s EVENING VUBXXO EEDGER PHIEADBEPHiai' tfjBTOBSDAY, DEOEMBEB 29, 102C 2J! I ,lll,lfllW $3,800,000 San Antonie Public Service Company (SAN- ANTONIO, TEXAS) . '. (Common Stock, except Directors Share3, all owned by the American Light & Traction Ce.) First Mortgage and Refunding Thirty-Year 6 Geld Bends Scries "A." Due January 1, 1952 Coupon bends, denominations $1,000, $500, $100 Price 98V2 and interest yielding about 6.10 NON-CALLABLE FOR TEN YEARS Interest payable January 1 and July 1 in New Yerk without deduction for any Federal Nermal Income Tax new pr hereafter deductible at the source net in exce8S of 2. Redeemable at the option of the Company in whole or in part en any interest date upon sixty days' notice, at 110 from January 1, 1932, up, te and including January 1, 1942, and at 105 thereafter te maturity, plus accrued interest In each case. . PENNSYLVANIA FOUR MILL TAX REFUNDABLE APPLICATION WILL BE MADE IN DUE COURSE TO LIST THESE BONDS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE This Company, iti its present corporate form or through predecessor companies, has been continuously engaged in the electric light and power, gas, and street railway business in the city of San Antonie, Texas, for a period of twenty one (21) years, serving a present estimated population of 180,000. These Bends will, in the opinion of counsel, be secured by a direct lien en all the property owned by the Company, valued at approximately $13,500,000, or hereafter acquired a first lien en property valued at appreximatey $3,500,000 and a lien en the balance of the property subject te $1,968,000 (closed mortgage) prier lien bends. The value of the physical property of the bends, including the present issue. Since the organization of the Company in 1917, $1,944,269 has been put back into the property out of earnings. Fer the twelve months ended November 30, 1921, gross earnings amounted te $4,497,932.95 and net earnings te $982,036.80, as compared with annual interest charges en the outstanding bended debt, including this issue, of $326,400. Fer the past five years net earnings have aver aged $774,668. The management of the Cempanv is under the direction of the AMERICAN LIGHT & TRACTION COMPANY, which is in the hands Company is conservatively estimated" te be ever jit the same men who have conducted its oper eper oper twe times the aggregate amount of outstanding atiens since" organization. WE RECOMMEND THESE BONDS FOR INVESTMENT These Bends are offered for delivery when, as and if issued and received by tie, subject te approval of counsel. It is expected that temporary bends will be ready for delivery en or about January 16, 1922. All statemints herein arc official or arc based en information which, we regard as reliable, and while we de net guarantee them, they arc the data en which we have acted in the purchase of thia security. Halsey, Stuart & Ce., Inc. , Philadelphia Chicago , Lehman Brethers Geldman, Sachs & Ce. New Yerk New Yerk GOSSIP OF THE STREET A ntimhnr nf Urn mnwn.cntR In the selected issues hnve been quite difficult ie reconcile, in view of the Known con ditions of tbe industries Ihey represent. Most of these se-ailicd specialties ere spdnSertd by several of the roost ndrelt peels that ever operated en tbe big beard. Most of these selected Ipsucs have n remr.nrnllvcltf Mnall nmeut.t of stock outstanding, and the peels and cliques arc iie te ae anytums i';y like and, at the moment, ar Breatlj fertlflad b.T the relatively easy money market conditions. There arc no means if poesibly reeaturlnz the scepe of the operations of these speculative combi nations which during the year arc able te theke many turns and dance rings around the se-called public until thej become dtezy. As a well-known trader remarked a few years age, about tbe only way te beat the game of these peel maneuvers la te make a quiet Httle bet with your self that the specialties are net jeiug te