ft ." -; v. f vl' ' TS' ' V t " Ffef: - i .,x ru. .'P " - tool nil" ' - I MM. toss Set at $500,000 Plant Had Boen in Family a Century WATER LACK HINDERS FIGHT. Tli? historic Cedar Cheve Mill. 'I'ii 'I'ii ler read enl f IliMnj; Sun lane. vhl!i btvt bf l" ,lir Whltnl-nr Y.imily mere than 10 veil, were ilrMieji'd l? fic .nrlv 'hi mnrnliis. 'Hie mills weie encr'a'i'd lv William Wliltnker & Sens, mnntifnetniers of nnvns and boiltlrk beiltlrk In?. The I0'"' less wi" ljc nl)0,,l S"'"0. S"'"0. S"'"0. oeo". ,, , , The flfli' 't V'"p dhenreied a few minutes piuf mlil'njslil ''' n member (the Whltnker family, fiem n window of the Imme en top of the hill over ever over leoMn; the mill. I'lic Kartell In the Tiravtn? room, and the red elate showed ' through the windows. About tlic miiii1 lm tl"" watchman. Kduard Wln Wln jxep. rlailed en a half-mile run 'tern firebox te turn In the nlaim. , The watchman was met by Mounted Patrolman Walter Yeung. Yetuip turned his herfc and pet in the first ' . rm at 112:05 A. M. A m-end nlarm cnt lu nt 1'J:1S. then n third at 12:17 toil .1 feurtli at 1l2:fi5. DrlviiiR vvinil and snow swept across (he 'open country, and there wan no Trntcr, The two-story weaving build- , lug, about 100 by -(I0 feet, vva cnvcl vm In Haines which le.ipid the llft.v feet sm and nttiifkert n linger three three fler building. The liehlnj and bed- liinp in ti'c i im iiiiriiin;: led tu jainc1. and seen looms began crashing threuRh tne Heur into the basement, destroying .S.'iO.OOO worth of aniline, j - .1 n i dyes as tlicr fell. Use Crceli Water l'iteinen ran te Tacony Creek, a mile rmn th mill". Thv ehenne,l boles Th-y chopped hides " . . - tlireugb the be and laid a hose line. The MMsure was se low (hat another line ' Ms run te n high-pressure (ire plug nt Kweml trfri and 1'rie nvei.iie, two ill"!; n .1 it .-.i i . lyths time i lie walls ei the In lbling first te l-nlte collapsed. I iremen then tuned nt'ciitien te tr.ving te Kave the . pup of fifteen houses nearby, in which hre cmplejes of the nulls ' I liere will se lltlle w.itc- that the families weie forced te form enel.et bi Igades. and pour , water upon tne roots nt tne neuses. i .Within a short time the entire ernuii of fir buildings was burning. Crash iftcr crash, accompanied by flares of flte and featterlng spnrk.s marked the filling of heavy machinery into the , , v. t t 1, . ... . lascnicnts. Reefs i and walls fell m and , int iirviiiiii ijiivi' me iiiiiih up nun turned their entire attention te tlic office build ing, scveial small communicating struc tures nnd tlic workmen's homes. In pitc of the limited water supply they wrrc successful In saving these. Lieutenant Jeseph I.lsessep, ()f j-;n. Kine Ceinpanj Ne. 7. Prankford. had his fare cut by the ne.zle of a hose. Water was being forced threiijh it from tee creek w nen it twisted Irem tlic yrasii of three 'firemen. Klsesser was ' taken te the 1 rnnkferd Hospital, and , ,. , . - , , - " I .. ,e uuive uv; nn,. IU-.-J niu miii in dh ten ee. I Deaths of a Day DR. H. C. REGISTER Well-Known Dental Surgeon Passes . . ,, ' Away at Heme Ijr I frill V f ItlvistlM- mil, rf llm . l 4 ii iu a j a "w m r wx OLDWHIIAKtKIVI DESTROYED BY FIRE tnicmest (lental surgeons in this part son College In 1801. Dr. Davis is sur er the country a decade age. died jes-'vived by his widow. Dr. Mary Snyder tfrdtiy in his home nt Havcrferd from , Davis, and a daughter. Interment will the Infirmities et old nge. be at Coepeitown, N. .7. i He wns born in New Castle County. ucianate, en August '.'S, 1SI1, He re ceived his early education at IHkten Academy, Mar) land. After craduat- Ins from that institution he enrolled at we I'liiiadeiphi.i Dental College His I jauratlnn wns interrupted by the out- ' ureal of the Civil War, when be enrolled Isa member of the I'tibm feices. Graduatlnt from tlic Dental Cel- ' Vl it .n-.t riiii.