-(I l J If ltd. :.e M, ;. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. DltCEMBlSK 27, 1021 THE FORTUNE HUNTER By RUBY HI. AY RES , Auther of "The Bacheler llutband," "The One Unwanted," etc. Geptrlpht btl Wheeler Syndicate, ne T11E GUMPS Santa Paused Here. this nteiNH Tin! strut v Veuiiu eitrf vod-leoklnn bill tut 0 auk. I rerluic Juiitrr imi mii 2mW "'" tote. He jr If e riaiiiM. JvJBifl le UHteiW Ine kJ'iiIIII. ht find f, iVimt Wfc rem abroad, ffrr.lirtmt U'jbi?" end ' Hi'tt el iWrrv l.eie. rut dead M'JM s liflmr Is Jdlui Amllh, iZUmiu. In rfapeitir le mi let htle. ' K wil hi Mt Jllrc. Sht IiiMjI "".,'"...;.. I.. II., Ir f.i.iiK- In )Milini 111 ttethrs. folleved bu ftrr uncle ami iamt el Hit tl'ud bian. J J 'il KerrlAtd .urrrlJC (I dMrldit. luil (he Aouse la Uirrrt .e?0e unii Hi' ulfl l .lime. HL'R lirutJ diepped ii little aud he had le bend ( cntch her liy words. "It was I" " place Hke tlml nenr lenift willows juwt like tlml when r.i llrkt kissed inc." r TVre wiih ii little idleiuc; then th Infinite iiuntcr Mini, Miner wiiikii ; "Well, iwppe.ilnp I kins j en again." 8bc Saw n Ultlc laughing, protect. "Oh, i-emr one will see us. Ofi I And thlt'e uncle culling " The Fortune Hunter relented her with a little Mxe! iaugh ns Mr. Hard ing came across the lawn toward them. "I'te told them te lihvc dinner wrly." lir said, beaming upan them leth'. "I'm nine yen inuht be hungry. Jehn mny 1 e( 1 1 en .InlmV Wc'e (tiled about jeu by jour Christian lime for crs. hincn'l we. Anwt" She nodded, flushing M'lisllhclj. ,it... I I'm I.e.... iaIIIdk Trillion llinl he wns pulled out of the iler f)y It is future brother-in-law;, tne nui ninn nrrti en eherril. "nnd Iic'h se excited h ran hnrdl reiilHln lilnihelf." Ills tftt twinl.led ns lie looked ni ine man tunning siiciiny uc'snie umir. Hunter hud reeele nt Cherry Ledge lind inade lilin nidimned. They hed ho he eeptcd hi in vltheut qticKtlen, and Ink en him Inte the family circle, net mcfrlj ns n friend, but ns the, lever of the elrl whefe blue pjeh i.eeiupil te Bcerch lilin Aflth thdr fnlth nnd linpplnr. Hew lone could he flnnd It V i;en wipnet'lnft the dead innn In the weed told no tnlen, hew Ions could he nUml it? he afiked blniKelf uh he tnt en the nld6 of the bed mid Ha fed tOiim the dainty room with moody eyes. u uas a ery cnarming room, like all the ethem In the hOuM; which he had Ken. It looked out On the garden and the flef, and .hefe was nil eld-fafclilrtned , jellew iefe climbing the Wall and jitep lug Uh neon ted InqulMthe head in at tne winuew. Hut he had neer thought te hieep In Mich a room neer Imagined that in the future uuch a freak of fortune nwalted hlni. Hbv, long could it last, even with out dlhcevery? Hew long r6ulil he He te thlH girl, nnd take her kitten without being (lflcn by nhcer Mhaine te