Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 23, 1921, Night Extra, Page 23, Image 23

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JL)ECBM.BEK 23, 1941
Bill Donevan Will Replace Bender at New Haven, While Chief Teaches Youngsters te Sheet
" Z . - ' f " ' ' ' I ASA . - . xn I pi v fffflith of 'v Yerk nticl nli1 she wna e Iho Amcrlrun Ku&barnl'a trials, wl
yi Drfue and Lew Approach
Best' Gelf When Wind Howls,
Tee Shots Should Be Kept Up With and Down Aguiml
Gales, Guilferd Explains Slicing or Pulling I
Strokes Are Dangerous
Amateur dolt t'linmpleii of ttir t'nllnl Slut
New Haven Bess
THE Inexperienced golfer prebnbly
dert net worry nbeut Hip wind ns
much ns one who linst plnyrt lonser. Ilia
Korea nre ." IiIrIi nny way Mint nn
ether ten or twelve utrokes mnnn notli netli
lug te liini. nutl be doesn't really bcnsc
that the difficulty be Is ImvIiiR Is his
Inability te piny with or against tlie
wind. However, nftcr one lias played
enough he tlint lie is nblc te Ret nreiind
tbe ceiirM In n fnlrly eoinfeitnblc
figure, he rcallr.es that the wind affects
bis came materially, and lie cnincg te
the conclusion that he must plaj hi
jsmc differently from that en culm days.
Te play in or aguljtet tbe wltnl is
? V ' !ib!
- . -. ,wf we
1 v' At i i
I - EH' '
nctemfded nt the cfl'cct wnicii the windi
has en bin play. j
Til rainy ueulticr (he saine tblns
holds true at playing In (he wind, for
the power nlue of uny paiilcubir ".Ireliu j
N material- i educed when pI.ijImr in i
the rain. It MiMiis almost unrraM"finhlc
(e belleie that ralndrep-t will effctt the I
niA'bt or the ball, but IhU Is u fait, and
ub'ti phobic In a rain the golfer must I
nwhe allowances for less of power. i
Cepurlaht, 103t, by VhW: L'tlacr Cempaiiy
Sty Tuesdays article will be en "Oct
tlnfe Out of Trouble."
. Canadian ant Nnui Vni-lc Teama Will
lemcthing which one rnnner itarn m n . Tenlaht
day or u week. It means a cempleC ,., .. ay. M0CKei Tonight
oierlmullng and rcvielng of one's same. ' s'- NT,J,,1,Vla."'c.?t.,ett erk. inembir
nml the man who run keep his medal lef th? T """ Stales I.;e Heckey As As
teere down In n cererc wind is, Indeed, I vvlutien, will make their lirst appear
fortunate. t I a nee nf the nenMin here teiilhc when
jrre are some pcctlens of tbe ceuii- Jhey face the fat H-hnerr Hmthcw. of
.. .. !,.., e c.trM. imu nn eiiimnn nt n.nl Kllcliencr. Ont.. in the Cuiiudlniis bec-
la'ine until he learns hew te ptn in nl0'"' Pni?, "f 1,1C tbrc-gamp series at Heavyweight Dies In New
inl. but In New Ih.Kland we get It '" I' n-'0. ,... ' Dta at Aae of
MMMiiedlcally, and in rather Hinnll , K'l'He Hill and Herbert Ilenrlfmjs. P'"1 at AQe of
ehcs, nnd I prebiimc for that' reaeii Ian year s members of the Qimker fllj New erh, lice. 'M.i
ilOn-l.n&tenier.s are inclined te ncglccti ,,,;,"."; "'",'", '" l'" ' ' ,lli4 " """i' cgre lie
tie study of phi Inn in ii wind. 'tonight. .Other nlarH will he .Fublnh i ,lnv ... a
n. ...... II... .!. .-! l.'..l I , Ilnlmrq. mini, mill llllllllln f.Minr.l ,.n " " "
Jnt-t Miring I was cautioned te put In usi',n8t Jears Ilnrvaid u-nin ; en flernuth,
nrich time aH possible plnylng in tuM.ermrj'. Vel.um',i" Btnr' al"1 "'ule'1 "f the
wind and ran in this country befure I , ar. .McueinH team -lirn iielipy Uulsrr
Inability te Agree en Date Given as Reason Lafayette'
Is Net Regarded as an Opponent for Next Season, j
Hcismaii Certain te Be Coach i
tight., of New "Yerk mid -aid (die wna of, the Amcrlr-un lu&barid'a trlala, wl
"ic I of K't'jltig nt home "M dm tfmc remed the wife ns n t"J"at of t'1" c'l,l,t
l!n pui li up te the J'.nstern eluli ! with nil cxpentes paid. Then somebody
,eiid that I'lnli. with n fine npptcfl.it ten i spilled Hip bcau.
