,'.A , ! vj ' ; . '' ,,V a. r i -j I''' in FROM NOW ( THIS IJEOINS TIIK STORY Dv Itrndrrien. us Iloeltln Hknrvn' fenflJntll n" '" ""' ,0 Mr"n Tjle , OKI IIOO.OOM 'te nieup racing !e ll( f" chnnre te obtain h tnrlunf anil lB'e the illstaMeful world if croeki, no I") "tenia , and lildf tha money. Hhnrinn also plana te double. rri' hl fllent tnrtir In racing ven ire, but thR thusa he hire; for the. lob discover th.it llemleren lins fore fere Jtalted thetn Captured by the pel'ce. h la iientcnted te theJ penitentiary rer me j ears, nnd Just lufere his time la tin Detects llarjan tries te learn where the money Is hidden and fails likariaii also lslts him with the enme Med. and when Hendersen lemalns Ment he Is lhrealer."d with th powers If the "underworld' He realizes ultli enalr that he will leave the peniten tiary a marked man with no opportunity for xlsltlrig the "Pet whero hi lias hidden the money and he confides 'n lllllmati. a prison mate, who preinltet te Ket the loot from the old picceen cote, nhere It la hidden, and meet Hendersen t the St l.uclei' Hetel In New Yerk t (t o'clock In the elenitis; of June '.'I. Ne sooner has he disclosed his secret than Hendersen repents, lerluln that ll'llman has been lying In wait for Just . this Information, nnd since he leaves prison befere Hendersen-, will have -Hiiro te make his getaway. AND HKRC IT CONTINUES 'A IAj TIIK pnsslen of tlic mnn was en A the surface new. Lcnn nml Riiiint. Ms body seemed te crouch forward eh though te "Prlnc; his tinntls, wltli finders crooked like clnws renchltiR for their prey, wcic outstretched before him. Hlxty-enc days' stnrt Mlllmnii jud. Hut Mlllman would need mere than thnt! The only mnn In the world whom he hnd ever truated, nnd who bad then betrujed him, would need mere thnn sixty-one tlnys te cenpe tbe reckoning thnt was te come. Mill man might hide, Mlllinnn mlglit lire for years In lavish enfe en that money, juid In the end there might be none of that money left, but foenor or later Mlllmnn would pny n bigger price thnn a hundred thousand dellnrs. II" would get Mlllmnn. The world wasn't big enough for the two of them. And when that day came His muscles relaxed. The paroxysm of fury left him, nnd middcnly" he moaned n llttle as though In bitter hurt. There was nnether side te It. He could net help thinking of thnt etlitr elde. There hnd been two jenis of what he thought was friendship and the friendship had been hypocrisy. It was hard te believe. Perhaps Millman meant te play square nfter nil, perhaps Mlllman would keep thnt rendezvous In cw lerk en June twenty-fourth nt fight o'clock In the evening nt the St. Luclnn Hetel. Perhaps Mlllmnn would. It wasn't only en ncceunt of the money that lie hop"i Mlllmnn would there were theso two jenrs of whnt he hnd thought wns friendship. He leaned suddenly ngninst the wnll of the cell, the palms of his hands pressed ngninst it. his face crushed Inte hi knckles. Xe ' Whnt wns the use of that: Why try te delude himself gain? Why try te make himself be lieve what he wnnted te believe? lie reiild reason new coolly and logically enough. If Mlllmnn wns honest he Tvouldnet de whnt he had offered te de; nnd being, therefore, dishonest, his ap parent honesty hnd been only n mnsk, nnd the mnslc hnd been only for his, Dave Hendersen's, benefit, nnd that, logically, could evidence but one tiling that Mlllmnn had deliberately set him self te win the confidence that would win for Mlllman the stake of one hun dred thousand dallnrs. There wns no 'ether