Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 28, 1921, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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aff, Lm'-I,.... -t.J, .!..
Vliiua will upitcAr tuul plclc lucky mini
hern from n forty-feet Christmas tree,
fifty children who held tlie lucky num
bers will get either a sled or a kiddie
l.ctwccn three and four hundred
..Muuivii irem tire peer district will brt
tlltertlllncil with n r'hi'Ufirtnu tin-f
night by the (teipcl and Uelicf Anwrla-'
lien at l.'llu Arch Mrei-t. A utmllm. i
' nnn.v is (imi euuti year turner tlie dl
i ciki and the Cubs Give Parties itien of Hcerge auiiy. superintendent '
I wir.3 j,,f the imsoclatlen. The pveRrnm will ',
Teclny for Peer
I Include niueie and ether entertainment
ami en en 01 t c c III ilrcn u III Im ir ma i
Ciult and candy.
Many Christmas toys hare "been
.woken." Iiellv v renin have licjun tc fall
Executive Committee Only Press
Agents; Pennypacker Site Boosted
The Mn.vnr t-.-ilil liifiifmifimi i,.i
j uniiiK f. I.tj. ........a I .. . - ii.. I
.part and the CI.rM.mw tree, nre Wm , ," .J," 7 " !r itd j
tketvn vi, tin? nU I IK but C InM- ( ether promoters." who Smmiicil te'
HM I"'" t " 1 . V i "'"""r'lJ 10' uiu Ncsqui-
Tedd- is n blS day for eOOO orphans I Leutcnnlnl.
f;pS ihihlren aud el.IWl.en fn.l,W!!MK eSrnt'Me
numtrr et community renter. The ' Sesqui-CcnUnnlnl will he Issued from
ruin an organisatien uf It v nmcinlH, time te time threujh the Kwutivc
Vitdcc. lawyers and newspapermen, ; emmlltee until a rcsnlar press agency
"'"''.S ,,,,,. t.nilv tht-mirrli I is PStublNheil."
f?" ...... f ,1... 111 ii'ii nrrfvA nf I Ten blllt1l'SS mill plvln ndinninltnnu
ffllirLI'Sl JL 111' ....,...... V. ... V " ." v-. .... .3
of the northeastern section of the city
havi formed the Northeast Sesqul
Centennial Association.
'ilie new association will bend it en
.k Knidi." i'olenlnl and Nixon The
atres. n"d l,1 ee""tcy et the actor?
who arc wllllus te de an extra turn for
.. . r...ii..tnie vnntir-s.lnrH
Performances were given this mom- 'rc.v from new en te iiromete tlielieldliiR
Inr at 10:'J0 o"cIeck at Kcltli'n mid i of the HMquI-Centcnnlnl en l'ennypnck
hl afternoon at the Nixon In West Pi,r, nl adjacent territory, a site ln
Philadelphia. Ilesldw wins the res- j mlle from City Hall first sucge-trd by
u!r taudcville bill, the children were the trankferd Heard of Trade in plans
riven candy. 'lci1 wlt' the Engineer ' Club Decern-
Clmiles II. Heycr, a real estate man,
was chosen president of the asseeia-
iIPr'rnlHIHSBHHHRv ' " sHiBfSSPIi!rVT"i?'ILi:'' - .j
Will Fill Three Tliealics
Assistant District Attorney Speiser
rreslded nt Keith's and the speakers
were Director Cortclyeu and City Sta
tistician l'dward J. Cnttcll.
Jeseph Mrlgtti presided at the Co
lonial and the speakers were Clinten
llejcw Woodruff, clielrtnnn of the
Ctrl! Service Commission, and Themas
i Watsen, City Treasurer-elect.
At the Nixon Char'.cs AV. Nccld,
lujeibcr e? the Civil Service Commis-
uuu -, vice prcHicicni. ji. i;. j-jniig: sec
retary, A. W. DciiIiriu; treasurer,
Rebert li. Shcppard.