Wild .Bill Succeeds Chief Bon Ben Bon
tler as Manager of Eastern
Fermer Phil inaungcr who w III pilot
the New Hacn club of the Kabtcin
Lcugue net year
Heavyweight Dies In New" Yerk Hes-
Sam "AfcVey,
heavyweight pugilist, died te-
ectil hospital, n viftliu of
Sunt McVcy wuh horn In California
-"---- .wwa . .. . - in i . . i i ii uinriini niu iwiviiii' i'ii ri"i i
MlW. but was told that the wind in K1."",",S .?"" " 'rter-: ... ,n,,. , ,.,,.,," ,' ,. ,;,. .....
XTr.nglaml wer-e net te 1,0 compared , "s " en . bwi. lermcp " , twcnt -round bout.. 10 .lack .lohnsen.
with these howling around the seaceaht r 1 . l''n; ; " ,M r0's0 aml I,lcr- The ncu )eur . .hn-eii kue-ked out
COirtcs In Knglaud. 1 wlrtli, one tlme lulc heroes. , MuVev with nnh linlf a minute te
, ! 'Blc,Tr"derratelQu,,Uer nty
Truer words were neer spoken, and ",, "Bi ,' ', fnr ,,mii . AlcVey was remMdcred le be one of
t ran nsMire .eii that we from New1 4 Nilheia"1 t,m'sllt ' .,. the greatest Negie hcavj weights In the
.ii3lamJ hail tiuicli te learn about play, tucm.nh . .. rum iw .... f.'e raid ' history of boxing. II" met most of
lnc en windy dajs. , if Mtii hum ..... c .iter Vene' . dm lending bexrr.s In the world during
Uw flail hafe ' "I:".". .V.V.V.V. . "W. ......... ArihSr I,ls timp-.""' "'" H wus recognized as
, 1 !( 1 it. . . iiw 'iniivvii .. . I'vini. ivuuiiri 11 i.vuu uiai iiuilii ,
ii.i nearu 11 urgueu tuut m play-1 no inn ....... ...110.11 ...... . cinrencu in lfl03 Sam went te Tranec. where
DAIITMDUTII Is definitely off the
1022 football schedule of the TJnl
verslty of Pennsylvania. This ntnte-
1 ment wnu made thla morning by nu of
ficial ilf the University who asked tbnt
his tuinn; be withheld, but who wan em
phatic in snjlng that there wasn't the
slightest chance of the Green and the
lied nnd Dlue getting together next year
for u game.
lcr since the contest between Penn
and Dartmouth at the Pole Gieundu
during the past season negotiations hae
been going eii between the two Institu
tions for 11 gnnic next fall. Dartmouth
hub Insisted thut Penn make u trip
te Hnnevcr .e rcdcdlcntc the new
stadium, which will be dedicated by
the Penn und Dartmouth track tcamn
next May, while the Kcd and IJIuc au
thorities hn insisted that Dartmouth
come te Franklin Held, the coming year
being I'cnn's nume nt home with Dart
mouth. It Is said, and en geed ntitherlty,
that the reason for the Inability of the
two tcamn (0 arrange u date next tea
son i due telcly beenme of their In
ability te agree en a date and net be
cnus" athletic relations are strained.
Penn will meet Dartmouth In lJilK!,
beyond a doubt, according te our In-
fermant. who stated that the clustering
of dates of important games and the
desire of Pciid te have a schedule that
will satisfy cverj 0110 prevented a date
with Dartmouth.
