r4 TSVEmNG PUBLIC CEDGEEr-PHIEADEEPHIA", WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 192L1 I, EASTLAKE BEGINS FIGHT FOR CHILDREN Asks War Department for Menth's Leave te Open Legal Proceedings TOTS ARE COURT WARDS te my baMes. I cannot say 1 wns sur lirlecd btruuiNe 1 mi aa uium m n 1 would be friu'd of thu horrible charge in havIriR mnrderi'd my peer wife, the girl I loved se well." At llrt Knutlnkc dldn'l want te talk te ntiv one. but flnnll.v eetiHented te "re llee hlm-elf," as he put It. "I'm hupp, happ) te be free once BRnln. Ne line will ever Knew whiti misery anil agen.. I liae endured hIiice the da I was arretted, charged with the murder of in wife It was a crl tablc hell for tne Ne one but mv mother, s iter, brother and my counsel hi'linpd In mv Innecencp. Many of ... . .......... . . . . , , , ,, i my goeil IrlemtM were wntn te iimeu' Frttkrlcli'dnirs. Va., Dec. -1 Reger 1). l'nutlnke, freed ctenla by a jury in Montiess, Va., of the charge of murdering his wife, Margaret, re ported te the Navv Department at Washington this afternoon and im mediately applied for a thtrt-day leave of absence te begin a fight te re cover possession of his two children, Reger, Jr.. eight ears old. and Mar garet Kathcrlnc, five years old. Wntt T. Maye, the PiMr'-t Attorney of Westmoreland County, who was de feated in court yesterday hy tin jurj f upcedy verdict cf acquittal, yet was vie ter te the extent that the children re main in his custody, sweats he will net lei the father have them without an firrter frnm Juilee .Tesenh M. ('llit)U. Tlie fight for the children is likely te1Iwjnc (;r-0nu cievcien into a tnrec-cernereu iuiiir-i for their dead mother's brother, the Tlev. Themas M. Yardley, of Caton Caten ville, Md., who had the youngsters in charge during the weeks preceding the trlnl, has them again, having put up a bend of ?S00 for them. RnRHnt.i's flcht for the children be- jran nlmest as seen as he reached , Fredericksburg. The children were net, in court, of course, ai the time the jury returned its "net-guilty" verdict late yesterday afternoon, nor were they in the little, hotel nt Mentm-s. where the had Veen for several nnxieus days when I there was queatier ct peKsibh putting thcra en the witness stand Tiiej were safe nt Prosecutor Maje's home when the District Attorney was thundering Invectives nt their father in the little second-fleer courtroom, and remained there until lat night Bastlake left town f-oen after the I verdict had been returned, his eminM-1 1 wishing te avoid anj pesibillt of pep- iilar demonstration against him He had no chance te areet his rhlldn-n. who Mill believe lie is en -ca lut, and are f praying that their "D.idd" will n-turn in time te spend Christmas with them. I Won't Surrender Children ' me cuiltv of such nn atrocious clinrge. but they never bothered much nleut me I had te suffer alone, cheered only b in j own immediate lelathes and conn cenn m1, hut I knew the day of reckoning was coming and, as I believed, it came. "When I .at in mv rell with my IHMc as my only companion, I never let ciinlidenee in m.elf. My only and pole thought was hew could nny one hcllee jthat I could kill my Margaret, (oil i knows they certainly tried te hang it ion me, but the failed because it was impossible te convict me of something of which I was net guilty. "My next plan will be te get my children and start life anew, live for them and try te make up the less of their meth.r. I will miikn their little lives as happy as possible. "I cannot divruss mv plans for the future As a matter of fact they are c.mni Imt Imw T li n rl nlnnnpd te re turn te m station at the i-anigren -uuac hut maybe tins win he rlinnired. "I talked with Commander Creen mv commanding officer, but 1 am net at liberty te discuss what pnsseil between us. All I can sny Is that 1 am meie than thankful te ?vcry one who helped tne