de -what they think tbey are. Nine times out of ten, he used te say, you will bit it. Safety of Bends One of tbe leading bend beuses calls attention te tbe very Interesting ro re ro mavVe made by Jehn Meedy cencernlnj the safety of bends In a recent exten sive analysis of this subject covering a icrled of fifteen jears. In one column there Is shown the to tal railway stocks and bends which went Inte receivership each year within that period. Fer examplc, In 1020 tbe bends of the reads going Inte receivership to taled $0,174,830. and in 1I)1S the figure was $1118.575,037, Including notes. Hoever, the defaults represent sub Ntantlally leta than half of the total capital going Inte receivership, because in many cases tha underlying bends contluue te pay their interest, while tbe read Is In receivers' bauds. In another Column is shown tbe per rentaca of railroad bends nnd notes In default te tha total outstanding. Tbls percentage does net Increase very much even In years when larce numbers of roans go into reccivcrsnips. in jwjs, for example, tbe reads going Inte re ceivership bad a total capital of $G0O. 000.000, and yet the outstanding rail road bends whliih were In default dur ing the year were equivalent in amount te only 1.70 per tout of tbe aggregate funded debt, as compared with e.76 per cent in default the previous year. This was due, of course, te the fnct that there were mere receiverships termi nated than there were new receiverships. Next is shown tbe aggregate funded ucdi or street railways going into re cclversblp In the same years. Thl3 ag sretjate med te be email, as these rail ways represent a total investment of only $4,000,000 000, against SlM.OuO, 000.000 for steam railroads, but since 1017 electric railway receiverbjpsbave been rather numerous en account of the uncontrollable, rise In expense. But for this very bad position of the street railway business, total d'.tnultn since the war began would bac been very small, in Mute 01 It, they were very small In 1920. NEW YORK BONDS Arre Itep'd 6a. 0 77 1 77 Canadl'n Nthn Own rets 2,... J07 1.... 107; !.... 103 1.... 308 p.... je7; Ciln Fae deb 7s wl 83 73 Chile C'ep'r 6 7 83 1..... a City of Bergen Se rct 1.... mi 1.... 1004 City Ile.rr si 1.... 1044 Clt' Cord's 6a 8 M J S.1N. 23 83'i 1 S3, 1 3l.i 2 83 CIV Clirls'a & J.... J07i C'ty of Cepail- natren 0H C &CH City Lyens 1 84 3 $l 10...... S3S n sail City Mars's a 3 83'i Cly rile da Ja Ja r.erle 8e 2.... 100'A 2.... 1.... P.... 1.... a.... 1 Cliy Tofcle it 0 cm; 1 CUV4 Cliy Zurich 8(, 10.... 107 Cuban A H 2.. ..10214 1.... 102 1.... 1U2 S.... 10211 Cuban C S cv 1 r.'J 7 CO 2 00 Cuban C Sua 8s tla 10.... tSALEO IN tlOOOJ U K Orl UrltlU Match 7.; A I'd 1637 I.... 1UT 100 i 100 S 1001 100 1', 100i 10051 31 am lit r.i si &2V! 05M, 1 1... 4... 1... 1... 0... 10... U S Brntll 81 4(sale) let 115 'A PS J)3i PS'i 03 U 03 ti 10411 10! 'i 10P 10l, 10IU 10U lOt 104 1. I. . jwi -. Distil Security Cerp ca .t H 2 44U 13 414 D de Nemeure Fwd'r 7'4 1.... 104 A.... 104 (I.... 1031 1.... 103i 1.... 104 2.... 1031 Dim Light 1.... loot 1 100V. Er'. 0nt Lien 1 4S'i Eria n n cv U 0 Se'i 3 3&Vy 1 ca 3 35 u Eri n n cv d 5 r,8V4 un n Ce 4 1 csu 1 BOH 0 as 2 e. 1 86 U yiK Hui'r Ce s ret is,... 100U 1 0H Gn'l me 3 .. Ollil 1 . . PIU Gedyar T A 1 1.... 3.... 1.... 4.... 1.... 1.... 1 V H Mexico 4i 3 S9tt 1 CD4 3 40 1 39',, Am'n A8f e & Chm 7i 2 03U 3 094 1 00 i 8.... tOO ASA r.'R 5 2 87 1 S7U Amtr Sue nt Ce Cs wl 83 OS 1.4 1 0?'4 A mn TiT .' 1.. 1 0 10.. t.. se.. 8.. t 32 Cuba II C " 1 77ti 1 77 Cuba Ilatlread Ce 7V4l l 2.... 100W D Canada 2:t 2 07H 3 07W 1 P7i, 1 07V. 2 7 W 1 074 D Canada '31 1 014 1 04H 2 HH 1. ... PIS PIS 2 en. 3 01 4 1 P1K Amn TiTm1 2.... 1084 10.... 1084 2.... 10814 2.... 10S4 2.... 108U A T ti 3 Ve 4a IS ... . 6 1 81 1 S3 Atch T A 6 1"l cv it '60 2 p2, n na'i Atl'e Krult 1 214 2 211i C 21U 2 2Hi 3 21 7 21i A Powder 7t4a .... 303 Bait & OI1I0 -v 3.. 1.. 