VsCRb'-WSS "- v v,'i'1 "? Cf WXWr?lr. -',' p i- '"'!' U ,v , iSrrf 7 t . ' ' j "V w EVEkOTO PUBLIC LEBdEKPHniAl)ELP3nA, FRIDAT, DECEMBER 30, 1921 M ;. i rc iV K, E E Stere Hours, 9 A. M. te 5:30 P. M. Philadelphia, Friday, Dec. 30, 1921 t A Crown Phonograph sent te your home en II Pqi 10 days' free trial we have that much faith in e i them If paturday Gimbel Brethers MARKET t CHESTNUT t EIGHTH NINTH Fer Pics for New Year's oed as these we sold . for Christmas mince and pumpkin. 95e. Saturday ID N WILL SHIN MBHDGE PARADE IV It ft R ii rat ,fe ft 9i; P a Floats and Brass Bands in Dem onstration te Mark Begin- ning of Construction BUS OWNERS IN COUNCIL That Uimtlcn will make a geed hIiow hIiew lug In tlie bis rnraile ami drmons-tra-lien n week from today te mark Hie frtRrtins; of the physical erk ou the prcat Delaware IUvcr Bridge van the ngsuranir glvrn members nf I'aiudin Cltv t'euncil at Its nicotine 1at nislil. rhairman of tlie Public Wclfnr I'oni I'eni I'oni raittce of Olb Council. Mr en Mcda, utatcd that the city will limr- two ap propriate floats and two bnivj bands In lln lle nld .tfimrs 11. Iims. city water eliirf, would be marMial of tilt. Camden delegation. Assurance was sn by Mr. uti Kieda that thTe weuhl he hl uddl uddl tlennl floats In the pnrade Member of Ceuneil were Invited t take part In the demonstration, and witmllv cvcr member of the bndv prnuii'ed Mr. m Nlcda that be would pnrtlWpate In the parade. The Camden p.ir.ide will furm at Delaware .iemie :iud Vederal street. mee out Pederal btreet. te l!addn nrcnue. then In Newton incline te Rreadnm up Ureudwny te Market f-lrcrt te the PciiiisjlmiiH f Tlrw. Cleer co-operation between niera niera ters of iiutDbuM4 and Htn i tn Camden ntid Clt Council as urged bv lleraei 1. Brcnei. bus operator, uf Williams town, who jeiifd In a pretet ngaiust the passage of an otdinanee deMgned In dcsisnate luufs and M'hcilulcs e' care running in and through Camden Mr. Hrewer said the "decent" bm operators In Camden were aiming t Uralnate the element that pcrsl-ti n speeding and racing trolley cur an generallv dlwbeyine all regulations p-r talnlng te trame. Mr. Brewer said the bus operators are ready te co-epcrati with City Council. Traffic Committee nnd police department. Representing the jitney operator running en Kalgbn avenue. Jacob Pirt protested against the passage or Hie ordinance requiring printed signs show nig route and schedule te be placed tn the cars The .irdinnnce was referre te the Traffic Committee for lecensid crntlen. . City Council also pard the annua' budget nnd the ordinance providing for tbe establishment of a Burrau of Char ities. Ceuncilmcn Sherwood, of the Tenth Ward ; .Tenes, of the Sixth : Tretbar. of the Thirteenth, and l'ptiug. of the Fourteenth, who retire ns member t City Council, made their 'farewell speeches. LAST MAN'S CLUB TO DINE 10 of 12 Original Members Still Alive Three Served In War The Last Man s Club, n unique or ganization, will hai" its eighth annual dinner tomorrow night In Mesebacb's Cafe, Thirteenth street and Girard aTenue. In lOlU the club was formed with u limited membership of twelve members. Ten are still alic. Three served in tru1 World War and returned unscathed. At its first meeting phono graph records were made bearing a message from each member te the one pf tbem who lives longest. 1 hc-c ajeng with ether gifts te the latt man are in a viult of the West Philadel phia Title nnd Trust Company, Rumors that Pettles of a rare writ are are included lti the gifts nre de-' nfed. The Hub members haie b"en af filiated with the Third Baptist Church nlnce childhood, fine of the bet known members is Dr. Clarence IT. Chain, ac tive churchman and former president of the Christian Kndeaver Society in this State. WILLIAMS BROS. Commercial Printers 1(503 ORTHODOX ST. Phene Frankfort 310-t s harpe's tyli.b hoes for tout Women ALL SIZES 2803 W. GIRARD AVE. ,epr; KVKMNO. Cuticura Seap The Healthy Shaving