.'C'l5A7 T-m A, 'W'tt'f'MmTruiV'iS ! "m? rc ",. n 'i ' . T"- t , " ,wl W H '111 r' " 'If' 'i . ts ' - -"'' , ';. "- W' Ufc Ilffcen Gfees Choice of Beverages fr 'cJ Can fc Oereec 7Vet4 VWs tfe hrtc s SieiW Be Saved, for .. rieusly Refreshing at Any Time Bv MltS. M. A. WILSON Irtmrteht, is:t bv Vr. H. J. Wilten. All Wnssall nei Tlace la InrKi punf-li Ijewl Oitofl&f'en of apple etder. Twe ijuei" crushed tee, Four orange, cut In Ills, .Mttle si'li-e bitp renlulnlns ' One-hull teaspoon cinnamon. One-quarter teaspoon nutmeg, One-eighth teaspoon allspice. Tie eecurcly , Sir baited apples, cut in small piece. 8erre Ire cold in large mugs. Mulled Cider num. fhren fiimrts elder in lnr mucfpan nml lir-ut. nml when lint tlirunt Inte the elder n reilliet pekrr: new ndil nDn qnnrr pinin Cltirr Him iieur uvit n lirtf lump of loc pliieed in the inlying tWW'' ...... I rruii i until Place In puncb bowl One quart giapc juice, Ttce quarts water, Cine medium-she battle of mera- ul.'n rtirrries. luring njriip n well nsclierrlei'. Four ('ananas, cur m bim, Juice sir oranges. Jttlec of three lemons. Three pints crushed ice. Scrfe. Fruit C'eclilail Make pimp na follews: Four cups sugar, Tue cups water, Cook five minutes, then ndd Juice one detcn oranges, Juke five lemons. One medium-ehe bottle of maraschino Htrrltt, One quart carbenatca water, Ttoe pints crushed ice. Srre In thin glasses with few mint ! . . . . tumru hiinii) Male slrtip of Three cips of sugar. One and three-quarters tups of tenter. Cook five minutes. iev niki One eon crushed pineapple. One can crushed peaches, hire sit oranges, .hie three lemons. Three pints carbonated irater, Ttce pints etushed tee. Mix and serve. Place in punch bowl Twe cups peicdcred sugar, Ttce cups of teatcr. Three pints carbonated ntnner ale. Juice of three etavges, tiutcc of two lemons, Ttce bananas, sliced, One orange, sliced, and slices cut in muvteri, Ttce pmts crushed icr. Mir well and serve. Oranpi Seufllr ' Ream out jutce ?f ' Fifteen oranges, , Place In bowl und ndd i Three cups powdered sugar, ' Three pints teatcr. . Yolks of tine dozen eggs, i One-quarter teaspoon nutu'ty. Beat with rccAouter te mix tlier- tughlr ami then Vhip in the stiffly eaten whites of twelve eggs fill into! iiaetrs mm tuc top lightly mm nut- ' mn. Place spoonful of cracked ice lu every ,1 lltss before filling California Come and (id It Place lu larce bowl One can crushed nitienn.iiVe. Small can strawberries. Juice of twelve oranges, Juice of four lemons. Tbe sirup is made as follews: Three and three-quarters cups of I'jir, Ttre cups of water. Stir tu dissohe sucir and brine te oil and cork for live minutes, thei. ecul lOfl add j., .... tour bananas, crushed though sietr, I Ttte auarts of water. Tue pints crushed ice, Btir te mix thoroughly. Xervc. Coffoe I'Yappe Make two eunrtn strenrr rnffet' nml Mien cold place in puncb bowl nnd ndd Three avd one-half vups petidrnd iwr. ttce ptnts cream. Ttce pints crushed lie. i'01r MMoipeniia vanilla. Pinch of nutmeg, Pinch of cinnamon, Wbjp with egg-beutcr. New add One pint marshmallow whip. Whin in the lnarshmnllew nilxtiirn Inii then fill Inte glasses und garnish 1th ipoenful of whipped (ream nnd paratcnine cherry. ,""' ,,,m,r' , .." ('" uiv.i. 1 I AlT. nml. .tntti.tt ' eTvceten well and turn in puuci bowl fbilc warm, nnd add One ninf mnrxhmnllntn rvrnu. JJ'hlp well, then let cool. Tin n add 1 ice jiinf crushed tee, Thrcr tablespoons vanilla. Fill llltfi tlill, plniGe finil -iini-l. .. I, ... ..