1.. 0.. Rub'r 'SI S OS 6 SO 8 09 8 09 Ooedycar T A Rub'r '41 1.... 1104 CO.... 110 1.... Jl0i 1.... 110U a Meth'n It 7 1.... IOTH t.... 107 1.... 1070 IS.... 10T14 Heck Val 4 Ha 3 S3H 9 33S Hud L Man td 2 754 Hud & Man In 8 18 Vj m Central td 3 SH Ilia Steel 4'4 1 87 4 87 7 1 v. Info Met !,4h 741 4 81, 71' 12 SU 74 M 10 ' 4", int 51 ct 44 74 '4 73 73 74 Ti Bnlt O 3141 1 8&i Bait Si Ohie it 1 03 B & O P L U & W Va 4a 1 73 U O Tel 4a B 60 . Fell Telephone et Pa 7a 1.... toss 1.... 1084 104i 20. B.. I.. 1.. m.. It.. t.. 1.. 1 04 N 'Buffalo r.ec' I 1.. t!! 1.. r... t.. 1. 044 04 S 04S Ot'i 01 1,4 04 Vi Ceve't K U St 1911 te 1921- the Gelden Decade of American business never before was there such a period of business growth in the history of the world ! Industrial advancement was tremendous. Auto mobile manufacture grew te a great industry. Petroleum production mere than doubled. Rubber industry increased five-fold. The NewYerk Curb Exchange met the test. It pro vided a market place for the financing of this industrial progress. Trading increased from 13 million shares in 1911 te 118 million in 1920. Starting in 1912, the growth of Jenes &. Baker from one office te ten has paralleled this remark able expansion. They have become known ns " information headquarters" for the stocks traded en the NewYerk Curb Market. Through the application of banking and commer cial methods te the brokerage business they have developed facilities which insure prompt and accurate service. It is significant that 40 of their new customers come from old customers. An Intcrcating book en America's second largest stock market will be sent en request Philadelphia Office Wldener Building TtUphenti i BtH ... Lecutt 4720 Kwiem - Raw J61 Baltimore Office 4JJ RjulubU BuUdinj ' TtUphtmtt Pl: 8451 Jenes & Baker Memfcsri Neu brfc Curb Markt Direct Private Wlr? NrvYa:!. Cileife Boiten fblUJe'iih'. rmbi'j! Octte.t B.illmete Clcvelin4 Breker's Office A fully equipped suite of offices suitable for a broker in the conduct of a stock and bend buiiness, can be had at once with lease. Apply te Roem 300 1418 S. Penn Sq. Philadelphia Spruce C7G7 Race 483S Tiega Steel & Iren Company Hfiavy Commercial Mnchininf?. Experimental and Teel Werk. 52d and Gray's Avenue Vlilladelphla, fa. MORRBS 4. ROOT Certified Public Accountant Lofnyette Buildimr. P'HndeIph?a "J"-A"'" " 1 iT A List of Sound Bends Suitable for Investment We are sufficiently convinced of the value of the following bends te invest in them for our own account. We offer them at the following approximate priccsi Canadian Pacific Railway Ce. 4?6 Coupon Consolidated Debenture Stock (Perpetual Nen-callable) 7S and interest, yielding 5.13 Buffalo, Rochester &. Pittsburg Ry. Ce Consolidated Mortgage 4' Geld Bends 91 and interest, yielding 5 Pennsylvania Railroad Equip. Trust 6 Geld Certificates Te yield about 5.80 Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Leuis Railway Ce. 6 Equipment Geld Notes Te yield about 5.75 Complete details about any of th?se issues supplied without charge. Telephone or telegraph McClure, Smith & Ce. INOOAOaTtD IKVESTMEHT SECURITIES ALLENTOWN SUNBURY ALTOONA WARREN WILLIAMSPORT Direct private wire te Pettcr S Cemtant, Tetu Yer XttMBERS OP THE NBW YORK STOCK XCnAKG8 umiwmmMMmnmwmmmimmMEamDMmMXMmaamMmmummmmmmmMmmmmmmnmmm New Year Steel Outlook Geed Quite a few encouraging signs are le t'e found In tbe steul eltuatlen, net- wlttlftandlnz ltd tirrwnt. nuimnfizHfl cpuilitlen. according, te tbe deductions I uf th J von Age. In its weekly review. that accepted organ of tbe trade baa this U : "Encouraging activity in plR I Iren in ssvernl cenfre murks eiul of . var. In t.ttl condition U a reduced ' di.uind accounted for l,. defm-ine of i.e IvevlfU until after January I. car entl hnvu en average for tej jirlces net mtrely leuent of if.iv but lower tlmn nt any time cinee January, 1010. I "New Yenr Is jirntnk'lqg ut eut'"t, 1 cblefiy lu foniinued netlvity In i'en- fl ! ttfUftlen lines and alsu In Mistuind !riuaiid ter pipe and tin rla,e. Uy Jaminr.1- I." a definite lic-ltcrrutut in mill operations I cxpecteO. Today oucrn eucrn , tlen? gcucrally average net ecr CO per cent. "I'le Iren bjIm lu Phlladclnhla dis trict In past ttve weeks have amounted ler'U Truak efi te uu.uuu tens, nna wc of toenage i can c reta 'ueut as low as !