rcpp'ivfw: r -v. -y- - ?'& I.K 7 '1 the FOkivm Human By RUBY M. AYRES . AvfhPr t "The Bacheler HuibandJ' "The One Unwanted," etc. M , tsviyri(i, vy " nrticr iiywicaic, He, ' i THIS lKOINH TUB NTORY J Vamn nitrf pomMerAIsi '( out el IttrirStf llrevtr the Unitllu. hn gvtl v T. litter Irern n fllrl. "'he M -.tpclni7 ?":!S Wfc from nbretiit. Iter iiAkis YHM!"1 . '" .WEI 2.1t'. fM drnu man a m,ni- 11 "" '!" '- ' r .. .,- j f- :i-i -"! ! ! ti-i 1 ,- T . ' i lj FWT, A'VHE GVMPSSaltina the Wound : i ' ' ! IZjitntV. ' rrmeiiM f i n cru ler help. ' fVntcun a bev ' he hnn nllct from a irSwKtM th'lfhimr te ehiMM P nil ,JV. ntli.,.I hat hmm iimk J imit MA a. wmt.he twulflvrtu Olthi t ??Jti. (e dtrcei' C"J(. '" )eusc ( r rtJrru Lnila' and ill Olrl u 4im. i r;n.ibc8,.nMll,f .l" f(,' nulc m. for able that lie realised (he mistake lie people VZ?iZ, i, gniititl afelil el the drnil "in irhe M'0 borne hy the hevr. "rf Ihvs we her rroell na rent Jthn BiMlh. from her brother he rftv r ' . !. illll AHI ll if It1 f Hinil firr fef'l In t marrJftl, nitrt ( ! AND HKKC IT CONTINUES tf . 4 STANDIM "l 'if totieiiej me ier tiine Hunter's arm ns lie rasseil. LUr en, comp te the Mmly, nnd we'll f,6,e n imlc rliet," lie ralJ In n friendly fashion. The Fortune Umiter followed Anne Inte the linll; lif would hnve Riven n lind mmlc In entering the jdnre. Ne dnnht tlin rlnr,M, T ..,)-- mnj their lnterest were well known e the Inndlerd here nnd the few etuiger who tnlked together nt n center tnble. The Tortune Hunter glnnccd npnrelicriHlvely round him, hut every one seemed bent en hl own. concerns, nnd net n fflnnce was turned hl way. He fiiiUhed hl drink hurriedly, nnd linil (Neii te lenve the plnee when hln nttentlen wiifi eaiiRht hy the inenilen ;r n nnnip that had In the lnt few ipuw biewii te menu a Ri-cut deal ln 1 Ih life, "8e MImm Aiiiik's get her young man hnik. ufter all V" The Fortune Hunter looked m cherply. h f,-e flmlilns. hut lie cat down quietly near te the speaker, and, taklnjc up n paper, held It w as tu Rcrfcn him while he listened further. It wan quite poeMMc that he might Pick up ome useful Information here, i ne tiieticht. even while he was hulf Kbliiuncd of the Hepe, , iiuiuieni, wen icnnecj evor tlie eM YOi) PICTURE .THE J0 ANO W?OU0HT ID MRS. CrR fct HW lOte. OH OVRtAKS H0RMIr4Q,? ,CA 0) BLNME HtK fe. nE4HQ TROK TH AAORHtHCt T PO SOV) ONOiR SHOWING OFF retM? 0 MATTTCX HOVJ cett me tw or. SHOW- RKIH 0 SLEET- SHtf AS 1M A WJG- OH IoekU toeKt!! TVAS , TOO G00t "TO tit TRUE.- SE MAT WHV fRO)PeNlE WAS VlACtX H fS FA-TM- TWE. QM? - SL yS' QME FlSH AT THVS AMt Nftu -A.M TKV& TE AUVaETet, HOtLX ANt EVIR6itH AHt TH0W TVM n vtu PVM VTi Gene 3 'Jt "yxK- wmm - " iViB3cv' i I U''l)JlAf-HmlZm!r heji TPVWGr- uil uauiam c v- r4'Y THIS A .RUSte. r "V.T ' - T-5?T,.