-. ... ,H n. ...... uu. .l..i..,l tlllll nipped creiun nnd maravdiiru cherrv. Leng bee Place in mixing howl Ttce cups powdered suym . G wan-te-Bed Stories Jib Turkey Named Kliwhetli )"Cn upon n time tbere wab a nice 'Plump turkey named ISIixabrth. who s rnited out en the rural delivery. r ireni tne se-called advantages of the tiy. tdeunii), get en the piano.) She hnd ncvci seen 11 street car or 11 wains' policeman, or an ieetn.m or WW of these Inspiring sights which tend vreaucii tne city dweller. Instead of akentUB te the dulcet strains nf m wited train, flat-wheeling around a 'ire, hep menilng offering wns un ob- iu ucnvuren with great tieastfulnew 0 P,U"C iinedc lsiuml Ucd rooster 'eu romp. M: morning Kliznbeth did net hear m Phllln ,.-,.. e .... 1. ,,.1.1 . r -.wn .11, 1. en um Minn, i inn 18 1101 hn ttl-'llntn n Iia.i . ... l..-.. 1I..I f.111 , . V UVM J"11 I'-uru linn illlp hnd been tastefully cooked and ctlcally nil eateu the previous dav. s naturally ruined Philip Ter ning- Wi.i l J'1"""51"' wne was a young, f ''J. giddy thing, did net uuderstnnd. , hat happened te Philip?" she k'ia"ng turkey girl Trlcnd of hers Srt.Mfi"-. ., In. ' i-uwii nun, au rris- Il."i..and U little tone ktnln ,.i,t ,.f 'fella's eye and Tell 0)1 her Teet with "ia splatih. Fer Prlhellln loved asked lKnr!,'l ,,,il'l, surprised?" "in innocently. j'l bijllejc he was," replied I'ris- rd n.,,i",,i ,lu'? .I,,1""." ,'",n" lllt" ,l"' 't am e hnseil P .ilw,H. 1.., .. t rnei 1 .,.. ,,i un,, a null- .l . ' .iu'ii ii'f uy 1 )(i pc. I 'ln t knew which leg it wus. Dor6 Der6 t ,f .'t1"",?',5011 "li'!,,t uUl l'e l"by e,i?-i,",.'nhP"n- Veu nre wasllug, nun grauuei ner by the lec. .'"it water.) lus 1 ' hen he shipped her te the city, vvhere I an ,?. .. " if.?vlteil te attend a I itutS" '""" 8 10 Prtlpul These Mixtures. Will lie Deli. 7'Arec cups water. Juice six oranges, Juice ttce lemons. Stir te blend. Thei ndd Sir cups of finely ruh'd ii c, lour pint-bottles r.nrhnnntr.l ,,i,,n., atc. ' Stir und serve. A little crt.sbeJ mint leaves Improve this cup. Slmnle riucc in fcaucepiin . Four cups sugar. Three cups water. Cook ten minute. New add fliir pint stratrbrrru juice, Juice, of sir oranges, Juice, of two lemons, Crush sit bananas. Twe iunrts larbenaUd walci. Twe pints crushed Ire. Stir te blriuj. The serving of these beverages really does much 'toward their success. Tali, thin glasses garnished with mint leaves. A very pretty frosted effect can easily be made about the edge of the glass in the following manner: Heat white of egg slightly nnd with n enmel.hnlr brush point n band of egg , w te uoeut lliree-quarters Inch te one inch deep, tlirti roll in powdered FUgar i find let drj . Tills leeks like frosted rim. I V,liJ!P(I ''ream. miii,mallew whip and MlfUy beaten while of egg may be 1 ned te CertilMi tlm ItnIlvNIin.l w;uu' n wnjs diiBtlng lightly with either the imamen or nutmeg. Learn a few rlever IehMr and use when toeMlng in the New lear. We're all here all here. Happy New Year te my dear. MRS. WILSON'S ANSWERS My Dear Mrs. Wilwin Will von pjense give h recipe for frying I reneh-frled onlen? I MS. P. nURNS. 1 Te rirneli-lV Onions Solept large iininne. pnc nml then out In slices one Inch thick. In ui n cloth for a few mimitc-. then'fn In smoking het fat. Thi fat must be ns het inifl deep us for French Tried peta. tees. Ucar Mrs. Wilsnu Will you r.lcasc print lu our columns the recipe for carrot nnd lemnu murmalade? V. R. R. Carret and Lemen Marmalade l'lac in n saucepan 'three cup of grated carrot, Juice of three lemons, Orated rind of ttra lemons, Ttce quarts of water. Reil slowly ler one hour and then measure and hIIew three-fourths cup of sugar te each cup of the