Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 30, 1921, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18

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    T, J
. -v ;
Pppose3 Committeo of Lawyers
During Dlscgsaien Bofero
' Navnl Committee
By the Associated I'itm
Washington, l)v. SO. The Navnl
Cenpnittc of the Washington Oonfor Oenfor Oonfer
tncc debnted the Reet resolutions te
curb submnrlnes throughout yMtrrdnv
fcifore arriving nt in decision ta turn
Article I ever te a committee with in
atmctlnn te dinft it l.inRitnge without
modlficatlenn of tlu principles stit'dln
tbe original proposal.
Secetnry Hushes invited the dUeu dUeu
Men Immediafly upon the cnnvenlnir of
the Navnl Committee, nnd .Mr. HnlfVmr
for the British "reup declared tint
providing (hut Article 1 did in fn '
really embody the existing rules of
Knr, iie ecrhfl.ittlh beliived it deirib i
that "the.e should be roathrmed n
their relntlen te s-jhninrlni1 warfare '
Reiterating that he Meke enlv fir
rlmmif, Mr. Hnlfuur rid In- IvIIpvkiI
"n fertMl and authoritative itnterctM
that eubrmrlncs had no licence fr
IrenU the rule bv which ether "hips of
war were bound could de nothing but
Admiral de TCnn. of the rretuli crm.ji.
aid he Otnreil wholly Mr. Un'feur'"
Tlews and tint tlic French delccntlT
gnve "in principle our general ndlie ndlie
nlen" the -tntcment th.it ui'.imnriw ui'.imnriw
"sheuld f nfciit be bound by the
ttilrs of international Ir.w."
"rtut us till" law i" of a vrr n
clnl uaur". ' Admiral lc Hen said, "it
ccm e us t lint the inet prm-ii"!'..
telutl n would be te refer the ennId ennId
ratien of thn text submitted by Mr.
Reet te n cemmitter if .luri!. whi h
would advle us . te it- minion lu
rtgard the vv.miins te be adopted "
Await Vicu of I tonus
Senater Schan7er pointed out that
the Italian delegation already had
given "our full adhesion te tin- aim te
which Mr. Knet's proposal tend." but
added that the Italian- also thought
formulation of the rules of war ter .sub
marines should be examined by a com
mittee of jurists. The text of the
resolutions, he -aid. had been cab'ed te
Heme and the delegation was awaiting
"eventual remarks" from its ilovern ilevern
tnent. Sir Rebert Iterden. for Canada, --aid
he thought it wlsf anil indeed es-ntin!
Inthe interestH "f humnnitv that the
Itoet proposal prohibiting ut of sub
marines tigainst merchant raft should
be accepted, but that the exact wording
might be considered by an expert beilj .
"provided that this sheu'd net "j-evrnt
action by this conference." Sir Rebert
also declared himself in favei of Mr.
Reet's suggested declaration, holding
submarine commanders personally re
sponsible nnd subject te penalty for
acts of piracy for any violation of the
roles, whether by order of their (iov (iev
trnmcntN or net.
The Japanese delegation wr. in no
cord "with the Mibtance of Article I"
of the Reet resolutions. Mr. Ilanlhnra
wild, but he ndded he believed the ques
tion should be referred te experts for
Mr. Reet took up his resolution pro pre
, posing strlet application of the rules he
had set forth for submarines as well as
ether naval craft.
"The public opinion of thu world
cays' he' taid, "that the submarine it
net under any circumstance-, exempt
from the rule- above stated. That is
n negation of the usMrtien of Germany
in the war that if a submarine could
net capture a merch-nt ve-tel in ac
cordance with cstahli-eed rules, the
rules must fall and the submarine uus
yTltltled te make the capture. The pub
yCic opinion of the civilized world has de-
' nieu mis nuti na". rimrrni n- juugnieiu
In the action that vv.m the war. It
was the revolt of humanity against the
position of Germany that led te Ger
many's defeat.
Opposes Committee of I-iujer-
"My friends und colleagues, this is
real life we were dealing with here. This
is no perfunctory bumness for n com
mittee, of lawyers. It ... n tttatement of
notion and of undisputed principle
universally known and net open te dis
cussion, put in such form that it maj
crystallize the public opinion of the
world, that there ma.v h" no doubt in
any future war whether the Kind of
action that sent down the Lusduulu 1
legitimate war or piracy .
"We cannot justify eurelven in ep.
aratlen without -eme declaration thut
will give voice te the Humane opinion
of the world upon this subject, which
was the most vital, the most heartfelt,
the meht stirring te the conscience nnd
te the feeling of the people of all our
countries of anything that occurred dur
ing the late war.
