Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 27, 1921, Night Extra, Page 23, Image 23

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    fmyv ?
Fi'.-frrX-XZffit t- , -SV u It
Soldier and Lawyer
Alba Jehnsen Picks Cemmittee
at Suggestion of Mayer te
Devise Ways
A truffle commission te study Hi
problems of linndllnp vehleulnr traffic
and ie puKKcia ii'kipiihi"ii iu uut'iut' uut'iut' uut'iut'
coedltions linn been nppeintcd nt the
eucscstien of Mayer Moere by Alba It.
v.V...ti tMnt.Mriiit nf (1m f'linmlii'r nf
.101111-"". I'""""" " 1
Commerce. Tlie meinben of tlie com-
mission nre men netive In meter vchMe .
and business fields,
The commission in composed of David I
Klpchbnuni, rhnlrmnn: (5. Herbert'
Tayler. who Is ehnlnmin of tJie Chain- I
her of Commerce (Jeed Keiids Commit- '
iie: Wnlter Y. Anllien.v, Kane H.
(Jrccn and Heward S Roberts, f tin
Mrne Bjeupj LMwoed II. Chapman, of
Ks Municipal Affairs Committer, and
James Celllni .lenei, legnl adviser of
Chamber of fVunmoice.
llecntly the Olmm'ner of Commerce
strted thnl the handllnc of nmlteti
rertalnlnc te tinfiic whs In hopeless con
fusion ami that only by reappointment
nt n traffic 001 million liv Maer Monre
fflr the purpeK" of outlining and reeem-
i Ypte -, vlfr3Pj
i H t,Aft' '' ; j ,' y- jflssssssssm
...m nitni
sssssssssssssssssssssssK. ' r -issss asssssssslsssK,-..
Is ;
I '' 7EkiH
.. j&iU aJ 3?L
1'ernir eemmaiider-ln-rhlef of the
(J. A. II., died today t Ills home
In Indianapolis
w. a. ketchaFdead
Fermer Commander-in-Chief of the
G. A. R.
mendlUT l complete new set of rnle, for . . " l 'a'lapeiit. icc u..- -( Hy A. IM
traffic regulations, with th. neceii; , " ' "um.'Y ivcienain. fetmcr command
irrigation noted, could conditions Ii- ?f" ' " T V-Hl,r. .of. !- r. rntnl Army of the
Of Course, Dad Would Think Youth Was Shaking of Physical '
Charms After All. Is Anything Mere te the Point j
Than Today's . Vernacular?
Line That which ban length, but
net breadth or thlclcnera; a beundarr.
demarcation, limit.
The above definition, culled from a
i.tandnrd dictionary, explnlns, and yet
does net explain, for the mere recent
meanlnjj of the word, an It Is new pop
ularly reeopni7ed, sprung into being
lone nfter the compiler of the tome In
ouestlen hnd been galncred te his fath
ers. The definition heldn In Ivwi reepcctH,
however. The modern "linn" ha
length, If lit tic miMunce. And It If
indubitably the limit.
Were Geerge Adi or borne ether
scholar in (duns te define the word
"line" in the jet-te-lx'-publlKhed slanjt
dictionary (Ioeo leaf), the rwultuuld
be HnnicthlPK llle thin :
Line Tlie Individual expression of
personality, peculiar te the one who
fdioets it. The drntteht nwiltlnR from
leavlnir the mouth ojen. A pemenal
suUntJtutc for the. mother tPiiuc. Kvery
man Mr, ev.n dictlennry.
