the Church of Our Lady of Vljtery 10 At i M. Int. Cithedral Cem, , McILVAINH. Dec, 2, CKODLTA .A.. " wife of the late William J. Mellvalne (ne Clinten), Relatives nnd friends are invited tn attend funernl, Men,. 8J0 A, M,, from her late rcsldsnce. 41 W. Leiean St., Osr- j, miintewn. 'Helemn requiem mats at St. l'ancl of Awlsl Cliurch 10 At 31. Inf. L, Cathedral Ceil. t r McKKNNA.-Dcc. 28. MART. 31, . Tauxh ? ter of Susan C. and lata Francis Mcltennk, jp at her late residence, C72'l Chestnut m. Solemn mass end Interment at the Church nf the Cenms Christ!. Chamlierabunr, Pa Hat., en arrival of train leaving ilread Bt. V Station at MIS A M. Relatives, and friends. a,v, r-titviwjra w. .,-. .j ,. ..w.n.w. ...b e.ll v --i...:.vi-T.v.i. - --- .; .-.!., . -, - ri., arter u f. .. '). .,.0iiV,r.4.-S"Tr?i!S i?.'...Qi:.""- 'i-.-SI." Ki:iX'3R. I I T.t 11,,.. n w1 4f t.lass (s-i tA I Mk TilrtJktai t , nervlces, flnt.. 2 P. M.. at rfsldence of son, L.'enard Muck fuse, JB04 r, Mlvansnn at. Int. N'ortnweod Ccm. Friends may vail Frl. eve. . MURRAT. Dec. 27. 1P21. IS.AC JT. .. li'URRAY. Relitltcs OJid frlMids Invited til ". - , .,.... Oh ( TT f n In, ...L dnce. .11120 Spruce st. Int. private. Friends,..; may call Frl. eve i !f ItATFini.b. On Dec. 20. 1021. I. P. i RATriflLD. Further n..tlcs of the funeral , will be alven. K RHIIflTeeK. Dec. 2rt. 1021, ritANIf, ly-if leed husland of Anna Rebstecl: (nee Wack. , enhup). in his f!0lh yrnr. Reliilh'es arid f friends, also mcmheri of L. O. 11. M.. .e. .j( S4: F. A. Peth Hen. Society. Louts Hertddll t Ren. Society and llrcwers' Unlor..Ne, o.ere n, invited te attend servlees, Pat.. 1 P. M st-j his late reslder.ee. 2327 N". Tav;renc trli ts Int. Cheltrn Hills Cem. Remains 'mar be viewed Frl.. 5 te 10 P M. ,. . ROP.ERT8 (nee 11AIRD). Suddenly, en' Dec. 28, 1921. JliKNIR B.. widow nt QeeDte-'r A. Roberts. Servlees en Saturday af tirwwn, at 2 o'clee't. r. the Oliver H. DAIr Dldar,, " 1H20 ChMtnut at. Interment private. 2 RAvnrns Due. 28. at the. residence' et t' lir meth-r. 2038 M. American at., KATI1U L. SANDKR." Hired .TJ. P.elntives WiLi friends are Invited te attend runernl evrv Iree. Hnt., 3 P, M.. r. thn parlors of JiHn' S IVerkelhnch. 8730 flermnntewn ave. Jnt, private. Orconuecd (K. cf P.) Cem. Jr SCHIVi:niN. On Dee. 28. 102L NF.T- M TIC PICARD. beloved wife of Isane SehlV- l erln and sister of Mrs L. Leuis. Mrs. A. K. Knhn, 3Irs. Clnlre Pewdermaher, Sirs. Charles R. Dwri. Dr. Henry L. PIcard. Dr. Rebert l'lcare. jjvb ana iiiu v. ui.-i.ir-. iris ui ii (kivsa iukbi mii la M T1isfc Tns Hillside Cem. Friends may call Fr). ve. fc i SLATT13RY. Dec. 23. 1021. KATIIART.V It R.. wife of Michael .1. Slettery (ne MCKar-'c, lard). Relatives and friends nre Invllsd le H attend funersl. Frl.. K:Cn A. 31.. from tier it husband's residence. 830 N. f.3d at. Sel'm'i st requiem mass at the Church of Our Lady of t i - --------. -.