iRIMHMwlr5r fwpv 'T':'' v?Fl. "' tffwraTBwnra.. mm.tY'.r' tf ' i " "'3 - i ," , "' ""' jJVJ J rir.mxr;yriJV FfWf 4TtS? A, -7- -,-; f' i ' -Tf i" ' -ii .1' ' k& teYENIGDBLlO LO(3I$p-PHILBLPHI4, jPJgTT,, DEQflMffflR, 30, 3.921 l,r ', f M "AV, J .- i ; , I "JC 1 V iv'ttwiWYvr . '"- u I' The Other Day Something Happened. Newin Going te Make v. a Wfte Qeen Cpnfessiw I FEEL that it's an act of common decency, wrung from a busy man, and no matter hew busy you may be, I guess you'd better read it. Fer years THE LITERARY DIGEST was nothing te me. I had tee much reading matter, and tee many ways te spend my money. I thought THE DIGEST was simply one of the multitude of magazines, and the family has half a dozen, or mere, lying areuna me neuse ail tne time. Seme fate get after me a month or se age and began te hand me one knock after another. The first one that made a dent, I think, was at the meeting of the ledge. An argument arose ever Soviet Russia's interest in the Washington Arms Conference. I couldn't held up my end; the ether man knew mere than I did, and made the fact plain te several members who were listening. I remarked, net very pleasantly, "Yeu seem te knew mere than the news papers." My ill nature brought only a cheerful laugh. "Oh, yes," he said, "THE LITERARY DIGEST explained the whole thing last week." Of course I hadn't seen it Coming in en the train a day or two later, my seat com panion asked me what I thought of the great plan te make Manhattan Island and the City of New Yerk six miles longer and te construct the most wonderful model city in the world en this new land. "Never heard of it. Pipe dream 1" I replied. "Oh, no; Congress has passed the bill, and the President has signed it Plans are al ready being drawn. The article in last DIGEST describing it reads like 'The hid my discomfiture with a polite, "Is nfenBi week's LITERARY Arabian Nights.'" I that sol" At the dinner table, yesterday, two of the children began discussing the question why great quantities of corn must be burned as fuel in America, while millions are starving in Russia, China, Armenia, and elsewhere. It seemed strange te hear them quote -fact after fact, and opinions of this or that authority which I hadn't read anywhere. I began te be afraid they would ask me some question I couldn't answer. At length I stepped them short by saying, "That will de new; where did you hear all that, anyhow?" And this is what I get in reply, "Why father! That is our high school topic from THE LITERARY DIGEST this week." I had forgotten reading in a letter some time age that THE DIGEST is used as a text in several thousand high schools throughout the United States. Hareld Belt Wright, the Auther, Tells the Reasen: "Te attempt te gain anything like a clear view of the world's activities through the fogs of prejudice and the clouds of self-interest that hang always about the local newspaper is a hopeless task. Fer one who would leek with unob structed vision upon the moving world-forces that make for or against the welfare of human kind, The Literary Digest is a mountain peak in a clear sky. "Because The Literary Digest gives me an unclouded view of the world's doings, because it places me in an atmosphere above prejudice and local self-interest, because it separates for me the' grain of the world's thought from the chaff of idle words, and cleans it from the dirt of sensationalism, I appreciate and enjoy it. It is a Godsend te all who feel that they have work te de that requires clear thinking." '-HAROLD BELL WRIGHT, Auther of "The Shepherd of the Hill " ""'len of tbe 0ld HeUae tC' I 4wmk Wife is fend of visiting and has a geed many friends among nice people. Lately they have been talking a let about canning and drying fruits and vegetables, and about new methods of home economy. I heard her telling somebody ever the 'phone the ether day about a wonderful substitute for eggs in making cakes. Then I heard a little exclamation of dismay and a few broken sentences of embarrassment before she hung up the receiver. In a minute the trouble was all up te me: "Mrs. Page says I mustn't use that egg powder, because it hasn't any egg in it at all. She says I ought te read the article in my LITERARY DIGEST this week telling all about such tilings. 