fa Lf'. I 2tL w" LL.Ml- 'i, ,m - PlCAJTIcf ',tAKO.-Dm. 63, CATHARINE A.. dauah tT of late. James Bird- nrihrf lanTs' Rola Rela tlTje and friends, also 8L Jehn' B, V. M. Sodality. League ef flacred Heart, empleyes WanamaW iter. Invited ie view re matne. Wed. eye,, at brethet'e TertancB. B4 Cobb-i Creek Parkway. Funeral and In terment Frl, niernlnjr. St. Petal' Ctaareli. Delaware City. Dei. ' LIKDEIUIAN. Dec SS. BIROES. wife It Jercph Lleberman. aged ST. Relative end fl-lends. Sisterhood or Batti fibelam. are Invited te Attend funeral services. Trur., 2, P. M. precisely, at her Vue reel dence, 434 N. lSth it. Int. ltar NoYe Cem LIPPr;'COTT. Patient sufferer l Trt en Third-day. Twelfth Menth 27th. JUt.LEfl hesbxnd of Elisabeth A. I.lpplncett ln Vaeriegrlft). Relstlve and friend - In. vlted . te the trvlee, en Sltth-day. TweVth Menth 30th. At 1:30 e'cleckj t his IaV rM'.AM. K7J9 r?h.fnll, a,. "nfwtn.nl , fin tlllslda Cemetery. VUwInjr Tnursdav - H LdjfAX Dec. St. OTTUWETjI. tOMAX. husband rtt MftryLemax. Relative. frHnae, le Fernwood Ledge,, Ne 313. K, and A M.l Jerusalem Che pier. Ne. 3. n. A Mi M'elt End Castle, Ne. 269. K O. E.. Albien Ledge, Ne. 15. Sen of St Omiisf. Invited in xuner.il. rriaay, 2 i.. m rrxiaenr. ftCe Sprue et. Int. Arlington 0ri). Friends maycAll Thum. eve , 8 te 0 r 51. LTONS,---Fermefly of Ojrenti, Dee. 28. IMl.' JOHN, husband of Mary A. Lyens. Relatives and friend a re Invited te Attend funeral. But.. 10 A. M,. residence. 2830 N. 17th et. Solemn hull requiem mass at the Church et Our Lady of Mercy It A. 1L Int. Hely Fepalrhre Cem MeALEER, Dee. M.-jmAJTCIS J.. sort of JElltabeth. nd Ute William MeAlr. Fu reral, te, which relatives nnd friends Are In vited, Frl.. S.A. JL. from hla Inte residence. 251 Mountain st. Solemn mass of requiem Church et the Sacred Heart u:30 A. M. pre cisely. Int. Hely Creej Cera, MeCLOSTCET. suddenly, Dec. 20. MARY A.. dMish.br of lata Bernard nnd Star Mc Mc Cleskey. Relative And friends Invited to te lunarar'eu "md-fr. at 8:J0 A. !.. lat reildence. 1C27 Htllea at. Solemn requiem rnata at St. Mj!echr' Ch'J-ch. 10 A. SJ. Jn term mt Cathedral Cemetery. McCOrJlttCK. hudilenly. Dc. 24. JAMES McCOiUIICK, lata County Perry, Ireland Relatives frlenda. NleeteWn Car Shep, In vlta te funeral, Frl.. 8:30 A. Jr.. from par lor of Wxltcr Dr Citbtene.). 412S 0rraan town aye. Boltren lilxh maee of requiem St. Stephen' Church 10 A. il. Int. Hely Seoul Seeul ebr Cem. IeCnET5RT. Suddenly, Dee. 28. 1021. T)r. JOSEPH McCKKKnT. Funeral eervleea rzl 2 r, JI . reeldenec. 230 V. Symour n.. Oermanevm. Int. prlvate. Frlende mAy .!! Thar, eve McELAVEE Dee 27, 1021. SAMFE!. J. buaband of I'r.iiieee E. StcElwM. Funeril renrtcca Pat.. 2 1 St.. reeldeuce. 0117 Brown it. Int. Arlington Cem. MeKEXNA.-i--Dec.2S. MAIIT M. dnuub ttr of Suean C. nnd lat- Franct McKsnna (elemn mAs and Interment at the Church of the Cemua Chrlttl. Chnmberebunr. Ta fat., en arrlva.1 of train leavine Dread St. Station nt 3 IS A. St Friend may call Frl. after P. St. MaMICIIAEU -Dee. 20. 1021, sALLTE. daughter of .Vrchlb-M A. and Saruh Mc Ilchael. ItSatHr nnd frlenJa are Invited te attend funeral eervlres Frl.. 2 P. St., a. her late realdence. D430 A it. In'., private 1U Peace. Cem. Remalna may be MeweJ Thum. eve. MBADOWS.Dcc. 20. THOMAS -VT., hue bund of late Annie Meadow, uged SI. Fit neral aerMfee Tour. 2 P. St. 933 S. Crol jt, Int. Arlington Cem. rrlend may cill wed. eve MUCTCEFCSE. Dei 2S. AN.VA K. tn- Jtirt). wife of Harry Muckcfuee, ared IS I SReUtlvt and frleirte Invited te unerl errvleq."Prt , 2 P M.. at reeidrnee cf ten Leenard Stuekifuae, 2S0 N Swanrau at jnt. ,N'oruT0eJ Cctn. Friend ry call rrl. eve. w JtUlUtAX Dee. 27. 1921. IS.V.C D 31UIUIAT. RelVlte and trlenda Invited te funeral eervlcea. Fat.. 3 P. St. at late reel dencn. 81120 Spruce et. Int. rrlvale. l"rlendi maycall Frl. tve. ODCRU. Dec. -26. LOTJT8 ODETrLI Relative and frlenda are Invited te attend funeral service Thurs.. 10 A. M . lati raaldencA. 233 J. 13th et. Int private. OFFOUD Das 24. 1(121. WIt.LIAM. hue hand of Eather OfTnrfi. RelAtlve . n-il friends. nle- all criranlsatlnn of which h wi a me.nbar. Invited te funeral. Thur., 2 P. M. from his late re'ldenre 281", j; I-awrence et. Int. Greenwood (II. of 1" i Cem. Friends ca'l Wej -. O'KANE Suddenlv. Die. 27. 1021 nUaH- en of the latu Hush nM Filn erKans. lati of County Derr- Ireland. Re'a tlven.ana frlena are 'nvlted te atterd fu Bandere, formerly of 2345 N. 16th it . Phlla . med 72. Relatives and friend are lnvltd te attend funeral eerrlces Wed.. 0 P. St.. at the apartment of William H. IiAttereby 3310 .N Hread t. Int. Laurel II111 Cm. PARANZtMT. P1ETRO PARANZINO lata ef 2510 Warerly at. Dee. 20. Relatives frlmdi and societies of San Antonie and San Olevannl XJaltUta. are Invited. Funeral wll be bold Frl.. BSO A. St. Solemn requiem iniii SU Rita' Church. Int. Hely Cre Cem. PAJCSOn On Dee. 2fl. rSANK W. PAX SON. Relative" and friend !nvtd te fu neral ervlce en Thurrday. at 2 P. M.. at lata resldauee, S943 HaverferJ are. Re main my be viewed Wedn-eday tvenlr.g, 7 te 9 o'clock. Interment rmatr. QOIO. Suddenlv en Dec. 2. HELEN daughter of William r end Florence G Ouijt. of 1802 N. 2nd st Funeral rVc-i en Thureday. at 2 P. M.. at Armtrenre. 1027-29 N. Bread t. Interment rrhate. Frlenda may call Wedneeday evening ftUHAROSON.--ncc. i MA11F.1 .Unsh ter of Suean E. and late W'IIIaiu H. R'c -nrdeen. Relatives end friende, nlen em em peoye ef H. D. Juatl pnn. Invited te Jv nrl aervleee. Thur., R l; M., At 2.'3 Mt. Carrrel av. uleMe. Irt frlvate R0HEP.T3 (re IIAtRD). Suddenly, en Dte. 2S. 1921. JENNIE Z . widow of Oeertre A. Rebert. Servte-? en Paturdav afternoon. t 2 o'clee'c at the Cmvtr II. ttarr Bids., 320 Chestnut t. Intermnt rvrlvat T.OBINSON. -bee 27. ELIZABETH L wife of Hansen Roblr.een. Relatives and frlenda Invited te funeral service. Thurn , 3 P V.. 221 3. Aberdeen ae. Int. Qia 2r. Dtvld'e Cem. ECHILLER. Dec. 27. AN"NA 'Vt.. wife Cf Charles SrhlllT anJ dushter of Patrick and tb lata Margaret Murtba. In Iter 21t yar. Relatives r.r.d frlerdj. turtle' -Vnx.. Dlv. ?. 