.,iJT.j"j,lV . 7" . '"'V ST1-' i i (It ' '', - rj "i w" ',. - ' Ur- C.h fr V ,- y, , V n r , T ' "1 ,' ' -k EVKNltfGl- 23, ;L9L' 7WE FORTUNE HUNTER By RUBY M. itfAKS yluMer e "Tne Bacheler Hutband," "The One Unwanted," etc. Copyright by Wheeler Syndicate, Inc. n Fortune Hunter eat at the top a k fire-barred gate, his lint at the Wet his head, Idly tapplnc Ms rather "Ti-w.!! iinnin v u a reuEii fuck kannv uiu" ""-r - i - Cm, he had puled from n netigc. Wtii his eight-nnd-twcntleth birth- " ' fl L. ktlri nrAMlV fflff Mfatinr ',i- .kiiilntre in the. world. Pcrhnns wsi this fact that was responsible r v ?re.ur"-ui Vi. f ;w . mi ed ivi "'-v-i,.:; 1 It W! shoulders and glanced again ht the heading en the pnper: "Cherry Ledge, Somerlon - en Thamcs.'r Net se far away then! He had a vague Idea that he had seen n signpost te Somcrten ns he had tramped the last weary mile. He thrust the letters and shabby case into his pocket and turned en te tuc main reati. "Somehow, in my heart I feel mire it will be all right " The words echoed U te the exceeding danger of his nl- turuJf,h hls,m,n'1 rnJ!' pltceusly. ire 1 V. ...i. Well, whoever "Anne" was. thn dreaded meeting with Jehn Smith would never take place new, for' Jehn Smith lay dead in thn silent weed, with the tall bracken bending above him. Odd hew deserted the read waH. It ftretched before the Fortune Hunter dusty and empty ni he quickened hN tired step,' anxious new te be lid of the responsibility of his dlscecry. Hut in half n mile he had failed te meet one pedestrian, though the read hud rurled about until it had brought him parallel with the river flowing silently by, bathed in thu late evening light. Seme distance ahead the figure of a girl in a punt was clearly silhouetted ngainst the nky, and I he Foitune Hunter gac a little growl of satisfy, tinn an he realized thnt he could net new be fnr from u llluge. He watched the girl with a curious sense of ciitlfuctIen ; nlic and the quiet river bcene were se tjplcullv English, and he felt all nt once hew geed it was te be home again if one ruiild will u teuntrj home wherein a nun had neither friends nor mencv. The girl were u white frock with short sleeves, and the rajs of the sink ing mm glittered en her hair, turning It te geld, ii x her yllm body moved with VrousHOSertof unwillingness in his "A0"' Rrncc' Impelling the little punt art te break Inte that hist right-ami u,Kff" rZ . - tirtt-flafArl flVi ttnKnl jet tneBi" ".'". n.i..- i m he exceeding danger of his nl- H well-worn suit. It was a warm evening In early Sep- v.. rrhn trees all around were be- nnln te be faintly tinged with autumn nlering. ana a mini. fci",r mini. iu .o .e ?i from the bed of the river which owed by en the ether side, of the field t his back. , .Khrht-and-twenty shillings. The For Fer jne Hunter took the coins from his ecket, looked at them, laughed, and ngltd them back again. He had been In manv tight corners iirlng the a8t ten years of his roving fe and had nlways managed te Btruggle . t kt Of tncre, duc leuny eomenew uih WT . . fAU. ...ntrnl 4. linen Cnlt.fl SUOl OPlIUJWiH "VtMlVJI IU HU-U IU4HU Im. remap, n was me Hiicnce nil round that