betra, hlmeelfV He had no mono., and the luggage which he had told Mr. Harding he hud left behind In Londen unn n Mi 111 lir I nan no luggage, hid only hull wIih dry tug In n hoi cupboard In the bathroom, and twentj eight Hhllllngs represented the Hum total of hlh capital. The Fortune Hunter get up and leek, ed out of the window te the ground he low : It wns quite nn ensj drop It would b the ensleNt thing In the world ie iBhe ii nun get uwuy nerere un.v one '2' CHRMTrMS MAS KOLUEl UnCLB BIAA AMH 'MA'S fc lEANNG Acter OF WFVHtSS AHt HOM WEV.L Me ?LWEl H VK- TbTHlMK A MM e HS TAKtnHtTrAE T0 CAEFUUW SELECT "UCH SUITABLE 0T5 SEE VMrtKT ANDV Sout ieLfr WttH A PVAMONP IN IT ANt AX1 MOT.AU IT VHA FUtt VnA THE SWTS e? 1907- AHD min A PAM0Mf AJ MATmOM UROOCH JUST THE THIKfi WZ HA'S AttrVANS LONGER TOK- AN LITTlE CHESTtfc-1- H TVIE HAVPV fcOV teOAV? ME RW A' LOCOMOTIVE MJVtVl A BELL ANP WHISTLE- AN T'5 BIG ENOUQH FOR HIM TO RltE IN- AHt tv RDM TOO- IfHKTI At UMCLE B WS HOT EHTIREUt FOROOTTEK- "Ut CERTAWLV WA ReMEMBEREJ BS THE GUMP ?NMLS- "WET FAVRLN SHOVJBALLEP YUM WITH 6lFT-ie THtN NT TMOft THE VAX BEFORE AMO & AtO "POW't OpENLUXM- U,l.. .IP MU " Uu Sidney Smith BUT SEE- 'fccA EAE rAT GOOP HHC NMTA CLAUti e.RO)CiH"t TYIE MV0M- OOVT LOOK THROUQVi THE vmit0tf- HAVE A VEEP- HOMO GRAM At tVECTSTHtNO i.i,,ii.fifjiu'r "',"":.f. i i, r -M,l m HKSS I ?rr mRxI vr-? t.0SfiS5r iPNtMW" SOMEBODY'S ST E NOG The Candy Kid i tv iqM I'l. I I "Let me cop. whwi t there te be n wiw him. re lennen IiIh elbows im tlw tcarfkln?" he naked. "Ill nnd looked down, nnd it wnti nt 'Ihc lerlune iiunler fOunil ma eiceimai inenimi tlml wemc one tapped at 'tdlh an effort. the deer behind him, mid opened it. "Yes, wc'e just pern Inlklng about "f'nn I come In'" It. Temm.v miiiII Iiimc lilt kln, all rl he I'eilune Iltinter turned tlinriilv : rl;ht." 'j eiiim teod behind him. his peuked, lie ioekoii nreunu urfperaiciy. i irenui mep, unit cnger. iiull cinbnr think if mj clothes are dry- " he raided. bfgan. . tan I come In?' he nuked ngnln, "My dear fellow, jeu're net thinking land the Fortune Hunter Mild with nn Of going V" Mr. Harding broke out in i effert: "Oh. jcm, oeiue In Fe been concern. "Why. wc'e .een nothing of trying le make mjhelf leek mere pre you; ou nre going te Ma with uu. i nenfnblc It's net ery c.iHy with no I thought It wns all nrrnnged didn't limited wardrobe." yen tell me se. Anne, my dear" temmy cle.scd the deer nnd limped "Yes. II thought no, but If Jehn , forward ; he wan xery Irtme. one feet decn net wnnt le stnj " Idrngged painfully, nnd IiIh whole bedj "It'n net thnt I don't want te mny." looked frnll nnd unformed, he fald In n rough sort of voice. "Hull "We can fetch jour thinm tomer. I'l no thlnjtH with ine. I I Irfrlrew." he cnid. He Itftntd ngnlnst the ill my lugnge In Londen, nnd