Youth Cannet He Supprrwied
Kvcry dhlsien of .eciety hn'i it"
"line," but it In n notable fa-H that it
lindi favor chiefly with the ,veuii uf
the Kiic.'ies. Ah the yearn biins cun-
hervutlKin te the rrewn-vps they begin
te leek with disfavor upon the lingual
Improved. H ..... ..;"""' , n"".,! i nnovatlens et youth, jiui yeutn enn
Majer Moere then . wrote te Mr. "nVeai.sH bv .. Yte Imle, ill; " le wipprewcil i It claHps Its "line"
Jehnsen the requet that he na.ne the "Kn ,. "' ; jfel remm.nil. ,0 " m- mHp" ,,s ""H01"' nt N"h1'
comnilsMen te undertl.e thin work. , A Vrlln chle Sen I nlr ' 11? .(WebHr, and continue in its path of
of the member of the nen bed) have , ", ,",7 , W 'f pfiVi,!? VeU1nn an I verbal depravity,
been iludylnc the city's tniffl.- problem- ! y0'rk $ wM at the erand I " hum. friend." wye the d.b . .
feryearj. At. ; members ej the two com- en,.nin ,t , J eptenfber "". 'wcrlnu a yawu with n pink
m ttees handling vnrleua aspectn of this . ' ' ' rp ,nHC epiomeer. ,,,' .fi,in ,un. t,erk.
I - irtiLiiri lilij. II riii" vimi ii i
ubjcct, they are thoreughh fntnllinr
with conditions ncre. ami in otner cities
Captain William Alexander Kef chain, 1 pretty neon te pen me up I'll bu
. i I...
i in nil in i mi ill iiii niiiiu .iniiiinfi ' iu in i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- it niiui-n .
.. Ill A,tnillin nAif nHAnriAM n(KI " " iimii.uii.t (iuillllll.1 mit jniira I ".: -
iniM. i. niniJ mrt.n, " " his nillltitr. spurn In the CM1 War. i "y which, or you mnj or may net
men AreVt ni"fwSv rrrl" an. li11" r,,liM,Hl " PrUale n the ! T ,": ' knew, nhe intends U convey that she
iit-iiy umuiu'ru n n liOUinnUilf ami Jiiii n mv viiii muim, -m
llllt,f OTIWI Altf im unninln (.'Anlfln.U.. T. I
' tillltt t-ttil .... ...&! CJ...& t .
Among the qucftlens plncetl hefere Ve W; u, ,' , ' "J ",'" 7,i,lv'""rr .
th, commission are parkin-, the e.ip- "i l,'n A" "!'?" .h"n twenty
war Hreet. congestion around City ,?( "',, .iT ,nr, . ,0!fr W' 'Vs
Hall, designation of fpeel,, MrertM terl"9?"- '.' ",0 V,rai,"(V'
truck traffic and melheds for fafe- r!iir?J iiSi5?1 ;,,T'1- ,,P ?h
rtiardlne nede.trians. I'lslrlct Atteniey of Marlen Conn j. At
Riiareing reucMnnna. tornex f onerH .,f lnillunn f. . .
i uen me coininiRMeu nns con
pauses in the midst of the Chicago
(which Is the latest dance step) nnd re
marks In nngulfdi : ,
"Sweet mother of Grief 1 The Ground
Grlppciff nre pinching the pins.
This, gentle reader, means that her
Imported French sl!ppern have been
Mdeeted with an eje mere te effect than
te comfort.
It is the next waltz: the dreamy
strains of the "Heautlfiil Blue Danube
float out Inte the nlr.
"OIi. what n Heb I" she comments,
and retires forthwith te a secluded cor
ner until old King .Te)!, shall ir.ee mere
resume his throne.
And nt last, when the super-syncopation
ngaln breaks forth In the dlftant
ball-room, she jumps te npr rect nnji
sayn: "Come en, fiddle, lct'd turn erf
n few twirls."
(100 Words But AH Geed
And se It gees. What though tlie
pedant complain that she has only tK'tt
words In her vocabulary? The) are
at least her own werdri, invented h
herself, nnd used with rich effect.
What enn recognized verbiage offer
te compare in brevllv nnd point with
the succinct "Thirty daya'." with which
she dlxpiiFPH of nil niattirrt uf which
nhe dlsuppretcH?
And what mere adequate description
of boredom than "Grewing n Beard?"
Such Ih ICngllsh "lis she is fcpelic"
among the jeung people teday: it Is the
stuff whereof "Lines" nre made. It
reprcaents the nc plus ultrn. ihe latest,
thing in devised speech, the dernier met
In slang.