mixture, add ing one package of seedless raisins. Cook until the mixture is thick like marmalade. Fill into glusse.s und store lu the usual manner. My Dear Mrs. Wilsen (live n recipe, for beef reuludes made with creen peppers and bacon, also n recipe, for a light suet pudding. MRS. C. A. n. Beef Roulades Have the butcher cut round steak very I 1 11 in nnd for four persons ou will re- quire about one pound. New cut In j pii-ccs tibetil four inches teuare. New mince three strips of bacon line und brown lightly. Turn in n mixing bowl and add One and one-half cups of stale bread that has been soaked 111 ceitf water un til soft and then turned in a nlcce of 1 chccsecietn ana prcisca dry, reur medium -sited onions, chopped tew fine. Tne green peppers, chopped fine, One teaspoon of salt. One-half teaspoon of pepper. Three-quarters teaspoon of thyme. .... a. ' t MW iiii.l i.r,'iNi1 .I, till) npiinnnil .. .. ...... .'...v..'. ". ,MV JlIIIIUI until. roll like little jelly rolls and tin with piece of string In three places. New ren in ueur ami Drewn in the pan with the bacon fat. Lift te 11 saucepan and then add a little flour te the fat lu the pan and brown flour; then add one cup of water; bring te a bell, stirring nil the time. Four ever the roulades; cqver closely and cook very slowly for one hour, mining sunicient boiling water just before lifting te make suflilclent " " Suet Ihnlilliir .Suet Pudding Place in a mixing bowl Three-quarters cup of finely chopped suet. One and one-half cujis of bread crumbs, One-half teaspoon of salt, One cup of flour. One level tablespoon of baking new- 1 dec One own of raisins .-. t W y . . tnir-naij cun 01 unci cnennca citron, Onr-nuartrr tun of finely chopped 1 cdiidicd orange pea ...- - Our teaspoon of cinnamon. I One-half teaspoon of nutmeg, I One-half teaspoon of allspice, tine cup of breu it sugar, (hte.half cup of melassei. One well-beaten egg. Three-quarters cup of black- coffee. Mix nud turn ie a wcll-greesed meld and steam one nnd one-quaitcr hours. By J. P. McEVOY 1 "Ff4ni)e Ne. 1." crlel Kllzaheth. "I'll mi;. I'm a lucky bird." And then the weekti went by and along. enmc l lirlstmas and again l;znbcth wns chosen te form the centerpiece for n niiiiiII lint hene.-t. fiimih. Ilnwcicr. the man wJie was going te feast off her enmc after the store was chn-ed and Fillr.abeth cseuped again. (Dorethy, step hitting the baby 011 the bend with the Chinese vase. Thut cost Daddy a let eT mono) .1 "Fsenpe Ne. L," cried F.lizabcth. "The third tlme Is the charm." IJut the third time was net such n'H eJinrm after all. The lust words Iiliza Iiliza beth heard were; "I don't much core. Yeu can cut it off or wring It." She never knew which they did, but I can tell you, because Daddy Is the one who wrung it. And when you have your New S cur's dinner, IT )en want te knew what huppcued le I'lirnbeth, leek right in the middle of the table and you will bee. Gwtiii te bed. iSafe 111 m "" 31 Milk Fer Infants & Invalid NO COOKING The "Feed-Drink" for All Ages Quick Lllticll flt Heme, Office, and Fountains. Ask hr HOflUCK'S. and Fountains. i5A"u Jeifctf & Subiutate EVENING PUBLIC LEI)Kr3PHIMl)BL!PjilA, WEbHESDAlr, FROM NOW ON THIS IIEOI.NM TUIJ HTOBV Dive HendcrMn. n child of th alreetB, ns grown te murilioed unienfr but net of th ,,pewm that prey." B lloeUI Bkir Jan eenndcnllnl itimi lie Is xent (e Martin h. Tydmmi te ml 1100,000 te recoup rncliur let, tt pfein, te !tndren' yrpl Judrtnent, a. ehKnce te obtain a ferluiiK and le ilia world of creek and ne nltnt and lildm the money. Mltarvan "lee jilnni te uteri tin money from