Vu - r. " k a "r , :- 'n- ' . '. 12- EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1921 im m w u 1 1 rt m f " - I IT 4i 8 .' 5'. m Hi i : I Li ff, U r4t jS3 lc Daily Mevie Magazine CLOSE-UPS of the IJy HENRY A Little Thing Like Honesty Doesn't Matter te Seme People IT LOOKS us though wimp renders Imvi- tnkcii the wrung view of the iinnmiiic"' ment miule n few ilnys ase In this celuiiiii thnt (irillith Imil rlmngeri the tit ti nt bid new phnlnplny from "The Twe Oriilums" te "Orpliuu if the Storm." Twe renders linvi' written Minipvvlint M'utlilng letters, in which tliev hliiinc him for yieldinc te the nll-toe-prenlent lmbit of nltcring fiitniuiM title te prednee n greater box elliee lnre, but this hasn't been (Jrlllitli's reason in tlii. eae at all. As Iflnj; as the subject litis been brought tip it might be just as well te discuss one of the most despicable practices in the moving-picture business for It is this practice that really made ('rittith change bis title. And the fan N the one te see that it is suppressed. The practice i. whenever n massive and really geed production of a fnnieiti classic is announced, te dig up some old and ehenp version of the same ster.v, put it en the market under the same name and penult thousands of fans te be misled into thinking it is the big production. Griffith had already spent $;?.". 000 for billing and publicity nnd exploita tion matter for "The Twe Orphans." Then it was learned that some people, whose ethics nre net quite se keen as their business sagacit.v, had brought ever te this country three foreign versions of the old classic. They nre new planning te spring these cheap things when (irifiith springs his big work. Last week one of the theatrical papers refused te accept adver tlsing for these three films nnd wrote a scuthins editorial, denouncing the whole practice nnd declaring that these who nre connected with it nre aimpl obtaining money under false pretenses. Te show hew utterl.v dishonest the whole thing is. it is enl. nrcevin te point te the fact that these vame foreign tilms have been hawked about the mar kcts for years, but tlie.v were such hepelcsslj bad pieces of work that no one would buy them. Then (irillith came along with his announcement that he was going te de "The Twe Orphans" nnd at once a ileal was closed. The foreign films were bought, brought hre and have been held until the release date of the Orifllth film in order te get the benefit of the advertising ami publicitv This same thing has been done with two ether big American productions that you will ensily rail te mind. During tin last year there has been cnlj one "Three Musketeers" and only one "Camille" in the public mind Te dig up old and inferior products under the same title may be geed business from the viewpoints of the people who de it, but some of us will be glad we haven t such viewpoints. . N THE remedy Itci in the hands l you fans, ll'irn you see n mei -r house advertising a second -rate article undcttheic conditions, irriiv te the etcner and tell him in your linglixh just tchat ynn thml. nf that particular method of mcindling. And let everybody in the neigh borhood knew about it, tee. The Mevie Fans' Lctter-Bex Our thanks are due te A Mnvle Kan who sends in te answer the question put by Kitty S. a few days age about ! the cast of "A Child for Sale." which. he says, included Creighlen Hale. Alice . Tnke, Julia Swn.vne Gorden and Anna i T.chr. In n postscript, A Mevie Kan aRks, "Why de we net sec mere of Creigliten Hale?" Watch for him in . "The Twe Orphans" (new renamed . "Orphans of the Storm"). I under stand his work stands out very premi- . ncntly in this Griffith feature, In which . he plays a comedy mle. Irene S.. 2700 Seuth Sixteenth street Herbert Hawlinseu vvas born in , Tlrighteu, Hngland. in lSS."i, and was wluentcd in Prance and I'ngland. lie: fdayed in repertoire nnd stock en the stage, and was one of the early con certs te the screen, playing first with the Selig and Iloswerth Companies, i Seme of bis biggest pictures have been "Geed Gracious, Aunnbt'lle!" with' ItllUe Hurke; Craig Kenned serial; lllnckten war picture. "Tlie Common , Cause" : "The Turn of the Wheel' for (Jeidwyii ; "Passers!) ." "Charge It." with Clara Kimball Yeung; "I'ln.v things of Destiii' and "The Wakefield Case " He is six feet tall, weighs 10." nnd has brown hair and blue e.ves. Ad- I dress him, care of Lambs Club. X. Y. His next picture is "Cheated Hearts," for Universal. I STUDIO SHAKE-UP IS DESCRIBED BY OUR CONNIE IJy CONSTAXCK PALM KK Hollywood. Calif. TIIKRK lias been a great shake-up nt Fniversal. Kddle Pole is one day leperted completely out. and the net leinstateil. Klleen Sedgwick is (piite out, and Harry Carey , after some alter cation, packed up his make-un box and took himself home te his ranch, where, within a da.v, lie net only received three fluttering offers from ether com panies, but overtures from Universal City te be a geed boy and all would be forgiven, nt a raised salary. I hear from the inside that at the time of the explosion he had a certified chuck for $2,00l te bti his release from th cempan . New we're waiting te sec what will