Yrg&t!r?ii&&?t1E 10 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1921 T'- lwr-v- -" 4 f 1. I" 1, ii v Weman s Life and Leve By, WINIFRED HAItPUlt COOLEV Our Relatives rpiIEItE Is nn old joke that Ged gives usf our relatives, but. thnnk Ged, we may cIieukc our friends. , v Nowadays, tlicrc IVJKX' 1 '" nn immense FjJKk') i'Iimibc In the view- ilium ei minimi Kind toward rel atives, and the whole matter of duty.- In old days, and in every re Please Tell Me What te De Hy CYNTHIA Rosily, Who Is Worried Be very sure the yeuiiR man la in FOR THE WOMAN WHO TRAVELS men nnd women who hrine children Inte the world ewe them n tremendous debt nnd thnt the children ewe the 'parents only nn ordinary amount of courtesy nnd consideration. The patri arch, or father-king, has really gene out of fntdilen. One of the results of ti democracy Is the belief that no enn can rulii us whom me de net elect te de se. IF THE bend between children and nnrents hns weakened, hew much nre net of bleed, but of congeniality, they still are n little ashamed of beltiB m "unnnturnl" and try te keep ip n . u',""1 '"" """ ";, '"nest before 6u premise te marry nitcrsnrlcH- they compel thcmlves te , hm Usually enu's flnnee writes of tenor ipend weary hours together, enilurlni? i than ence In two or three wcelta, but unspeakable boredom, jet feeling n sense wr.tlntr depends ery much en the Incll Incll ef ilntv iinrfuriiipil. Of eoiirie. each J vldu.il himself or herself. Often wrltlnc knows thnt there ! ue common (round . la n task and often women have le under of pUMlennte enthusiasm, and each ! stQIlJ "! take semethlnu for granud. j innj secretly despise tne wiiun or tliferies or iirnrtlcal life of the etltcr. VVhn RnaLr Flrt ligien everything ! but mhiic way thej must stnnd together rv.,n,t., m. (,n , u-tunn turneil en our duty , long enough te satisfy the conventional ; ?sJes 7a first we. a fe He" te our parents, and Idea that the family Is kept intact. JJjft'yJ, ,?ni?l8,Vni?tUt.r ancestor worship Why ennnet people be truthful and Alse, If presented with a box of was the foundation 'dncere and frnnk? it Is 110 crime te chocolates, n It proper te open and of conduct. Today hne different tastes nnd diversions offer your escort some after coming we feel that It Is I from our fellowmen. If the call of the from n shew: the ether way I bleed Is weak, why pretend that we i , I am net nllewcd te brlnB boy friends rnnnd. ami thnt nilnre imp fnmlK ? UV Inherit from , te the heU!c. as I Wil beardlnc. .'- . .. . i .... -" - - " ' 7 : . -. HITi'reiit nniTstnrs. and miiue strain viuuie. muy make one of us a high liver, but A girl should speak first. At least nnother strain caun the ether te he i ffcr te open the be If you cannot bring nliitis and k!.Intl. 11 nnd vl 1 te 1. but """ "' mr.n in 10 nave buhiu "' t does net always tell the same story, even In the mi me family. CHOOSING friends wc have the T.V CllOO J- whole pn candy with you. What De the Beys Want? Tfip fvnfMfi T nm fi iini l.i.lv nf npulatien te (-elect from, and I eighteen summers, and I am In a very nnturnllv we gravitate toward thee bad position. 1 have all my llfe been a who idenve us in the most ways. If geed, scnslble girl, but the 1kh i Knew I I am human, and de net want te be an seme Adventures With a Parse T SUl'I'OSD In one sense wrltlnc Ad-J- ventures right new seems sort of silly. Se seen after Christmas, I mean. Hut then perhaps you did net get everything you needed for Christmas. And, tee, there is the llttle mnttcr of Christmas money. Se, tnking It by nnd large, I guess I'll tell you n thins or two. There nre the gloves, for Instance. They nre the smnrtcet-loeklng gloves I have seen In many n day's walk. The sort you see en seme very well-dressed woman, but which you never bccih nble te And when you wnnt them. They nre white Kngllsh duplex gloves, hnnd- sewn In black. The stitches arc en the He Wanted te Meet the Only Girl Who Wasn't All Dene Up With Paint ' She Was Surprised at the Reason He Gave Because There Seem te Be Se Few Men Who Take This Same Attitude TT WAS n large affair nnd rntner remaps sue may start out as just n A formal. se that 1ie was very muctt " ' " '" "' ut.,n8 I'unuvr ('ii iu instill uuy )jutniuie flnitll? formal. n that she was very much "Imple Ittle Sirl, with Just enough - : !' . - . . - ...... i iifiwiipp nn in nrnvpnc nnv nnKnin nh n Mirnrlseil when a man nuteu te uc ic' senled te her. I In was rather elder than the boys she had been going about with te par ties and things, nnd. of course, thnt ndded te the compliment. As thev started te dnnce he threw the bomb thnt f-turtled her. "De you knew why I wanted te meet we hove