his fjlenl imrtti. r In racing milures, and th JhiiKu he hires for the Jeb dlncevir that Jl-mlersen him fer,Hlalled them. They de. lerinlnft In mil 1iln, und (alia thi. lYinimit lutln thin they fall, for llemlers-in hide It nml mnke hi rurape only te fall Inte thn Imndi of (lie police. He Is nlencil te thn penitentiary for live ear. nnd 11 abort tlmi before hla time la up UeteetUe Darjan trlea te learn here the. money la hidden nd fall., tinekl; Sknrvan alue trlea te larn whr llentfernn hid the tlOu.nne, Hendersen refuses and li threntened with the peers of the "underworld." He knewa that he will leave the penitentiary n marked man with lilt In or ilu oppor tunity for vlaltlnc the apel where he haa hidden tin money and he determine te eenflde In a cum let named Mlllman a trentleman who has been railroaded te a cell. lie hesitates le de re ter two rea rea een! flrat. that It would Iw unfair te .Mill man and. eeeend. hecauee hj dlstruMs eer one .Mlllman, who la penitentiary librarian. I te leave the next day, and Hendereen determine,, te talk with him under eul.'e of taking out a Iwek AM) IIKHK ,1T CONTINl'RS MIND, body nnd soul yore sick sick with ,the struggle of the nfternoen, siek with the ceaseless, lnei'itnj torment that made his temples throb and brought oxeruclntlng pain, und with tbe pain brought almost physical nausea : sick with the realization that his recompense for the five years eC freedom he had Micrtficcil was enl wreckage, ruin nnd dlsarter. lie entered the iHtle room. guard Inutigcd negHgently nsaliisl the wnll. One of the two convict, librarians was i.lrendy busy with nnether convict but it wnxn't Mlllmnn vhe wns busy. lie met Mlllmitn'H cool, steady, gray eyes, read n Kiidden, fctartlcd Hemething in them, nnd moved down te thn end of the. smhI of werden 'jeunter iiwny from the guard nnd handed in Ills book te be en changed. "What's tbe matter. Dave" Mill man, across the counter, b.irk half turned te the guard, spoke In n low, Hurried voice, as lie preteniicti te ox ex I limine Ibe book. "I never snw ;inu leek .like this before! Are J en sick?" "Yes." said Dme Hendersen be tween his lecth. "Sick as bell I Fit I up ngaliist It, rharlle! And I guess it's till ever except fur one lasl little tight. "Whut book de jeu want?" said Mtlltnan'N voice coolly; but Mlilmnn's clean-cut fucn with Its strong jaw tight ening a little, and Mlllman's clear gray eyes with a touch of steel creeping into tbem. said: "CSe en!" "The police!" Dave Hendersen spoke through the corner of bis mouth without motion of the lips. "Uarjau was here laFt nlgnt. And I get nnether lip te- nay. The bcrews are going en t a unit.li." "Yeu mean they're geinc te see that you don't get that money?" Dave Hendersen nodded curtly. "Why net give It up then, Dave, nnd start a clean sheet.' wiftlr asked Mlllman ' "fjlve it. up!" The red hnd come into Uae Hendersen s face, there was a siirnire I li-lili.rilnir nt hln link nernna hln teelb. "I'll never give It up! D'ye I think I've retted here The years only te crnwl at the end? Ry Oed ! Ne! I'll get it if they get me doing It!" His hearse viliispcr caught and choked sud lAnli. .n..t :.. l.nti rt....iin I. nil t ifllll... A.IJl 11.