happen. It is quite true thnt Universal is looking for new talent. Alice Lake's contract, which only Intel was com plelcd ut Metre, has net been inicvved, and theie are rumors thai Universal is trying te get her. Metre ittelf is shutting down very tight. Willi the completion of Ke Ingram's production of "The Prisoner of Zenda," tilings around then will leek like a deserted summer resort for about six weeks or two months, lint don't be alarmed, the inovley are nut going Inte u decline. The year's con tracts are completed, and every one is getting ready for the new ones, and being us economical us possible about it. REMKMHEIl my telling you a long time age about the picture Will Hegera was doing for Lasky V The ether night we did a sort of Paul lteverc te a little town fertv miles away Avhcre they run it te get Main Street's opinion of it, the Main Street audience being the clnemu's best bet Among these present were A. II. Harrlnger and Walter Weeds, both of whom wrote the story . Ixiuiw Sherwin. who used te write for Mr. nnd is new doing the same for Sir. Lasky; It. H. Loes, Anita's father und one of the seven nicest men in the world, and .lack Mc Mc IJennett, director of many u picture, but net of this one. What Your Favorite Itorlicllffe Fellow es. leading man, Xhe forseo' the screen te appear in "Pet Luck,' which run for sevetal Weeks this season ut the Comedy Then trti In New Yerk, will shortly be siep egain in picture?. Geerge Randelph Chester ami Lillian Chester have resigned from Vitagraph jilid formed their own company, follow ing the release of "The Sen of Will Will jlngfevd." They will make two pro pre JucMtms ii yrur. Jacqueline Legan, former "Follies" Utility, who plays opposite Leu Chit- r-iw tn Harry Puln's "The Octave of ,i C'hUHiW which will he released un rtier aiiqtjr title, has been pi need under ImnC'Jbk contract by Ueldwyn. ' MOVIE GAME M. NKEL.Y After that srntliing lebuke we had from Mary Ix'onanle the ether da en the subject of Kmlnlph Valentine, it helps some te get such a letter n Ting Ling sent in today, which reads) as fol fel lows; "I have just read our opinion of Iludelph Valentine in this evening's paper and agree with ou fully. 1 have a friend who knows Valentine well and 1 have heard an tiling but favorable reports of him. He is evidently a er.v self-satisfied .voting man. Naturally the public went crarv about him at first just as they were with Itichard Hnrthcl iness when he first appeared. In a vvn.v it is a shame te see a premising .voting actor go wrong." Heniaril Perter. TOO Seuth Fourth street Yeu certainly are an observing render and en nre quite risltt about Mary Hett. She cmild hardly be culled a "star yet. but she docs some ex cellent work in "The Twe Orphans" and in a W. C. Gnb.inuc picture. ' At the Stage Doer." After that mm be nil will admit the correctness of that caption. In regard te Thursten, the magician, that debut of his in the pic tures was evidently called off entirely, as I have never heard of the picture being produced al all. Deralimia was bem in San Francisce. On the stage she appeared in "Kemi le .Mandala.v." "Step This Wnv," "Hed Dawn" and "Frivolities of Wl'O." She as pla.v ed in vaudeville ami her pictures include "The Xnulniika," "Passion Fruit" and "The Weman Fntamed." Address her care of .Metre Pictures Corporation. New Yerk. iBeidleman's $5000 Check Is Explained Cnntlniifd from I'aer One elared due the Stntc from, the Westing Westing heuse Electric and Manufacturing Com Cem pail by tin; corporation department of the Auditor General's office, Mr. Sn.vder anil Lieutenant Governer Peidleinau settled it ftir .?:.!.' Li: II plus S10. US. 71 interest, or a total of Js.lO, -O.V.7. The above figures arc from the re port's of the experts who examined the books. The ether facta are gathered from members of the corporation staff of Mr. Sn.vdcr's office, who eilglnally had charge of the case before Mr. Sn) der took It out of their hand". The facts, therefore. dHuctcd from the records, are, and nil statements agree, that It was the Westluglietise Fleet lie and Manufacturing Cempaii case, that Lieutenant Governer ltd dlemnn lecelved Ills fee of ,.",n(IO for having the Westlnghetise bonus ic dueed from ?(!.'l.71e te .?."ii.ti."L s7. In concrete words. Lieutenant Gov Gov ereor lleldleiiiaii received S.'OIHI for re ducing the income of the Stale bv Sl',7.1'!. The remarkable statement of Slate Treasurer Snyder, made te a represent ative of this newspaper, that he does net consult the Attorney General about the appointment of attorneys In his department, and this presumably was his policy when he was Auditor Gen. erul, exhibits net only a rcgtcttuble Ignorance or a total disregard of the luw, but it also establishes a condition which may lead te serious complica tions. The law of l!l." en the subject s verv ejiplielt In affirming that nil ap pointments of attorneys must be with the consent of the Attorney Gcnetnl. who also must revise the payment of fees of such for any legnl work dein , Violated I-iw If Amliter General Snyder has paid out tens of thousands of dollars with out legal warrant, be has persistently violated I lie