$l!s furnace, although i most et it was hoie at mu te $iu.e". "Little eiiceuMKem1nt was siren te mil makers. Net only have few new erdern been entered, but specifications acaliiM 'simni; contracts are net sup- dv.e't Trench ?.ln Cep M flu Tijs rets I ." ... Ml '.4 i... 85... 3... 00... 3... (lu n earn re ca ntr 04; Vf-4 J44 ti 04i 01t 1.... 100, 1 100li 3. .. 100i B KdU'n O 7a 102 D CUleen D Ta 1 100U 2.... lean f t I u. t 1UU 04 "i D Itapld T Ta K4'i 17 57 :h"r, IS. 2.... 1.... 5.... 1.... 1.... a ... I'.'.'... ion ioe loe 100 l'1' L Pitt 4i,, 0 80 Ctl Pacltle lat 5 S2 1 SHI 4 81 4 C It N J 3s re 1.... 103 Caru t Paa'e Ce'r S 8.... UIH4 Cliaa t Olhi 2 MVi 1 S3 S3.; C, CH 2 UH :e a, 16 Ct4 Intb'e H T td 10 B3 10 B34 2 b2H 2 C2S 2 ca 10 C3 I M Ma-rln Ca 0 80 2 B85. xnn crtst Mem3 Ca 1.... 101 Kan C t S 3 S 84 S S4U. K C T Rly 4a 2 80'i 2 bO'i S tO'i IKlly sprtns'd Tirs s 1.... 103 v. C... 103i 1.... 103 'i IC County C L. & P Da '23 l inn Lhlh Val fia 100 'i L it Myera a a 02 LerlllaiJ C 7a . 112V4 A Nna TTl iOA 50UC &UcvH 03 00 0i 034 piled with much freedom and ceed deal of production t,i being stocked. SDH l tu Cha'a (Oil 1 97H 1 11 U 1 07?i InOVjIC & J cv .". J 10OH 1 54U IM'i 2 8U 10u 1 SJi; 10011 Cbl t, Alt 3V,r XOO'il 4 88 100V $ 38 II. t.. 5.. I.. 1.. 1.. 4 . 4.. 1.. 1.. OrM TrunU 3f Canada. 7 1.... 10 1 07 1.... 1031, l loot,: I) .10 1.... IH'i,, 1 lOil. Mua V 4 at i.... i'v. a e i 3 -Jii t Leuis 1... 1... 3.., 12... 3... 1... 30... iV.'.'. 3... 20... 7... 4... 0... 10. 102H 1034 10214 1031 1021 n,... 105j 0.... 105 New T JJ II & II 4a '80 1 41 New V U II & Hart'd 0a )0 60 r ces l r.fl'i s SfiH N Tk Rlyaj B 1 BU 2 DH 1 S'i W V Uya Jt 3a B 0U It T Tl 4H 4 89 4 8SU 1 88U 2 84li N T Tala'a 4t 1. 6.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 1.... 1.... II... . J.... 1.... 1.... 2,.,. 1.... 2,... 1. 101 ft 101i 101 101 , lOl't 101 101 101 101 101 i 101 4 101 10t4 10P4 101 tt 101 Tk N T Tl' 1.... 103 3.... 1C3 NIHWC4 BeH 4tl 9 ae a seu X 31 1 31 B 8ti 4 3IU North TTeatarn Bflt T 7i 1.... 107 1.... 107 3.... 107 B.... 107 jj rema n 3a 1 60 (4 ee 2 C0U Jt Pacino B 4. 6 83 JJ Ptcllte R na I.... 109H Ore t, Calif Bi 1 BU Ortcen BR Navl Ce 4e 0 3U IS 84U Ortea S l 4t 1 8I OtitOtl S h .1 3 03U 2.. .. 00 3 08 Or.V It It Ca N Ce 4a 1..... 77 Packard Moter Car Ce 8a n oevt Pan A Pntr'm i. T Ce 7s 1 P44 Panna, R It 0b 7 04 Penr.a. R nt 104H fenrta ft It Ti 1.... 105Vi Paerla & a lat ! 74 ! 74 ! 731! Pert Mardt 4a 1 70 Pierce O S wl 2.... 100 14.... 10O Perti'd Hvr 4 Light 7 Ha &.... 103 Pub Dr Cerp N Jay Ca 3 72H 30 73 2 72 10 72 IU4ltt C 4 a 2 flW 2 6l'.i 3 sit; S &1U neclt Il'd A A Leu I' a 4U 10 78 8 78 1 78 St L I Mt St 3 Kullway 4a 2 80 St L A S K aj 1.. 1.. 14.. 12. . 10.. 1.. 1. 73 71 V, 73 72U 72H 72 73 St I ft 3 V In r 9 , 03 9n Pad no (d 10.,... 64i 3 84VI 1 8414 Sn 1'ne cv 4a 1 87 10 87 2 87 fle Pae Term'l 1 St'i On Hallway 4a It IH i m a etu l ei 2 fltu Bn Jtallwaj- 3 a iih Steel VuU Ot of ,V 7 4 8'l 1 I7 1 0TM. Third Ave a 1 46U 1 45'A .Third Ave 4a .' B1i 3 61 4 lUnlea Pae ct B.. 8.. I?'- 89 H SOV sei CURB STOCKS SELL AT CONCESSIONS Trade Largely Made Up of CYtf ing Out of Old Contracts, Oils Are Quiet y 0.. 07.. 10.. C. J.. Union Pae fd 2 82i 1,.... HVi Union Pae 4" 2 B41 0 54H si L t, 8 Fran Series A 4 esu 7.,... 0H 1 0H B 68H 2 6S4 J fti !! T. L. Vrn Serin 1 S2H 8t L A 8 Fran fl.rUt C 1 93 St L Sew'n en 10 ess Sab'd A l aj B.. I.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 104 VI mvj 104 V4 104', 104 V. 104U 104 4 14H lH 14V4 14'i 14VI 14 .l E-al.M A L fd 1 St 3 31 10... 