-ii.-ii .ii'UUJ 1-Jll Jledlcal ( ellegc and received the degre ' je.c in lMid, he next entered .IcffcHen f . r. S. tlierc In LS7-I He wns cunieai teaelie: y nj praeiicing ilcntiit. He cunttib uicfi ninuj- iwijiers en dental subjefts te fwucnl magaiilnes. nnd IiIh treatises wellel read by bis rontemperatles In the dental pretessicu. HO nin.ln )ll ttnlnn nt Vi1inn..A f.,t. wty-lue :our and for tlm Inst llftecn Tfr. Im.l ii. . i ... tt -. ', , Kirs i,ad lived at Haverfeid. en Cirays I He is .IIPVI Vftil 1i liie i li1if rt Mughler. Mis. Henry A. Dallev, and two sons, Ldghten 1!.. who Is a law tr. and II liaitel Kcglster. an archl tcit. James J. Gault iMiir- ,. (unit, piesident of the .1 ,1 liault linn .e-Wrecking Cempanr, died JCflenlav at bs home. OS I Nertli Thir- J -third street, after a four weeks ill- "V". .Mr. liault was in his thirty- J!th j car. and all heugh he founded w cnnip.iny Whlcli boa is his name but '' years age. he was well known ?. ',!'"" "f bu'inesi throughout this '"J". I'ntll a ear age his company wn.s located at UIU0 Itace street, but was jnen moved te Its ptcsctit bite at Thir- third street nnd Falrmeiint avenue, Mr. (lank Is survived by his widow, Sel 'mm, his mother and u brother, emu rctjtilcm mass will be celebrated ' "swrevv; inurnlng in St. Agntha's tlcn streets. r'iuiv.l, III! V-CI-Jlll Mini Sill 111.. Cm... Geerge G. McClintock (jenr?n Cm.., "i.. -i... ..,. i. .ii... i tt , - -.-...ii. .-I, . i nu in u iiic.i ,rs- it . 'J ms nom('' "'-l Carpenter 1.... ' 'i"'1' " hK ''eks' illness from a ',?" ,. l""ion. Mr. M.CIInie.V was tj-live ve.u-s i,. nml had been i'i ' Weil.ii e business at :ii:j North J Member e an old Philadelphia family JoMiel ''V'i'lant of Uevolutiennry nlasn,, M """-Iveil bv a widevV ""'l.a son. l.eni-. Uvfini xr-.i'ii... 1. i.. tUrfl-rnl .-. .n" .'.'.". "'. 'VIS. 'If. fcen. T, ' ' " ' s "'" "" cnnducled m ai"ue tomeiiow afternoon his Simen L. HSne kfai nf .I'1 H,m,.,' h,x'.v-MX jear. old. eS Nerti, Thirteenth street, died TURKEYS 60c Finest Quality in City BEYER & CO., Inc. 235 Callowhill 551. rat Phlladelnlna Dental' ns the .mlv woman In the lllited Slates . hi; i.micuii. in -s in. us, 0, , ,. .., ,., ellesc mid. Inter, at the r.iivetsity of . wlTe managed a te.tlle newspaper. M.-s. , ever teturned n thi diMri.l. . ,, l- ,,,,-,, , "" ,,'.,.' , f.nvc veur Penns,!,.,,, n dental tlepartincnt. Pi ink is survived by . ne s... .1 i:,H ' ',8"l en Rudncr c.i-ise. . els- lir. , ' J . w w . nave vet, Chil?.,;'"t,Vb"l1,Cfl i1'1" 'frc ,U ,!)07 l'".nk, and tw,. daughter. .TLV" """"' '" i"J""' ,h"lr ' '''" - I ' I-vv Ve"s"rs." Jmlge Rogers sail Xs'"r're ""'Uira-'tit-ed there fei , , u"''- . . ,. . ' Chillies W. fJeuld, a member of the hn,,?t-V ,P.a,;s' ll0 lrinicntr Dr. Geerge L. Perin ledeial ant lierilie-. n was .nn- rum. said he had been paid enlv for nltfl anil Invented inniiv nnnl .nM. fn .,.. .... t-... .... ... Ilieiinccd. ere hi'liiln-' Cimlr.it nuilim-Mln.. ....t ....... ,.... .. ' ., '" --- Open Evtn'mu Till 10 o'clock-'- FATHER' PENN TO BK'jflMfffB'2't''WlWHmBaTO fraK 9HrVnF9iBavl0BBAwi iJaWP' II m n' BHEtK'i'iiBaBkHLtaBBBBBHmJHaBa'BWam''tl 'vJf Li'iKA The usual Municipal Christmas tree lias arrived 'and Is being put in pl.ire mi the Pathway plaza. The decorations of elerlrlc lights will all he In readiness before tomorrow evening yesterday at his home .".7J0 North Klghtecnth meet. Mr. llane had been .i.." Vr. ..... i.... . i. . .i.. ' .?:. . inuiiiiie. uv u.