" q)Fi& ' ,,-tr -i ( - t"'V"JT-' " s9P$ EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIESDELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 192i 22 f&hvfV "r-mnmmr j, City of Winnipeg Canada 6 Bends Due 19481 Interest and principal payable in New Yerk. Price te yield 5.65 m, ai. Complete circular en request for F-4 Harris, Ferbes & Ge Piaa St., Cor. William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Wldcncr Btdg. Telephone Spruce 7040 Conservative Leng-Term Investments which still af ford liberal yield. Booklet describing a select list of attractive bends sent en request. Benbnght & Company 437 Cheitnut Street Philadelphia New Yerk Bosten VjaneKircTr' den Canadian Pacific Railway Company ile Coupon C nselidated Debenture Stock The Premier security of this great Company, which operates the largest transportation system in the world. Price yielding about 5.13ye Circular upon rtqucil The National City Company Philadelphia 1421 Chestnut St. Atlantic City Chalfonte Bleck 1225 Boardwalk Central Europe GENTLEMAN, experienced in foreign trade, leaving for Europe February 4th, it prepared te act as buyer and seller and establish connec tions abroad for responsible American concerns. Has own effice in Hamburg. Will also execute any ether mission of trust. All correspondence treated in strict confidence. Address for appointment A 120, LEDGER OFFICE BccLl Brna. & Ce. Puhllr Utllmj SrrarUtra tnrk Exrlnrmt ffluUiine, Iblte. Tennessee Rwy., Lt. & Pr. Common 6c Preferred United Gas &c Elec. Cerp. 2d & 1st Pfd. l'liuuc.l .Uiiuat uiiu-l-x-s-i rrlvale ri.une. te .S- w yerk It llo.ten gy McGLINN & CO. 5R Members N. Y. Stock Exchange Widener Btdg., Philadelphia Gcetfia Rwy & Power S's 1954 Phil. Sub. Gis & 1., LnkeDi Steel Amcricsn lea. R. E.. WANTED Experienced Correspondent for Nturk Mini llnnil Hnuir. (ieml alary te right party. Only these statlnr, cenrlileiitlally, experience, salary and references will be con sidered. 1 O. Ilex 1481, l'hlla. Walter J. Schmidt & Ce. Investments New Yerk .'. Philadelphia AUTOMOBILE i INSURANCE UHERTr MtrreAt. SAME AIMLESS DRIFIMMET Seiling for Cesh te Establish Lesses Was an Outstand ing Feature New Yerk, Dec. 30 About the only difference In the operations of today's stock market from these of the Immedi ate preceding Missions was fhe exten sive selllnB for cash, ruttrcsentlnc be lated wiles te establish leswcs for income tax purposes. This form of liquidation was without serious effect upon prices, nlthench tha inaieritv of tlte operations were made from Y te 9 under the quotations of the regular unnsactiens. The general list showed little in the way of trend, and most of the repre sentative issues of both the Industrial and rail divisions dragged blugglshly I within narrow limits. It-'wns, hew 'ever, very strongly an Industrial mar ket. The Scars-Heebuek Incident twpplled I about the only bit of excitement: of the i day. The artlen of the president of the company in taking ever tee Chi 'cage real estate at its apprnised value of SIO.000,000, and maklns a donation of r0.(U)0 shares of its common stock te the company under the prevision it should net be told nt less than par. I only naturally came in for widespread ! dh.cust.len In market circles. The ac tion relieves the company free a con I dltien of financial stringency In which 1 t had apparently been, nnd arrerdine ti official statements, makes tire assets ' mere than equal te the i ubClth's. 1 eluding tlie item of capital Mtnck. The nagmitiltneu-t nnd uiu.'xnecU.I action of the company's executive caught a . geed-sized short interest clearly nap ' ilng. There wa a hasty rural te cover I en the part of the mere nervous shorts ' in the early trading, runnlnjf the com , meu up mere than 2 points and the preferred mere than 0. i Anether movement which name In ler enidcrablc attention because It was ', believed te have an impertdnt beerlng upon the Immediate future of the cop 1 per Industry was the 2-i'eint ad 1 vance in Mentnna Power. This was I made en the announcement tlhnt several I of the copper mining cempnjiies In the I Mentana district would rcsnme opera epera opera tlens next month, which, it is under steed, included the Anaceliun tuning Company. It v. Ill be, of cot rsc, n geed many months before any eC the copper ' thtf mined will reach the red metal ! market. The fact, however, that the I managers of the larger producing com- panics were ready te resume operations was accepted as proof that the outlook for 11)2" for the copper industry wai much better than it had Ikvii this year. International Paper nnd Woolworth verc nmeng the firmest of the special ties. Interest among tl- rails and equipments was confined te Lacka wnnna. Atchison and Anmfflcan Ivoce- imcage Detroit tive. Several of the less prominent nugar -ti'dsx also came in for attention, but Mie uw:al active leaders drifted aimlessly within narrow limits. Curiously, cash transactions in beruu of the active stocks .verc larger than these male in the reg ular way. Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET i Chlcase, Dec. P.O. M heat started c te -c lower for Ii.v and c te i,e off f"r July. Trade was moderate. with -.elllns through cormlien house I iiid brokers cean?ctcl vdith leading cH- I vat or nnd shipping interests. On the (break the inatket ran into resting r- ' lers te buv. The c.(h mnrisct was ! firm, with a better demand fiem mills. Ne exiurt business tow n pi ted yes- iierday. . , Cern started He lwer for Decern, ler and e te .c off for Ma. Trade ! vart moderate, with rn-tinff orders tak i ng the offering" en th break. , Oats started c leiver for December and unchanged te He lower for .May. j -.clllng was led by lennls. COTTON MARKET 1 New Yerk, Dee. a. The undertone tef the cotton market this morning was firm and prii e advanced 10 te .11 points at the opening, ituewei ij ''"" upturns, doed cabflcs, with reports of a big Mnnchc-tcr liuslness, and New Oleans, Wall Streec and Liverpool buy ing and local covering caueu uic earij llurrv. Coramifsleii heup were the chief" sellers. Tim market later was fairly active and uLeut 0 points above opening levels en active positions. Itecfipia ai mr jjeru, iui wm "j -v tlmatcd at 20,00f) bales, against 24,- 31,082 balei a i ill- iiHirM it itiia n' i ear age and 47303 bales two years age. Prt'V, Clese Orn 1 P.M. IB. 00 IMS 17 00 January . 2'"t Ifarch 5'ai JK ..v.v.v.:::: I'lS in.wi IS. S3 IS 40 17.01 17.09 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk, I. 30 - Tlie coffee fu- ures market epetied quiet this morning. with prices 1 r"t higher te 1 point j nwer en scattered trades of May nnd September. Tlw irregular Ilrazll fu- I tures market. wh'T- fluctuations are) wide and frequent, hatened te curtail I trad'ng here. There was delivered en contract today 21.5i0 bags, making the total exchange deliveries for the month rtSO.250 bags, r the licavle.st since the i famous Lewiseln bull campaign in j 1002, when exchange deliveries were, ever -100.000 bags. ' At mid-day. bid prices were about -points above iultlul figures, with little or no coffee frr sale and trading very .i ..it U'l.nr fi,w enrlv rest ami frelcht offers were here showed practically an J unchanged market. , January Mnrch tay . July .. October ma. b en Biu ' " h 7;07a sns83 s n.iwsa s si ,..; 8 B4 8 30 " 8.33 8.33051 . FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerii, Dec. 30. Sterling was M,nnffPl nt the eneninz of the foreign I ' u-, mnrtntt ta mnminff. PrailPh u........n- . .,-, - , ., i exchange rearvct mis morning, 5. I960 8'i 1940 6's 1942 . , ' L iinint. lower, marks were oft a were full point, while lire showed n less of 1 points. mere wus a xuriucr nu nu iirwcment of 4 peinU In Swiss ex ex clieiiBs nnd fiuildcra were up 8 points i from the previous close. I The Central European exchanges vw.ni minted today iih follews: Huren- , man, .72; Utilitarian, .7K; Scrbl an, I -" -----Vr; ... ,., ,, .. ri.n. TESTKUDXT3 ri-VAI. QUOTATIO.V3 IlMm&TVl ..... V.107? O.",. m,tta ....... Cables 4.20 B.eitt .sVi se,7i TODAIVS OPEMINQ QUOTATIONS Iterllnit franc. Lire Qullder. Demand 4.10H 8.O0H 4.20H 88.78 Cables 4.20 '.k 8,01 4.27 80.7b German Bank Statement lirrUn. Dae. 80. The statement of the Inv rrlal Hank of Germany as of December 23 ihnws the felewlnr chanzea: Total coin and bullion decrea.ed 1.O20. 000 mark., se.d. decreased l.ttO; Treasury note. Increa.ed in:. 3S3.000- note, of ether banks Increased n"3 OOOi bill dl.ceunted Increased 4WS.4M2, oeoi advancen decrea.ed 20,038,000, Invest ment, lncreaned 18.S89.O00. ether ecurltles decreased 033840.0001 notes In circulation In raieU 4.4!n'.tBa.000l deposit, decr.awd 2. AOO 480.000) ctlier liabilities Increased 201, 88,M0l UtJ aia haldinjtV. 8113,038, tef. 101; Crectso-aievnKian, i.