muxK- or books or certain fads seem net te wunt agirl llke me. vleli'ntly attracted te wune ene nnd ,''. w' j..i t i,,.i.i m. . love him or her n theunnd times mere of ycur frenjs t0 un , WHUt Uie , ciHUINK the linen first nnd treu It se thnn we de our relatives. boysief tedny want. i N ,. , . A, . ... ,. .. Cases te held this nud that are most cemenlent either for the weiuun whose business calls her away or the girl who visits u let. ISclew nre bemc directions for making them Al.ftiMn lit iUn fAti.t. M...1 nA llflln .,. i VrtllV MP HttlPtl nlng stitches. They nre hnnd-made, i Tlint was n blew. She hadn t theuglit nnd what Is mere, they leek hnnd-made. (hnt there might be n reason. Their price Is S'J. Hut then he told her. "I wns wntchlng the girls come into 'm,-, .i .... i ,i i in, u t the room." he t-nld. "nnd 1 saw you. n ,.," ' .ff t'S 1,C "C7 b.rlllfntIlu,1 t0,r And the first thing I noticed nbeut you the woman who loves te have her hnir' vns tlmt vel WPr enc Riri wj,0 .H.in't sleek nnd shlnv. It Is n levclv amber I i i.a.. V n .i.. v.., ,..tn. nnint. color, and litis, I undcrstnml, tonic ; or llcr pyeinsbw ,,11 gummed up, or her Ami l mere se thnt of erdinarv relntlves. Sis tcrs nnd brothers drift apart in the confusion of modern life, wherrns they used te live en ndjelnlng farms and visit back and forth dally. In thete dnys simple Interests were Identical, but today men nnd women may hnve developed entirely different tnstes at mntnrlfv nnil mnv linen nhtnllltplv nntll Ing in common. Just because they nre I bound memneis. Still, common M'lise brothers nnd sisters they de net neces- J Is prevailing far mere In the present earlly enjoy the same iIIertlens or be- than in the pa-t, ami tlere Is es com cem Ucve the same theories. In religion. puNien nbeut one'-, duties. politics nnd en the subjects of inn-d" or books or reforms relatives mny dif- I (F COLIlSI.. .. ... n.. 4... .1 ..l 1.... t. .l I f ,1.. -..!... (3,;;Vi' V i . in , """ J" ,i ,"?".,' marriage. New. these two all-Important Suppose that two sisters are se unlike and no one would suggest that they i ttniics luwe been llscusea tn your col cel temperamentally that enc is n religious , dellberatelv drift asunder as n modern umns from every nngle" possible, yet It fanatic whereas the ether is n society pose or affectation of indlfl'eience. It I seems te .my nilnd the deeper we go butterfly. AVhy should they keep up n i mnvbe is agreeable for sisters or censins J Inte thcee two subjects the mero lgno lgne lgno hypecrlticnl pretense nt congeniality I wh'e live In the Fame community te ran' w become. It Is llke going into properties. It comes in nn ndd-shnned glass jar, nnd Is the sort of thing one likes te hnve en one's dressing table. It Is nn nltegethcr luxurious nnd de lightful thing te have. This price is $1.7G. While some women like fancy combs, ethers prefer hnlrnins studded with ! colored stones. The hnlrplns bm cer tainly siignuy mme unusual than the Jt one is nencst nnu irmutui witneut i LITTLE I.OVU Gir.L being brutnlly frnnk and unkind, every ; Th , ,Jt und of b t, Vj one will respect him. It is hard te cut . swcet and slmple Blrl8 fcr frlends, you the cords of family superstition with- nccd net worry about pleasing the ether out insulting the vanity and conception kind. f propriety et the old-time, duty- Why Men Don't Marry Dear Cynthia I am a O It Is ncrfcctlv smooth. The cases mny be made similar In shnpe te un evclepe with a pointed or squnre-shnped Hap, or they mny be made te fold ever at each end se that the opening will be in the middle. This is perhaps n little mere convenient. shirtwaist or blouse case should be Inches square for hnndkerehiefsf. A sin gle letter or monogram set in the center of the width of each case, just above the hem, mnkes the prettiest finish Im aginable. The work may be done In laid embroidery or cress stitch. Hnteen, wnsh satin, nnd even or gandie, nre sometimes suggested for these ensns, and while ergnndie Is ecly It would net leek se well nftcr of your column, and sometimes quite u let of lnfoitnatlen nnd knewl- dally re.idcr nbeut 15 by '22 or mere inchis when utn(; 1IH tic i,e,u-ier mntcrinls. :tliiK3 I get finished. This would menu, of course, wiilln nn tin. mihWt nf p there are families that edge, llndlng that the main topics of .liv.Miealnli u.eni ti-i Iia mum 1M. n nil n rnr.. piiinrnnlfilKr. . "; " ": "i;. ..- ....