27. A. O. H Invited te funeral. Frl. A JO A. M. from falher'a r1dence. 2107 E. Dakota at heieran rtqulenl tnaas at Church et the He.y .v.ms 10 A. M. let. Hely treas Cem. SC-HOTTER. Suddenly. Dec. 22. MAR OARET R,. widow of Aiurutt TV. Eihetter 7.latUe ard friends n Invited te attnd funeral service. Sa . J 10 p. M . ute resi dence. 1141 EM av., Tiega. In' privatt. Hillside Cem. Frljiids may call Frl cie. 4C0TT Dee. 2S. ADAIIDE. v ldev of Jelm Scott, ard 41 Funeral rrMc Sat. 1 P M., resld-ncs. 1121 Atifcln t. Int. private odd Fellows fern ELATTFRY -Dec. i' J()?l KATHRYN Tt.. wits of .tcva'l J H.-ry (ut MlI-u-iitiSJ ' ITelarhts and Tf7fli'e ir irt1t ,1 i -atte-d tu O'a! Fri In A 'I. ri. "i i.. r tushind' resieci e S30 N Cl n. S-elri-jeqti.em ti.'as at un Oi''''h of Ou tjiJiy uf ieurdes, 10 1 M Int Hely re Ctn RVKFTHW -li r 27. SMIAE JANE iXSZTHUS. SerMee Frl. 11 St rre i.tely i.t Ht. Peter V, E. CUairti, 21 fend Pine ts. . RTILLWKI T. On Dec. 27, l21MAN ITORD STILUVKLL,. herylcea ei Frte-v I sneralnj. it 10-SO o'cleclt t the Oliver U ITair Bid . 1820 Chestnut at. rn'vr-r.eii. iJtlvMe. Vlevvme Thursdav rvenlnc. SUTTON. Sudfl. nly. Dee 27. ANNIE ' ldew et Isaae Suttnn Rtlaflv.es ;1 s'Tlend. aVe LAdlen" I.edrn I O. O At.. Nft M, Zunt Dcsten or F'-j.alienus. are Invited t funeral. Frl., 2 P. M.. from :idnca. HOT ,flaybroe!; a. Jn;. T'-nwied i"-u ' Slamauis may be viev.eii Thur . alter 7 T M. TEMOYAN. t her he-ne 31 SO Haiel ' v.. en De-. 20. 1021. HORSHS. w;d w of . Mardereea Temeysri l;elatuee and lrt-n n Inrlted te the ervl en Thursday i.'tr i.'tr i.'tr roeru at 1 o'clock -tt Arrnenl-vn Apostolic ' Church, Bread and Pike tl. Interment kt Arllnarten Cemetery. THATCHER. At Trent Chester en Fourth Hv. Twelfth month "Sth Inn .. KXes V ' VjfATCHER. In his nth year. Relative and friend Invited t attend the funeral at the Chestnut lit, Frlenda' Meeting Heuse, en Seventh day. at 2 o'clock Irtrment private. WHITE. -Xlec. 27. CORNELIUS WHITE lUlatlvetf and friends axe Invited te attend fueeral.. Frl.. :30 A. SI . residence. 13 "Lycnewecd ava . Olena'de, Pa. Solemn hlch liqulem rose at St. Luke's Church 10 A, M. Int Hely Sepulchre Cem WHITF, IH. 28 1921. et her late reel .tencA. 133 V Shatpnack at . Germantown. 3ARAH. wldqw of Isaac White, D'le notice of funeral will be .given. WIDMER. Wed . Dee 28. HE"RY N. WIDSIER. At bis hnma, 427 Sterling place. Droelclyn. N. T Funeral services win ba field at Ltfferts Place Chapel, 6rt LefOrts y.ace. near Grand ave., Brooklyn, Frl.. Dee. 5)0. 10 A. M. TOUJ.-6. Dee 20. 10?t. WltLIA-M J, burband of Katherlne Yeuni; (nee Hebb). seed 44. Services- Bar , 2 p SI . at hall et th Achr Hsrtuenie. 430 E. Cambria st Jnt. ftorthweod PAIICEI. POST " "TIDEY tt Furnace Cleck "Automatically and Surely" Put! en Yeqr Drafts Before Yen Awaken Open front draft, closes baelt check: draft and even close coal deer. Any style furnace warm air. pipe, less, het water or ateum. Dust-proof. rn.Me. e - v .. a .. J2. gnarrtiitcr. Install I, , w u t rn. (il twentv minutes. Ne need te get ue In u Celd house or re turn tu a cold home. Heney Refunded tf Net Satisfactory Tbil ' coat saving and comforts giv ing device sent Vj-en receipt ei ee, l-arcci rei. 13 extra. etBONX BACK L HB AirtSBTCA: 8PPPM CO, 1110 Baneurq htreH. Ffinattalunti I'tAae iieluii for furultur. JTe U C pluee and ItUtemebUe, 80 bee- eant 8 f'l for. XL pestpaM. TiQTrAVtn vVnef.nt, hm-hih-ws n. h !mTALKIfe MACHINES &' REPRODUCERS" rW"w)iWcC(evae V. J.th ST. i-BMMiKBaM.eEKTv g) e tg'e. a r COMPUTE G sSaREACTfTO j3 ATTACH J rABOEI. POST pHnweiT I ThU 1ST -- This Xew 88-Nete Metal Tnbe nATrr-jrjhne S3 Rolls Music llcncli ami scarf PIANO BARGAINS Te these who failed te take ad vantage of our wonderful Christ mas Piane Sale we are again of ef fering several Pianos, Player-Planei, Baby Grand Pianos and Phonographs At a Big Reduction in Price 100 Uprigk Pianos, $65 up 40 Player-Pianos, $200 up 10 Baby Grands $275 ,up 100 Phonographs, $33 up Don't mfsa thla tvendcrful oppertu nity, but CA.U tit once or send ferfl descriptive ctttaioeue ana learn el our I Very Eay Xerre. New Pianos, $225 te $575 New Player-Pianos. $325 te 897C Daby Grand Pianos. $275 te $1250 Kcpreducing raycrs,$78S te 91550 Open Mem, Wed. and Frl. Evgs. HOWARD VINCEiNT 836-8,13-8 (0-842-844-84G NORTH SIXTH ST., PHIL.' X.OST AMD POTJND R.VBBIT HOCNTJ Lest, small bjnch-legged rabbit hound color black, white and tan: reward 231 V. .Menter at, Olney. DOQ Lest. evriM! brown nnd white der. li cense Ne I2. neturn te 03 W. Chelten ti-w. ncwwra. FUR lest. black Vex fur. en tram from Va1tJV7 en te Philadelphia, reae Ins Uread st HtntVin, P. W. R., nt bar. p M.; wad. CeTit-iunI ate with S. U Layman. JdO TV. 22d st , Wllminiften. Del. PIN Lest, diamond sunburet pin In taxleab or at Mwbert Theatre, Di-e. 28; J200 re- nard lf returned te 409 Weed at. Ne quit- 101s asKsa, niNC Lest diamond rltu. coin from 30 S 22d st. te 210 S. 4lh st. In taxlcab. Lib- i ral reward, no t.ueatlene. If returend te 30 O ln b . nJn. Tjn-ll.f SnVS WALLET Lest, wallet Bth and Wharten containing between J30 and 133. by a Very pcer woman. Sunday evening, 7:30 I'cleck; reward. Return te Mrs. Wm. Marie. 