-eiumutc cliamnrn arc: I'ublicltv
Judge Jehn K. AVnlsli, recently elected te the ?lunlclp:t 1 Court, took his oath of office today. Frem left (e
right arc Judge M'alsh, President Judge Itrewn and JiiJgcs German and McNtcljel
New Municipal Court Jurist Is In
ducted Inte Office
Jehn !'. M'nNli, recent l elected
Judge of the Municipal Court, was
IJrewn lit City
Governer Sproul will make a personal
hpn I'Htrn iiiimii i, cnsnii firein nil a.
rn.i (' nil ai invi.il r.nrinit tHtn rim m.i.n Ar rm.A. . . . ... ... .. .. tj. j -.. 1..1... T r. 1- 1 r ,.'ii 1
...-".. i-i--." ----..,..............,...... i iiiuinua , tiiiinmw iner. wnn rntreimaii "" ' .tii.ihh uiiu i. vj , .urn. uuii m it.,. ml.. r t'n..i r..u r,.i... mi.- n.i .-.., .....-.... ..
: tlie I'jnicracnc.v Lurill and Carl . Iteed. nf Hi ,.fr t, i , i .1 1.1 n.i .i.......t -..i.i. .... ... n. :'."". "vi"' ". .""'.."'.. .":'"' " 1 mill two inoterevc c men ariestetl the I c i ntreller Jim v. wlm sin i-eeilu
nn-n 1.. -l.i ,. 1 1 i , .-----..-.. i.-ti;iiuijliiuai. ill luu Piiiuvui , 1 utii rmnvu i 11 tiinu. uiiu ui hit- iii i,v iiniiuiiiicu lirOOIUC. .lll'S. .lOMelltl J., lllltc lln.0ll t i . , 1
cars In tnklne recommended for nnrden bv tie Ht.ite ......... ai. 1 m... ..n. i.i... 1 ,i.-:.. ,... i.ii.t-...'. -r.... 1 ,."." ,..' . . '...', .!'" ..J . ; .V '"-... ." man. Icdf. te he iswern lu.
the theatre,. Ileard of Pardons, i.nd has net approved ' cha-e" mid 'between i:igheenth 'mid r7 Wl, ,..e her ' e the" J(M ., "l,, " " "n IZZZ ' .V".." 1 ' . '"'." -'W. i!l-for the build-
e ..... f ...""""l ""''" ' . ri , ' x netcNiti streets lie drove his nmelilnn ni,.l lie Jnmiter, Mi. J. It. timer- Dumc. ",'?' " " """ '" "---" mam CLUBBElJ N Hill D- IP
s party was 'I Iu two nlcaded milt 1- nf lnvnlnn. i. 1 i. .1.1. it. 1 XJU.::.-' tin uinrnln:. nevr takn 1 in leveml lilHi ii-uoeuu IIM nULU'Ur
tickets cre tary manslaushter I.. . -a. sinT. tl , 7l, . h ., ", ,", ,." ."" ''V... ;": V "l i.V , .. ,...,... , W '?' V" "'"J'r,r,lt '"V !""' ,s tie ii.st iloeri
.1. .. i . . t .. 1 . -. . . . . "- 1 ini ii.ivvii. 11 uuiii ut in, iilmii. luiiii. viii'-i ' 11 itn- 'ivi-.uiii n'jv tiuiuL.-' 1 .A'liin a nir -. .t I'M. .inn pi i iNi-.t . n- .
"" unoiignei ui w no nt it Miipyura " nmaiiq nf n 'r.i.... u..i,.A ....... um .... .. ,.!...,. rf!,.,.t,.i Ar.vir.i...i '.. .-:.!, i,.,.,,!..;..! -... . ,..-.; " R ries te Drun Stere en Trnllv
.i nrnMclcd. and the snenkers were
Colonel Leuis II. Van Dusen and Judge,
Jehn H. Walsh.
The Scheel Beard furnished sir
utebuBC3 te trnnspert
.iiiUren. and members el
AM nsslsted with moten
th children te and from
This anenioen 111 111
fintlier larsc children
iiiM. Mere than -IOUO
illRtiibutcd te peer Hull
the oily. ceniprusscu air device, they were sen-
ler mere tnnn a menui tnc eemuut- tenceu wepteinhcr 7 last 10 ei-jlitncti
tee. with Henry J. A. Newton as chair- , months and nt the time of tlie .'ipplica
w.in. bns been working toward gcttiua ! tleti it was contended tliev were sky sky sky
contribntlens for the youngeirs. 'One I lurLlng with (he air device, pnd had
member of the ledge donated ."00 pairs no idea of the consequences of their
of gloves and another the same nipn- .joke.
ler of pairs of stocking". Ceerce Hurt- 1
sell acted as Santa Clans and "liill" 1 piremn te pa,t p,,.i A..fi.