- that it would he cut double these meas urements. The illustration will show hew It i.s folded together. In cutting out, allow for a one-Inch hem en each side of the opening, and these hems nre the first thing te be finished when making the case. in folding the ense together, fold se end force themselves te spend dnys te- I maintain the happv intimacies of their I "? dawn of creation or asuimr why sin timt the hems lap ever each ether their :r l childhood, with ail the background of "". '""'': ""in """"""'" full width. Turn the edges in ncress ccthcr, talking of subjects that nelthe; cares a rnp for? memories. Rut if relatives honestly ttti i . 1.71 . i . J llrtve grown apart and are at variance fpnn old tradition of duty toward nbeut every ital thing in life why in J- these of the same bleed dies hard. ' the world cannot they sincerely let . . UKCIll, -. ,!, ,,.. ., !.. , ... ,. . Men today who nre considering mar-1 l"V, "7... ."., "V ''", "'v1 rlage seriously are mero afraid te talie Ierfeftly. Stitch together close te the the leap than ever before. Consequently .edge nnd three-eighths of nn inch in- A ll.ilill 1.111: llJICdIJCi j; vu met " While en the subject of ense3. it might be well te mention the cases that are made with different compart ments, te accommodate gloves nud veils. These may be made of moire silk, lined with a contrasting color In a plain silk, or one of the wonderful cretonnes. Quite a llttle plunntng is necessnry for ene of these. The ma terials for outside nnd inside nre cut, nnd ribbon one inch wlde in nttnehed te the lining te held the nrticles. The ribbon should be left looped slightly lips nil stuck up with gee thought 1 (1 like te meet you." And yet the girls nil s.i.v that the reason they wear se much "stuff" en their faces Is because the men like it ! IF MORR men would feel as this man did nnd express themselves se, there would be less of this disguising of nice i smooth, young complexions than there t- . . ----- --- ----,, cemes, nnu mny ue much mere ell retire ""T, ... ,i, ,inr,inr.M. tn think thnt thnn ratiilw fnrr.nrMi.nln,. n.rl.... nf i,l.. It is rather deplorable te tiiniK tiiat .. . ...,.. v. 4..,. ...,.... n,iJ wfc latiai drcs3. I saw some pins today, the &l2c nnd shape of the regular bone hnlrpln. They nre set with red or green or blue stones which arc most colorful nnd decorative. Their price is seventy-five cents ench, which I consider exceed ingly reasonable. the girls nren't big enough te ceme te their senses nlene, but the fact remains that they de want te be popular with men nml they will de the tilings that will make them popular. And you can't blame them. A llttle girl who has been tied down te lessens every night except iridnv nnd only n llttle "store-color" wr,n she feels pale. rnr nimf, nr ulmn niMri., iVnrnun'. n.' I SSntnnlnr is nnturnllv lircttV much bfiwnrthP.hhnouAae,fnun ?.rdVr Mal" ,ne1 incited when she graduates from school 01 nr.a e. anA discovers that If she wents te she can go te a party en Memmy or xue3- lw.ruppn tlin fnktpnlnfru Rn plnvpu pan i mnrfl ril.l iifiehplnru nrn tlnfitln.- nrnnnrl ul.ln Pnclnn 1.a tlirnn.la VadIIiai.. .. ... ... .... , . . .... . ! . ... v.w..v... . ..v.. .... ..u...a.l.7.i.L. ......... L.ii ....1...1.L7. A..-..L..E.'' i.. LiinnAii ... ..inm. 'in., inciiiiiiiif. mi... i T .JnltMau .l..n1l ..Anifn.lAli.. nn... ..!. n(t... nlmin .1 n1nn..n i-s 1.n ' In f h I M r-ilfl.t pJll pllv nf nltrl npf.f ir.l 1 ,1 1 ' 1 1 nlt I .. .. ..1l ...!. ....lln ll..l. ! k. ' .. . . . . P.. J i ii"'" ,ii.ii vuiuiiiitiiui,. uiui 1 1 viii-u uum uiuiii: uini init.i- in mv i .:,"., , - .'"" r""-1""' " "' """ "" uiiiatim; Miiiiii, i ,., ,inne en the machine or bv ienthcr ienthcr mest of the time nnd form new tics thnt I friend.-, thy have jej fully selected? ! ulbtJutMh1 u'e",, n" ackne?vledrc ' s'et ln betwccn tlic rows of Pitching. "titclilne. I"'lc"lnc or ey lculucr 1 I that they have cold feet en the mar- Three buttons nnd buttonholes should . Then outside nnd lining nre bnsted ; rlage question und net the girls. It Is I be put en te fasten the case together. together around the edges, nnd a ribbon i , also becoming plainer every day that A ense 12 by 18 Inches will be lnrge binding stitched en all nreund. Ilibbeu American men who are marrying are i enough for the lingerie, including mny be used for tying the case together, "The Marriage Gambler" 15y HAZEL DI.YO UATl'IIKLOR tejiyrlshf, 131t, lv Public ttdacr Cem fan j Cnrel nathbnnine refuses .Yicfc Tracy ttcice because she does net love him. Since she feels that thev can not le the same friends, she tells him alto docs net icish te see him again. u t ..,.- ., dm cnld nlinnr 'laugllicr. nnu a peinDer lOOI. gatnereu reaiuici vi nwintu iiie mm is Hn.iuy had meant What She said aCOUt . ,, ,., ,., l...., tr-.i i i?Ptttni? winn that a. ulrl In net nm.lineil I him. . He could net Oeucve tnat , .,,..,. tnr ren1 'fr)pL., Vnnl.l ' t eet married or has net sewn her wild d had made up lier minu te put uuu , - - ,,'"'",, nf' ',," ,i tj eata until twenty-nve or thirty .years of her life and would actually g6 . 