depressed him. for nt any te lie signed -n, mesi unusual ming . ,h Vortune Hunter te de and Kissed a hand wearily neress his ejes. Fer n ferinigni new nc nnu irnmpcti nglatid, waiting for something te turn i ler nc " " "'" ukiiuvki- in ma ck, and this was the first time he hud !OWeu nimscn rvcii iu tunniucr mu ,s(lblllty that It might be going te fall m alter nn ihww )! Tn hrln with, he was hungry, and miter mnkei a mnn a peslmist mere Icklv tlinn aiiyiiunK en rnmi ; uui Wk GUMPS He! 'Hum! ei -,,. thl'lliifM until hn was nlisn ffdy fernd te de be. When tnings were nt incir worst, racthlng always turned up or such, least, had niuajn ueen tne case wun m, anu wun inr nun ei u'eung Mini i must cct any from his thoughts Id shake off his growing (lcpresslen, e Fortune Jiuntcr jumpeu uewn irem e sate, mid started walking up the Lid again. .... He was n tan mnn, anu no ioekcu iike cuitlMnnn in M'itc of the fart thnt i clothes were nhabby and his beets intcd heeling. Yet there was nn tin- nlable air of breeillng iibeut him, nnu wa'kcd witli n line, at luetic swing, nlte hU weariness. His hair was short-cropped, nnd ,wed teiuhc of ruj here nnd there. his face was burned bi exposure sun and weather. Fer a furl night he had slept in weeds . barns, or nut in' the hedges: ntry- W served him for a lcd ; he had luglicd it In all four corners of the brld. and nctcr eunrrcled with the nll- "A preIded bv circumstance. r little turtiicr en tne read ferued ; b. leading straisht alnnc. was dentlj the main reud, nnd the ether. rning into a narrower path, ultl- itcly ended in n filiudy weed. The Fortune Hunter hesitated, then rned into the weed, where neither heat r dust bad penetrated and everything is cool and fresh. He took off his bnt and let the soft f beat en his forehead, walking me- anicany along until miUiienly he pped and almost fell eer an obsta ebsta i half hidden in the thick hrnrl.rn rrhanging the narrow footpath. mc roruuie Jiuiuer recovered Dim f and swore goed-nnturedly, guuic- aenn te bpc wnut bad tupped lilm is uun ie sec imiui nnu tupped mm, , i . """"'-, i. i.mi. hum .n his face changed nnd lie cntizht lilt, I elumbereil out with the weed in his linir ath en n mutttred ejaculation as lie am'w'u,T ,,IrIPPing fiem him. m the huddled form of a mnn hinzl Jhsglrl had regained her hulf-i-ontrel ! - There was (.01110 one with her a mnn or n boy. The lortune Hunter could ret be sure which, for the figure was steeping ever the side of the punt, wutehing something In the wuter; nnd ncress the silently flowing river the man en the rnndwnv could bent their veltes distinctly through the still cc ning. "If you'd enlj sit still, Temmy. Yeu rnn't rcneh them de, plea.se." And then came a uhrlll hcrenm nnd u stilled cry. ns the punt .seemed te lurch lelcntly. The girl swnjed dangerously, only re covering herself with n tremendous (ffert, but the ether figure tumbled headlong into the water, without ap parently making the least iittempt te vine itself. "Bene him right:" thought the I ertune Hunter grimly, nnd steed still for a moment waiting for it te reappear. But the seconds pns,eed, and beyond u sort of swirl where the bej hud dis