12... 1... A .. 0... 7... B 80 IS S8H 4 SOU 2 87 Unt'd Ini 8a 4.... 101 U S Itubb'r Ea 1 6Vt 1 89V4 1 MV 10..... El V S Rub 7Ha 1.... 10414 U'd B 8U(I la 8 00 T 09 3.... 100 Utah P & L fa 1 SOU ,Va-C Chm lat 1 04 Va Itary Ce Sa 3 88 1 8SH 1 RS 3 BR' 1 7 New Verlt, Dec. 20. Trnd terf vu comparatively light en the Curb eatf Most of the trading seemed te be. C fined te closing out of old contract This catifcd some stocks te shevr d' cllnfts under a small supply. Obe of thwe issues was Purasb meters of Indiana wblcli sold devn ta lOU, a new low nnd n less of 1 point from yesterday's llnnl price. The eji Durant stock was up a fraction. Lin coin Meters A showed a better fena te day, ttbile Goodyear Tire was jrt Up ply. Standard rotem sold at 3 tt ','Aii and Continental Meters et.OU. The netreleum gretln cencirailsi vae seu 1 quiet epd most of these stocks wera (n S' I supply at concessions. Standard Oil et S 4 I Indiana ranged from b&Ys te 879i, com nntt ll'ared witb S091 at the close ycsterdai, O"1' T....l-l 111 .. -.,,! .vl.l IftKiC te 103. Skelly Oil was unusnaljr nctire and sold up a fraction.' Thar was continued activity in Sltritsa Petroleum at above IS. rynusTRiAi-s Acme C4kI Acme Packlnt: Allied Packing .... AJax ltuhbr Amr l'"erelrt Trad Audubea . Bradley V T Caf C'ruahed l"rult Chleace Nlsple .... (.'(V.unit(a Emerald Continental .Moter . Curtles Aero purant Meters . . . . Piirant Meters Ind Earl Moter Farrell Ceal CJenrrea Clethea . . . . mnien nevrell .... Oarland S a. eien 00 Weet'n Elec 3a jeab-J A I. 4a 5. ..00 1 32 " "V" Mil 4" S A l 4a ata 2 30 Seab'd A L C 1 (sale) 42L, l(eate) 42 H 12 43H B 43U 0 43 1 43 2 42'A Sinclair C Oil Cerp 7 Ha Liberty V,i& ... Liberty 1st 4Us Liberty 2d 4SJ Liberty 'M 4h liberty 4tli 4i 09 tt 03 i 00 IM 08 U 08S OS'i 09 09 98 HlKh 04.7S 07.30 07.00 117.08 07.4S U'-J 0 a. ......... Alden Ceal Cioedyear Tire tleldwyn Pictures .... Oram Moter , . . . ;J ' Liibj- itcNain SS'i 1 Llnoeln Moter A . ... .National Uiatlier .... R&Ote f'ei.i Hadle Cern pret standard Met sueet Ce Tnn n-y pf Teb Products tap .... f H Dlstrlbutlne V S U & H U M Steam United Prcflt Sharlnc United Hetall Candy .. Wajtie Ceal West Cad Chem WVn Pac lata 1 83VI 3 RS'i 4 SBVi W Union 4H 4 88 W W Union ee 1.... 100'i 3.... 109U IWeitlnchs'e II a Mfe 7s 3.... 1MH 3.... 10.-. V, 2 10.M, 2.... I0B ,:,: V...Alcn Oil ,"i'"VH "" Arkwaan- S't Gas - "aniRoaien W:emlrn 1 94V4 ICarlb Svnd Wis Cenfl 4a , Cities Seervlej "B' Illeh Lew m 1A 04 CO 3 3H 2 a'.i 10 10 , , li 1H I3.. '., Oti l!e 2 2 70 IO U t . 24 24 , ie'i leii QU 0 . , 20S 20H 1SU 13V. 17(1 17 C.j U3( , 44 48't 4, 45 Vi Id , v. S . 2 2 2 a T 2. fi'i . U, "S'a ,3 a ' ; 3. U I5H 15 S7 87 12 12 2iV -' . 0 4Ti 1 1 . 90 09 USD I.rw 04X)0 07.22 00.00 07.SO 07.20 74 rafi PM 8T.VNPAKD OILS AnI-vAnr OH 17 17i Galena Oil 43 41 lrr.utrlal Oil Can 10.1'i 105 Stand Oil of IrJ iH'l S7H Stand O.l wl N V 80S 383 IM1EPENDENT OIL8 47 42 Ill 11 77., 77 ctfs.. 2t. 2ti a 2 , e'i fl'i ee 00 H IJf ''. a 1 lit I J S at tt 103 37 ti: I Cities Sr;li. prcf f.'ree Synd r.lk Basin Pet ': F(3(l Oil 07.n0 Ollllland O'l rut no I Olenreck Oil h'j en 1 urunaua . . . y.ei Hudsen Oil , 07.40 I imperial Oil llDerty 4tll 4',iS . Ui.S lll.-U tX.-iOl imperial yu vie Nete 446 ..100.0s 100.01 100.00 J iV-ccTifk ::::::::::: LONDON STOCK MARKET 10 .. et . . ie'i .. 11 U vlrwten Pet Hi 'CUIt-Edged List Streng Under Bank Ing Support Ralls Steady I Lyens Pel .Mararalbe Oil ... Merr'.tt Oil iKIrley Tat 1 Me ra;i I Mexico O1! I National O'! N S Nebio Londen. Dec. Si. I'resu bjeuaney emar oil vraauctr . I.enueri.. r.3 22i K 18'i ' 2J 18 83 4 ia' -s s was displayed in Kubsian Issues en tbe nAn "'one stock escbanse today. Banklnc support , .SjJpSfp'n: made tbe cilt-edjres investment list ?imm pA strenir. French leans were tteadv with r,lZ hn:r ieiv!ltbe franc, nerae rails were steady, l)tit,T,cn .. il jnv I. inactlre. Dellar descriptions were also , IXg 81 '.'