2W, ? v 'ij! Vf "t. iJiHt tM- k 1 tx ' -u g V' '- f ' f EVEfttfrG VXJBLIO LEDGERP&lLADBLtHrA; MCUBSlJAl?,- DECEMBER 39, 1921' li. . . ';J n H ; ) W" - " fftHN UP CHAOS Financial System Abominable, Says Research Bureau; Would Make Govemor Responsible CAUTION AGAINST BOARD n-Kniilii 1 cerclv ',,; WrtVm llmf will brine r.l Tilie present clmes," t 10 ltur Atnnrit i ernrrn rni en t- propound State In need of order out ..... . .f f llie present cmies, me iukuu ni lie tt. innli eMlc.il tnilnr 111 remfnentlnR "The Stn(e finnncirtl stem admit ,H1v neP'le tifihlenliM P In numerous JSpfrtt." It rentlnUMl. "The existing syntem of npprniinn npprniinn lens In abominable. The prMsc of an an an nropriatlens tliretiRh the Legislnt'ire l fmclcnl. Theic U no lelnllen between reremiM am! appropriation." The bureau recommended nutluct. rrepirrd ! tlie Goprner latlipf tlinn liy a beard or n co-emission, deelnrhiB the PtidRft should i ('present the Gov Gov ereor's views ami leeoiniiiemlatioin and that he alone Mieiild be held responsible for Its preparation. Ne Miracle n lludjct Toe often, the bureau said, the spiiII meats voiced In favor of a bud(?et rep resent little mere than a popular clamor for it parmcta te cure the. financial 111 of Hie Htatc government. The liurpau warned (lilit their (h no iiihkIc in n lnulKPt Mid what In needed In n dim dim eugh budget B.vntem that will nccom nccem IUIhIi eeitaln dcslrau'e itwiiltM. Tin etutement cuntli'iird : "It Is obvious the first esentlal of u budfet sjMeni im a budget that Is. n (o-erdlnated ,-aiul complete plan for (liianelns the needs of the State for the eiiHiilntf recall period. The next rjr.en rjr.en tien totaled te Hip preparation of the budget, particularly whose buduet ii fheuhl be. Most students of the sub ject bf'.iee the chief executive should lerinulnt" the budget, while some favor a commission or beard. A careful analysis of (1m1 problem points clearly tn lue iblef executive us the logical and ment effective budget maker. The Governer Is decidedly the most censplcuqus State crucial. He lepieseuts the entire State. As the chief c.ccutle lie is In the best possible strategic position for securing t lie In formation csBcntla! te the preparation of a budget, and for enforcing the re stilctiuiib Inherent' in a thoroughgoing budget lyetpm. IIcih. moreover, the one man whom the cltUens held respon sible for what the State does. He I; l 'ie one mnn te whom the caucus leek for Initiative in State matter. Maces Itespnuslbility "One of the main objectives of a budget svsteni Ib te place responsibility for initiative and recommendations with regaid te State finances. "The effort te achieve this objective Is seriously thwarted If the duty of preparing the budget is placed en a heard or commission. Particularly h It seriously thwarted if that beard or commission includes in Its membership elected officials who nic net lmmedlatch answerable te the Governer. Under Mich a beard, teapc-imibillty ii te di vided as te enable every one, from the Governer dgwn, te dodge It, betli by fulling te, de what ought te b" done and l.v 'passing the burk' for 'whatever Is dene. "However well such n beard might act In feenip years, the results in the course of time are certain te be less fruitful and lss satisfactory than these Inherent in the reparation of the budg et by the Governer. N. Y. Man Alcohol Victim Here .1. .7. Auaa. 110 Riverside d Ivp. New Yerk City, was admitted last night te Hahnemann Hospital, in this city, suf fering from alcoholism nnd lacerations of the right cjc. His condition is net serious. JUDGE'S ELECTION UPHELD Attorney General Hefukei te Certify Petition Against Qaldrldge Ilntvlsbiir. Dec. 1OT, (H.v A. P. Attorney