appeared there was no sign. The girl was en her kneea In the punt new, screaming hclp.essly, urn nl! nt once the Fortune Hunter seemed te realize that the mntter was serious nnd that the boy was in danger of tlreunini;. He ran along the read till he was inmost nbreast of the drifting punt, then he kicked off bis shoes, flung hi jacket iisidc nnd plunged into the river. The girl saw him and stretched ago nized hands te him. "Oh, snvc him save him! He can't bwiii he's a cripple." The Fortune Hunter was u powerful suipimer nnd the distance was nothing te him, hut when he reached the boy n lnd of nbeut secnticn It wns net such nn i.iy mutter te bring him te iihore. Hut he miiimged It nt last, nnd wus a mi MORE fW- Crtfc?sYW& SHOWING- Ahdv Av,t AMH AfcE. evr Tb THet'RE euvr GetHG Te SPtHfc VHtV. YMOLfc tvx mx two MOUTHS' (MCOME Te BUH M OlFTS- )?0N THE VNTER- POXX OtA WWVN Bu Sidney Smith m s "J- 1 I rnx & - T 3S55J5;:54 erTC. HOV). SHtS BtEH 1 y- f--- . B IN "TUR.T VTnDCw 1 ZJ JTS S. . TWWt X. I SOMEBODY'S STENOGTry It, It Will Make Your Heart Sing tyJHATk SANTA Cl'auSex, Cep) right, 1021. by rublle ledger Cempanr By Hayward fiblAJG TO BRIMS YtfO, ,-r-T-i e R1W ' 1.1 i u& Wl CRipeel DOUSE , FALL FER "THAT BUMK TOO? Y0USE.ISBI6 EAfOU6H Te HAVE. SEMSe'- DOAl'T LET 'EM Kit VOUSE.' nmi'T I HEAR R9P AW MOM 5CRAPPIM M .i-- -TLjbs iMIPVf ANOUU I inv. t. . I" iw fc'fS Kcvr ', V n. S" THAT5 WHAT X CALL A CRIME ALLRIfiHT.' SOME 2&OW OPS DOA1 T CARE HOW THEV MURDER THE PRgTTV THIW6S IAf A WDS MIA1D! BECAUSE THEY fiET SOURED On LIFE THEM SELVES IS MO REASON VJHY THET GeT TO WAKE LGMOAJADE. OUT rtP A CHILhS E-A1ASAf- ATlOAl! IT'S Llk'E TEAOW A BABY TO SAY WASTY FLOWERS". Couldn't s&u KILL THE PERSOAi YOU HEARD DOIA4' THAT? I eajly Get a few bucks" LEFT but They're Geih te mekx'. WMa A I ""I v MEXT DAY IA iS66M! t&4 iVr C-JImta t& c A TvaE. i.-v y -rw .. tffi;tf?J&5Te6 ijpi i '. AinvJ iL ..i- TUa-t- ris'y' ijm i i ' iM r XI If E ! S . M IV. I i r WaA Cyfi i yl mir .n r - i y - I i iv r k . VllfTiAl"'.! x m. VOBODY CAM SAY THI6 OFFCE AMT FULL OF CHRISTMAS CHEER I LOOK AT THAT HAPPY SWilLE.' THAT ADVANCE I SAVE HEf? OA1 AEVT VVEE.WS PAY MUST HAVE. HELPED OUT HER . SHOPPlA6. vrr -n s ir fcTi ri "V The Yeung Lady Acress the Way e ilewn cmeng the gncn under- wtli. 'Drunk!" was his first thought, nnd half moved aside te pass en. Then ftO inexnlirnbtn friKtlnnf rAuiFninn,! y-Wiand. steeping down, he pulled the i urucKtm nsiuc, peering mere closely the prostrate flcure. iVnethcr second and he was en his ecs beslde It, his deft brown hands 'ing unner tne ceut for u heart bent, mini iacc paie witu borrer. Ter man was tlenil. pe Fortiine Hunter had seen death luuny limes te be mistaken, but it e mm an uniibunl nlinek tn imm ..nn 6'M It here In the heart of a shady lish weed. L'urnlng thp dead man gently eer en "l"i, ioekcu into nia face, yuitc OUnr faCO it wnn nnrl nnf unllke l.i. n, he theurht tnvnnlr .in, i... nnsliaen llnu nml .....a!. .t.t.. e 1. fy1 en death had net been able te 7.w.terat0 the tnn. L.i,N0 n f""8h tweed wilt that rtu iniupr i eiantn in mi, ..J graj hat lay a little distance off in rtCi0irt,""?.IIuntcr rese te hjs feet