-i u'.ni in iiii rii.v aiiu nfl srn,lnatcd from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. He is survived by Ills widow, one daughter and two ",""?, .'?!" .??"'"" .""' .".l- .te" X'Z. , i. " K ' f.v' " ."'" IT. ."" rninrpii Kim ni- ii irnrnnnn iv,.n nu i.rti.m ...in, i,,,., 'f i e... ,!..' .y "'l"'"v """ ' -'"- ' ' William A. Fletcher William A. rietche'r. for mere than twenty-five years .superintendent of buildings and chief engineer of Drcxel institute, who died Wednesday at his ,em(.. s7e i!roeklyn street, will be burled tomorrow afternoon. Mr. .,ell(,,. ,vns fifty-rigbt years old and s survived by bis widow and two daugh- tr,.s. -rim fiiiif-i-.il will he from l.lc home with interment in Westminster Cemetery. William H. Patterson HliVlUI Pit. H-l.-? IUI l.lllllllll II. JUL- tcre01l Will be conducted tomeiiow l'liueral services for William 11. Pat- morning at his home, tiO'-'O Chestnut street. Mr. Patterson was for many j ears manager of the Clyde Steanihliip Cempnny offices in this city. He wa piemincnt in shipping elides, and since Ills lL'tiienicnL from the Cijde Steam ship C'etupany three years age had been a supervisor in the field staff of the l tilted .states Shipping J.eaul He died I tletln (( tli ii ii rtn ii f fjiitl k. I fnnpLi I II1.-IIUJ Ul 111! ' ' I'll ij - 'IA .ti,ltiai Mr. Pattcisen was a member .of the Cenrad 15. Day Ledge. P. and A. M. Interment will be in the Ailniften uemciciv i Dr. Frederick H. Davis 1 Dr. Frederick H. Davis will be burled tomorrow morning from bin home. '20' .Main street. Darb.v. Dr. Davis, who was fifty-six years old, died Wednesday night in the Polyclinic Hespitnl, where jiiiic iii lit i- l irii-.iiin; iiwsiiiiiii( he had been taken following a sti paralysis en Monday. He was llnt(,,l fpen, tllc i,iiudelphia (Vii: trekc of as grad llni-n nf i !lw,tt..n... it. 1 S7t nti.l frnln 111.. .TpPTpv. ' Mrs, M. M. Frank Mis. M. M. 1'innk. 890 liclniuiU avc mi, nw nei nml ntitilllipt- nt the Trctile. Colorist. was buried yesterday alter neon. Mrs. Prank, who was eigbly sW rears old, and was born In Shef- field! Kngland. died Monday. Her bus- band. Dr. Merris Prank, founded the textile paper in 1870. and upon hw ICXIJM- piipci 111 ion-, uuu ujivii inn death Mis. Piank took ever its timn- iifciuent and editorship. She was known Geerge Lander Pciili. sixty-seven .m'.us old. I'nlversiilist minister nnd ntitbei, ilii'd late jestcrday at his home bete. Dr. Perin was the first missionary of th FniveiMilisi Chin di in Japan, seiviui: there for four jears. l-'or eleven years ne was pastor ei me i.vui-j- iaj n,uich. llo-den. and at the time of his death he was piesident of the Franklin Square Heuse. I'.osten. a home for weil.mg and student girls. COMPROMISE SUGAR PRICE Judge Rules Company Muot Pay Half of Difference Despite Decline Sugar (entracled for In t020. when llie priie was 2-' cents n pound, lint delivered and paid for new when the market price is eight cents a pound must lie purcna-eii en tne rim basis of fmnleen and eiie-liall cents a neuiiil. This is the dedsien of Judge I'in- letter in Common Pleas Ceuit, ruling in the case of the Ftnnklin Sugar He- fining Company vs. Samuel Hewell. The pilce determined as a basis for set- tlnnent tepreseiits the illtTeienee be- tween the ceuti-.p-t pri e and the mar ket pi Ice. Seven i ent i arts had been entered Inte for the delivery of sugar at twenty-two and one-half rents a pound. Twe bad been eei uted by delivery and payment nn. I tlie leinaiiiiiii: live weie In dlsnute. LC a use in win inn in llie .ri.c in sugar. Hetvi'irs attorney, Owen J. Itebeits, fiililcinled Hew rll had Ulldeistoed the I transactions te be mercl.v options and I ,111111 ll'cie was net sufllcu'iil memeiaii- I dinii as iciiuiie.l bj law. I ' I.... mi,... nf llm full In the ltriee nt' sii-tiii- --.