T.T ' .,.; VT't7'" 'T., ). ri m y i WJ "' 'V v-"" " n ' v r''!- ' '. TOflPm 'V EVENING JUBLIO LEDGEBPHILADBIJPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1921 JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE flancy Wynne Talks of the Large Entertainments of the Week She Tells of the Benedicts Ball Tonight and Seme Pretty Frecks mnE Hcckschcrs' ball en Memlar ' i.i.f wn ihe lamest affair of the If n,Y -nH nn liencst-tO'ROOdness !?n. a"'Llsa.Ri.,ar vore 1000 wests X night .tMJ?LrV jfl'U KSn-SSt people ef.lTV5 "fend the debutante stage were in- VlThat Is reallv the cllffcrcncd between . ballanil a -lance. A. danre Ib usually feallnrl te 000 gurrti nml only the kl Unites, ftcceml nml per mii th rd- mVir the veungqr fiinrrlrd folk a tut ?,7n iiJc In v ft J, At n ball the paie.rts imUeKiM thr- jrumtyarents Arc nlM M ' he affair l 'much larger la every respect. TONIGHT wc will have the Bene dicts' Hall, ami it Ib te be held this rr In the ballroom of the Illti Illti Wrlten. I'hc.ncncdlctH' id wit ent of the &t bnlts of the wnwrn. the In In Tltatfeiw Mdem reIiir boyeml i.OO or fOO It te VW exclusive ntid clclinlit-cSl'liewcvci-. and lucky Is the bud who Heflre au lnvltfttlon.te It In her out yCThe ball is Riven by n number of ,1... umnuiv irem iweiuy iu ';cu :...-..- in i.nmliAr. nml nema li ii.. h.m 1i unirln1 rrniii ',r '"' . , ,. i .. M1Mtn f (irrnnirit. Visiting Parents clety. A dlnner-dnnca -will fellow for the receiving party. Mr. and Mrr, Charlton Yarnall. of Seventeenth and Locust streets, enter tained at dinner taut nlffht nml Inter In their box at tlia opera. Their Bueats ItlMl.lllAfl XF. .....1 faaa TV .J....... ....l-' ...,..uuj. ...I. mm UIO. XVVj$llltilU UUCUUB, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ISmUn Newbold, Mrs. Itebert Fisher, of Hartferd, Conn., and Miss Agnes Yarnall. Jtr Clifferd Lavrtfi, of 30 Seuth Twentieth Mreet. will entertain at din ner cu Krlduy c.vcnlne. January 20, In honor Of Mips Henrietta McVeteh rrltR. debutnntb dauirliter of Jlr. nnd Mrs. Jeseph JL., fritz, of Pellmtn Coutt, Uor Uer Uor mantewrt, btfore the dance Mr. and Mrs. Graham Dougherty will tclve m the He)lovue-8triUferd for Mrs. Deuftb-, erty's debutante sister, Miss Isabel Frazer. Mr, and Mr A Krlt.s will enter tain at dinner this evening In' Ucmer of MIbs Fritz befere the TJcncdlctS' Wall. Among the guests who attended the card party yeaterday afternoon vlilcli Miu Henry t. Davis, of 106 West More Mere land avenue, Chestnut Hill, gave In honor of her daughter, MIsh Mary Cas Cas tleman Davis, wcre Mlsa Umllv C. Cook man, Miss IClizubelli Hensen. MIh-i Patty DencUla, Mlns JoRcphlne AVayne, Miss Pelly Hoblnaen, Miss Itulh Van Sclver, MIm Elizabeth Jlolbreok, Mlts Helen Curtis, Misa Helen Head, MIhs Ustlier Dlnamere, Miss Helen Corren, Mlna Kllr. abeth Willing, Mlsi Elizabeth Wlllctt, Miss Pelly IClng, Miss Hetty Ogden, Miss Elizabeth Itegera and Mlsa Jcsephlne Uegcrl. Dlthep and Mrs. lthlnelander will be at heine nt the Blshen'n Heuse. 261 ISeuth Tvvcnty-sfcend ulreet, en Monday, MIIS. (JEOltOU W. McIVEK Mrs. Mclvcr and lier husband ni-c hpcndtnc ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Clwrle 1. Manic, t 2!il7 mitcnhouse street twenty-four 4n number, and seme four Bltlee which te In charge of .arrange Tonight the patrencsec?. who have teen Inrlted te receive, will b Mrs. Jehn Hampton Hamcs, Mrs. hdwnrd 1 nreln. Mrs. Ucauvcau Borle. Jr., it riiiinin Htrnthprn Kills nnd Mrs. ri,nrlM AVhfteler. And the gentlemen i jtt,lrv -. .,. x o'cledt. It has Mho will art as fliippcr epoeris te the l.e)i the'r annual custom te receive the I Bdniery, of'csee'Grecno street J?. Tlrfiipnt linckle'v' Xcwbnld, Mr. , This j ear they cordially extend the In-' Mr nnd Mrs. David C Hebs; UJ Ahiandrr Van Itenwetaw. M"- O" m"y wl.h te Ulster nml Mr. lMward Lejvber VVelfch. maj W,B" le Heme of tee aeeuiamcB who wm " " 1 ililLiH NORniSTOWN The annual Chrlttmas play presented this year by the seniors of the Norrls Nerrls Norrls tewn High Scheel wae "The Cousin Frem Ohie." Miss Maud Miller directed the production, and aieng thesfl taK'jiB part wcre Mlsa Mary Mentague, Miss Kleaner Heward, Miss Mildred Macon Macen nchy, Mlut Adolatde Altheusc, MIa Doretliy Maglnley, Miss Oladys Mir Mir rewH. Miss Dorethy Krelble, MIsx Adelaide Wonsctler, Miss ,ArIen:0 Davidwn, Mlsa I-Yunc3 Hunsbergcr, Mr. Charles Hlmpsen. Mr. Harr Hauser, Mr. Jeseph Husaen, Mr. Max Bwede, Mr. Jehn Duddy, Mr. Chester Weiss, Mr. Powell Mlddleten, Mr. Pre a crick Hauser and Mr. Alexander Itex. The patronesses nt the Chrlstmai. dance given at the Plymouth Ceuntrj Club w-ere MrM.Bpcncer U. Jenci), Mre. William 1C Oresh, Mrs.Krcdrick : IJ. Mttte. Mrs. Qeorge II. Ceughlln, Mrs. (5. WJiltner Ilegcrs and Mrs. Jehn Lecu l.arzclcre. Mr. and Mrs. II C. A. Meycr, of Fer- nnnce street, are receiving ceiigrmu student at Princeton, Is spending the helldnyn with IiIm parents, tlie .Itev. Jamej A. Montgomery