- it .. M.nnti je ' UrttlV TDDIVC VU w iv y.r yw w WNNA Ht ?UWW3 K W . W g. , Kiw6 ' AW-, SJ .u UPV&3 - THC - V .1 H ktkt T WW. 1L .1 UU V 1 1 -W ,.. m i.ni vji w - - ... . . a. a irr it ,r-.- vu UUST 60 0)T IH "WWW?wwj .""r A ...'.-r 6.UC aai ncv4P&- AHO AWV - I C: -1V3 I'rrt W IRI' Vaivii Ctrtrii H6UK. CEH CF COCO-' OlDN" & . iiAA in II vn II mi ifirii airin. it..., Mm lha I"' lrr.l Mlc no ebfec Inn. le . ,,1mpnily , Be. e-al. tlmu'li mu . But ity. wm"! InMlncthely te feel0f thrmn harp-fneed, r i I "? r t Mi UI1lillngnCH,. or ,hr ; urned and ryw , , eon urev bre."he" an n looked up at lilm with n little hurt leek rout with fraved lreVeHn.i i,,?. Ilk jjjMfiEcig IB jKvv s IPKW SWVTrV . M SSMwBSSBMn SOMEBODY'S STENOGBeught in a flurry at the Cerner Drug Stere C'.iPi rltflif. J02I, l'J.' i .iiiptn In her rye. who answered 'Terhaps ou euld rattier net go "L'm! Se they wiy. Hut Vw heard cut'" . , , . ,ll.em ''t "f rcpertH many limes, nnd He angered h ii rrlcdl : . it's wwer eemc true." Xe, no. I MieUld like It : the house "itV trim this tiu. tjieugh." tin- Jim warm. .uiidlerd Insisted quietly. iTiilllng a The garden was pnMi moonlit, .but jcIum (hat hnd been handed un te him. ,t Mr. Hardline had aid. the viver , "it aeema tlinr lir ..-.. e,, 1,1 ,. JnW wn already rllnc nnd everything the botwe and that It was h- who liullrd ' looked an If It were elled ln gedamer Mr. Tem out of the water." lry!' ... ,,.... ..,.. ., , .. . I'" fhnip- fared man Htieerrii. TW l;""""?. ' V ' ,rv V ,.V, ." Tlln' N lw" ,','f' for Somerleii in t the girl beMde him. "k..u eugl ( te UI1P ,,,, ,t. pn(K ..w, , ,,,,",," Fh: You'll take reld," he (ira,j are a wrap She anMmcd incrlninlciill. 'My cloak la In the hall, If you will fetcb It ....... i.. i . .... ".v. ntuil II, II- WUIIO. I1THI Mr. KMItll, (urn nut up, ntdr nil, we're setting nlen.f. e 'i''.'1,?1'" ,,)0 ,"er.v l'f this Mr. iwiiiuui Reme one cifc asKeu mtercit- He went back without n word, took edlv (be cloak from a chnlr nnd brought It ' The landlord leninxl hix erms en the in her. She !et him fold her in It l counter nceln nml iirennrMt t. ,ii..i,n. jciitly, and they wnlV-ed nn down the i lie knew. llepiag lawn, till they htoed by 'the "Nobody rightly knows the facts," Viter'e edge. I he wild, "but it all happened ten years There were twinkling lights from n , nge, when Miss Anne was qulte 11 lionschent en the opposite h-inls. and ' xchoelglrl. I remember her well It .t ra.iffl.ul i.MHwl r. e npiixirxiliniw, W'nS before nlie collie tn live ntnncr ,if Mr ethendpe the nljht was ivrfecily .ti I. ' ,,,"1r,.l,,,B'. ,ll0,,8'' l110 often spent her ave for tle lap, lap of the water "" e'-re mm school ugilest the banli. ,iets et neries get reund: hew that ' Tim Fertuiip Hunter looked en nt t hi- fhe d run awa.v fiem hehnel nml irnt inlnty moon, and his thought clipped ju'irrled, but that she'd been brought i back along the chain of year- tlmt w'i-e uu'" home. .Seme people nld tlic mnn , ;ene, with a half wistful, half bnleal I wes a,fen!'y married; ether that it nmuement. ., vV',,,ur "lenr-v en was nrter ami Who weu'd have thought that fnte !'"" 