law . It Is a very unusual position i" which the State Treasurer and ternier Audi tor General has. placed himself. In the Westlnghouse case the Slate net only lest the Sl.'j.ii.".!:!. but It really is out the S.'OOO paid Lieutenant Governer llcldlcuiHii for his connection with the case. Ind I, It Is fortunate Film Stars Are Deine Frances, Kldrldgr, popular ingenue, who left the -it.'cii te go into icpii icpii telre la-l spi'ns, will slmrtlv face tin camera again in a special ptoduc pteduc t Ien H"r last picture was "Ged's Crucible,'' in which she was persuaded le play a character pait, end It is probable that she may be seen in char acter rules in -nine et her f tit u c pn -lures. - Clarence L. IJrewn, who directed "Foolish Millions, " "The tip'ilt L'e ('renter, I'he Last of the Mohicans" .,,, ,,..,.. - i esses, bus been engaged te direct Hepe Iluiiiptcu lu VWhlte Faith." Leu I'liiiney, nf "Miracle Mart' fame, has I.e..,! lllnv tllli llttrt nf u T(V.- and inilil einr iiniume screen mc "' n.v:': '.itjri.' - fimi,i I'iur ninp crnunn . FOR YOUR SCRAPBOOK mmmmsmmmiw $ 1 1 imMW'mammmmai MOX'in lUA'U that it Is net out an ndditiennl .?."t)0() or SJ.'f.O" lit. for State Treasurer Snvder has declared that had lie te de it ever again he would give Mr l'eldle iiitm twice as inuch as the original fee. The law of l!)." is explicitly man datory, that the Attorney General shall handle all legal business of the various departments. When be does net, he Is directed te vise the selection and fees of outside attorneys. This wns net done in Mr. Snyder's case, for as lie has said lu un interview ; "I am the boss." EDITORIAL COMMENT ON THAT $5000 CHECK; Treiii the I'hitndi Inhia I'ublii Ledger. "EXTRA" PAY FOR STATE OFFICIALS The revelations that are coming out ( Ilarrisburg. and especially out of the unpublished mass of details in the office t of file Auditor General, have revealed one abuse that ought net te be pir mittcd te cvlst a da.v or an hour longer. There may be no law te forbid a State official te draw large sums of inenev from the State Treasury in payment for services ever iirs.i above these for which he receives a Hilary. Put there Is a moral obligation which makes such pun tices unethii al. It comes with had grace, for example, for the Lieutenant Governer of the Coiniiienvwiilth te perferin legal services- "en the side" for ivblcli such extra compensations as SeOimi are paid. It may be that the salary legally attached te the elliee of Lieutenant Governer 1 net cnmmciiMii-utc with the dignity and the duties of the office. et there is a wiilcspiind inipiessien that except din ing tlie actual sessions of the I.egis. lalure there is mere dignity than duties attached te tin- lieutenant governersliin and that that official surely has suf. Iiclfnt time te assist In collection ami of moneys due the Stale, even if that limlar duty doesn't happen te belong ,e his elliee. without doubling his sulai-y by the process. The case of Iicidleinan. hew ever, is net the only instance in which paid of ficials of tlie State have been allowed te dip tin h- lingers Inte the public purse and draw thousands of dollars m addi tion te their salaries for "extra lejal services.' It does net greatly matter whut these "extra legal sen lies" were The taxpayer has a right te nsx why. when there is nn Atteruev General with a taff of legal assistants, and various ether officials direct'v eh.iigcd with tin administration of public busi ness, including, of course, il Ileitieu et laves, there should lie am uenl fei "extra" pay or 'extta" ,m the same critical and imiulriii.; tax paver will scan with extreme interest lecerds of the men who pctmitteil these things te be done, or eeMec tei these "extra" compensations, and who arc today openly aspiring te Miicinl Gov i rner Sprout. I( il is all right for a I icutcnant Governer te double Ills salai'v "en the -uli" in this way. would In lie o e pei ted te de the same if he should happen te step into the gule i natei ial ih.nrV It is net a pleasant tlieu,rhi that a Governer of Pennsylvania wa uigug ing in sn, practices, nor i n mere agreeable te contemplate as a laudi date for that high office a man who is a party te the conditions pennitttd by Auditor Generiil .Sn.vder. I'rein the Philadelphia llrnnd. "IRREGULARITIES" AT HARRISBURG Hew "Mi I here evil' he a lnli que dard of political morality m Pmiiis.vI v.inia vviien papers like the Evening llulletlu i undone as -in "itnfei lunate i in umstnci e" the nve'iitlet, of the fact tlut Lieutenant Govern ir Iicidleinan was pics iiteil with il check for S.lliiltl et the State funds by Clinrl's A. Sn.vdei when sirvins ns Andltei General la -t .vcar, .itul tliat there is no recenl of lie M-rvices for which -this pa.viiient was made? Mr. Iteidleinau snvs that it was one te his Iii-iii for work Granting thut this iis true, it still remains highly that a lii'b State etlicial who is alie'ilv well reiiiuneiati d for what little lie docs should be eniinci led with i he State Treasury in this irregular manner. The proceeding was one meriting se. vere coiidemiiutieli, but the llulletlu glosses It ever with the statement that "it is an altogether tee familiar matter for officials In the public service te pick up, either for themselves or for close associates, bits of Income 'en the side,' and It is net unlikely that the fees of the Lieutenant Governer's law firm, fully authenticated b service for the State, can be matched by nuiiiereu.i ether items from the Auditor Ceneral's books. Involving ether State officials In like circumstances, w.Klieut a scintilla of evidence of actual Irreguluiity." It would be Interesting te knew hew fur nn olfense must be carried lu our contemporary's opinion In order le con. stitute "actual jtreguianiy.