(1 ,11' II, V-llllt 111 fll, .1 He I te co under ke that. Just because I 1 there Isn't a soul en ("Jed's wide earth I can trust te get if for me while they're watching me " Millnian turned away, nnd wnlked te the racks of books at the rear of the room. Dave Hendersen watched the ether in a numbed sort of way. It was n curious kind of geed-by he was saving te Mill- man, lie wasu t quite sure, for Unit mutter, just vUiat he had said. He was seul-slek and bedyslck. Mlllman was . ... ..,..! .. I l.n.lHI..U. ,,11....... .. .... taking a long while ever the selectiet of a book nnd he hadn't even asked for 11 book, Ipt alone for any particular one. What did it matter: He didn t want anything te read. Rending wasn't any geed te him any mere! linrjan and Bonkle Skarvun hnd Mlllman was leaning ever the counter again, a hook in hia hand. "Would you trutt me, Dave?" he asked quietly. "Yeu !" The bleed seemed te quicken, und rush In 11 mad, swirling tide inreugu lhive laennersen s veins. ue )ou luruii mar. vuariic ue jeu mean jeu'll help me?" "Yes," snid Mlllmnn. "If you want te trust me, I'll get that money for .",. ft utmorrew. 'Zf ,Jff quickly ! The guard's watching us and cctthiR fidecty. Where Is it?" 1 Dave Hendrrsnn rubbed his upper lip ' witli the side or his fnretinser us though it itched ; the remaining fingers, spread out fuulike, screened bis mouth. ( "In the old pigeon-cote shed back of Tooler's beuse where I used te live you can get into the shed from Uic lone." Milium 11 laid the book 011 the counter and pushed it toward Dave Header- nii. "All right," be said. "They won't be looking for it in New S'erk. You've fwe I innntliN morn hern. MnLe If Itm lunnt, . ......,.... , t,,i..t fourth of .111110. That'll give 5011 time : " -.'. .-.. .1 ...v. V..VHI.I- enough. I'll be registered at the St I.uclan Hetel .New Yerk eight o'clock in the evening dune twenty-fourth. I'll hnnd the money ever te jui there, and" I "Yeu there Five-Fifty" th guard wns moving toward them from arres the room "jeu get jour book, ain't 5011?" Dave Hendersen picked up the book, und turned toward the deer. "Cioed-b) !" he flung ever his shoul der. "fle"d-b) !" Mlllman antwercd. CIIAUTKR, VII Rread I'pen the Waters It was dark in the cell, quttc dark.1 There was just the faint gliiumer that crept In fwun Ihe night lights along the iron gnllrrich, and ciiuie up Trem the main corridor two tiers below. It inut have been hours since he hud left Mill man in the prison library and ,vet be ei net sure. Perhaps It was even still ' gearcimiM it Like a true friend always geed At all our Stores asce Coffee 2r-c UXlb tarly, for hfl hadn't heard old Teny talking and whispering te himself through the ban tonight yet. Dnvc Hendersen' head, cupped In hands whose lingers dug with n brutal grip into the flesh of hi checks, enmc upward with n je'rk, 'and hesurged te his feet frbtn the hinged shelf thai he enlied cot and bed. What difference did it make whether it was dark or light, or Inte or early, or whether old Teny had babbled te hltiihelf or net! It was pitifully Inconsequential. t wits only ids brain staggering off Inte the bywny again, n't though, in seme sneaking, un derhand way, it wanted te steal rest nnd respite. His hands went up above his head, !lkSfc2W0'aHnwSliiLiav0llB jYBMtHHMV"aBXJQPBapHB4aj "Wlty nel ghe it tip tlien. Dac. and start . clean sheet," Millinan said softly and held there, und his litn idem hed feo,;--: k ",r, -,,,piA,i,,W! x; vzx Millnmn ! Diiinu Mlllmnn te the pit ! Damn Mlllmnn for the smoothest, craft iest hjpecritc Inte whom fted bad ever breathed the month of life! Hu bad been trapped. Thai had been Millmnn's pln.x, two jears of cunning iilnj te win hi cmi- ndence; two ears of II. that nlwins lilt the end tile man mlglit get that hun- ureci (heiisaiKi dollars. And lie had fallen Inte Millmnn's trap I , He did net belieM- Millman's story, or In Millman's Innocence new when It was tee late! He couldn't reach Mill-1 mu" nw. 