"I should be eshnmed te go en with
this Conference without sonic declara
tion, some pronouncement which will
give voice te the feeling und furnish an
opportunity for the crystallization of the
opinion of mankind ir, the establish
ment of u rule which will make it plain
te ull the world that no man can com
mit such an net i the Unking of the
Lusitanin1 again without being stigma
tised as a pirate."
The speaker said there was no ude.
quatc law te geern submarines, ulr-
crait or poison gu-es and "homebody
must move." His resolution, he -aid,
proposed te restnte "the rules of war
tfcat have been tramnlifl under f,,r,r
flouted and disregarded.'
"Is there a delegation here."' h con.
tlnucd, "that can .ifferd te go back te
Its own people and -ay te them, 'upon
the proposal being ptctented te us vw
referred it te a luiuinlttee of lawjers
and adjourned'?
Rules Cannet lie Hurled
"I am net going te he buried under
a committee of lawjers myself. und
these rules cannot be buried utider
them. Hither we sp.;ak clearly nnd in
tflllginly the voice of humanity which
has sent us here, nnd te which we
must report, or that voice wnl Hpeak
for Itself, and. speaking without us.
will be our condemnation. '
Mr, Reet said hu opposed reference
of the resolution "te a committee of
lawyers or te any ether committee "
"X usk for a vote upeu it here,'' he
Sir Jehn Snlmend, for New Zealand,
also opposed reference te it legul com
mittee, but warned against haste. He
pointed out thut, "read literally."
paragraph three of Article 1 would
.mean mat even n incrcnant ship which
reiusen te step wiicu Mguuieii 0y n
Lubraarlne could net be mucked until
lr passengers and crew hud been
placed In safety. He also said that
ArUele 2 had net disclosed Its relation
us a proposed eventual substitute for
.Article I until Mr. Reet had explained
its purpose.
Senater kodge declared that "sim
plicity of statement" was the first aim
lu reaffirming the rules of warfare and
that the Reet resolutions accomplished
that object. Up supported Mr. Reet's
argument nnd opposed reference te a
legal committee, saying there were in
the delegations these able te put the
rtatement as
tubmsrlne rules In
nrsner form.
'What I eheul
like te see done by
tat Conference,"
mm, "M te decide
''' II 1 II I II I !- I . , , -
HT T i T i ilnnTTTi I- iiilFlai IMTi i 1 1 nnlnfflimM
llcnrj lilchenbergcr, blind for seventeni years, Is the founder and milder of this tiny holiday village that
nestles at the feet of his children's Christmas, tree nt their home, l?i:i North Sixtieth street
en a nelicj we can easily take care of
I amendments suggested."
Sennter I'nderwoed expressed ' hearty
concurrence" with Mr. Reet's views.
"I believe we have new reached at
. th!i table." Ur .nid. "the dividing of the
wnjs a- te what the Conference -t.inds
for. Are we te proclaim that we are
-till tied te the dead body of the war
tnat i- pa-t, or that tnc civiuzcu na
tien- of the world desire te attain and
incoeuipli-h new Ideals of peace, that we
j Intend te put war behind nnd .peace
'ahead :
M. Snrraut said that already, en two
oeca-ion-. the trench delegation had
joined with all its heart in the high
npirlr of humanlt. which had insured '
Mr Reet'- resolution.
Once mere. M. Snrraut continued, he
brought the full nnd complete ndhc-ten
of the Trench delegation te the senti
ment expressed in the first motion of
Mr. Reet, the principles of which the
French delegation accepted formally.
The French delegation did net want
te -tup with this ndhe-ien te princi
ple, but wanted te see the resolution go
into force by Irtue of a definite text
which would combine nil the assents of
the Powers represented in the commit
tee. Powers Rivalry Bar
te Economic Pact
Centtnnrrt fr- m Pnee One
., .. , mi T-.-,.... --i ..!..,.
,tbat are embroiling Europe and eep!ng
lit under arms.
Tiie kev te the economic recovery of
I Europe and probably nle of America
i- n sen-ible consideration of the inter- i
'allied debt and German reparation-,
this pile of werthle-s paper under which
the world is staggering. A rea-enab'e
consideration of the-e questions seemed
n few week- nge te be possible. Today
it leeks far oft'.
Europe mover, steadily nearer the
1 abyss, quarieling insanely nnd -pend-I
ing every day vastly mere than its in-
come, is-uing mere ana mere weniiie, te per ceni ei tneir pevasu requiri;
(paper, and maintaining an appearance , ments fe this season from the tier-
I ,ll...ll.l. J.l, nf 1 U 1I.A l.n. Ann, I..,.., A1
of s.dvcncy ny uncouecueii: vm.ms l;
one Power against another. The only ,
read te recovery is for England te be -
Lt nr Pnncnliria France's debt te her
;n consideration of a rcduitmn in Cicr-
' men reparations.
v mnv.. ke t ns. ler nureiv pen.