I'm net bed und looked at tl.e "Fortune Htirtler S-Ie roughed It se " He bree with glowing, Interested ees, off Hammering. , "I've get n enr L'ncle Clem gne It Mr. Harding thumped him en the te me because I can't get about like kick and laughed. lether fellow. Tomorrow, If ou like. Poeli: That k all right we're i III drhe .veu tin le Londen nnd felon enl) tee jlnd le hne ou an y6u nre. jour thing." ten you, my oey. id begun te worry ue nevimted, nduing half Nhylj. hnlf ioeui jeii. aiui main me iruil). 'reuani. "i want I going te thftiik you in. ... .. . i.. r.i.i-i.i .i .t... nut new wen mi heart te tersive ie irf mv nrt e ciri hrA ink m. mr. hapny. Nensenpc, m dear," oft h6 ,,(lp nbeut him. nnd the Fortune tried te nterriiOt. "Yen nre lAAlrlnt Hunter was tin nful v CnhhClniiH of It. Ill DM! and It Ih hyane lie'u tiArA &a I "If eliVe Jehn MiSttf It . Ti.niini, wvDftumn t I y it. may I ak?" lnt en. wltheiit ghlnj him time te ' He jJipped a hand through the ftrmiieply, "I'm ftlnd 0u'e cninc. I nl' each of them. And began te Htrell wn) wanted t. meet Jehn Smith. I j ., lbA hOUfce. nlwaih knw I rhOulil like hlim hn'u ieu ie (.eeing Komerten at its beat epertumnn. Tlie Fortune IlunlCr colered: the bey'H way pf ftlludlns te him an if he were n third person was rnthbr diiCon diiCen riliig. "I'll te ,vf,u some fine tail, hOme (hi," he (,id. rather huriledl. i , . ,, By Bay ward A MGS (O'FLAcR WfOl'T be m today, she's F-EELINtS IM DISPOSED. 1 r--T- r-- -Zf" " ?JJ ' !JJP ' ,' " J-1 i ii ii -- mz -; - i i i. . i " "Z rVr) $5 ' n Wa Ba ,M TecA' she's - J 'N "" rtfW FEELIMc5 IAI DISPOSED. gT The Yeung Lady Acreaa the Way ih me innn. 'reuani. "i want t going te thank you I could llnd It In ,n fren( of A"" ""1 '" ,lf them but you anything, Jut I . " ' ' '"''"'l V.nt le lr,J"-" Irl here looking bei ,'' " methlns Inllnlteij p,. inn nrMiiest. Jehn." h uii.i Won't May here in the winter: Ifn tee mmp, jeu knew. Tlie garden s under wafer linlf the time, but fust new." his nifrry eves rested fenillv ,m ii,.. i.au Were him. "well. It's rilher n nice '"l'Pet. iMi't it?" he askH casually. Me i "rump minier inngned. "A ninn iniilfl fii. tiAti.iii.. i.A,.. i . --... kuii in iii'im'i u vim. - -1 1 II 1 10 ttcnt He wns wiahln; with all his heart that he could iiueMlnu this but . and find mil whin's the ejeite. ' ("'inethlm; ,,l nil the .mm things hi veimj nne te 'no tf he btnjed en 1 1 Tber irre ihhmIiii m.a .nnjA.. ...itlif hti..i tnat epimd dlrecllj en le the main I "If I'd been bi and .strong like read along which an excited ciewd of wine were niirr.Mng, huslllnK together anil talkins ce.iepuh. nne gne n little cry M .i... " .vim. leniun went en, "id i.ivc guiie nil ever the world, tee. nnd killed benri nr.d thin.;." ,,t -.s . .. ill, ia1,' 'ill , , ' al" M,rP 1u euhj. ine no i I "Jn, leek. Ihei're enrn me ,.,., 1 , n.. .1... i iT'.iETff.'i havn .?" Z1.1) "'WciH. 1 "Ve Khnn'l be friends if yen'.e co The'refi. .e 11 ,i. . 