in in hours of trouble and trust I mav some day be able te puj in full mv obligations te them I am hnppuj ; a great lead has bien 'iftcd from m mind." amount te much, because we only took two ballets, the first being eleven te one for acquittal, mid when we took the second ete twelve hands were raised and each man I'litd acquittal. Therc wasn't an eUiieiiec te connect Kast lake with the crime." Judge Chinii said the .cnllct was a just one. "The jury could net hnve leached any ether conclusion iudglng by the evidence," sain tne Judge. "The torrid t was quite proper." l'nvtlake lest no time tlHippcaring from" the little town of Mentress aftci he was freed. Ilefere he left his cell yesterday morn ing lie hud packed his belongings in his dittv box, se confident was he that he would be freed, and when the jury opened the deer of libert. for him he wasn't a minute getting under wa. He left Mentress at 5 :30 o'clock, just twenty-five minutes after the idict was in, nnd two nnd one-half hour later he was wallowing in a bathtub in his hotel. "Oee, It will tnkc sand and canvas te scrub me up right," he pliij fully shouted te his brother "When I get this dirt off mj si If I think I'll run ten miles into the ceuntrj te get limbered up. That eight dan cooped up in the Mentress boob hatch wns some punish ment; I've net had n ehame te stretch mj legs since I left Richmond." GERMAN DEBI COT REFUSED BY BRIAND would be decided them. without consulting French Premier Outlines Plan for Protection of British Industry TAX ON EXPORTS PROPOSED Mether Toe Happy te Talk Kastlnke's mother, Mrs. f!. M. K Hastlake, 7 140 Hetcr stnet. Phllailel phia, tee. wis happv, but she did net care te express her joy in words. The mother, who has been witli Knstlake mnstnnth since he wns placed en trinl in Mentress, Vu., December 18, said in a quivering voice ns she fendl pattd the freed man en the cheek : "Mine I im happy, really I de net I-nnw what te sn. I felt that right would win out, and it did Mis Mnbel Chambers, a I'astlake and also a Philndelphlan, w.is the liappli -t of all the futml. Her face wai wri.ithed in smiles. "I told mui Reg would b" iieqnittMl IT should tuner line gene en trial, be can"?, he was Innocent. The idia if FREED OFANARCHY CHARGE Dismisses Indictments for Carrying "May Day" Circulars New Yeili, Dec. 21. iP.v A. P I friminnl annreln indietmints ngaint IJy tlie Associated Press Pari. Dec. 21. Premier ltrinud, in his conferences with Prime Minister Lloyd CJeorge in Londen, lins refused firmly te consider nny further reduc tion In the total amount of reparations due from C.ermnny, It Is understood in efficinl circles here. The French Piemlcr, according te the information, hns proposed a ta en Herman exportntlens te be collected In the importing countries. This course would be taken In order te facilitate pi.Miients by Germany nnd at the same time pretcrf Hrltlsn ministry irem mui m Tlie above dispntch apparently hns reference te nn unofficial statement made nftcr jesterdny's conference be tween Prime Minister Lloyd Geerge nnd Premier Rrlnnd te the effect that it sug gestion had been made for holding n five-Power conference early in January, te which lepresentntlvcs of Russia and Ocrmnny should be Invited. This sug gestion gave lise te conjectures ns te 'lint European country would be the fifth participant in such n conference, assuming, of course, thnt (treat llrltain nnd Prance would he in the group. It mny be thnt M. Leueheur'a announce ment means that Relgium would be the fifth nntien in the proposed conference. LIANG SHIH-YI IS NEW HEAD OF CHINESE GOVERNMENT of Coalition Cabinet Being Formed All Reactionary Parties PelritJ. Dee. 21. (Ry A. P.) Llnng Shlh-Yi hns been nnmed ns I Premier of the Chinese Cnblnet te stic icced Chin Yuri-Peng, who, with all his ministers, resigned en Sundav. The fall of tlie Cabinet followed the