! nemic. if net for moral ren-ens, weud
1 bring the I'nited States face te face
with the neceslty of canceling it-
'claims njtainst the Allies and a return
te -anitv and r-'.il co-operation would
be possible.
Ce-operation Still Far Oft
1 Rut no step of t'lls sort by Oeat
Rritain is new possible. Thc Londen
nnpers this inernlng nnprily remind
France of her vust debt te Creat Rritain
And no Government In Knsland could
'face the popular reaction that weJld
fol'evv a proposal te forgive billions of
debts of France when france was pre
posing te build submarines, which could Valued that cynnlde was used prinei prinei
enlv be used against England. pally in industry for extracting cold
And if you leek at German repara- 'nun ere and In fumigating citrus fruit
tlens veu face the same lmpas-e. Great trees.
Britain bus pressed -tendil for a cut- Senater Sterling declared the com
ting down of the claims against Ger- 1 nuttce ought net te heed 'the demand
manv te a point where they could ie;i
sennbly be ex ted te tie palil. isut in
the piesent temper of France n" govern-
ment could face the peejile afti t .viehliug
I te Fnglnnd en rep'irntiens.
1 Thu.- tie uionemie recovery of tlic
world seems euce mere iiidefinitel.v '
' postponed while governments fellow
political will u' wisps. 1
Mr. Hughes has : .ade -fudinl ctfert ,
te approach this pr iblcm from another
angle from thnt chosen by Mr. Wil-en.
, Perhaps the most charitable tiling that'
if. 111 be said i-whut General Smuts wrote
of Mr. Wilsen: that the fault wit- net .
1 his but mankinds, 1 ivillntien net lmv-
ing yet rem lii-d th- -taie uh'-rc genuine
cu-iiperatien ameni; nations is pusihle, '
Successful In Fight Against Any
, Limitation en Strength
! Washington. Dec. .10. (By A. P.)
Members of the Arms Conference Sub
committee en Avlutleu met today te
conclude their report te the Committee
of Fve, which is made up of the heads
1 of the delegations of the liye major
1 Powers.
The committee, In virtually finishing
their report esterdny, decided te
' abandon" uny effort te limit their nil-
I r'aue ttrensth of the Powers nnd te
liecemmend Instead that an attempt be
iiiiule te agree en restrictions that would
iniiike air warfare conform with coneid-
I enitiens of humanity.
1 Tlic French representatives en the
' sub-committee were understood te have
ciipesed strongly limitation of air-
plane strength nnd te tave finally cur-
I lied their point.
I ' -
Meeting Held Up as Delegate Con
fers With Harding
Washington, Dec. 30. (By A. P.)
Fillliu Reet, of the American arma
ment delegation, was nn early visitor ;
at the White Heuse teduv nnd was
closeted with President Harding for I
nearly two hours.
The regular Cabinet meeting was de
layed for a time by the extended con
ference which, Mr. Reet later asserted,
dealt chiefly with the subject of the
"present situation of New England
I railroad?."
r 4ft;
&V1&N1NG iUBL10
tJ t . . r I n
Hours of Patient Laber Bring
Snugly at Feet of Gaiuly Christmas Tree
. , ,
He lioers of the cniage -toeil open,
(Trains rushed by and through the tun-
'"i- i erin
through thi
In rhe kfern reulil lie cell '
windows of the red brick
ein iiing.
Dapple gray her-es. with Mewing i
white tails, people walking ever the.
curved bridge, everything denoted uc-
tlen. Rut. n. it wasn't a busj mctrep- I
dls or n thriving town; it was a mlnla-
tore villnue, erected lit the toot et u
Christinas tree by u man who has been
blind alme-t nventeen cirs.
Henry I'iclienberger, 171!! North Six
t'lth street, is a piano t im-r fir the
Me.ird of IMui'.itten. und euch night he
worked en the Christinas garden for his
-en-, llenrj, si., and Hareld, three.
Towering above his handiwork Is n
huge tree with gnyly colored ball- and
transparent men, who -Mine when n
button is pres-e.l. becau-e they are
. .
The village Is. indeed, a joy, net
enlv te the babies, but te the mere
stuld grownups.
The store i- covered with led bricK
i paper, and net a wrinkle appears en
h(J Mrfacc- Tinj wlniIl,w, lv been
'cut nnd carefullv tini-hed. Weeden
people stand about inside, waitln
waited upon, nrebabl.v.
The garage is complete, two
Counsel for American Producers
Addresses Senate Committee
Wash Ing ten, Dec. !i0. i By A. P.)
I Thc thirty-four American fertilizer
' cumpanies, which contracted te take
u ,,. a.,m,u-,.i.-, .,..e w, -
with I- rcneh mlnct. in Al-aee fur the
I remaining 25 per cent, the Senate Fi-
, nance Committee was told today b.v
Wilbur Lu Ree, of Washington, of
' counsel for the United States Potash
Producers Association.