'a, - ...... ."R t inik le me in that time of .,!." ten forward. ,n,l n,..l,i,.. ..,''. 'h,'..wl'1' J "".'.". ''".S1".' arni.iwin..!.,; 1.;.. ;.:"?.. ':.',"'. ' im t. mi Si ealnieM roughly ns she would hac run forward. 1L1 !' ""''''' " don't wnnt ?. "ok. I II go and kpp ui.m ii u IfWe. atn where jeu are." iuc is 100 much hiirnr sed 1,. ,)! "l.veri chip ! like that. Aline Keeps 11 I M"'cnl ulie for me, and I hate It! "She'i neer ni.jirj with me, like hhe i with ether people; -lie inner nn swers me back und " he drew a I'lird breaih. "Smnetlmei. I'd g( nn. -thing In the world If enl people would i v if I A TUU TOONERVILLE TROLLEY Ry I'ONTMNE VOX I.-.V.A. til. . .' " r'"l""" " ns- I... -... . .. . .; Ill iL s,r'"" w" fear In her me1 10' ",0 ,"no H S"" "" row w it n them l-"'i nrr iciiiiih pressed nsitnteilU m l.pr 'I ha twinn,. 11. inmn i.ii.. .1 "uvu lukiltf"!A.r,.l,!, 1r'er,1l"",' llinite'r went jeu shall bne n geed old row with me luifci forward nnd out into the iend. i.ime .I.m." he ..re..,UAd .hen-r,,!!. 1Stek;r,1.,01,r:;r,",:rn"..,,Vf.r.'. I''"". r. m-antlm, we ,S!,t be' neke 1,. u, 1. . 1 iii'wii nun triem - en?" Tlie ,Y,n.Y i 1 . " . '""iier; , "im g'liii jeu i 1 eme. lie rJld. 1 tien Mepp,..! ' ,rl "ls Ml01"'"'-. "Hut." lie went en franlil. "I The eung lad ncress the wn hijk die Arinnment Limitation C'enferei couldn't be etie( ted m ncceinpllsh all the Idrnllns wunl. but nn) friendl imiiasH at nil among tlie notions is 11 step fer-wanl. I'll j, Wjs; 1 i'ii' -S' ft-. 7 'i Sf flUOL DA )S N'tuU, I DC5sr c?ir Tc Dil vi IM D I TCU'OO? t KNtvi I WOUDNf GT T 1 iiri tve t.Cil AN' VMiTtO 'OR- CR5Tt'A-' , nt UfCJ .. T... m 1 bei wi i' Af .AST eHce DOKiMG THC H0J.1DAYS WHCtf -rHciKiPPCR. ISN'T LoeKiNG,TH Kids .syecece IN 5TCALIM6 THC CAr TrllS BElrlG APeUT Tl& ONLV TlMC THAT AKVeMfc CVEK GETS ANT Pl.f.ASUKC OUT OF KIOIKG ON THt? &J-AMC. TMiNG. A 1 i.'. 9 j -e .,...! 1 0,11 ' 7,um3 I WwtD lA'TniHS r; . a icr e i?ae PlfTEY Twice in the Same Place W & 1 W n T y " 1 m. m a 1 IM L uftwi mkf J H V wlv t wff 1 r . Kff i' ""...,. .... . Si7(dJea2LrC dr r- km'F(- M SerM prCK;;. TO 1131 1 ' iyS-xl j m t. ceftTtp. . I Ml - f ,tat MmT Dioveu ?ir? I ; ll I !.i .efr.nLi ' v M i,',,,ii- ' Jc Li4- r:as:S3f:-T)WftT me UtHFerc.TUrvres "neudV shouldn't bue thought ni were a bit J me ninn ei 1 imp in 'mie iikik1 letti ri ri te Ann.'. She didn't show them t me," 1 "M.niP .ii.A d,. . . ,. .. . -'""i"n 1 '' iii"i.Kin. ..u - ninn " ' ' '" I,lp "00" ",0 k1"'1 "r' t 'rlie Miem- letti r Us; lieen dead fe? hours Se Ihrv "."," :,h'n ,l,1" Wt ,rr ""h-l'l -U Thej Spllt for n deci an.l fh ,r,,,Ue J,MI knw -"he ums te re.,d nm iur a uotier und tlie... bf. i.err . . .iiere." II.. sHne,! IM... . .. .i. .' ."