- .-- -; , --. --.n.... yf. y Dpnnisnn1 v Seals and Tags send gifts in a cheerful way-wfty saymere? ... r t h HAVE TREE, TOO hi iiiini m MAGISTRATES SHOULD SET HIGH BAIL, COWARD AGREES Head of Association Favers Affirma tive Action en Rotan's Suggestions "The District Attorney is absolutely right In dcninndlng that mngistiates bold prisoners in high bail and de away with all unnecessary further hearings,'' Mini ill uiiiii;i:rs-.ui iuiihui in-.ii nine. 1 i , .i it.'... l. . ,,,,, ', , ... ,! services te provide Christinas dice Magistrate Jeseph Cewaul. president ef-t,,,,. ,. fi;,iiCM ( tic i,nmc, the Pbilailelnbla Mugistiates' Asecla- neishboihued. tlen said tednv . I ntiirins vm.hipv itninn iii n let i I District Atteine.v Kelnn. in a lettc sent te magistrates ycsteiday. said ball; fixed bv the miner judiciary hns been j notoriously low and that bends for the t release of prisoners should be taken t enlv after careful investigation and piei'crably enlv from persons known te' . .. . ft i In. mnt.titrnt.. i,pi-vnnn1l v nr nrnnprW identified. ' di en and needy peer of Darby. I "There has been tee much held-up -'he Lssingten I lie Depaitmeiit and work." said Magistrate Ceward, "and ' lts ladies auxiliary have made ar- , exacting high ball is one wn te curb j raugeincnts te provide quite a number I It. I am net familiar will, what all thc'"f ny, families with Christmas din- . magistrates ate doing, but I agree bean- wr" '""! clothing which will be dis- lly wvltli the Dlstiict Atteine.v 's s,ug- gestien." Mr. Itetau'.s Idler was wilt ten for the purpose of pieventlng any unnecessary ceniestlnn of the criminal courts and te obtain iimui'dute icturiis from all cans acted upon by magistrates. "All cases should be returned Imme diately," bays Mr. lletnn. "This i one of the most important links in the pteccsH of prosecution. Tlierc is tee often delay in making returns. "In bailable canes the amount of bail should be fixed with the greatest care. In serious rt lines blb bail should ba exacted." CHARGE TWO GIRLS WERE ! RAILROADED TO JAIL1 Sen of Wealthy Canten, O., Man and Judgc Rogers Pr0m8es Action At At Fermer Policeman Accused terney Denles chargcs Cleveland, Dec. SL (15 . P. - ; s.ilvnteir It.ittndtn. nne nf tht m.-n T.miis ll'iducr. son of Ma:. uiidner, : wealthy retired metal dealer, of Canten, O.. and Tlebcit W. .Yanl. fetmer Can Can eon policeman, are in j.vil hre charged with having "railieaded' iwe gtih te jail for testifying against Hen Riidncr at hi i trial heie Inst summer en a Fed eral chnrge. The two men, with P.cn Rudncr, a brother of Letus, were se cretly indicted by the Pcdetal llraud Jur.v. lien Uudnei bad net been lo cated last night. I he lndtctiinui 's the litst of lis kind felve the mytleileiis ninubi last August 10 of Paul Kll.is. who was killed two days aft"i- the alleged "I'm lied" .ivrest of the two sill". ICitiy nisi, w:is n witness nsnins-l ltudner in the bootleg tiial. and al the time of his death was under subpoena te nenpar in Fed eral Ceuit iisailist ether nllezed run. splrnters of Uudnei. - . FIRE BURNS BOAT CLUB Mice Gnawing Matches Blamed for $5000 Less In Burlington Ifurllngten. N. J., Dec. '22. Flame' today destroyed the upper floors of the handsome home of the Lakanoe lleat Club en the t iverfrent. causing a less estimated at S.'fllltl. flub elliceis nml members riueii tneir nes and saved nn I iiiviuuuiJie loiie.'iien et trophies, in cluding silver loving nips and plmpics wen b eievv ever u period of iiian.v j ears. The club (loot of neaily 100 canoes and the lacing, beats weie salvaged from thr first fleer. Much of the dub furnishings also were saved. Many members lest personal belongings of value in bn-keis destrojed. The fire was attiibutcd te niivc gnawing matches. Freen flic pliii'.s delayed tlic liiemen nrmly fifteen tiiiituteK. fUtiLIU fAKIAINli irAtt- Mimi nu cemi- devtn town te tlm llif.H'r at nlulit inirli juur car lit THE PARKING PLACE lis N. istii hTRi:i;r i)i ,A. ' l 1" '. M. l'arklnc 1 liiircrN. 