League Team
that reason the .vlifdiiiliig of a ganpj
witli Dartmouth v euld iirec n coin cein
tdete upct te the lilans 011 the Penn of ef
llcials. Has Inslde Track
Dattmeuth has I lie inside track nt
Penn as (empaifd with M'vrul nthfi"
colleges, am weum uiiiiiuuinii.t imw . . v ,,,,,. p, . ... r .,,.,,
htciiitiI the date had It Iimm uuiiimilblpi;" "".. ' "" , ,, ' .'"tV " VV"V. '
With the deslie of the efliclals of tin- I'Hbill '.cpm. Prcidcnl f.. or'e "tt 1 i"s,
two Institution-. 'ti npneuiiciiig the 'liaise, nd led that
Theie is little doubt In the mindi of;,nnevftn j) rccfiv0 tlm InriiOft r-alnry
llies cinp 10 ainieiie niinir- in rnin
Wild P.lll I iiievnn hn suffredftl
Chief l!fiidr us munnaer and captain
Unit Dnrl mouth will In found luiik en
the tehediiln In 102.'!, In the mm
fuhlen us Penn .Stutr 1st ba'-k for the
coming scafeii nftcr 1111 nbnec of n
mr dim te the tmibillly of the authori
ties te agree 011 11 dale.
There Is no breaking of athletic rela
tions that usually results from simh 11
dli agreement, both colleges being in
ceinpl'lf uccerd and also regretting the
fact that they cannot ngrec en a suit
able date.
Tlireu Hftecn-mln-
. . . 1 urinrPB.
lug trem the tee with n cress wind m t.nA
Dieing one sneuiu intentionally slice
or pull, the slice or pull (Icpci,icut
ureu tbe direction In which the wind
cresses the course. I am Inclined te
beliexe that there is tee much risk In Scheel Club or Penn Presents Tablet
playing tills way, ler If the slice or te q jeam
l.lanned, the plajep linds himself The loethall team at ihe 1 ennantewn
. -! ,1111 u. T , , ., .. riiAllilu k..llfll tinu lini. !m,iMrl Yir
KTieiis uuiichii.i. 1 no net oeueve lint V .. .V . "-""""". cnnHi Chll-Hlnlil3 n r xi.
f player adopting this method of plav- lP llorinnntewn Ptiends' Scheel Club euth PnaelPia B. C. Wins
Ing a cress wind from the tec would I tlie L'nhdrsltv of Pennsylvania. At' JhJ Poh Phiudeigi, , a C n ii
liaxe a fair average of success; that Is. ' the annual football banquet the club wClNttr8tecntihf. ivS0 xUi"r"-M
he would be liable te ge.t Inte dillieully 'presented, through Walter T. Miller. I:?."10..??.0:?.0'', -V1"'- .V.V fcature of tin
mure ettrtt than te piuy iafely
' for many years he was u leading boxer. '
'He wnb one of the tutors of Geerges'
Carpcntlcr when the Frenchman first
started te box in the bantamweight
c'ass. MeVey was ene of Geerges'
I trainers when the latter was training lu
I this country for his bout with Jack'
, Dempscy.
I sns this because te sliee or null lu-
tcntiennlly Is a dillicillt stroke, se dlfll
eult that Harry Vnrden hcliexcs It te
he the master stroke in golf. If a plnjer
of the. caliber of Harry Vnrden con cen
Milcra an Intentional slice or pull the
master stroke, I am sure that the aver
txc plnjer would find It mere than or
dinarily difficult. My own experience
heft taught me that in pitting n cress
wind jt is advisable te play a low ball,
cepending en the speed et the ball te
cut through the wind.
In playing from the tec with the wind
back of one it iH4iceess,nry euly te keep
Reed direction, and by phi; lug the bull
a little higher than usual 0110 gets the
advantage of the wind. In playing with
a head wind the golfer must keep his
ball a cry low, umi he must figure en
placing his tbet. He can Ugure en euly
Iwe-tblrds at the most of his ordinary
distance, und in the case of a severe
Mud about one-half. If, en this
reckoning, the shot would place him
war a bunker or hazard, he should
Other Sports en Page 21
Jr., 'Ill, a bronze tablet in honor of &?d SSiS:"BS,iif vwR'JiiiWK SSPTS
the wonderful show ins made bv the ,fcw len..,la." for ."lMeu-elifitcen-year-elj
eleven this yuir. A. II. Smith, nthluic Skik;&m nuiSi. Addr,!H Jam" ,'nnJ'r.
uirccier 01 tiic toneoi, icceived the'
trophy, en which was enscribed : "Pra- I
sented te the (iennaiitewn h'rknds' '
football team of 1021, whew gna'l line I
was net crossed, by the G. F. S. Club 1
of the V. of P."
