KJW I HJt"wH!BjPPWWWPBJBJHP? ' rSiS ' V""f'H Vty "V f ' . ' I , jf.iTWB V ' "MS i't i, ', ' f; ' '''vl Euening public ffie&cjer ?r 1 PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1921 J I fS I! i I KT Tj i I . 12 .j , : i ..... ' "i "Kit. : J" - ' -' - 1 U-r i 't', ,$$. v ' 1 FSSPPiflJIiBn ! CAN Ydu RECALL THIS BIT 0F OLP Philadelphia? w BBBBBBBBBBBBBBiiiiiiiiiiiBBii ibs. ;jbbbbbbbbbbbbbb iTBgeBMHljf yn PPJ nH 1 s j' bhSBbb XSlHS9lffisH niililBHBInBIV9KBMBI kW' & pmi rS'irf'c rrf'Miirb fjv Hl iHlHBBBBBft B JsmE JBblbbbbi ffc0 AKBflii&vf!' l-'w?! 'iPififcta 1 I1HKSb i i9K bbBbIBF ar ' - " xt!MM b ftBBHflSHr a li)8l'3WB HEPv flBSflBBPiABflBflBJBBpBvPslBK '$vV '! W' $ 1R ?''", ' IBB'" HiBBflBk v,mB laHHH mount nvcnue. Jacob SchafThnuser was its owner and proprietor. It steed across the street from the Old Lincoln 1 SKATING ON ASBURY LAKE, OAK LANE. The cold weather .-uKled U the geed work of Santa Claus. DIDN'T S.U IT 'WITH 1-LOWERS. An meririn Mi7pSBBBM'" , -"!H 'W UMSSm'1 'f:t'"sHt "' :'''MkWPj Henry White fed hi deg candy, then the deg pulled him nbutt the ire. William II. Leeds is jumping "doughboy" of occupation forces en Rhine, bidding goed-b P-A--JKj "flliCll fffBrrjllfif' s'M -'' VKKmVih a'rPOF k: '' x HTV?" ' " ' ' 9 JEamt '1 TlMtf - KIDDIES ENTERTAINED. Helen and Charles JUDGE PATTERSON AS SANTA. In his courtroom at City Hall, the jCyf, , v siijHISSSv '"nStSw'iii 1 v H U9mP' " jC Murphy among the many cntertnined at the children gathered as guests of the Prison Welfare Association. They, MADAME C. "i. CHEN, wife of Com mander Chen, of Chinese Naj and member of Arms Conference c n i WINTER SPORTS IN HOLLAND, lhe kiddies aie duing an egg-and-spoon lace en skates. The object is te finish the racn with the egg en the .--neon and skate between the bottles without knocking any of them down central .em I'hute COUNCILMAN WILLIAM ROPER talks en athletics fei businessmen en Editorial Pagi COLONEL J. HOWELL CUMMINGS (left), urcsiilent of the Stetson T.w .TKnsRV r.iiTT.nnP.M r.KT MANt Compan, giving Russell Patterson two shares of the company's stock GIKTS. Miss Anna Albrecht, of the Ceiling Ha .in uiiiuuviniiun tu um acmccs weed Unique Club, hard at went OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO T , SBkL " "'A WWT ySifiE??- HV M'rT .iri',.-' ,- , -4::' V. k HSSIt ':,.:s:rl-filMK v? -vvIK: r WIMIH M W& MY.mk ) IBv.. 's&mtim h'w n?9 sFjl .' VJbHIH v :"bb a9mfmM m - i-.f&ilB vbbbK'A. IBfllHBiBBjHflBflBff, Wl T MflBflilMffiKBH 'Vi 'ddMBM ?' JfUHI BBHP" vBHL'EBHHBBffBBVt Jl JW-vVvi ' BBHf rawraHBrtfJBB i JiaaBfB9yv.x JHwiBffl RUBBBBh SWUn .a WHi mg Ja , iiBllHIi IJn ' t jnPH vnRV- MiBJilBBr.BBBWAggBBBBBHf BBBkJHBB;BB aK&mSSMik, JRmmmEM HS sHAiji ,-BBki.iBBBBiMBBiBBBBBi iBBBiflnBsKiH BMJJMBByc . .JHHBfl - lKrW'v SBli?,'BBs?itiBHBBBBBBBBBB BIBRiUBBBwBlliBH BBMiTWI'lli ilHUMTr ' BBHHi " wi-P' UKMiBBviBBBBBBBBBfl 'HBH;iKP Bl BflBiHBKr IpBBHIBH m' rr - JiHimBBBBBBBfl BbebIkH WKBmSBmS ' r riBBBBaSvl P rDBSIGNING DRESSES. 0-tdle Palmene, 437 North Simpsen street, kuy in the hop of M. De May & Ce., 1040 North Thirteenth htreet. He is aV . ' picking material for his next creation DOFFS HAT TO LAND OF PROHIBITION. "Pussyfoot" Johnseo arriving in Npw Yerk, after a tour of Europe will wetia X'het MISS ANNE STILLMAN back from school in Paris, v ui eanaimaa nejiuaya BUSY PHILADELPHIANS BBflHB' - KiV & ' &KkX''$&''i' 'V& vBBBBBBBBh iiiH tl ' IT L. ' '. ' ' .ft . " . J. W 1BW T i !OaO .t : MM 1 ' i yi '4 M-3VnilBKlUiBlllllBlll -1 iw &rirAM VAt M."RTSHDagiKiiiiHiiiiwniiiiiiivaiiiiiiv .iiiia 4C-:-v.'txv ivT. vviy'x .iKaiMiiiiiiiMHiiiiiw tmvaiiiiiiM atiiiv fv,N?BBi 1 .. V'k' , . fcVitV.i-t-; v.j . 1 . 'i?r f& r. 'a 5 jf . a. "A J ll ' UnJtrwoeU A Underwood TESSIK KUCHAKSKI, of New Brunswick, N. J., who wna found murdered in a hotel room luu 'i WILLIAM l- MURPHY, assibtunt cashier of the llunk UJ America, where hu has Kerved thirty ycara. Mr. Murphy V" 4047 llnsul avenue ?, it. rafe- $ i'. I r"..." 2 : ! .urr V i i'Ui- - . " 5, u" . a aMBWj