'My LITERARY DIGEST! She seemed te take for granted that we have THE DIGEST. I was ashamed te tell her we haven't. Everybody seems te have it except us." Of course, I couldn't, admit such a thing. At the same time, I couldn't deny having seen THE LITERARY DIGEST in most of the nice homes we had visited. Election day I started early from the house te vote. My neighbor was getting out his new car. It was a beauty. "I thought you couldn't decide which make te get," I remarked. "Hew did ,you settle the matter?" "Why, yes, it did seem like a deadlock between my wife and me, but the ad vertisement of this car in last week's LITERARY DIGEST was se convincing, we agreed, as seen as we read it, that this was our choice. It's getting te be rather a habit with us, you knew, te find answers te things in THE DIGEST." The matter-of-course tone in which he spoke, made me wonder what he would say if he knew I didn't read THE LITERARY DIGEST. Last Sunday morning the dominie mentioned a request made by some church member that the pastor would "net preach about disarmament, as the subject had been worn thread bare." Then he began te ask questions and tell facts that showed a wider sweep of the subject than his hearers had ever dreamed of. I declare, if he quoted THE LITERARY DIGEST once, he must have quoted it half a dozen times. Is the answer te everything in THE LITERARY DIGEST! This was getting en my nerves. The next morning at the office I noticed THE DIGEST en my partner's desk with his personal mail. In the most casual manner I asked him te let me take a leek at it. I didn't mean te start anything ! "De you mean te say you don't read THE LITERARY DIGEST!" he exclaimed. "Why, is there anything surprizing about that? I don't pretend te read every magazine that's published," I said, rather nettled. ThejjterarxEtest FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary) ' New Yerk 'Tis a Mark of Distinction te Be a Reader of The Literary Digest The Digest Habit Saves Werry, Time, and Meney J. ..,,,x .uajteifeteA - vilag V HIIP He came back at me strong. That's just ft; you try te read tee many magazines, and tee many newspapers, no doubt. Yeu might better spend less time with some of them rather than miss reading THE LITERARY DIGEST. Yeu simply can't get en, nor held your own anywhere without it. I knew I couldn't It's the only magazine in the country that keeps you informed, fully and rightly informed, I mean, free from all editorial bias, en the big live matters of disarmament, and business, and every ether vital topic. Surely ! leek it ever and see for yourself." I retired te my own office and sat down, face te face with the magazine that had been challenging me everywhere I went during the past month. An hour was gene before I knew it I was surprized, startled, thrilled. The world seemed bigger te me, and closer. Things that had puzzled me became clearer.' My mind seemed te be opening. I had thought of THE LITERARY DIGEST simply as one of a multitude of mag azines which did net concern me. Here it was, new, revealed as THE ONE which I had been really needing all this time. I certainly had been missing a geed thing. Well, I hurriedly sent off my check for the $4.00 which would bring THE LITERARY DIGEST te my home for a whole year. Thank goodness, that's done! Of course, the joke is en me. It was my own fault. I might have enjoyed THE DIGEST long age. New, as an act of neighborliness, I'm making this confession; and I'm telling you, also,- -you who haven't been reading THE DIGEST, if you new sign and mail an order for it, as I did (when I woke up), you can call it a geed day's work. & ft 1 1 r n 1 ' y - ' . t mamm HERE ARE TWO WAYS TO GET THE LITERARY nir.RST. 1. Buy it from the nearest news-dealer for a dime each week. 2. Send this order, with $4.00, and receive the magazine at your home or office every Saturday for a year. c FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY, Depi. 191 3S4-360 Fourth Avenue, New Yerk, N. Y. Please send me THE LITERARY DIGEST for a j4er, beginning at once. I enclose $400. NAME- STREET AND NUMBER. CITY . 5TA77S DATE v. v ife& faft aift,',it . y K ' I k 1. . .r . .;r '.- 't II :. -St. xwn.m '! , .. t r axil i m 17 7Vj .t I, kil, , iiiiiHirf