- u mu. Md3MJ STARS lteiiilcman had received .$."0,000 Instead of .TiOIMI would that niter tin principle e the mutter? If everybody connected with the State Government Is "en the make." as the Itullciln snvs. It is no wonder that Sl'OO.OOO.OOO was eutcn up In expenses, regular und Irregular, in four yeais. Tlie only wonder will he that these official bloodsuckers left any- thing ut all in the State Treasury. I'lnni the Philadelphia Heciiing Unite tin.) CAESAR'S WIFE The which iiutertutiate circumstance in Lieutenant Governer Ileidlemaii iliuself by the notoriety given finds te u voucher and (heck for State funds made out in his name, with lack of Itemized explanation, during his term of office, does net Impute dishonesty en bis part or an thing which bear's the .semblance of craft or illegitimate lecelpt of State funds. It is mi n'te','cthcr tee familiar matter fm eil'n lals in ihe public service te pii k ti'i. either for themselves or for c'e-e assii inlcs, hits of income "en I he side." and It is net, unlikely that the fees of the Lieutenant Governer's law til m. fully Mltheullcnted b; service for the Stale, c.iii be tn, itched 'bv numerous ether Items from the Auditm General's books, involving ether Stale officials in like circumstances, without n scintilla of evidence of actual mcijularlty. Nevertheless, ihcse incidents breed suspicion, and they always ,v. Con Cen Con ncetieiis of the seu nre open te m's- intcrprctntlf.n. There are enough f grabbers aim perk-hunters seeking pub lic i tfice for tlie purpose et pergenal profit te eu eiir.igc the suspicion that (very body is doing It. se that there Is a gem nil iniiiia facie and wholly ex parte indict ment of itr aspirant' for civic positions a- In quest i f tlie job for all there Is lu It. The undesirable ami unhealthy condi tion will net be remedied until there shall be a mere strict definition of the ethics of oliice-lielding. Fnfertiiiiately, inw limine does net alvvavs pay Its mere icspetislblc ellidiils a Miliary sufficient te eeniiunnd exclusive! their time and talent. It cannot expect lliein te di vorce! themselves entirely from their customary means ami sources of pri vate income and rely en the cempen- I satien given them for public service. , Hut Caesar's wife should be beyond suspicion. At least, cot clieus. if they in e te be retained, should be as immune le any c'linges of profiting bv reason of the official position as is Caesar himself. The common principle that a member of Government ciinnel I e, dlnctly or Ini'irict), party te a cen'rncl if profit with the Government of vhich he is u inemher, deserves its broadest possible application. SNYDER'S HOME TOWN SEES HIS HOPES FADE .Sii-i nl ritnfri te hirnlny I'tiltlu I.tiht r PiUts-vl'le. Pa., Dec. .. Complete detlatien of State Treasurer Charles A. Snydir's boom for Governer is ic sarded as the rctili here, in Sn.vdcr's home ilty, of the revelations concern ing his handling of Slate finances, while Auditor Genera! Even Snyder's followers are said te admit furtively that his chances te head the State Government have vanished. They are apprehensive thut the dis closures niude by the Evi;ni.v, Pi ji. Lie Lmiekii may uNu lead te his over over theow us leader of Schuylkill Count. Streng sentiment in opposition ' te Sn.vder has been developing in tlie lasi few months. Public school teachers, school directors and firemen are iiullg. mint because Stale appioprlatiens have been held up. All school districts have been forced te borrow money because of the delin quency In State payments. Lavvyeis contend that the millions lu the Stale Treasury cannot be touched because they have been appropriated for special purposes. Hut educators and other ether say Sn.vder lias admitted paying Lieu Icmiul Governer Heidleinaii ."01)0 for legal fees out of a fund fur advertising purposes. There are rumors here that William S. Lelb, the dethroned county leader, new lu jail, is about te make revela tions of n highly Interesting nature. An application vvas before the Heard of Pardons in I.elb's hchillf, but Leib in sisted en its withdrawal. 