'f ..".- - ( c' " Vjp " v 5, 1 EVENING 0?UBL1G LEDGEK-rPHII3ABELl?HlX WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1921" ', T S l , - V-Jv XA.y rrr- L ? i it ' Bi If V . i f ;m Ll !i i f f h t i E7 & ii b 'S ALTER PEACE PACT, HAMBURG DEMAND German Chamber of Commerce Says Repartitiens Can't Be Paid Under Present Tenns .i WANT COLONIES RETURNED l.y ttie Asseclatrd Pitjh Hamburg, Germany, Der. "8 The efforts of Germany during 1021 te ful fill her peace oblifjntlein have failed and It is Idle te think that uny political er economic efforts will new swceihI unless these, condition are modified, declared the annual report of the Ham burg Chamber of Commerce. Issued to day. "These who Mill believe the Londen ultimatum can be can led out." ay the report, "cither are without judgment or de net dc-irc fulfillment, but the de struction of German., which in tlirc would react en Trance, I'nsland ami America." The report niserU a wav out of in" dilemma could be found by a very simple means! as follews: Revision of the Treaty of Versailles and of the Letuh ti I agreements x a reasonable basis. mak ing it pohxlble for Germany te secure foreign credits: a conference of iulng banks of interested nations for the recuintlen of German ei'-hange. and t:ie restitution of the German colonies, or at least a German m.uidate eer these colonies. It.ii L. S. Milp Tolie The report cxpies'-f', sJiitln. milh :u the speedy return of world economic normality nnd criticizes the American policy toward shipping in general unl toward Herman sliippltig n particular. "The outlook for .merca.n merchant ihiping is unfavorable." continues the report. "Only -100 of the HOI Ship ping Ueaid steamships are being em em plejcd. German ships in American ports are Mill In an cttrnerdinars po sition despite the resumption of friendl relations, which could be justified nnl If American ships In German p.trls von compelled H p:i considernbie feci." Considerable mtent is nintuteited Pi the report ever the regulation of Ger man sequestrated prepertj . Timlc w.i'u Mexico, sajs the rrpnrt. Is geme in 'inder condition us diflicv.lt , as ihe-e i revalling in pre-war dn. Ti.i"i, which was dull at the beginning ! "' year. Improved ti the mark deprc tat. I In price. Tr.-ule N itli Mexico Declines This is particular) true., neenrding te the report, as regards irmi. wm porcelain, earthenware, glass, pnp.-i iiastcbeiml. hardware and cotton yeeiK lewever. the report si, a dccllii' . trade with Mexico tt jn toward t'u clone of the j ear. German experts te liiazll limr n reaclied their pre-war volume. Inn mercial relations with Chile arc ii" preUng, end cenipetitinn with Hnsl-i'".. .Japan and the United States i ii cllniug, according te the report. German shipping, it wi. has suit' ''r, heavily for want of coal and b(vuu i ' discrimination in foreign pert", r.ir tlcularly In the United Stntr. tiS j n Milt of the nlien teunuge ta.. The report snjs that Germans have taken up Hctive trade with their own shtp-. seven firms being particularly nlcit GUILTY OF FALSE PRETENSE Court Holds Business Misrepresen tation Criminal HarrMnirg. Dec. 12S.(itT A p President .ludce William M. Ilnrgp't of the baiiphiu Count v court, tedav refused a motion te dischurge f'hnrlcK II. Maul;, n Ili'rrisburg undertnkni convicted in November. 1IU0. of falling te provide proper coffin and ether hur al nrrancemcuts fur Interment of Mew m II. JlcCraeken as agreed with a brethe-. Millard W. Mcfracken. Thn defense alleged there had l.wi no fnlse pretense of an cMsting f n ' but merely a failure te earn out u premise. The court . in deciding Mine bad been false pretense, -aid "Wp conclude that "intentions ma., be determined as a fact and the misirp misirp rcsentatien of intention In which prop erty is fraudulently obtained will j-ip-peit an Indictment charging false pre tenses. This cise was mlimittpi te tin jury en this theerv and the jury ha found that the defendant faNeij pre. tended te make n sale at whi h tnii lie did net Intend te make." BRIGANDS MID DISTILLERY Leck Up Five Guards and Haul Away 325 Cases of Whisky l)liisllle. Ky.. I)er. ? B A. V, Twenty -lle bandits swooped down upon the lilue Uililmii IIMtllr at Imminence. Ky., early today, locked five guards in the office of the plant nnil stele I!:.'