- . " lhiA ti,c.'nn"? l, 'en kn A make of the head wns the 1 Mr Mliee, new V replj uinevTileall. "ii don't leek the sort of miii te write sentlmen' of tluit sort, Ii colored. "Oa stMiieer I.a.a ..u..i,k. .,...' sort." h" added. Tl.e I'eitnne llni.i..p Bill, ten." " """"" -'"""'"K ..,.Ia,a.I Ine Ihhiiiih it . ... ... ..i'l . it' 1.. . ...1 i,i..u...i. ..ii. m. .1 : ' nuiner relaxed Ills crln '" ' ' ' rKl1" "v,ie -wij . n urn W ..?; ? .' "'" a ami. u chap's abroad he's often driven te ii mere must imp hAAn ., doing nil seitu et iiuecr tlilngH hi AlL ' 4 111" w"T nl '' n mnrl. en his . i..i..nu i'ic ean u cIihIIa- .... .. . l .. . . iiiuri nn P ,,!"n, letter, veincthlng?" he n'tke.I wouldn't de If he was nt home In sane, Anetlur 'shake of Hie lie.id. normal old Ilnglnnd." Mthi,; "." " tll( eiii1 tiiii'K. t there's folium nodded. llumiih! I dare .! , anil, of leui'tic. i.cnnH 1. ei.t.iin ""iiuiiin, ...in...... . ...... e..j , ...ivi, ui nurt kman fAi..,i 1 l',,i,I 1,cn' J1""" "8e h,ir" v'"1 n bikk te miii. wasn't she' r "And 1,1" th rluT' 'Sh" '' l"ls nf ",,,, '"." nfl 1 .ii(i utj they never find out li0 he her. jeu knew." Temni went en wi tU "Se neter; nnd It's 11 kind "I pride, "line of llieni had n e, nnd t ne ,'cnrs ace ime. ami 1 ncie i 'em wns icrv nncr The ,,,,'', ,.S,:,,,,I,I think." with h, r bceiiu.. i-he wouldn't bale ted the TenlnJlSr" .,,0H" ",0 read. 1 him." 'Wiliil ,llllll'rlllri,,'1li''iiiil "Ves. Mid the I'eilune lluter lite wheri i ' llM''k "' ""' Bnrdfn aguel. She made x"n,;"e0'l-ill.iig for him. "Fleni el glrU would lunc Jumped "Mlnst ihA 1 . 1 r-1 ''harming picture nt the chance," Tnnnm aierred. " ireea in her here wns a little Miemr. hiA ,'"',. -sr ou,,,. J" iiulckened Xth TZVtT'", "l M,pp',sP 50"'11 iT" """)?. 'rri" Hcltpincnt. ' at of knen new jnu'w really lemeV" Teinmv Ws hu 1...1 . n,lied interei-tedlj. all? """ seing tu held, after The fortune Hunter looked horribly "wcnthsei in 1,- 1.. . cmli.irrawcu. 'Wllnnlte, limM'lw' "(loed Lord, no! At leaM I mean "ixleuelv ''VviyI . sh( ""ked, I hadn't thought about It-there'a been "f could ,. ,.,a?b " Jeh"V" no time. !'e lurdl seen our sinter . "'uki net meet her cyr. , . , 'V mimi some ..n- .1 r. iJp.r.v . ......... . . A ..aa.I. ..""" "'" '"C.V 10UI1I wan dead." I wonder who h" IW there 11 ..!. ..,. rA8"r',nitl,lnS le Identify u,". .d0,V' "'rr1' J?MW ,Ie!! '"he - KMA5 15 A TV-MUfiLE' THIWG .O0K AiHAT I WAVE. Te VlrlAttle PLbAStTt sajifb: BtCAOSE 5WC CAVE. T Te Mt ill Be Kidded auXv- in ' I a& H 5" , X 1 NaIEii.. Meru cetis I'M A CKAVti. bAT 115 I51HE LOUDEST IHIUC t'VE EVdlSJEEkl! " OHOucwPeTeft "L AT?EUTs7uT0IM: 1 T6 XAJEA.Ti TPAT MUFFLEfe I CAME, 'TOUFOK VMAS? J 1 i 15 rs 1 Ji rjfvy if aifik W CAViri(l. US I, v). mi I'he be looked Mlglitl offended. 