'J'r"u5h,J'f?, remote and cold, eM aml lB ready te settle down, or at t CHAI'TKK IV Tea for Ttce VnCK could net belicve that Carel ' pctueus XV seeing she out through with It. But when he had cnllcd up the Itath Itath beurncs en the telephone several times. and ln each case the mnld had reported Carel out, when he had called there re peatedly and had been unable te see Carel, he came te the conclusion thnt she was through with him, that she in tended te have nothing mere te de with him. Once he encountered Mrs. Ilath- beurne just ns he was turning nway nicking out the forelun-bern ulrl In prefervnee te the Amcrlcan-bern, fcr the slmple reason they llnd them mere m UluiK te economize, llnd them better ' housekeepers, find them willing te help it. Serry Carel ami 1 couldn't lix a man get upon his feet and, nbove all. things up." lie spoke brightly, and a net afraid te ralse n family, 'all of i moment later had Hen te his feet and ' " ' -... u .uucnwu u. uu-. was genn. Mrs. Hathbeurne sat there 'utely abhors. I for several moments just thinking. She ' A bcnslble man up around his thirties felt uncomfortable about Nick, almost ?!;Kf.erVe,? d?el Vti,Jsali?to,,l,ier . fenrfnl fnr 1.1m bab Je11 or a baby fnc0 an lenKCr. I anriui ler him. , . ' He bccemen serious at, let us eay. i He cares tee much, she thought , twenty-elght or thlity. llndlng that a1 uneasily, "and he s het-headed und Im- sweot-leokinir miss of eiehteeii or twenty ITnf t IiOltf1itta 1rtit ir VtA ! fa In tin -n v mmllflarl fnr thn ul'drn ' night dresses, nnd should be made te ' after It is folded, allowing enough for mutch the blouse case. Then one seven ' a bow. Paul and Virginia Ky HELENA HOYT GKANT The Conquering Here TT 11A1NED nnd that was accepted by And then but, of course, you've J- Virginia merely ns an appropriate ! Buessed it cpressins in ethers? Tomorrow Daisy Castleten . - .- .. i i , i. uiu, wmi it. ii-uuy iu pvikiw uui nccr i-xpcriuucing iiic warmin ei eme- least ought te be. at this age. Amcrl- nun uiui 6uc iiau me power te arouse , can glrle say that a girl loses her , charms at this agv. I'crhaps It Is be I cause she has made such a paint and grease pet et her face that by the tlme ' she reaches twenty-llve or thirty her I fnce leeks as If she nad smallpox. Hei pores are all opened, lines begin te Ehew, skin ruined and bleated, and when she ought te leek the pnrt at this age, be in tne prune ei womauneoa, "e nnd Read Your Character liy Dighv Phillips The Sijn of Locality lnstcnd a dissipated. unattractlc. faded out sueclmen of womanhood whose davs You've often met people who never I et vamplre ituff are ever, who spent the ' property of the thick melan-, er Heart gave ene tremendous tnreD .,i,i I,. i.,niioeU nnd then steed still. Really, she felt i ,e heard the rattle awkward nnd self- : "t , key In the frenf conscious of her own deer s lock nnd then n sillv softness. As if wild, blessed sheut: one's husband could, "Hey. family'." n.it go beyond the i Aim in n moment she wns tight, nh, tighter thnn any mere giir.ly could have nr.'MTed. in his arms. "Oh why I'aul what ' ' who sput- l"li','th of his wife s apron strings without I her becoming moony ! ' Still, she was lonely ; tcrribh. poignant! . nhsiirdly lonely. 'Rut tin- dear chap's having the time terpd. 1'nu! tnly snuep::ed ubbed his chceli Hg I sMKm i yJwS3&Sj ' 4c ' i nsiunst lier ' funm ftin, Iahp ilia ilnrlr fnrn u-.tt net .,,. ...nsALsiw.-. . i. ...u t bpst nart of her veunc trirlhoed (r tnc nf liU llfi kln ivfisviircil herself. Sllt in hard lines, nnd there was something I remember faces, and still ethers who ,e 5?.a, yUThlrtn an,1 ..,', w,ri had preyed his heusp jacket and bright- j.r und rul pathetic about the exprclen of hs can't remember places. In each case ' Pha' MZ, nUn semn oeo? Jnj1?, rnwl 1,U -.IM'h In preparalmn for own. eyes that went te .Mrs. itathDeurne s ,,ni fin,l that n certain part of the se he can keeji T her up ln her false doc-' m ""niecnmnig : sm nmi mirnis.ie.i i..u Uat deftrp(,t).. hlp crlrll s k1i0 heart. Impulsively she nuked him in un is somewhat less thnn normally i trineb of what constitutes marrlage; and icepperware or the trim, wlute Mtclien i strUR(.w ",i,arest veu shouldn't be te have tea with her, and against his developed. ! such a girl la only a burden upon I till every utensil slump te spite tie here till Tuesduy " better judgment he went. He was lit- In the case of persons whose memerv I the man who marries her. The only dreariness of the outside world. She ' ,, . . . ' ernlly starving for word of Carel. He for inL.c.s is peer 'reu'll find that' about guy who falls ter Uils kind cf girl is had smoethrd nnd patted the sofa- Aw. w el say he cried, ns happy knew- he was making lilmelf rid.cn- Jnl'day up Pnl! "their fe?eheads.a just ' l Ji"1" b5: "b5 ni?n. nishiens, .and had swept nnd dusted nnd and ns embarraM-e.! ns she , "If you leus. but he threw discretion te the bout ever the eve ns tee leek nt th ' ?.'