steed looking around him with a ...gei no miessness. What etiKht he bJ ni1 .rm V'l I,olice- ,le SI" Vhatever the mum. nf .th u.i l9nF.w"fuVy ene"Bh- r the fate tVn it ' , "u ,am.' ""'lied by pain tb(J lips n I tl nnrtP.l nU If l.. , I.n.,v.vs M t all F,"Itl?T.?.nP.w?uI!1 along I hprV. "u'"Br "a "t men bow nc was from tb tim . nin.. i.... was turnlnu i, .,.n i.... T.r. "": main renj hVn'he'auglT K bulky package lying almost at III lee?J0Ped and picked It up. It wnH habbv leather pocketbook" held to te lit bv nn l.,.ti i ' . . . r" hpaneraerlrtters. UnUDU,g,ng Hni7(U1? 1Iuntcr iXirn it evet 'lan .i8' h0,vuhi off the, band . . lanced through the contents. TteTrI!i 1 1'.'t of pendl notes that ni k uin..t0 tl,ln.c ln nurtlcu- VItln of Vflr'"'s sums of W- an rf "". nl1 ,n th0 snmc r.llioPeeketbook.; iru U i w' nnm et 'he dead le, ? written :-rehnXiti,"-aBprawlylmnd: hA i"M nunle- smiled grimly. ,na known mom' Te... e.'i., .,., l thrTrMJ1"83' b,lt 8eU,m ''ad it .?'" ", and it was with h i.in TL atInnB0me.furtn''r n" of Wen" m nV$ ,1Q "nfelded ene of the ra. hJc,an,cc,I cn'ally through it! II bore artHf8,yfW,tten Vy a wemal z . ieif0,,r m"nths P"vieus: 7& t I ar "'in: S ai!! y?!' w,u tllinIc that I hirvc en In i -- ."",' "" euu "0 .-... i um eegmning te te , UIU uegwning te be TLyCl,.ls " Jee tlme-and I 'MiiUfil WIICIl OU uenf iv nii. ". ""'" iiun ou went e? SuK.ne V",' d?n,t llk0 ny '.' ""I'POMllir I ilnn'f llle ,,. rl.' , Aliew tliere l.nu I." ". Vr5 ' ' "" -- ..Ha AfUfjii I1IIIH1IIV OIBD tnn only rt Jer of 9 " t feel Aflft ! "ml ,,e5Hia cWW ,,en e went n't feci v I.nm a wn.'. though H I lenk ie. i ' "1 1LU emcr' except TMlfie lm fn UlC dny". Witl1 y"" "Ie "w far away tbev nniu away they reullj me t firT"...t0 ,Prrut things fear! I n. i1, n tl,0,K' I" splte ?,f M,!. '. Ul11 lungiiu te pi. ,,.,. .i "" in ni hinr, i n.i..r. ; : -H w ill l, .,... ""'"i ieei it wll . "" 'n I Ju-i i u'i c .""ether letter. He rWm "v.1"-"' Anne." '"tune Hunter shrugged his and brought the punt In the bunk, but "lie wan ery pale mid her olee shook n- she knelt down beside the exhausted boy. "Oh, Xemmv ! Oh, arc jeu nil right? Oh. Torann I wns se terrified "" She tried te put her nrms round the oey a clrcnclicd figure, but he repelled her almost roughly. "Shut up!" he choked. "Lcave me alone. It wns jour fault; jeu ought te have balanced the beastly bout hotter." He looked n miserable enough object ns he sat thcre in the long grass, Hhlv cring and shaking, nnd the Fortune Hunter felt n wave of contempt as he picked up the coat he had flung aside and calmly proceeded te put it en ecr Ills wet shirt. The girl gnve a little cry et horror. "Yeu're net going! Yeu rnn't go like thnt! You'll take your death of cold. Oh. plcnse! We live unite t!ec ou must come in nnd get drj," The Tortune Hunter laughed. "I ilen't tHke cold easllj " bis careless gnze wandered ever the girl's concerned face, nnd, realizing its at traction, he ndded mere grncieusl : "Yeu're very kind nt nnv rnte. I will help you home with ieur brother?'' "Yes. I nm sure we can never thank jeu. Yeu saved his life. Oh, Temui) what should we hmc dene if nobody hed ceme along?" The boy