These thirty-four companies produce
mere than 00 per cent of the pet' -h
fertilizer turned out in this co mtry,
Mr Lu Ree said.
The witness declared that If ".n n
protection for five ears, a- nrone-e.l
the American peia-li lndustrj ce.ild
supply ull the needs of the I in' 1
States. I'nlcss it is protected, in
udded. American farmers will lie at
the mercy of thc German petusli ei-
Retention of potassium cyau.de en
fhe free list wns urced by Senater
Sterllnir. of Seuth Dakota. He ex
for u tarilt muue ny 1110 ivu-.-ht h ;.--lacher
Chemical Cempuny, of New .ler
w." which, he declared, would have'
a monopoly and which, be said was 1111
olTsheot of the German cye id '
Reserves Passage, but Will Remain
Till Werk Is Completed
Washington, Dee. .".0.-R P'
-Again Arthur J. Balfour, head of ihe
British delegation te the Arms t or er
ference. has reserved passage en a
steamship sailing for Unglanl t..s,
i.niu arranging te sail Junuur- 1 1
This is only n tentative boek.i.g nnd
there is no Idea that Mr Balfour
will leave the ('inference until it has
completed its work.
The British military contingents
headed by Lieutenant General the Knr'
of ('avail, plan te sail tomorrow frwn
New Yerk en the Olympic for home
, fa
, 5
, ph
1 jg
1 gj
1 j
Supply limited, inis a
price while they last,
At all our Meat Markets
1 iiranir; l m
I JtggttH
r .1 m t -f i-
berth Tmy Hamlet cstlmg
, , , , ...
black doers are mtt en with hince.s and
thej clove nt night time) te keep out
flip hnniilt-u Omi M... f .. n tin . .wl..l,
may be safe, and in the day they swing.
wide, in cac a liurr.v-un cull" should
come and one of the machines huvc te
fly forth.
Ju-t by way of proving that all in
this village Is net ultra modern, n
man In shirt sleeves and with hat en
back et head, bits high and might
en i he scat of n wagon, a common
wagon, and he i acttuill driving a
her-e! Furthermore, the man's wooden
exprc.leu, the horse' painted eye.
leads one te believe that both have the
great iv i contempt for "these here new-
rnngieii contraptions.
Fetir wooden steps, each painted
green leud up te the bridge, which Is
u r veil somewhat after the fashion
l "'"' " Inr-ett .liipan. !sliiiply m -
.......111.1., 1., Iin.wl ....... .1.1... I ........
credible that hands ungulded except
bv son-e et touch, the instlnet f the it is pointed out here that this con
blind, should make anything se re stitutienal inhibition would extend te
marknble political contractors who nre members
T he lnke, which is a mirror, reflects! nf ti, iKistntttre. for the reason that
the bridge, but does net ripple ns swans , tliey vet(, t0 w,m,lv thc in-iiwnv Dc.
bob high their graceful heads and sit, partnunt funds,
net swim, peacefully about. Feathers I ,, itiv,., !,. t .. . ....!..
fold softly about the arched backs, but!
1 1 Ley alone are net the handiwork of
'the founder of this place.
U. S. Minister te Poland Will Wed
' Belgian Weman
Warsaw, Dec. .10. Announcement of
the engagement of Hugh S. (Jib-en,
American Minister te Poland, te Mile.
ncs Reynticii- was. icceived
lirii '1- esterday.
Mile. Heyntlcns is the daughter of a
fcl mer
Relgiun court eflicial of one of
tlic ulih-t fumilies in Relgiiim.
Mr. (J lb-mn and vllle. Keyntiens be
cmm. ,.,.,llmln,f( during the war. when
, -,.,ret.iry of tiie American T.c
.-f .n nini -I a relict worker. The
wedding will ti.ke place In February.
Fester Reefing nj w
covert such well-known
buildings as:
City Hall
Reading Train Shed
Merris Building
Bulletin rjulldlne
Dlasten Saw Works
Heg Island (ull permanent
New Yerk Shipbuilding Ce.
David Lupten Sen's Ce.
Ebb P!sVK34BKgBa PL? MSwlss HFI ByWsvl EKfirM srH
I almMfta
State Read Werk
Gees te Vareite
Centlnufil from fate One
he could netunlly supply the equipment
necessary for the work. One of the
engineers in the department estimated
thnt i;iselc was obliged te buy nt le.st
SL'00,000 worth of equipment besides
' renting much mere.
Uufore letting centractu te tiiselc, the
State Highway Department required
him te state, with proof, his ability te
finance the jobs, te provide the equip
ment and te get the mnterlel. Klsole,
said the elliclals, did nil this. They say
they did 'net hrnr until later of his
connection with Vnrc.