arrlvnl here of General Chnng Tsne- Lin, Governer of Manchuria, who In 1 new engaged in forming n coalition government in which nil the reactionary an competition, which wns represented parties are pntticlnatlng. It is charged Jehn E. Seibert. Abraham Jaklra and Israel Aniter. arrest td la-t April fin having in their po-M"-ien "Mav Da" ilnulars urging overthrew of tlie Gov ernment, weie dismiss! d today by Judge Talley in General Sessions. IIe held there wns no evidence te show the trio "prepurid, compo-ed, printed, circulated or distiihuted" the circulars, ns the indictment charged. "Mere possession of smh llteratuie is net a violation of the law," he said "What thej did was bv wnv of prepir.i prepir.i tien for, net consuiinintlen of it irim llial act. The jiiillee ni'tnl with iiiin mcndable 7ial, but the; ni ted tee seen." NO. 13 ON PARDON LIST DIES Harrlsburg, Dee lil. The State Heard of Pinions wns vi -terdav notified i .... , of the death of Carev Ilt.itin. Dil'iwnre Ister el ,, , . ...,!,. t ,.i lllilll 1 , mif lllMI'tltl'"l I'M J ,ll"ll was te have been een-nb red tedaj Ur ixten's case vmis Ne 13 en the list. na tiniini liKpmnp viiIneiiH threucli de preciatien of the mark. The aim weuid he te equnlhe the German selling pricis abroad with Rritish prices. Prem ether efficinl dispatches ic celved here, the Impression prevails In elhYl il clreles that the conversations of tin Premiirs will be confined te this one subject of Germanj. The qui stum stum ef Turkey and Russia will be postponed for subsequent meetings, it is under stood. The expectation new is that nil that will be done In Londen at this time will he te tirenaie the way for meetings ' of the Supreme Council enrly in Janu i nrv bv bringing out clenily the respec tive viewpoint of Great Rritaln and Trance. I Londen, D.c. 21. (Rv A. IM Leuis Leiieheiir. Trench Minister of I Libel add Rcilens, saiil tedav that be I foil- he left Paris te come te Ixinden I for the conversntiens en Germnn repa ration nnd Kindred matters, he told I repri sentntlves of the Rellnn Govern ment that tin1 Londen conversations I would be meiilv lnfeimnl. He snid he Ji.id preiiilsul the Relglans that nothing W. W. Rntznur, Jr.. Eastlake's chief charging our Reg with such n brutal ntterne.v, went te Hague, when Mr. 'crime. It was outrageous, and the jur Maye "lives, te denian 1 the ihildiui i did net lee much time in cenvincnu' tarlv last evemmr. The Rev Dr 'these vvlm thought different that thei- ,.u, ,n,lr. it,,. t,.m.. ilemnml T.i , views were entirelv erroneous Mr. Rutzner the District Attorney re- turned a point-blank refusal, lie tela the uncle that he could have the ilul- dren only if he put up a bend, se that they might be produced nt the tii.il of Mi.s Sara E. Kne. the Rnltimere trained nurse jelntl indlcteil with East lake for the murder and still awaiting trial. ' Mr. Maye said: "Judge Chinn must i give me instructions te turn the chil dren ever te their father before I will' de se. Ne one dare cress mv threshold te take them until I get such nn order vi course, u tuc .iuukc gives me eruers te turn the children ever te the guard ianship of their father I will de se, but X am of that Angle-American strain that believes a man's home is h.s castle." Mr. Rutzner will make application today te Judge Chinn for the children L'nder the Virginia law the father Is en titlisl te the children until It is proved that he is net u proper person te take charge of them. Lieutenant Commander Jeseph TI Green, of the Duhlgren Proving Grounds, Eastl.ike's superior officer, taid emphatically late yesterdaj thnt the former defendant's status ns a chief petty officer in the Tniteil States Navv is net changed by the tiial. "Yeu mny draw jour own condu cendu condu siens,' said Commander Gnen when questioned about the status of Eastlnke in tlie navj "When the ciime was committed Eastlake was en