.:'. a . ie:v laie. out nsra. Argentine rails scored v 011 si . 1021 ! further upturns en repurchase. Sojtheni r t r. ITi ll'f " slinrM rallied ufter bavins l""1" ' .MIMG J'"1. ea.y. Royal Dutch was 30. Wjell'" i.ir''wVnV S? "-iTranepert and Trading 45i and MeM- igSSKir c. HT. . l ! '. ! 9i ; lusuican Eagle 4 13-10. The industrial list 1-0-m cop aiir. tv, '-'-" ."'"" .' :ciiii UJ i,-.., ,-..i en Cheerful. Hudsen s Usy was e'v.'r.i Salvader a Kufljrd were juiet with a tendency te ; !ju"1'h , ''fV ?2 sai, Harm It Divide 33 fc ,t. .... .. 'Iren Bluaaeni SO Operations In the rubber preup were McKic tur 13 rrofesfienal aud alte.utleufc were .lili. M.ctne toprer 2rt Tli nltnilini li. th !,,.- ..... -ll MOhaMk ... ... 102'i, 103 105 Vi leavi l")2Vi 103 1 Jai lie't lt 1 s; 1 All 1 hi!',, t 13.. 1(1.. 10 . Possible GoTereniMit Financing Shortly nfltr the turn of the new CR" It 's net improbable that the United f-'utf-i Cfiivernmc-nt may enter thu mar ket for ne.v luenej. Ad'erdini; te re ports, there will be u Inrf.e nvw Unrl ftuiif. 1'ftp flu DiirtHiNi1 til' nriivltlinc fnr the furthceming maturity of the Victory K tieiatum di1 10 i-ean ii'ii anu -iU per cent bends. 1 0 ' 12. While it is eme time before the notes t K T,e'i"in 7a . tiavi, .actually fall due. still in investment 1 ' l?'!' a l;rle 'l 'mentViii t.lte a3vMttSe of ' tba sl.ua- K'Vn 4 tleu. ne-sumlng that a healthy condition I 1..!! ie 1.'!"!! n". 'obtains in the trade at that time, and iKlusiem Den. Chi Mil & J't j Provide ter its tuture refiuircnienta t-e.-fere It le tee lute te be ainttrcd of its uueuall(iel hueee.'. I rt-l. A..-KA... 1 11.. ... I 1 'ju uuTsiuwciifc uiuai necv."ariiy pull t eiu an iebii- in Miur'iirfi viurn will 1. compete witu similar imhm new out-1 1. .A. .-.II. - -.1. I .1.- 1. - III I munu u. "r umiTiitw nip ftsuil will 1 ..... luait 11 'net be ae tratlfyiiiB, iu the opinion of ' itsjy evs i. baukerf.. as may be desired. During Wlr,-v-: P. c,w ,A(.i., n . a t . !'::?-" - ""i.4rv.. yir. ....1 ... cz ,.-":-. ".. m iiwvt 1.... ios'.ifce a jvaaa 7a ? aniu iu iuc uusc was small , Matci Valiy joeu i" iei 1.... jOBtyianti tee markets m the main were .veine.- Lt-J new ft aiyil. r,.MK. U 1. j.nl.t ' 1 UaI.i.k a-.. l... I''t ,.lt.fc W '4 1" UUIv.i ! Mi Mehlian Cot i', I Nfi-lur.al 'I In i::an euii'r ... I Nlplaa 'is PIitu Mt tliana .. Si.n Tey f-.. Am P Jt O ... T..un.ih IUld .. P, iiiOfi 1 li 1 fnnalnn C!. 3.... 10O l1"5' av" "" r cent te ..-,.. url',,- KU.V'n".': KiliH'nevrM ra.Hrti. f. i. ..... . 1 west :.n.J Ce t i ' ' fir .. Financial Briefs .... -V..I.A. C ll' IIL. .m.ivci 01 Illy ) - ls " t'rnn lit The n-Tase t;ri-e rf the ri,t;. IVJ' O &04 '"'", ' aiO.ill AJ' lf"0il u.il i! l tjve 3( 40 rt-i 27 1 oil' : mark fla 1 Sound 4a 1.... I.... 14. s: SV '83 b.'l lldNll.i 105';' 1 .... 73 m a. .. ue 107', : .... 73H t.. . jet li"7' Ct cw . St 1 : .1 K T a.' u. 10Slt it P I U la , 14.. . 43s irldf A l!aMi aiT-.ii lid. -i.. -..... Ce vere t'. ..11 .e.aful b.dd. r- r.,r .i,,.,i,.,T CHmbeilmid Cuu.itf. Pmina.lvsnU. .;... All'ed Pa-t-er H thlrtrejar a p- Cl-nt bend. lh WddlnV Allied Pel -.- rtfa ... unuHuniir ii.e. the bende ae'.llni. vi Alunilnuic 7h 1S23 1. ..i.. .. "-.-" ..h. w.i r. ..i... A 4.20 vc-r tjnil Afacer.de. Tu T-t a v p Tlv. j H K ,-Ui1,.fV " formation 'of tha corpora- S,,h S!',. 7l l63!---- . urti iiw en rnti P. rf-mvin9 futi,,.. v i renw TsTt. s ; te advl:ea wcelTi'd tnthi u-aft Sest.?d-'" I rew.r E..r. si 1D23 I . Cuban Tel 7V .... i iiani. JIC f r; J i.tai... lli v. r, ,. H.rti -j..-.. r...i.k -- lne. ffAmrnl fiu,.uA ..-"- .'. .'?-. v.vi. f'" .iti'". 11 . .V . J- '.V." ' - . ..tlr. vyi Ulfl in ,)&llni kH Mln & fit 1. 4a ' J2S,,S w'th two ether bMd 1 33 li J'-fY "rc u,lnc reentered un , M StP . B Ste t"U Marie Sa I piJn. . .1.. . .. 