One of the requirements of the de
partment Is thnt the contractor, In this
asp Klsele, phall be nble te show that
he has ensh resources of '20 per cent
of the amount of the ecntract. This
means thnt Klsclc would luve te show
cash resources of 531M.O0O. Falling
thnt. ha had te show cash resources of
at least $100,000 (1(1 per cent of the
contract) and n letter from n bank'
showing thnt he had credit nnd backing
for the rest.
Rank Racks Vnrc Pretege 3
Therefore Kisele had the American
Rank and Trust Company, Ureml street
and I'ussnyunk uvenue, Seuth Philadel
phia, send n letter signed by Themas
S. Reyle, president of the institution.
, Mr. l!ej le is n personal friend of Ed
i V.i re and it is generally understood
1 that it was with the appreal nnd
recommendation of Sennter Vnre that
Mr. Reyle was appointed by the Beard
of Judges n n member of the Beard of
Oue of the vice presidents of this
hank is Jehn II. Ralzley, who served in
the old Common Council ns n member
from one of the Vnre wards In Seuth
I Philadelphia, the Thirty-ninth, home
ward of Senater Vare.
Ter some reason or ether, the letter
I from Mr. Reyle is net dated. There Is
I nothing en the front or back of the
j letter te show when it was reccivedhy
I the department. The letter, addressed
te Commissioner Sadler, follews:
"This will certify thnt Philip C.
Elsele has the backing that will jus
tlfv this bank In linniiclng him te the
extent of the sum of $200,000 or mere.
I leek upeu Eltfcle us absolutely respon
sible nnd able te carry out any agree
ments he makes with the State, brews
of fhose that I Itnew are baching hint."
, special attention is new being di-
rected te this lust scntence in Mr.
Hnvle'x lettnr. wimm ill.) im .n.n.,v
Who backed Klsclc? Vare?
Dutnmys Used us Cloaks?
Fer some flme then. Imn li...n tnlt
of tmlllieiunK. iwiwlnllv tlm-r. in th
legislature, being interested in one wny
or another in State contracts. It is
i believed that nnv member of the LhcIh.
lature who had such an Interior would
cover it nil bv means of n ihnnmr.
The reason is thnt it probably would
be illegal for n member of the Legis
lature te profit from a contract, the
menev for which is provided bv (lie
Legislature of which the interested
political contractor is a member.
Tri fnct thorn lc n nmiaHtiitln.i.il I...
i hlhlttun u-lilMi iirnm n ..nl.nn .....
i voting en a bill in which he is InL.
osted. Further he in required te did-
, ole-c. en the Meer of the Lcclslntere.
his fntcrcst In such n bill.
I t . . . . .... " ---.
..m t,.i8 nu(,Mie'n bad 'net hnn Vi
j the KIf;ple or nn. et,,Pl. -,;;
i ,,,, ,,, r0P(n,s ,, ,. ,,.,, u.,,nf
secret relations, ll nnv. there mnv lw
between the contractor and the legis
lator. In fact, ns staled, highwav of ef
iiclals said they did net hear "until
nftervvard" that EKele. for example,
had any kind of connection with Vnrc.
They did net seem te regard nssug-ce-tlve
that Eisele should suddenly
enter the State contracting iicld. cot
nf .1... A....r,. !,.!.. . ... .L. r., .
iui.e-i jiii hi me ntute,
, if net in the country, nnd underMd old
mil long-established read-building firms.
Contracts In Western Pcnnsylvanlu
The five Ki-cle centincts are in Mer
cer nnd Lawrence Counties, en the ex
treme wistern edge of Pciinsjlvunia, as
far fret.i Philadelphia nnd street clean
ing us it 1- possible te get and remain
asbestos, slag, mineral compound
and half-a-dozen ether types of reef'
ing. Hew are you going te decide
which is the most efficient, durable and economical for you?
Thc Fester organization offers you or vyew architect its fullest
co-operation in answering this question. In the first place, we
handle every geed type of reefing material; you are thus assured of
unbiassd, unprejudiced advice.
Our experience is the result of observation ever many years of the
actual working out of all the various roefings under every conceiv
able condition. This experience has taught us exactly the material
best suited te the individual requirements of any job.
A Fester expert is at your service at any time. He will visit your
plant or building operation or study your plans with thc architect
and recommend thc reefing most suitable. This service places you
under no obligation whatever.
Yeu can depend en this: Fester Reefing will give
you the utmost service per dollar invested. We
use only finest materials and best workmanship.
Ask us for suggestions and estimate.
Benjamin Fester Ce.
20th and Venango Streets
Philadelphia, Pa.
Reefing Waterproofing Red Building Mastic Floering
DEGlfl&BER 30, 19581
In the Commonwealth. They were ull I
uvii.iii;u .prii j ui nun jv-ur. nu
first one is described eUldally as fol fel
lows :
Lnwrcnce-Mcrccr Counties route 238.