1 .lelin II. Fertlg, Assistant Director of tlie Legislative Ueteicuce Kiircuu, who received big State fees through Snv der's elliee, is regarded heiu as Snyder's law paitner They occupied the suiue ethee mid Fertlg could nlvviijs be con suited us te Sn der's cases mid fre quently represented lilin In court. Anether niiin ntgardecl here us very close te Snyder is former .ludge Arthur L. Shay , counsel fe II. L. Hrendle. Stute Treasurer's' clerk and confessed embezzler. Sn.vder Is solicitor for this county at a salary of SIMM) u year, but former Judge Sliuy docs virtually all the work. NKAV KKMlVAIIIi IUVKIl II KIWI F. Retueravure Kupulement wilt b publlahe4 In the Uvenltip l'ulille Ledger, ea VrMuy, January O.Ailv. OF FROM THIS HKOINS Till: HTOtlY Divvi ltinJorien, who Iias come up from the flunm te manhood In an en en vlrnnment of chicanery, Is nercly tempted when hi nnplexr, lloeklo skarvan, cniN htm te Han Kratirlnce te Btt 100. 000 trem .Xtartln K. Tyclcnmn te recoup race track lenm-a. pave auccumlis and Meals the money, only le nnd Hknrvan lias Bent two thucs te de tn tatne thlnpr. They learn Dave has takn the money, hihI set n trap for him. .ta,m which hi encapes after hid Ins the "?: 000. He tlurtea hla puruera In a wild automobile chane, nnd ukultta about tin; ceuntrysldi'. nearly starvlnR and forced tn quench hU thirst III ditch water. At last he nurcumlis te n fever and Is taken, ilellrlnu. In a hospital. There he Is found by Jee Ilarjau. a detective, who trl'a teileant where the money Is hid den. Tallinn In that, he Is the auency threuuh which Hendersen eels n Jull sentence of five cara. Te the Jail, in Dave's sentence nears the end, cornea the head of the plain-clothes men le persuade him te reveal the hldintr place, of the money. AND IIKIU; IT CONTINUES D.VH HKNDKllSON'S Hits parted but It wns eiily te teucli them with the tip of his tongue. They were dry. Hlseyc8 were still en that coarse, un gainly tee. Its. significance had tnken concrete form new. He knew new what :. . t. ....n;.i ., ii.-i.,,- I,, ,11 nt u ineiiiii, j y i.j nin-u i ii, .us " ii s,. five long eurs, a ghnstly hell and a glinstly price paid for thut hundred thousand dollars ears that find left u stencil in his nostrils thnt would live as long us he lived veurs that piled the dally, never ending details of petty persecutions, of loathsome associations, of miserable discomforts, of haggard dreariness, of heart sickness, of bitterness that wns the bitterness of gall, Inte one over whelming mass of horror from which the soul recoiled, blanched, seared, shtiv ..i.i ...i 1. ttnni linct further than en-it. .im ii. s... ... -"----- . ------ i that. It went back te u night of tic. long, long age, eternities age, n night when, in physical torture iimi iiubuhh from Ids wound, his teetli had Mtniv line his lips, nnd he hud become bleed- , fatigcd like the hunted animal at bay lie was, nnd lie hud endured until the blackness enme. Thut was what it meant, this rough, heavy, iiiigrncefu clod of n prison beet upon bis feet. It meant thut be hud gene the limit, thnt he had never hedged, thnt lip ban . i ..ii ,xt tfiili ni il . paid tlie l.r.c. .",,'"" ,..., except eniy me eiaij-i.i.v "Ain't" J en going te say anything, Tenv Lemazzi-niust have shuffled his way back te the bars of his cell deer The old Italian vyus wh spcr ng nnd muttering ng.iin. If one 'l"!,Ul1 intently, one could hear him. IbC" wns no ether sound. Hurjan cleared his )hret. KWea'4 Su'rUo,,,,dt,,lese...Uu,tont.,i score it (ten i pay. ...-.- -- . -any way ou vviint te leek at it. , j I don't luive le go out of here n i l . man. Dave. There ain't any tri Ai i , that-that the police never g vu a M te go straight nguli i. ain't a.. thing In thut. Us all te , tlie guy himself. ou come uciess, make geed en that money, and I, guarantee jeu 11 get me """-'" any mm. ever get. Why. It ou d t pioef lu Itself that you meant In -e araiglit. Dave, and everybody d full ever l.imself te give you the glad h....... Yeu can see that, can i you. " i Don't you unlit te leek the oil it ft - low In the eye for the lest of eiir IfeV Don't euwant te be u free ...... .' You've get a let of ears nl.ea.i of ' Ain't von ever thought of n home i in.l klddtes. mil be V It den t l'.u. 1,'lw; t,,e , cr wu, (lout. Wit- . el,.,,,,.,, new te make geed. Muil u. , !"!w!LiMrf was still inutterlng. j Snan.... the gilllld wns letll.lg me ' iruiigc nn- s,.i ,. , ,,.. bonib-thievvir have se 111.11.0 ....... , "Tenv seemed te be . buttering louder than he had ever chattered in a 11 he .v..,,,-- lit- had occupied that next cell, U'n'arjan laughed u little in " low l't , net uiipleusiint vw). n ,, ,, Well. then, listen again. D.ive, lie said. "I get one mere thing te tell jeu. Yeu knew what I ve -nltl Is u. , it. Yeu come across, and I'll see that e -et veur chance and ou den t have te wait for It. cither. Dave. 1 ye get It all fixed. I've get the papers in my pocket. Yeu come across, and jeu walk out of here a free man with me right new -tonight'." He leaned Awwiinl and slapped Dave Hendersen s,sh. llder again. "Tonight. Dave-get that.' Itight new tenight-thls minute ! Y hat de von suyV" , . . It was true! The tentative plan he had half formulated was no geed, lie iculiiicil that new. Te lay low and wait was no geed Harjan bad made I ,,t dear. The hope thnt the police , mMit veer around te the belief that Ituntv Mutt and Iluldy Nickers, were, after' all. the men te watch, wits mi oed either Harjan had made that cqiiullv clear. There didn't seem te be an'v wav out and bis number wns un en the beard en every police track in the country. Yes. that was