'ur' "H"ng. wae was tnetr guard- i wuulrl Mer land him here? In an Idea! I.""' "'" 0 V? Pd the mar VJLL,IT5LL OVER vAfiAIW - AIMT IT BOSS'. Yes, miss ALL ever: AORAilMCAM W WAS UE-S SAIM'. IT'S All ever fer A MOTHER YEAR AIMT IT I , vW m' -t-e ALMOST ALL 0'E.R- BUT MOT pDtTEL - I'M OTILL 6"TT)Ai6 HEAVY i -...,-.. . . MAIL.WPkUJ' . iMBasav ee YcOe're , POPULAR : In ,J eh me - Just last f MiMUTE AA1SVAJERS Te some, of my Christmas cavds. Vf &($$&? (T hj&X) he & u n y A .- lAVWAB Strtfllsb home, amid every comfort nn-I usury he, a vagrant fortune hunter. Mho had run the. gamut of life, nn I who bore Its scars en his very soul. He nenrtercd what tne jlrl nt nl Mde was lliliiKln?: what fhe would eit.v if h- could take her with htm in his thoughts, H-n bl ttep, nnd ihew hep the dark laces of his life through whirl) he had . . . . ".. .. ---"" """"l'"Vs Mrugsieii. ne leu tier sliivcr and turned . the asking. If she'd had n mind qiilCKif, "Anil iinu'. nftei- ,i(,w .... m,. r,-e les, I r.hntili like te ire in. Her , l.,.L nu ..,.i .. i. ,.,. t.. . . . . . , . r n " -"-'I ec .-"-I lMfUC4', nil!, .Mr. eiee wa trained and hurt, nnd the Smith, nnd they're going te be mar mar ertunc Hunter frowned heavily in the rled." He took h nml at the eln.. nf The Yeung Lady Acresc the Way rlage squashed, If you knew what uicun. "Seme people said that the man was1 dead, ethers that he'd done semethiux disgraceful and had te clear out of the country, but nobody seenmd te knew the rights of the story, except that Miss1 Anne wouldn't leek nt any of the gen tlemen round here, anil she mlcht hove bad Mr. Fester, up at tl-c Towers, feri ale beside him nnd wiped his month I who wir- uui-K or ins iiann. (toen 1 say he said iirkness, anu bit his Im. lie nut out his arm and would have drawn her into Pis eif'c but (hut she resisted. "I don't understand seu : von are se flrnnge! I thnught after all your let ers" Her voice broke en n sound i tears, and she stepp?d for u moment, rylng desperate) te recover herself. 'fht-D she went en mere quletlj. "I tinrkttr. tn fi,llti rt n,nplli(,. T ....... Mtn .1 crent dent i-hnn-jMl In v, Km I did warn you, and you s.ihf it would ' J!'0"'," 1"ya !" "" "f1;r .lc,'r .lc,'r aake no difference. And I thought I hwith:1 A finc ";""p! 'V1'1 ucn l saw you that we were just going e take tilings up when; we ieft off hat's bow it seems as if it ought te be e mc, but " The Fortune Hunter made a paoslon paeslon paoslen do gesture of helplessness; the pain i iirr i-nuii nnirnrAii nmi i, nr A a..i he only wav he knew'br which te m(,t!l1 reluctantly, "but when he eemes oethc ber doubt nnd fear he nut but ,ome P OJ ina; the here In thy story, as rrns rnnnrt h- ,wi i,.m i. V. .