(ectlen 1, Wilmington, Hickory nnd
Shennnge Tevviihhlps, amount $44ll,
Mercer County, Ne. A-027-028,
Ilemplleld nnd Otter Creek Townships,
.Mercer County, Ne-. .120 nnd .'128,
Hickory and P.vmaluiiing Townships,
Mercer, Nes. 320 nnd 238, Shenango
and Hickory, $270,411.77.
Mercer. Ne. 238, Pymatunlng and
West Salem, 312,517.110.
The .length of the reads contracted
for is 20.1)0 tulles. Therefore, they nrc
being built nt the rate of about $."0,000
a mile, which, the department says. Is
a fair figure. Of the total under con
tract, Etude has completed 22.70 miles
and is new tied up by tlic weather.
Most or Werk Dene
Department efllcials nld that Liele
"lived en the job," did quick nnd ef
ficient work and carried out all orders
of the department. While en the Jeb
Ulsele's headquarters were Sharen. In
all but ene of thc contracts the bend
wns provided by the Hartferd Accident
and Indcmtty Company. In this ether
case, the contract for $204.4KH.U. Ihe
bend wns supplied by the National
Surety Company.
An Interesting sidelight here Is thnt
Themas R. Smith, former Mn.ver. who
wns politically friendly te the Varcs
while In ellice. is the Philadelphia rep
resentative of the National company.
This company's ellice- are in tlic Lin
coln Building.
Among tb" firms which Ll-elc under
bid wete these:
II. K. Culbert-en Company, of Ovo Ove
land ; the Smith Construction Com
pany, of Youngstown, t). : the Rutin &
Rogers Construction Company, of ( lit lit lit
coge, and the Harvey Weycnberg Con
struction Cempaii. of Applcten, Ms.
"It's nobody's business," said Philip
O. Kisele this nftcrnoen at his home,
1811 Perter street.
This was his answer te inquirlcr, con cen con
cernlr,? the Htnte read contracts ex
ceeding $t,000,OUO which he, u pretege
of Senater Vnrc. was awarded.
"Who is your financial backer in tbi tbi
read contract';" lie was asked. (
"Se long us I have get geed financial i
bucking it is perfectly sntlsfaeter te
the State," he replied. "My backer
1h the American Rank nnd Trust Com
pany, Rrend street nnd Passyunk ave
nue, this city. It Is back of mc and
that is all I'll say about It. It does
net concern the public us long ns I de
thc work te the satisfaction of the
State Highway Department."
"Are thc Vercs backing jeu?"
"1 positively refuse te answer Te
be candid it's nobody's bu-lne-s. The
bank backs mc, nnd who backs the bank
is nobody's business."
"What is the name of your iem-
pany .'
"This i-i
my contract.
it Is net a
"What lias been your ipencwv u
read weik?"
"T imvc been with the A arcs mu.y
3 ears and when the late Senater C!ceic
A. Vnre was living, he did many mi'e mi'e
ef wntcrbeund macadam for the .'.!
I wns tin1 first man te put tlovviieiu e,
the new ilutless re.'ds tlds jear."
"Are veu en thc Vares' pajrell
new?" i
"1 am net en the Vnrcs' payroll. My 1
reed contract began last April ami I
expect te go back te Sharen. Pa., in '
about 11 week. I have a suite of ellncs nt ,
414 Dellar 'litle nnd Trust iJuii.iing
in Sharen."
When Kisele appeared for the con
trails, lie gave his business address us
712 Lincoln Uuilding, this city. This
ellice. is n part of Senater "F.d"'
Vare's suite. 1
Thomsas S. Role. president of the
American Rank and Tru-l Company, te
which Mr. F.isele referred, admitted
that his bank steed back of the con
tractor. "Then who stands back of the bank
In this mntter':"
"1 have no mere ns'it te tell you that
many types of
which is the best
for you?
read and hear of tar. a6nhalt.
than n priest would have te retail a
"Is Senuter Vare back of Hlsele?"
"I don't think It Is a public af
fair who is hack of him."
"Is Senater Vnre u stockholder In
this bank?"
"He doesn't own a shnre of stock and
has no larger deposit here than hun
dreds of ethcrn."
James M. Huzlett. Vnre Recorder of
Deeds, Is n director of the bank. For Fer
mer Councilman Jehn II. Ilahslcjr,
strong Vare supporter, is a vice presi
dent, while several of the directors nre
included in the rnnks of the downtown
political leaders.
Other efliclnls nre (icergc W. Yeung,
vlce president j Frank II. Tuft, secre
tary nnd treasurer; Wlltncr S. Rntini,
assistant secretary j William T. Ceven;
try, nsslBtnnt treasurer; Fred A. Wer
ner, title piliccr. nnd O. Ven Phul
Jenes, solicitor. Tim directors nre Dr.