. " " ..."'v., " ,...,r .. ..,"": "ZSiZ polished and scrubbed every uies-cu - -. -? . - j"- winds In the hope that Carel might full fare. there is n little flat spot, a egs . clpxritta In face and who some no.ek of the littl home. And yet, she .Mid He eyed dark y hi have talked the matter eer with her IlttIe Fectien nbeut an inch 0r se In ' JlawHIlie mammal great big bej' A ,wted half angrily, here It w;us only I which he had flung into The Question Cerner Today's Inquiries 1. Whnt ether position of respon sibility and nole Is held by Mrs. Themas (". Winter, who Is a member of the Advisory Heard of the Disarmament Conference? 2. Describe nn unusual looking mirror which serves a eccend, verv important purpose. S. If it is desired te use n decorated lin candy box thnt hns been used before in giving away home made candy hew can n new leek be given the girl en the cover? 4. When was the first postage slnmp made? 0. In making n rosette out of silk ' hew can the loops he held together without glue or stitches? C. The style for the newest walking ekirts is te hae them appear ex ceedingly narrow, nltheugh in reality they nre quite wide. How ls this nchlcved? Yesterday's Answers 1. The girl who gels n last-minute invitation te n New Yenr's mas querndp can easily get together n Spanish costume by draping n brilliant shawl or tablecloth ever a white wait nnd skirt nnd tying u baudnua nreund her head. 2. Silver thnt hns Just been clcnued will keep its brightness longer if it Is rinsed in warm water thnt is jut n little soapy. 3. A new umbrella Is mntle in de tachable parts and sold In n small lenther ense se that it is con venient te enrry when traveling. 4. The first book printed in the Angle-Aniericnn colenics was the Ray I'salm Reek, which was pub lished nt Cumbridge, 3Inss.( in 1010. T. Te mnke n plnlted belt thnt leeks like leather, but is softer nnd mero clinging, use three nnrrew clre ribbons. Ii. A narrow band of gray fur will inake the round neck of n dark dress lighter nnd mero becoming. l ilnv I Very often she gets into a whirl of I parties ' almost every night. 1 And It would be perfect torture if she did go te ull these parties nnd had te be a wall flower. SIIH may even have a geed tlme nt first in her simplicity. Rut suppose she finds after n pnrty or two that these three or four girls who nre se done up with make-up thnt they don't leek like the same girls they were before they put It en ere having n wonderful time, whlle the has just n "nice time." Isn't it only natural for her te begin te copy, te wonder what it Is thnt thny have nnd she hasn't? She would have te be pretty strong, and pretty sure of her convictions, te go en ns she started, lifter she found out that It didn't seem le take. And there aren't very mnny girls of just-ever-school nr:e who nre thai strong or sure. YET It Isn't fair te put the blnme en tlrcly en the boys, either. If (here were no girls who made up, the boys would be content with them ns they nre. It is rather Hie fault of n certain set of both boys nnd girls, who nre net quite normal in their tnstes and be havior. Everything must be in the superla tive degree te please them. Speed must be the fastest that they enn get, jnsw must be the wildest thnt th?y can make it, nnd mnkc-up must be the thickest and most un nnturnl timt they cm concoct. When ether girls and ether boys lrnllzc thnt slrls who den't behave thU wiiy nnd men who don't llke it nre just ns nice ns anybody else, there will be n saner nnd better mede of living. Rut just nt pres-tnt there nre net many who care te think se. WHATS WHAT nr HELEN DECm 5& L&& Wrasf?iMf i i Did Yeu Knew That When Mrs. Rese Mergnn. of Gleuec,. tcr. N. J., dressed n chicken for her helldny dinner she found inside the fowl a two-nnd-n-hnlf-dellar geld piece? Dr. Jennie C. Murphy, of Yankton, S. I)., is believed te be the only woman street commissioner in the world? A Spanish lndy rarely gees into tie street alone? Ever year we learn te like mero and mero the French custom of sendli-.K IlanDy New Year greetings te our friends, although we ha e net yet reached ' the worry-saving way of presenting glft'j 1 only te children at Christmas, nnd of limiting our