leave. If you knew nny thing about the regula tions of the United Stntes Navv jiu knew that a man en leave must leturn te his station in ten davs. bur If taken into custody by the civil authorities his leave automatically expires. On his re lease he is bound by the regulations te leturn te his station at the first oppor tunity " Eastlake, sitting In the dining room of the Princess Anne Hetel, In Trcd--rlcksburB lute last night, expressed his gratitude for his freedom He -uu "Thank Ged the jurv behevid in mv innocence, exonerated an- sent me hm u Donald E Eastlake, a brother, who was i enstantly nt the side of the in -quitted mnn all through the long trlnl, was emphatic in ills remarks. "The iurv returned the enl verdict It could hnve found." he said. "There was net one leta of evidence te count it m.v brother with this crime, but then eeitainlv was a let of evidence intro duced tint the Commonwealth had nb nb fcelutcl no right te offer." Tem Maje, foreman of the jurv that acquitted Eatlake In thirtv-slx min utes, said it was a just vcrdiit. "We sent for the chief pettv officer s I enp ami the letter te retresli eiu minds." said Maje. "but that didn't Mifflin nmnvk 'im wniawwuiiiir ran m g W fed 3 Frem nest te your table g I of twehe JsatJ0 Sewing. Made a Pleasure p m S Sold only in our Stores IJ319MCLU uruMtb CO, rff a. 4 1 feMitfuj iiiiiiiUiiiiiiiniiiFiin iiiiiii'iiuiiiiiiiiiiiaii wi,i iK Yeu Could Give Her Ne Finer Christmas Present Next te her family and her home, the nearest thinp te a woman's heart is her sewing machine if she is fortunate enough te have a geed one. Most women would thrill with the thought of receiving ;i new Portable Willcox & Gibbs Electric Automatic for Christinas, for all women le gard it a3 the finest of til sewing machines. vel cei'i.i) .in HEit no riMiii t.ift She can attach it te any light socket and the sewing will glide magically 1 encatli her fingers. Sewing will be come a genuine joy. It is a beautiful piece of machinery with a number of exclusive advantages. It has no bobbins te wind, no ten sion te regulate, and ether features women appreciate. smyi.l i',n.MKM m: i itr.se.M : iiir ijalanci: ex i:sr TiatMS. CAM. AMI SI. J". IT IIKMONMHATI'II WITIIOIT OBI IGATIOV Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Ce. 1709 Chestnut Street (Phene, Spruce 2192) . -enniiTccv -SERVICE : IMPORTETtS, DFSiarri AKD fAK:l!S! OF 1t'OirKV,J AVD CHILDRESS AVPAUrtj OF THE JIIGHViT CHMIAC TEU FOR MORE THAW TWEWTY-BIX YEARS DOWNS WHAPS SUITS runs n&eusxa I.IWGERIH Chestnut Cemer Twelfth SV7T3ATER3 uzziiiiiTsay SKIRTS CHILDIIEN'S ArPAKEI. PETTICOATS Furs The Gift Beautiful Beauty allied with quality, emphasize the judgment of selecting the Gift from the "Harris" collection of "Furs of the Better Kind." Styles, tee, that are just a bit removed from the usual enough te stamp your selec tion, for all time exclusive. The following indicate unusual value: Solid fox Scarfs, all colors $25.00 Scarfs of skunk, mole, opossum, beaver and seal; new fashionable scarfs . $34.50 Stene marten Scarfs, full, dark skins $35.00 Natural skunk Steles, 16x72. . ..$135.00 Natural blue squirrel Steles, 16x72 .$175.00 Muskrat Coats, Ihree-quarter length. $135.00 Hudsen seal Coats, beaver and skunk trim med .$295.00 Mele Wrap, blouse back, 48-inch $285.00 THIRD FLOOR Weel Hosiery in plain and fancy knit. Alse our own Silk Hosiery, stamp ed "Harris"; full fashioned; black and cordovan. .95 W Sptcializa en St)le$ That Slenderize the Larger Women lA 2&4 irtm m 500 Brand New Suits for Cfa nstmas Only a few hours from the hands of the tailors who made them. Brought into specially reduced price groups for Christ mas buyers. Fer two trouser Suits of ' crs make them $55 Suits. T) (fM vpijjMJy $26.50 Fer two trouser Suits of $35 quality. Extra trous ers make their values $42.50. All the .suits in this first notable group are