." cases of bottled-in-hend whisky. n'ii"il at S.'!0.0(M). ai'curding te a rt poi t t. TeuI il ! police The report said all of the robbers were masked and Ii.-hmIj armed. Twe automobile trucks were used te haul the liquor awaj Soen after the handit" departed the five guards, who were hound with ropes, released tuetnsclie and netilieil the au thorities. All i iries within a MMv-rmip rudlus of nniilieine are w niching for the bandits. North Carolina Ex-Governer Dies Ualel;li, N. C. Dee. 0s. ', 1 . - Fermer Goierner 'I hetnas Walter Iilckeft, who suffered a stroke of pnrah sin at hi home here last night, died this morning without bavins regained consciousness. .Mr. Itiikett, who was flft.v-twe years old, served two terms ns State Attorney General before being elected Governer in 1010. FERRET OUT WAR FACTORS, I TASK GIVEN TO HISTORIANS National Association, Meeting Irt St. i Leuis, Is Told of Its Werk I St. Leuis. Dec. 2S. (By A. 1'.) Historians have an important task in judging cerrcctlr the factors which went te make the World War. Wayne E. Stevens, of the historical department of Dartmouth College, today told members of the American Historical Association In annual meeting here. He addressed a lunchcun conference en the history of the World "War. 'The world will judge the actors nnd people who took part in the struggle In the light cf the historians' findings, be said. lie pointed out that the documents which tell the story of the war were written under great pressure and often contain errors, f'ile messages, loose translations, incertect tranerlnts of original documents, technicalities and the vast mass of matter te be nrranged , nnd organized all present difficulties. He made a plea for intelligent and organized work In ptescrvatlen of the archives. Hiterinn have already done , great work, he declared. In presenting the issue of the war while it was lu pregrtss. KILLED RESISTING BANDITS New Yerk Insurance Salesman Is Felled by Bit of Pipe New Yerk. Dec. 2S. (Uy A. P BandIN added another murder te the growing lit in New Yerk today when i tlirec men attacked nnd killed Charles Haves, an insurance salesman, in the Kast New Yerk section of Brooklyn. Haves fought bravely when they at tempted te held hint up. He ns felled n Mew upon the head with . piece of pipe, nnd was shot In th g'e n A policeman. attracted h. 'li scienmv of an unidentified woman w,t nes. rha"d the men for eiral h e. Ks but they escaped. Hazleton Ceal Mines Reepen Hazletnn, Dec. "J?. Operations were resumed yesterday at most of the an thracite coal mines of the l.chlgh field after the longest hy-eff the men have lmd since the signing of the armistice. Fer the first time In seven years large stocks have accumulated nt storage points. It Is estimated that about one-fourth of the miners have been Idle the last week due te bad trade condition?. AGreat ale of said: "Tillle and I are going te get ,an Ice-cream soda. We will be right back." What they actually did was te go te the vacant ltist home, mix the tablets in water and drink the solution. They then returned te the Brands nnd began their last dance. It was a fox ' trot. In the middle of it Mnthllda said .' "1 feel 111." Then she went Inte con vulsions. Them'as was entirely un affected, apparently. He jumped Inte the nmbulanee with the doctor, the girl, the druggist nnd a ( policeman, faying: "I must go te the hospital with) her. She s my sweetheart." J" - At the hospital, whlle efforts were nnv iaiap TAirm i atcd ,beIl,,: m?