1" Pl'i 2 C3V.I10 0 tlen i "take ever, eni "hr.Sn?: .TKlOn Klnsdem Ujn. Chlcaae MU i.,11 3tP fr S, Kia , v flh vnauld .Qa f tlj l CuSan S '" O mark et sa Oi Paul 4a j M Oi3s r;t " 'J te t-e srcrreeslnc rauldly. .mi I ln . . ria-i . . .".il . .1011 . .K.O-i . .'0l-j . . 75 ..loin; . . Mt . . J1.-.4I . er.i. .101 mi !! Wi'4 ten.', 1014 H7J? lus'l OS 23 SST leatl 104 .nvji, inji, je2H l'l I"l X'll tin' e'i a j' nT- 60 i0 tee t'4 KiOU lOPi (..', OTI-j 04Chleaare MM A 0.. 1 04S BtP ev 4I-.1 fi 01'. 3 61 (jut-eiial'd l.xtl 1 L,ean ct 7n 1 100 Vi leeu lOH'i Central National Bank of PhilaJclbhla Chestnut Street at mh kakJa . . . ' . . ' - aaiiaaiaMijMksUMalsftaMfttmMa kt5 n W'SL' rViowatfrCe, Investment Securities MackIe, creuse Ce. MM VfiTATB Tit. DLDO.. PUIIA. C. S. PATTON & CO. 3D 6. CHKHTNUT SXfl, BANKERS , j Slnvceneera te SAlI.V.H ti HTKVKNSON V"as auatecki beutbLanil mII MfWHtW FMl.. HhlfW Klfh.nnf and the public Is net phiisntbrepically Inclined in matters et tuis cnaractcr. LiUe n, Fairy Tale "A comparison of American Icu Com pany of today with thn American Ice Company of twelve years age, reads like a fairy tale," said ene of the financial newt reporting agencies yei-terday. "When Wesley M. Oler, new presi dent of the company, took held of this concern, there were few people who were willing te predict nuything but bonV benV ruptcy for it. Under th old Charles W. Mere rejtme even old Ice houses alone the Hudsen River had been al- lowed te ret and decay and it peemed I Mike a well-nigh hopeless task that .Mr. ,01er assumed. But today we tlnd a ) .company whose net current assi'is c.n-j eeed lta liabilities in rntle of 2 te 1,1 wceye carnins power lias beeu built up nntll it showed net for one year before depreciation, bend letlrcment and Ted eral taxes of about 51,000,000. Se strong was the company's financial posl pesl posl Hen that It was able te buy In $700, 000 of its bends mere than six months' befere maturity, which means no addi tional fintnclnt will be necessary next jear te take care of thew bends." Summarizing conditions in the auto mobile field, Automotive Industries will sav this week: "Onn of thn nn.t anxious yearn In tbs hlitery of thf- '&wttI"J Cen automotive industry comes te h cle.e1 ? JJJV witn conmtiens vastly mere stable than these which prevailed at the beginning of 1021. The essentiality and tbe popu larity of tee meter vchHe hnve been es tablished beyond question in a period of depression. What the future holds for individual manufacturers and deal ers Is uncertain, but there is no uncer tainty about the future of tbe Industry as a wbele. "It is expected that. e far as nas- senser cars are concerned. tin tiuarter of 1022 will be materially better i se iiiiiu iuii gerrcptiQUing periuil last Jfsr. that the second fiavter a Iltile better than in 10l!l, the third net quite se geed and (be fourth considerably better. The inn- uuimei win improve witu general business conditions,'' TUB TIUDEIt, 1 0...,. 4SV, an 45H SS 43k StHIMci K A Tez Oi I and ct 0.... J07U 10 .... S3 8 30M, 2.... 107;'Chlcaua Mil ,t!jle K A T 4 ;.... 107, stp td 4is 10 73 3.... 107 1 37 I 2 73 Vte3 Chile 'SH 2.. .. ht. Jl K 4s T 44,s 1" 03', 8 67Vi 3 35 s 10 09'i 8 37 MKJTlinl 4 MU Ohloate Mil b I 03111 St P cv na nep Chile -41 1 7... . C3i J-... 101 1 1 02 r.ep ChlU MB.Chl ft Nth Wal 1 3.. il 1 13.' 4. 1. 11 Cuba Cs "01 2 .... 07 Hi 1 bi'i en ur MS lOOi.Ch i N M 7n 100, I 1 ... 10.1 , 10i I 10.1, 100'. 1 103 4.. fi... t... t... S... 1... R... I... SO. . . 1... con ooh in i'i 6'l 60 U fll bl 0'l rtOt(, r.l bl , ijri-sen S I. 6 . . . s la tuet en. Ki :n?Jce f0: ' ?,hl2a,':e-v-0", - "-."'"iWMeh waa e.VabfXd ok , I W. . ".Sl J '" a mtii nanas en Hey. Thl in. eurreni year, vutrh v.,, ..m..i..Ti " November 23. Th. record for alT ti Si tha jhletery ct tb. achanie "as "'i'TaVii. oil December Se. loin '" ""a - lsAJi eurnlnicB for Nevernh-r V3 Ml. otter reports trrrtna S70.fi70. Nt e,;i.. - i-V5i.""'