ami Mrs. Ment- MILADY MAKES mR WIG MATCH COLOR OF HER MOOD Use of Transformations and Other Aids te Coiffures Grewing Among Fair Sex, Experts Here Assert At last they have been discovered. The women who always have neat lialrj the women who nre nlwnys read? te shame their less presentable sbUcra with the aimless strings of hair that se persistently cscape the hair net.' But no longer can they leek with scornful glassy utare tetrnrd Iho left car of the unfortunates. The iiC.it one have been found out. Instead of blunhlnz wUh cmbar- jutleni en the birth of a son, Decern-1 ,.n(Jmcnt nt the btatc of the unruly uer a. Mrs. Harry Clay Weed and smalt son, nf SL Leuis. Me., are wenflinc tne I vilatlen te tiny eJ their friends who Pelliani read, announce the engagement rlitn(mne lmllil!ivn with Mr. Weed's parents. Judge and Mrs. William V. Helly, of De ICalb Btreet. MIbs Esther Bright nnd Miss Gladys Uessert, students at Heed College, Md., have returned te spend the Christ mas vacation at their homes. Dr. and Mrs. Theodere Peters, or Chambersburg, Pa., are guestH of Mrs. Peters' parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Len hardt, of Swcde and Kim streets. J . MIbs Mildred Fex, of 1018 West Airy Street, cntertalned nt a Christmas party nt her home. The event also eelebratea the birthday anniversary of Miss Mabel Overheltzer. The gueuts Included Miss Grace Keeler, Mlsa Deris Husten. MIsh Kthel Hurst, Jtlss Barbara. Ilelfsnyder, Master Charles Hnyder, Master llalph Ktclnbrlght, Mater Llnwoed Steln brlght. Master Lloyd T. Wandress, Jr., and Master Hareld Overholtzer. The Christmas dance will be given as the Ursine Club Heuse en the evening of December 30. The natroncsHes et . ! the event will be MrB. Jeseph A. Cole- man, airs. u. ivrcy unnm, .urn -. ' hal'r, the less neat sister will nK, "hcre did you purchnsq jour trinii trinii trinii formatien?" Ker she enn take It pretty much for granted that underneath tin attractive hnt lies the unprotected opet, or real colffure of the ewucr. 'Hie traniiformntlen rims the edge, nnd up up peare scrupulously ncnt nud well fin ished. ' A wlgmakcr of this city stated that sonic women hnre'as man an ten or fifteen transforiilntlens, the colem of come. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison S. Fetts have i.. i,n11 nrn Alberta Ilcath. Anna New- ' been obliged te recall their Invitations the bell arcs Aiucria """" " "'" ' j . , for a dance at u,0 pmiadclphla Cricket held, Ellen I''yd'T,,,Jtrar''"' iB. Club tomorrow cvanlng. owing te the tVi-Ter. Klpnner Hart. Iegnn Htnrr, itt ., r ,i.ni- ,im-,..- i,r.. -,,..-.. Itesemary Howe and several ethers. THH Christrans party of the-Saturday EtenlpR Dancing Class will.be held tomorrow night, nna iota et exirn neys nnd .girls who nre home from bearding Frances Potts. Mlsa Potts wan stricken with an attack of acute appendicitis en Saturday nnd was operated upon immediately. Mrs. Ullflr'fl rcrrlllnr VHflnv pf.nlnt dancing clasn will be held thl'i evening In the Hese Gardens of the Ballevue- tpho'el will attend, be it will b a very Stratford. It will bf thu Christmas rnv meeting. The committee li.tH ile- nance, 'rne Liirintmns dance for the re ride d net te have a ren inn, oil mere . ""'"i ,"1" -""";': "'" "u tflWrrflriiWi?:0 " -IstralfeVd. j erlek Metris Swep". Itebert Helmes' .Mr and Sirs. Wl'iien T Halnes. of l of their daughter. Miss Klluer Harris Heggs, and Mr. Cbarle-i ll. Prettyman, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 13. Preltyman. Mrs. P. .1. McAuliffc. of GGU Beyer etreet, entertained at an Informal din ner party en Monday evening. Her guests Included Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Car ried, Mr. and Mrs. James A. McAulllTe. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Dermis and Mr. and Mre. C. McAuliffc. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Prlchsrd, of 201 West Haines street, entertained an their guests en Monday evening, Mr. anil Mrs. Alfred J. Untrland. FRANKFORD I,--. T- t..t... L'l...,l,n,irn ln.nr,, Tu,'. 3U7 UTOaO CireOl. ft. IIOIIV. X. .T.. Oil. 1-. .'.,! wi ,.h iimi-n ' ' i nounee the engagemmt of thlr daugli- ler and .Stuart .yceri , i ter. Miss Anna M. Haines, te Mr. Charles The clnw Will fclafcr nieniptly at 0 uumphrcy. of Llndcnweld, N. J. o'clock anil you knew it's In the foyer I thisre.ir. The committee Includes Mr-. r-J,r;.11"1'1 f-. 9?K J- 1enl"' of ri,urltn,i VapihiII h,i Im I'linlrmnn a North Hlxty-thlrd street nnnounce hurlteu lariia I, Mho lb ulia rtuen , the 0, of ther daU5hter. Mlns Mis. P. Mereap Uarrln?cr. Mrs. u. Dorethy Heraard Lellln. te Mr. William JI. Baynrd Benle, Mrs. Verv? It. H St-phens, of 122: Seuth Flftj -first Clsrk, Mrs. Geerge McFadden. Mrs. I strest. Mr. Stephens van In Curnp 1'nul Dencklii Mills. Mrs. Geerge . Mrnde nnd Leulaxllle training schools Rffr ta'lWlnffl!" Cen'ra.tl?lg,arandUpJ.XnabeWeg,sf Sc?y and "'jlrs. "jelm 9 1 Newbe'ld. . w,wre he 8larred "' foef,'a,l a"d lracl:- .Mrs. .Montgomery and Mr.". Xcuheld ' . J,r- t'ergc w Jvcmpcn. hubs r.'eergcna v til net iccelvc ut any of tiie meetings thin year as they am both in Italy iprinllng the winter there vith their families. rpilK iiippcr-dauce last erciiing nficr J- the opera vns certalnlj crowded. J here must h.