6Ue PUBLIC PARKING SPACE-, FINE FRAMING Etchings Prints Water Celers Paintings I Hi; K0SENBACB GALLERIES 13Z0 Walnut Slrecl And Even New By Max Bcerbeltm Jie A 1' l.'vcninu I'eat bau "Jinx la a final tot of I.iikuhIi civilization , . Wis bumer 1h Inr l)e.veiiil nnythinit he Hlmple ni . a tnir.) llnper of scorn nt obvious crudities lie lias galncil his ele.-t fellow Intr becnu-e li' wit is u ie iHtulliiK form of criticism ' Tin se w.iii esn.DK iw'i nidi, cni'llnl hellcluv , fi iUO at mil bue.-aiuji or from e, r Duiten & Cq.,-esi :iti-Af.f n. y. i : u CHRISMS CHEER FOR CHILDREN Organizations in Delaware Ce.. . . , u n.t. ' and Elsewhere Have Gifts , All Ready rt.CN I UT UllHIVCne, I uw I Ne needy child or gtewn-up will ue i without Christmas cheer and happiness ,1 happiness year, a, a , "r l1:.,"' 1 In Delaware County tbi dozen or mere organizations 'plans perfected te supply all the elm- , dren with toy. candy and clothing and .t..! ..." ...in. ii, nnnnuunrv inirre. Vi . ' . r.ll.uimna .linner dienta for a r.Ml Chrlstmaa dinner. The Dclawate County Clnistmas Cheer Association Is going te play Knnln Clans te "000 needy chlldtcil who otherwise- would go unremembered. Members e,f, the association wrapped '.'(100 packages of toys and randy Inst night in churches tit Celllngdale and ether points, which will be dlsfi United Christmas I've in real Santa Claus fashion thiougheut the county. These gifts will be dMrlbutfll by ' jeung men and women, who will jin gle sleigh bells outside the doers of the nrleits homes and then hang the pack age en the deer loteh. When the chil dren hear the sleigh bells nnd then find the package of toys and randy they will be sure without a doubt that Sanla Clans ba been their. ts-inf-i -it IVshi-leu , ,,, f V- . . I he needy children of h-sliiglen nic going te nave a community uui-unas u ee. which will be elected and trimmed placed en the ill- blanches and distrlb n lotncirrew n gni. " i; "'"'"' uted Monday. The Oliver Pteibytcrinn Church, et Piespeet Park, will bold Its Christmas festivities tonight, te be featured by a cantata. Dickens' "The Christmas Carel" will also be lead. ,!., ,. '", 'ii, " V - .i -vr .1 car with the hreken deer glass ler pos I he (,oed Cheer Society of tbe Me h- ibv tWenty minutes while the meter- lit l.'i.l.i.miMll J MltlVl-lll 1-1 f (Mirifltl ' . edlst Kniscennl Church, of Cliften Heights, -a sod money nt las! Sunday s beer te icdlate The members of the Queen. Hsthcr Society, of the Sharen Hill Methodist ,:pSl,enn, (jliurr-li. have lentributed. a hnnel full of useful aiticles. which will be distributed among tlic needy in tlic i 'eminiinlty. '.he Christmas Committee and Sal- , vatten Army of Darby have for the last ,l,cl1 diivs been making plans for llli,llfl(.lllii d M. t..ttt..if y.l.i,.H fAH MlJA fkllll. providing (. Iiristinus cheer ler llie elill- ii'iuuicii tomorrow, Teachers Entertain The teachers of the Norwood Public Scheel guve an i-iitcriniiimciil last nlglit for flic members of the Hume and Scheel Association. Handsome painted raids beniing Chiitdmas greetings have been placed in all the public places of Ridley Park by Chief llurgcss-tJeeigc W. Stutt. The i cards lead : ' "The llurges.s extends te evety mini. I her of the Ridley Park ceiumunlt.v hi--I heartfelt wishes ter a happy