'J here were bars of iron, and . steel deem, and walls of stone between himself and Millman's cell; und in the morning .Mlllrmui would lie gene, nnd Mlllmnn Would llO VC slxt V-tw O no. six IJ"-one days te get. that money and put the width of the world between them betere he, Dave Hendersen, wns free. Klxtj-ene dajs! And in the space of one short moment, wrecking nil Ihnl the tell nml nirfin ,,f lenrs utisi i,, ht,n ... . .. ., .... ... ........ ...... , . ?l??" or, lie had tuld .Mlllman mIi.h Mlllmnn wanted r knew ! And tliui wus the moment Mllliuan hud been w ii t Ing for through two long jenr. villi cunning putlenci' - and he. Dave Hen dcrsen, beciitiM' lie was shaken in tin soul with desperation, be-iiu'c be wn alone with his h.ieh l the w.ill, in i trcniily. ready te -ti ,1 11 at any -bred of hope, and lieeaue lie wa sick in Iwnh , and lei"iii!.e llie sudden, overwhelm lug uplift nt Millmiiu'h offer h.nl uuinbed nnd dulled bis faculties In a might) ic vulslen of telief. bad fallen Inte the tralter'a trap. ami ir nan neon done se quickly: Hie ,'"' '"', " mere ami nan tnier ""r'l. "I"1 ,liri'0 liml ' been time for I his mind te win back its normal peKe or.', reason leglcall). He hadn't ren eencd In thut brict instunt; he had enlr This is the Last Week of the December Electric Specials HERE THEY ARE extraordinary opportuni ties te buy standard well-known electrical merchandise at unusual inducements! This is abso lutely the last week of the offer; it terminates Saturday, December 31st, at 5.30. 1. Hoever Electric Cleaner $2.50 First Payment 2' diRmE S?' of CIeaninS niiiu. jciectric Cleaner This is certainly an attractive special en this well-known electric cleaner. With each Phila. Electric cleaner sold this month, wc are including, free of charge a complete set of cleaning attachments nine pieces, all of them designed for practical use. 3. Beautiful Lamps en Easy Payments Here is a splendid chance te invest te wonderful advantage that money gift. Our customers may take their choice of lovely lamps and pay m convenient monthly payments for any costing $15 or ever. Many beautiful pieces from which te cheese -be sure ' " Call The PH.LADLPmAELECTRIC COMPANY UELAWAHC COUNTY ELECTRIC COMPANY Ch..t.r M.dU Un.Jewn. By FRANK L. PACKARD AVTHOn OF "TUB Ml II AC LU MAN" Copuriel, tin, by rublla Ltittit Cemvatiy caught nnd grasped the eulllung hand of ene whom, for two years, he hnd trusted and believed was a friend. He hadn't reasoned then : he had even stepped out of the prison library mere llghtheartcd than lie had been almost from tl)c moment they had put these I striped olelhes upon him Ave years be-' fore; but he had barely steed locked in his cell here agiiln when, like semei ghastly blight falling upon hint, reason had come and left him n draggled weak ling, scarcely nble physically te sliindl upon his feel. And Ihcu tiuil hud I passed, nnd he had been poi---csed of it it I Insensate fury that hud bade hltn fling himself nt the cell deer. nnd. with mi - i Iierhtimnn strength, wrench and tear-the iars asunder that lie might get at Mill-1 man again. He hnd checked that lm- , piilse amidst the jeers anil mockeries of i Impish voices that rang in his enrs find lilled the cell with Ihelr liiMine jabber- ( jugs velccn that, laughed lu hellish glee nt him for being a feel In the-tlrsl place. , and for his utter impotence. In the sec-1 end. They were jeering and chuckling new, these insane demon e!ces! He swung from the center of the cell, nnd flung himself dot) 11 en the cot again. , They might well mock at him, these , voices! Fer two years, though