-ue lx-cu at Irust l.0U th"Tf. and the room did leek tee beau tiful: The branch of tln orchestra Herbert Wcntz. Mm. Charles II. Kelin. Mrs. M. L. JIarch, Mr Frederick W. Itlle Mrs. E. Broelto Barrett and Mrs. Geerge It. Kite. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Craft, e the Xerrls, have gene te Washington. P.i.. te spend the Christmas heliilnyis with relatives. , Mrs. Charles SUllman, of Washing ton. D. C, Is visiting her mother, SIr. William L. Lee, of Swede street. ' Mi', nnd Mrs. Itebert Titus. 'of White hall read, ate receiving congratulations upon the birth et a daughter, en Do De cimbcr 20. McHenry Townsend Wedding crav, there nre ethers 'he favor six hues of brown shading Inte n golden glow. Almest a wig for every weed, one lultfiit env Mere than that, women today nre wearing mere wigs, or, rather, mere women nre wearing wigs than has been known for centuries. Heme long haired' women prefer bobbed locks. Jie sult clipped hair? Ne, indeed, n wig la prefcnible. The styles change tee often te risk the complete cut. Hut net only arc women tnc iicii-m -crs In thin matter. The fame wig maker tays that men have always worn uici mero than women. Of course, that is net entirely due te vnnlly or laziness, for men nre mero Inclined te helr troubles, and scalp ailments than women. Due te nervousness their hnir may turn white nt the youthful age or twenty-five nnd baldness may accom pany It. However, such a man need Miffcr slight discomfort, for tin- wis makers lire clever enough te manufac ture- a dark toupee that will ill down I.. II., ,,n.n.l 'mUlr nftpf I ll O fctlllill' of Isolde, one of the most exacting of soprano roles, was erganllkd In miullt ami volume, nml her acting of the sinister part was ndmirablc In cvi-ry detail. Whether certain bhnrp notes, in the tipper register were caused by the htrnln of Mnglng rpornne , parts or were made se intentionally by this great artist te meet the dramatic demands of the situation, which they did perfectly, is n question which only future performances can reveal. The miner parts wcre well done nnd , Mr. Bedunzky conducted with lib cus- i temnry knowledge of thu acore nnd hlsj usual predilection ler nnsu-nwK tempi and occurienally dcmamling that the singers shout father than sing ' against the supcr-oicheslrntlen. of' Wagner. Hut then the acoustics of th" Academy nrc unknown in New erk opera houses. , which vnry freni day te daj. Heme ever the graying fringe of hail and women have tlil'ui in many cimiiCH ei create a young jmue "LOHENGRIN" FIRST OPERA REVIVED. IN GERMAN TONGUE Excellent Performance of Wagnerian Music .Drama by Metropolitan Ce. TUB CAST ,. P.eMr' H!si , ,.e v lit tlmrelii .jlnrH .urn-' IA H f.l.AIIINIl TIIKA1IIICS iiinyrTtev or i.kk ' Hintir.uT OAILV MAll AT . Vl AT lines, notably In the fact that they both are acting the part nil the time tney are en the stnge, whether they are singing at the time or net. Her Elfra wan different from nny seen hore for n long Hum In Im Innocence and "clinginess. although there wes no lack of forre when she demanded from Lohengrin the secret of his name nnu pnrcntngv A'eeallv Mi .Tcrltzn did net prod tin. imriressien whk h we nnd b"en Klnc Henry I,ehrrrlii rins of l!r jnt pTerterlcit crir n ,.. T' .. riifr i'airi" .IiIpe JttrYnrn. 'e-r Antheny r)rmniuls perhaps morn drnmail" t "ur",i?..Ji,nV.,...(drit.!. iJtVt'i v ' ioeal ability. Her voice N high, i v-vuuubiut iii vm . Arhclt 'Mninu'nI. '. . .Clarnr M'hi"hllt iM t te lielinrr vbn would. nltliOUffb Vna . rtt&.r--.-itf-.ldV-V.a?.r"aV'."5r.U I an ungrateful- par. te ring anil' The flrbt opera le be revived In the German language since the war put nn embargo upon that unmusical, but cx cx presslve tongue, was "Lohengrin, which te irlvcn with ft brilliant cast bv the Metropolitan Opera Company, of N'ew Yerk, at the Academy of Music last evening befere the usual Immense n an epii a it liv. lier voice is uigu. t irar nnd fresh, and nhe sings In perfect tunc. but thcie was nt times a certnln qual ity about it approaching shrillness, which, however, may have been due mere te the character of the music than te that of the voice. But alie Is n great acquisition te the Metropolitan forces. Mr. lTarield as Tehcngrin sang nt the last moment, substituting for Mr v.esi I'ltiiiuicniiiiu, uauBiurr ei , ,, ... tirebnblv lav iu th'' nppearain'P ' icirumunu is net. inuy one ei ms rj-i-ui l -Mr. ami Jira itniiin lewnecnu, or mir- , , M . .rP1.itr.i as T.lsa. It being the i relcj). but Hint he is one et me rp-uiy .ln,n HprtlL-mnil. lit. thp henii! nf thp I ...l t !,,..!. Mleu 1,-11,, ,.lp,fil In tltld SlngS It With (1 llUPHPV nilll nertmw Kempeii mid Miss 1'orethy Jtyan, who nae eaen npenuing a rw dayn in Clisl sc.i, returned by meter te Ardinore yes terday af lei neon. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kiaft, of Hay Wayma!. West Colllnqsueoil. N'. J., entertaiiu'd nt dinner In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. 1'aul V. -V. Cemey. of Wcnennli, citcrda;'. Mrs. Iiesa Kdeliuan. of GO.'il Cathnrlnw strret. aiineiincvH the murrlage of her auxiliary trem IKdawarc County was In daughter, MlsnUeb.i Kdelmun, te Dr. Iisrse, .Hid some of these -vbe enter- ?Illu,;!.cc r- '". en .Sunday. Dcccin tnliied were Mrs. Jehn U. Tinner, .'Id. ' "" . Ml .Vir.'.l lf,.!l.l 1 !.. M... I., i Jliv. Alfred Ui'giniilil Allen. Jl"r. Ar Ml.-s J.oillse Spanagle. of IT-'O t'enti Mlrept. pntGrtalnei! at a luncheon and brldge at her home yesterday nfter- j,iuce. neon. Mr. and Mrs. L'dmuntl White, of 16U Wakellng street, entertained at a din ner laat evening at the Mnufacturcra" Club. Mr. and Mrs. llebert McConnell, or J221 Wakellng titrecl. will entertain ai :i ntu-ty at their home en Xcw Vear'n Lve. Mr. Henry IJenuman, of 1615 Pcnti street, gaV a dinner at the Union 1-eaBiip. followed by a thcatre party last evcnlnK In honor of his daughter, Mlt3 Helen Ilememann, and his bon, Mr. Jescpn erncman. . janj,,,",. of Mr. nn(, MrH Tein . .... hhp K net nina. MJsh Cnr Mrs. T. J. Cunnliinham and her son. , HpIsI.t. of 230 North Second street. ,ln,. pxpent thnt slie is taller: In net of 1220 Kellers Btreet. are hliendlng n Heading, and Mr. Henry A. Huerf prm , . t, both f0new tjlc same general fortnight In Norfolk. Va., as the guests ' of Mr. and Mr Albert Ituelf, of 1021 ' "" "" of Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Fagcr. i Nertl) Twenty-fifth Ktreet, thli a ty. , . ,.-. ,.,., ,...., ..,...,.'toeUplHO) this morning at 3 o'clock in . inns ..jimivii "inie ui vtiiieum tu xien iieienncu wnurcu. iicaaing. RtMCt, Is enteitalnlnir as her guest tot Tll0 lu.y carl Graham performed the a tew vpckh. .inns iieien uanagner, et i crronieny Aftr a wpdUlng tiip Mr. nudtenre. which In dicnit.v of personnel I Sembnch. who wns suddenly iiulisneted . .. - .- - , - ,, , i - . ,, . .. , - , . ,. vied with that of the cast. liie in- ; and no did tne part progressively wen,, terest, which the T'iiiladclphia public eacli net being better than the Inst ns i opera-going feels In revival of Wag- his voice cleared. He sang the role last nor wiw t,hewn bv the fact that, season in I'nclish and last evening was i nltheugh the opera wait given virtually i his firfct perferniance in tlie original liwuircui win ueuuiirsi lin es. rd that An Interesting wedding , took place . without "futs." the niidicncc almost ns inngungp. 1IU utrcnt will doubt veetcrday kftorneon. wh en ; Mlsa Alcthal a unit stayed te the close. ' prove- with repented perferinan ): To'vnsend, of 221 Seuth BuckitiBliam' 'pjin .,rcalcst indiviiluai inlprest in Mr. liitehlll ucnin show AK.Y t re twuixr Londen H u I ll LEE WHITE wu.t i.. kmiiii . JOHNNY "DOOLEY (Vi'll Vullr il inters 11 !, lJeftli i. f ". VheuTn An i" 'can Mf'tntf e .! tUr.ce "IN ARGENTINA" With Ilarrj Ortiui ile, Km. la Dtln .e n'l Heirr Mdrsne Ce. m LORP-AIN MLLE. CODF.E "77ai'ib.miti.ih tiik meju, nne". rpli Well'lit frle' "lrlfT flip ltnlille liTnt AND A flltKAT SfltltOLNIHSU ftfLL HliATH NOW Teil NKW YE.AH' WCE1C ALICb LLOYD .Mi.imefNDi.Nci mi.i.ei' sxna 3 Shows New Year's Day ."lUt!,P ll V At. nrSHQBZRT C3 AT A WHP I'aiVHi'ATMi Pop.Mat.Teday,iOc le $1J0 qt HEW YORK WIHTER CARDEW Tllest ".upendeus iD-od'Ktiet OF 1921 ?Wr,tf jssIhI nwwAiiP BIGGEST MUSICAL SPECTAXtE ON Etf.TH 1 VD1C 'Jill A .KAT MKKIS ONLY L. I Il I'VBNINCh AT il5 Barg. Mat. Today ; $1-50 A WJ.SSRS SHUDtR ,Jrnr. m n isrnn mvr 'J Ui P .fcVlHISATM,Mft4, i &w . av6y r.rr,'.m :, syaaft hrlde'e narenta The brlde wna utt.mOed bv her ulster, MIsb Aiarjorle J. Town Bend. A ii'cept'.en followed Immediately after the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. McHenry left for a wedding trip through the Seuth. They will malce their home In tills city, after January 15. The ItUOI'l' IIEISLKF. marriage of Mies Catheilue make her I'hiladelphin debut trying , tmn win is senium wt-n or ,.,-,,,., bell, in nr-tien and vocally. the operatic Mage I.a.t evening Mr. The first und deepest Impression Mntrhill npparrntb .we te remain which shi gave 1b that .she U one of , '" costume and net - his etvn corpse the llnest emotional actresses new en in the last act. thus avoiding 1 1. eon :.' ..