12C0 S. 7th. HELP WANTEDFEMALE ,)OOIIKEEPETV Efficient double-entry book. 1:i.mi"t with knowledge of steneursnliv capable of etllee manafftnent;; only .these j with the abe9 requirement need apply, tnte ag. -r.perlst;e, riftrencea and talarv required, aplt.tdid opportunity. P 10.7. Led ' rr-T 'mi.,. POOKKISKPCR in UWtjr'a eflVs. tr Aipft. ' Htl . t m avvuisled A 1 rtl 1 .Hit (f? I MAID. wblu. Pretewtant. wanted tor'aen ter'aen eral houeewerlt. Apply at Church Heme. r.i. ati rraltlniere a. BOOKKEEPER, exp.. prrn Jeb. high school graduate t-rercrrej. a hi. imager wtw. CLERK for general otflce work, textile trade: one whs understands cotton yarn; Mate .!! full particulars, rg. rullgter. ret-t-rences and eslary. P 1011. Ld-rcr 0.tfl"e. lOOK r.nd housework : a In family; 1 ilvtr.sr In Oerruantewn; te go home nlgnts.. apt.. 3231 VlmahIcfcen a-. Otn. 3C01 J. or Lorn Lern 'wrd 1042. . ELEVATOR OPERATOR. Experienced, white girl, for hydautle car: inuet have lienise, geed salary and permanent position for the right girl. Call a: once. Mrs. Patten Curtis publishing Ce.. 0 Sansam street. StOTHKR'a HELPEa wanted, experienced te assist In taking care of home with 3 Hn.all children. Address 10 East High at., I-ebinen. Ph NURSES Graduates, nndenrrsduatee. prac tical, at n-. P 10J3 Ld;r Offlce STATIONERV EORDEREn Wanted, a borderer ou mourning social sta tionery; e7trler.c3. Apply Bureau of X.mt.'.cr.3snt V.'ANAMAIOIR'S ! L&l'KNeaRAPHElt. wltn some Knowledge of i bkpT.: t nry s.'Q. Aderess p mat, u. v. WlNrCRS Exuerlenctd cotton ek'W wind- era wanted steady vcrk. I". W. Usurer ' Sens Ce. J. 'HI V.'ajne ave.. cter ittb and, Gormantewji ave I Oneral MVKE MONEY AT IIOStK Teu can err. 1 rrem ?l sti t: ui hour in ywur wi. litre i writ'ng bheccards. qulek'y, ealJ learn. d i by our new, simple methcet, no lanvjss't.s or selic llnK. we tea-h :ou hew, vt.arn1e steedy v or, t: lnnt and n asi each . if. a- tull par'h.-uur, buul.lei ..-. AtiU'i- i ,11 flhnw I hpl N. hoel, DtSyt 2J0. 11 rie i ' e c To-rnte rnmh !'IL flll'.VIi'K ea'nlnutlur J.i t& Fi-ir inuKv 'ivar.i.1'3. ealiiy $1 . ) i-',sti0. wrrta for saittHt tat. v 1421. isic, e:r. HELP WANTED MALE A PRACTICAL SALE-iStA-. IN INTERIOR DECORATION IS WANTED BT WANASLMCEF. 3 Must ba thoroughly cerrr-it, able te rur nlh with teste and skill a-.y room or atiy heuee: artistic ability required but success ful selltnr experience In fine furniture and interior dccoretlena essential. Call for an Interview cr te'.ipbene for aa appointment. Bureau of Employment WANAJIAKERS BOOKKEEPER Experience eas-ntlal. Apply i 1428 Spring Garden St., 0 30 A. SL BRICKLAYERS We could ue thse services I et a numbr of bricklayers at 38 cnts an hour for a O.heur day. must be expert eneed men. Apply, ready for work, at n I Atlantle nenninc i-e. i-mpieymsni utp.. 3144 Pass) link ave. BRICKLAYERS Wage St for hour. Wens ley anl Al.en e.. tiertl) of Tkestmereuud and East of Richmond st. KX-SERVICB MAN wanted by bank e take charr of day watchmen, must be tnan of character, courage and experience In arm. Address, statin; f'lll parllju lars, P 1013. Ltdisr Office. THE KERNEL LtT CepAE WHA.T re,A.t; i'aa, c (.-, JUST Toek out A QlG ftCCiOqUT $325 BUP K VA EVENING' BUK&IQ;; Ll HELP "WANTEDMAIiB MN'OTTPB OPERATORS, lobster ahlft. Rut tie. Miaw Wetherll), 1283 Cherry. t., . SfEN Men holding cxecutlv positions In the. meter industry toeay are usually men wne went with their companies when they v. ere young) such an opportunity I new presented te mature men, 23 te 30 ltar. by Bessemer .Motertruck Ce. Sea Mr. McMillan. 1309 Locust st. MEN We have several poatliena epn for hlgh-craria men In our Insptctlen depart ment! these v-lth technical school or college tralnlnjr. who liave had experience handling men pieferred writ. Atatlng as, education, experience and salary oapeeted. M 827. m-eTr j.nc-i. S1LN who have had eieetneal power in atallatlens. Including' meter generators, storage batteries, power beards and ma-chln-.teatln experleneei write, elating age. experience, .education and ware -expected" St .833 Ledger Office, SALE8MAN Wanted, p. lumber salesman te represent us In Phlla. and surrounding territory en commission basis: state. experl- en and tlva refeitnce in reply, Addretg innieseier iiex .'i. isin. prieiK. v SALESMAN, expert' need, wanlel te fell rentractlnr and bulldlntr maurlal trade in l'hlladetp la i ataple commodity i state exn- tlene and qualification fully. SI 6.11, in-qirr tnnrr. SALKSEv The last er has been one of adjustment In our organisatien we bar weeded out th drenee and cremntait th dasrvln te executive positions ot'respensl- Diuir ana consequently lucrsute remunera- tlent we new nant 8 nun te take the plicee of these recently promoted only men pos sessing selt-cenndence. Initiative and ambi tion te rise OUIektv will fee rnnslis.). K- nause with the expansion of buslr.es in eight for 1922 we must necesrlly flgtir upon early promotion for th auceeaeful nlicant. Apply Suite 110S, Land Title and Trust rildg. SALK6MCN Office appliance cftmneny. with established tuiln-i in United States and Canada has epenlnc in eaelustve terrl- iis.eeA eAselal Af,tAa e)tleate.i .AM.es-.A . earnlrursi salesmen assisted by promotion worn in securing prospects; only men Of geed etandlng Interested In making larrs commission, need av-ply. The Dictaphone. 40 N. nth. SALESStEN 1600 per mouth new being earned by sale agents In Pennsylvania veil In c Wales Addlne- and RneVb..! ri ri chines: w are about te open a few new 1.K-11.1.17D u. w.ia .iiuki uu win assign sev ral counties te ruarantsed territories and will mv & Vfrv liberal pnmml..l.n .