Clnistmas land a New Vear uf geed giewth tliieugh duty well done." JAILED MAN SAYS LAWYERS GOT $300. DROPPED CASE (lii(.KCd t iK. involved in the sioeting of Detective Jeseph MifJinn. in October Itt'-'O. complained te Judgc ltegeis tndav against withdrawal of a firm of New Yerk lawyers he said were te repiescm him at his trial Juiiuary !!. He said after they received jewelry and money amounting te $300, they sent him a letter demanding nn addi tional .s-'J.'O and when It was net paid, withdrew trem the case, rnnire. nicnts te have him represent Jlattuglia at his tiial weie neer completed. The money ninl jevveliy be lecelved. lie con tinued, did net ii in en 1 1 1 le an.vwiictc near !J00. Newspaper Advertisements Written Clrc-ulnrn prepar(l, Inteklet compiled .! lettern composed, advSrtlsInc of all klnJs prepared by cxperti In our el7Jc or li euri ?Iiixl.iiinii Srrilr 'Vllnlmnni Cot v cei. i.kiief.r omen Quick Strvlci Experienced Salespeople Comfert in Shopping Goods Delivered Promptly UACOBS I FOR U BOOKS 1628 Cheslnul: Slreel 1 Christmas Cards and Calendars HEADQUARTERS FOR WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS' AND "EVERSHARP" PENCILS Christmas Cards and Art Calendars at Half Price 902-906 Chcalnut Street Ojieh till p, P, M. FRIDAY, ' CONGRESS TAKES VACATION UNTIL AFTER HOLIDAYS' i Much Important Bulnesa AwalU 'Reassembling in January Mcriibcra ylie were net engrossed In a care-free tninpudu for Union Station and the e:15 tram home indulged in a HiUe retrospective comment and spec- ulatien. Tliey were willing te eenecd" the beceml WBlen et tllP Sirty-percnth C'encrcKS thus fur had little of definite necomnllshinent te Its eicdit. Hut then. they argued, few' CengresHCM ever, linve ' t.i ft.nf ..LiliitU. 1n.frr.li liprlnil lllU'PItl ' Dorem her nn. ( hr stmuf ... i..uw uuu...... ........ , , There is the four-Tower treaty, the' I.u..m .1n ...HlrT .!. Ii.n.nliflllt ...Uflllf. ti10 f0,.cic fiP,t. inunlcrntleiu the ntitl fuelling Jnensure, the Newberry, rase fuelling jnensure. tlic cwucrry.rasc. all matter., ra culated te consume weeks WMVa te send Congress u message setting forth bis Mean en the pieblem of the American merchant marine. There may nlse be nn expression fiein the Administration en ,,.,. ...,! CnncresH. however, will have some time te pa.ss - n '" t.m.i. II- " en that matter, as the present 3 per cent. Immigration law. which the new measure-will be designed te make permanent. In enlv leintietnrv. It does net expire. however, until early summer. I BREAKS GLASSJN TROLLEY Twe Arrested and Traffic Tied Up 20 Minutes for "Crime" Twe men wer aricsted at Xinetecntii street and (ilrnrd nveniif this meriilng when the nnxietv of one te beard a trel ley caused him te break the glass In the trolley deer. The ether was implicated when Irv ing Htrinecig. Ilinggeld street nea,- in- (liana avenue, cnmucd into nn nm e- "" Ktandlng nearby te protect himnclf. , ,. flem tin-irate niotermnn. m j. (jrainni. ."."Ot! Willows nve- nue f,"lver of hv nutomebiie. was nrrcslcd by order of the motorman et the trolley when the conductor returned with a patrolman. Meth men weie given a preliminary bearing for re lease until tomorrow morning when the trolley crew- enn appear against them. Traffic tilled up behind the trolley man waited for the conductor te return with the put milium. Steinberg was waiting for an castbetind trolley en Olrard avenue. The first one which came along stepped, but did net open its deer. His taps broke the gles. Headquarters for Jews' Drive Headquarters I'm- the Jewish relief appeal will be opened lmmediate. nt i.