F; v gr -v ' .,Aw'.-" V-c . '. ,, -' j " r , 'J-3L ' ' 1 V'.r ' '57E .' ' i; .jr.w r -- v inmr.ify Tinmrjv,iir j,i" k" "H r M ". I 7' V V' 1 ' F-i -1 H". v) II ' t ir,' "' ' WflPI4 J; . r MRS. STILLWIAN OFF II Will Rough It With "Bud" in North Weeds te Soe Witnesses 0 CANADIAN WILDS EVENING PUBLIC IEDGmR-PHIEABELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1021 ,17 .PREPARED FOR HARDSHIPS New Yerlc. Dec. 30. Mrs. Anne Urnulmrt Stlllmhn left yesterday aft ernoon for Qnebrc, where ulie plan te besiu nl ence nnd almost nlone the Inst ttfaase of lier llglit te disprove the charges James A. Stlllmnn made when he sued te divorce her and Illegitimate i,cr son, Guy SlHInmn. .Tame? "Hud" Stlllinan, the eldest en, who went te his mother's side rvben the suit wns begun, net quite two irars nge, nnd who advised her te '(rent 'em rough," went with her. He ,ij marlcs U linen. ij ""' the efliee et Jehn V. Ilrennan, of Ion Ien Vers, chief defend htterncy. The decision by Mrs. Htillmnn te nrnclrate thr North Weeds, braving re weather nnd deep mktwh, lu order te Interview personally the witnesses die hopes will bhalteri the banker's fn r,0iis "ladder and kejhele" evidence. us ninde nt n neon -hour conference she 'had with Te-,n ' M"ck l'euRliKcppnle liicr, who Is guardian ad litem for , Ylr. Mack came te her home nf 010 rlflli avenue in response te n telephone nil te bis home late Wednesday night. fi UesaululcrM, the Montreal ntlernej iLe has been relulned te conduct th(i iWWe at the Canadian bearings, con ferred with Mrs. SUIlmnn MedncMltty. nml returned te Canada. lie, tee.. Is te be a member of the cxm-dltien Inte tlic niew-drlftcd lumber lands. Start for Canada Within three hours after the eon een eon ference with Mr. Muck, Mrs. tlllmnn. "Itud" and Mr. O'Brien were en n New Yerk. New Haven anil Hartferd train bound for the Chateau Krenteniic, Que lee. Entering Cniuyln nt Sherbrooke. Mrs. Stlllmnn will rest tonight at the famous old chateau, and this afternoon take the one-a-day trnln for J.ii Tunnc. the railroad'" "further north" in the Slllhnan cum territory. "1 feel that I am going up te Ught for my life," Vhc told a reporter yes yes terdnv. "and when I get te I.n 'lunuc 1 feel that the lisbt shall have started. Ulic centinued: "We arrive ac T.a 1 unue at 10 o'clock nt night -land In -the midst of ieM nnd snow nnd stars and the next morning will strike out for my ledge jicar Uriuidc Anse. I have telejfraphed te engage a cook for the camp, and nt I.a Tuque I shall buy mine suit perk and ether feed mi thnt tlie larder will net be short at the ledge. "My present pinna ure te make the eainp my headquarters, and te take my one or two-day trips out into the weeds and mew le s-ec the witnesses 1 count as eseiitlnl te disprove the charges aRalust me. The camp will be Ideul for that purpete because it is centrally loomed In the weeds and 1 can make i trips up and down the St. Maurice IUht. Oh, the trips up and down the rher arc about thirty-live or fert.v DlllA. . "Celd? Yes. 1 fnncy se. But, then. Hud and I will be vvell wrapped up in furs and we won't mind, llcsidcs, it Is Shig te belpjnc te win. Counts en I'riest as Her Vrlcnd "The cure enprlest nt La Tuque I leunt an Important friend, although I. xs a non-Ciitbelic, have net done meie (lit... ,Vn -nut , 4lm..n ). Itfttnlnt. 111. struggling parish uleug. I am sure that lie will abslst me In every way that he can, anil, you knew, the influence of llie priests iu Frcuch Canada Is tieuicn tieuicn deus." tirande Merc, Gralde Piles, ltnp Klver and the etl)er towns or i-eetieus wliere live wilnct&es for the defense or wltncshCH who tcstllicd for Mr. Still man, will be visited by Mrs. Stillmati. .uid the Freneh-C'niiudian men and women will tell her bow they can be of M-rvlce te her. 