- selected: this I en excellent opportunity for epeclaltr salesmen. Wrlte or cell en TV. H. SALE8.MEN1 A Well-known nationally sd vertleed phoneeraiih company deelrea the service of rtyeral men txncrlnced in heusi. to-heue cenvaeslng, rren highly qualified are kssured of a 1 eminent position of unusual opportunity 19 make money. Apply Columbia Phonograph Ce.. 40 N. Bth t.. between 5 and 10 A. M. Ak for Sir. Furnadlleff 8ALEHMEN- ' W are loeVIre for 3 men between the ares of 23-30 who can irlve best et reference; w offer a lifelong connection with an oranlra eranlra oranlra Hen backed ly the bljxest men In th" oeun. trj-i net books or Insurance, but high-grade huMnee. dlgniried and remuneratlte. i"? Wldener B1dr. J ma r.niiMEN Nationally Lneun tviM..... turers of feed product due te expansion , hav. ceveral vacancies In tei sales force ferce force apelleanlii must make headquarters In ter ritory assigned. Reply by letter only, stating age. cast experience, education and raiarv " p 1021 Ledger Office-, iary. i SALESMEN te ! elMtrlc Hxtures en monthly naymente. 13 per cent ccmmlsilen. payable weekly: streup co-operation In clos ing by experience sales managsr. See Sir. Cresby. 140 N. ltth st. 8ALKSSIEN wanted te sell our wtnn- and flxtu service en 12 monthly payments with nothing te pay until February 1; ed furnished; commission paid weekly: Hai month one of our rain earned $167. JVhalen. Cresby Electrle Ce.. 140 N. nth t. SALESMEN We want high-grade men te sell har In a commercial banltlns insti insti tuteon: highest commission paid, flrst-class eellln preposition for right men: thl is .ametn'.ns dlfterent: exnerlenee net neces- itTJ'. APPy ' i ni-nirr dhik. RALESStEN t'nusual opportunity; no com. byir...iJ.n tf 0 te 130 ctr dav loeki SSJST ,.tinarlnc 0337 W. after B P M. SECURITY SAI.KSMI..V can mske teal money en th biggest Issue of the year: well Advertised and Itads furnished; trans portation refunded after one month. Apply Wm. Behan. Roem 407. Hetel Winten ClevelaneiJ. YOUNO man with linevledsm of boekpg, for apt, hetel: ref, required, C 13. Led. Off. flenerat YOt'NO MEN, eer 17. desiring Oevernmer.t cesltlcna. J130 monthly, writ for free list et positions new open. J, lenard (former run service examiner). 003 Equitable Bldg.. wnsninmen. u ' CIVIL SERVICE exemlnatlena. Jan. and Feb.: many vacancies; salan' 31400-J100; write for aample teat. P 1422 Ledger Off. SITUATIONS WANTED PEMALB STENOORAPHER Teunc lady, hlgti school gradual, wltli practical office ej.rrlenci. deelrea position where rvrltt and ability will be ApDreslated, rej-jreteet. A. 10D, LctVctr Office. SITTJATIONS WANTED MALE b"001CKEE?ER and aecautitani ern for part-time boe't:it.,'lng. open and close be-jks file Ince'Tie tmes etc C fS t.d Off CHAUFFEUR An I am gainst abroad In definitely. I would like te place my chsuf- rur in a cri position; an excellent man. C 927. t-eflrer Office COOK Dentulr work wanted: Japauete dee. pee.i nrlv. fam Harrison. lOOSi Vine, AGENT3 AOE.v,ra Exclus've ajents v.antd te sell k cert.nlete tin. cf tot.et searj-i lx huieeh 1.1 aitldce wonderful enr . nw exp ne-rtsary: r.u capi el req.. U e Cox niX'i- 180 1st wc , nrlt for prep pioneer .'tane.. Davten. O SALEb.ML. iv.iel-.(1, ler Nu-uTn anplteJ en ' v.inlul('l id clear : i i"r ei U.s presents m-vli' :. Vu-L'lm V n'".-, J M'g lii, ?2J L tth I' a nj? Calf EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES SIRS KANE. 511 h, 13tli r . war. a nn.1 supr'.les ilrct-clani white dcm.Jlice. all ra'itie, .MACHINERY AND TOOLS ELEOTHH..AL MOTORS. MACHINE TOOLS MWF.H LlOL'tPSIEVr 4WU1"" i O'BRIEN MACHINERY CO. 113 ?;. 3D ST. I STOBAOE AND MOVING ' ESTABLISHED 1872 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. nb. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING TELEPHONE LOCUST 1000 LONG DISTANCE MOVING THE BEST 13 THE CHEAPE8T The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO., Inc. 371b and MarCet Pber.e Darin; t-wie ONE MONTH FREE. LSTABLISHED 1880 THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CU i4inn ?J Tfr kt 14"0 M. 8T KT PHONE DtAitOND 2171 entmiTH luinMti. PArk'ive . -,ir.T----.-- ROOMS. PACKLNO t: Txsnr:r"'r nt'ti u. . n CALL AND INSPECT Ot'lt WAitKIIfinflri VICTORY STORAGE 320A FILBERT. Phen Bc'.ment 4070 for ..Mm.l. Pliw. mAvrntf Vans MOVARCH aTORAOE CU . J470 I.ANCAf. ; 1UTO sfiR!Cr. .ViORAOhl LO?!-PiaTANCE JlOVlNa TER AVE PACKJNC. STAMP3 AND COINS ABOUT srA.MP&-UtV uR SLLL PHILA STAMP CO., 22 S 1SNI ST. C2CJ SALESMEN -Wanted 13 geed A-l man- te ! sell something that l high grade and gilt .;;,.. r.ij. state referene-is. ebl.ltv n,i .,! r.t7i..ular In replf. P 10t. Ledger OfrtX.' i us- ; L CS ""-rS?? i"-v. f-Si?--?? if v I ' V 29; USED AUTOMOBILES 1922 XuT'O LICENSE SERVICE TAG S 24 HOURS 3. P. MOORB 855 N. BROAD ST. AUTOMOBILE REPAIR - PARTS- Bring the ureken or worn parts te SATXLSr.'S, K01 Spring; earden st. TVU W.LL MATC1I THEM Dl IC 23 vastengert geed tires; geed cun WlJ JUIA-. ,,,I,A A- V .... -.1. iLVCK INT'eRNATIONAI. ' 300 Chestnut st. pniiaaipnis,.p. RI IIPsv' up9, 1920: l-tutitul conditien: uuiyn. pjic rc t rer quick buyer, terms, ttrM i.mnr iii.t )ij .-. urusu in, CHANDLER 1n' ' 'ei. Vt lJUlL7LL.lcllr Mw. ,m,t ,mount easht.Daitnee easy terriA Royal Moter Ce., 620 N. Rread. Poplar 0030. . . rHANHIFR leai dlapatehed model! V.nniULJir ., teM M,h 0f term. Pep. 0248. B. L. P. Moter. Ce., 303 y,nred. CJIANDlJin ceupe, geed conditien: no re' aename etier rerusen;.. oarneje: nsin. PHFVRni FT D roadsters' demenstra'rs -rjL, iww.1 run thnnt 800 n)lM. wlu nq seiq . no. Qise, sue wainm e;,. rainaen nnnnp coupe and sedan, loitei late -""--raraiii ju: cm. terms, revmi Motorcar Ce.. C20 M. Dread. Poplar 0035. ui'en evenings ana nunasy. DOIXJE) touring;, 1921, mechanically perfect, geed paint. 0 cord tires, extras. Address im. e. i,ii ,. none . tmmninu eihs u FDRDs 'J3: vre ar headquarter for used '-'-- Perd. all models, teurings, road sters, deliveries; S75 up: terms arranted. uren evening-, ibie voep; st. W I IHnM COUPE. 