(icimuntewn Filendu' established a
wonderful record this son son. Th( men-
iliiggnme. with Gprmautewu Aciidcmy.
I was tbe enl etic net wen. The score of '
this battle was 0-0. Episcopal Academy,
It ' no aefd that lhittmeulli
h'l.i a threvticnr con ti net tvith
leth Cerrfll ami Columbia and
that they will mcrt the lied tta,a
en Xeirmbcr 11 and the Xcic Vor!. Ver!.
rm 011 .Vouch' &t 18. Having secured
11 data tilth Harvard for Ofteher
28 and also having engaged tce
etrcr gamcn away from home,
Dartmouth is due for four or five
nuccei3he Saturdays awaj from
On the ethei hnnd. Penn ha-, a sched
ule that is se stroll'; without Dartmouth
that the placiiu: of the team en the lied
and llluc list would virtually mean 11
wrecking of the chances of Penn against
such teams as Pitt. Penn State and
Cernell, which arc met In succession at
the end et the season
Dale .Still Pending
Negotiations are still pending with
Dnfayctte, but. It is said en reliable nti nti
teorlty that there Is little likelihood of
the FaiteiilaiiH appearing en Franklin
Field in 11)22. Tlmj may reappear en
the schedule in lf)2.'l n. one of the big
tcamn le be met. bit ne.t jenr ,ith
Penn again making an effort te build
up and having a list (hat Is second (u
none as already nnr.ennccd, the Winners
arc slim for u I.afnjette contest.
The schedule may he completed this
afternoon und It ma net he immune'!,
for two week, according te one of
ficial, who stated that negotiation'. Imf
net been entirely cemplelcd.
It is certain that Ftankllu and Mar
shall will appear en (he epciiim: date,
tlie ruhcrslty of the Seuth en October
7. Swnrthiiiiirr- 011 cither the Mth or
21st of October, the Navy en the 'Jbth,
either the ruhcrslty of Alabama or
the University of Alan land en the lti,
I of November, followed by Pitt. Ptnu
state nnu Cernell.
The only dates still in e'y iU: a, a
the 4tU of November and the l)th
or Slit of October. Sicarthmure is
certain te secure one 0 the last tiie
cvr paid in the Fusi'Tit f.digtie.
He denied that vm fiber leiiFen ex
isted for dropping JJcndrr than that if
the weakening of the pltWilug arm of
Iho Cliljf, who has become limnnger ei
one of lb" departments of in Winches,
ter Arn s Company and conch of the
Yale (inn Club.
Demmtn'tt selection win the result of
a ce'iferenic b'.tween Weiss and Ty '
Cobb at (no recent innlnr Icatue meeting
In New- Yerk City. Cobb i- one of tbe
owners of (he New Haven C-lub.
Donevan virtually began his pro pre pro
frcslemil ciin 1 r in the. Connecticut
League, pitching for Wnteibury In
IS!i", just befee lwcinning his ma for
It ague sen ice, hlch inrludrd (crms In
Wa'hliigtnn, I'roekljn und Detroit, 11a
pilcher with l tie- Ytitike '. Didults ai.d
Philndeliihiu Nationals us n'lintier. 'I he
veteran Neil l'.all will prebabl heron,
tinned as field inptlu of New !Iacn.
The mcetinc of last Tnesiliiv lu.i 1 ,.,
, the home of Sjelney Hutchisen, .Wialr
j man of the Football Committee of the
University, which was attended bj thlrtj
, linked guests, all veterans in the grid
iron snort, decvleneil one tliine. n...i-
Tt Is the intention of the schedule- should silence criticism flint imu !.....
milkers nt Penn, it Is said, te have 11 gelnng the rounds of late, and that Is
fairly easy gume before the start of th" that Jehn W. Heisman will ubseltiteh
three games mentioned above, and fer1 appear nest season a( head coach
Came East With Athletic Husband
S3 Guest of Club Helding Meet
Chicago. Dec. 2.'!. The Central A. .