If history is nnj criteiien, ninny of
these trick phrases will Ik numbered
among the legltiirmte Kngllsh expres expres
seons: of the future. Tlie slew building
up of tongues nan been uieiig just such
courses In the past, und will presumably
f.e continue In the future.
But by that time, of course, there
will be ii n entirely new slang.
Issue en Submarine
Waits' New Debate
J inbjecf. and It was Introduced Inte the I .,','. J.T iTn ' i
-I Legtslature. but failed te pass. i,.1" U," n "n,,p "I"1
' i'inn., and wis crndiiR
lpiOICIJ ,...!.. ., .,. . , , .".'.'"" . rnllniwl Iran l'u.e On
l utiiflles am! oemnlloil Its roeenimon- . ""' ' ' ",r '"ncnean nni I no ana I
ditlen tegethn? wl I the ,ee"'rv "ar Associations. ,eig president of the , iff would be the 5 per con, effective
they will be pre'ented te MaVer Moere "",,"; ,,ear' ,,f 1en,!v,' r,t Indiana l.i.vcexproKed h willingness te grant
for Introduction into Councils if that 1fL,Pft,lvn,I,l1 '",,Iov, , ,n'""im'nt. In I an effc(he V-j per eentu nnd while the
course is necessfl- l.iUi-wus lie was department coin- American group was understood as hav-
Hnrlv Inst 'jg-Ii the Chamber of , ,"a,r?er 1'Tnrtmenl f lndlnnn, G. leg fiuered a botnewhel higher rate
Commerce drew up an act cmerlng lhl.A,J; ,.,. . , ,, V""1 nt P.rvnt. it was bolleyed the
....iiiimi nun i-4 m ''I'uranjr .lanancHe ngiire weuiu ur nrri-iu-u.
luttg.irt. Her- Tie committee has poiere it a l ni-
Rtrd from Dnrt- ncse nrennsiil t.-. restore te China tariff
i. ...ii i. i . . - ,...,..... . .
jnnn TU, fS J inn ' iniesc. tie nan degrees trem a i autonomy in stages, the nrst te ee an
4UUU J0D8 UTTereU number of educational Institutions. increase for a period te be decided upon,
I and the 0,'iesllen was referred te the
I subcommittee te work out d'talls.
i Pending action by the French Cabinet
hit ils meeting today the French dele
1 gates here remained confident thHt their
I refusal te accept the new American
i submarine figures would b upheld by
I their Government. The Japanese, tee,
expected ToMe te insist that the Amer
ican plan was unacccpuieie. mere
te the Unemployed
rontlnerd from Pncr One
Mayer turned after the first gener.il
meeting en unemployment te relieve!
Min because of his ninny eflieinl duties. I
Mr. Trigg did co, gnt the commit te
going, and Mr. Btii-luimin was eleelnd I
"Then l'ie distriel eiimiiiltteps were
fnrmeil. Iiecnue they were the b"st i
S'lirie, f,ir the Miidy'nf the uiiPnipley - I
ment prob'em. The met In the hlntien
houses, and through thein were sent our '
te omplejorH and ethers nearly "00.000
(nrcls. Tliec cardu asked wlielhcr the
irelplent had work in his establishment
for one or mere men, nnd uskrd in addi
tion whether thorn was any repair work
that could be done nnywhete i a me
chanic. 1100 Glen Knipleyment
"I consider II a big thing in find
trat 1100 men were ghen jel as rt
eeMilt of (bete enrds. nr 'iiuosllon 'iiuesllon 'iiuosllen
nnires n. they were called A higher
thing still, niper, was the fnpt that
S4.000.00ii ,n odd jobs had been given
te earpcnler.s. puinters. jdunihers, co ce
raerit workers, papcrhnngers nil ether
rtlMHm he were out of einplojment
ii(i who were suffering, with their
tamilles. in consequence.