. l a.u.tii Y....M.a t,vie f-e,4va ana total nt irf.in1 im i , n Income from eth.r tSJl1 "v:. .?iHr LTi" Cc' Robt O.'r beara-Reebut 7k, nears-ne-micK .a. neumwwi inn iana M aun lft-J: 1023 nsi . H4l 04ii 4 .100'i tflllf JfiOtJ . !'?S 07", BT . 06 0J? 8 . nrnl nnil es !'HN Colerado Power Cempanv )tal 1 444.3S4. Cre., r , h. V.f.'.'r' "?;r"i,i I Warn-r PiiFar 7a foev.mber 30 arneunted te II ill I Jin .,.. ' -a"rn KUc 7a .. 1411.7JO and total r"t. MV.S .8 - ?r 5 '""I" 'X"'., deduirtra charee. ln-lildlnr 1103714 'of Wmeii.,..- 7', a .. depreciation Dure remelnrt llVe.3 1 n i ' rr- jJuiVirf Is.s'.T'.'JilrA 21 . ..witM . --... K....A if.JU.AI. Mimil. alilk. -r"-i- 1 Uthwjt Bill 7a 100U lixiti loot nd pi N y 7e. 1031..10Si tfisaj 10 ..nd en k y eh. lest, jft.itz ir,s ... -.. .J . Uj,u I)Bil nati . . .10,f 10U 103W . .. nni d (i Vi eaii tnlx .. .a. . l-'i.-J "..7 luilta . esu en en nnJ enw pim lOO'j Oil KalliV - JJ IC i'f e0 te common stecl:. ..fTi!vC,1iV,Met01' F'mr.v.'-y uft.ir, ,,u cr . ti , .:,'..'C, K rvert en llpel ?.?,"' T-"t UV. "'"' I4.3O0.OO0 tvx ilnlM J'eie Iniereauij ia the coneenv te ..ciiblO.inbl.. t dUL-iii-i ri iV. ii,7V. ..I n Cuba fie '14 & S3 ISepub of Uru guay 8a I.... 103 Slat, of Sae Taute St 5.... 101 1.... mt 3.. . 1001 Ee rorte rtloe T T rets 1 8U 1 1 1 1 3 1 r. s C It I A C... 3 , 3 7JS 73'a 73t 4 I.. 3.. 80 SO SO rin Ind A I, Ski 4.... 113', I 3 . .60 8 ... 114 C N T 44e"lT I.... 114 I 2.... in. v k art r,ritci'i cm cm 1 4 I'd 1023 os u a 1.. 10 . 12 781, 78 li 3 7U 1 7SH 13 7SU 75 1, MK AT 6. l S 83 OtU 7B, 10 OtU IBSISIent'a Pwr Sa ?'..!U--- s ii'- .1 1 en un ll'Hi 2... . 77t, I W 11 hi (n :irt T.11 , -. .-T. -w 1. -..1 viiui .fin rwr. ' r 1 1 . ei j 1 net K resdJd as a priu- '.in L)!'nd report of the reeele.-'s uppraleal ,. V ouldutlen b,;,. of the rUpir.y'a aeta allow a, uhrlriWaea nf r. 7(1 itnn '."." "?.' u..l l company's valuation of 815,01.4P2 1 77V N TU Cent'l fl 3 0SU 1. 1. 1. 0. 1 3. Oresj earnings of San Antonie Public ended November SO were tl.iBTOS Nrlt utter takes totaled ir?e.nii ' ,Bir.'.... J) is 1 l?,f. nta derived fiem h sale "01, ilee. " 1 trio lliht, and pewtr ss p,r rent from Ira. V ' Ma meH per cent from street rtlheavL Ja , ur ui after nta.-e.t chareea ii tSib Ss5 Th. rianlj of Bna'and'e minimum 1". euni rat. remain um.nmed at B per t.n". The Vmer'can I'etroleui n.nten ir.ni me cau tnstltu'e 1". 100 3 IT 1 OS',1 i00 ,Cl'd Cln Chi .!. Y,. r,., -. 10OU Ce'iadu- S.;N V Cdlsen Ce ' . w. a '.. . ., inen . ii'i S. ... 10OH Coue'd Oaa 7 u k a EntJ. :-,.,s. A Vd 13VU I ." " " ".", Se rets c j Recent wcjKti3 In lire whK-h clAied v terda.y at .0433, off .0007 his taeln ?, tributed te prenl.ms cennp(ed with rrer. 1.. 43 J . . 1 10 .... JO,.... Jl t 10 III. en1, r'"1 tneii 09 ,, 2.... 73 ' 00'. Det Kdt CA Oi OuUi 2,... 100 J.,.. 100 1.... 100 Det Tun'l 4t4 1..,.. 3 ftOK 00 u 00 h u.. 3.. 3. 1.... 1.... josh , its'; , 103 4 ion, 10.1 tee 1 iw 1031, ion 10B 10M. 10s 1, ganttatUn by Italian banUiisr coneertlmn i.f iiieiaiiurical the Anaalde. en. of two Sreet lirti.a ether, tha Jlti U In bankrupte:'. . ftt ikii j r miK ABa.aa J . 1 ; . Vh.hi';" h". vii'S" '."'K,-rA...,.!. . Proven Public Utility ' Bends Baiter, Ayling & "Vernij JOSCl-n W. SVrMX. 4r Mnnucrr Un J Title Blde. Bo.ten rhiladeipkU OB' nt 1. .-- , US", en ureflucticn in the- fnlled S.tta fT 'I' r I D8S 'ei. endid Uecmbar 4 wa 1.3o.4.'.e hart 0SV II"1' .," l-elnKrd wfth 1.330.11'S h".i. I net. for. the preced.ne wefc. an I arr" I rr: 1 . " K. t. 5((i'Cii'l. Jr nerateln 'n tht niai of 1 pei-frreer -V v: I utlri. fieru pat-ted-nci. i A Ce., aa of Jpeph V. H-Uuah nw t rrkb Xtlttlri. ( A Ce., ha become niinauir of tl. etaelc Vlu. partment of Oarrlsen A O. V Preducrg and luflnera Company jiperts Neyemb.r gtty.e tneem. fP8.p73rVpenei; "eMlne t?ITn,M4i nrineinii peter.'de'. pl.tlen and dpreoretleiA q27l,T48, ."-i-iiiihTtir'f'irn'iiyMiiii 6.lU.Cl.rft$e. HAMiKHS Dealers in Investment Securities Jeitir Aeiu Verfc mid rhilidtlMa Btee'l crid(i 3?1 CU.Inut,. PsafJlJktak H : S f ?