(,c ,l my5 the girl's life, the BOY WAS TAKEN LATER .boy sat In the waiting room ameking n I cigarette. Suddenly he said he felt ill nnd went out Inte the nlr. Then rnn. I vulslens suddenly seized him. Ills last i words were of Inquiry ns te whether , Mathilda still lived. She hed died shortly before he did. LOVERS IN DANCE AFTERFATAL DOSE Passaic Sweethearts Were Fox Fex Fox Tretting When Convulsions Seizecl Girl Passaic. X. .!.. Dec. 28. Police in vestigations of the double suicide of a mill girl and a mill boy Mnthllda Rlt, seventeen, and Themas Brand", eighteen, revealed that the affair was even mere astonishing than it llrst seemed, after the girl and then the boy went into convulsions from poisoning nnd died twenty minutes apait in the General Hospital. Knewing that the were te die. It appeared Mathilda and Themas spent most of their remaining moments of life (inuring together tit the presence et a huge number of relatives, who, unsus unsus piiieiis of what was. te happen, np jdnuded their efforts. The motive for their self-destruction, It came te light, was becnuse they were tee young and In tee peer rircutnstnnres te marry. The poison with which they killed themselves had been in their pos session for a week, but they did net want te spoil their relatives' Christmas, se they deferred taking it until after the holidays. About 10:30 Monday night the boy Held as Drunken Aute Thief West Chester. Pit., Dec. 28. Paul IG. McKlm, of West Gnnc, was jailed 1 here today en the cbarge of (stealing . nn nutomebllo from the garage of i Henry T. Hayes, of Londengrove. The ; theft took place Monday night, and McKlm, who Is charged also with being intoxicated, abandoned the car when it tan into n ditch near West Greve and was badly damaged. SEE BOGS AND MAN IN WAJUpEATB U. S. Entomological Chief Calls en Natien's Scientists te Aid Struggle for Existence FOOD AND HEALTH AT STAKE By the Associated Frc Terente, Dec. 28. The struggle be tween men nnd Insects for supremacy en earth was discussed by Dr. 1i. Q. Heward, chief of the bureau of ento mology of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture nt tbe convention of scientists here. He declnred that the feed supply of the, human race ".van endangered. "It is difficult te understand," he said, "the long time comparative In difference of the human species te the insect danger. Men of sound labora tory training have found themselves able In increasing numbers, however, tb devete themclrcs te the study of insect life, with the main end In view te control these forms lnlmicablc te humanity, nnd today the man in the streets realizes neither the number of trained men nnd Institutions engaged In this work nor the brendtb and Im portance drthelr results." Dr. Heward said few people realized the critical situation. "There Is still a war," he nsserted, "net amenir human bcines. but between nll.lluinanlty and certain forces that are arrayed ngalnst ,it. Man is the domi nant type en this terrestrial bqdy. He has overcomo most opposing' animal forces. He has' subdued or turned te his ewn'use nearly al kinds of living creatures. Tiicre still remain, However, the bacteria nnd protozoa that carry dlifflse and the enormous forces of In jurious insects which nttnek him from every point nnd which censtitute today his greatest rivals in the centrtl ofna efna turc. "Let all the departments of biology In all our universities nnd colleges con sider thlH plain statement of the sit uation, and let them begin a concerted movement te train the men who arc needed in this defensive and offensive campaign." Ubkimm Standard noTer.KA vcr i: s wit. km kn r heTlnir lh Nw r'a'nrf n' e- f ' till In published In I'm n-n'nj rub le Ijtittr t'rldsy Jarjiry Attv. MEMBiaaiK'SiiaaininhmriffliniEiii'iiiwi'ii mPiOC'ieiiin wiGiiiitiiiE'i'iis .Madam, there is a big Pre-Inventory SALE! ft Belng en this week in all our 1 Stores. We count our mcr- n cltandiae en January 2nd, nnd fr this week we are running tin- is usually worth-while specials te reduce our stocks. Visit one of ear Stores today JDabwm i Market St. TheBq ShoeStere 1204-0608 rfr ZS&fte. " WEST INDIES CRUISES i Frem New Yerk te Havana, Jam aica, Panama Canal, Vene rucla, Wind ward andLce- ward Islands, Virgin Islands, Perte Rice, Nassau and Ber muda. MEGANTIC dc.cce tem dlip.) Jan. 17, Feb. IS, Mar.20 ! t'Ril dlniftmlens vt -inv iain ti l i-nl'ltiB te !! trer' 'i Apr" rulst Depsrtm-nt for roeklet nne de'a "e1 Infnrmntln" O'tr JJ Nopa)tterttrtauirtJ.Si00enJutntTd$ J WHITE STAR LINE in. !