"This ? 1.000.000 is ..enMilered at
enlj .710 a house for every house in tlie
'y. It Is hii mcrnge, r unrk was
net done upon every house nnd mum
neuses Imd hundreds of dollars" worth
Jf work done. T e,)nlder that figure te
he very low
"In our study of this unemployment
problem, it must he remembered, we
ml "bTorentiatp between the velunlnrr
Bd the involuntary unemployed. The
mreluntary unemjilejeil are the people
fhe will work at anything tlnv can
n cnnnet eat an thing.
The voluntary unemployed incliidi
Persons who never worked before the
Mr, toel: jobs during the war nnd Imsc
net worked since nor de thev Intend te
work. A large number of girls and
young women nre In this categen. for
mgtance. They should net be r minted
jsunemplej.d new. nor should thepnrk
neb jenfer . or the men who olun elun
'frjlv leae jobs, for nni cause, wtln-e-ut
having another job In lew
Conditions Feir Vrr
"s a eit. ,ou must romembei ,
ire in poed comiilien. 11s cempand willi I
si balance el the leuntrj. Our un
employment figured at-e apt te (ierrhe
Plle from outside I vji n-v i ,.-. 1
plain. Te begin with. Philadelphia I
""" " longer lie ceiiMrlrretl iu terms
or any one count;. It is the inrtiopoll inrtiepoll inrtiopell
ifto district from B'riMel t.t Mnrcu
Heek that is the real Philadelphia, and
ne of thete days it will be recegnised
is such.
.'.'We are e dependent en people re
"ling within this area that we could,
"et run our industries without them.
I Deaths of a Day
Well-Known Knit Goods Manufac
turcr Dies Suddenly, Aged 60
l, ,;,..., If 11 , M'HM II lit 11 WUn llMltl'l I'lUUUir. linn-
iir ,:i f 1 ','! ''i n',1-.,,,,t,,,"',r"" Naval Cemmlltee and activities of Hi-
I- ' M w l,. l ! ' :'rnr' enferenee were confined te Informal
'.V1'" .' "Is'er street, ..-.iiiaiilewu. ,.l,nilll,lltnn,
Me r.as tltj je(ir old
Mr. Mien was no nluinuu nf Swarth
mere College and h member of the
Miuihclm riekct Club. He was nssn-
ciaiee vim t no linn et ,1. ,v 1;. .Mien
While there 1ms been virtually a
dr finite decision en the part of the
Conference te lay aside for Ibis time I
Premier Would Use Boxer Indemnify ,
In Support of Berthelet
Paris. Dec. ilT. (By" A. P.) -Premier
rtriaml announced hi.i intention 1e
introduce n bill in the French Parlia
ment this afternoon authorizing the
Government, through agreement vlfh
China, te use the Berer Indemnity for
the re-ORtabllshinent of the Industrial
Bank of China, with a Mew te pre-i-erving
France material nnd moral
interest in the Far Fast.
The resignation of Phllllpe Berthelet '
as general secretary and political di
rector of the French Foreign Office,
announced In last night's papers. I
one of the most significant occurrence
in the lalter-daj history of the Brlnnd
Government. Mlheugh it. was a holi
day, the news produced a veritable
bombshell effect in the French political
M. Berfiolet for a Ien"; lime h h
been under heavy fite. tint still he h-it-ulways
rel-iliieil the wrtm, ml i -.1.
sometimes h,ister''Ml. import of 1,1.
Premier, which caused the liellef thai
tlioliew, nineiit HiiiiliJ eiiiitliiii,. 1,, ,.,,i.
ir laM with line Mill 111 urSie Pre.
the formulation of . cede of rule nf 1 nii-r llrla-.iil jinsed C.'irlstinrs l"e
csnufuci.ircr.s of knit, "goods, must of warfare and of control of new Hgeneies storm ,ttwt-p ,, , , ,,, c
,iH Hfn h ' of war. many delejates are said te , Deputies.
l,jH Uf,, " " et war, many neiejaies are snia 10 , weputie.s.