120; beautiful job; nUlJUll wlij ,.erinee. Hoval Moterca L'n,. me., uae n, iireaii a. .-epiar upas, m .v. .. r. ...r;- -.i- HP Q 1B21, passenger: like net . -. O. low price, Celt Poplar 0243. MR. McttTCHAEL, 1310 POPLAR ST. GEARS AND AXLES BCHOUKR.. 3836-43 StARKET UM0USINE&e,!"l?ordf,ll?5','eci?4,ne fttr. irnm te iit npn vt?n. 1813 Woefl tt. ni r.;iwr.Rii f - model. 1373. w-i,sww. CbU p6par 3213, Mr, jtp.iicnaei met! ropier at. PIERCE-ARR0W t.i car. 1917 fl.-.,-! T-sUlsi. L'lrcp. Jll"'. r. jic.MirniiBi, jujn.r'epiar, STANDARD 8, ptertlcally brand new Sedan, sen at a sarnnre riering one J. W17 finance cars sold by individuals te indl- Mdual en terms aullabU, te purchaser. Ph. vTalnut 120O Call 1211 Chestnut. Roem 20J. ' FOB SALE SALE DRY GOODS MILL ENDS & REMNANTS BLANKETS, SPREADS COMFORTS, TOWELS, Etc. BUr Clear nee Pal That Will DIIght the Thrifty Buyers Shep Early. W. H. SMITH & SONS 914 Walnut Street, Phik OFFICE I'URNITUnrj Large let of djiks. sates, fill, eablnet and cmtral office furniture, e'.ere fixture. WMur. eeii ane 'xenanire. PATTEN1 FURNITURE CO. LOCrST 40711 1137 ARCH ST. HACK 4an, FUR COATS, beaver. ai. perslun lamb and .kunlt muff: a full Una of swim, models, dresses, coats, cults and gpert coate ceate coate alse full line of art needlework, linen and linen handkerchiefs: prices very reasonable 321 Pine t TlVft White chassis 2 llrnniuin. Itn.n.. Tackard 0-4S Chassis. 3 aiitehearee bediciT netssei nuiu: eianty et ii.irte. i.bu u.i wheels. Can be seen at Ere vn tsrvlcs Cu , 1411 Imc-M t. "" ' AT bACRlFICK Ten-Heee Ameron w'aU nut dining-room suit. 4-pliieu tteur llv-lnr-4-oem suit, 2 American walnut bedroom sultf 0 mentne old. 3311 lyx'nrt rt OAK DOUBLE DESKS. atrn.graMisr' i.ke n.1 er.n f.fat.1.. -,. m iT7 " . ItaVI-J U,IU , f ilini-vHtB, VUJIWll On ltl4, rlv S02 Lafavette BlrtK "' Ap i CHAIRS. AND TABLES for restaurHntTTnJ I lunch rooms counters and rejntaln etn": new and sed Their Eitehange. liili k." In' I TYPE, prease nnd e-.t'.ere b'c batsaini X'hlla Pflmere- Simnlv. T4 H .1th st POOL tables beugdt. jld nni renalredT L I lurer. 8J0-W. uiratd ave. Ph. Kens. i'3li KPSICAL INSTBUMENTS " PIANO BARGAINS Several Sttlnway. Oiinnlnj-bam, Ltr. Henti SChOmaeTcer. Ch'ekertnir enfl n.nv , ethir tnks v.-h'ch w.are erferlnB frer.i .'is up. De net wait, but call .early and mute your seiictlen. Open Slenday, Wtdnisduy and IilJay evenings. I ". Innin T.'l.l... ....n.!. M,t- - U..I V.Clll HOWARD -VINCENT SS8.S39.S40.34t.n44.e4B N f.TH. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS 100 brand. new cabinet nher.nrr an tnehMtnv f..e lOdtieh, double-faced riierss which hae e-n rtirei iron, e jn uk -uae jour selec tion while they Nat. Orn Itenday. Wed-1 nesd&y and Friday evenings. HOWARD VINCENT -J..,.MS-M0.tf.Vti-.ft. N. OTH Baby Grand Piane Bargains ( -r..l 'JautlfiH- Ilab Grand- Plviea in-i-'i' .nig Stflnways. De- ker Bn . Sehnur anil uther rtandsrd makes In satln-flnish ma ma heeiny whUh t.ave bi-tn prteed from 273 tin, Tl.ts" are wenlerful aluet- Call or -nd ler entaltgue at cnc. Orn Slenday, Ved 1 ncsday and Frldav evcrunirs. HOWARD VINCENT , K1d-Sn-64)-.t2-S44. 1-4(1 N. BTH. PLAYER-PIANO BARGAINS : We ere efferlnK a limited number of brand ,r v hS., t m trl tut"i nlaser rlane with 'l.vest Impreven'eite t fC2S, Fifty brand new uptlsht olanee. 1223 enrh. Call or send ter catalogue a' once 0-en Monday, Wed i .k.day uni Frldty e.cnins. HOWARD VINCENT BO.F3S-b40.542-84'.-S40 N. 8TH. ! business personals CASH FOR DIAMONDS VfF PATH " woman $03,60 for a let of WCi rtilU lewslry she Jqad been offered 140 for elsewhere. Brine your diamond ' and jewelry te u: we truarantee a full 1 honest rash value. Established 103 . I THOfl. R LEE.fe.CO. 712 WALNTTT ST. DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS KELLY A CO.. 983 Chestnut t. Suite 3.22. aecend fleer, ever Chllds' Reet. ntAMnND' MCCUTCHUN. OFFICE L.lAlVlUlLvij3i REAL ESTATE TRI ST nntinillBI,DO.. BROAD AND CHEST- DUUUrliNrrr rtA HOURS. 10 TO 4. DIAMONDS BOUGHT nARRY W. iiMITH. 717 BANSOM BT. WANTED I ARTIFICIAL bILK wanted: will buy ICO, A. Amerlcsn'a Vljress, unbleaehed skeins. I original cases; cash. Bex 0, 717- St. Jbrat Bldg., New Yerk. ' Leove OUT UT I , BRew t a ci5:i & .LJI&51' 00 BUSINEBB'ep'POBTUN'lTrES' " , . HOTEL OPPORTUNITY. Opefater er'hlgh-clasa Resort arid" Commer cial hotels., about te expand en Chain Hetel Plan, odors opportunity te Ambitious young man te connect with' enterprise. Splendid chance for en te learn hotel buslne. Qual ifying for executive of extensive bualne. Prospect of handsome returns en investment secured by Interest In- bualnes and owner ship hotel property. Only gentleman of geed family and personality considered a Dinner and member of adverttsivr'a fam.lv. 3ft n- lien Imestment atrength, and quallflcauens for interview. A. S: STANFORD Hetet shllen. Fall River. Mas. I - 1 - .-WIIIII I 111 "l"l i"""' REAMING PLANT - Compiete plAnt for bemlng nnd warping fer U branche of big for this well-established organisatien: thl I a wonderful opportunity for. bright, rrectlesl.'man who can handla thl preposi tion, which l running full time; -positively no trlfler or Agent V 1018. Ledtet Oftle. APARTMENT HOUSE Poplar st.: $17,300 cash and mortgage buia property and furniture; 30 r.. IB bathe: S8500 early Income; will -consider selirng. geed win ana.rentinc. I'nene goiumeia lzan. DELAWARE CHARTERS re best: Incorporate nndr liberal taw of DelAwarer low cest: prompt, eftlcient aervlce CORPORATION CHARTER CtrtiPANT 40S Almar Hld-, 1033 iTbesinut. Wal. 8240, U, K. COR 4th and Oakdale u. (above beuievara Twe-sty. moo, sure preperty: 4 b. r. h.