Seap Cctfr3DiktTM without me ETwh2Ge. Yi Taelc Me la Sleep Recerd 3024 I Scenr Teeneuee Rell 7084 7087 Ask , Sheppc Music Stere IVJ9 Sti)dcr vc ibiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiftiiiiniin Sj Fer your New Year's S Dinner Fancy, Fatted 1 Gees 30 e & i ThtfVV lb itfft&il II ill our Meal Markets n Captured 400 Women's Coats and Wraps the Best That $39 Could Buy Up te Today Sale-Priced ) Fer Tomorrow j 575 S28 $28 AH urn liand-lailercd. All are silk lined. All are warmly, cosily interlined. All art- of line yalamas far finer jradcfl than you usually sce even In 539 coats. Elthct with great cellars of the coating Itself or with big shawl cellars of bcavcrctte fur. Black, navy blue, brown, deer nnd Sorrento blue. 400 Mere $55 Coats te Sell at Mighty smart styles, complete in thcnibclvcs, or perfect settings for your own smart separate ful-s. Yalamas, frostglews and deep-pile belivias. J $35 Pnfli rtrt.it tmrl wruti rI.vIum. Hand-tailored. Silk-lined. And eh, the unique cellars! That you can wear this way or that! Coats of the "Luxury Fabrics"Values $95 te $125 Sale Priced $75 j incs. Meircltcs. Pellyannas. Honduras. linnin- With their wonderful cellars of squirrel, wolf nnd beaver. (llmbcls. Salens of Ilrtti. Third deer. TOMORROW Women's $25 te $45 Dresses Sale-Grouped at $ 17.50 1 lie $23 te $36 values in the $17.G0 sale group arc brand-new gowns with advanced spring touches that are the result of long planning. The $39.75 te $45 values arc broken size groups and samples. All in all, there is such variety that every size 34 te 46 can find in cloth street dresses in rich silk afternoon dresses even in pretty dance and evening gewn3 exactly what she wants. In an occasional model, sizes up te 52, are included: Denitette Taffetas Piquetines Chiffen Velvets Canten Crepes Crepes de Chine. Street, high and evening colors. Glratxl. Salen of Dmi, Third fleer. m, m Scarfs of 1 At Brushed Weel j $5 Wide scarfs of pure worsted yarn, with heavy knotted fringe, belt and pockets. In tan and brown and ether much used color combinations showing both novelty stripe and block borders. (ilrnrxlt. ?cknrnr. I'lmt deer. M H O I Women's $1.68 ter snk He Full-Fashioned A big stock of silk hosiery of various styles assembled at this remarkably low price. Seme ingrain hose some with lisle tops and soles. Seme seconds among them. In black and colors. Glmbeli, llrnt (lour. Misses' $75 te $95 Fur-Trimmed Coats and Unique Cape-Coats Reduced te $55 Helivias, vcldynci, even panvclaincs. Straight lines. Cape-y styles and plenty of unique model-wraps like the beauty pictured. Urewiib the new, stUl mero wonderful browns. Blues. And black. $45 te $55 Coats Reduced te $30 Velours with nutria fur cellars. Belivias with nutria, opetsum or raccoon cellar. Hrewn, reindeer, navy and Sorrento blues. 11 te 20 year sizes. -(ImlirK (miIeiih or IlrfRs, Third fleer. Men's Fine Cape Gloves, $1.65 Actual $2.50 Gloves Tl p crudity tells you that! One-clasp, in tan and gray; eutscam sewn. Splendid buying! Glmbtlfl, rirst fleer. Men's Finest Suits and Overcoats Made by Kuppenheimer IM I II I I'W' I llnv , and Society Brmii Reduced te $ 45 Regularly $65 te $85 Every wanted overcoat style is here. $45. Every size in suits regular, stout, long, short, long stout and short stout. $45. The choice fabrics that are char acteristic of the garments turned out by these two famous makers. Frem ether sources 29 1800 Men's $ Overcoats Regularly $40 te $65 Big ulsters, some with raglan shoulders. Suits in worsteds, cassimeres, cheviets, herringbones and tweeds. 