Mr. Alie,, m94 unmarried and made fJ hnt the f'nnfrrni-e must rpcwrrt It- ,. ,. iniefin M. P.erlhelet r. -bim
his home with hi., brother, at whose "pf,in seme, fn9hIeM en nU et ,he "" ' Prpimer Mrlaml tm longer !,.,, 1,1s Tl-
rosldence th- funeral berUcee will he i",,a nKe,"(la- . , . lejrand, as Bertliclut was often Milled,
held TlmiMln,. Hurinl will be ntivv "V"'6 '; " n0,v ln. ?m" or his lVanket.stei, l!enheK,i
lllll Cemetery
Jeseph Fling
Jei.eph Fling, ninety one ;e.tr.s old,
one of the eldest and best-known men
of t.orni.intewn, died Friday at his re.s
(pinners inni one or mere rrnuiuiiiiiii . tlirealeiied te become.
be adopted providing ter tlie centin-
nation of the stud of these subjects by Th" direct c.iukc of p.erthelut s n .
special commli-slenh of experts repre- ignatien is aid te lia" lieen t era ih
Npptative of all the nationalities pri'ient of the Binque lndus-trlclle (e fiilne.
in the Conference, under instructions te new orre.peiidonco eoueeining hii h
KA...1M. .l.A illll nf lllfll. nlilrllftu a!1ii- 1...1 t... i t... ).. l.l .1 ....
n-iwi l vii u iimma lit mill e u 11 1' t ii 1 llliu J lift i--ii iiumn JHjlf II- in I ne I II AIM
,-. Iilu ! . lil . . . n-liit l vnu iimiua lit iiii 11 e.iiiii' t uuiii 11IKJ
r.tOS Last Alster streel. after a paratply te the various governments ,or.
t aAHvi.i.. 1. i 1. a 1
1 Jiriun iPi -i unuiirr, itihiin
m", te w,r 1 eh Tlsslne VaVmSe tninf;Ce, L'",l'11 ,a yfar ,or tW, 1,Cn",J' , F"B" ' ' ' neeCil "
iecl Nofhe-ae al Bn kefGer- , With regnnl te the agenda items re-, ,,avlllB lnlwiMS, h, nuWl. , ,,
nntowtValKi'eftta1!!;;!,?, i rZ cem'nll en'finhc K" SjiSSSl" l "W "m ""
ance i empanj m uermautewn, until cIfl(... the sugaestlen was made that It ' I
II lew men t tin age. He was born oil nlll In unnecesdnrv for the Cenfereneel
J liristny.s ).. Deeemher -J.,. 1M0 It, t0 ,ake merp tlinn tlie most formal no
builder and he woiied at that trade fer1 tuunj disposed of in the negotiation.! ' cl
oLmeii jenrs In IS.HI he begun biisl- I,f eenchwlert hetween Amerlc.i am! . F,nan
clal Conference at Cannes te
Be Organized en Bread Lines !
' Pari, IWv U7. (By A. P.) The
1 I'tiited State prebablj will be invited
, iu pi ii'i uiiii-iiii ii-ir's-niuiiveh 10 1 110 i
CLAIMS OF FRANCE, ;"7"n"",hI"ff,,,"rtf,iI wnnd -nemi
(enferenee which is te be called bv the
I Allied Supreme Council 8t its meeting
Ionden. Dec. 27. (By A, P.) - in Catniw early next year.
France'a claims for a large fleet of Premiers Brlnnd and Lloyd Georre it
submarines, made before the Wnsh- In said en the best of autherltv. nre
"'r ." ' V," """"' 'T;, " "isier .Japan ever the ifland of lap
street and Hie Itendlng Hallway, con-
tinning the business until IS04. when T .r, -.,,, -ri-.ts,, Tff.
Ill -n succeeded him. In 1007 he LONDON PRESS HITS
ami ills wite celebrated tiielr golden
wedding annivernary. hla wife dying
seme years Inter. He Is survived by
one ou nnd one daughter.