-w. hat. el, light; stere vac.; geed efpartunltv for millinery or dry geed. tci Fries S9000. Apply en premises or te Jehn t Kane, a. 37 N 20th. r T'Qgs 0 1 It, FOR SALE Dental nractlce cf ever BO year In ti Virginia college town, with full equipment and office furniture: sroed icit icit tlen: moderate rent. Address P. O. Oex S3. Ruena Vista. Va. LADIUS with capital for business partner ship en famawi art noeltlea. perfume, table epectaltlet: information clven. A 1(0, Ledrer Oftlc. KACTORY. 2." 0OO eq. ft.: sprinkler, power; suburban! M acres'. 40. dwellings; price ISO nni); will finance. C 033, Ixde-er Otf.cn. CITY. VARD for pale; elding; suit metals or contractor, u ir.-i, i,isrr titr-re. QENTLKSIAN'S country estate ferie; ault esnaterlum 01- Institution C BM, ld. On. BOOMS FOB BENT ATTRACriVi". turn nuts., eemi heusckpg. PherWued Apt, .genry. lain walnut ft. I CHESTNUT ST. 1924 Single room, fur- r.lsneq. an cenvi-n-'nr-F. OIRARD, 141C Attractive newly furnished, bright. unny. large room, with kitchen ette; also ether rooms; immaculately ciean; mal sened if d'slred, ' maii RITTEMIOUHr. w.. .. aiu iienm ei W 210 Roem en suite Willi n-iini Kiiinim rii.nu ,i-n-iiw, tvi-e fiAYUROMK AVE., 340 Twe or 0 untur- nlshed. nnuivKeepincf rennie WALNUT. 00S Niitly, turn. rms.. excel. peara. t-rme reel., n.-. ".-.,. wij. flBTH. N. 180. HOTEL RURIC Central fnMv furn roems: elee.i spetless: mnd, rates fieer siaiien una bmeddiiik ui.rii.-.i nrs-iui 22D. H.. 130 Ueautlful. new modern ultc, I n mai risih 1 stiffs, fttrn. or llnfiirn . il with klichjnstte. also rooms furn.; riady Jan. i I'none ixcum nmn leinSTNUT. i.009 Large room; runnln; wateri southern etpeaur. BOABDING PINE. 4119 Reautlful heme: tatle refvrencta. Mlea Hanley. first-class &PABTMENTS 3EAUT1FUL HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS lust finnhd and never been eccijplfd trnpeslne ei.ranee. living room, bedroom, larse kitchen and .bath: all light, . n ry. Vetslde rooms, halt of "' u''".hf;i1pn, fpacteue. brlok-celumned perches: hsrd ind fleer, shower bath yaper heatltiB. continuous het-water aerve; full elec tric equipment, ultti console atl csllint lltlitln tlxtttres. nnmernus base pltwr in cery "room" telephone connections; prl prl vate lervlc stairs te each UUcherit prl vat leckers: refrigerator drained te cellar: Janitor service, ete LOCATION f 1831 I 1923 N. PARK AT1 1414-1416 Spruce Street Richelieu Apartments FOR RENT Bacheler apartments of one and two retime with bath. Housekeeping apart r.i:nts with tare room and bath. Agent en premise'. 1528-34 VENANGO ST. Stedern 4 rooms and bath heuteketulng apsrtmtrt. steam heat, clectrls llcht, het water; open fcr Inspection. ALBERT M. GREENFIELD & CO. 1BTH AND CHESTNUT Tfi ' Wl PINE HTU KENMAR APARTMENTS STedern. 3 rooms and bath: rei'intly reoo reeo reoe ated throughout, el-vater -viee. I ALBERT M. OREKNFir.LD A CO. 15TH A.U llHiM.1'!!! BTrl, 4800 BLOCK N. BROAD ST. Modern S-room-and-bath apartments; hard hard wced fleer, steam heat, ALBERT M. ORINFJELD 4- C. 13TH AND UIIKHITUT 5TS, SECOND FLOOR. 8 rooms end bath' -!C- arate meieie ter ana eiicirisuy; Dientv I het vatir sn-l all modern Improvements. 21 V) . Uth 1 DEH1RABLF unfuriilshtd apts. ter rent. Apply te Harry B bhiHmt.k-r n vremlren. ' Ph. W-sl. 74U0. l.eax Aita . 13th Jt- Sprt-ivi. ' APARTMENT HEADCHMl.T EltH Centit.1 Bpurlnienrs i- epiclal'". SnrT,oed rt pi-rtnient Agency. 1311 Wa nut st. TWO rooms and bath, second fleer. J, E. l.ltneburner - " 1720 Chestni-t t. I OFRMANTOWN . i TWO targe rooms private bath and kitchen ette, I'll. Oln. 2033 R. FUBNISHED APABTMENTS THE LATHAM N. E, Cor 17th and Walnut Stf Exceptionally attractive, W'. furnished. e roemn and 2 bathrooms, tywner gelne abroad. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 Walnut Strset ; . Cor. 1 6th & Jeffersen Sts. Modern acsrtment Of 3 larx rooms nM ' bath, open flieplaee, electricity tiled bath nlth ehe-atr. furnlat.ed. tlOO per mnth ' 111 S, 10TH Sf tThe eeneva) 1. and J I room suites wun Data, wen serviced, la , the heart et the bualnes district. HOUSEKEEPING APA.BTMENT8 1380 LOCUST ST. Sixteen-story fireproof housekeeping apartment house; all mod ern equipment separate elevator for each set of apartments, alignment from 8 rooms end' bath te 7 rooms and 2 baths, or Jl or mere apartment may be joined; Inspection Invited, Apply te Superintendent en prem- iSl I ''SF t5T .lossMedern. 2 room, bath and ( kitchenette 1.10, yesrlv lease I APABTMENT HOTELS THE TRACY, th and Chestnut -Te sub. let. hotel anartm'tit of H roeiis end bath hi the year. (urnlhi or unfurnished ROYAL APTS., 12U4 N, Bresd st Fur- nlihed ii ml unfurnished sillies, noted for It f.til tbV and fert le jtf.r'iir- required 'TtTL. tllfTLE HOTEL 223 ri hreid st. A I geed place te live nlille In Phl.adalphln. ii -'- && i . . LU . f.arM. . 7" G2ssa 1KA ? cJ-Hr v , t-VI f-iNe7L--t 'i, ' wa --air- f'. jgzrtL . BgAI ESTATE POR BALB ' wkst rmr.Anfet.rmA A NEW YfeAR'S RESOLUTION OWN YOUR HOME NEXT YEAR COMMENCE TODAY TO PRACTICE THRIFT OCT ACQUAINTED WIT1. OUn EAST-I'AYM'ENT TL.VJf THAT JBRSHTO TOU pUTINO ONE OF OUR Greatly Reduced Hemes IN THE HEART OP OVERBROOK Lebanon Ave. eDanen AVe. ONLT 2 BLOCKS WKST Or 63D 'STREET CARS Carrying Charges, $57' Gh-ea you possession ef an up-te-date stone home with a large Private trarag en a wide Boulevard, with .center parking. . Think thl everthen visit our cesy .and cheerful (ample house 0335 Lebanon avenue. , Open every evening tilt 8 P. Jr. JOHN F. McGINTY & SON 6533 LEBANON AVtVNL'E TAKE "I." TO-MD AND MARKET. PASS NORTH OK NO. 41 TO LEBANjON VVE. WALK TWO AND A HALF SQUARES WEST. APABTJfTENT -HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 1ITH AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY' FIREPROOF APARTMENTS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED I.ONO AND SHORT TORS LKASES HAMILTON COURT ' SOTtf AND CHErfTNUT PTS.' 2 room and bath, with prfrnt hall; non housekeeping; unfurnished; yearly lease; din ing room. H. t. TlfATCHICR, Sfanaaer. HOTEL WINDERMERE BROAD & LOCUST STS. Reems with running water. wek'y $10 up. Reems with bath, weekly J17.30 up. Special American-plan rates. RITTENHOUSE HOTEL. 