General Alter today an nounced he had certified te the Gov Gov ereor for Ills action under the law req ulatln; contents of Judicial eleclieiis the prtitten of friends of Judge Cummings, of Nertlu'ml.crland Ceuntv, contesting the 6!citieri of Albert Lloyd as Tndge of that county, but that he had refused te certify the petition of friend" of Rebert A. Hendersen contesting the re flection of President Jtidse Bnldrldge. of thi Ttlnlr Ceuntv courts. The Governer will probably within n few day convene a eycelal teurt for the Northumberland contest. i IMPORTERS, UESiattKTIH AKD MAKERS OF ire.irKA"S AND CaiI.DnnS"S'APPARlSTj OF the highest character FOR UORE THAN TWEXTY-SIX TEARS OOWWfl WRAPS SUITS runs BLOCK (I JiWOEBIli HOSIERY rfA SWEATERS MH.Z.IWIJBY SKIRTS CHILDREN'S AF7ARBL FBTTIOOATS RlS Chestnut Cemer Twelfth Clearance of Outer Apparel of the Better Kind Significant Values Women's Coats, 69.50 Formerly te 110.00 Medels of superb tailoring and finish that indi iatc superior worth at every point. Materials arc Wondera, Pollyanna. Panvelainc, Marvella and Ucrena. Every smart adaptation of straight line and blouse effect with trimmings of nutria, opossum, wolf, beaver and squirrel. Sizes for women, misses and extra sizes. THIHD FLOOn Gowns, 37.50 Formerly te 59.50 A collection of styles that will meet every need, whether it be formal, evening, luncheon or -mart daytime frock. Materials arc Vcldyne, nmctyiic. Chiffen Velvet, Tricetinc, Canten Crepe. Keshanara Crcpc, beaded effects of beauty, se unusual that they seem indescribable. All colors, for street, afternoon, evening. SECOND FLOOR I ft Founded In 1894 1204 Chcstuut St. 11 Seuth 15th St. 1119-21 Market St. 33 1-3 Percent Off Our Entire Stock Of Men's Suits 8C Overcoats 30.00 Garments new 20.00 32.30 Garments new 21.67 35.00 Garments new 23.34 40.00 Garments new 26.67 45.00 Garments new 30.00 50.00 Garments new 33.34 55.00 Garments new 36.67 60.00 Garments new 40.00 Original closely-figured 1 price tickets remain en all garments. Deductions made at time of purchase. Net a single price ticket has been touched. Net one suit or overcoat has been removed from our cabinets. Net a single "sale let" has been added. Yeu are offered your unlimited choice of our large and compre hensive stock of Kirschbaum Clethes at one-third off. Sales for cash only. Alterations at cost. Kirschbaum Tuxedos and Full Dress 50 Hudsen Super Six Reduces Prices Effective December 24th Prices of Hudsen Medels Are Reduced as Fellows 4-Paas. Speedster . .r.,.- $1695 7-Pa88. Phaeton . ..- , 1745 2-Pass. Cabriolet 2295 4-Pass. Coupe . . .?-. . . . . i, . . . 2570 7-Pass. Sedan .-.- - 2650 4-Pass. Touring Limousine 2920 7-Pass. Limousine . ., 3495 F. O. B. Detroit Gemery-Schwartz Moter Car Ce. 128-140 North Bread Street . Salesroom, 128140 North Bread Service Station, 2400-14 Market Street r LSTRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER l' M JS m SR. COND CLOVER DAY jW&L Women's Apparel of All Kinds at Remarkable Clever Day Savings second rr.oen New Crcpc de' Chine Dresses new .$14.25 Over-bleuse model with plaltfd tunle skirt Black, navy nnd dork brown. Smart Tailored Cleth Dresses new $16.75 Basque models with circular sltlrU of duvet d lalnc nitbe nncl trlcetlnn beaded nnd embroidered. errif with Ince vcstecK. Black, navy brown, reindeer and henna. Tailored Tricetinc Dresses new $16.50 Ceat and tunic model, trimmed with Hat braid. Black and naj. Fine Belted Silvcrtenc Suits new $21.50 Navy, brown and oxford Smnrtty pin-tucked and trimmed with but tons. High-grade Suits Unusual at $20.00 Tweeds In fan, brown. Rreeri nnd oxford, and fine tricetinc In nlucL Medium wMfrht Seme half price Fine Silk-lined Coats new $17.50 Of warm dark brown cleaUlnir. about three-quarter length. High-grade Coats, Various Weaves $30.00 Plaln-fallored all lining throughout brown and oxford ,1'etiml belt. nllU Navy. Sorrento Broken Ixts of White Voile Blouses $1.95 I-ace-trlmmcd several In frill cf feets. long; or short tleeve- Fine Queen Make Heuse Dresses $1.65 Three model" Lew-wnMcd inedfl of figured percale. RtrilKh'-lInn model of figured percale: jiml waist line model of striped gingham. 