TT'1S " ' tr: V X ft' ' 1 1l v 'K- tf' Euentng public ffie&aer PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1921 L - : isiriUttjrttTM t tTiZsaMSjsagpmz. ": fZZmzmzzcwmz3mmM mmmmaa&gzi 1 1 " jmwicr ' wwaM''iaHK5gaHtyHMK v AsHrtisVIKPiVjSBE9LttffTOiflSKVissssV . IskEwlSp vHu8BRv"uiHHffV SrKWiv 'nL. IPiwlk. J 1f f arMf,lTSpMfr Ii r tMbtHF P HKpy HSSK jBBKff ' iSmtiUiVfenrat ' ! jTV - yiy5!?SH2SiMkiR!HE5(il, ,hiBk5'tj$'2sW ' sHbP?. jVvir' HhLLbK - iwcm'uHm ,,, i'r"' . liwrjmmiis&mm hihhv hv ...'tms.- ..,-.,t i 'wrEWji ' -'. ... ;-vis . ?K fc '- ''TtHHffKM viivwh v ,..,., iV7 i":;iiw-v.t-;;;KvH: '' . , :- Aria . -i nrHHHH Ar ' , -jlLXS wPaGmm-mtui: . . . .. . i.. W k' U ' rB T . J :- VV . i i . . . V V V . . r . j(Vi' -. J - --J i?! "t,'li fWMI V.I'V' M4,mtttnbkvAt - n 5 iSSA- DELAWARE COUNTY GIRLS ENVOY SKATIN'G. Tlic icn en the pond at Haverford Celic was in wonderful condition yes terday. The girls are Dorethy Rittenhouse and Helen Cochran BEAUTY ON HAVERFORD POND. Jesephine Williams, Jey Fletcher, Wilburta Hern and Mary Lea enjoy n big afternoon. Lets of stating and no school are a great combination UHi!,flHHHBBiBVMMjBBBBBflBBBi AT THE STETSON AUDITORIUM. Eisie Martin, Frances Ginett and Bessie Ginett (left te right) at the table during the Christmas feast BjBjHB9BVB3MBHBHHHHvHKf4i' Hk?wiHB&k iwWC 2aVntfj8plBH'S9iBH vsBPvflv9BKivi Miilil 4mwl'lf '. i',tMIK,VI ; VfciMltf 8MMb&. S III tUKf-x. '1 UH CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIATJ UiW.ff-J mii& S'' 'I3 &ZC& a MISS ALICE MANN, Washing ton debutante, who christened U. S.S. West Virginia v a v 4$&i4L. m jm!&miwmmz iTMiiafc i ', f jwQHHHHkujjiPPMHJ THE NORTH SIDE OF MARKET BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH STREETS. This is new the site of Lit Brt.hers' store. The tall building was formerly 711 Market street. It is included in the Lit Brethers' Building. Buildings te the right and left were improved in 1870, but were tern down in 1900 te make way for fhe enlarged department store. The photograph was contributed by Charles Willis, 528 Arch street.. If j'eu have an old-Philadelphia photograph send it te the Evening Public Leeger S1555 Hi..: . -&.!. : hiip - . v.- i a-ir tnrmr-1 ti rrjw -ja t jhhhjh iTuMiniuj - ' ' ----- -....... , -. . , ,. - r 0mMH IT WAS A BIG DAY FOR THEM. Children from all sections of the city were guests yesterday of Philadelphia Flks at their clubhouse, Juniper and Arch strets. The photographer caught some of them as they waited for the doers te open WASHINGTON AND JEFFER SON MASCOT, Miss Estelle Tayler . Wide WerM CAN YOU PICK THE WINNER? On the "home stretch" the camera caught these horses of metal and weed in a factory where they are made for the joy-producing merry-go-rounds. There is a big field te cheese from Kaiei & Herbert A HAPPY DOZEN. The photographer took the photograph from the balcony of the Jehn B. Stetson auditorium while children of the 1. nir-n Mission Sunday school were enjoying a Christmas treat ALFRED SOUDER, captain of IN CINC INN ATI". The Floed Relief Committee did a big job. Christmas detectives, talks en Editorial feed was taken te the homes that were surrounded by water from the Page en protecting Philadelphia Ohie River . j n. schmia' CHRISTMAS DAY AT COVINGTON, KENTUCKY. The Ohie River flood forced the people of this town te vacate their homes or move te the upper floors. Rowboats were the only means of transportation. Most of the peeple have returned te their water-soaked homes J n Schmidt 'OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO J g , JSfl 0mSMr,lS:S& ' ''JWtM ' B"SY PHILADELPH1ANi - I I n . 1 ''. HfTOe"ATII'irnTWP' WTTT.TAMS M .T mnVmir e tinnl In. '.' ",Metien of BDeetacle and eyeglass lenses at Wall & Ochs. 1716 Chestnut L e 1 8 v Street, Sh is using a lenaemeter, a very deHcaU instrument KUO'fllhlu. J. Guest, of the Pomona team (left), and A. Guest, of the Tigua team, appeared in the twelve-hour bowling marathon at the Keystone alleys LADY LhK, wife of Loul Lc of Fareham, member of the Arms Con ference UarrlD & Kwliv CARDINAL LOG U K leaving WILLIAM II. REIFF, 138 West Gergas etreet, paying teller nt tb ' Dublin Conference Cern Exchange National Bank, where Jm i.n. Ken Ver twenty 1'OWH Central Nerfi fht Exchange National Bank, where he has been for twenty J'1 .' He is married and has three children H j f, ! a i. AdegsactsnR'avifSfl-rav . - ... . , 1 . j ?'' A., -t.-'li.'li'-V. 'i ii-A' . . i i