'I lie tour of the witnesses, for the mw-t purl, will be en btiowshees, sklis (Cud portage i-leds, the latter being used un the frozen livers. Until Mrs. Stlll ii i ii i j and Hud, as the ii'sult of man) winters siient in the North Weeds, ImiiiIIe suewbluics nnd skils cxpci'tl. LEWIS SAYS $5,202,521.41 IS DUE STATE SCHOOLS Ne Requisitions Made for 1919 Bal ances, Declares Auditor ILirrlsburir. Dee. ."0. A letter from Hnmuel S. Lewis, Auditor (Seucrnl, te l'red nrciieliinan. secretary of tlie State range, dunlins with st'boel appropria tions due the school di&trictH for l'.MII and 100. was made public here jes erdny. It includes ppindltures and balances due as of December 1M), itud "as written as the rcMilt of the adoptleu of ii resolution by the Grunge at its an nual meeting nt Yerk. Speaking ut Brookville en December 21 Dr Themas K. rinegan, State Siiperluteudeiil of l'ublle Instruction, referred te the criticism of the Grange, and he was quoted us sujllig, "There is net u dollar which has net been paid," In leferrlug te the school uflprupriu liens due In Hill) uud lll'JO. Tlie I ewix tlulcmciu sIiewm t Ii it t en D'eeiaber "11 there was due under (lie l'M'.l legihl.itife appro)rlat!eu for m'IioeI imrpeON S."(,,J01.,,.VJI,II. and of that sum M,("iS,ll(l Ml wus due the common eheiels; .'i70,(l-l.'l le llie tewnsblp and borough high schools, nml $S'l,07U.rM lu the ciinsolldutieii schools. Iteferrlns te tlie e bahineeH due, the Auditor (Jen cral ta.vh llteie have been no rcqulsl tieii'i made or ferwauled In bis depart ""'t nguliisl them, but that he cannot ilctetinlnc just what jmiiiIiiiis of tlie unexpended balnuccs, if an.v, uic due tj the districts, as the allotments, under the law, are made by the Superintend t of l'ublle Instruction. IIe lias nikul Dr. l'"lnegnn fur the Information. BELIEVE BUSINESS MEN CAN DO MORE THAN DIPLOMATS French Welcome Financiers In Euro pean Economic Situation' Paris, Dee. .10. (Hy A. P.) The S 1?. iefi 1,?,l,,h "ml Prcncli flnnn-tt.fn'nn-"8'.1.0?3 m.cn nt tl10 "nch foreign Office this nftcrnoen te grapple wltli the Liirepcan cconetnic situation Is regarded In l-'rcnch circles as one Of tlie most Imnnrlnnf ..-.!. i.. ... the first efforts te bring Kurope back n II tinniA Imn It Is generally belfcved that If the conference organizes un International consortium of bankers, merchants- and nanufneturers, It will have n marked influcnce en the future of Kurepe. l.ven In French political circles, where all efforts of British business men te intervene In 1'urepcnii problems have been regarded with suspicion, the Impression is gnlnlng that, after all. business beads may be able te get ahead faster than diplomats. 'I'licre still remains n difference of opinion between Inden and Paris re garding the participation of Germany mid Jlussla in n consortium and In the Intcrnatlenql economic conference, which will eventunlly he held. The J tench mnlntuln their attitude of re- although there arc indications tliat of- iiruu circles arc coming te tlie con clusion that the I'urepean problem can be solved only when all the great pro ducing nations get together. The French delegation, bended by M. Leut-hour, Minister of Liberated lie lie Cleus, met Sir Laming Worthlngton Werthlngton Worthlngten Kvuiist nnd ether British delegates this morning for n preliminary exchange of views before the full meeting with the Itnltn! nilfl I'ptcintl fn,tfncAtfnllna' nl J o'clock this afternoon. It was announced that the Conference would refrain from discussions of the German reparations question, MUST NOT TILT SHORE" LID Dry New Year's Eve Celebration Enjoined by Safety Director Atlantic City. Dec. .10. The lid will be clamped down tight en New Year's eve. nnd there appears