'Va rious colorings, and all sizes from S6 te iG. Hosiery, Knitwear FIRST FLOOIt Women's Black Silk Stockings, Save $1.65 Full-fashioned Ingrain Silk Mocking- Slight seconds of an excellent quaUty. Women's Black Cotten Stockings, Special 20c The sturdy black Stnrklnga with unbleached foIeb se inanv ueinen find most comfortable These, ara "seconds." . Women's Union Suits Extra Sizes $2.25 each Vhltn Hbbfd merino low neck, ilee-veless and In ankle. long-th. Uxlra elies only Women's Vests, Tights and Drawers, 70c, 80c Medium-weight ribbed cotton Vests with high necl and long eleees. Drawers jml Tlglits in ankle length 70c cn.li, in extra slics SOc. Men's Union Suits Excellent Value $2.50 "Madcwell" Union Suits of jibbed merino In medlum y eight. W'l.li long "lenvea and in ankla length, fccoenda. IMcn's Gray Cotten Union Suits new $1.35 Grtn ribbed cotton Union Suit1 at a bUbatanllal r.ilng .Children's Stockings A'Netahle Value, at 20c Seconds In ribbed Cotten Stock ings, black, white and tan. Muni practical Stockings for general wear. Beys' Union Suits Away Under Price 75c Of ecru rlhbed cotton with sleeves and In ankle length long 75 Trimmed Hats Reduced te $4.85 Clearance from our regular stock. Werth double, some worth much nore than double Fifty Trimmed Hats for Matrons $4.50 Seme worth nearly double. Made of velvet and variously trimmed. Three Hundred Silk Petticoats at $3.45 ArAeaaltfi a flounce and" colets Jersey top with taffeta all-Jersey, Black and TiimD ri.oert Envelope Chemises new 40c te $1.50 Three hundred mivdn of flesh color batiste, various itvlcs. Warm Petticoats new 40c te 85c Tre hundred flannelette Petti coats In several dlfferertt styles Odd Let of Corsets Reduced te $3.85 pemu worm uoueio Hnrl mere, va- lneiiGis. front Uce nnd back- Many Remarkable Clever Values in Men's Clothing surevD FT.OOIt The great Winter Sale of Men's Suits and Overceat3 presents many remarkable value groups. In addition te these, there are new many ether exceptional lets for Clever Day, presenting savings of the extraordinary character which has made Clever Day fameus: Suits with 2 Pairs of Trousers $26.50 Worsted Suits in clean-cut. conservative styles unci in dark colors. All sizes regular, short, tall, steut and slender. One third under price. Suits from Our Foremost Suppliers $27.50 Hart, SchniTner Sc Marx, Stein-Blecli and ether fine Suits clearance lets from stock but practically all sizes in the assort ment, and savings of tm dollars and mere Conservative Worsted Suits new $18.00 Practically all siics regular, stout, slender, short, tall. ?c ditced mere llier oic-feurlh. Men's and Yeung Men's Overcoats $21.50 Ulsterctte and Chesterfield styles of dark oxford fabrics and fancy mixtujcs. Reduced about one-third. Men's and Yeung Men's Overcoats $24.75 Smart belted styles of rich p'a'd-bpck fabric in herringbone effects and dark colerinss. A sating 01 ten dollar i Separate Trousers, neat dark fabrics $3.50 rleus lace, iilnk I. and white. Cambric Brassieres Half Price at 50c TToek-front style lace-trlmmed re inforced under the firm with shields. FIRST FLOOR Men's Smart New Four-in-Hands 45c A brand-new collection JiM ar rived from one of our foremost sup pliers. The sav iigi aetragt ene-liatf Five