W. D. J. Frismuth
iv ti l ii-;., ,.u, .:,ii i . t
". i'i ii. i iiniiiiiin, niuiii nilllnn in I . . . .. . .1 . .. . . -. .
the tobacco trade ns one of the fenmler piften enferuncc. arc nriln a thclied , ngresd en he necessity ter organizing
of the I'llsmulh Tobacco Company ' "y ,l"' 1'e,,,l0n uewspapera. wiilcii re- mipIi a conference en sufficiently hrear
died en Kundni at his Imnie 'y)4ri I t-in,vl publication this morning after , linns te arapplp net only with the Fit
Spruce Mreet. u'ged elght -four' jears ' the t'hrlstinas holidays. , repeau financial muddle, tut with the
lie was a milhe of this "cit and long "ritibllPB any clans of ns-nl ten- werld'n economic problems,
ncthe In chuntj work and the Presln - ,l"?', emn en the face of it n strange1 The meeting nl Cannes will fit the
terian church, but retired from business preposition nt a conference nsembled I date for the conference, which H
a number of years age. His widow i te leduec arnianienr, eeciarct. ttie pectcil te roneu somewhat the p
suruves him. The funeral will be
held Wednesday afternoon,
Mrs. S.irali Claater
Han Isburg. Pa., Dp.. L'7. - Mta.
Sareli 'irirtt r. pieinlnpiit in beneve-
leiiee .inl i rei'nnt of this city for!
ibirM seen vr-.irs Is dead here. 'Ihree I
sons, Kaae Clastir, of lllliunsiieri
Dally Chronicle. "We cunne1 pretend
te fathmn the French motive for ini'di
an aggresslve attitude."
linpalience with the French demand
Is exnrrssed by ether liberal news-
naners. the Westmlniter Oaretfe ihnr- .chances nre that Germnnv. Austriii nn.i
r.cterltlng It us extravagant. The Gn- the new states which se greatli need
ei kte.n
of work adopted at tin financial con
ference at rlriiAsel,, last year, but will
lie mere In the nature of an eflieinl
bedj. The meeting also will settle jurt
what nations nhnll be Invlttd. H'he
j.ptte adds.
'It emmiuMlr.es the all-Important dif-
sons, Iaae I'lsst'r. of Wllllnmsper. M "nu""' " ."" "'"'I'eiiaiii uit-
Henrv C arid Jeseph Cluster, nurviw ference between the -Tjilrlt and letter of
her tn addition te fourteen gramlchil- J 'bp Amerioe proeorals ter naval liuil.
dren nnd -Men treat -ernndchildnii
W. Plant
.1.. De- li
Vnr-ie0 "T,.,"1 flK ''Tendenl upon i f,imrcntl. ' enjejing t
If 11 thiniiir,d nnrt ""i1' Jf,7y- ' Im ldy I- lib fi.lh't e
Jretieni PfMPlc iwbe comc,fren' ,l,rf"' ' Plant, eight; -two ;ea
"u t( thiS 'lt?' ,0 WOrlc Pal',1 'l.T
in- . i i08 cap'1 nht, were, for fer
tv? lT for thc,u "nf) unfertunateh
inmU!".ut0 ebulu bttPr Positions in
w.? 0,h?r . cHy ,,p '" Philadelphia
111 i? n.0l " enough peeple te fill
..m,r Jha eTn new.
a-,,?!' p.h,ldelphln,i. unemployment
han (h0,1,br?C,uft tr",ter far larger
Th. .,hat ?S, the a,,,"' r'"'nty lines
otter m" t.h,n,r' "! ,'0!lr",, ,K tr" of
wcr cities in varying degrcf3.
( 1020 TaJr te Offer ,Iob
'k.n!!0 rfB?n 1a.re se Keen about
;hBegqUl.Centennlal h for the work-
PrsnaSfe I" rcallze ''nt lb"
eSPfK,ti,2-Bi W beF"n. Jn lfi73' 'or
w-i ntfnnial llere ln JS7G. kept thr
then i.i v ' ., . ,rerlt "inrted
new nik ai"" Rame tblng will happen
"WUlenn"MC 6 S S n """ Ereat"r
Sailors Feaat 300 Orphans
three, hundred orphans gathered from
ral Jnatitutlens'lt, the city will b"
AllJM l e bluejackets e f tlm
..i' ?.'" nrrlTC at the yard at neon
-S Miih"r..a Chrlstmas re'e u
Mnilitllll(1 wi" rce',,n te pairs of
lock ln, n pair of B0veB j ",",,"'
1 foil or a penknife" A full ,.,,,-.