-. -" i - a I 3.UJ.'"1 " ,, 'lnu,K?...""r E? OI J -"Uiu-e, u . - -- -.-.- v, . S3IITII Dec. 2fl. ANNIE C. wife of Charles s Smith, daushter of late Lawrerc'j lary Heruman. aaed 20 vears. R.la-V ana friends Invited te funeral, Snt;, "? land 3Iar m,,.. an, mav he viewed Frl.. H toie ! si. TAYLOR. Dec. 27. 1021. SA'3tUlSL 15., belnrM son et aenrue and L'.lllsn Tavlcs., Jfl -1 Relatives nnd frlsndn Invited tu funeral tirr Jt . --H nknn v iTauih. t. Int Greenjiibunt Ccm. ire. rKi., ,i . . . ..-.'. . ... . --.....-- Fi!end mnv call Frl. eve. ,..v''il iraiTciirnAi Went Chester en Feurh .i.J. Twelfth month. 28th Inst.. ENOS K, " THATCHER. In his 77th yenr. Relatives and Che'tnut St. Frlenfl!- Meetlnn Heuse, en Peventh dar. nt 2 o'clock. Ir.termentprlvate. . TITZCK. DecT 20. 1-TtANK CLBMnSS. ,', ren of Clemens. Jr.. and Rdlth Tltwlt (vj riiderltiifner). nK'd 2 months SarvlcVes prl- " Jie Int. W "St Lnurfl Kill Cem.. Set . 8V ti r Vim. On Dee. 2fl 1021. Miss CATH- ., KR1NE I'UIL. aced 100 years, ti-rvicra t - - van" FANT. Dec. 20. 3IAHLON V. VA A BANT, of Treves. Pa.. In his Hum year.,t- Relatives a tend funers it r. C'hur ves Bie iricnua ai" tii.ik', iv -n.- jt funeral Sun., 3 r, ?!.. Somerton I,. ftiurch. Int. William Penn Cem. vt. WATRHS Suddenly. Dtp. .28. JenN.i WATKRB. Sr.. .beloved husbana or uwieriv I Waters. nelnilven nnd friends lnylted te funeral serv'ces. Sat . 3:30 P. M.. late residence. 1.11 W Wlihrrt st, Int. Ureen- iJ, mount, tlendi rra rail Frl. eve. Wllim Dec 27 .THNNtK wife of the late William II. White. Relittlvys and -friends are invited te attend funeral. Gat . a.mi A. t.. residence. 2.124 Almend at. Solemn reiulm mass St Ar.n's Church 10 I a. 31. Int. private WIIITK. Dee 28. 1021. at her Iat real- ty. dence. 153 W. Sharpnack st.. uermontewn. SARAH, widow of Isaae White, Dus nettc of funeral will be elven. WHITNEY. Dec. 28. 1021. LILLIE Mae- ttr ANDREW FRA9KR. wife of William' It. Whitney. Itinera! eervlcee strictly private. f nt SOU lintiaaii nve., uuiunsnwoeu, .J. ' ! Int. Harlelah Cem. YOl'NO Dec, 28. 1321. WILLIAM J.. '"J Imsbinil of ICnlherln Yeans (nie lletj). M i. tiuabtMi or iininsrine inunu inie iieiii. iji I : aaed 4. Serv'ces Sat.. 2 P. M.. at hall ' nd ,of the '.her Hnrmenle 430 E. Cambria at'. V ' Int. Northwood Cem. ' int. .-nurn. .".. .--... ."!! PARCEL POST - -- - SHEEPSKIN MOCCASINS Wern iMtli beets or about the 'iem. . .mmiicu s wtwiBianu wear, J ns nam ral wool en the Inside makes th warmest and most comfertabl foot feot foet yssr you can buy A blesslns for cold !.. ll eiB $ 1.10 erit rniOK fARCKI, POS1'. te BXTHA U. S. Marine Weel Blankets Mrln 111 auks Is. Thsy ar mid r th American woolen Ce. Full sltV. fle'r"?! loYe1 ",r ht,LVT- Peilllwlr SPECIAL $0 Qi! KiCb PHfni. POST, 10e 1J.KTTIA nflHHsB piYppiNire. Psmewpriimt riu6, ATwiMtrwUm A ,, f. vi I. n & i fk .tJ T - iaatua r"l.