0. II. Rlcklcy, Gustave Halm, William
II. Krepp, William M. LIndale, Harry
M. Miller, Chsrles W. Pennington, Da
vid Paul, Frnnklin C. Scheld, Rurten
C. Simen, William R. Chapman, Jr.,
Frank II. Tuft and Rebert Killough.
Continuous Flight
Records Smashed
Continued from face One
Texas, nnd Rcrtaud, whose home Is
In New Yerk, were n sorry looking pair
when they stepped from their machine.
Their faces were smenred with oil nnd
their eyes bloodshot. Neither hnd had
n wink of sleep since they topic off, und
Stinson said his only nourishment had
been u little coffee. Ncvvspnpermcn
feiuid difficulty In Interviewing Rertnud,
wlie hnd been deafened bv the rear of
the meter.
Stinson said that he and his mech
anician suffered great pain from their
frozen bands early this morning..
Finally they become nun.b and no
longer bothered them, lie ald the
maximum altitude achieved during the
night was 4700 feet. The machine
carried ."50 gallons of gas when It took
the nlr and had seventy when It landed.
Stinson and Remand commenced
their flight nt Roeecvelt field at 8:5S
A. M. yesterday.
Officers of the Aero Club of America,
Start a QenuinePcarlNecklaceforYeur
Little Qirl
t D-..1. v jIIZHbSiUuva
H" WmLlSKmll '0 Pl $2000
S Pearls $7.50 W&&rWJmmJ
Prwm &iaaa thi
w mcKuct
The AJJ-u-Pturl Necklace censtats of a group of genuine Oriental pearls
strung en it silk cord, inserted In a fine geld neck chain, se that addi
tional peurls of any number may be added en birthdays, Christmas
and ether special occasions until the necklace is completed.
S. KIND & SONS, 1110 Chestnut St.
m i:ktisi:mi:n
I, or thc Inst word in epticnl efficiency you must visit Wall & Ochs,
Upticinns. Their Comfert Spectacles, with side benring nose rests,
prevent any pressure or disliffurinp; ridjre en the crest of the nose.
Above everythinp; else, your eyes nre of the first importance and In
procuring glasses you should go te a llrm which has been noted for
many years as makers and fitters of glasses that of Wall & Ochs,
Opticians, 1710 Chestnut Street. Are your glasses constructed te give
you ine greatest, amount ei comxert ? Ale you putting up with the
inconvenience of using two sets of glasses, a pnir for far and a pair
ler near seeing? If se let me advise you te have veur glasses mnde by
Wall & Ochs, centninintr their nntent ULTEY Rifnni r.nnena n-rnunri
from hard, crystal clear glass. Yeu neqd only nak some ene of their
many patrons who wears this type of lens te he convinced of the great
comfort they will afford you.
AS YOU pass hundreds of men
r daily en the streets, it is these
who are well drebsed who stand out
above their fellows, and I can safely
say thnt the man who obtains his
wearing npparel from the firm of
MacDennld & Campbell, 1331-30
Chestnut Street, is bound te be well
dressed. The suits made for and
sold by this firm have the cut and
fit which give dihtinctien te the
wearer and at the same time allow
the greatest amount of comfort and
case of motion. Whether for street,
sports or evening wear, every man
who knows "what's what" will tell
you that MacDennld & Campbell's
clothing is only of the best quality.
Tiie finest suits which I saw there
today made of cheviets, tweeds,
llnl'hed iud unfinished worsted , were
prt.id a' 1 18 unci upvvnrdi
A HArPY New Year! This is the
message which these murveleus
Gift Baskets of Fruit fiem Hallo Halle
wells' (Rreud below Chestnut) are
sure te convey Gifts often appro
priate when something of mere per
manence would be out of place. Yeu
will find a great variety among their
special New Year's Haskcts, each ene
artistically filled with luscious and
beautiful Fruit Hothouse Grapes
from Belgium, white Almeria Grapca
from Spain, Ferclln Pears with bril
liant red cheeks, delicious Beurre
d'Anjou Pears and many ethers. Yeu
may have them at almost any price,
as the range is from S5 te $50 nnd
upward. And Hnllewells' guarantee
perfect delivery of all their Fruit te
any place within 1000 miles of
TOW tu llu. llm - ..
' mui; w jiiutuiu u reuuy
' figure. Thnsn wlm li-.vr. it..,l
At the Blum Stere, 1310 Chestnut Street, I saw some perfectly stunning
models in black Andrae Superior trimmed with beautiful glossy caracul
and lined with crepe de chine. They are priced at S98.60 and are exact
copies of $250 coats. There were three coats that 1 noticed in particular,
of distinctive cut one with the tight basque effect, a jaunty model for
the debutante; another model with straight lines nnd most attractive,
while the last would be especially appropriate for the elderly woman.