'I lie dinner gong ringing through the house inerclfulh put an end te the con legation, nnd Teinmj llmpliigl led the "Oh XT''"' A,e a 'I'-nd." rM.- 'Thev ilnn'l !,.. ..k. -,.. 1 n.tu.. mw 8J 1, where the trncc llttl'r ,,!' ,he 1 1 ''"' '"1 "' J1"!"' J'"' don't !e,''wa5 dlsappenrlng ,,r",M' ' tlilnK I .u.le -nsking se mnti "e"r man:" she m.I.i f,i, ... questiens: but .miii fee, she s my only JM.A1 .1 PUI M'l g'llllj. "I . ... ... , llle . !.,-, ,. i.u ar.i . ....! ..'?l ""TO IS Mllll' Olie. Knm,..l sieie r."... " " w.. ..v..j ,,,. "S.IOTd him." """'IgetlC GASOLINE ALLEY WILL WONDER NEVER CEASE? raaacrfjariasggsp Muffler ?.' Samed'' I DOWV PEMEMBLR 5Et.klf, 'Z-' B.i ('. A. i'etffhl 4 IT BuT, A MDPFJ.ER 5 V'JUsT TTHtTHinc ) MEED Te CMlEUCrlTftlS VJOISVTIe' l ' - lb T LeVtCf O 7! .-.'Vir' 1 r jitaK wrve no , un deuiihfnlni. 1 . ... 1 in inr hum ti' phummj h iniMiirni te lt -" MINI, 'ne Fertnm. 1 I'he Fortune Iiunler i.mlled breadlv, "ZwTrzzL, ,r ; " "Si-' e7 his ; ;;,,. ,;; b" w,:: reneVl ' . "' rr.. . . V .Pre,et ' --' ' , ' " , . ..., hud , 100111 allotted te hm incj ei " "" " t n F thlni I'm." "" ,,lr slt,,, ,,f "'f bed together. i " "uis our. in spue 01 inr im 1 nun ne nun Ii. u,.,,?hI11u"SO with himself be.'aiiKdn aded it, the dinner passed off with "Th . ""c '' l,,i) "'In HdM'titurc 'perfect ens nnd friciidll s. The con In fli. 1 "'': l,',f"re. when he hJt .,n ersalleii ns keit le Ri'iiniil mutters, "' nie-hurrc nntn i i... r . " .... hum ..a.iia.I uil,,,.u ,x- IB fn.iu ...iii "I'MlHTI'll Wlllll innn " ..'" .,....-. a ..'.. '0 hemrIH "' '""'i"!"" lf '"". h" nI.PI niniii 'i"r w""p"'l"(t Hieihiug - Anne was cr silent, but the I'm ilint .... i.",'w w"'l ",,J Preposterous. 1 lune Iiunler wns inuscleiis of her c,cs tnu in ifi"' ""' ""'" l"l"K' "t all, often upon him. nnd for the life, of him ". ninn him hi .,,,f,,., i M:.,.l".,,ii,,.,l.rn' " hi" '''' nmi ml.. . ". '"i"1 i"'i ." " "Hi lien ... . .... ....... 1I..I.. .,. ic 1 mini cei ...it'i un-.i h. He wns tliuukliil when the meal was (11 1 Iihii.nIie. 1- ended mid Ml. Ilmdlllg slid ! "ou luilgid fni u 11 I til 11 ir Miung peep'c would like ll little stroll I "rlh. H, mi the IT, he n th I'S. IlllCvii 1li .. 1 i-uui.y wnicii the Fortune . nill ii"! ""VS """ '"' l""1 '! Hi" ! "" rilr" ' l,1"'1' '"" 'l"'t Mny !u.'... " '"Te wns CMT. 'iresn...i ,,f ni loe lone. It s HpiitnnbiT. seu jiu,Ir,,r ".If wllili"K himself back knew, and llicie's 11 liver mint rUIng 01, th mlie uxnlll( fyutBore UlJ rcudy.'' I 1 ?icm. lie CONTINUED TOMORROW 3 ES ,yY! 1 ! in ii.im - 'T I 1 75 '" H " '' 'MOTHER! HE SAfD'UNCLE TIT S ""T" -i ; '-- ' :- . L-. ' -tit.. t , . .yj 1 J HI - i ii Uu WIG Bu King -T ?mJ'iJi rf M l',,f"'tt TS rm, h.'Ai"MMi -j u tf -, !r., ; . 1 a ' 1 1 - 1 -I '. " . . ' 'H-TW. i aMMuki-JAa.f. , -h s .b.. t , ,.m , . ,.J, . ,