conclusion, was there? His bend enme up from his hnuds, and be steed rigid, tense. Wnit! TTalt a minute, until his bruin cleared. There was another pesslbllltv. lie hnd net thought of it before! It confused nnd staggired him new. Suppose that Mlllman steed in with the police! Eiippo-e that the police iiad used Mill wan for just the purpose that Mlllmnn had nrcempllshcd ! Or why net? suppese that Mlllman was even one of the pelice himself! It was net se ten We a theory as It wns te assume thnt Mlllman had acted ns n steel-pigeon; hut It wns, even nl that, well within the renlnt of possibility. A inaif would net count two yenra ill spent en ti rne that involved th.e recovery of n hundred thousand dollar's nor hesitate te play J convict's pnrt, either, if necessary. It had been done before. Until Ilnrjnn had come. Inst night, the police had made no sign for jears unless Mlllman were indeed one of them, and. believing nt the Inst tlffit he wib facing failure, hnd called in liar Jan. Mlllman hadn't hnd n. hard time of it in the penitentiary. His education had been the cxcusp, if It were an ex cuse, for all the soft clerical jobs. AVhe was te knew if Millman ever spent the nltcfata in his cell? Dave Hendersen crushed his fists "gainst his temples. What did it matter? In the long run, what did it matter? "reek, or informant, or an officer, Mill- feaa hud wrecked him, nnd lie would pay his debt te Millman! He leur-hed low renin, whiln hltf troth fMn-nl nl his lips. There were Bnrjan nnd Beekie hkarvan -and new Mlllman ! And Baldy VlcKurs nnd the underworld 1 There wasn't much chance, wns there? Net much te expect new in re turn for the eternities in whicli he had worn these prison stripes, net much out mmwwwwmwwmm One-Day Outings mew l'IUDKI.I'III. H New Yerk $3.00 Every Other Sunday NeH Excursion, January H Bpecial train leaves Heading Ter minal 8 00 A M . Htepplns: at felum ;'a Ave Huntlnwlen Ht . Wayne Junction. r,0Biin and Jenldntewn. Suiihury und LewihlnirR I $3.7 West Milten 'luiiiguiucry -, . Mmicy L $4.00 i'Hiiueursviiie. Williamsport fiuniliij-, January 8 mf'p,URlir",n les Headlnc Tr fi'l " -, M stepplnn t Ce- mtU 'V" JlmitlnKden Ht.. Mana. junw, ronshehocVcn and Norrla Nerrla Norrla tewn (De Kan, hi ). SEASHORE $1.50 rxiursleiis I'.ierj- Sunilnj ATLANTIC CITV OCI5AN CITV STONK HARHOK WIMJWOOI) and CAIM-: MAY y!l,iftr '!.A.S.,S ?.' .' rr.r T " A. ' Hetunilng ""i u peinia 11 in I' M for lleliilh-d lufiirin itlim tenkull centd "-ee I Ijfi. T AtI, 11 , Ur pimhtmril jme, te ea'ei nt I acinaieiu i Philadelphia & fwujmMf via vimntlr rily Itollrend vJiC'. 'hetnut and .Seuth St rerrl. for Atienth t'lfv 7 no A ! Wti,'iuiran .-".. Hlen" ""'Mr ll'Hnrn1 mill ('... f. Reading Railway of the ruin of his life, net much for the . i "?'.' everything he hnd stnkrd and risked! rset much only te make one last light, te mnke ns many of these men tiny ns dearly ns he could. Fight os, he would fight. lie had never hedged. He would tiever hedge. They hnd him with lils hack te the wall. He knew that. There wasn't much clinnee new; there wasn't nny. If he looked the situation squarely In the fnce. Up steed alone, absolutely nlene; there wns no where te turn, no single soul te turn te. His hand was ngninst every ether mnn s. Hut he wns net brntni. They would never bent him. A knife thrust or n blackjack from" Beekie Skarvan's skulking pnek, though It might end his lie. would nor bent him; n further term here behind thee walls, though It might wither up tht soul of him, would net bent him! y Dnve