1450 Men's $ buits Regularly $40 te $65 9Q Glmbtli, Second fleer, Ninth blrtct. Beys' Clothing Specials Norfolk Suits $8.75 Regularly S15 Ages S te 17. Mackinaws $8.75 Regularly SI5 Agcb G te 18. Junier Overcoats $8.75 Regularly SIS Ages lila te 8. Beys' Norfolk Suits, 8 te 1 7 years; Mackinaws, 6 te 18 years; Junier Overcoats, 3 te 1 2 years, and Large Beys' Overcoats, j fc 1 1 yC each at Olrabcld. Third fleer. Subway Stere Sale 1500 Women's and Misses' DRESSES and SUITS At $ 5 alucs $7.50 te $le Sizes in the Dresses: Misses' sies for ages 1 4, I 6 and I 8. Women's sizes, 36 te 44. Sizes in the Suits: Misses' sizes for ages 1 4, I 6 and 18. Women's si.cs, 36 te 42. The Suits Are Mostly the Newer, Smarter, Rough-Finished Tweedy Sorts C hecks and mixed heather-tone tweeds. But there are silvertips, tee and sturdy serges and splendid jerseys. The Dresses Are Serges, Charmeuses, Tricetines, Velveteens, Satins, and Crepes de Chine nd 250 sample dresses arc included I Embroidered in high colors. Ribbon-leopcdf Tunic lines with slashed sides made ever satin slip-skirts. Flared ilecvcs. Three-quarter sleeves. Short sleeves. (lliiitxl., hulmnj- Stere. Tomorrow These Five Sale-Groups e Women's Fur Coats all five groups within the popular price-range: $139.75 Bay f (fcQC Seal Coats ' MiJO :)0 inches long extremely smart belted style, liluek-ilycil skunk cellaih and cuds, tee. Henutifully silk-lined. $159 Natural 0f d1in Muakrat Coats P A A VJ Thivc-rpjartcr-lengtli. Helled model. ?& at $129.75 iO-inch-lfnjrth. Hluck-dycd skunk cellars and eu(lV. $189.75 Natural. f dJIOQ 7C Raccoon Coats dlplO7.0 "0 indies long. Smart youthful model. With natural skunk cellnrs and cuds. $269 Nearseal j, d -J 7 C 40-inch Ceat U tj 1. ij (Ilmbcln, 1'iir htilem lliinl lluer. Umbrellas at $ 1 .50 Men's, Women's and Children's American talTela (cotton) covets, with tape edge and showing an unuaunlly geed assortment of handles. Seme arc full-length hakclitc some bakelitc trimmed with bakelite rings, etc. Deth caned and plain styles. (ilinliiN. Cmljrcllii M1011. rjrst deer n nil hubwar Stere. Women's and Yeung Women's Brogue Beets and Tan Calf Walking Oxfords 1 I Jl I ' I 'I I 1 IH lst let I u 1 111! WOlllfll WHO t l I -vOTJC SLj' ' ("Nil 1 ' ' ' ' '" ' ' ' at $3.75 bold out before neon just that "geed"! get these vill Save $5 te $6 a Pair Quantity is limited berry we can't fill phene orders. (iliubrln. Mine Merr. Vientl fleer. Envelopes With 3-Linc Printed Address WILLIAM B. BURT a-line addrebM, similar te ..umple; u00 428 Se. SOth Sthckt Ne. fi'i While Envelopes for $2.9.'i; and 1000 PHILADELPHIA for $1.9."l. lllank Heeks Half Price Order Heeks, 3c te loc. Journals, Day Dueks, Ledgers und Columnar Beeks, variously at 50c te $t.2.. (Icni Paper Clips, at Il.'ic a thousand. Tyjiewriter Paper, letter size, at ?1 11 ream. iU 1 fV or 5"--5 double Glass Inkstands. Space for pin 5 and t I penholders; also J9'22 Desk Calendars. P ' tilnibrli Oniin Mdlleiicr, Ilril Heur. Imported Ginghams 25c a Yard Less Than Half Price! A little let we'ie cle.Miig out. Pink and white block elioeKe only clear checks, and '27 te :i8 inches wide. Mercerized Cotten Foulards Kich nay blues, geed biewus, graJ'Si greens and medium blues with dots, discs and flmal desiffiis. Hniait 1 and practical for wemrnV and children's dresses. Te cle.se QO out, nt. Iilinlirln, Krem t'olleii, SnenJ fleer. Subway Stere : Men's Suits and Overcoats The last day of the old year brings this remarkable opportunity te start 'Jic new year with a brand-new suit and overcoat, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have-gotten the best clothing values in town. $15 Would Be Geed Value at $21 .rt $ 25 Netice About half of the suits have an extra pair of trousers. Oilier Stores Ask $30 and $35 Suits include single- and double-breasted niedeb for 786 Overcoats-big. warm ulsters and town ujsters with men and young men; blues, brown, grays, pm-slnpcs and pa d and contrasting backs, belt around or belt-back. All neat mixtures. wo'el ceatinirs. Rmwn .,..,. .-.. j ...!... mi- Werntrrls. cheviets, caasimerea and tweerln. AIR :mrl $25 regularly $25 te $35: ,.ww. vw..ke. uiuvu, grays, green and mixtures, oemi-ferm-fittmg models; ulse ut $15 und $25. Werth $25 te $35. rnuniwjriii s Olinbdi. Hubnny ei"' Sm 5 M g- pr- N fiV' . if tt,.i . K '