-u .iuke- 2nanoe 'e". "'" '.r Melina te hu- SlttWu, .88; Orfek, 4.23; Polish, - trade mederat' ,1, active ,t X, $ m; Flntrinh. 1.00; Austrian, .04 ; 5 , "o't'e i pound i wji-ht te .h g Hungarian. J0V4. The , Seuth Amer- r.; , bu . isote hMi u.nn ntrhunircA were Argentine. J.i.3.i , --e .',-ati SCRANCK CO. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Dlr. lnf 1:80 V. it, Mat Che. S&!9 Leir SO 10 ft 33ft 49 17 seu 88ft 29 80ft 29 ft 3H 33 Ji 93i lft 20W 43ft 129 58 H 80ft 72 41ft 9H 30 ft SS 108 200 409 890 100 400 1100 300 1400 flOO 2100 800 2000 000 100 100 100 220 300 28 00 300 1300 100 700 100 2000 00 800 1300 I0 800 100 T400 1000 2308 2300 300 200 800 100 1300 100 2100 00 100 100 SOO 500 tee 100 000 200 100 200 8200 230 100 1200 3100 100 100 100 10 1200 200 800 2S0O 800 100 200 100 200 100 1100 200 i-OO 100 300 000 300 200 1400 GOO 200 SOO 180 3100 2.100 1200 100 100 300 390 100 200 1600 1000 400 11700 200 aoe 7400 400 83S0 300 100 300 300 130O 1700 200 . . Adams Express .... . . Advance Ilurnely . . 8 Advance Itumely pf 4 Air Reduction AJax Rubber 4 All cd Chcm & Dye . 0 . 1014 . S3H . 43 10 10ft- 33 ft 49 - 17 7ft 38 ft 30M 8 30 H 34 33 94 146 ft 179 88H B2ft 72ft H ft ft "ft ft IK lft "14 714 4 Allls-Chalmers 38 W .. Am Aprle Chcm 0H .. Am Agrle Chem pf .. S . . Am Beet sugar 30H .. Am Besch Magneto.. 3 . . Am Can 3 7 Am Can pf H IS Am Car & Pdy l!i .. Am Cotten Oil 20H .. Am Cotten Oil pf ... 4SJ4 7 Am Kxpress 129 . . Am Hide & leather pf 9 7 Am Ice 82ft 8 Am Ice pf 72?i Am Internat Cerp ... 41 Ti 1 Am-lA France En .. 9M . . Am L'n.ieed 31 7 Am Linseed pf 5" 6 Am locomotive 109 .. Am Safety Rarer .... M .. Am Ship & Cem .... tt .. Am Smelt 7 Am Smelt pf 87 3 Am Strl Foundries... 3U 7 Am Steel Fdya pf.... ! .. Am sugar Ref V& 7 Am Sugar Ref pf. ... 83 H .. Am Sumatra Teb .... 334 9 Am Tel & Tel 11 18 Am Tobacco 1" 8 Am Tobacco pf new. . 98V4 12 Am Tobacco D 127H 8 Am VTaterwks 6 pf. 17 ft 7 Am Woolen 80 .. Am 2 no Lead & Smlt 1W .. Anaconda Copper .... H .. Assets Realization .. 1ft 4 As.e Dry Goods 48Ta 7 Abse Dry Goods 2d pf 76 8 Atch Tep & Santa Fc. 83 ft C Ateh Tep & S F pf . . . 83J, 7 Atlantic Coast Line .. 84ft .. Atlantic Fruit " 2ft .. Atl Culf & W I S S.. 31ft .. Austin Nlchelaa Oft . . Aute Sales Cerp 4 .. Aute Rales Cerp pf . . 14ft 7 Baldwin Locomotive . 8ft .. Baltimore & Ohie 3J 4 Balt'mere & Ohie pf.. 83ft .. Barnctt Leather 40 3 Bethlehem Steel B.... 7 8 Bethlehem Steel 8 pfl0 .. Beeth Fisheries 8ft 7 Brit Km Steel lBt pf . . 8H .. Brit Em Steel 2d pf . . 23)4 .. Brklyn Rapid Transit 8ft . . Brklyn R T ctfs of dep .. Bruns Term 2 10 Bums Bres 118 .. Bums Bres (B) VT... 32 .. Butte Copper & Zinc. Jl .. Butte & Super'er Cep. 21 Ji .. Cadde Central O & R. UK .. California Petroleum. 48ft 8 California Petrel pf . 84 . . Cal Zinc & Iead .... Ti 10 Canadian Pacific ....12fft .. Carsen H 11 Mining .. 11 7 Case J I lBt pf 70 .. Central Lather 30ft .. Central Leather pf . . . 03 ft 3 Certaln-ted Pred 32ft . . Cerre-dc-Pasco 34 ft 8 Chandler Meters .... 0 4 Chesapeake & Ohie... 5ft .. Chic & E I pf new 34ft .. Chicago & at West.. Cft .. Chi & Gr West pt.... "ft .. Chi Mil & St P 19 .. Chi Mil & St P pf.... 32K 5 Chi & Northwestern.. 03 7 Chi & Northwest pf. .100ft 4 Chicago Pneu Teel... GOft .. rhl Rift Pae 37 7 Chi R I & Pac 7 pf. 84ft 7 Chi St P M & O pf... 82 . . Clev Cln Chi & St L. . .. Ch'le Copper "'ft .. Chlne Copper "ft .. Cluett Peabody 43?4 4 Coca-Cela 3ft .. Colerado Fuel & Iren. 24ft 6 Celum Oas & Elcc .., C'4 .. Celum Graphophene. .. 2H .. Cel Graphophene pf.. 10 .. Cemput Tab Ree . GH'i .. Consolidated Pis Ins.. i 7 Consel dated G;is .... 01 ft .. Consolidated Textiles. 14 .. Continental Can 47 r Cern Products Ref .. S0H lft ft ft "v ft 2ft ft ft i 2 ft ft 41JS M 81 85 - 18 4i- e 48ft 87 84 84ft 4ft 4tt ft 44ft 86ft 31 04ft SSH 83 33 114ft 131 9ft 120ft 17 ft 80 ft "ft 49 ft 1 40ft 76H 92 83ft 84 ft 2ft 30 ft ft 4 14ft 97 ft 38 3ft 40 0 less; ft 8 ft 22 t fi 3 "3ft 31ft 3ft 21Ji Utt 48 84 ft 120 ft 11 70 30 r,2H 32 ft 34 1 4 49ft 3 34 Oft 18 ft 18 ft 3IH 02 ft 100 ft 00 ft 31 Ji 84ft 82 5 15 27ft 4 424 23 ft 05 ft 2ft ; 35 li 91ft 13ft 47 De ft 38 014 87 14ft "'ft ift "h "'s ft ft 83 ft 33ft 114 131ft- 96 ft 126 ft ft 80ft 11ft 49 1 46ft-76ft-92 83ft 84 ft 2ft 31ft 14 ft 88ft 35 83ft -r 40 ft ft "ft 9i ft ft 2ft "j'4 S'S 1 H "ft ft 87 108K- ft-h 8H 23H 0ft - 2 118ft 33 8ft 2ft U H 48ft 84 - 8J4 120 ft -5- 11 - 70 soft-:- C3ft 32 34 ft- 9ft M- 3ft- 0ft 10ft 9 -f 32 - 03 100ft -t-COft 31Ji- sft- 82 85 16ft 27 ft -1-48' -3ft 24 ft C3ft 2ft 10 J- 88ft of; , 13J, -47 - OOJin 37 15 -f eft 15ft 82 107 ft 117 8Sft 87 - 16 ft-20ft- 105 10 ft 15V, 4 7S"4 4- 38 H 78 - 12 Hft-i- 1.80 Cesclen & Ce Crucible Steel Cfift Crucible Steel pf 87 Cuban Am Sujrar 1 Cuban cane Sugar... 