Hewn, of Kensington, provided the , r f,me" t0 Feast Pa"lr9 Auteists
K0lfl water. , 7,l,c 1!l,n'f,n 1Ii" r'r Company will
,..,,. , held open house New Year' 1 Dav nt
Just Ulie .1 Circus thc fire station, and all passing meter-
Wsrm clothing vas distributed, and j ists have been Invited te step for re
baskets were sent throughout the city, freshmen! s.
Various show beuses in the city lmve '
Motorcycle Used te Halt Man Said
te Have Shadowed Pedestrian '
Kugene Price. Lembard street near
Ilcvcnth. who is alleged te have been
luiiniviiiK u man nueiu inr sirci-in iiimi. .,,.,, i ..,, v. ,... ,.., ,. ,,,. i..i
nlfflil. ivns l,n-n i.ni.irt I.Iiil- entirelv M,or" 1" for '"' ,IC """ l,-v I,esI
Alvln II. Suenten; rinunrc. ltebcrt 12, 1 new in pu'hv work bv Motorcycle Pa
Shcppard j Site. Ii. 12. 12111ns. ' trelniun Oile:t.eh. of the Fifteenth and
11110 -iicci-j 1111011. IJiindieds of friends of Judse alsli leilicials and members. The new dub-
pl.enei I te the prdiec that a .nun l.ad ! u V1;0 'nt"ci,t am, ,1,c bar )vas bankd boee probably will ,,a,ly In Mauh.
followed him from Nineteenth and Mar- """ uewcis seni. uy irienus irem t.in j Among thecc who took part in the
Governer Has Net Approved Parden ket streets te the I'.read Street Station Twentieth AVaid. where he reside. ! exercises were Mrs. James Starr. Jr..
for Men Who Killed Bev ! """ lllc" I? al? "0"IC' n".wiiu mm., j the jury 'ex s-ai David U. l.unf. picsldeiit of the seci.-ty : Mis-i Ann
! dent . I mho-Charles i.
Hall this morning.
Many Attend Exercises Which Mark
Start of Colonial Damea' Clubhouse
The cornerstone of thc new head
quarters of the Pcnnvlrani:i Society,
Colonial Dame.-f of America. 1020 te
1C"0 Latimer street , wa laid this
morning In the presence of prominent
time standing in front of the house.
npergi Plerle, James A. Flaherty, for
Ilollingsweith Wharten. Mrs.
lek A. Packard. Mrs. Arthur
II. I.e.i.
Dr. Beeckman's Sen Calls Aid I
and Man Is Captured
en Reef
A "Peeping Tem" was captured en
the reef of the home of Dr. IJccky
1'ccckman. 1020 Spruce street, early
last, night by her son, Kulctt. who saw
the man pecriii;; Inte the window of
another room In the house.
With Martin Link and Walter
Hifickle, two young men who live in ,
lie house, lie went te the r6ef mill ,
thore found Negro, who later gave his.,
name as Clarence J uciscr. .momve'o
rtrect near Kleventh. Magistrate
O'JIricn held hint in 5S00 liail for
At the heaving It was disclosed he
was sitting en thc reef, with ids inse
I pressed against the window et a loom
occupied by Miss Ainy, Jehnsen. Tl
1 was exnected she would 'liilienr ncniiii-t
him, but Mr. IJccekmnn raid she kn-w j
lietblnc of the occurrence until the
noise of the ranturc en tlie reef inter- I
luptcd her toilette and earned her te
leek out the window.
ltceckman was climbing the stairs
of his home when he saw a man go
up the fire-escape and pass n third
fleer window. He watched and saw
him climb te the reef from where it
was pesslbi te watch the occupant of
a room en the fourth lloer.
Without knowing whether the man
intended robbery or was merely watch
ing the occupant, he called several
tilcnds. get a gun from his room, and
they all climbed out en thc loef.
The man fehjncd te be asleep w hen
he was ciught. He wus slml.'in none
tee lightly. P.eeckiimn telephoned te
44th Ward Leader te Be Next
Supervisor of Weights and
Is Belief
Until her iiinrrife at ICllilmi, Mil.,
last Merit she was Miss Itratrlre
Kll7abctli Sinltli. duiighlcr of Air.
and ."Mrs. William J. Smith, of
114.". Seuth Si.Micth street
sent entertainers nnd besides this there
ws a tlirce-rlnu circus Kelng en sjmul sjmul
taiireush en three floors.