true, tee. He lifted ids eyes from the tee of his beet for the first time ami met H.irjan's ejes. and held the ethers for u long minute in a steady gaze. And then Dave Hendersen spoke for the first tliisf. "Yeu go te hell'." he said. ( HAPTKIt N I Wolves en the Seoul Guards en the raised platforms at either end of the room, guards circu lating iiineng the t-trl'd figures thai tolled ever the work benches, guards , watching ever where. The aroused u new and sullen fury in Dave Hender Hender eon's soul. Thev seemed te express and excmplif.v today in ti sort of hideous clearness what Harjan had told him last nlijlit that he might expect ill all the days te fellow. Ills number was up en the beard 1 He had net slept" well lust night. Harjan did net knew It. but Harjan had struck a blew that hud, lu n mental way, sent lilin groggy te the ropes. lie was groggy jet. Ills mind was in con fusion. It readied out in this direction-and faltered, net quite sure of itself; it groped out in another direction- and faltered. It seemed te have lest its equilibrium and Its poise, He iimei'ia carton I of twelve Sold only in our Stores BTQRca Ce. Oar itetf will bt open tonight until 10 yiiiaiiiiiiiiiuiiciiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiBriiiiiiiii'imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiitiiiiraiiiiiiiiiii!!;! Eggs 65c NOW hnd never expected that the whole world would turn its back while he walked frpin the penltcnflury te Jfrs. 'Peeler's plgeoncetc and tucked thut package of a hundred thousand dollars tinder his arm. In that sense Ilnrjnn had told him nothing new. Hut nevertheless Ilarjan hud struck home. He could net tell just where in the conversation, at just precisely what, point, Ilarjan had done this, nor could lie tell in any concrete way Just what new difficulties nnd obstacles linrjau had reared up. He had always expected thnt it was up te him te outwit the police when he get avvny from these cursed guards. Hut Ids mind wns haggard this after noon. He hnd lashed It, driven It tee bnrd through the night and through the morning. It had lest tenacity: it would net define. The only tiling that held and clung there, nnd would net be dislodged, wns the unreal, a snatch of nightmare out of the, little sleep, fitful und troubled, thut he had had. He wns swimming across; a dark, wide peel whose banks were all steep and Impassable except at one spot which was very narrow, und here u figure worked feverishly with n pile of huge stones, building up n wall against him. He swam frantically, like a madman; but for every stroke he took the figure added another stone te the wall; nnd when lie reached the edge of the bank the wnll was massive and high, ami Ilarjnn wns perched en the top of the wail grinning at him. He raised bis hand, and across his eyes. The clatter und clamor In "Yeu ronie across ami jeu vvallt out of here a free mail with me, right new, lenlght" the curi enter shop here around him was unendurable. The thud of u hum mer jarred upon him. jangling bis nerves; the screech of the handsaw, u little wny down the shop, wus like the insane raving of sonic devil, with u devil s perveited sense of humor, run ning up ami down a devil's scale. There wen sixty-two dajs left. Ills ejes fell upon old Teny Lema.zi a few benches away. Showing under Teny's cap, the hnir, whut there was of It, was silver mere nearly silver than it had somehow ever seemed te be before. Perhaps the prison barber had been a little late in getting around te the old man this time, perhaps it was because it was a little longer, perhaps that was It. It vvas strange though, rather queer! His eyes, arrested new, held en the ether, and he seemed te be noticing little details that had never attracted his attention before. His own bunds, t tin t mechanically letained their grip upon the plane lie bad been using, were Idle new. Certainly these old shoulders ever there were mere bowed and bent than he had ever seen them before. And the striped form wns very frail; tlie clothes hung en It as clothes bung en u scarecrow. There was only the old fellow's side face In view, for the ether's back was partially turned, but it appeared te possess quite a new and startling iijifamlllaiitr. It wasn't the gray-white, unhealthy pallor old rilOTIH'I.AY8 "PHOTO PLVrr COMPANY or AMERICA AIL I 1-th. Merrla t I'.(Hunlt Ave. Alhambra Mt. i..nv at u. r.vua. u.'s e. e VIOLA DANA I n "I.IFK'S 1AKX rrNXV!!- A I I rTPUU'MV Frankliinl k Alhsheny ALLt.vjnt.lI Mut niiiy -13. i:ve. 8 M'l'.liAI. CAST III "Tlie Cabinet efJDr. Caligari" Al ULLU MvriM ' mvi'y LIONEL BARRYMORE injrjii: tiuijAT Anvr.vrrKi'.". ADr"ArYlA CIltSTNL'T llel lUTH AKvAUlA ie a. ji te 11.1& i. m AI.U-TAlt CAMT In Rr.srli the Bennie Brier Bush" i A CTnt) FltANKI.IN . UIHAHU AVK. A3 I VJrV MATINi:i3 DAILY DAVID POWELL iiiiKx(iimm'si.n:'s,' BALTIMORE 5,S7...LT,,Mf ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in "iiii: tiny- i'khm Newni:i'ii" iaCMM UiT'I AN'D WOODLAND AVB. DfcJNiN .irvriNUi: daily ALICE LAKE in '"inn .ki.ati:u CLAIM" O-! 