22d anl Chestnut st. Beautirul nw.APrtment, 2 room and bath. 3 room and bath 4 room and 2 bath: all outside roems: bright, cheerful, nicely furnished; a convenient, ideal loca leca loca tlen. terms are meet altrtctlve. THE DELMAR-M0RRIS W ThHri Avitm JlERMANTOtVN M ItTN'tlTEB TO BROAD ST. STATtfrAt Hetel a- nnf'irnnh'fl e'lltes. hwisekeng. apt THH SHERWOOD 39th abeta Cheatnut. 2 and 3 room suites, with bath, nrlv. halt; alto tingle rm.: American plan. Bar. 714ft, BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE .City "Exceptional Values" Three modern trick houses; elscT llcht. het-water heat; rcntlnjr At tsu.oe per me.; can be purchased for f 2730. no each. Less than their assesa'd a.ues. Bargain for Immedlate i.urchaser as owner needs caab. C0LEMAN-WILF0RD CO. FOP. SALE 717 Spruce t... 1227 Spruce st... .$12,300 .- 22.300 1000 Walnut st S0.400 1911 Walnut t OQ.tiOO 2007 Chettnut St.. ...... 30,000 1206 Art-h st -i... 80,000 DAVID H, WRtaHT 2007 Arch t. 8000 CASH RKQUIRKt rerct. front. O rooms, tile bath; open fireplace: electrlglty and tas: het-watir ht' ; ,0442 N . llthi at. Fer particulars call Weqdland 4914 J. ARE you looking for a home in the Hunting Park section? See Kerns. 40IC N. 7tb t. Tiega WO ' L317 QRANSBACIt ST, Cor. property; er cellent conditien: bargain. Wbl, a232 Frankferd-ave. .Oarneld 0137. 2103 ORIANNA BT. Six room and bath: S2000. Jeseph r. Bersmaler. 2202 N. 2d et Phene, Kensington- rizw w. 2231 NASSAU tjT. Five room.: cheap; 800." ri. II. rMrjaim, imrv. v.iilurnuie. irr . Riilldlng fx)t. raetery file. T.U v . n.t,Va .A .A..,.K -..4 KM... E. g JTOSlLINSON, Jr.. 71 Lincoln Bldg. FACTORIES. wreliOus, fleer. lnJ. J, Ifc i feTEVCySON A PON. Lnpd Title Bldr. Hualnes Properties and St-n-ea ARCH below 2d; line 4-story business build- IW.-nieeiriC-Urni.. .? ai.usu. r.'KBTNEY. af8 Liberty Rldg. VaiUirles, .Warehouse. Stappfaeterlnc Fleerii Factories and Fleer Space J. LEE.PA1T0N ih'HJe FACTORIES warehouse and ground F. fl TOS1LTN30N. Jr . 71H Lincoln Bldsr. WEST PHIUDKLPHLV $400 CASH, price 13430; possession at once; electrle lights, Dutch hall, mahogany-and-whlle Interier: rimpl house. 6164 upland st. eren dally. 1 te 5 P. St.. or O'Neill. 3721 Chester ae. IS2S0 Seml-detROhed 3-story residence. 0 i.'droems, 'J baths, electric light, white- and mahogany Mnleb; cenvsnltnt neighbor- EUGENE L. TOWNSEi r 3323 POPLAR ST. J4800; well nnnwed; 7 looms nnd bath, shed. Inclesed perch, sta- I ttenary tubs, electrle and Dutch hull, white-' and-mahogany finish; 100-tt. let, liumedlata possession, Appiy en premises or te j. H. Kane. 3237 it. 20th et. Pheno Tlee.i 014(1. THREE story. 8 rooms, bath; tVelghtman built; concrete step, peicb: Ur.lv, of Pa. iw;4imiii i ii--ii jiiuiei; 1-U--3 . ye. ftln .1 03D AND LANSDOWNE AVE. Stedern 3- story poreh terraced heme: price 17300. Belmont 2100. Evening. Belmont BS87 J VWilN thinking of a home lemember ''Cress' stand for all that a k'oed real estate. BCth, and lirrliwoed gvl OT.NET Fishers Ave. & Fairhill St. OZOO block nerth: '.4 block west et 3th et.. well-built modern v mi. ell convent cenvent encis; 4 rooms nnd bath, stone rnrehis; carrying charges about 180: can flnanet CARL METZ ntHLPER AND OWNER, en premlsss MODERN . 2-STORY BRICK PORCH FRONT HOMES. 14300. iBOOO. lfuwi 4NDeiIEY REALTY CO. 5310 N. BTH ST. WrOMINO 3230 Pr.NNSTT.VAMA SETtPltnAN ntvoeD MODERN sll-eten. dwell ng; living room, open fireplace, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, nantri, 4 bed; coins, tile bath, shower, finished attlet t?,230 OEO. U BARNES, 120! Cbestnut. Wst 48S1 THREE Drexsl Hill lets. 23x100 each, 1000 C. JI. BEJILMAIER. i03 Llbqriy Bid. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE IVK'T rlllt.ADEM'lirA " HalvOprt 6eth nnd 66th Sts. oe rKNNSVr.VANfA Xtn-BBRAN TiXKtNfl PARTt NEW. det.. C'eU-nlsl. te r and 2 b.: J10.1W0. Jfefiermlck A MtCennlk. Unoein Rid., or Elkln park. Spr, 700S. Mel B97 W. OLBNMUrt 3J2.BOO -Single. 10 r., open nreplace, h.-w. bt.j larc Jetf also 10-rm, eml-dt. dwr.i h,-w. ht.t I800O. Oth. t3900 up. Op. er. day. RENNINGER & RENNINGER OT.ENHtDE. PA.. OPP. STATION. OVKKBnOOK HAZELHURSTRD,. W. OOUi: 7 room' tiled hml . g-nss, lncleee.1 rreh. all hardwood Keers. euclrle: JSJJO: easy termg VESr.VKT. 201 Liberty Bldg. NI-V JEnEVrjmfH7TtnAN ..CAMOBN 1300 CASH and tieoe mtge.l S-room brick iiiTun n-.j-, lerry. tTiene Barlnc H84 J mW.QTV . .n L ' l.-.. . ' THRbK-HTl. .le-r. brick hornet Tine leca.: H. a. Halllnger. 27 K, 46lii, 1'hllg.. owner. laurel flpnnven J.(if'.JJire"T".vJ!nI0,m.. residence. 4 bed tt'Kfi"',,?"'1 tfh: fln h,h loetlen: near l.J.'.'i V"!. -"ke: all cenvenleneee; hot het wA,9r..h,t,.V01"l!? 100x139; J7000; ether P".lanre1KnbnD,T & -.. ai"nS REAL GENUINE SACRIRCE 0fU.?,rJ,,?n?hri12" :5'W. 5?ni bungalew: SSffifVe? ftV 5SS. n2"t.raX? JB00O barn. 400 fruit tree, coal, canned f SSfti .?&. JSff-i l. licrnced i ter nsloeo will finance." r?uZWih nVXtfQlfc y(J ACRES neai ,U . V . LANOHORNE felI a rich loam, fin meAdew; 11. room hpTije; elevated, cemmandlnj; locatien: com plete farm bulldinga: nsar Lincoln Highway; StK..V!!ni,r,5,t ter generational early pa. PBTF.RS e SON.B08 CHESTNUT ST..PHrtJA: VFAV JEHfiEV rAttMH 1 BVT k9w Me -' newi bridge across tlia Detanare pnd th price of land rear- IW aerea lahd. J2B0: pavabl.Jl weekly; geed seil: schools, stores, churches and fine i 5S,t.a.!i.Kn1. 