- ' you mlcht say. it makes you a bit siek W heart. I vhen jen knew the truth." i suppofe I m afraid of .ou. he me truth well, what Is the (ruth nek te em, aii.iwii heartily. The sharp -fneed man sneered. "Geed luck te 'em! Thej'll need all that and then some mere." be Mild hastily. "And I'm surprlv-il at Mr. Harding allowing any marriage at ul with s'ueh a sealljwng as fib Mr. SmltJi." He drew !!- corners of bih "Mr. one an) , man might take If be wUhcit te feraet i his own." The landlord laughed. "Nev.- then, Fcrnlc," be said geed- ! nuturedly, "what bee have you get in your bonnet? The young fcllew'w deue ou no narra, uns he? ' "Va, ma nMi.i.ii Ik. .11... -.1 ,.uk jiit i 1,(1, in, ml villi I utl ftjBjfe--- P LITTLE L'GHEliT'S CHRISTMAS TOOL BOX By FOXTAWIi FOX SCHOOL DAYS fid, and his agitation was real enough. 4 Slinnmr- nil (hn imn !... ...A..i... "J It is any ene te se swxet as von f8 Could even IrwnV nt n u n1nl, HL m net worth caring about. If you fMy knew I ' j si. ,.,., , iam eer nana en nts lips. ein ng him. We said we would never speak el J,. t6 al1 done wl'h n"'l for fer for ettcn. eu're here and I love you." p. wu-e max 10 n wntsper, nnd she 'W her face en Ills breast. t.,i.n Tent the Fortune Hunter lued si n t. tli.m l,n Ain...n..i li. .rT,.i'iTnlhu1 C,lI,l: lm "llswi be. co and bent his head, klsrlng her again "a again passionately. ou i .J0"' t00'" lje sai(l- "' leV1' 'fhere was a little rapturous silence. eca SUP lrml-,,,1 ,,,-, i l.l... i.. .i '. .,, I. , I. ,., ,.l. t.l. , ,.. ,,l "II... Iffhf h t ' Ml ' PP IllOnil- ' -iH'-iM". '""iinu ,i,.-,,-.,a ,.,,v Uh,.,. I'Ul ,',0i icr face radiant once niei-i'. ('New u mark in; words If I'm net right. "' 'I'uie, quite happy again," slid taid. I "d f-1"11" dnj I II get the laugh of you." f j en knew It?" the loudlerd ucked In dulgently. Fernii; pulled bis hat back from eer his foxy eyes. "The truth is." be said, with slew "mprcssiveness, "that if It's true that -Miss Anne s Mr. hrciltli is In Homer Hemer Homer ten tonight he's walked straight out of prison straight out of seven jcars' penal." There was a short silence, then the nndlerd reused himself from his laming position nnd began vigorously polisu pelisu ng n tumbler. "Urn!" he said dryly. "You'll get -eurself Inte trouble, my lad, if jeu talk without your book like that." The man Fernie rose te hlr, feet, pushing bi.i clinir hack with an ugly, ,'ruting sound. I e no mere te Kay, he said calmly The jeung lady across the way says the courts nre temewhnt te blame for conditieiiB and we need mere Judge who will dlspen-e with justice fearlessly and vlgoreuslj. "WSXt I ' I 'I 0 Tl 5OrA0OOV ' PWEAlfl. POT tAf SKAT65 Owing Te yh fact that Dad WAS TAKiMG A NAH AT tiC TiM , LlTTU fcpgT WAS A6L6 Te SAW TrtKeU&M THE. AMM of THE PAfUcrt CHAifl WTH MeTMER aiTttrlG NeT fZri. FEET AWAY. Lm n j.t VJrtEH HHIdHTHOOD YfUS tK