Tlie Union Mission Suml.iy Scheel
pu its annual Christinas entertain
ment hi Ilie Jehn P.. Stelen auditorium
this afternoon. Thossheol was founded
by tlie late Mr. Stetson. V thousand
jetinsster-. attended. (Jiftv were dis
tributed. Milten I, (.letirls, second
ilea president eT tlic (empniiy. nrfed 11s
.Santii Claus. Miss Small Mander, in
tharse of the cliildirn's welf.i.-c biiieau,
portrayed the "cniding sniril." The
Oliri'tmas enlertaiiiiiieut also featured
sertral of the youngsters who 1 eel ted.
Lieutenant te le Santa
Police Lieutenant (Sinrgc S. liosten.
oeniniHiidei' of the Twenty-first District
.Station at Thirty-second street ane
Woodland avenue, who is known 11s
"Kant i Clans of West Philadelphia."
111 gie Ids annual Christmas paity
tenlfflit for the peer children of West
The Daily will be ln-M in 1 he West
Wilhalelpbia ltpubliciin Club. 110."
I'licstnut stieet. and hOO ihiidren ur.
upeetcd te In present. Thc pitrtv will
tc linamed entucly out of Lieutenant
iiosten's pocket.
Several Miudeville ai-tr. from the
KnleVerbecker Thculn'. im lulling Tote,
the famous clown, will perform for the
children mid the police baud will fur
nish music. T'2aeli child will be given
a hag of candy and a basket of fruit,
and at the end of the evening Snntn
disorderly leudud.
Thieves Alse Mistake Alee-Rub for
Alcohol In Drug Stere
One barrel of "real eldtlme whisky."
as its late owner describes It. together
with a l've-gallen can of AW-rub.
which was mistaken for TtTcohel, were
stolen Monday night from 1 lu drug
store of Hcnjaniln .1. Kettkn. I! read and
CleariW'ld streets. The robbery vas
made public teilm;
(Veire. I'.artlett. McNcille
Itarrntt and Meuuglian.
Judge Walsh's, duties will cemiiifncc
ucct Tuesday morning when he will
preside In Itoem 070.
Twe Firemen Overcome by Fumes In
$5000 Fuel Yard Fire
Itcrause of ja generated by burning
. cii.il, firemen had cenriderable difficulty
' in lighting a fire in the con) yards of
Knowles. James DeW. Cookman. Mrs. J
vvunyiigiiuiii .ticvciis, .111s. ..amuei
Chew. Mi. Dai Id ISecvw. Sirs. J.
Hcitrnm , Llppiurelt. Jfrs. Alfred
Ucglnald Allen, Afis Laura I'.ell. Mrs.
Leuis P. Kvans and Mr . Charles Wol Wel Wol
iett Henry. Airs. H.iinpteii L. Carsen.
Airs. Kaiidnt Morgan, Airs. Jehn Urib
bel, Airs, licerije II. Lurle. Jr.. Airs.
Clarence A. Wniden and Airs. Ldward
ISeblus were among the members of 'lie
(emnilttecs in thc in planning fm t lie
the William 15. Ilnrrlcks Cemnnny
The thieves cainen an entrance b.v Orfhodev street and Rend tnc Railway.
nd prying open a shutter in thc rear of early this morning. Twe firemen were
the store, niter wiiimi nicy opened a ove-come nj 111c uimc".
1 lrcmcn were terccil te shovel away n
Hnu side deer and rolled the barrel out
Etta Aleney in the cash register was left un
dlstui bed.
Jneeb Qt'.itberir. l.",i:i Catlirlnf. Ft.
lMllr r.ethn.an, IKS N. lih -, .
Hcney i:isTnteln. SJt J.-. Mernhall nt
I(Ja WcldcrLern. Ul.l X. M n.
I!ubrt H. llrH. r-lmeir. f.,., ar.fj
.11. 1IHK. UIMii IXIC'JHl hi.
rjHbrlrt U. Dunn. t51g X. :..td m.. and Mur
Kiierite T). l)'utnc'i. Coltlnirsweoi:, x. ,t.
IJLnlniii'.ii J Itcnilrlc!:. t-117 r.li.:jlb. til xt.. . .. . . u
. mi enii-f A. lieyur. niLT. .Ati.-vaiiii i". Truck and Trelley Crash: One Hurt
lluny It. Albert. LM,-,0 N. S'lt.) m.. ami Slarv -. . ,. . '.. .... ..- .... .