-.je Walnut stieet. TJic campaign, directed by Dr. Cv run Adlcr. will epn ,, .innuary :se. The incentive and - i a t. - A 4 f (""ainniilcii Committees and the Advisory Heard will meet today at neon at the Locust Club te appoint sub-cenimittce n,lu formulate plans for the city-wide MtjuTTTr. iitt-c LAbl-lVlINUTE GIFTS STOCKING FILLERS (13" NeieltleN) FANCY WORK GIVE INVALIDS A CHANCE 20.x .. inth Street Kill Stationery Loese-Leaf Devices 5)01-906 Chestnut Street r THE successful selling of your goods may require a scries of booklets, broad sides or folders Thb HeuttES Press, Vtmtm IJ13-29 Cherry Scr. PhlhiddpliU -J Lloyd Garrett Company 15th and Locust Sts. 20Vc Reduction Until Christmas Portables Candlesticks Silk Shades Bridge Lamps Andirons Manufacturers of Exclusive Lishtins Fixtures DRElfA FINE STATIONERS Just received IMPORTED CHRISTMAS GIFTS 'ei Flanders Field EXPLODED CARTRIDGES Made up into Pocket Pencils, .75 ' TELEPHONE TABLETS Te jet down telephone messages. Bound in leather, .75-1.00 SMALL WHITE FANS Te fit in bags. Hand painted flowers, 1.50 1121 Chestnut Street TfatfhL. III I HI . a n i i DECEMBER 2e) 1021 EX-WIFE'S SPOUSE Jeseph M. Harris Lf narr,b u Rowland Says L. R. avished Jewels en Fermer Holpmeet A 1 O $25,000 DAMAGES lUSftS Daniages of $2.",000 have been nked finm .Tuvntili M. ltitwllllltl. wealthy ...,-,. b M Wfl I Imulwaim nn ( iJW of Ihr wife, who divorced him builder unil bardware'inercbnnt. by T.ec Iter- last April. The rbarges of alienation and thnt Itewlnnd iiald for the divorce proceed ings developed parllnlh when Mrs. Harris, four days after euiaining me .; . ,. . -. -t.. it. . ..i i liverce. vy.is iniirnee n . r. '-' Hie Harrisei were married in 1110". EX-HUSBAND SUES Tednr nt her apartments- nt l"i-0 ! street". Empleyes kept th blare c-en-Spruce' street. Mrs. Itewlnnd knew lined te the rubbish where i eilginatcd linthing of the proceedings started ' The less was trifling. rim it -. .SiLVEnsMrrus nftJ"tuE' Christmas Pearl Necklace Diamond Bar Pin Bracelet of Ppecieus Stones Jeweled Finder Rin . Breech - Pendant -Eai'rins -Veil Pin of Diamonds -Sapphires -Emeralds or Rubies MMMWmWMMMMAWMMM The &lb TICKLE YOUR HEART, PLEASE YOUR EYE AND SATISFY THE STOMACH UNDER THE CHRISTMAS TREE 5 Roast Turkey Platter Qfc WITH ALL THE "FINISHINGS" fJ nVCTrDC ) naw, fried, steamed, panned & from the UTdlCn. i s:rill:BAKED,IJOASTED or BARBECUED LOBSTER : fresh daily from MAINE, as you lilre it. I Itfur IntrHiiifi nn Anelftrfe htrret I 1319 Arch Street Mitchell Fletcher Ce. Christmas Candies Delicious Own Make Candies M.F. Asserted Chocolates. $1.25 te $6.25 Swiss Ben Bens 1.00 te 5.00 Famous Chocolates 75 te 3.75 Famous Ben Bens 65 te 3.25 Packed in - :'- .7- - 5-Lb. Uexc 18th & Chestnut Sts. 12th & Market Sts. 5600 Germantown Ave. Atlantic City, N. J. lurepTxn DESGsr:s asd makers or ttevbs b and rnn.nrns 1 appapei. or the tiigrkst cnAn.irTKn fop rrne viiax TM-rxrY-srx yeaks tiewns WRAP SUITS TUBB BLOUSIIS ZiXNaXKIB KOSXERY pr Crepe de Chine Chemises Special at 3.95 Of poed quality, dainulv trimmed with inserts of veal filet and 'vanitv fair ribbon, veil made, careful v finished, in white, flcbh and orchid. Peintex Hosiery 1 fcay quality of silk in black a.ici cor dovan. 2.45 and 3.45 Half Very Exclusive. Beautiful Blouses; Selected from Regular Stock HV Special., , S'yL. "'hat against her pit-sent Jiu'tbttuil ufit'' kv wa told. . ,, , "Isn't U 'errlble Ibat this -bend be Hfnrtctl right at Christmas time.' she , said. "Of course, none of it is ti'ilc 1 Tim unlillr.ti ..linl-fni ttdWilllld "fill'- tUenul the alienation of the then Ml. Han is affections by lvi-Ii Rl'1.",' Jewelry valued at mere than Sle.000. Later. It Is rhnrsed. he was nble te prevail upon her le seek it divorce. Hewland is a member of the tiim of Hansom & H.iwlnnd. Commerce street near Fifth. Ilccenily be pur I'hated n home In Overbrenk for 5.0. 