laughed harshly. "I should have drowned, that's all." He begun te heist himself up from the grass with difficulty, and the Fortune Hunter put n strong nrm around him, and lifted him te his feet. "Lean en me," he said," "I can carry jeu if you like, but " "Thank jeu, I can walk," was the ungracious response. Hut he wns glnd of a helping hand befere they had geue viry fnr, and presently, without n word, the Fortune Hunter picked him up bodily and can led hlni the ictnalnder of the way, the water running from both of them In uncomfeitublo little rivulets, leaving n trail aletg the dusty toad. The girl followed silently. Frem time te tirae tslic kept looking nl the Fortune Hunter with fuccr, half-sound glances, and when they reached the heuse she ran ahead and opened thn gnte, btandlng nslde te let him pass. It was un old fashioned house, with iy-colored wall and n garden sloping down te the liver. Tulre filled with Iy geraniums bordered the terrace, and striped sun blinds were drawn eer the windows of the house. The Fortune Hunter cast n swift glance around him nnd wondered if this was the turn in his luck for which he had been waiting. He followed the girl Inte the hall. It was cool and shudy and reue-scented, nnd he put his burden down genlly. "You'd better huve a het hnth nt once," he said casually. "A ducking doesn't hurt me, I'm used te teughing it, hut, you " The boy limped nway toward the stairs without answering; he wan an ungracious sort of youth, and his thin, dcllcnte fuce wns fretful and ill tem pered. The girl looked up nt the Fertunt Hunter as he moved te the deer. "I cannot let jeu go like this," she said decidedly. "Yeu must change, tee, and my undo will like te bee jeu nnd thank jeu. "Temmy my brother is very deli cate, jeu knew" she paused "but. of course, jeu don't knew," nlic added slowly. The Fortune Hunter did net answer. He was n little puwled by the girl's manner; nnd when present! he wns rhewii Inte a bathroom nnd gleu a suit of dry clothes which, own if they were slightly en the small side, were n wcj tome change from his own dump gar ments, he found himself wondering whether by nuy chance In his wander ings he could have met this girl befere. CONTINUKDTOMOIinOW THE KEY TO THE JAM CLOSET :- By FONTAINE FOX The, young lady across the way sajs it seems strange te award the Nebel prize for liternture te a Frenchman when se few of us read French. f2r Ii" certfAiraVis blame T006M te '"dzr: HAVt ,r Js 0EFyfe Xmas' when -5 A feLLEft FINALLY GETSTeLD Of the Key te trie JAM closet. SCHOOL DAYS PETEY Quite Singular Win PI, lull rS . '''jO i 1C& a&mmV I. Merccs a Surprise 3ehe- TRimc em NrRs . Soecn AMP I 1DU'T SEHD HE15 A TU4 lLL HAVE.T5 ePem VT IS AMD EM JENP Mek SepfTFlfUC ViHAT De ou Tmiuc- a TeTev eea I ViHV-E., "Just The LIrllUC AM ash-Trav maumr- hvw PKWiN? Sv "W rNW J As!) 2Kw S&t -T I T IS AMD (5 GASOLINE ALLEY Nothing But a Merry Twinkle By C. A. Voight 9 -Au ASvvTkaNeThiwg! I See vhat it's meaut fOR weui "Te Keep VVASU'T IT HICB ) OF MRS.OOCH Te 5t?M0 nr Te US T?, nc I .VaIMAOOAA Meaw us r s4 Sd, By King I -- i,i . l U MOTHER' ) fe- tW fCAN u ffee anvtk.ncA $& 5S . r 1 ' Bu DWIG n ft - jUl