he bad I had faith In Mlllnui" he had kept the secret of the hidlii" 'Inee of that mencv 1 te blmselT because, believing Mlllmnn te be un honest" man, it would have been unfair te Mlllmnn te have told. him. since, us 1111 honest man. Mlllnuin then1 1 would either lime hnd te Inform Ihe1 nutberltietr or become 11 dieheiie-i miin.i it was clear enough, wasn't KV And I logical eneiighV And jet in one tin-1 guarded moment he Inn! repudiated his nwn legle! lie had biiMvl all, his fill th , iiind trust and ceii(ldencc in Mlllmnn. ' 'en the belief thut Millinnti was an hen est mun. Well. 1111 lienest man weuldn t voluntarily aid and abet a thief In get ting away with stolen money, nor make himself an accomplice nfter the fact, nor I offer te help outwit the police, nor agree1 te participate in-what nmeunted te, stealing (lie money for a second time, ' and se make of hiniMdT n criminal ! And K the man wn (hen illsbene., and for two jenrs had oecrc that dis honesty with 11 mn-k eT lij peerls , it s-" wTK'r- uTc. wt&c'Lsrx tcV' tttin obvious ciindgli. kini-e Ihe hu"cri' lie cnui.i 1101 rcmiiiu si III. lie nn up en his fee) again from the cm Fury hail I1I111 In its grip once mere. Five years! 1'lre jenr-, of hell in this devil's bole! And 11 branded name; He bad thrown eer,thlng Inte the balance ail lie I1111I ! And new this! Tricked! That wns it tricked: 'IVIrL-eil In 11 .Inihiu ! ' Te be continued tomorrow Rwi-ltH &fMBs?iniSwBK wKEtmMV&aKKKCKBtfHKNdm mmmmmmT Everybody knows that the Hoever is a first-class electric cleaner. And the terms of payment arc se unusually con venient that you will want te take im- i mediate advantage of them. Only $2.50 with the order and the balance in easy monthly amounts. Attachments with the I te make your selection before expiration of the offer December 31st. A Family Size Electric Washer at $99 The New A. B. C. One glance ut thn handsome new washer will convince you tlmt it's a real washer! ObcilldUnc type, copper tub. simple and durable censtnic- !i n l sUe rcaI,y u splendid value at uic 99 price. Emy pjynicnts expert demon demen demon strntien et our stores. Telephone Writ c WalnuHrOO) PECEftBBR 28. WANAMAKER'S e Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere Men's All-Weel Suits With Twe Pair of Trousers Made te Measure for Only $38 Ne mere than you would pay for a ready-te-wear suit, "sir ! These are made te your own measure of fine all-wool materials, and you can cheese from 130 different patterns. Blue serges. Blue unfinished worsteds. Black unfinished worsteds. Mixed cheviets in great variety. Every suit has an extra pair of t-eusers and there's no need te tell any man of the saving in that point alone. Every suit is guaranteed te be all-wool and every suit is guaranteed te fit. Plenty of tailors te take your measurements no delay. (Uiillery, Mnrl.fl) w 1V -i v-'-'k " u iv. $8.65 Most Amazing Values in This Sale of Charming Dresses at $6.25, $8.65, $9.35, $13.25, $15 te $39 It's a sale that elfers every kind of fashionable Winter di-es.s from the very simple tailored frock of tricot inc or velour te the most frivoleu.s party frocks and distinguished dinner gowns. It's a sale that presents suitable dresses for young women, for their mothers and for their aunts. It's a sale that means real meiifiy saving. $6.2.", 58.65 and $W5 for tailored dresses of navy blue tricot inc and brown, rein deer or blue velour made in about twenty-five different ways. Main- have the bi'nart new metal link girdles. ?13.25 and $1,") for dresses of twill-buck velveteen and Canten crepe in blues, brown, black, etc. ?1G..")0, $18.63 te $23.30 for a most interesting collection of sample dresses some with a hint of Spring of taffeta, Peiret twill, Canten crepe and tricetinc. Light and dark colors and a great variety of models, among them many party frocks. 