1 UrtTfDri Bread it Kunciuehanniv QL.yjlL.UllU Ciintlniieu 'i until It NUM. Mlll'.MAN end 111(1 f'AT III "The Girl Frem Ged's Country" BROADWAY ,,7ui:! f, $f?J& LIONEL BARRYMORE In "JIM Till: I'KNMIN" HA PITPil '-'- MAUKIST ST. Lrtrl 1 UL in a m tll ti tn t. m CI.MKI'. AllMs unci KdlU'.KT MclilM In H"he Mysterious Ridnr ""vl-iHiMI A I Otn & MapiOHeud Avet,, L,tJL.v.JlMMI. .j.;;ii, 7 u,i n i m CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG hi'VllLil Nil ,'iN KNOWS" DARBY THEATRE WILLIAM RUSSELL In "DIIM'.KT IILOSMIVIH" EMPRESSswi,TlL..in5JftrYu:NR GLORIA SWANSON In "1 XIIKU Till: LA:!!" I FAIRMOUNT,i!rvv sl'l (IAL (T In MOUT OF THE DUST" iTArin v"!l',n!v'n'l "''' M'kti.t rAlVlIL,I SAM TO MIDNIGHT WILLI VM ltlSi:i.L In 'DESERT BLOSSOMS CATU CT TIIL'ATHU-lleluw" fjpruce JOlri O 1 . VTIMI DULY MILDRED HARRIS In "IIAIIIT" HI HlRIT 01iyl MAIIKUT BT. VjlV131 ;ie U1,d (I 30 te 11 EUGENE O'BRIEN In "Wl.nKD MliS" GRANT ""' $lrf'a A lL Today ""' Violin end Oriran llecltal Al.TKTAH (IAKT In ' "THE INVISIBLE WEB" I I ON Teny wasn't the only one who had that, for no one had ever claimed that there was anv analogy between n peliltentiar and n health resort but the jowl vvas most curiously gaunt, and drawn in ward as though the man were sucking lu his checks, and yet the skin seemed te be stretched tight nnd hind as a drumhead. Very curious 1 It must be because he couldn't see the sharp little black eyes, full of lire, that put life and soul Inte that scarecrow frame. Old Teny turned, and their eyes met. The old man lifted ids hand ns though te wipe his mouth nnd there vvas a little lllrt of the lingers in Dave Hen Hen dereon's direction. It vvas the old, In timate little slgnnl that had passed be tween them unnumbered times In the thousand years that they had spent to gether here in the penitentiary s car penter shop but he had been finite wrong about the ejes. Something seemed te luive filmed across them, veil ing their luster. And suddenly Dave Hendersen swallowed hard. Sixty-two days ! Old Teny hadn't much mere than that. Perhaps another year nt the out side, nnd the old lifer would be free, tee. Dave Hendersen's ltiind reverted te Lieutenant .loe Ilarjnn, of the plain clothe!) squad. It vvas perfectly true that playing a lone band against the police of nil America vvas a desperate game desperate in tlie sense that site cess wns In jeopardy. Thnt u-iiu what iiiinte his brain con fused and chaotic new. He wns ufruid net of Ilurjun, net of all the police in the I'tiited Slates In a physical wnv; he hnd never hedged n bet. and the live years that he hud new paid would goad him en mere flian ever te face any physical risk, take any physical chance but he was afraid new, sick with fear, because his mind would net respond und show him dearly, definitely the way te knock Hurjan nnd his triumphant grin from thut nightmare wall, and A gunrd's voice 'snapped bluirply nt his elbow. Yes, of course! He had been stand ing Idle for a few seconds perhaps nn hour. Automatically he bent ever the bench, and ituteiniitlcally his plane drew a neat, clean shaving from the work in freut of him. The guard's voice snapped again. "You're wanted!" said the guard curtly. "There's a visitor te see you." Dnve Hendersen turned away from the bench, and followed the gunrd; but the act was purely mechanical, born out of the .venrs of discipline nnd obedience. A visitor for him! There vvas no one in the outside world, net a soul, who cured for him; net nuinv even te whom his existence was of enough Interest te cause a second thought except Har jan. And Harjan had visited him yes terday. Anether visitor today! Well, whoever it was, (he visitor hnd been in no hurry about it ! The little in tentien wus certainly belated! His lips thinned bitterly. Whoever it wns hnd waited almost live years. He bad never had u visitor before except the police. It was an event ! The bitterness grew deeper, and rankled. He hnd asked for no human touch, or thought, or con sideration ; lie hud asked for none, and he hud given none; he had made his own bed n nil he hnd net whined becnuse It hnd proved te be u ruck of torture. He was net whining new, and he had no desire te change the rules of the game that he himself bad elected te piny. This was no visitor it wns nn in truder! Hut curiosity, as he crossed the prison yard and entered the main building, tempered tlie sullen iintugenlsm that had flared up in his soul. Who wus it thnt wns waiting for him there along the corridor In the wire-netted visitor's room, where, like some beast with its keeper paring up und down In front of the cngci, he wns te be placed en ex hibition? He searched his brain for mi answer that would be even pliiusible. Net Square Jehn Kelly. Kelly might have come if Kelly had been left te iilinse'f. but Kelly vvas the one man he had warned off from tlie beginning there was that mutter of $.'000, ami caution had prompted him te avoid any sign of intimacy betwceiMhein. There was no one else. Kven Kellv. perhaps, wasn't n friend any mere. Kelly would, perhaps, simply pla.v square, turn ever I'llOTOI'LAYS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Com pany of America. GREAT NORTHERN ?"