Hendersen bent his head te catch the words And Millman! TJp nhove his hrnd liis hands twisted nnd knotted together again, nnd the great muscular shoulders locked back, nnd the clean, straight limbs grew taut. And he laughed. And the laugh was very low and Hinister. A beast cornered wns an ugly thing. And the dominant instinct in n beast wu (elf-preservation nnd n leap nt Its enemy's threat, A beast asked no qunrter and gnve none. II" was n beaM. They had made him n beast in here, nn animal, n numbered thing, net n man; they hnd net even left him with u name just one of 11 herd of lienls and animals. Hut they bad net tamed him. He wns nlene. facing thorn all new. and there wasn't much chance be cause the odds were overwhelming; but if he wns ulene, he would net go down nlene, and lie turned his head suddenlv. and his hands dropped te his sides. There had come a cry from somewhere. It whs net ery loud, but it rung in a startling way through the night silenre of the prison. It wns a cry as of sudden fear and weakness. It came again ; nnd in n bound Date- Hendersen reached the ban. nf his iloer. nml hent iiiuiii tlirni finl- eusly with hit fists. He would get into I trouble for it undoubtedly, but he hnd placed thnt cry new. Old Teny vyasii't 1 whispering tonight. Tbcre was some-1 msmmmmm&&s?T-y.. x wu IwBfiJvP&rl Papers IfllH III MJmA IV Next Sunday, January 1st, W22; Continuing Every Sunday Until Completed. WARNING f M" TwF" F!" --.js - is M - BVBOTNGr' PUBLIC fmSDE$rPH3lA!DEriPHIA-, THUKSBlf, ON thing wrong with the old homh-threSver. Yes, he remembered old Tenv'p strange appearance that afternoon. He rattled again nnd ngnln en the bnrs. Old Teny wns meaning new. Footsteps en the 1 tin sounded nleqg the Iren gallery. A guard passed by; another pnuscd nt the deer. "(let hack out of there!" growled the gunrd. "Heat It! Get back te your cot!" Dave Hendersen retreated te the center of the cell. He heard old Teny's deer opened. Then muffled voices. And then n voice that wai quite audible (die of the guard's : "I gucfcH-hc's snuffed out. Get the doe and. yes, tell the warden, If he hasn't gene te bed yet." Snuffed out! TherR was n queer, choking sensation In Dave Hendersen's threat. A guard ran along the gnllery. Dave Hendersen edged silently close up te the deer of liis cell again. lie couldn't sec very much only a gleam of lightrem Leinnzrl's cell that fell en the iron plates of the gallery. There wns no sound from within the ether cell new. Snuffed out! The thought thnt old Teny wns dead affected him In a numbed, groping sort of way. Tt had ceme with such stnrtling suddenness! He hnd net grasped It yet. He won dered whether he should be sorry or glad for old Teny death wns the lifer's goal. He did net knew. It bi ought, though, n great aching Inte his own soul. It seemed te stamp with the ul timate tonight the Immeasurable void In his own life. Old Teny was the last link between himself and that thing of priceless worth that men called friend ship. Millman hnd denied It. eutrnged it, betrnyed it; nnd new old Teny hnd swerved In his allegiance, and turned away at the call 01 a grcafr friend. Yes, denth could net be anything but n trierd te Teny. There seemed te be no longer .any doubt of that in his mind. Footsteps, several of them, came ngnln nleng the Iren gnllery, racketing through the night, but they did net pass his cell this time; they came fiein the ether dliectien. and went into Lenuirzfs cell. It was strange that this :.lieiild hove happened tonight! There