25 te $.'.) for some of the finest dresses that we have ever had 'at anywhere near these prices in fact, many would be fairly marked at twice these prices They are of the finest tricetmes, twills and heavy silk crepes. Handsome tailored dresses fine dinner gowns and distinguished afternoon dresses. ' Central Aisle t oe Stenciled Fiber Run. 50c Thn kind of rug that is always useful somewhere! LurRc ones (U7x54 inches) of natural color liber with conventional dcsipttH ttencilcd in oil iti rose, blue or green. Women's Fabric Gloves $1 te $1.50 Eight, twelve and Mtecn but ton lengths in chamois liblc gle ea. White, brown, champagne and mode. Priced according te length. Novelty Aprons 85c te $1.50 85c for gay little tie-eus of flowered cretonne with edges contrastingly bound. ?l for tdip-eiis of pink, blur, lavender or tan checked gingham. $l..r0 for bungalow "njiron "njiren dre.sses" of pink, blue or lav ender figured percale with neck, Mceve3 and s-ashes trimmed with black stitching Fiber-Silk Sports Scarfs $3.90 te $5.50 Just the thing te protect threats from draft! Plain or fancy wcmc.s in plain colors. Wide cheesing at this low range of prices. Men's BrushedAVoel Muffler?, $1.50 White and colors in thctc warm, woolly mufflers that men like for sport or street wear. Women's Bodice-Tep Vests 25c and 30c White finely ribbed cotton with tape. top, and tape straps. 2ec for regular Hnd .'10c for extra sue. "Seconds," but cxceedinglv geed. 13th Street Aisle Women's Flannclel Underclothes, 50c and $1 five for striped flannclet petti petti centb with scalloped ruffles. $1 for Uillie Uurkes of striped fmnnclel cut en full lines and taae wen. Oppetir 1021 - .r m ? .AA .- ,ifc. . wrv T.O.-40 .ZU .I5 8.65 1 (MHrkrt) Weel-Filled Quilts Special at $4.50 Think of it all that warmth of pure lamb's-wool for $1.50! They hae scroll-stitched figured centers and plain sateen borders in pretty colors -geld, green, rose, pmk, light blue, Copenhagen and .cllew all one could wish. (( Clearaway Children's Sleeping Garments, 75c te$1.25 , Lewpml prirev for odd, and ends of nightgowns, two piece or Hillic burke pamnias of warm flannelet. White or .-tripes. .Seme arc mus-ed or t lightly -oie,), but the lowered price mere than makes up for that. Sucv ' te It! years. M mil-nil Half Price ! Silver-Plated Novelties, 26c te $1.60 llpjirawuy at half and lef , than half their earlier price-. Silver-plated metal. g!a-- wnli ih cr-plat-d top, or glasJ. with sterling s.hCr deposit in the let. wliuli include, marmalade jnrs, relish dishe-, condiment et-, sugar -ifters, vn-es suirn und cream cts and ethei inneltu-. ' "b"1 (I rntrnli Mussed Neckwear and Handkerchiefs A Third te a Half Under Price! Slightly soiled from Christmas handling! Plain white, embroidered in color- 01 lolered, 10c te '!ec Cellars and sets of lace, ejiln i tubieiderv, Imene i organdie or linen, 10c te 00c. "' ' ii-i.iivii iiuniiKcictiieis (t Household Linens Remna-of Muslin, Toweling and jr Damask Half the Regular Pru uuneneetj .-pi-, tahlr and deilic en, etc., slightly inusM-d .n i in"'1''"1 1(i!,Kll,s "f l,,pc'l '"1 unblcHclietl muslin cotton and linen toweling, cotton and linen table damask. ' (Imlrul) I H WANAMAKER'S futral) ler men, women and children pique, ntruli ce limrlmeii .-Inti.s table scarf? from linn.n;,,,. 1 Mri ?. i te , 1A j 'J i Je 1 IP ' 11 n, r ,i