I lleivlir:. ui;)l x. !ith .1, - .Mrs. 1,. u. uarieu. ixiy. 01 -1 u cm
Jnmen Ticui.;-. rii! Itcrnilmsn r.. ami PLii-Lllcna street, (iennautewn. Is in
I kv"m. " c""""islm'"' u,i " U.nnaiO ,,, Samaritan Hospital today with lee-
1 Wiiiinni 1,-. lJ.lv. in :.- miiiIc i.. nnd erutieiis of the face and neck receive 1
' ir.rr. ' 7jT,l!u.!AnH',,,.!N.?,i.V::.,V: ii' eollMen nt Cermautewn avenue
""ii.wcttfwn'ewt:1 33,,c!.Ti.r,'' it".1 nnd Cambria .teevt. between a (iermnii-
"nbert MuirMeu. rlUT 1".. nuin-li St.. anC tevil uveilUC car. Ill which I'llC WU
.r"7."!'..""l""-. -. vnllrj:.'! Bt. ,1,1,.,,. lin.t n ,.nnl true: ilrlven bv
iranHterd avs.. and .'."""' v" ".. .e v, H, rn,,,.,,..
latpe q'l.-iitity of coal te rcich the
Central High Class Dines
The j:;."th class of the Central High
Scheel snvc a banuet lat evening at
Roethby's. The cucsls of honor were
Dr. Jehn L. Iluncy. president of the
schoel: liradner MacPhcrseu. Jacob
blrv.e. Part of the coal shed and one I Kraus. Thnddcus (JerckJ nnd Dr. Alat
of the pockets isnited and weie de- I tlicw (.'. O IJrleii. of the faculty. liar liar
sfrejed. nhui!.' with a lnrjje quantity of I "hi lies, president of the class, was
coal. The li's.s is estimated at between tenslmnstcr.
S 1000 and Ts.-OOO. --
The fir." hen utorcemr pre Le;ii Pet- i;xTlt.! Prni iOii(iit.VVl'm:
Ur and I Imma'i Jlenre. both hesemen jjuppicmcnt win ba Usur-d I rl'lf, Jni.jrr
in ui'j i-i-wii ur. i uiii- iiiubcii Miuini;
Bus Driver Takes
te Hospital
An aged man. injured and I.iiiik un-
eii't ions along a read in Stratford, be
low Camden, was found early tills
morning by lOugenc Reach, 17! Arling
ton street. Camden, a bus driver.
Reach took the man te the West Jcr
,ey Homeopathic Hospital in Camden,
where be still is uncouseieMii and is un
identified. Reach said the man hud evi-
,..!.. 1 1.1 1. ........... I.TI .....1 .... ... . . .
iicnny ueie un m no ihiiuuiediic wnicu l or .- anil ins aeiii w.i ten uetere hoanl heanl hoanl
dreve nwnyt without giving aid. I jng the car at P.leventh and Winter
i no man in nunc iiimi sixty years elu vticets, ami a'l:cd tliar lie he sept te
As a move toward further slrcnglTicti
lug of the Vnre organization. Jeseph
J. Kelly. Vare leader of the Forty Ferty Forty
fetirth Ward, -is being groomed for
Supervisor of Weights nnd Atcasurcs, a
-1000 county job.
The ptcent supervisor. .Max Mayer,
Vare leader of the ThlrtcetUi Wurd,
is angling, with Senater Vare's help,
for the Mercantile Apprniscrsiilp now new
held by City Treasurer-elect Watsen,
ihalrmaii of the Itcpubllcan City Com
mittee. j Senater Vare about a wrek nge went
I wHh Mayer te Ilarrlsburg and taw
Auditor Oencrnl Lewis about the np
pralscrshlii. Appointment te thnt nDice
i Is made jointly by the Slate Auditor
' Ceneral and the City Treasurer of
1 Philadelphia. The job pays about ?S00O
in fees and Is looked en as a choice
county plum.
vUipii Mr. atsen steps Inte the City
Trensiirership it Is regarded as certain
that Air. Mayer will he luimed Mer
cantile Appraiser. There Is an un
derlying significance of mere than usual
linpni-tnnc.) te this pendin? nppelnt-
Air. lnjcp pew l rcgardeil ns the
leader of tin- van! where Jehn It. IC
SietMi'liI political sway for yearn. Air
Scott's "domain" nl"e embraced tnc
rnuu.sMith Ward, hut in the last i-cir
or two he has paid lltt! ( ttentieri te
either bnfltwlck.