8ft Cuhnn Cane Sugar pf . 13ft Davisen Chemical .... 2 Delaware k Hudsen.. 107 ft Del Lack & Western.. 117 P-trelt V"lted Rwy.. IlKft Durham Hosiery pf . . 87 Elk Hern Ceiil l"ft Emersen-Brantlng pf. 20ft Endlcott-Jehnjon pf..l0 Erie 0ft Erie 1st pr 18 100 3700 4200 1S00 00 Sae 300 100 200 700 100 100 100 100 1000 100 "if 209 1000 300 200 4000 298 60.S00 200 80 200 100 200 100 200 100 700 7i 82 107 ft 1103.', 08 ft 87 in ft 20 ft 108 10ft 13 ?4 77 H 38 K 78 12ft "ft Kaineu? Player i, .. ' 4 FecKral Mln &Smlt pf 3S 8 Flslur Bedy of Onte pf 7s . . Fisli Rubber 2H . . Frtepert Texaa Hft . . Oasten Wtns & Wig.. ft . . General Asphalt 05ft 8 General ElectUe 140 1 General Meters 10 6 Gen Metera pf 73 8 Gen Metera deb 0.. 70 7 Gen Meters deb 7 82 ft .. Gilllland OH pf . . Goedrich 30 7 Goedrich B F pf 82ft .. Granbv Consel M 4 M 28 ft . . Gray Davis 13 4 Grnt North Ore ctfs. 31ft 7 Great Northern pf ... 73; . . Guantanamo Sugar .. &U . . Oul' Mobile & Ner pf. 17 , . Gu f State Steel 4Cft r.n llnblrshaw El Cable. . 1 04ft 140 OK 73 694 82ft 40 38 82 ft 28 ft 12 3lft 73 4 8 17 40 t 79 13 70ft 6ft 1154 8Cft (lft 3!'. 39 ft lft ft 82ft 14 84ft 20 72 11 60 2ft "ft 4 2ft 36ft 7 43 ft 26ft 04 ft 140 -i- 94 73 -C84-82 ft . 40 -38 82 ft 28 ft 12 3t . 734 6ft 17 J 48ft 1 -70 17 ft 76ft4- Cft 12 4-OJft-j 7 3ft . 4tft- ft i 3ft- 82 ft , 13)(- 65H4- 20 -72 - llft-t-CO -2K4-14 ft 4 4 2ft 30ft 7 -3ft4-20ft 4- 200 1400 400 8011 100 300 00 602 200 7JII ;oe 2800 1400 700 00 00 O'lll 1200 2000 00 200 1000 200 lieu 800 100 Haekcll & Barker Cor 79 Hendee Mfg Ce 17 ft . , Housten Otl .. Hydraulic Steel .. Hupp Motorcar 7 Illinois Central .. Indian Refining 80 Indlahema Ref .. Inspiration Cen Cep.. .. InUTb Cen Cerp . .. . .. Inturb Cen Cerp pf... 6 Int Harvester r.ew . . . . Int Mer Marine 0 Int Mer Marine nf-.. .. Internat Moiertruck.. 7 Int Motertruck lt pf. ., Internat enal Nickel,, 8 Internat Nickel pf , . . . .. International I'aper. .. .. Invincible OH Cerp.. .. Iowa Central .. Island OH .. Jenes Bres Tea .. Kansas ft Gulf 4 Kclly-Springfleld Tire. .. Kennecett Copper ... 70 ft Oft 12 97 ft 7 394 0ft 1ft 314 824 14 tii 20 72 12ft r.e 2 ft 14ft 4 2 ft 30ft 43 ft 26ft 4 .III t?.s ue 389 300 100 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS trade.. J7.7BOs.lei bulk, lurhts and n"d'"n reiitiits, ii.iv 1,031 packer ; .T. ;. 0.10; pics, ISO te 23c off. JO.C04J9.13. 1 quality geed. . , HHEE.'--Iteeelpt. 1700 hend. Active end, teady, Receipt, me.tly Wentern lambs. .Mpper. took few teod Western lainba nt in 11 r,n. Alia twa deck. 04-oeund lenr-I n. SO. UAlfir. """ Dtl ..i'V . v Mhnlpa tst?rU rlilnnsrft tier1, medrjm r.oer76e 7. JS"t,f.J vV dull, around !.... u., v.t.rdav: few lM.t j-wJp?? lower i" w Lii-ki,f steers. D 'U teany. toy. . -; . .-i. ...:,, 7-30 sh. stock " ww". -'-U-0K S 70 Una", at jlO.'.'A: .'-..S"n.Vn,n.t0ekir. and feeder, slew (7.60, went ITU uui, -";--.(( n'.'ivum Htrtinr. lo - ',1SaH;Xir,t;: le - ',1SaH;Xir,t;: BO.00O head. Unevenly. Ill BI11UUIIIB v-l. -" - East Buffalo, N. Y Dee. 30. CATTLE Receipts, 100 head. Streng. Calves, re ceipt., 1B0U head. Steady. 13914, H0O3 Receipt., 7200 head 40e te 11 lower. Heavy, 17,30: mlsed. 17.0008! york yerk re. J808.23; light de and pig.. JS.7B0D.lOi ;,,,;. m.nerlii. mra. I.VflO J4 ae. iiww' --.. ....tAva v ttvriaira: u'1'y."l',',"..... mnneh.ad. .tSelt, onlead at ft 1 . W !Je4 f choice 0,-SOi ewess. .-" -- --..r;i. Dar stiver at 34Md. Kt J10.50. Pltuhursh. Pee. 80. HODS Receipts. 50OU head! iteWir. Heavier 17.00; haw yerker.. 188.23i lllht yerk.rs and plea. '"tfll'AND UIMDS Receipts. WOO head. Steady. Tep shep, M.BOi top lambs. Reserve 112. CALVES Receipts, 113. 80 bead. Lewer, Tep, Reetrm ...... ew Yerk .. Philadelphia Cleveland .. nichmend . . Atlanta .... Chicago ,.,. 8t. Leuis .. Minneapolis East St, LenJe, ctlpts. 2000 head, heifers weak beef .,..it. Ntrvlrern ree. 80 CATTLE Re Btsar., IBs te 2Be lewer: cow. canners and bulls nnmlnelly steadrl veal calves, top. tll.78, bulk, ceed te -"--.: - . .T -,. - CllOtCV Khts. JllOll.ne, te 80e lower. Weightier hogs en most. Tep. ,pl'V;;;" 18.15; bulk, 180-peuna and down itilppln Ban ITraacUce .. 