little hope for anything but nn arid celebration. "If ou desire te keep out of trouble de net permit any patron te drink any thing stronger tlinn milk, ice water, pep nnd nearbcer In greeting tlie new year." was the iiduioultlen today of Piiblle Safety Director Cutiibcrt te shore proprietors of cafes and cabarets. Director C'uthbert summoned them by nete te confer with him in his office. Director Cuthbert nsserted that p.it p.it rens must net be nllewcd te "bring their nun" or "mix their own." or the pleprletnr nnd net the offenders themselves must answer. HITS SHOWS 'FOR MEN ONLY' Philadelphia Weman Addresses In ternational Purity Conference Chicago. Dec. .10. (Hy A. P.) Traveling carnivals were condemned us the menus of spreading gambling and vice throughout the small town, nnd legalised immorality, "carried en under the protection of the marriage vow," was denounced In the final sessions of (lie international Purity Conference here jesterday. Sensational shows "for men only" were attacked by Miss Mary Sangers. of Philadelphia, who said they were patronized by "curious," thoughtless men nnd boys who cannot stand the taunt of the barker that they are "mollycoddles." Illlllllllllllllllllllllllll II Geuting's Specialists in Babies' Shoes Till. Is l)by' I'lrit Walking Shee Tun, I'atent nnd Willi" Thlg U llabjr' 1'irtt Moccasin, Alie In high nnd low with flexible leather e! for house or atrect. . "11 t AS SuV m v- m wv fj"' THE supremacy of Geutins's in babies' footwear is ah undis puted fact. Net only are Gcuting baby shoes of tlie finest matc- rials, made by the finest hand workman ship but they arc built ever the famous "Shoer-Trcd" last that poises und develops thoeot into adult Rrace and strength. And they're reasonably priced. Step in and let ur, make a' fitting chart of baby's feet then Tct the responsibility be ours. Lwv ?y Lewer Prices en Famous "SHOOR-TREDS" In Geuting's Sturdy Tan EUc Sizes 5y2 te 8 New $4.00 Sizes 812 te 11 NewT 4.50 Sizes llie te 2 New 5.00 Sizes 22 te 7 New 6.00 Genuine Russia Calf "Shoer-Treds" FOR SCHOOL OR DRESS te 2$6.00. Buy These ARCTICS and Rubber NOW while stocks are complete Sizes 8V6 te 11 $5.25. Sizes 11 Sizes 2M- te 7 $7.00. Special Children's Va- length Weel Sex; tizei 8V'j, 9 and 94 113.00 Valur Clrnn Lp n t65c 1230 Market St. Shoes and Stockings for all the family .The S 77 1308 ChestnutSt. Shoes and Stores of Famous 5KqT1 Stockings for all the family 7 A? amaryiWM (PRONOUNCED GYTIKO) m 1 9 SeUth 1 1 th St. (Quick-Service Men's Shep) Every Feet Professionally Fitted Three Geuting Brethers Supervising Sl'ltin.W, IlUOBSItir.U .10, 102l. filere Open nt 0 ,. M. Cle-rs nt 6l0 V. At. ff l nellenburgS ENTIRE BLOCK- MARKET fro 2! STREETS 3 IfflBlllllllllliilifflMJlllllllffl I I v e mistakr! 3 Butter I JJh 1 I At all our Stores Wilsen's Famous Steel Bex The Centents: Secret records of the Big . Four in Paris. Daily minutes whicli were carefully guarded from the public view. Personal memoranda writ ten by the great leaders of the Conference. Europe's secret treaties which have been a mys tery for two generations. Notes en politics seething beneath the surface at home and abroad. Documents and letters seen only by Wilsen, Lloyd Geerge, Clemenceau, Or Or laneo and a few confi dential advisers. Woodrew Wilsen's tetter Authorizing the Use of His Personal Papers. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ' 27 "December, 192Q Sly dear Baker i Thank you for your letter of December twenty-third, which gare me, a great deal of pleasure. 