- t - ...e-,i, e,. nnir . trctcinns of last aeneti, when the re- lrv itn-iln, rmmts her in finish of . mains ' brought in en the stretcher w-ere lWTn ASP-SnS 1U) IbATtUlXAJAMlSi CllCtdt V.. detail and in In physique intcimltv of nnd general emotion. nppcnr nntentlv tliesc of a person of far ksi heroic meld than Mr. Wliiteliill. The Ortrud of Mine. Mr.Uenaucr was n masterpiece of operatic singing an 1 acting. Ifer noble voice, pitched again Baltimore. Md. nnd Mrs. Uueff will live at 9JS Haut Mr. and Ma Jehn II. Brown, of 1229 1'r,ce street, Gonnantewn. New Jersey Wedding I'lllmerc street : Mr. and Mrs. Leuis J loeney. of J6u9 Margaret street, and --------..... -irtiiiiti t-e i n mnu 1 . i r ii i mrirnn titir Harding. Mr. nnd Mtm. Jink. Mrs. NORTH PHILADELPHIA liewii te AtUntle City" en Thursday iu A cry pretty home wedding lock leerge .Morgan. Mr. V. U. Slicrrenl. , ML-.i HkpiIhi uimvitn.. ,.r 4-rc iui-Ii. .mnln until nfter N,iw VmrS timv.' !"lace en Mend.iy nftcrtioen at 4 o'clec'. Mrn. AlcMiuiler Van lteuhsclaer. Mrs. aide ueuue. Iti cpendlnit tlm helldab in .wll,-n..Mr: Alfr.e ,,, ?,Xu.frn,04u,AlJdu J. .1 l.'nntt-n..l ..i,.l .. n,l,. l ll , Iln ttlinnrn M,l lt..rnrn ,-ul .,,-,, I,, I,,..,.., I 0011. N. J., tlltn .AIlSS l.HtllfT I.. .Slierfl I' "VnilGIM IIKCKSCIinU were the levelli-t sewn en Monday iiiuht. It lle will go en nn extended meter trip LOGAN through VlrglniH. j , - 2!?"'" !'. "t Nv ,Tork City. n' V iZSTth,! theug'h I,"' US" lrM cmClderc'l Tn .- "- "?'..r.?.H J Sutler Ml. Irene Hie nWr-r MIB, TJ,- viie en- '"-" . ""i. "- ..'- . ..w..,.v., ...i--3 KlIzaDetli .inner. iiiiH Jennie Stelnlig, Mlsj Ul.inclie tircpiilleiu. Mia S Kia .....i. i i.t-l . m.i ... .. Park avenue, have announced the en I'uiiAaiii i iinebLiiiiL. ui'ii avitp in i ....,. .. . . ..... j. short trains at ., back which We ( Scr "rcli'h arrangril from the shoulder. Mr- 60n of Mr. nnd Mra Nathan Schwab, of t,!niaalias brown ejes and dark hair and this city. the Mlvrr of ihc frock was a met 'wen- .,. ,, m n t-,.,i.ii. ,-.ii.,i., dtrf.,1 contrast. Kl., J lejd has a per- &$& enfe. mmeulut 'the'tnl ieeli exiiiiMte dress of pnle pink Mlk ' Kaneini nt of their daughter, MIbs i:ilv.-i. and tulle, whieh is I rimmed witii hIIvci beth Derbyshire Uritilck". te Mr. .lelm nad is tbe must becoming thing pes.ibte A. Hcldcm, Jr., of this city. for her. with her lovely light hair nnd ' j,n) r.,iarlM A. Ko(lerf i:, Ner, Htr skin. .Sixteenth at reel, baa gene te Ulnghum- ' ' ten, N. V for the helUl.ijc OUMl.Hnu gave the baby a picture i NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Ml.-" Itlanche Krengel, daughter of Mr. nud Mrn. Charlcd Kremtel. of 72C .Vorth-aet boulevard Is fpciuling ten days In naltlmerc, JId., where fhc i? visiting friends. MrH. C. r.lusteln, Mr and Mrs. Leepold ana their daugliter, of ii Totre.sdale avenue, are spending Holidays iu Atlantic uilv. MrH. U Newton and ;,er daughter. Miss Kmlly Newton, of I'lfth street ami Tehlgh nvcnue, are spending n fortnight In llosten, Maaa., ua the gucat.s of Mr. and Mr.'. Jehn Plungett. dauchter of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Shcffei'. of Audubon, N. J., were mairleil by Hi v tJeoige Kane, et Audubon Presbyterian CI urch. Thn matron of honor was Mr." Jehn Heed Pertr.us. of AVcstmenl. N. J. T'.i briiln wan glsen iu marrlaga by In r father. Ilia bent man was Mr. "N Mam V.. Owens, of Philadelphia, nnd t! e flower girl a nlcce of the brlde, M.s'i If niiiiMn 1 nsJfsi St it I WhlrrMr'STe?, &m. ';Vr Rce?neny n rec.ntlon.fel- Illanv r'chlrider. Mr Ilarrj Sternberg. ."tcT uian ex tende 1 t'r! ' Mr, Samuel Kreedman. Mr. f.eu Tarla?, , "ThJ u?Rt3 wer from I -i Sale nn.l wn. r vSv v.iim irr i'!!,i :3C.n" Hilcige. III.: Baltimore. Md ; H.-idge-vrrB"vV.n f,rl',id ,5 V T"" Washington. 15. C. ; I far- KiT- wn hm wn, ii' i,A , n?' I fl're. Wnjne, lindner Philadelphia Jlr. William hchkir ter, Mr. Juek Klsh, I , ,,,',,,,. .n,,, v,i t...... ...,. UlsnefT and Mr. Uav'rt ' ' J book for Christmas, and she was niuchly c.M'ltcd when Haiidv showed her the pictures. Khe .said, "Wew. wow"' when Mie saw the deg and "Me-ew, iiio-ew" when pussy appcnrcil en the page. And w hen Mr. Pig innde ids pparnure she wuilcd dcllghteIlv into fatlier'n face and said, very confidingly. "Daddy"' NANCY WYNNR. Mr. Irw In Nepec. I Mr. and Mrs. Theodere On t.ue.i. of. Theatre Stockholders Probe Fraud 1135 North Klghth ir.ei announce the A meeting of the MueUlieldcrV com- jfngOBeiueiit of their daughter. MP I mitte of the Imperial Theatre for- ,VT. , j,'? 'if. 0nVUul,,I?,;,ri..Slewart Pnratlen will take place 'it 7 oYle.-k liil.s , iiwlBlit Uarrettef Hanover. Pa. ,',,, ,n UnlMll j,tf l:mlr0 UttimnKt ' ' Tl'irtei'iitii and Walnut streets, te di.s- DELAWARE COUNTY ' ,,,-1 t'"5 present liunneinl (onditien of tin. i.etieinMi nml tnke im reiiiirlu rf tlm , U I Thes who will iecivi nt the rei en- .committee's luvehtlgutlen of diargcs of J023 I tlen which will fellow the dance te be nll.,,-,,,1 fraud nml iiilsieiiii.i.nliiri,,i, the I given en PrWuy.j-wnlnp bv the junior ! " 'L.fUL ,l"'i, M?i.WM,C,"M"tn,l" members) or tne vemrns t-iuu. et p.lrt- v " "'- w....... T . 