I". lindlngs in the cr.ee of amateur
athletes charged with prefesMimalis'ii
for Ckcc-siv" expense aeieui.ts have Itch
ent l'a--t te the National A. A. U. uu uu
theiitiCM. The reei lest for the investigation eamc
from the Fan. The Fnsfcrn men of the
A. A. U. told (he Central section te
clean its cd:iris or eK, the would de
sonic clcuiilii. New it i-i turned back
en them. This is what happened:
dele Hay, (he ..tar Cii,.,iR distan. "
iunnr, and etheiv- theie vvre ethers,
but Itaj Is picked te he (be here was
invited te take part in n big track mi-t
Khr'! ,,.Ja.u'ff '-nteni oigniiizatlen,
which iills the stand' any tln.e it ptitr.
em a meet. The rules limit in athlete
te railway fare, pallor car and S7 a dav
living expenses, and limits the muls te
net nu.re than Jf2 each, llay Js niHt-.
rlcd. Mrs. Kaj had net seen the bright
Extraordinary Xmas Sales for Saturdays
IlUllej Park High. Chestnut Hill Acn.l
emj. Haddentield Hljh and rrlendi'1
IVntrnl were nmen the team- beattii.
National Champien Gets Referee's 1
Decision Over New Yerkor
New Yerk, Dec. 21!. Dan Gnrtin, of '
Philadelphia, and national 128-pound 1
nraatcur cnampinn, wns awarded the
flLu 'fri10 BUert. ulll,itl,criibJ' VT?idltfc3'a decision in the fuiture match
"Uc!:. T,h"1' aK?,ln: lt U WC. t0J,llKl '"e intercitj tournament in Brooklyn
Vind mere favorably en 7u. s.entl shet: tl
rust rounds.
The Judges disagreed at the linisli
of the bout nn'd Ilcferee IMdle Ferbes
gave the decision te the Philadelphia!!.
I much prefcr te play a cress wind
than ene absolutely against the flight,
nnd If I can place my first shot se that
my second can cut across the w hid te 11
mtaln extent, I de se.
0 V
Afferts Putting
T UAVH spoken in a previous article
en the effect of the wind en approach
-mn, but let me repeat. On n windy
hy the pitch shot is virtually worth werth
I'Sf. whether the wind be with, across
nr .ifnlnsl. nnd for this reason the
higher the hall the mere of it Is going te
'"Mairled hy the wind, nnd I doubt if
nij eue is cap" bin of gauging the e e
ifet te which 11 hall is going te he car
ried Therefore, the low running approach
i 'he one re 1. r when thetc t
' W(cd, nnd it is for this reason thut
'tis se necessary that every person ghe
tpts ttrekc t'jc considcniiien whleb it
dffcncn. As I said before, the low
tipreaeli 1.- net only of value in the
uiu; a ih n ccciicnt nily nf up
reachiiig ou a perfectly calm daj . nud
jt If ju;t tii eu. te lay tbe low up up
i;reaeb dead as it Is te lay u pilch i.het
len in nuiting lae wind baa effect
H'eu fie play, nud I think that fen
"la: en rea'ui te what evtcnt this is
w- It a plajer i, rkeptleal about this.
1 want te adtinc him le go out le the
I'lmluE green en the nct wlndv dav
nnI wake several experiments. l,et htm
Wae,; bulls uu fett away from the bole
n four dlredlenH und lilt each one with
'no tame amount of ea'ert, or as nearly
tna tame as possible. He will be sur-
I'm1,10 lin'' that '" '' traveling
willi the wind carry two or three f 0 t
"Jrtiier tliun these agaiust ihe wind.
1 crimps In the irs( case he will hole
,!i , ue tl)0 "tfU'S. and against the
liid he wl'l be short. Of course, in
ii" 1 ?rt approaches the cfTcet of the
wuiii Is nioi-e iietlcctihle, mm alteut
e'lll I(Pt 1111(1 mm iirnf.lir.tnr- ll.ntiO
iippieache, en a wludvday Is
2500 Pipr6 in Ciciei; Genuine
French Briar Okkelite Stem, In
cluding Leather Cir; Vnlifts Up
le $5.00, General Clean-up $1.73.
;J ler Christ nuts!
! Butter I
1 ?
u hm4 iir 'F
It w
At all our Stores
Genuine! Meerschaum I'ipci,
Amber Stenu, from J6.50 te ."515
for the finest.