Hundred White Batiste Blouses 95c Peml-tallered models with fancy roll cellar"" trimmed with plaiting Broken Lets of Fine Silk Blouses $3.35 Bleures and Over-meuses of ciepe Georgette and crepe dc rhlne In white, flesh and Ugh thades. hvaded, embreidred and lare-lrln m'd ' Smart Crepe de Chine Blouses new $3.95 Tailored and eeml-tallercd. mil tuxedo, Peter-Pan and tenvsttiLr cellars. White and lle.ib American Fex Animal Scarfs new $33.50 Thirty fine S arfH In lirenn tnne taupe and black: finished with head, tall and paws 163 Entirely New Lets for Te-morrow Added te the Hundreds Geed for Beth Days The idea of two Clever Days has worked out iust as we expected it te de enables us te give BETTER SERV ICE te the mai-y thousands of customers who NEVER MISS CLOVER DAY. The one-day Clever throngs be came tee great te receive the careful attention te which each individual is entitled. By distributing Hie business ever two days, net only can we give mere prompt service te each shopper, but give te every customer a better opportunity and mere time te fellow Ihe FOUR-LEA.F Evnnvn,?i9rNS " a11 Parts f th Stere- Thu EVERYBODY get the greatest possible advantage from Clever Day these who wish te be here en BOTH DA.YS and these who were unable te get here en the first day'. Every One of These Specials at a Substantial Saving And de net forget that this is only a partial IM hundreds of equally attractive specials te be seen when you come te the Stere. (We cannot premise te fill mail or telephone orders for Clever Specials.) In the Basement Cut Glass Bowls Excellent Value $4.65 Ki-.'iiitifnt blanl ! V it :, Linens, Bedfurnishinps FTItST TXOOR Fine Linen Damask Dinner Cleths $4.00 Handsome round deMcns Panu of finest quality tn uetue and finish The saving w a ilnllar at this pries J4.00. Lig-ht-cut Class Suj?ar and Cream Sets ttOc lust ' r.5'. 3 zc fnr ten tab'fl et for j;pi (in' -iir The-s 'sets in pre-ty liphi-cut pal"- Aluminum Teakettles Under Price $1.20 Turkish Towels in Jacquard Weaves 35c I'olerod border or fcrlrn Towels one f AW. sultnble for show ii saving of nearly Scalloped Linen Pillow Cases $2.50 "if nturdy, smnith-wrai linen In the '.'SHxSfi-ini li siza, with scalloped hems $. 60 a pa r Printed Luncheon Sets, 13 pieces 95c .lapanei-0 ban I- i ted Luncheon Set., cennlstnp: of c, mrrpiece 6 plate and t'i Blass lnilic-- c White Weel-mixed Blankets S5.S5 a pair Of excellent qiialiM measurlnK rx SI Inches vvltb ilmitv cnleicd bir ders. Much under pi ic. All-wool Plaid Blankets $9.25 a pair W.ntei weur'.it, T0i'i Puhee All wool Heaut fj TJIanl v nt i 1 e markablc and timely sani: While Marseilles Bed Spreads $0.25 Tlandsnmt s ititi.flrii.'i 'ta-n'iile Spreads gie ,tuhei Wenb ne.r! one-half weir White Coiien Blankets SI. 25 r'xcellent iiuiiIm it dainty pink c- 1 1 i- h.ir -r Inrhes. About our '7i - utct Ir the iii.fi: I ceptten.1! wli e , ; v je White Brciul Bexes Special at $1.35 Wl i (i Hi. fc)-ies in ii'MVcnlElit nnu'elinie sizr Japarned r.ni'h Handy UnuRiial (.ii .' iti u ens 'i 'i Ash Sifters YixhiQ $1.50 ' f jral n r., d iron, ii c t nu J! 5" tang-handM Dusters Uufk'r Price 10c Ions i r. si ;n-( c rf'ifj'l- 1 1 mi rr "i-tli nlil h h ' H'S1 Leng- Cleth in 10-vnrd Pieces-$1.95 Kine-pnn 1 one flet'i , z. Inal pir.