1 I I.a Itll lli il,.. u 'Si . Itllfv. It" tins' .iiiu"iilllll ill O .MIH SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexander Van r.ens r.ens felear. of 1801 Walnut street, enter tained last evening In tin ir be-: ut the opera nnd 'later at (-.upper In the feytr of the Academy et Mublc. Their suests Included Sir Godfrey ltuller and I.arty Butler. Mrs. Rebert Cassatt nnd Mr. Dj Jtlnc(uc3iii. WEST PHILADELPHIA Jfiv. P.ebert B. Seltridge. et lev WIiiIIlIiI S. Jlaullenri. Jlrs. A. Cheitnr I Wolfe. Mrs Pruuk Themas, Mls Helen ' Atherholt, Mltr. Dorethv Burlew and MIbs Florence Uighter. The pairenessci of the dance Include Mm, Geerge He--lln, Mrs, Margaret Kergusen. Mrs. Ho He ward Fenn, Mra. Maclimr.v, Mr, l'or l'er dlnand Knew lea. Mrs, Ciiarlea Phllllpn, Mm Ilenrv Woedsmere. Jlu Fr.iiiK afternoon for he- grnnddaught'ers. Mtas'lebb. Mr-. J. Heward lteber. Mn A'irgiuia DavlB and Mlsa Hetty -Daxla ! "lrirles Turner. Mrs. Margaret Yeung, Among theso present wtre Jllsa M.ir-i nnu .-miss anna ueizci. en .SUinnt.rin ATlK Mrs. r.aipli St'wnrt, of i.aimlewne who haa been th" guest for a few das of Mrs. Peter i.lbsen at Her home Pi Spring Lake, will leae this week n. ii i;. mtb. 'iieiib, rer ijaht They w'U icmain there for n Hazel avenue, entertained OJO yesterday Hairdressing BOBBED HAIR 7Cn MARCEL & CURL OC JENNY SELTZER'S SALON 029 CIIEMTM'T 1'IIONi: AVAL. 1 1 IT Roem 113 t.L Tr.1t. r.K. e. lift., Iu. An rf l-.t..,. ' .-......,, ...... ,.nl, .-......v.., w .-..... ffJir-, tiimrn. A mm up! fe?a K 5X- lS!T'rlta Stevenson. Miss Myrlle Ankrlin. ter a luncheon en bunda, January 1', i Mi,, mnii Mathews vtin nettv Thnmn. Ill honor of MIm ICllen lleucla I.levil. ' ?'" .'.'!"" i.,?!"p....,J V."..,"?1,?. . ""P.1? -r . ...1 r rii...,. ! I Wi t tn i uemw ! j, ihiiiiI i )ieig t'sr'- r-WOOL-BEADS-n riinliiM e fin,, in i ir ,.-i .5.. . i . ,, ' n ngs, Ml is Margart-t i.nii3, Mlsa ilar- , spring ua lC " "0U3C- Ardmore. and the ,or,'ijesc, iii83 iiuthr: n rarrlngten. compelled weilliiBten. M'B? Jane Pollock Mles Kle.iner Anltrlm, weed. Tl nr itnl Mrs. Itarten foeko Hli.t. of Mies Ia hrn llre.iilbeel;, Mlns IMlth ; wcei. f:1 Sprueu atreet. will entctaln at . :':,.' 'VJ, "',' . A.'"?., ,"; I Mr. ami Mra .".".." i' no '"' owed py a ine. ' ' V.V"; ,', V Ven -.. ....- . Valle i'wii.i, mi ii i.cmeMi;ti e-vriuiip, .lanuii v . - - J. lifter 111 a nvrliKtiL. l'fhearsrit nf Ihnii nr.... T,..n-..... ,........ ..r iiiti d..iv. "augliter. Mlts Hlfle Hu Puy tlrrhim l-'frty-heventli street nnnouncce the en- Inugliier, Mlts lllsie Hu Puy Grrh im ' i.-ifiy-Msienil r&i. anil Mr. llrrtrnni l.ltiiilnpritt. -mi .... .,,. i.n .i....i..nH f...u ij..i.. . ..- ........ ........ .-.,.,.....,-..., .-.. uiitlllirill IU lir-l UI.11hU.Vi. ..lien J..VIH & ,;;.. " . .". "' '' nrriram i.ippin- vvanceri IIinen, te Sir. 1. J'. Maner cot' of 1712 bpiuee street, win will 0t zi'20 Powelieu acnuc. no mnrrltil en Jnuunry 7. Tlie lucsly , .iir, fuai .inn. itjiiuf i.riiiKu t r.iuu- Itucli llcuIin.T9. at Hesi urn cnVei'tainlng Slru. Alben Neble Mfi entull of New Londen, Conn , for n f .'W d.i.v s. Mr and Mrs. I.urlus It. Bcebe. et WuU'ngferd, h.i-,e bacii cntertain'iiB evc.' the week-end Mih. Hcobe'H inetlie:-, Mia. Geeige de Jl. lCelm, of thW city Mr. and Mm. Geerge de II. Kelin. Jr.. v.n,.t.. nnhnmi.n Fltn .n-ir.i.nl nf lhi,l. II. n.,.1 Ktrn Tr.hit Wllrla ftf Tlnll,...., Mrs. Mllllei-nt D. Werk. Mis. Edward .laughter, MIhh Mlllau'A. Frankentleld. I Pa.', and" Mrs. Shelden ' Splndell, of Ttiompiieu D-r-1 and Mr. J. Carle ten Duke, Jr., Hen-of ' Roaneko, Vu. .iir. and .irs. j, uaritien uunc or Ircxel Hill. 14c per oz. 10c Bunch i:nitirnlilery. Knitting ant PuFt Milk. ISIPOIITRVS, DEBIGXKRH A.V; MA Tf.'RS OF WOUEX'8 AXD CUlLDItKX'S APPARKt, OP THP. IIWHF.BT CITAIIACTBR FOH MORE TUA' T1IT.VI l'-SVAT YXAIH! aews WElfS triT3 7UBS r.eusEs z.mesiui! A X&$ un SWEATERS SKIRTS OKTI.BKXN'S APPABIL rETTXCOATS Chestnut Cemer Twelfth r.rnlrlluc lli-nilinc; KnihreWery Hutlenn nirrcil lleniitlltlilnc I'lenllnc 'enlleplnc lliitlmil.nlet NOVELTY EMBROIDERY CO. 1007 Filbert Street 'M Include tfie jirldal party. t'urpcntei-, Mi-n Jehn ranee, u IUvcrtOU, N. J i Mrs. (Jt'i.ge . nieui. .-Mrn. UKuen u. Wilkinson, :.irs, Jrcdeilelt Wlieeler and Mlu.s Sara V. Wllljiimeii will nsftli-t In recalvlng nt t ie w Ycai' iccuptinn te b.j given by ;ir!. Hpiiralm Urice: her nen-ln-law ami iiuglitc.-, Mr, ihuI Mr.s. Walter S. wiieelrr, and Mr, nud MrH. Charles SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Proparatlenn are being inade for the play entitled "The Intruder." te be pre- duivd by St. Themas Aquinas' Dra- J'tedeiliU llrlee at thu home of Mi. ! inatle Club In Its school hall, Ulght-1 Geerge Hurgess Vcikef ' iiitee Vila LecuHt sticet, en Monday ' ecntli and Merris lrcets. en Januaij . ., .. Anions the hostesses at the 9unnc-- dance wnlch followed tha opera nt tne Academy of Music last evening were the following women of Media ami I Chester Mra. Samutl S. uurgen, Mrs .1, iiauuu iieuimu. .urn 11. xi, riuiiie, i m m& Mrs. Samuel ner Clycle and Mr. , ftJO Wfkll Ob pincxiiyrr J U MILLER- COSTUMIERI- II ffkem Vteiwez aitrrnenn. January 2, fieni I until tM9 I, B and 6. Among these who will take "'.. part in tne- affair are .iiiw Anna me- (Juckln, Mlfs Jean Cerlnh. Mins Anna Tlw. ,.... . ...ii . .... ... n.;,X ft" ,..