holiday adult remembrances ! te New Year cards, as la done ln l'rancc, where Christmas Is n religious holy day I and New Year's a Eccular holiday. The Bending of New Year cards, cal endars and booklets Is net limited te ene ! day ; the year Is still shiny-new when It I Is a week or even n month old. Se If there nre any friends te whom we sent j no Chrlbtmen toker., especially friends I who have had a troublous old year, we have plenty of time new te send them our best wishes for a Happy New Year, either by a written letter, greeting card, I or both. ZEu5XMimHiHfflZm The spread Mether would have preferred en the bread tha med te bake Ancre Cheeic, imoeth as butter, rich at create and e delicieuil A'etc, Coated, Sauitarv Wrapper ftitA fAeiCenufinfiftequpbrfFdrtr CHEESE Mai,i,ySHARPLESS. PMU. mother. dinmpfpp thnt Ic nnf nnlfp t.n U'ell rip In the dimly lighted library, he and sloped as the benv btructure ureuud Mrs. Hathbeurne sat down te tea, and i it. after Carel's mother had poured the Such people nre net by nny means 1.1, 1. ,, ,.. il ,. ...! seaming iiquiu iim. irugiic ii.,.n ...... .,.-,,, fnr.Mne in m-ntnlifv: nnr nre &.. .... m.l -VInlr'rt mill nvnitrill f 11 D ...-,.... -..... .n ....- .. ---.-.....-..,., . . v. - unu Bnv,tim.u -"v -.".,. v...".;." ...- tl, ,n n, Pnn.1,lpr.l na nf nlmnrmnl I d VOrC? CllSCS On Hand. UUt marK 1110. SPlf, "l WOIinex HOW 1 liking, she leaned back in her chair anu 'tf.m re n ,nattcr of fact the American bejs nre going for the this world without him fixed him with bright blue eyes. , ni""r"- ,t0I ""? ,.,""CV A I...' I forelcn-bern girls juat the banic. I can t,,m." "Nick, there's no sense In beating ''" """"LVj ' ',"r '":". ,'l"u,i ' "1" "iil name eight of my own acquaintance who s ,p made nnd unmade ii.. t t. Vi... 1 U- 1.1. I HTULTI llllUlt i.1 IUil'13. 1L PVLT, IUI'L I ,n.. flrttin fi DTirl ilrt lint rviyref f . " , It-AIW ".. - .... -w ,.w .n- ', OV s trnvelintr bac. e fftPMPr i ihn i i i cull ivu tutu "n'J -- ' w..-tf .. .. ...... ......D ...v . . ... .., I the forenoon of the third day since he tiny hallway. "Hush!" "(Had?" "Rut, I'aul, New YerK " "I finished for the boss rijht awny, and I- nlc- nalr Indeed te cct married. There eugnt le be a law all ever , hed gene, this country that no couple should get i j.n. i.ni Emled at herself in the married until the girl Is at least twenty-' ,,n,, ', 'M a one and the man twcnty-flve eais old. I mn"l5l lm"or. ., .,,,,, ,, Then, perhaps, we would have lesu ' "Mr goediif-ss' sake, she chicled her- r.rr tsu x,ii . before I knew around me uuu. iuu khuw uai uuu. .,... ...,. ., , . ,.- i.h....,..i .. Afr TfntlihnnriiP nnd I like veu There "" r'nc" lnl"" n"s i'w iniiivmiiui pe- , te wen t hn wS d we weu hi rather 'Unrities. Perhaps it would be better nave for a s.m-in-lnw than you, but te, r. ts own individual combination after nil It's Carel' affair; it's n mat- i elicl",,Vn,,., ,,, fln, tM. , ter ever which we hae no jurisdiction. " the ether hand, when you find this Parents don't menu ery ihuch In the ""j,1 f thp fereheail well developed. I lives of young girls these days, and ul- '" h,? '"BI 1'"" " , p' ' though 1 ceufd net help seeing for my- virtually find his way nbeut in the dark, self exactly hew Carel has treated you, who already hns or readily acquires Bhe has said nothing nbeut it te me." , that peculiar nbilty of the woodsman "I don't want you te blame her for " knew exactly where he Is. The most anything." Nick said quickly. "And I ristimUiy nu f"t inn r. Mich people ns I don't want you te think that I've been this is "ffhw! Dr Gall has ob- coming here just te annoy her. I "."rved that this hump is usually well wanted te reassure her. that's all: 1 developed In geed : chess players; und wanted te prove te her that we could Urs is natural when you realize thnt, go en being friends; that It needn't make the most mpnrtnnt thing in the game i anv difference in our seeing each ether." of th-s is te maneuver mir pieces Mm. Hathbeurne leaned forward lm- ' into certain positions, nnd that thn pulslvcly process lq usually long enough te tax "I knew. Nick, but ufter all, don't the faculty of iiosiUen memory pretty you think things urc better as they are? well. BACHELOR OP THIRTY-SIX. Knitted Cape Bound "Rut, honey, Rreadway nnd " He laughed and snuggled her closer. "Rreadway'a all right. I guess," he said slowly, "if ether things are nil right." "Hut the theatres and the gnr lights plans for the She would be ever te Millie Faver's. INe. she hastily told heiself, that would .i..ur i .i.... ,... atiiha !.,v" . ,.."?.- IJ X1" "& 1.1 : Ver nnd everything?" .quavered Virginia. "" "' ""'.."" .' . ' ."