Thc organization's i ! i xijtf out of
Air. .Majer for the well-paid appraiser
ship reveals Its intention of setting tip
another chieftain in thc section where
Air. Scott, apparently. i:e longer enrcy
te act the role of political satrap.
The advancement of Air. Kelly for
Supervisor of Weights nnd Afcn'eures
discloses the Organization's aim te
strengthen its position in West Phila
delphia, where thc independent vote, nt
tltllOH. tinU sllllU'll II flltJIinutt- I.V.l In ,taf.
"f A r 1. I . .. . .. ..F. ...V.. iJ ,.-
ncr nouecry aI1(1 sm,,0 (lc ",eglllars.
Jeseph Thompson, fifty, of 2-L'O Rit!,.
'Illlllll -.LI'-'-l. II ill IIIU .-.Hill. II illlll 111,"- j PhlllOl.ll- rltmrt nllnl
nitnl today following scalp injuries ie I .. Chauffeur Called Drunk
.elvcd in an attack and held-up. which , .ielestnans en heutii llread street
he says lie suffer,.,! hist night nt the 'his merniny had n vcaie when a huge
hands of two men and two women at I autenmhile lisri7urdcd a i-Ierul tralT..
Twelfth ami Winter street. 'signal at Pine street. rlJmLcl tie ,ide-
Thompeii was sent te the hespltav ' wnl't and run into . wall. 'Il.cn, with
from a (hug store at nieicnth nixl . '" l0,, wurninj tnan before, the car
C:umberlniid streets, into whicii be st. ig-I backed none s tlic street nnd onto the
gored nt .'!:"0 this morning, having ' ,ll"' sidewrlk. 'I rafiic Pollret-inn Orb
ieft an I21cciitb stieet car. He -nlil' 'ben arre-tcd the drivci . 1 red Lrrs. a
be had been blackjacked and robbed ! Negro, of I e i.ancey street near Sutb
,t i it v i inn i.ais was evaiiitucil nv a
police 'urgeen, who iioelmvil him dillill;
Oath te Be Administered te Register
of Wills Friday "
W. Frceland Kendtick was sworn in
this morning by Judge Patterson as
Receiver of Taxes for the third tlni".
William F. Campbell, vbe succeeds
fames II. Slieeluin as Register of Wills,
will be sworn in Friday nt 10 o'deik
b.i Judge Lamorelle Air. Sheehan said
he docs net k'iew whut he will de when
In leaves etficc.
Themas F. AVii'seu. te succeed City
Treasurer Fred Shejev. will take, ofiice
date lius net been set for City
It i til -
and has gray hair.
the hospital.
Lars is cmiduiel i-y II. . ( e. of
Drcxel Hill.
f Lngi'v Cempanj Ne.
-'i iJj.uwure IS. r rirldcc.--.'ltii.
rillll. Hnllnter. 4S11
."iiri hm.jf, win X
Xermaii. 'SM
1'ra,,:. (,'. (Jleiide'i. .'loll t.at.'anter ai., and nivth street. Several windows in the
Jib..' '."uir-is"T.r: n. un- were broken and the Hying gas.
i iirai'ira .. .i.oer. ::il.. iv. IIIOUIU! ut.
l.t!.,.rt kiik'.Ic, IS40 S. Stli Lt., und lilliii
I Dumb'", WHO ttrct-ni. ft.
Mil! ) Y..n.(irlnn. 1! X. SlfmJ st.. and
' !'.e;s LiHdi erlau. lilOO I'lurieller si.
1'einnril St.-r i. TJ1 X. llh t , nnd Urns!
Kilt:!. JlOlL1 N.,iidi, ht
I William i Jm:.v. lu i ;:.-, 1'1'lf. aw
i Until V. Ilemnaii. l'lUt-iew,,, Ve.
,13 i -l W AmiiiHble, 'ilj X. l-jin ,i.. 0nil
Asncs Stu-". .Ills II,i.!uil ;n,.
, Iti'iinr.n C lrKiil:. ISihi lllclirie-id . and
Minnie 1 Klfnl:. f.i;.1t .N". !mr!i'i k.
Joel, I'unilnaUI. Willow (iron, ln , nnd
IsAbcllA . (.'arufii'l, 7:'!i X. Oil, ,.r
Vriliur 1,. l!ur'- . .- r.iiuim, .,.. :,r.j .ri
If 11-irl . IT."' St. r.m' f
cut AIr. ('arre'l.
was arrested.