-." ,",i" "liei'!4 '"? .l.""' Ilannlgan. Mr. Joheph I., Flnnerty, Mr. Men .7. T ll . ' .f i , iiiiiS: -V,tau,r . William P. Carey, Mr. nwilel J. Mftl- , ford Sr iii'i'VL, .ni cl,9e;h1t''lt:ley. Mr. Jehn Malley. Mr. Themas M. . , Um tZ ?, U,S? )vll,.c".tl;''u,2 "M I'-luu. Mr. William P. McDonald, Jlr, WrnS 0mPSF,iJJd,,li, th S"P" A J. McGlenc, Mr. Jehn ICrleg and Mr. 1 1 IS I ,..'lu " entUrrtny evenlni', Uecein-Knniiim a nnrrutt I U V" " will Include Ur. and Mr-. 15. n. ;v,llmm A "nrrBU' . fj 1 l.ven. Xtrk l,N.litr.1 sit, ...All n. ,.n.t 'I fll GERMANTOWN Mm illHdvn Ilammar. et Sharnnju.k I llr. and Mra. .Morten P nii.lieqen have returned te their home In Media SiEaiKSJI'JanraiffjmfflffilOT .Ani n t1 In H'udliliitrlAn Tl f ' iS ft AtVllti Mail, vw iiihiillitt,vu, , V IT) Sold only in our Stores :y uawin U niaben, Mr. and rni -- vfi (lint t nietnnh C ever, J.-.. Mr. nnd Mra. Th "" J I'iraiseu, MIrh Anna Ij. Feil .Mi', uiyssca H. Mertur Mr. Mrs. ee GERMANTOWN Mm OlHdvn Ilammar. et Sharnnju.k I lrJ, liu I street, Ih upending a few weeks In New 1 "lka I Yerk City 1iltlne Miss Alice Tiapp- K. III ... '!" ' 'teMUfiiry P. Howe, debuinnt i Mr. James A. Montgomery, Jr a. ?",?. Ufi of Mr. Arthui Whltncj Jte-ve, -. .u. i iV uanuc AIR DRESSING Marcel Waving by Men Exptth "INECT0" FIAPID HAIR DYEING W iipiclls irj tnnsforniitlens and ail Ulndj of hair iterk. .V. IV. THEE ,33 1 DTIIWAI,. '" I v Htrptt. Ik !! . i In, im. i --x :.--. " -- - liir... Mcr PieB J.r ine - nrUlm-i hall- -jTrscfi lSiTMtt J,0V1 '. t . Snfiiea MM '"yn sriss Madeleine Petter, "dice, ii, I. of . .MlK nrAHrre.kA s,. .,.,. .... t IB iaUtlttOF nt tf nm W ,. Sli-tll Tl Urluitr Mellonef Plttahnrgh. who has I H "". cntertttlned us the guest of lur K ait,. i J w'.ii'"ininB uraugc. debutante ?i? 8A,,'r et Mr- R,l1 'M,s' William Dray inl,U.ra.n5?' of ,,U) Wellington, has re wrned te her home. Mt Catharlne Luckett. of Xdw Verk 5vX',.uud,MUa Frances Owen, et New H.l.n' I-, X'A" ?r0 th0 ,USt8 Of MISH iuJ ?f,1 ' ,"Jen. daughter et Mr. innV.!"' Va'w Uwyime Henderwen, c f TtuVv".-4 ,Qun' lanes, dermantewn. nvrn at tlie neUe-ue.stratferci ti,i nft.. rJ iA,n.X0J,,,.P' M'. ind) Mn,. Hcptlcrnen te I 'k - w tjnivc v'e What livery Weman Knows Men like healthy Mivca that her husband julmires a youthful figure. ! Tteduce excess fat or build up your health. Let us give you a trinl treatment without ceit or obligation. COLLINS INSTITUTE Dcllevue Court Building, HIS Walnut Street Butter 50cib Taste it today! This Different Kind of Juvenile Stere in this After Christmas Clear ance Sale Offers Mani fold Opportunity te Save en Dresses Coats Furs for Girls Smartt beautiful Frecks and Coats for girls of all age at interesting prices, in this after 'Christmas clearance. Dresses, 12.95 Formerly te 521.50 Coats, 19.50 Formerly te S32.50 A course of ten (W) treatments, f 35.00. 'm,$ Lenger conrsee are sold at less eest per treatment. if " ' "ent Mlrf l McneTC no ftiK!!S!Mli&3 smSSSSSmmSi , . , , . ' Most of them arc beautifu' Charming styles for girls. jv fr trimmed; all of Ihrr, Velveteen, serge and jersey, lined and warmly interlined. blouse, atraight-line effects. , Of Normandie cloth and Very smart and practical cheviets. Blue, bretvn, rust. ... -ii 1 1' or ages 4 te H and an ex- twe-p.cce efiects are includ- ceptienai ajSOrtraent in flap- ed. ler ages 6 te 14. per sires. Furs for Grewing Girls Werth While Reductions This applies te sets and coats. Of lock squirrel, nutria, beaver, gray squirrel, ceney. Notable reductions. teuktu rxioeii Women's Dresses 22.50 Formerly te 39.50 Ot truetine. peiret twill, crepe l.auvette and Lauten crepe. Plain tailored effetts fei itreet wear charming afternoon dresses are also im hided ;u tin crv unusual collection. Women's and Mines' -es. sr.ceHn ri.oeR Women's Coats, 69.50 Formerly te 110.00 One of tnc major events of the after t lir.suita. reductions the Coats at this newly low price. I hey arc :xceptienal te a degree wonderful selection of the winter's most desirable Ceat Fashions Quahtv and v-alue that mere and mere impresses itself as ou inspect Hie Coats at close range. Materials are Wondera. I'ellyanna, I'anvclainc. Marvella and Gerena. Straight line and blouse effects: circular skirts. Cellars of nutria, opossum, wolf, beaver and squirrel. Women's and Misses' sixes .1U0 eMra sizes. TURD 1 I OUR ADELPHTSKS- fWW&glffiffifflfc 11, M Mk ia MrlLl R "m I IdM tTVL'ieiB-ammzrr;.'. mm mnsa&aw" Pep. Mat. Tomer. ;;" ?1.50 Seats NOW 8 Weeks Ahead heed sn rs Af t in i. niTirr, r m v 1 rairnunv m WALNUT VY HOLBROOK frv THE sunn mmw "due of tlir tirii of Hip iir." M l!MM I ' I r "ll Erin- nml ImliN nil in.il,p hr nul-rfc tlimlP." ItKi OH" I.M fat' new for nil t'rrfe-m.iiir'' tun hi'-Um iiIi-tiI pi.fi Mnt. Nr 1 nir'i. i-Mir - r inv i.i r t u. t.i;s FORREST Pep. Mat. Today N . l. . 