...:"": '".Mid the wonderful restaurants. ir; r r" r'i i of nothing in tue wer.u out ncr imui. inn.i.. With hed Cue Ribbon Shc ,el,,d down town a,,d see what 'J(.r intcrruptC(1 RUll(IcnIv . 'that wouldn't de! It would only ' , "S.v. durlin', that reminds me. Hew ' make the place seem all the mere bure nbeut some pancakes and some eggs fried nnd lonely when she enme back. l butfr nud some nice drip coffee? . Theie wasn't n Feck te darn; evcrylfnh, I hnven't hud anything te cat single t-hirt of Raul's wan impeccably fV three days, and complete with buttons; nnd there seemed A perfect wife putted him and preb preb nething te draw the burning ambition i cntly nil six burners in the white gns te work te wait the four or ic days ' range were burning why the six no that must elapse before I'aul would one could tell, come home from thnt horrid trl the Perhaps they were Jurt the signal firen dim had sent him upon te .new .nr. of he It Isn't fair te veu te dance attend ance en Carel, feeling as juu de. If Carel has made up her mind definitely, it's kinder te brenk things off, nt least for a time. Don't you agree with me?" It was se hard te sny what she felt ln her heart. It was impossible te tell Nick that she didn't want te see him suffer and thnt Carel was taking every thing and giving nothing. A wac of indignation swept ever her us she sat there looking Inte Nick'n face and theuglit of Carel's treatment of him. Nick smiled suddenly. He had n three-cornered smile that was charm ing. It made him leek like a faun. He covered Mrs. Hnthbeurne's fingers with his lean brown hnnd. "Yeu may be right ; anyway, we'll try Tomorrow Kpandlng Letters LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Pape Things You'll Leve te Make RunnyJJetay Inb l .r. - r-y. X I was setting en our fnmt steps this nftlrneun wishing il would snow, nnd some luily (.topped going past, Faying, , Are you Mrs. Reuses little boy? Yes mam, wy? I sed, and she sed. Ge in nnd tell jour mother Mrs. Kelly Is heer te see her. Relng a funny face lndy with wite gloves nnd n geld teeth, und she went in the pnrler nud sat down nnd I went up nnd told mn, nnd ma sed, O, all rite, 111 be rite down, jeu go down nnd tnwk te her n wile. Wich 1 did. saying. She'll be rite down. Mr. Kelly, and Mrs. Kelly say- lug, Thats geed, hew old are you? . II going en 10, I sed, nnd she sed, I Izzent thnt nice, de jeu Icru a let ln skoel? 1 A pritty let, I sed, nnd she eed. Izzcnt thnt nice. Leers ." pennies for jeu. Im net sippesed te be nllewed te talp money from waiters. I sed, and she sed, . (I, izent that nice, thats quite rite. And she put the .'! cents back in her pocMtbeok, me standing there hoping she weuldeut. and I sed, Of cerse no body ever told me if somebody put some money In my pecklt wile I wasent III Fii I I w i Jr I tn w i ' Ii r Ml "Rut I hope he's having u wonder lul time." she said loyally. home! Tomorrow As Old as the Hills The Weman s Exchange npmnulna Scorch i lines, with a rather long waist, It Is Removing ocercn n(Jt te maka you nppenr Eteuter. I Te flie J.iilfer e Weman'!! Taar. Ilavu It an evening gown, with short I n.,r Mn.dn.rn "Will you Kindly print Hleeves that coma above the clhew and In your column eeme way te taka n ' aren.ade of net or the material of the . alight scorch out of white woolen goods? ' n,e" llself- I "i de net knew exactly the name of the 1 goods, but It la almost tne aume un I white- cashmere wool. This goods I 1 have made Inte a baby cape, and the Ibcerch la right In the front, se If you ' could help me I would be mero than grateful. MIW. McK. 1 Try washing the cape in lukewarm i soapsuds. If this deea net remove the " .- .... i. . K... I. ..!. I. Ilia Htalll, niOISlCIl 11 KIIU IUI 1. iih.iv ... ... ' sun, letting It stay for ubeut a day, or i I two days If noceaiary. This will fade ' i the otelu. I Fer the Party Tn iri f.Mlrer et tVemas's Page: I .-.. M-iiim Oiicb mere 1 wiite te I 1 ask for helpful advice as you certainly C I did me a. favor with cur last reply. g I nm eighteen, live teei mree incnri and rather stout New, my aunt la Icivlnc n silver wedding nnnlvereary i Dirty the hecend week In January, and mother and the rest of the family i are an'.xleus te have me ltfek us nice us , nes-lblc. The affair !r te be qulte big - In ene of the hotels of the city and. of course, most pi me uireoe v.". "," "'" nlug gowns. New, I would llke te knew what .color and style would be approprlute fcrr me. At first I wanted te have a black party frock trimmed with beads, nut no many ei me oiuer Had Your Iren Today? . women In the family intend having thW i today huve paralysis of "" ,0 et ,reS3 that I de net think It will nerve. Rut, just as wc1 ifu nice for me te wear the same, ns I Uy tOHI.NNK bOWl! Mnnv of Ui l,-.trf,,c niiluiilv ever Irilil inp I i.mihlellt -l.n l'illflnr n keep lt'wen I found out it was there. me dropping the kniUln;, we nre pick- am se inuth younger, and Imagine I Relng Hlppeseii te uc n hint, eny .Mrs. ing up the Knitted, l necu gurnuncs, i ceum ".'"';' , ;!:.? avenirrif I .,irtv frock or a gown with attach- ' .. il.pt T nnn maun III U T l thieevL1)! ou vuv -! t,i .. V eet or m jsx i uauui:i ns wi. ,.,' "";,., '.' ;".,;.