would be no mere shoulder-touch Ip the lock-step for the few days that were left ; no smile of eyes and lips across the carpenter shop ; no surreptitious, intlmnte little, gestures of open-hearted companionship! It teemed te crown in an appalling way, te bring home te him new with n new nnd appalling force what, five mimitcb age, he had thought he had already appre ciated te its fullest and bitterest depths loneliness. He was alone alone nlene. The murmur of voices ciimc from the ether cell. Time pnscd. He clung there te the bnrs. Alene without help ' The presence of denth seemed te have infused Itself into nnd te hnve become synonymous with thnt thought. If K"cinel Insidiously te ent Inte his soul and being, te make his mind sick und venry. whispering te him te cnpitulntc because he wns alone, ringed about with feices that would incvitnbly overwhelm his puny single-handed defiance be cause he wns alone and it would he hopeless te go further alone without help. He drew back suddenly from the deer, conscious iev the lirt time thnt lm must have been clutching nnd strnlnlng at the bnrs with all his stieiicth. Ills fingers, relaxed new. were stiff, nnd the ! circulation seemed te hnve left them. I A gunrd wns opening the deer. Behind the gunrd. that white-haired mnn wns the warden. He had always liked the warden. The mnn was stern, 1ml he ned. Ope Secrets of the Paris Peace Conference New Revealed When Mr. Wilsen decided net te write the story himself, he appointed Ray Stannard Baker te Avrite it from these secret documents. It Begins in (M nit By FRANK L. PACKARD (AVT1WR OF "THE MIRACLE MAN") Copyright, 1011, by Publle J.nletr Cemvanv wn always just. He did net under stand why the warden hed come te his cell. It was the warden who speke: "Lemnzzl is dying. He hns begged te be allowed te say geed-by te you. I can see no objection. Yeu may come." Dave Hendersen moistened his lip? with the tip of Ids tongue. "I I thought I heard them say he was dead," he mumbled. "lid wns unconscious," nnswercd the warden briefly. "A henrt nttack. Step quickly; he hns net many minutes," Dave Hendersen stepped out en the Iren gallery and paused nn Instant be fore the deer pf the adjoining cell. A form lay en the cot, n form with 11 alifernia WlZ SJht racif ic Limited te San Francisce Day-light departure fa Chicago leasam Dau-lfqht arrival San Francisce 8:30d.m.(d) V C. M &"St. P. Union Pacific Southern Pacific Scenic Splendor 7Jw Reckies-Great SaH Lake Humbdt River Valley -Jiiqk Sierra "American River Camien Szcramente Valley San Francisce Bay $ Trmel Cemleri Observation-standard $ tourist sleeperS'Chair cars dinfnq cars Reservations-fares and full information Cee. J. Lincoln, General Agent, C M. & St. P. Ry. 1309 Finance Bids., Phene Spruce 2155, Philadelphia, Pa. Ctiicaci iMfeSf Railwai 41D At Last! 1 jHH iv mmtB pasty-colored face, n form whose eye wcre closed. The prison doctor, a hy podermic syringe still in his hand, steed n little te one side. Dave Hcndeisen swept Ills hand across his eyes there wns a sudden mist there that blurred the scene nnd, moving ferwnrd, dropped down en his knees beside the cot. A hand renched out nnd grasped his feebly; the dark eyes opened nnd fixed en him with n flicker of the old lire In their depths; and the lips quivered in a smile. Old Teny was whispering old Teny always talked nnd whispered te hlmBclt' here In his cell every night but old Teny never disturbed anybody it was linrd te hear old Teny even when one listened attentively. Dnve Hendersen