? Vii'ffi VIOLA DANA in "i.iri:'s liAitx itxxv IMPFRIAI eutU & WALNUT ST3. MAItsllAI.L NKILAN'S "BITS OF LIFE K ARI TON i'Ui:nTNfT "ai"ove iihead lrVlL,IVJll Ulill II A M In 11:3(11'. JI. .. J-'i'"' " ""' MILLln "FOOL'S PARADISE" Lehigh Palace G"munJ ;.n?. GLORIA SWANSON In, "I.NJIIIK Till: LASH'J I 1RFRTY I'ltoAuVcei.tMiiiA av. LilDli 1 I .MVTINKi: DAII.v WILLIAM RUSSELL 1'ijm)ji:rt jhuismijiv OVERBROOkMrri,'teiru M'lX'tAI. CAST In' " ' "IDLE HANDS" PAI ACF '-' mahki:t sthiTi:t l r-vL.yc. ,,, A M tn ,,.,. ,, Jr (.KIIIK.K JIFI IdHli's 'THE SHEIK' PRiNPFScv linn "mahkut hthilt 1 lll lVL-iJfcJ Mail A Vt tn 11 1', P M HOOT GIBSON in "sihk riitr," REC.FNT 'A"v'I:T HT Heleiv 1-TH lI,VJll 1 l:, A M , n j, j, ALICE LAKE Jn 'THK JNFAMjU-S MISs KKVKI.l." RIALTO UI"nMANTOWN AVENUC "CARNIVAL RURY J'AnKUT "St dulew 7th "' A M te t'-t.i i. M GRACE DAVISSON l'..l IJ. UMU. AJI) A WOMAN" SAVOY lS" MAIIKKT STHBCT Jn v w ' 8 A M te Mldnleht VIMisltAii, iai wis J'JBITSOLIFE SHERWOOD "VVP 0 SESSUE HAYAKAWA . Jn "nil: MIAMI- STANLEY "AKKKT AT 10TH kHrtlULCI ,, A m. tell:15J. M SI'IH'IAI, (AST In "A MAN'S HOME" STANTON "ANKET At)oT"lefn Jinniun in ir, a MteUHBi', m WILLIAM F(I'S "QUEEN OF SHEBA" 333 MARKFT i:CTr7iEATnR j j j ivinir.c i n A M ,0 ,, Il5 j, M MME. NAZIMOVA In J'CAMILLIIJ VICTORIA MA''KI"l' HT Bt.rtJTU POLA NEGRI In "INTHIOUK" RIALTO. WEST CHESTER LIONEL BARRYMORE In "JIM T&4 I'tOMAH" By FRANK L. PACKARD (AUTHOR OF "THE MIRACLE MAN") Copurteht, fUt, bv rublle Ledacr Company the $3000 and then turn bin I,nt. . , wouldn't be loelcr. The enlv- tti thnt Interested Tnnlnr . i 7. "Irl he collected lilt room rent regulnrlt and there would be sonic one else tutC rent new for that front room at Tw' crsi .se. mere wan no one ,C Leaving a very keen regard for t Teny Leinazzl aside, he hnd enlr , friend that he knew of whom ,c M!,' really tall a fiend, only one man ?. he could trustand that man w. convict, tool It was Irenicnl. wi,.-' It? te trust a convict! Well, he "em?i trust Mlllmnn only it wouldn't be f,' . tll1tnn ii lie Inggcd n little behind the ..,, ns they approached the visitors' iiZ n sudden possibility dnvvnlng tinnn M Perhaps It was Mlllmnn ! Mlllm.v time wns Un lemnrrnu. nn.l i " Mlllman wns going uvvay. re' lie mid -Mlllmnn hud nrrnnjej ( sny geed-by te one another at tk library hour today after work vti ever; but perhaps, as n sort of uned, dispensation. .Mlllman hud obtained n llttretwtl iv V.VI.IV, liriL'i Te be continued Tuesday jk SAYS CAMDEN IS PURE , City Solicitor Denies Repert by U. 8 Agents en Vice Is True ( Vlce conditions In the Third an Fifth Wards of Camden nre net t hnd ns they were pictured by tievctn ment agents, and the police arc no neglecting their duty, City Hollclte Hlnkely, of f'amden, told the Pellc Committee, of " Camden Council he night. Solicitor Hlnkely had been asked t make nn lnvestlirntlnii of !,.,,-,... , by (ievermnent agents thnt these i, wards were infested with vice nnd tha police knew It. but made tin effort t break It up. Tlie solicitor said Get eminent men obtained evidence thnt wj chiefly hearsay, nnd which was u founded. INSURANCE MAN FALLS DEA'l C. M. Blllingsley Succumbs te Hear Attack While In His Office m n if, ,1JiV,n1,y. "'nngcr of tl I'hllnclcmhlfi lirmieh nllir.n nt it... n, . elers Insurance Company, fell dead lit yesterday wnen mining te nsslstnnti I the eempnny's e dices en the seventeen! fleer of the Pliuince Iluilditig. Den wus due te n heart attack. Mr. Hllllngsley's home wns in Met chantville. N. .!., and he is survived I a widow and two children. He had bet In tlie insurance business twcuty.fh years. kxtkai srnciA. noTer.nATtntE Supplement will be tSKUnl Friday, Januu (I, fn the Evening ruhlle Leiluer. thewli new Dilawure Ilivcr Bridge. .tciii. imiinraiiiiniiniiiiiniimniiijniuimmimniraiinniiiiiiiniiiiiNiiiiiiniui'iin!! I "What delicious butter!" Butter 50 lb Sold only in our Stores M Oar slertt will be open tonight until 10 .tli:i:iilirlli:i!i!i!llillllllllllll!i:!l!i!lltllll!i;ili:il!!!ll!l)m:fl!III,ili:ilflal' I'HOTdl'I.WN H0I0-PlAY, COMPANY 7 , w The NIXON-NIRDLINCERW THEATRES W BELMONT A.V3oMA?e MAE MARSH In "I.ITTI.i: TltAlI) l..ll"i" CFDAR 3Tlfc.& CLDAIl AVEM v-iiy-r ;)0 ,m, ;, 7 nj U p, ) VIOLA DANA InJ'TIIK (llf-MKIKi; I'HIATi:" COF IsFF TiVT Murhet bt Jtith 4 CO VWLlOIliUM i -i lltll) 3 7 i,a til'. J FLORENCE REED in "i.MHsntirrmy lIIMRn I'llONT ST. & aiRAHD a7 jyJMlWJ j,Tlhn .jne en li-nnkterd "I SPECIAL (AST In "THE EASY ROAD" I FAHFP 'ST i LANCASTCIt AVI LLrtUtK .vr.vTt.Ni:n daily WANDA HAWLEY In "KISS IN TI.MH" I Cn IQT r'-n A.VD LOCl'ST STREE1 iv-wUl31 jtti,, 3.3D K i e te (JltACi: DAVISSON nnd .lll.IA (iOHUO.V "Leve, Hate and a Weman" NIXON S"D AND MA,tli';J, ?Ti MABEL BALLIN III "KAST LYNNi: RIVOLIlr"DlfflSBswii VIOLA DANA in "I'lTI'KTS or l'ATi:" 69TH ST7Tllt-'l" Term,. WANDA HAWLEY In "A KISS IN TOUT' SfRANDANaeAsTn OltltIN JOHNSON unci LOlISi; ''A,l'J, "THE THREE MUSKETEERS AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M. P. T. Q. Ambassador ,,r,l."n"nn".,.ffi MACK iSIINNKTT'S "DOWN ON THE FARM rmtew7"C5ln.rDT.u AI.USTAIl TAST In "FINE FEATHERS. JEFFERSON at" CORINNE GRIFFITH In "Till! HINOI.K THAU PARK nea avis, a daupHW'J1 GLORIA SVYAjw" la 'UNDKR tTHB .ASIJ , . ft1 mj a. i Li-'C i ', V