1IIXJM -liec.lIH.. lii.uwy ..v-vj. Slew, 25c Kansas uu nnerallr 1:30 P. M. 17H Sales in com Illrti Keystone T & 11 .... 17K Kresge S S 172 Kress A Ce 94 Lake Erie A West ... 12 Lackawanna Steel ... 48ft Laclede Gas of St L.. 474 Lew 17 ft 170 94 12 45ft 47 W 884 160 13ft 9ft 181ft 71 89ft 28 28ft 28 ft 20ft tft 108 1084 113 27ft 13ft 2 ft 44 ft 300 100 100 160 100 171 94 4- 13 - sft4- 474- 80J4 160 - 13ft ft- isift4- 490 a. BO Lehigh Valley 87 200 is Llitirett & Myers 100 300 ,. Locwe Ce 13ft 100 i Left Candy 9ft 100 12 Lerlllard Tobacco ...lft 100 e Mackay Ces 71 200 4 Mackay Ces pf 89ft 1160 .. ManatI Sugar 29ft 000 .. Martin oil 25ft 090 .. Mart.n Parry 22 100 .. Math Alkali 21ft 100 .. Maxwell Class B.... 13ft M0 b May Dept Sterea 166ft 200 7 May Dept Stores pf,.109 3100 12 Mexican Petroleum ..H4H 71 89ft 29ft 25 ft 20ft 31 13ft l(6ft 109 114H 374 134 2ft 1 2ft 00 Miami Cenner 27i 2300 i.se Middle States Cerp. 134 1400 2100 4600 Mtdvale Steel Minn & St Leuis . . . Me Kansas ft Texas. Me Kan Tex pf.. Me Kan & Tex w. t. 26ft 8ft 1 2ft 8 1(00 4300 400 1300 806 800 160 400 400 100 400 100 1100 180 400 100 100 760 700 200 00 100 100 1800 300 000 100 1100 100 1800 200 100 200 1680 1790 100 700 600 300 I486 200 100 100 200 1000 1800 800 100 200 11)0 100 a 25K 17 48ft 62 99ft 144 19ft 114 BK 48ft 63ft 4 99ft 4-14?-19ft 114 25 4 80ft 4 38 ft 4 85 3 14ft 4 88 -73H lft Me Kan & Tex pf w. 1. 26 ft M sseurl Paclfla 17 ft Mo-Paclfle pf HH Mentana Power 83 ft Mentana Power pf. .. . 09ft Montgomery Ward ... 144 National Acme 10ft National Biscuit pf. .114 Nat Cleak & Suit.... 25 Nat Cleak & Suit pt 60ft Nat En am & St 38ft National Lead 88 Nat R R of Mex 2d pf 3 Nev Cep Copper .... 14ft N Y Air Brake 88 New Yerk Central... 74ft New Yerk N H ft H.. 12ft New Yerk Ont ft W. . . 21 Norfolk ft Southern.. Oft Norfolk & Western... 80ft Norfolk & Weatcm pf C9 North American ctfs.. 48ft N American pf ctfs... 38 Northern Pacific .... 78 Ohie Bedy ft Blewer.. 10ft Okla Pred & Ref.... 24 Orpheum Circuit .... 14ft Otis Steel 10 H 25 68 ft 34 4 85 214 lift 88 73ft 12 ft 21 8H 90ft 094 44 ft 38 ft 76ft 0ft 24 14ft 10 28ft ft lift 48ft 82 H 40 ft 32 10 ft CHft 194 05ft 324 87 33ft 13ft 12 70K 03 25 1H 63 H 30 00 ft 10) ft 29 ft 38 81 93ft 1414 72ft 25 27 51ft ft 50 20 ft 21ft 33 ft 2?4 ft 02 ft 03 8 284 Zt 3l 3H 78 78 ft left 45 ft (Mft 179 114 78 24 30 81 4 0ft 3ft 10 48 20 ft 28 a4 30 ft 14 121 ui4 11 32ft 70 17 ft 123ft 694 108ft 72 123 8 51 K 9ft ft ft ft H Mi 21 Owens Bettle Machlne 20 Pacific Devel Cerp. . . Pacllle Mall Pac.tlc Oil Pan-Amer Petrel . . . Pan-Amer B Pennsylvania R R.... Pcnn Seaboard Steel. Peeples Gas of Chi. . . Pere Marquette 3ft lift 47 ft 82 H 40 ft 33 10 ft 63 ft 20 Pere Mare, prier pf , wj,a ft ft ft H !4 ft ft 3 Philadelphia Ce 32?; .. Phllltps-Jencs 87 .60 Phillips Pet 33ft . . Plerce-Arrew Moter . 13'; .. Pierce OH 12ft s Pierce OH pf 735 C Pitts Ceal 83 .. Pitts & West Va. ... 25 1.00 Pend Creek Ceal .... 18ft .. Pressed Steel Car ... 634 . . Producers Refiners . . 30 4 Pub Service of N J.. 66ft 8 Pullman 107ft .. Punta Alegre Sugar.. 30ft 3 Pure OH 3.14 . . R. R. Securities Ce. 111. 61 8 Railway Steel Spring. 04ft .. Ray Cen Copper lft 4 Reading 72ft 2 Reading 2d pf ? .. Rcm.ngten Typewriter 25 .. Replegle Steel 27 .. Republic Iren ft Steel. 14 .. Republic Meters .... oft 0.20 Royal Dutch N Y.... fiOft .. St Leuis san Fran... 21 i .. St Leuis & S XV U R 21ft .. St Leuis Southwest pf 31 .. Seaboard Air Line... 24 .. Seaboard Air Line pt. 4); .. Scars-Roebuck i3?4 7 Sears-Roebuck pf .... 04 . . Shattuck Arizona Cerp t ft .74 Shell Transport 30 .. Sinclair OH 21ft .. SleKs-Shef field 30 .. Se Perte It.ce Sugar.. 44ft 8 Se Perte Rlu Sug pf. 7B 1 ft K ft ft ft ft 2U0 100 100 8000 1000 ' 800 800 900 1200 ' 100 21)0 200 700 SOO 800 700 100 400 100 300 18309 000 20 200 3100 100 BOO 100 3103 700 1200 400 20U 300 1.0 7000 4UI) 1100 200 2JU 1U00 03 ft ft ft ft ft 8ft Southern Pacific .... 