brushed his hand across his eyes ngnln, nnd bent his head te the ether's lips te catch the words. "Yeu make-a da feel play when you come in here. Dnvc for me. Hut I never, never forget. Old Teny no for- m& SOKHS Persona! DECEMBER 29, 1921 get. Yeu no mnke-n dn feel play when .von go out. uhi 'Jeny Knows, ion necd-n d.i help. Listen NIeole Cnpri Cnpri nne l'rlsee. Yeu understand? Teny Iemnzzl send-n jeti. Teny Lemnzzl I toKe-e ia lire prison for Mcole. iNH iNH iNH ole will pny back te Teny's friend. Yeu did net think that" the velte wns growing feebler, harder te understand., and it wns fluttering new "thnt. lit -ciuse old Teny call -a you dn feel, he did did net remember nnd and " Heme one disengaged Dave Hender Hender eon's hand from the hand thnt wns clasped nreund It, and thnt had sud denly twitched and, with n spasmodic clutch, had seemed ns though striving te mnlntaln its held. TJ10 prison doctor's voice sounded mtiflleil in the cell : "He Is dend." Dave Hendersen looked tin nt the 1 K nf Prepare for Opportunity nt the v I KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Evening Scheel Arnilrtnle, C'etnmerrlnl nml Merlinnlcnl t'nurer FRFF NrlielnrslilpN 1" et-Serrlee A ixi-i-. Mp( nn), Women Register New WINTHIt Ti;n.M .Tint. 3d In Mnrch Stilt Hours 12:30 te C 7 te !) P M UOO VINK HT. K of c 4r fjypl MOORE'S This- m u ' ' ' ' ' !! Campbell's EffF'fl gh CAMPBELL'S TOMATO . s pW n Save w JW H IONA Save I! m B J m iw a can Jm B a " JL k 1& CAN WILBUR'S ,rT. COCOA j- I8i . Can BEST CREAMERY Cracker Sale Chocolate Cream Dreps Unity Jumbles, Iced Ceyton or Old Dutch Cleanser . can 10c Lea & Perrin's Sauce be 25c i COFFEE S2 1-irl. li supreme ISSgl lilOC j09c tm A & P Sele Di.trihuten s:: Pkg JLtel Pkg telO Grandmother's Cake THE GREAT H I LIIH S 1L ih T.'ie ;VerIirs Lurgrst Grocer Heuse !il6 Stores In HiC u. s. IMLNY touch of n guard's hand en IiIr shoul der. The guard jerked his bend with nirt significance In the direction of the tioer. Te he continued (ometrmv Legionaries Treat Disabled Veterans The Heward C. McCall Pest. Amer ican Legien, last night entertained thir ty - ii ve disabled veterans nt dinner in the henihiuniters, 4101 AVnlnut street. Vaudeville nnd speeches followed the ilinner. !TELCPHONEs Fur Sterafe and Rcmedelinp (it Exlrcmelu Lew Rates LUIGI RIENZI CORRECT APPAREL FOR WOMEN 1714 Walnut Street REDUCTIONS EXTRAORDINARY VALUES 100 EVENING and DINNER MODEL GOWNS 79.50 TO 95.00 .YOU NEVER PAY Profits Saerifi Through Remarkable Reductions IN PHILADELPHIA, CAMDEN, LANCASTER, READING AND VICINITY UTTE R KaggpJj Irillf lb 26c lb 19c M. E Ull 2-Ib decorated tin Mjxed Tea A & P Heney B 15c I A & P Catsup " 25c biORIS OPENED THIS WEEK 13 Tipstaff Weds In the piesence of n large Retherlfif of telntivcs nml friends, Including many pietnlnent politicians, Samuel Merris, a tipstaff In Common l'leas Cenvt Ne. .'!, was married Inst night te MIm Itlntifhe Neslle In the home of hef parent . IS."!! Sepvivn street, Thti brldegtoem's sisters are married te .Senater IMwln and Congressman WIN linm Vine After their horteymeon Mr nnd Mrs. Merris will be at home, March 1, at 11).'!.". North Park nvenue. Tbn bride is n grnduete of Hryn Mawr College. SrRUCE 2DS8 . MORE AT RICNZI'S; Frem the Choicest Districts Why Pay Mere? ecu 45C Old Fashion I i ket'l .48 VUlll . f 35c Dried Lima Beans r.ncT lb i0c Shredded Wheat . pk 122c BiK Value 13 c Pltg PACIFIC TEA CO. y M 1 'JL Ai 4 'S . ,1 -4 (2! I fl i A iW 1 5013 Murkct St. mzmssmmami 4801 Woodland Ave. 12 N, tflth Jjt 'n 1 m