000. lie Is a I'irgr builder and owns Brveral motien-nlcturc theatre"; at Ocean City, X. J Bey Injured by Aute Alfred lJecker, fourteen ,veni old. 1220 Point street. Camden, was Injured sllghtlv teda when struck at P.leventii and Cherry stieets bv an nutomeblle driven by Peter Mattirele. of I'linceleti. X. .1. Mattirele took the boy le I In; Hahnemann Hospital. Later be was sent home. Fire In Opera Heuse A slight fire was discovered etirl.v te- .ln. In thn Iwiiler rnem of thr Aletrn- ' 1M)jjtnn Opera Heuse. J. read and Peplat KS& wpati Remembrances' pubtuetger Formerly ISih St. btl. Market 1 ull r0r l.nrili z?jLri a A.II-; 1 I Ben Bens de Luxe $1.50, $3.00, $4.50, $7.50 Bex Oieu Eiemnfli This Wet!. fil$ WTATJSKX 8XIKTB CHH.DRBNII ArrAjtsi. mTTICOAT Chestnut Cerner Twelfth Weel and Silk Hosiery Hand embroidered clex In various atylei, 3.95 Plain Hosiery and fancy EiikIWi 1.95 Price Slenderize the Larger Kama,, e8 ' 1 11,-i. WON'T BE HERE CHfflStMAfcT " ' A3 Creeks Arrived After Queta Was Filled and Are Deported $ Twe unlives of Greece and a l'ertUv giie.se urc going le fipcnd Clirirtiiiiu ub flu- iicciiii luslead of in (be United State", as the Iturrnti of liunilgratlaii 'tit (ibnicestcr (f?perled tbcin leday. Vlchelns Oriicopeiiliis, feurteen yeArs old. a cabin be en the H. H Deinf Deinf 'Ii'Jeiih PcnsclN.' iiml Mchelas ligheli I keusls. employed en the siime .ship, worn deported when tlic ship sailed for Uieccn today because the monthly iieln of 'tire I; immigrants has brctt filled. Orncopetilas' father, who i3 a 8fevr iird en the f.blp, fiitrnded te lenv tbn bej with frlemN in Darb.v le be cdu rated, and Atigiirlikeiuis plumed M fcilb- in this country. .lulie I.nfiirntiii arrived ftem Pertu- gal ns a si'ivttiwn.v en (bn y. H Rrnm inel Point He sailed buck en the mum ship. ! Our Christmas ' Gifts te clothes buyers come in the nature of important savings en Suits and Overcoats. If you're one of the akeptien who "doesn't believe in Santa Claus" come in and cempara our x SUPER-VALUES 28 33 38 &43 OVERCOATS just the sort of present te Rive yourself. Ulsters. Con servatives. Bex Ceat-5, Rag lans. Super-Values noth ing but! PUR ft v s SUITS sit down te the Yulctide feast in a hand some worsted, cheviot or cassimcre Super-Value. i' r: p. r. y s GIVE THE BOY A NEW SUIT JUNIOR SUITS WITH ALL THE STYLE TOUCHES YOUNG FEL LOWS LIKE, $2-1 TO J32. p i; n ii y . OK A PATRICK MACK INAW FOR BOYS $13 AND S18. DINNER COATS md TROUSERS $38 $43 $48 EVENING DRCS.s COATS and TROUSERs $43 $4S $53 S6 SILK VESTS 57. SO te $10 Perry & Ce. 161h and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men Hn. P.. : ... ., ..w.. .rciiingi until Amai USEFUL GIFTS Net te B. Duplcfed E,,ewJler. rTJr GOV' Xr Ctrl.' '''& Raincoats i Mk 3.50 I hliM Girls' CAPES $3.00 In l.enlher-tlfi, 91 Ma I ii'ile- I" 11 .1 f Girls' and Beys Raincoats Cashmere, Canten and Tweed; alt col or", sizes 4 te 1G; Rcgrular 57 rn value S12,. OU Beys' and Girls' 71 BOOTS f t A 2 r r . 1LPZ te '5 l dev Black RllMver . n . . K.AUBl!Mr7S Tj 'Rubber Toys, 25c Basketball Shoes, $2.50 Goodyear Rubbcra I lill.Irri,', ,,.,bfr, 0, "" lti,hl.. , ,0 '-"'ll-H llulil.rr, t,aj .iniiiN is.Crti l'l ll.nil.rr dletfi, ... llul Wutrr Hul- llr. SI, 40 i. i Mm , 1 'U'l e-Hl V..11 n "nUllMll $1.50 S3e t) 1 3 SSif. RAINCOATS 10 Men's S8 Rrtinrnal. 2A Men's & I I,,,,,. tuihdr. ' L. Women's f flliun!$li5 aluu JD "r'"PWMirBarr Lmk V1300 X TT ii 'in , "V. I'M 1 1 1 1 ! nmii , . iii : .. , MI " re I i" ll yi.i ',. ,-w.. tw -.. Y1 x .820 CRfiiJTNOrSTs ,'y .-i v"l .'. -,. Jt. ,J-"; T r WiWk - - kr;."v t