--" ' V ";'.V"' ,: . ".."." V"" nu , j,; k, Would you udvlse an evening gown fr . a itr lima cut ier inai irienii immij uiunu puviu iu hwiji.u ., uuu . imriiriinuj.v it n, s- .... .mul.. . ... i-Ai- a ernusn witii - .. - - . .i . ....- ".j. I I !. il t III1IIV 11UUU .. . -. .I...M little rlf un a& ucui iiiiiu tfc v vi v .--.- -- ----- - - ,......-.-..-., --. i . , . .., who ban ft new baby. Use an ordinary mmI, And nobody ever told me I wasent I widely for Southern wear, and they tei- i small button about three-quarter-'nch nwed te hunt for money in case some- low any number of formulae, borne of ,,,, . ..-...h tm liu fMiniMHnn Pni-ni. . . ... . ... r 1 . 1 .. . ...I- f .1.1.. I.l,.n.l ..I. .In n . n... I P. V41 in uiumtiui iu. .wM.....w... ;y tx)i y nn some nnu teiu me i ceum i.cep the button with white velvet or silk. , . , . , ., K cTlt tSnnSa ' i Vr8'1 ,telf "! T'h' i,h,,Bt; iMnlc Rell nmall pieces of the material I and Mrs. Kelly sed, Its tee bad I dident te form the ears. Stitch them te the think of doing It that way, Izzent it covered button. Fasten the bunny but- an,i i vvt Yes mam. And I steed there it wile longer te give . time te un i think of It. wich i he dident. and n.n came down and I went out nnd sat en I like Alice blue ten le baby-plus or small gilt safety iSnV. Thw RUNNY RAnV-lIN.s en B-Veet for nlnnlntr en hnby'a bib or w cWlSSf O JU of hr U-Jj; ' Uie frunt steps usee tskustcd. the units nf tills knitted fabric nre nw fully stunning. Se urc the frocks with cape te mutch. One of the newest fancies is te bind the suit or costume of knitted fabric with clre ribbon. In the model shown, for cxumple, navy blue knitted mntc rinl Iu lm. mil uifli reil i lie libbnii. the a... ..-.... ...... - - IMlllH v .-. --- . Irdlc of the fro"k I' also ln rid woven av-e blue or tne gray, rer ir you nae n illltlin PII'.. 1U.IDI i .i' rav. and leek well In red and brown, but am afraid that these lighter colors will make me leek entirely toe tee fut and I have nbeut three brown dreWs. be you see I dd net knew what in de A CONSTANT READRR It Is much nicer for a, jeung ghi te win.' n llghtcr-uo'er d dicta at ni HffrtU" of tlilu 801 1. C .ew.iw either V i . gin 'int nte the fabric. Fer Making Custards PUDDINE )V "nir'rr'iH'jiruHrtrnrTii-Tr-iniu! nm.uwi wiwuwrr-rmm mm n e. ..u. iijiHIim. im mm .u -niiiiujiEiiuKai.iiiuiJuuu.iiiii.'n aiwrjiiiiLimijii'ji K3 i With a wonderful flavor always the same mce Coffee Listen, men and women Hew they brace you against "3 o'clock fatigue" When your speed slackens "The Bckvecn-Meal Raisin" 1 wttwilHmPJPIjwW I SAvJwuiuowmDDMJETea"! m W 25 When your brain fags When you begin te yawn And leek at the clock And it's only 3 o'clock And there's a pile of work Still en your desk That you must de Before you've done A geed day's work It's then you need These little nuggets Of NEW ENERGY Called Little SunIaids In a hanriy little Sc package Containing 146 calories Of energizing nutriment Practically prc-digested Se it ets te work at once And "picks you up" And' starts you off again AjkI first thing you knew It's five-thirt And you've finished Peeling like Yeu could lick Anether deskful. Loek for thU DIapUr Carten en you dciler'i counter. Sold at all drus, irectry, candy and diar ateraj 5c Yen need but a small bit of Iren dally yet that need It vital. Rals are rich in Iren. Safe, heal thful tweet meaU for the children, tee. FREE Send Today Send coupon for book containing mere than 100 valuable raisin reclpei te make delicious dishes with the "biff sister" Sun-Maid packaccs you buy at the neighborhood store. '"lb At all our Stores LITTLE Sun-Maids-5c "Betzvean Meal Raisins" Buy ait neon iSS'SLS have them ter your afternoon refreshment make tftat your dally profitable habit ! CutThis Out and Send It f "" California Associated Ralal". Ce. i 'FIM. r-ll -tT, 1 rmwi, I n'li. !!( nl m -pr u' fr ! Leuk "hun-Mam Hn.,fcs' J I Kau. . ..' - J BtrM... ........ ........ ' ' OiV dress made en bscemins t.U-aljHt WTOOT'ETOaiigiflft CAMt'OH.IIA ABBCjC- Ti.. ? V JI.'s )., DepU I , . 31 Vc ; ,i 1 ij'j Gret c. Fr line, Calif, I I I I I I I I I 1 5 citr ,..nat- ..i .S'4 0 (