-... .ixif i.i hi vt .iinut - viui H i v-'1 Beets which every one knows arc new style at a glance. Black Grain Itrewn Grain $H Seasonable Protection Harpers Wak0vei 1228 MARKET i Newspaper Advertisements Written Circulars prtpartd. bneklfttn complied, Mit Uttira compeatci, d(rtlilnc of ri kladi prtpared by txprt In you; efflct or In ours. Maxlninm Hrli Mlntmnm Cost (iei. i.KneKn nrnru Bosten Gets Velasquez Painting Roitten. Dec. 28. -The Bosten Mu seum of Fine Arts hat acquired a per trait by Velasquez et tne ininuie ninna .Theresa, daughter of Philip IV of Snau jiq "rai.. wuicn )H the g ft of Mm Edwin T. fjrecne. nMM.ii."1"!.' mMy?; ee the '. A Rectangular Bracelet Watch Of iS-!d. while geld, (he border neatly engraved, fitted with a dependable movement n'&oeu wrist-band JJ. Odd-shaped bracelet watches appeal te the women of geed taste. Wc have many styles that arc fashionable and attractive. S. Kind & Sens nie chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JrawnLEHSSILVEUSMITHg nrngimiuniCHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITEDaraiffiWUKrAiIlMAIL ORDERS FILLEDguigiijQ,! Charge Purchases Billed February First Upen Request 1022 CHESTNUT Sheps -& Shoes Fer Men Women& Children AtSemarlcahle deductions eP 52 a Pair 'l his i indeed an op portunity for the Men. Women and C hildrcn of Philadelphia te buy shoes at a .saving m many dollar. "c want you te real ize that the values can not be overestimated. Every pair in our i ere embraced even pair of well - known DALSFMhlR STAND ARD OLWUTY. Xet a sale of odds and ends, but i lu- cum plele a-iert incuts nf I'JXI-; AXU CUK KKCT I'UOTWKAK, veu W"uJd expect cf U-LSIMKR"S with a footwear reputation of nearlv half a centurv te upheld. Women's Shoes .... n us low as VOMVi Men's Shoes ..... as leir as M Beys' Shoes as low as ,M.iK Children's Shoes r.9 Qn an low as A W 'Tis a Feat te Fit Feet ir.i.iTV ami v lit t bamsa R BID 9 E ORT 1204 Chestnut St. Founded In 1S94 11 Seuth 15th St. 1119-21 Market St. 33 1-3 Percent Our Entire Stock Of Men's Suits 8C Overcoats 1215 Chestnut Street Illustrated Fashion Felder Sent en Request January Prices en Furs-NOW! Net a Special purchase for sale purposes Net a Season-end accumulation of odd sizes and left evers Net a rag: tag collection of furs of doubtful pedigree BUT en the contrary, a momentous stock disposal, which we believe has no parallel in the history of the fur business in Philadelphia utterly disregarding cost, profit and former selling prices. Yeu will find all MAWSON & DeMANY'S FURS, merchandise of known merit and reputation, at prices se remarkable that you will consider them almost impossible, in view of the quality offered. We have arranged this event (at a time when our customers will be eager te take advantage of it) with the single purpose of quick disposition of our entire stocks. This announcement covers but a small part of the many special this sale makes possible, but it gives you a splendid idea of the values in a concise form. .1 Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Until Next Fall, Payments te Be Continued Monthly Through the Spring and Summer $30.00 $32.50 $35.00 $37.50 $40.00 $42.50 Garments Garments Garments Garments Garments Garments new $20.00 new $21.67 new $23.34 new $25.00 new $26.67 new $28.34 $45.00 $47.50 $50.00 $55.00 $60.00 $65.00 Garments Garments Garments Garments Garments Garments new $30.00 new $31.67 new $33.34 new .