1 aart a trunk full of papers, and the next time you are down here 1 would like te have you go through them and see what they are and what the beet use is that can be mde of them. I plunked them into the trunk in Paris N and have net had time or physical energy even te sort or arrange them. I am looking forward with great satisfaction te the, work you are purposing te de, nd have no doubt that it will be of the highest value. With the. beet wishes of- the season. Cordially and faithfully yours. Mr. Bay Stannard Baker, i Amherst. Massachusetts. iLmL America and The World Peace By Ray Starinard Baker written from Woodrew Wilsen's Personal Papers Site Warning! 18m fork Stm?a BEGINNING NEXT SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 1922 CONTINUING EVERY SUNDAY UNTIL COMPLETED Newsdealers cannot return unsold copies of Tpe New Yerk Times, se their supply Is limited strictly to'the demand. Te get the Baker series th first complete inside story of the Taris Treaty Neeetia. tiens it is necessary te order in advance. e58KCrii,t,i,0n "I" hy maU fr rCad.C" "J5"" of New Yerk City; SQ"day, one year, S4; six months, $2.25; daily and Sunday, one year, 112; six months, ?6. Address The New Yerk Times' New Yerk! M ST Wonderful Opportunities for Saving in This ' Extraordinary Saturdau Sale of . Women's $10 High-Cut Lace Shoes The Newest Fall and Winter Medels At $5.95 P r sj i j I C-f I J V ci "'J "'V M TaW jL TVt Shec3 taken from our own regular stock and reduced for thia special hhIc. high-cut lace in tan calf, calf nnd black All models brown kid. l . I i j I I l I II II y Wing-tip and ,traight-tip styles, with leather military heels and vcltcd and stitched seIch. All sizes and widths. Women's Brand-New $9.00 Lace 0?K fiK Oxfords te Sell at VO.VO The surplus stock of a prominent manufacturer, in the newest fall and Winter styles, All arc laced oxfords in tan calf, brown kid, black kid and gunmetal calfskin. Leather military and low flat heels. All huvc welted and pitched soles. Children's Brown Calf High-Cut Lace Shoes On bread, comfortable tee lasts, solid selus. Sizes G'2 te 8, Special at . . . .$2.75 Sizes S'2 te 11, Special at . . . .$3.25 Sizes Wi te 2, Special at . . . $3.75 Small Beys' $4.00 Tan Shoes, Pair 0?O A r Tan calf lace shoes en bread tee lasts, with tyZJXtJ welled soles and rubber heels. Sizes 10 te le'i. Beys' $5.00 and $6.00 Shoes at, Pair 0?q QK GunmcUil and tan calf lace shoes with velted tPLlt soles mid rubber hccl3. Sizes 1 te 5V2. , , , SncLI TfiBU'Rijb Second Meer Saturday Silk Specials $3 Silk-Stripe (1 KQ Shirting, Yard V !- H2- and 30-inch heavy-weight silk broadcloth shirtings all silk in a geed selection of pretty colored tripes, suitable for men'u shirts. 36-In. Costume Velveteen Guaranteed te (1 7Q Wear, Yard.. PX..Ii7 Fast-pile costume clvctecn, in medium brown, dark brown and plum. $5.75 te $7.50 All-Silk Dy:.--dnc:... $3.98 All geed colorings; in .cry fine qualities for costumes, millinery, handbags, etc. FvZilNbIreS First Fleer Hair Goods Specials Frem Our Notion Department The "Rese." Real Hair Nets, at 10c Each. .' fqr 23c Made of real human hair in betli cap and fringe shapes. Guaran teed full size und perfect. AH wanted shades of light, medium and dark browns, bloude, black and auburn. Each net in a sepa rate sanitary envelope. 2500 Pieces Shell Goods, I'Sc Side I'embs, back combs, for ward combs, barrettes and bone hair pins, in shell, amber and gray. The Fashionable Psyche Puffs i.-)c Card One lurgc pufl" or two smaller pull's en a card, all wanted shades. SNLiifNBv'vIjS Notion Dcpt., First Fleer A Small Let of These Fashionable Black Suitcases Fer Women Te Sell at the Very Lew Price of Geed, Serviceable Umbrellas Fer Men & Women The Handles Designed in the Season's Smartest, Must Fashionable Styles Extraordinary Saturday Values at $1.95 each w m M M a (j v ul' 10ip, WOVt'll cotton tullV- ta, absolutely h e w c r - proof ami ciHl black - enr genuine I' a r a g e n frames. V e m c n'- liumJlc-t am full - length bakcliu or hardwood, with brace lets, ferrules and rib tips te match. Men's handles arc of hardwood in desirable eroek stj le KG and 8 inch lengths all with silk cases. Exceptionally t,trent, icell-madc umbrellas, that icill stand hard iccar and nice thoroughly satis factory Reriicr. SmfiI ' x.S First Meer Men & Yeung Men If Yeu Like Madc-te-Mcasurc Overcoats Sncllcnburg's Can Tailor Yeu the Best Medel You've Ever Seen at $45.00 Values Up te .