'urkey dlnnerTvlll be "the n.al,. f c
rhtld HinVnSL"i,Ulnen!' 0mi ,f"',,
?. i '. Tcce, T0 a box of eundy nnd
inlni"U,,K w tlJeurn te the recrea-
A It heugh
Arthur .T. Bulfeur. head of the Brit
ish delegation iu Washington, l given
warm praise bj tevernl et the new spa
paper, and Aaierlca's offer for a re
ductien in her own and British sub-
economic advice will be included
Croats and Italians Clash
Berne, Dee 'J7 -Bj A JM . Dn Dn
etders between Croats and Italians ..,..
curred In Sebonlee, Dalmntla, during
the Usit nf the Italian destroer Bi Bi
bety te that pert, sa a dispatch te I
iiii- .lit-ssHRgcrn irem .ara. I'alniatiu.
i.u.vi. -. ...... ...... ......mi riiii,- ,.,... i'. .:i r ii. ,
xrent. u. v. ,nnrlnr tonnage ih extolled as the neu TV ,'T ,nP " 'Klr,.v',r ''re
rs old. was ," rt th,n teK abolition, whle Gen , 1""'1.!".. hve. been attack! a!,d
Ltriclien .eetenlHy wltn an attack nrltaln desired ueuru wnen iny went asliere. Fric-
of heart trouble, at his residence. I.V.I "Falling licceptanec of the British ""n' between the two nntienallticB Is
Lafajette read, and died before a nln - ..... .ehXii.T: , lL I "I .... r I'Jt" 1 reported from Hpalate.
rnii' n i n"ii'J"Mi ii- nuiriiVUIl Iiril
v " !
.'S?. nut. hre there will be .,n pi.
nntnt k u !.. . ,.- . ".'-
sician arrived. Mr. Plant was formerly
prchlent et tlie old i amcien tlepubli
enn Club which had Its headquarters
In el- Cooper street, Camden. lie
was fermerlj n salesmtin for the Don Den Don
ntsen Manufacturing C'empanj , of
Colonel James Franklin
I AiirpIcs, Dec. 27. Lieutenant
Colonel .Inmeri Franklin, ninety years
old, Civil War veteran nnd hii officer
of Gnicr.il Ferrest':! cavalry brigade of
the Confederate Arnij, died at hits home
here jewterdnj.
W. H. Grace Funeral Held
Funeial serWcen for William II.
Grace, I'S Vest Shnrpnack street, were
held at 1 :!j0 this afternoon nt his late
home. He was nliiet -two years old.
Mr. Grace was born en old St. Jehn
btreet above Brown. He was the last of
scen children, all boys, of Jehn Wat Wat
eon und Catharine Coffee Grace, of this
Pity. .Several of his trothern also licd
te an mil a need age.
He wes a DiflCKsiuiiii Dy trade and
uesnl must be nreHseil nerKlkteni
.. r. ,. .- .. i -- ,
says me iuuj .-enb. wnicn nnds it Im
possible te see hew u big building pro
gram can be upheld in the face of
Angle American pressure.
The Morning Pest uses the caption
"Balfour's (treat; Triumph. America's
Faith in Submarine Shaken." and the
Times und borne ether newspapers refer
te Mr. Balfour's "moral victory."
The Westminster Gazette, admitting
that Great Britain will net easily come I
te terms with Prance, says:
"Kvldently we shull come te terms
sooner or later with America en this1
question, for we have the same ultimate
Owners and City Official Blamed for
New Haven Tragedy
New iiaten. Conn.. Dec. 27.- .Tesenb '
Austin, City Building Inspecter:
ce h. Carrell, manager of the
Law ren
Blulte Theatre, and A fred S. Ulncl:
. I.I., ,. .1.. .1-... mi . '
"" .i n, nlr I., it until i,...n., ,..l'r,M"c"1 " "" '"niieciicui i iieaircs
r,,",V"":;J"n '',';?,, itorperation, owner or the theatre, are
"?'.'; ,,nwi.t. i i .1 0n. "i,"'1.0'1'1 bcld crimlimlly for the deaths of nine
Fellow, although he had net kept up ,)rr(i0nH )n ,m niulte Theatre fire of
actie iihsoclatieu et ale years iNevember 27.