-'s of 10 -i I- Itrm.i h able alue at Jl ?n for i e p . . Quilled Mali ress Protectors $3.25 Of nutlted muslin In the pepu .' ST'i-incb i-e Tb kji 'tin n fMv In aitc.feiiih a' ibis I'lei n tav Save en Misses' & Children's Apparel - ri-e 1 1 rLnr'r Misse.b' Winter Coats Special $25.00 te $35.00 i f t i ' e Uih nni vU rr 1 ! nlMi RUGS. FLOOR COVERINGS Fer Beys SECOND KLOOTl Suits with Extra Knickerbockers $9.75 Hults of all-wool cholets each with two p.lrn of kiilckcibeckers. Werth one-half mere. Blanket Cleth Mackinaws $(5.95 Of all-wool blanket cloth. Sizes 8 te IV eara Yci'j cleia te half price Beys Handsome Cheviot Suits $6.50 Well-made Suits of cheviot In Reed serviceable patterns. Well tailored lit the. clean-cut style for beyti of 7 te 1L, years. The navltura average eleap kc- ene-hal, reuuTir l'LOep. IMaric Antoinette Stenciled Hugs Imported Stpn i'ed line In attrac tive chlnt. olTee's and I'blnexe de .gna j excepticnl -mxing. v10 feet new JS :0, .!.' tcet 19 50. Heavy "Rainbow" Stenciled Buj?s Durable. w.iKhnble JSiirs in blue and taupe with nent sti.nciled pat tenia f.ci Diaii lia'f pur. hi $l" 5ft for the SxlO size, and flliO for the 11x12 size. Genuine Cerk ' Linoleum Rugs In patierte mr k'tchen bedroom and dinii (- ri (mi e(l ent lues at i tliCFC iue (.''i fret $'. nit 7 Cv ' f et Mi T t,lu ( f... t- J7 25 . ' 3M2 feet 110 :0 j Inlaid Linoleum 95c a square yard Full lulls nnd remnant lengths of ' inlaid Linoleum In tile effefta for Ultchen, bath room, hall and pante. J ullli fin-v rtit h tinlnir.,1 nindela irl xlc? with larce rep. Of W(vn nil urn. i Vii'iiNindv .leHkins njid mlxtiues Misses' Jersey Suits Xelabb Value $13.50 Hflieij --1 j i -w in hrrmn i-ad-' b'uf nnd d-iiK blue Sema Jail ft diid si in .iMpis ia.-Vt and iW pen .liri-en cliiKHes Size H te IS tais. Misses" Smart Dresses Unusual $10.75 te 815 nf e1Ptnen nri Exchanged Pianos Reduced e havp ma le nddliiennl Clever Day 1 eductiens from the nlready law pi . es et a number of used but desirable Upright Pinnes whieh ' . v been taken in exchange for new mtiumunts. Clever prices .JilJ.OO te .f285.00. Exchanged Player-Pianos ' A number of these have alie been marked at lewrr-thiin-usuil prices for Clever Day disposal. Clever Da -5210.00 te $170.00. Several New Instruments Are also marked at special prtces. They are well-known makes and aic $e0.00 te $100.00 below the regular prices. Cabinet Phonographs Reduced 'Kwi' wu.y w Jt'0.uu mstvuments which we have in the btore for demonstration are new ?p0.00 te $115.00. used t e i i T irr.pi fit 1.1 pbt lllifM tiipntlne-ainl-Kilk i-repn eon b tie I ami i ri. pp (p. . ' ! i Flip oil medK at a Kreatlnp xn 'i 5 (I iris' Wash Dresses New $2.00 te $5.00 notable reduction en Prejues of fine rheckiid and plaid Rlnghnm and ch.imbiav f blr'l" une 0f ktnj in HtralBht-line, low-naieied and coat stles Sl?,c K co If warn Fur Muffs Half Price new $3.00 te $12.50 Fer nilfisen and children muffa of raccoon, ..pensum null la white or brown, c mn nbbit and Imitation beavei. Ml at half price THint) FLOOH Children's Cambric Bleemer Drawers 35c! Sturdv well-made, finished with an embroidery ruffle Size 2 te 10 years. rmsT n.oeu Children's Gauntlets V??11 Saving at 85c iinciMn aunUtT. warmly fleee. Mntd. Tlth a. mar en each cuff. Baw nd Ctrl l(k Uws Tcn cure' JW" Men's Handsome Seft Shirts, Special $1.25 larc i'd ,i-p'j a-fnrtment of t-ip p''p, ( 'n i i-ne frcm Well, rnadp tboreucli'v dependabla ShlrU nt le tnan u-ual price 'P'OVn T'LOOIT Men's Fur Caps, $6.95 Seft Felt Hats, $1.95 'Nip '"-ipi a.' inntked (r cleVif te hnlf p t The Pelt Hits ire in new Mle- and (oleit and all icduced erc-'ii(J Suits Tailored te Measure for $44.50 V i'lee- reiur((en of nnc.f'iurtK fi-en' our repulpi price. Uur leffU lr Custom Tailoring ntnff will ee cute eerv dnta.l of the mikinc of t'leie t i't Many fab'lc tn choeso fiern in ijdinr; n;i shade of bievn. blue ai.d err-. !'Ol.-llTII KLOriR Bicycle Tires Size 28x1 2 $1.05 Meax trerd nen-nVid The t h I p.i iIp ,'li, ui a ,'atine of mere tlict ei r-i 'i t' inttcrnn nit en heav V ion' 'i U.ibln f.iiMn at H 'l, ,W ZJfffll ' ' ' ' ' -T, ll.Jlj iMiiii'i -'! - ..- tJ ... Hxd.. ..-l-v.ff