$75; Select your own material from our varied btecks of high-grade new ovcrceatiiigs in the latest patterns and colors, then choeso the style you like best and our expert tailors will turn out the finest overcoat you ever suw at the price. Clever in cut, smart in style and beautifully finished te the smallest detail. STi mNBURflS Third Fleer Kodak & Camera Supply Headquarters Felding I A size. 2''2xl';.. .'size, 3 -4x4' HA size, 34;"i2.. Photo Supplies "M. . rulir- III IImt, I iiMiiiiri . . . M-ur. UIiixfi Oruduntr ... Itiibhrreld Trujn, 3x8 .. Ne. ! Illellllnf HitnUrt I'rlnlliii; I'miuei. :i'ix4i I'rlnllnir l'rHinr, .1Tx6. I'rlnllliK I rnmpib, f,7 Cameras Fitted With Ilex Acme Shutters and GJJ Lens $41 $45 $19 Kelt. Snle I'rlee I'rlr e S3 00c l.'xi ,t.1: 40r r.en 10n :il)e 30n J Be .IUr SOe SOn ORn S7e Huh) I Hiitlln l.ninp OOe ltiil.r Oil l.iiniii . l.i3 3'j-ln. Mrlnl Clipn, pulr.. Soe Other Supplies at Our Vsual Savings Genuine Leather Carrying Cases ,"'.' . I'rlre l'rlpe lul I'ni'krl ( Ul ....51. .11) SIlu Ne. I liuiliik .luiitnr ( hip . 1.00 fl.00 V, 1- ImiiIhU .lunlnr hub. 1.00 I.Otl n. 'J.( KmliiK .luuler ( Hup 1"ill ,,.;i( N. :i- Keilul. Junier hit. i,;r 'J.30 Tripods A Ibuins ,t"fu IhIiiI 'IrlpmN, 1 fold . . f1..iO S1.08 '7 Hound Mbiim T.lr 30a 7V 10 IIimiiiiI Minim I lu ti'Jn ' lu l.iinxp-I.rnr llnitii . I. Oil 10n 7MI t i -1. raf Mlium . I.fiu 1.00 H)IS 1 iKi-.c-l.ru f Mlium 1.30 1.33 1922 Calendar Mounts All Sizes. lie Each '.SjIejS First Fleer , Veils and Veilings for the Week-End and Holiday Events A Special Let el Deited Veils with Berder, - Each. OUC tSlack ami color.?. Mesh and Deited f f Veilings, Yard. . . 03Q In plain and combination colors. All Interesting Let of Veil Lengths. Special f) Values at. Each . DC In geed colors. A me plenty of black.- j f.mJs First Fleer Ugr $5.95 'a 1 sizes 10, 18, 120 and Made iu 122 inches. Suitable for almost any occa sion, whether it be overnight trips or extended travel. Beautifully lined and finished with three shirred pockets and two brass, end locks. bNElLENBURflS "First Fleer Extraordinary Sale of the Famous Master Brand Shirts and Blouses Fer Beys The Entire Discontinued Stock of the Master Shirt and Blouse Company, Purchased at Tremendous Price Conces sions and Offered New At Vs te l2 Belew Regular Prices $1.50 and $1.00 Blouses hiup uannci, squirrel cloth, khaki and blue clu uia. rtii nuve cennr auaciied. Sues 0 te IU $1.50 te $2.25 Shirts . The let includes printed madras and solid colored oxford with separate cellar te match, Wwt 3 i ipn,i ,,xferd8' Kray flanil(?1 two-thirds wool. White, pongee, solid colored Jem-vs andsateens in neckband stvle-. imitation French and gray flannel witlMBellarH attached BtyIt 9 ftft .M CO ca ri . .vv auu y.ev J3iuuses 1 i. Ww III w chain- tUlv ear-. $1.09 Woven madras. Large assortment or pretty patterns. Cellar attached und white silk and cotton poplin. Sizes 0 te 1(5 $3.00 and $4.50 Shirts c,, Yh.itc ,aml tun ailk cotton mixed shirts ..,-....,. .,. JI1UUV uUctteunu BtyjQt $1.59 $L79 Seft cuffs; t4izcfl2 te 14. i1:.-. . iiiiif ii , . . -teiM V-M J W ' 1 lKB Al A 4 i S :e.i: '''" ' N, SNBIiLjBNBURQ & .CO ONELUEKBURffiD vim, 1'Joer KN, SNELLIJNBUUr,, t h . - -Wtvj-&V-S,v -tV . rfu t - f m .... ifacJs r ' W-' ' -JXu& teLv,