Throughout IiIh Uf" Mr. (.race was a i The Corener says that the direct cause
member of the lentil B.intlst ( hureh. I0f thr fire was the burning of incense
new at Nineteenth and Master strpets. te give atmosphere" te a motion pic.
and was Interested in religious work, iture. He finds the place lacked im
tin is survived by two Bens. Ilarrv It
nnd .T. Llnwoed Grace, His wife died
ten yearn age, Intement was In North North
weed Cemetery. s '
asbestos curtain, water curtain, miin.
mntlc sprinkler, eaakB, of water en the
itage, hose connectlen8,,flreproof Bccucrs
t -S woodwork, t
Hrf J
skin 3c
heeJthy ,
outdoor (r
leek? V
Or is it blotchy said
repellent? Resinol
Seap and Ointment
are natural aids te
skin health and they
de build attractive
Soefhinq AndHuJitv)
Map shewirtg th fhlrtem WP
bine districts , each of which is s)
logical unit for intenslr el)
and advertising efXerU
of a Manufacturer
Q. What proportion is your output of
the total in your industry?
A. About 5 50,000 units out el a
total of a million.
Q. Where de you sell your goods?
A . In every state in the union. I have
national distribution.
Q. Is it as easy te sell in any one part
of the country as in any ether?
A. Ne. In some places competition is
exceptionally severe. In ethers, the
cost of traveling salesmen is high and
freight rates are a big handicap.
Q. Dees every sale bring you the same
net profit?
A, Naturally net, under the circum
stances noted in answer te your previ
ous question.
Q. Hew does the Central West rank
in net profit from sales?
A. Very high!
Q. De you make a special effort te get
that high-profit business?
A. Yes, indeed! I travel mere sales
men in this territory cover it inten
sively. Q. What proportion of the business
in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan
and Wisconsin de you get?
A. About 1 0 -20,000 units out of a
total consumption of about 200,000.
Q. These 20,000 units sold in the Chi
cago Territory probably yield as much
net profit for you as the ether 30,000
which you sell throughout the coun
try? A. Mere.
Q. Since your entire production is
only 25 Se of the consumption of the
Chicago Territory, why don't you
concentrate in this market and"e!l
the entire 50,000 units where he
wfil make youvthemest money?,
A. I am coijvefltr&tiugr new.
Q. Hew de you-advertise?,
A. In national publications
Q. De you realize that if you concen
trated your entire appropriation in
the Chicago Territory you would have
five times as much pressure there as
you have had in the past?
A. I suppose se.
Q. De you knew that in a'daltien te
having five times as many dollars,
each dollar will buy 4 te 5 times as
much space in newspapers as it will
in magazines?
A. Well,
about it.
I never thought much
Q. If you used newspapersin th'oC3 th'eC3 th'oC3
cage Territory, de you reaKze that in
addition te mere money for your best
market, and mere space for your
money, you would be able te co-ordinate
your advertising with your sales
work and thereby multiply the effic
iency of both?
A. It sounds geed.
Q. De you knew that The Chicago
Tribune has mere orculatien in the
Chicago Territory alone than most of
the magazines you use have in the
entire United States a circulation
reaching one-fifth of the families in
its territory?
A. Se I understand.
Q. De you knew that The Chicago
Tribune has spent hundreds of thou
sands of dollars working out methods
for the systematic co-ordination of
sales and advertising?
A . : would like te get right down te
cases en this! What shall I de?
Write for The Tribune's 1921 BOOK OF FACTS 80
pages of valuable data en markets and merchandising.
Ask that a Tribune man be sent te discuss your merchandis
ing problems and te submit a report thereon containing full
analysis and recommendations.
Ecln AdmtUng Omc-S12 Filth Aeenus, N.w yerk
'i : ' 1 .