'II- r lil WH'Ks ill,V i . 'nil' in mi . "i " t i r Il' ''I ill I.U I I I t TT.HNrJl I: s M VRVKLOUS I'RonrcTiex THE WANDERING i tr (iRE TKST lim.MATK SKNSATIOV or THK SKASOM he 'On !' f.O Ui S.' '0 M 1 ' tj I'M i" ' i -in i GARRICK !! TeJay HENRY MILLER BLANCHE BATES The Famous Mrs. Fair 'lHlfc r I l I II vll !M0 1 .-RIFI S I ' N V H '-V'.itlll.' ll 77 'j t- '.1 BROAD Matinee Today itr.t i - ii. i ,t Inn f v N" I - jr' ETHEL BARRYfW ORE In lli t I . in nliUli hr trlumiili Ii ia lufii iilinri nunitlrl In ilif In. tun fit tl r NiiiitU an is- "DECLASSEP;" By Zee Akins '' ' I.1 v BROAD ALDINE ,T t iiiNt r -i. i turn DlrrUien ur Vltr.P It. A M. I . I Kt r I T let It ). II A. 'M Ciuitlmieii vhettinc ll r. j, MARY PICKFORD , in "Little Letd Faunllerey T I a "r ' ii , i,i i i, ,t-. t 'I ci, I" I,' ,'i' i .ii A Mi. .n tl u, In' 11 I'. ',1 .-il)r--,Sc"firr 0 I" . 1. ImllHli'il l.t ctilus rr.ir Xtir 1 I'. uU.i-iIhh mil llellil ir, ni.rnfl NM M 111. I.perri' r U. in 0 , Dlrifftlim Hlnnlfr femnftnr nf Awrltt ,, JjjpSpl-Wpr "SNOW VHITE" AM" Till. 7 1M1 Mll-i Till rilRISlMs PWHIMIMI kittle Red Riding Heed Tl'e upectajise in shea that slenderize the larger women METROPOLITAN MAE DESMOND llltOM) J. run mi At WtKHf AT NiNrruws lit ii a m 're 11 I M ' 1 r 3 A PAKASIOfNT PIOTt'ltb THOMAS MEIGHAN VI Prince, There Was pttrM iiKennu m. ceitANH rr..r srriAi, MfHicAi. rrATUniw rTKI.M5 llt'HIIKK. Senmnii i l"mTKH (IAlHiWIT7,. Violin llfnliw ROIIKRT AKMIItlfHTIJIl nt Hi- l'l-ire ren mi Mtunra vrw i mzif.v "HEIDI OF THE ALPS" rCATt'ItnfO 1.ITTI.1 MAriUli V.V.,i. AdmUilen Dnily, 3Bc, BOc Evenings, Saturdays & Holidays, 50c, 7Bc Ne Higher Nf.XT WKCIC--NOIISEV lAI.MAPtfn in TH: WONDKllFlJ TiriNQ" W..f V-h. M,crVf SllilnUht ., .- .,.n... v itFsr:nvr-n SKATH rfernmnr Mltr p'ten Jlxll'.ii A'l air.M,II MTOKC ii ,0 -t no- :i nu-n :id ".se ' i u.ie MLtrM rO. rresenti GREATEST COMEDY "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE ii KING ARTHURS COURT" ENTERTAINMENT 100ce PURE AND UNALLOYED MAT1NKKB. 3Rc. riO" rvr.MMlt HATl'RDAT MAT1NIJE8 IM) ItOMDAVH 50e. 73 Extra Midnight Performance New Year'5 Night nr4fcnvrr si:at, e M &CHESmUTS7BRaAO 11:.J0. 1:10, ;',:e0, e '0. 7.-.O. :l!C Exclusive First Presentation i Ariwiui It. fc I Elsie Fergusen v D Wallace Reid tf"'iui. t n7-rL mi . rriunt1' it" Peter Ibbetson I r i i-i i p Ne ' b G urn IJu Maiirlff u ii i e I n ii Jftn ' 'i.n Ur 'unci vr txi i.i rr ELLIOTT DEXTER DOLORES CASSINELLI BARBARA DEAN MANTAGU LOVE GEORGE FAWCETT PAUL M'ALLISTER Daily, SO; Evenin-rt, 75c Salurdayi and Holidays After 1 P. M Eveninc Prices .. . - i, jrt 1 1 mm , c t show PA? ATF IM 'rvi.ui- -T'tKr.T i iWttWsV ,, M ,c ii i-it v WM. S. HART 'V New YeHr's Nicht Extra Midnight Performance ARPADIA h- -" "- lr'h mniJiJt te m. ,n ii m i r i ETHEL CLAYTON 1,1, ! .T,- T H' T lil!V ,n "EXIT THE VAMP" M " fr. iOt V I ! Tl 11,' victeria .rr'Vi.."., CHAS.RAY ",'m,1jHT New Year's Niftht Extra Midnight Performance v.rnvi mi m I,, ii i-, i m tem moere ,;,;,,'; ?, .c,1; REGENT ViVvil " "'" r nt hi iT'l fX C r nui t . i rt m jt h Lxi-.V-'Di-i it p i " w t' 'i"i-'.n iipm THE BIGGEST AND BEST VAUDEVILLE SHOWS V I ITT I I l'l.li I - Extrn Midnight Performance i n . ak s sir, ii i .' - i' i u at r n-. l i --v.vi- r sr,.v i s sew Broadway i,u".l,Y.y1M "THE SHEIK"' ,.,P,n A 11U.- l-ii.- i.rrni 'Nn Allegheny v. , . ,,-i..M iw 5 ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE and "THE SHEIK" CROSS KEYS ' n II A-' MM i isr ii "FLIRTATION" . V1, x alhambra;,';, ;';,' ,U'"V,S "BIG GAME" M'l CL1. i Mil llltrs , iiei.inw MriM t- '1 lie l'trlri I trariieanru in, I'rrsvnu 1 omer. Alt. Ml. Aft.. Dec Gil I " ......,-, enl Nun ei s.it nt llreJil . riicitrr Het Ollli. ,,ii. in i :,u )B.F.KEITHS31 RAE SAMUELS THE BLUE STREAK OF VAUDEVILLE. MAMAWALfcRGN With OEORGF. HALPWN il "BROADWAY BOUMD" LEON GO. FILLISMM1LY WEFeufimirm in ' WUARIMO OUT THE. GRUEH " OTHER STAR ACTS ll ll))tNNM HtMMIllll AC1DrM (11 Mtmr. Hrd. KiC. Il.r. JH THE CHORAL SOCIETY 01 rilll.MII.I I'lll.X Mil.!. MM. "THE MESSIAH" MAlit I I I t It V I I, Mil i m no ijtia.i nun fiiim r-i-i- imiii:. ii Mi IIOI.A.1 IMll'n, liiitr (.Mint i. i ui.ru ii ff; n... ml trnitr I'ltll Alll.l.l'IIIA OIK IIIM 1 1! lir.Nia (.IIIIIMIN im MM'!!. lnilMrlr lirkrU. afliT SUt. hi llftmr . Hill Chf. ilt tl i-lul llir iuil.il ,,1. ;l (10 m.SMi nvilillh-ilr- tRr nml Slf l I ' M K ni W "Tess of the Storm Country" "ZAZA" tiimi.iii' r n i nw in nn -i ii'- Mi Aitni p I I '- ' DUMONTS EMMETT WELCH Minstrels MMlIllCl 1 Hut till, Ul'fL iu- nut im i nn intt'. I'llHIh l,,r Ttl 10c O SHOWS Saturday Night, 3 1st . . ,,&CO-10:OQ . IM'M III'MIHIC" mil)) ';: FRIEDA HEMPEL I J:ii . . Hitn. no.' tn tra.nn fc tram " it" V"ti lli'iw', 1 1 lU ( Iif.IiiiiIJJ ORPHEUM ,'r'rii"jv n I icri ORPHEUM PLAYERS in' ' "Daddy Dumplings" UAdllNU Wl?r, of Gayety i 'i- ,n ' i i r n w- n, 7i3u it in i i it rji A'tfuW,;2i'"riJ!5; ) '-VJ L ' Si-!. i .