$36.67 new 40.00 new .$43.34 Original closely figured price tick ets remain en all garments. De ductions made at time of purchase. This is a decisive clearance event. The reductions in every case are positively . genuine. Net a single price ticket has been touched. Net one suit or over coat has been removed from our cabinets. Net a single "sale let" added, nothing but our own carefully selected and com prehensive stock of Kirschbaum suits and overcoats the finest and largest we've ever shown. Sales for cash only. , Alterations at cost. The one exception te these reductions arc our Kirschbaum Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits, which are specially priced at 50. e e 5 0 !) t 1 e 8 5 8 9 9 7 Marmet Coats Russian Teny Coats Australian Nutria French Seal Coats Trimmed Russian Peny Coats Trimmed Leepard Cat Coats Trimmed French Seal Coats French Seal Coats Marmet Coats, Raccoon Trimmed Natural Muskrat Coats Austr. Opossum Tr. French Seal Coats. . Skunk-Trimmed French Seal Coats Skunk-Trimmed French Seal Coats... Natural Muskrat Coats Moleskin Coats Natural Raccoon Goats Moleskin "Wraps !'. Hudsen Seal Coats Skunk-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats. . . Black Caracul Wraps Hudsen Seal Coats Skunk-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats Natural Squirrel Coats Hudsen Seal Wraps Trimmed Leepard Skin Coats Natural Squirrel Coats Skunk-Trimmed Persian Lamb Coats.. Genuine Alaska Seal Coats Natural Squirrel Wraps, Smart Taupe Caracul Wraps Natural Mink Coats Jap Mink Wraps Alaska Beaver Ceat Broadtail Wrap Natural Mink Wrap Eprlra Large Size Ceals vp (SO inch) . (1(1 inch) , . . ('0 inch) . . . (30 inch) . . . (30 inch)... (SO inch). . . (SO inch)... (40 inch)... (.',0 inch)... (SO inch . . . (SO inch) . . . (SO inch)... (.',0 inch)... (.',0 inch)... (SO inch) . . . (.',0 inch)... (JtS inch).. . (36 inch)... (3G inch)... CiS inch) .. . (',0 inch)... (iO inch)... (SO inch)... (.'j inch). . . (30 inch) . . . (.',0 inch)... (45 inch)... (SO inch) . . . (.' a inch) . . . (45 inch) . . , (SO inch)... (45 inch). . . (40 inch)... (45 inch) . . . (45 inch). . . te J.. Bust Formerly 75.00 75.00 98.50 120.00 110.00 120.00 , 150.00 165.00 1(55.00 165.00 185.00 180.00 200.00 245.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 325.00 375.00 375.00 395.00 425.00 425.00 450.00 450.00 525.00 600.00 675.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 900.00 900.00 1500.00 Reduced te 49.50 49.50 49.50 65.00 69.50 79.50 79.50 89.50 1 10.00 110.00 115.00 119.50 129.75 132.00 195.00 195.00 195.00 195.00 225.00 245,00 245.00 275.00 275.00 295.00 295.00 345.00 395.00 445.00 495.00 495.00 495.00 495.00 595.00 595,00 995.00 Chokers, Scarfs, Steles and Sets at Savings up te 50 pwuwminiiiii' iwn Quantity Recularly New (9) Natural Squirrel Cheker?. J2.50 8.50 (S) Jap Mink Chokers. '. 13.50 8.50 9) Natural Mink Chokers... 19.50 12.50 i9) Taupe Fex Scarfs 22.50 14.50 ilJ) Brown Vex Scarfs 22.50 14.50 (7) Stene Marten Chokers. . . 37.50 24.50 (9) Taupe J-'ex Sets 37.50 24.50 (5) French Seal Stoics. . 45.00 29.50 (8) Taupe Wolf Sets 52.50 34.50 (6) Baum Marten Chokers... 52.50 34.50 (I) Cress Fex Scarfs 67.50 44.50 Qxantity Recularlv (r.) iiiul. Bay Sable Chokers. 70.00 U) Black Lynx Scarfs 75.00 U) Hudsen Seal Stoics '75.00 1 3 j Dyed Blue Fex Chokers. 98.50 (3) Scotch Mele Steles 110.00 (3) Pearl Gray Fex Chokers. 120.00 (4) Natural Squirrel Steles. .120.00 (3) Jap Mink Steles '. .120.00 2) Natural Fisher Chokers. .120.00 (2) Skunk Steles 165.00 (2) Natural Mink Steles.... 225.00 New 44.50 49.50 49.50 64.50 69.50 74.50 79.S0 79.50 79.50 110.00 145.00 f53) Children's Fur Sets Reduced te 5.50 te 39.50 (12) Hudsen Seal Uuifs Formerly 15.00, New 9.75 T hislbi mmmuherlu Uenda and Purchasing Agents' Orders 'Acceplctfva'M' 'l,'fyt.;.ii,l.HnJn-i)"i"y"' -yttVtfcjTt s . -, w, f it ,(J4v( . W f ,