3-Piecc Socket Pipes, hal.clite,
bowl and stem, bcnutiiul gift,
iurludiiiR Ic&thei case, regular
57.00 value, $U.50.
Save the Retailer's Profits,
Cljars, Ciceretles and Tobacco in
Christmas Packages at Wholesale
Prices te Yeu.
4 Buiy Stere
15th and Arch Street
12 Seuth 15th Street
G00:i Market Street
50081 Germantewa Avanu
fe Eleventh and Market Streets
ilk Shirts $e 05
8 $10 & $12 Values " "C0J
Surplus Stock of a Famous Manufacturer
Sacrificed te Us! Shirts Werth $3$4
High-grade Shirts direct from a
well-known maker, whose name we
are net allowed te mention; but
come, see ter yourself what wonder
ful shirts they tire! In
Fine Silk Stripe Madras
bhirt absolutely perfect. Choice
Cord Madras
Woven Madras
and Fine Repps
Sizes 14 te 17
fables en the Street and Third Floei
make siioesinij Ct.'sy. Plenty el' all size
fiem 11 te 17. Every shirt perfectly tai tai
eoredmaterials, designs and imltcrns in
every color nnd combination.
M;. jBi li "jtfV
I IB: v- ' warn
I wm "'Kg
I rrft - PI
1 thin aM
i sill it. "" '
zc !
U ''u t Oi
c Thud
Greatest Sale of the Year
f i
Get 2 Garments for
the Price of One
1 iffcSiTSJ
Rf ila. JMkk'tat V
IllK ItllLM 1.1 V !- BI
uuuey 10 TiurU Fleer
Yeu can cheese a Suit and Overcoat, or 2
Suits or 2'Ovcrceats. Tf you can't Ubc both
'tiarments, bring a friend with you, select 2
tiarments and each pay $12.50.
$50 Werth Fer $25
Every new pattern, every new model, every new
desifjn in both Suits and Overcoats. Every gar
ment is wcU-made ntul Would be a bargain at 8"5f
All sizes and styles, for men nnd young men.
Come, Men it's the opportunity of a Ufe.
time; you simply cannot afford te miss it
Open Tonight Until 9:00
Tomorrow Night Until 10:00
15th and
3r bX
Te convert them
into cash
rather than include them
1 t
m our inventory tins month,
;ire making this stirring year-end
anUe at
Te minimize the number of small
Jets as much as possible in our inventory
and clean up all garments of which we
have only i, 2 and 3 of a kind, we are
grouping upwards of 700 Suits and
Overcoats in three lets at sweeping
Today and Te morrow-While They Last
Suits L Overcoats
Fer Men and Yeung Men
1st Greup-235 Suits at
That Were Formerly $30-$35
Wer&teds, cheviets, cassimcrefa.
etc. Pencil stripes, herringbone
and ether popular patterns: light
and dark colors. All models.
Only 1, 2 and 3 of a kind, all sizes
represented regulars, stouts,
longs and shorts.
2d Greup 221 Overcoats at
That Were Formerly $35 and $40
1. 2 and 3 of a pattern in newest
swagger kimono and raglar.
models. Ulsters and Ulstcrcttc-s
and conservative Chesterfields.
Alse plain black and gray Mel
tens and Kerseys. Strictly all
3d Greup-250 Suits and
OverCOatS Tlml Were formerly 0 jejTS
In thib ureun arc our finest ,!!-.
ments, tne very best made m
America Augtibt lireb.. Adler-
Rechcster. Stratford and cHie
nationally famous brands. Whil
only 1. 2 .ind 3 el a kind drc
....:iut,. -.. .1.: ..
uvuuuuit cii. uilb priCC, 311 M
fabrics, patterns and models
il s
Extra Special:
Tuxedo Suits
Actually Werth $50
1 landiemc Tuxedo
Suits, richlv tai
lered. Silk nnd satin
All sizcu.
Evening Clethes
Full Dress and Tuxedo SuiU
at lowest priccb in thiv, city.
Our low chain - Meri prices
enable us le sell Evening
Clethes at lower prices than
any ethers in Philadelphia.
Open DailT
I'HI p. s'l.
10 P. M,
l xeil) Yerk Headquarters,, IS. TT. 34th
hl I