BOO - PETEY There's a Reason s "sm 'Jeh n, are jeu happy tee'; I I I'i went out unchullrngcd and slammed In I,.: ,, l iiiuvr wuivnei. le efi i,'u"11'1!'nr ,n! llls 'l0"ee, then "raid. wameu out nlentf 'ili facA US nrMce.l 1..... l , .i . . I .1... .1 l...l.l.l l.l... hnii 1 '" ' in 'MM HOW II II) ui,tm "luui IMlllllU nun, neuiuer se that she could net see h I The Fortune Hunter waited n mo me ice as he answered: i meut. ilien he laid dnu his paper, rose "inner ited knows than I de. ind siipjied out et the n.ir uiieusered. '"ete.be." I He bud hoped te hear something that Ana tnr-n n,.,.iiii., uA . , . .i.ui i. A ...Af..1 . ut. n...... ..tti..,n ..25 house-. lout be had net expected te hear se jeu n take cold out here, aud 1 1 much, nt have that Ye?. I'm' Se he was a jailbird, was he? The eraing presently ' u9 laughed ' thought was uiii.casant. l "..vurij. i vc gec te tacc v" ail nit- miner itiiui'b inn luuii nV!nu til?,uitb jour uncle tonight. ei ! f-retlens of which he had been guilty I,.. . "" ' ,vni)t te male up mv mind In the past, be had always managed te at te unv ,,. 1,in. , el. ' ', ... tl... .1,. ..., .,f ..., ...i .,n.. .nn I '-rf v M,UI. L1UC tWUgUl 0U e,-(l- WIV lltrKJi.nr in jiuni'i-, ,(,. ,,vi """J. i i I .,..,,.,,,1 ... ,, llllnirlr inln nnnthp,- ... j L'1'"; L'ncle Clem b-iyu will miike man's shoes he had ue(er t'uessed where "5 fiirfrrence te me." he would tiud the iilncli. "1C iailjllPil linn. .11. I -- ' t l.llki.1 If l),lu (Mi, it i'uu Imi. Mm II "' '..iii,l , tlllll ruil aWILY Jill,, i,,'f. ,,," ,ii.i ..... ,,.,u, rm him p the sloping lawn. and instinct told him that It was, one never knew whiu or new rnr-rcacnin the consequences might be. Th p p lne.,0PlC Uwn. ins Fortune Hunter watched till he - OH teR"S.GOOCM,l 3USTCAU&D lev UP Te ThavikNeu fOR- TO?AT IeVclV 'Pkklb SeT'Neu SEysr me "Just TPtTmiu6 VE WuTet--T?FALv.V VsleTuiuG COIAO HAVE 4V- 1 Beem 8eTtei2. rS j r ilH VvAW it lefllSJ rJ? A Hew Net) Ever Wauacee) IO IHIWK OP T .'rA CRAY AOUT IT- COOiDU T MELP TJOTCrAts. "Toe RIGHT Up I WAWTeoTe CWE A SET Te My 5iiTtR fyvte COOWD AIL PVEf- "TeMMrOROME- jTmTt ) wow TKfiiX Hicc AskNeu XMa serclv 4 PRoMeTts Geet 7rEELINC 1 ArTtR ALL m WL js I ATrIVTW'l.tBkl -?i The heart of the Fortune Hunter warmed us he walked slowly back te If her tu..? i. ,,et,!"" the memory Chere Ledge. She wss a girl in a Is if n u..i b"r,u,ul l'P.. He fc.t. I theusuiid. wliile he well, et le.ut. be lienien i i lln'1 I""''! blncc the was net the -v lllniu he was supposed te its hr.i ,U.i ''. en tne side et.he: there was no dark stain en the 'T from the .house. 