Yeu will find, however, many beautiful coats and wraps at Blums', en
they have all been greatly reduced, Some are priced as low as lf28.5Q.
' Ki
who were at the field ns official t
watches In hand, marking the et.i '
lishment of the nctf recercl. iUb"
Rcfore starting yesterday sun.
said he hoped te stay tin until a
today. Neither he nor his mNhanldSlf
worn etnrtrln milf-. luif .i--;V."5n,calt
the heat from the exhaust pipes i.,U1?n
pilot's cab te keep them warm" -
machine was ceulnned u-tn. ... ..-!?
upon i
horsepower meter. Every oUnce of ."
necessary weight was strinned w
the flight. About 350 gallon's of '?
line nnu iwcniy-eignt gallons of nil
were carried. Qa
Seven tilrlrea wntnliiwl tl.n . . .
circle ever Mlneeln, Garden CI lv ."
ITi.innlrn.J. In n,t,llln i, l "nj
mnny unofficial observcrs,' for
muters, who hnd listened te the in.'
chine circle ever thejr reefs durlu. ?.'
night, leek n farewell glance at It ht.
fere bearding their trains.
ObHervcM pointed out that, where.,
previous elTerta te establish an endn!
unce record linrl hen mn.1. i i "uur"
favorable season, this flight w 2
with Hin mornerw nnw Un "Juue
te the occempanlment of ttreng Jlil
ni.d snow flurries. ,na'
The Aeronautical Chamber of Cem
mcrce hailed the flight ns a fl?ff
climax te thc achievements of AmiK
aviation In 1021, when four Werk m.
erdfl were made by Yankee binlmS
The ether three were: "'
August 10 A Leenlng meimni.
flying beat, rifting-te 10,500 Tetith
four passengers, established an eDleien
and passenger record for u ship 0f It
.class, '"
September 28 Llcutcnnnt J. A VcJ
Cready, of the Army Air Service. dreU
an airplane te u height of 37,800 fcct
at Dayton. O.. shattering the nitltiiii,
mark of 33,114 feet set by Majer .
delph Shreeder. u
November 3 Rert Acesla. lu n Cur.
tlss navy ruccr, with u speed of 1707
miles nn hour for a 150-mile cOuw'e
broke tiie record fey n closed course In
the Pulitzer trophy race, nt Oiuahn
Stlnsen's Great Recerd
Stinson. stationed nt Kelly 1m
Tex., during the war ob a clvilinii in.'
structer. becaiiiiii of hlu .l.li..ntn 1 ...
probably trained mere American filer
' ....j ".- .u.i. l euAccueu as a
stunt tiler, he Is proud of never havint
fallen during his ten years In the air
He In crefltfeil ivltb nnf A..n.. 1 , '
... .. tltl, nuvins
broken a part en 11 plane.
9 Pearls $15.00
12 Penrls $2500
rzJlreTTxhy frcW
INVITATIONS! During thc mid-
winter seasen there are probably
mere invitations issued than at any
ether time of the year, and whatever
the occasion, a wedding, a dinner
danee or a tea, you will wish te send
out invitations which are absolutely
correct in every detail. If you arc
wise, then, you will obtain them
from the house of Bniley, Banks &
Biddle Company, noted stationers
for many generations. I cannot say
tee much about the excellence of the
work done by this department. The
name of Bailey, Banks & BiiUI'e
stamped en nn invitation assures me
that It is beyond criticism. But, fol
lowing close upon Wedding Invita
tion.! comes the IlieuKht of 'WeddinS
Gifts, and whether it be a moderately
priced Klft or n Rift of Importance, If It
cenies from Halley's you knew it will e
LIKE a diminutive garden in the
heurt of the city is the little
flower shop of Vellers, Twelfth and
Sansom Streets, ae exquisite are the
flowers, decorations nnd plants that
you will find there. Have you seen
their charming Baskets of growing
plants, ferns and crotons, -with a few
bright-colored cut .flowers, sunny
calendulas, for instance, a delightful
gift for the New Year, and a gl
which will be a pleasent reminder
of the giver throughout the whole
of the year. A little fern which was
sent te me a year age by a friend ns
thrived wonderfully and has given
me untold pleasure, se thnt I knew
hew much a gift of this kind will w
appreciated. Then, tee, there nre tn
beautiful coi'buke bouquets which '""
make up te uttruutivcly and wlilcn,
faer.i will mid Krcntly te New etrt
live festivities, pnrtles, dinners, tic.
ii.. i I..-1.! i i n n InW
sinuri-iuuKiug wiliier cuuv -
..l,..ni,. .,m .,. n In luck.
&SW&WF 9QG:,i
A """'- '-a (i" -v