7854 Southern Rail lhft Southern Railway pf., 45ft ft ft ft K l S i ft ft Vt lft lft Standard OH of Cal.. 95 Standard Oil of N J.. 161 Stand OH of N J pf... 114ft Steel Tube pf 73 Stewart Warner SpeeU 2ft . Strombe.ru Curb 30 7 Htudebaker 62J4 . Submarlnu Ueat Cerp. 4ft . Superiei Oil Cerp... . Temter Cern & F "A1 . Tenn Cep c Chem.. 3 Texas Ce . Texas & Pac.fle e; 3ft I" ft 41 ft 28 ft 27ft 0ft 14 124 02ft lift 32 ft 70U 1 Texas & Pae C ft O, hlue 2. CO Tex Pac Gulf & Sul. 00 1U0 500 2500 100 200 5200 000 100 100 100 SOU 200 1000 400 100 00 100 100 2300 200 700 1700 1500 100 1011 100 400 GOO COO 100 Third Ave a Tidewater OH 6 Tobacco Products . . . . . Trans-Cen OH 4 Transue & Williams. B Uu Bag and Paper.. 70 ft .. Union Oil 18ft 10 Union Pacifia 120 4 Un.en Pacific pf 09 7 United Cigar Stores pfK5ft .. United Drug 72 8 United Fruit 12J .. United Rwy Invest... 0 United Retail Stores.. 2ft U S Feed Products 9 ft ..US Realty ft Imp ..US Rubber 8 U S Rubber 1st pf, ..US Smelt ft Ref. BUS Steel 7 U S Sttel pf .. eift .. 84ft ..100ft .. 30ft .. 83ft ..llft .. 63ft .. It . 31 1J .. 20 01ft 4 ft lOUft 38 ft 63ft 114ft 02 H 10ft 311. 204 tOft 80ft OH Oft 20 13ft 08 ft 1 ft SJft 0 05 Oft 12 ft 38 10 15 8ft 27 ft 2H 24 1384 44 8 ft ft 1 5 ft ft 3ft V. ft ? 94 2 Utah Copper . . Utah Stc . . Vanadium Cerp . . Va-Car Chemical ... . . Va-Cur Chemical pf . G Va iron Ceal ft Coke , . V.uiuduu lna . . Wabauh . . Wabash pf A , . Wabash pf B 00ft 8ft ?4 64 20ft 13ft 08 14 8ft 1(1 ft 2 fiOft 200 2.60 WellH Farge Express 300 1100 300 ' 3UU 100 200 300 7U0 000 ST, 700 3700 200 400 100 200 108 COO Western Maryland Western Pac.ne Weatcrn Pacific pf , , WestlnghoUHe E & M Westing E ft M 1st pf 05 .. wneeiing ft l, ti.... u;s .. Wheeling ft I. E pf.. 12ft 4 Whltu Moter 38)4 .. .White Oil Cerp 10 ft .. Wick Spenc Steel Cerp 13ft .. Willys-Overland Sft .. Willys-Overland pf... 2Sft .. Wilsen & Ce 2Sft .. Wisconsin Central .. 2 8 Woolworth F W ....137ft 4 Worthlugten Pump. . . 44 .26 Wright Aero 8 Ex-dlvlder.d. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Standard Underground Cable Company, quarterly 3 per ennt; also extra 3 per cent, pieuble January 10 te record of January 4. liuah Termli.nl Company, .emlannual 12.30 In cuah and 21, per tent In stock en common and 13 en preferred, all payable packer, blddlntr lower; culls January la te atecx or record January e. liuuh Terminal Hutldlng. Company, quar terly 11.73 en preferred, payable January 8 te stm.k of record December 01. Philadelphia and Cmden Ferry Company quarterly 4 pr cant, payable January 10 te stock of record December 80. evres scarce, jltfl.BO. BANK CLEARINGS 8HEEP Am LAMIIB Receipts, 7000 ' Rank rJearln?. today, compared with cor cer h.ad. Lambs, 2Be higher. Iimbs, ISilt respend'rur day last two ynarsi mil v.irllniir IRnHO .1(1: wethers. Iflii 1021 10211 lfilfl i.7-.'i' .-! .'... X T, , ... RAA AAA .VM..AD.- fFO. U, miXrU Slie.lf, U,.JWU HUIVUIti, ,U1,UVV,VUV IIVilUU.OI, N. T.. 7Hl.fi00.0O0 D21.HD3.A72 IMllla. .. HI. 000, 000 S3, 31)1, 70S Chicago.. 78,700,000 110,084,803 BAR SILVER was Hd lower In Londen today, I U. 8, Certificates and Treasury Notes Banks' Discount Rates Maturing Date Int. Rate. t'BVi Official redl.oeunt rates nt the twelve Fed eral Reserve llsnks ar. aa fellow.! Feb., 1022.. .100K .100 fi-82 .. ..iv. uiu I 41HTS etrn, 4V. 4V. bends paper, accept, nns paper, i ii 18 5$ 4t. ,.100 17-32 ,.100H ..10 ..100 0-10 . .100 B 3 B fi B 3 fi fi A n e fi fi t t-fi Men., 1BZ2 19tt HCD 1U.'2.,,,100 S-1S t'Brt Men., 1022,.,. loe fi-ie l'i Apr., 11122.... 100 t4Vi June, 1022 ...100 t-6',-4 June, 1U22 BV4 Aug., 1022. t4U Hest., 1023. tfi(i Bpt 1S22 t4Vi uee.. Ill fefiH June, WaV ? ..10SW 4!7 n'j cu su fi 0 fi BW nH H S 9 I?IiS?ikft0l2.ar normal acaurmaTt1t?, 0t lKU Hint LOCAL DEALINGS Net Chlte. 14 4- 3 114 y y ft ft Price Variations Were Unimpor tant Expansion of the Odd Let Transactions - ft 4- 214 4- ft .. 4- 1 - ft - 4 ft J .. - f 14 - H .. The unusually wide distribution of the dealings, especially In the odd-let transactions, gave the local market n decided broadening aspect today, but It really was n very narrow affair. The eleventh-hour rush te establish losses through the cash sales was next te being beyond understanding. There had becu numerous opportunities te make these operations In the regular way, and in a number of instances nt mere ad vantageous prices. Evidently there was fenmn vnrv pnrtil reason. In se far nB the purely local list was concerned the trading lacKcu lnuivmuai feature. Thcre was the same feeding nut nf th Pnnnsvlvanla Railroad With W that Bteck dipping te 32, or within a fraction or the bottom price 01 ine year. There wan a llttle wider trade in Phlla delphln Rapid Transit, with the price sustained nt 17. U. O. I. common ex-dividend of fiOc a share yielded te 38, as against 40, the final sale yes terday, but en cash sales brpught 40Vi The preferred ruled linn te 01. The TMtn,iii.Mn Rinrtrin nhnrcs were frac 54 tienally Higher. American oierca mm Electric Storage Battery went through the morning without e transaction. Philadelphia Steclcs 9ft 96 ft . 