The truck driver
Etchings Prints
Water Celers Paintings
1320 Wnlnul Street
Prepare for
ul the
Evening Scheel
Ai'intfniU', I'emnipri'lul unil
.Vtrilimilrul Courses
FRFP 'liilrlilis te -Scrilt
-- -mc HIH women
Register New
". 3,1 te .March Mf tit
Ilem-s! 1? 0 te C
7 te 1 P. M.
iioe mm: mt.
&lb fctitueier
rermrriy .ni ji. vrt. inaturi
Mnn unAitT. pi.t.Asr, eiit rvi: ..i s.T..sri volt.
s'MMIACir IMir.lt 11.13 llltlM'MA.sj TIIKB
STEW With Vegetables 60c
IKi-nr Knlrui'ir mi
Aiwlrtrff Mlrri-t
Raw, fried, steamed, panned 6; from the
fresh daily from MAINE, as you like it.
I 1319 Arch Street
TuMfi for
ZZZ7T.V. WMM. m '.',' WW. WW. WXMZBZ2XZ2W'-MMwmt
V Diamond Bar Pins H(
Extremely lerde aasortment aasertment
unusua' distinctive and
exclusive with this Establishment
" I
S A I, E S iU A ?sT
In Interior Decoration
Must be thoroughly competent
able te furnish vith taste and
alcill any room or any house.
Avtlbtie ability required, but suc
cessful Hcllinp experience in line
fumiture and interior decora decera decora
tlena essential.
Call for an interview or tele
phone for an appointment.
Uiircau of EmplejmciU
HiiH! w 'iiiiii'iiiiruQiiiiTiiiiii irai;;i:ii!raii!,ii,iii)ini:.!:!iira !i'jji;ii,ira.iy
Quality and Quantify J
S Goodness and Uigncss
a i
Victer I J
Bread I
6 c i'
Sold only in our Stores 1 '
jam I
Fer Men & Women
Begins Tomorrow
Our Semi-Annual Sale has always
been an accepted money-saving
And this year the chance te save
precious dollars is greater than
ever. We've trimmed our prices
te mere than meet the demand for
Mere Real Value for the Meney!
S1.90 Sr.90
Celebrate New Year's Eve
Royally at This Restaurant of
Famous Feeds!
Cever Charge Including $Q.50
Full'Cearse Sapper . . .
Served from 9 o'clock, en Saturday
Evening, Dec. 31
Wonderful Souvenirs
Dance Music by Verna't Quintet Orchestra
Frem 6 P. M. Until Closing
j 1 - 'iiicuui ucuiuiiuni ,, eeiting
for This Service de Luxe
Make. Your Kefccevatlepg nt Once Call Head Writer Lesjst 7T l t
, LUe
VfJiiiil Iilnnrr I'lullers herieil New Yrnr's 13th, s.nnli,, g.
3vi; iiml Muiiiu.i, 0 Ie D V. 31 3)1. O
Splendid News for
Thrifty Men!
8:30 o'clock this morning
begins our regular
The Place
Fer Your Surplus Funds
Is a Savings Account
Were $.00 te 12.00
Ne Mail Orders
39 Se. 8th 930 Chestnut 203 N. atl.
tjfl&A &ft tQiati. i. '
J uteres!
en Savings
At this time of the year
many people receive
money from various
Why net open a savings
account in a NATIONAL
BANK which pays 4? in
terest and which is under
the rigid control and su
pervision of the U. S. Government?
Bank of Commerce
713 Chestnut St
Ndthen X.Felwcll. President
A'afwnaf Bank mth a Savings Department
And they are made from our
previous SUPER-VALUE Prices.
Made te Sell at $30 te $70
te 53
ALL SEASON long we have done a
mighty satisfactory business. Hundreds
of men have told us, after shopping the
city ever, that nowhere in their travels
could they find the equals of our Super
Values. AND NOW in preparing our Stere for
the coming of Spring we offer Mid
Winter Reductions which mean values
unparalleled anywhere in the clothing
market. Enough said.
Perry & Ce.
lfilli & Chestnut Slrct-J,
in Clethes for Men
-l,k.ufcS.Vi-tfAflUi.'irtt..'- .
w4-iklUz, i Viv A. !
ggtf, ,HjllVWM& Ittfem
a - t y
t -. HMAki.