'e llO ln,,w ........, .. antnt . ';.'" "' te go, ne "iiieu te tay mere llerce v limn he An ;..,:,. ,.crt ""J'"""? In his life. -)M was the crime for which he -- ..w ,i nn,, mi rcceid of his life as there hud been en that of the peer devil who hnd met IiIh lonely death In the silence of the w oed ad ,..... . -. """ "Tcciy lluiu DC hi ., ., " : "" '"" "r ii"! sah n?iu. ,.L "J1v('",t,n'? '" ,',,,i t hlb The Fortune Hunter felt Hint he would van lint for the Hike of had se blindly taken the responsibility? VSMf net for rial Bntn"?i f(i,r ,hi? h1l)c,"' " '" .huv'e given live jears of his life te Irl wlmrn "lm'e hut because of a knew, as be crossed the garden und en- eck nni. V i L1.unB re""'l his it-red the deer et utierry i.eiue. fl Ievp v., , J01""! wutspercd. Mr. Harding, crossing the nail, btep Theil,,L.n. ", l '.evc 5'0U-" Iped te wait for him. "Se here you nre i5;.hJapW,fv' the Fortune " 1 1 bat r WTl ',U.N llc b.trl'e' rfewlj- along up 'IB Which lnillf-nl,l ,r, ,.lll... Thn ll,i -in ' iiiiic. j aaven i iu-ih juh ,hii-(,- Ind k. iViV"0'!0 fc'wl M'ry quiet, "Net at all; jnu're nut -tee tired for rvtliin. ill rlvir n,,st 1"K evei 'a little chat? Geed,! Come te my Ctudy ithii .VrVni . '" Vl"' H "'an cd n ii,?,"1 tb0 I'ortune liumcr shlv- tan V" V1,r' "" tefi'e of liubit j ""'.'"' "B no lurneu iuh sten.i te. 10 reiul .","""" .."""V '"s iii Ihts u. m'n .""..'" fh "iw.ni-l.ntt told tne 5 en bad nre. gene for n Anne stroll." "Ve.s; I in used te being outdoors most of my time. I'm sorry. 1 hope I haven't kept yuii waiting. bd 1. 1 "i,."1?1 ?h0.m '"'tii.giy be-I lis light ner,,:""" .1,.!"? Vllls8? '" .! "I've tiled 7, ' i " l""or unu entered, it5 i2r-S '? .f .bcpr "'! found prner "" HneBB,!'Te(l It W8B enlv when l,n l.n.1 nl.l...i .. I h 1,11. He led the wav te the room nnd shut the deer. A lamp burned en a center table, and the ForMwe Hunter took n chair well outside the circle of e told jeu once, se there's no need (a repeat It." Mr. Harding said, "that I'm glnd te sec you, and thn.t I'm mero than willing te welcome you for Anne's sake." CONTINUEDTOMOKROW GASOLINE ALLEY Inside Depe .TJuT, COUIDVJX FlHO amvThimc UKE, IT 15 That se? AT H Muffles r l WMer Looked There 'm SO "PltTASED WTH IT "TTjllL-C Wrrr Se Much- g'sy ) V T --9 ACAIeJ AH4T THAT Kllce?-5EfeRC XNTAS THOife: HATED tfAH OlVlER -IH CI AD 1 fOUMD OUT WHERE 5HE E0UCHT That avifullThimg Mew CAU go AMO EYCHAVJCL IT- lu " mj T I IV J I I ; -a ,r ll-v - j . " i-j rm ydf -2 w. s. ... .w i m&&2i wm c C' m: YM i '.iif; m a f ill lELt. YOO WE THINK A WHOt LOT CF YOUR SON UALT HERE IN THE ALLC'f. VOU CAM CEPTAIHLN BE PPOUO OP H'Mi "7: z. Wy( AlJB F ANYBODY UANT.V Te Rnepnif MOMEY OR. NEEOS HELP OR is tn ANV HIND OP TROUBLE Ht'S ALU7AVS rllCTMT OM THE JOB I u - MEVER KNEIsV A PEGSON Meee ceMeRous-Aieee Theuchtfll. And UNSELFISH X JlCtfERS DOC' Heee cteMes ivAtr" HUT ASIOE FOOM mOSE FEW THINGS HE 1SNT A BAO SORT! j- ; feL Y ?y SfWK; Smith 'C 1,1 I 4 'Ja i I 'Vj r w,va i z I iy Hayward By DWIG jj By C. A. Veighi By King 'OicnjllK j,aper'i11B at iils elbow i t f A' d k U-! V" i HI J 3 - ., .-V.' lAA-!- t .a ,K-i.. .iirfS4,litelA fcfc-tik I MaHMaNNJL