094- 45 4- 38ft- 764- 10ft4- 24-14ft-10 -23 ft- ft . Hft 47 ft 4 82H 46ft . 33 4 10 ft 63ft 4-19ft-05ft 4 324 87 4 33 ft 4 13 ft 12 -73ft 03 -25 - 154 I 63J4 30 - 06ft4 107 ft 30 ft -f 384 01 -94 ft 4- 1 14 1 1 ft ft ft ft ft 4 H 'ft H Illsh COtAm Can.. 33-4 .UifAllisCkal 38 12 Am Gas.. 47 130 Am Shin & Cem.. 5?i 0 81 1084 30 03 3 0T& l 1084 30 C5fAm Ice.. 81 45tAm Loce.lOSVj 20Am Linseed 30 lOfAm 8ugar 53 03 uu Am uwys ;i 00 10 1000 23 100 Am Sumat 33 33 K 445 Am Hmltg 44 vs Am Sue pf 82 Am T&T.114 Am Woolen 80 Atlan Gulf 30 82 114 S0 30 07 35, 5 30.. e 120.. 40.. 2A.. 8 " 784 04 0?s OS .. 57 1144 JOntnald Loce esu 40fH & O... 3r& UT (S 0 l'ac.120 120iS ti. Ann.' Ann). ft 4 ft 4 ft 1 ft ft ft ft L'OtRroek lOK'nnn l1 200tChan Mtrs 40 220tOM&Stl 18 18 2 V? 8 78.i M 0 OS OlV.fCel Graph 2'd cnttr Cane Hu 8 21WKnm Play 784 HO Gen Asih 044 2301-Gen Mtrs. 0 130 Ia;1i Nnv.. es4 CO Leh Val 57 UU?4 114'A lft 114 1 1 ft ft ft ft "ft ft "ft ft ft 3(l.-it.Aex Pet - a 4 J ui'i SOOfMid Stn Oll m 13 13 2(1 20 17-i 17 KlfMidvale. lOOtMe Pac 20 15 4- 724 455 25 27 4 31 ft . 8144 50ft 4 214 ft- 2H4- 4f 024 93 - 6ft 4- 384 21ft- :ts 44ft 4. 78 784 4- 18?i4- 45ft 4- 95 4- 180ft 4- 114 - 78 - 24ft 4- 30 - 82ft4- 4 - CJi . 3ft - 10 - 0ft . 20ft 4- 27 4. 404 4 14 12. 4 Bl Ji ll 32ft-70ft-l-'ft-i- 125H-U9H- 108ft 72 123 4- 8 1- 9ft- 61ft 4- fi4ft4- 100ft J-32ft-83 ft -r 114 03 4. 10ft -f 4. 20 ft 4-13ft-6b 8ft 10 ft 4 51ft 0 -88 4- )i 12ft 38 -10 J8J4 6ft 28ft 4- 28 -2 - 137 ft 44 - 8 - 17 47 lOOfPac Oil 47 47 llfP-Am Pet 02 1101 Penna It It 33 52 02 ,VJ. 66 23 21 4Sii 1' hiln E ee 24 2S3 de pref . 274 27 27t. 085 PUT... 17 171 17. lOOlliil & W 4 4 4- HOtPicrce-Ar 13'. lOOtltcn I& S 01 V6-2 01 13 01 82 1 0 40M 1.. 11 .. JOtlleadlne.. 72 72 OOtStnelnlr. . 21 'i 21 lOtStudebkr. 82 82 2.-.tSup Oil . 0 0 20tTexas Ce 40 40 100 Ten Iiel.. 1 1 2e0tTmns Oil 11 U Ct Union Oil 17 17 a 10 I'n Trac. 33 33 10 U (S I cash 40 40 3".L G I... 3D 'a 3S 30 de pref . 01 01 10 V Ce NJ.177 17(1 lOOfU S Steel 83 83 2,-()tVabasli.. 0 0 112 XV J & H 27 27 ;t .i ft' i 04, 37 aaji 40 30 01 . . 17 83 0 27 ft) ift ift ft 3ft ft ft ft y Kx dlvlJenJ today U, O. I., 80 eesiU. tNet change made br comparison with last rale en New Yerk Stuck Uxchanr-. l'lIII.ADlUJ'lll.V 1IONDS 2,100 Llbeyty 2d 4s '42.., 3000 Liberty 3d 4s '2S.., 20000 Liberty 3d 4s "2S.. 100 Liberty 3d 4xa '2S..., 1000 Liberty 4th 4s '38. 000 Liberty 4th 4s '38. 2300 Liberty 4th 4s '38. 10000 Victory 4s '23 800 Victory 4h '23 2000 Halt fc.Ohle 0s 11)20 00.70 07.4(1 07.00 07.01 1)7.10 07.20 1)7.20 ft i 24 ft ift 4 ft ft 100.00 00.03 1)5 0000 Electric & Pen 4s. ..lets 02 48000 Lake Superior inc 0s. ... 31 1000 Philu Electric 1st 0s 02 4000 Phlla Electric 0s lets 100 1000 United Hallways 4s 03 Phlla. Federal Reserve Bank Tha statement of condlt'en of tha Itills delphta Federal Ileserv lUnU at the doss of bustness December SS follews: IIE30UIICE8 Dec St De. St Oeia ana reia ear- .. , tmcates 11.TJ6.T80 ll.757.0S OeM settlement fund, federal neeerre Heard.. C3.C04.HB 84,891,418 ft " ft 1 H ft l ft ft H i lft IK lft ft ft ft ft ft ft lft Total Rold held by bank Geld with Federal Ileeerve acent Celd redemption fund JS4.4C0.OS5 150,038,883 140.184,063 119,077,71s A.7r,2.ell 7,024,761 Total cold re- eerven 1210.407.401 2i:,041,830 Leaal tender notes, silver, sle 0.230.108 0,863,180 Total reserves.. .1216,(137. 810 1210.200,040 Hills discounted. M-eured by Unlt'd 1 titates (ievern- ' iirerrt obllt'atlens J7O.212.030 170,401,(150 All ether 20,103,443 21,CS1,778 Dills beuaht In open market . . . 