'or- Illustrated booklet free! ars.i,iA!,Y.rAfc",KA-v-703 W4,nnt BEAL ESTATE TO EXOHANGE NE.Ut Ila-Uenflcld JleJctn residence, 14 rm.. large ryrrli. clear, will exchange for Phlla. or Catnden property. P 1023. Led. Oft BEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT THREE-STORY ccmmsrelAl buildings. c"d for any. line of buslniss; possessien: 4000 square feet JOSEPH FELDSfAN 209 Lincoln Bldg. BEAL ESTATE WANTED I AM In th market, for a house In some nearby suburb, wtlh 3 or 4 bedrooms, either already completed cr te be erected In th spring; remethltur for about 110,000; iq rpl ins ;tate price and full detail about house. M gjta. Ledger Office. .i ..i.. iAsiaii 0000 te O000 square fet space for martU- f Arifl.-'l-ln' -ulfl, OA nn.4. I.. ... '. t fleer preferred: city or ceuntry: long lease , A- hnv r ets r,1. Art.- " .case TWLNTY sears' experience, our office Is equipped te buy or sell real estate In all sect, of city: we eellelt your business. Jail F. Cox Ce.. 1303 Re-il Est. Tr. Bldg wil tent PCNNYr.VAVIA filinrrRrtAN WANTED H6me, Chestnut Hill sectien: rent year, with purchase optien: geed house; acre: no agents, a 103, Ledge r OX BEAL ESTATE POB BENT CITY RENT CENTRAL STORE WITH HEAT 4 North 11th Street (50 ft. north of Market St.) Ideal ReltaH Location Will Alter te Suit Tenant HEYMANN&BRO. WJDENER BLDG. 215-217 N. 15THST. DOUBLE PROPERTY, with store front ALBERT M. MILLS WEST END TRUST BLTX1. modern; 80 per mentht yearly leas Heward F. lePeak. 3024 Fyenkferd n " ' Rnslni-s FreDertleni atur MAr ESmiBISBijaSEtSI Stere-40 S. 1 7th St. W. H. BALL- & SON ys H 43S LAND 7ITLH BLDO. miff!lll.lll.CTil!lllM 0 3 MOLE ST.---Stere and basjmeut. Applv te CHARLES E. MEEHAN 4 S MOLTS ST. tia ii niu oi,-eior.i ana elilur; suit nnv BlaH! iarli E. Williams, Is rid I Ttli Pa Nearly Collects Seme Insurance KBAlV8TAT.rMrOB Bj 1.' .' fjirr a. niJmiiJSsViiwm'ijarj . KKNT -,' -" A Chestnut St. Stere FLOOR MI'ACK Isea . ' ' . .. 8U "- rr. FL0QRS -J 718 Market Street Wonderful Da fflnStfS&SS windows East. Including ePas's'g Steam Heat. " HEYMANN & BR0. WIDENtER BLDO. FLOORS mAnufacturinV .WtAictI00? HEAVY CONSTRUCTION. U,INa3V. Barber, Hartman & Ce 1201 CHESTNUT ST. 1 12I4RS(ALsfREEf. 5000 .fj: rjjwu,,. Albert lVl Greenfield Sc Cb. ..,. nftBLTiHT HTB, CHARLES E. MEEHAN " v p. fm,r. bt MFG. BLDGS. & nnnnc .. ARTHUR T, FRAHET. 21 H !. -DES1R.VBLB fleer for rentl llsht m..lr 4turlnt or efllc: Includes hiat? ftiM" 108-t020 Arch at.Vireyni.' erriCKW. BUSINTOtH oeimt Ety RENT OFFICE EMPIRE BUILDING WV?Acf.r'.l.,l,.."n'1 Welnet Ml. HEYMANN 5c BR0. VVMener ntdr 1CT0RY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut Street Made New Frem Cellar te Reef Several Desirable Offices for Rint Albert M. Greenfield 6c Ce. . 1STK & CHESTNUT STS." jjJTOMta! 1417 LOCUST ST. LV'lla..J0",c.!, buainess room. Wt JlMejMrlli'l Haiiita 1 le.fc.a w -yiwmiii ii.iuiei IIU1,, hlXiAK G. CROSS 111, SVA,.,,!.-!. a alasMst.v.iLi'f.'' I tm-IKiWIftlfflMBHIgjI 121W2I2ARCHSTRElif SSB1KAUU3 MODERN BUIXOUW iS8S S700O , 110,000 ernegs BUSfNEaS salesiioejij . .---1 . , . V....I...I... mi. SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street JUST . nAt. aoeo OFFICE BmHJffll BERNHEIMER Sc SUNDHEIM 245 8. BROAD OFFICES 1615 SPRUCE ST. . MODERATE CHEERFUL UESJ-J-'JW'l- ertlce for rent: nwly flslihs. "ii,r XlX e?M.I WStt" .ffiB? tleiphla. Apply te Harry B. BfcNiaalElr TWO L.AROE llOOalM. 3000 te. f in bttlU- - i.ir i "'XVe' .1'?-" -Jrena aua ivamui sis. with aplendld 1 aht, at See per ea. ft. JOHN a. WILLIAMS, 312 1 Land Tllle Bldg. UTEPHBN, QIRARD BLDO., about M JI ft., beginning January 1. APP'r P Stephen Olrard Bldg. Telling.! jfS HALF of office, prlvate partltlen and tan . '?.'., .r.'ni?.nliJurnl,h3. reasonable. SF.UUJ A WHITLET. 400 Empire Bldv. A CENTRAL OFFICE 43 PER MONTH .Apply 40 -.ppir iii est i.na Trusti H0f. west End True y ,w ijiv-iij wviu i(j."i v msucw-e .-.?w,i.. uuittij i 1,1 BROAD AND CllEStNUT Office for rf . Pennsylvania alumnus prererrd. P JOUl Iedger Office. PROFEatJIONAL eTjl'ICKS; will eoule aril west nur-AprxTHtA 69TH ST. SECTION Rent, brand nevr. with garage. ltt!e4 nvaiea poren. living, ajntng. ereaxiast re. ltltchsn and perch: 4 bedrooms, tils .: yearly leate, ISO per month. J. H. ) Jr.. 69Ui end Market at., P. O. Bt pnene inuewnc ivew: open aenasy. IXIflAfe SS10 CARLISLE ST. below Setnenllleavf. New store 2-story house, with J-UfPlt sq. north of Legan :t,: car lines. 24. 16. i waked floors white enamsl. tllebtth shower; 1100 per month ROBEBt, . HAMILTON, K80O N, Boud St. LOOAN 8317 N. lath: 3 sty.. ml-Ml. . rm. and bath elee. h -w heat. JlijJiJ&'l parent. Chamber 4038 Bresd. VVre tljl TIQfiA J-V -'.I. ' '..VT ..!. . . .... kill. I perch. 3. SUfer, 3308 Utfrmantewa nl Tloea 7314. -'I VPU IirnlirVKl,Itt!R1M FOR RENT Deslrnbl tt.rnsr -l?!''"! nign river earn. iieian.. .. ." .'Vl Andalusia: Isrge let: rll einvenlweei. Ml irai irun te . L-amiiBji. .i. - MOBTOAqpS MnDTnAncc rnR ?AI ON DgftET3iWf. ROBERT D. HAMILTON. URIIAU PI. nip.' " - riRUT MOMTnAGE M0 . ,.!.. from I1B06 10 It14! chas. w. mm2$Sl FUNDH OF I0O TO W ,InJ FIRST SECOND THWj ALSO BLDO. ANP LOAN MJJJ! LAIV1CIUIN W OrtlLINCOU MORTGAGES i ... ar. mr.tWirTi1 . V. W, Ver. 17th and baniern,!. FUNDS IN ANY AMOl'Nt BU Dt SJONKV tu .t ,r., Mint" 4,'-,'.,7'.,. ', iniVt wrn.' 703 WM-M .',) mil' i ' -- -" - - - - ----- MflMltY TO LOAN $300to$30,euq;i H CENTRAi; RHOPpme T.tn-r.-I APPLY ; cm&ETOH-T'l lP...nm--..-!-gJj-.gJ' B .TN ii" tT J -4ijjfflXS!9jMW IP M. FR')Nr-Four atcrM. ...5 later: M78. TOn 203 WALNUT flTnUEfTnTeTfrtai store, p tn'a.s., riayenrnPA7n. FaHerlea. n'orenenwoA. Manr.,!T 1 1 (i r- "t ?s Te lean en nrt,- nn. iw.j-b 18J2 North 18th etret, VW" M"' hSMaJtEM