13,270.000 18.838,900 Total bill, en ft ' '? ft 1 ft 1 2 H ft hand ..110.302.704 1103,812,303 Un'ted State, bend and notes Unlnd State cer cer teorate, of In debtedness: Omvjcar certifi cates (l'lttman Act) All ether Munlelpal w a r rams 0.C0O.130 3,140,150 12,000,000 208,000 8B.0OO 12,000,000 310,500 03,000 Total earning as sets Ill 11, 073,014 f 121,301,018 nank premises ... Five per cent re demption fund, against Federal Reserve Rank notes Uncollected Items.. AH ether re source (080,417 JS3U.107 700,000 47,333,804 700,000 32,202,402 422,882 421.212 Total resource. ..1387.820.830 1304,500,010 LIABILITIES CaplUl paid In. $8, 730, 4B0 17,804,127 8.010,000 700,205 08,082,883 1,820,840 tK, 730,450 17,394,127 3,830,000 1,808.124 07,488,410 1.420,022 Murpius Reserved for Gov- erument fran- chlse tax Deposits I Government ...,., Member bank Re serve account , . All ether Total depe.lt,, JOS, 008,824 (100,288,437 A , . . A . a l.imS.h(,7 1H1 ,tV,1"l,UU, Federal Re.erve notes In actual circulation ... ,J203,1S,1BO J2O7.B02.820 Federal Reserve llnnfe note. In 12S.792.105 131,833,004 circulation (net rablllty) Deferred avail ability Items ... All ether liabil ities 8,802,000 0,833,000 46,047,170 40,724,786 1.482.807 1,800,810 A.ked Tleld 100 7.82 8.00 lOO'.i 8.70 100 0-32 B.7B 100 13-82 8,74 100 1-10 8.03 1011 3.3" . (in Total liabilities, .(387,820,630 (3B4.E80.340 Itat'e of total reserves te deposit and Fed eral Reserve note llabllltlis combined, week of December 28. 71.2 per cent; provleu. week, 71 2 per cent. Ratie of geld reserve, te Federal Rrservs notes In circulation, after setting aside 33 per cent against deposit I'abllttles, week of December 2N, 88,7 per cent; previous week, 88.7 per cent. 100 4,03 100 4 17 100 3-32 4.83 inn ll-lrl I 21) inn .. a iu Incem tax. ACeve pereentaxes eaiculateed en basis of net deposits and Federal Rere.rve notes In clr- i oulatlea. v U'ceme U WELL DISTRIBUTED 1:13 Ntt Zm 1. M. cliK. 33 33 f JA 38 38 47 47 Vi a-r- 'M 33 44 22h.. 114.. OA1 OVIVH T We offer, subject te prier sale and change in price: American Sugar Refining Ce. Debenture. Cs Due Jan. 1, 1937. Price! 98& & Interest, te net 6.15. Pennsylvania four-mill Tax Refundable. Steel & Tube Ce. of America General Mortgage 7s, Due Jan. 1, 1051. Pricei A8J4 & Interest te net 7.10. Pennsylvania Four-mill Tax Refundable, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ce. Debenture 8s, Due May 1, 1931. Price! 99 & Interest, te net 8.10. (This Issue matures nt 110. The yield Is figured exclusive of premium.) Pennsylvania Four-mill Tax Re. fundable. Detroit United Railway First Mortgage Collateral 8s, Due Aug. 1, 1941. Price: 101 & Interest, te net 7.90. (This Issue matures nt 107'i. The, yield Is figured exclusive of premium.) Pennsylvania Four, mill Tax Refundable. Ohie Power Ce. First & Refunding 7s, Due Jan. 1, 1951. Price: 1022 & Interest, te net 6.90. Pennsylvania Four-mill Tax Re. fundable. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway Ce. Consel. 4H, Due May 1, 1957. Price! te net about 5. Free of Pennsylvania Four-mill Tax. New Yerk, Chicago & jSt. Leuis Railroad Ce. Second & Improvement 6s, Due May 1, 1931. Pricet 97 & Interest te net 6.85. Free of Pennsylvania Four-mill Tax. We invite inquiries. Dillen. Read & Ce. 1421 Chestnut St. Philadelphia Bosten New' Yerk Mr. Charles G. Dubois, President Western Electi Company, says: "Electric storage batteries are the reservoirs which insure the supply of electrical energy us needed; banks arc the financial sterage bat teries of commerce and industry." Central National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth Capital 151,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits Earned $4,000,000 BROWN BROTHERS & CO. ;7staMbnrcI JB8 rOL'ItTII A CRUSTNUT STREKT3 i'iiii.ai)i:mhia New Yerk COMMERCIAL LETTERS OF CREDIT Usilffl in Paunda Sterlinrr. Dnllnra nnrl ntlipr ! currencies. A Century of Service BROWN, SHIPLEY & COMPANY Founder Cmirt, I.utlilmry I.OMIUM, K. I. We bee te announce that MR. CLAYTON McMICHAEL will become associated with us in our Bend Department after January 1st, 1922. ROBT. GLENDINNING & CO. 400 Chestnut St., Philadelphia De you need money? We will supply money te Corporations for expan sion purposes providing a satisfactory record of past earnings can be shown. Ne schemes or pro motions will be considered. Fer appointmentwrite F A Travis &. Bre. Don't K 50 Broadway New Yerk lcas3BasssajeasSMBeB3gjaaiitiiiiiisii swjnansimMaiaMir"'"-a We Specialize in Pennsylvania Municipal Issues Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH ST. Chicago it T Ileta (llllcc for TraielrM 123 Pull Mull, LONDON, S. V. I Edward B.Smith &Ce - . - - . . C.-..I Member. New Yerk and l'bll.HH"" Stock ICicbaeses Investment Securities Philadclnhla Ne Vwk P.,1- Mm w M WW B