pure worsteds, and in both groups only all-wool cloths of newest and finest patterns will be found. Oxfords, grays, greens, browns, checks, stripes, herringbones, fishbenes. Years of wear in every suit. r&Brewn 1 Market at Sixth for 60 Years W? that Chin liin-Penc wns cuiltv of l)cculntleim nnil the snle of offices. The new Premier is credited with hnvinc Inspired the attempt by Tunn Shl-Knl te create himself I'mperer in 1015. Under his mnplces many of the officials of the Oevcrlment overthrown Inst summer nre new participating In the councils of Btntc. Among thee In (lenernl Ohnng's fol lowing nre Wang Chnn-Yucn, former military governor of Hupeh, nnd Chnng Chln-lne, who wns Governer of Hu nan province nt the time of the murder of the Hev. W. A. llclmcrt, nn Amcri enn mlsslennry in .Tunc, 1020. The Amcricnn Legation demanded thnt he be held rcBpeiiNible for the crime. The legntlen is snid te be preparing n pro pre test against his presence, in l'ckin nt the present time. Anether of the men tailing pnrt In the movement is General Cheng Hsun, who headed the mibucccssful Mnnchu restoration in 1017. If disappointed- We emphasize the fact that our large assort ment of magnificent Xmas cards still offers the same opportunity for individual selection and the prices are unusually low. Denten's 1 fejrthanJ Chestnut Men's fine neckwear Te meet the great demand for our neck wear, especially at this Christmas season, we have arranged for fresh daily ship ments from the factory te our stores te enable us te keep our stocks replenished with the newest and finest merchandise. $1 te $4 each Gloves, Sl.eO te S3 Madras Shirts, $1.50 te $5 Reefers, $3.50 te $12 Vajamas, $1.30 te $7.50 Initialed Handkerchiefs!, 23c te $1.00 Silk Shirts, $6 te $11 Dress Sets, $2 te $10 Silk Hese, 60c te $3 Umbrellas, $1.50 te $12 Bath Robes, $5.00 te $50.00 Full Fa&hiened Pure Silk Half Hese, $1.00 1204 Chestnut St. 11 Seuth 15th St. 1119-21 Market Sti'eet BONWIT .TELLER & CO. 3ft iSptcialy tfhep jef Ortginatiem CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET FOR THURSDAY Cfjrtetmasi specials; in Jf me Hesiterp SILK - AND - WOOL HOSIERY Silk-and-wool hosiery of excellent quality, in two-tone sports-color weaves that will be in smart contrast with fashionable shades in sports costumes. All sizes. Formerly 1.95 PURE-SILK HOSIERY . Full-fashioned pure-silk hose in black, white and shoe shades. Rc-cnferdcd lisle garter tops. Full selection of colors in all sizes. Specially Priced 1.50 1.65 NOVELTY SILK HOSIERY 3.95 Formerly 4.95 te 7.95 Superfine pure-silk hose in black, white and shoe shades. Open-work and embroidered clex and drop stitch effects. Hese of such beautiful quality will be deeply appreciated by the fastidious woman. Luxury tax 20 cents. FIRST FLOOR tiM5?V 1-jBtai r rfeMw i Lii i Yjf LS fjslf'sfi BONWIT TELLER &, CO Cu Sfxaalfe Stcp cfOnauialienb CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Arranged for Thursday CHRISTMAS SALE OF PERFUMES & TOILETRIES Unusual Values GUERLAIN 10.00 L'Hcure Bleue Perfume 8.75 9.00 Rue de la Paix Perfume 7.75 L'Heure Bleue Letien 4.00 Rue de la Paix Letien 4.00 B OSTRICH FEATHER FANS Beautiful one-stick feather fans, in black and dark blue, as well 7 Ctf as all the vivid evening shades. Formerly 10.00 HOUBIGANT Ideal Toilet Water, HCIV hUC 3,50 Quelques Fleur3 Toilet Water, new size. .4.25 Ideal and Quelques Fleurs Sachet 2.50 Quelques Fleurs Perfume 4.50 Quelques Fleurs Perfume 8.50 Ideal Perfume 3.75 Ideal Perfume 7.25 HOUBIGANTS IDEAL TOILET SET Perfume, toilet water and talcum. . . .10.00 HOUBIGANTS QUELQUES FLEURS Set of perfume, toilet water and talcum.H.QO ROSINE 7.50 Nuit de Chine Perfume 6.50 COTY 6.00 La Rese Jacqueminet Perfume. . . . 4.85 6.00 L'Origan Perfume 4.85 R1GAUD 1.50 Compact Powder 1.25 18.50 BOUDOIR DOLLS 10.00 Geld metallic lace and taffeta in lese, sunset and blue. fl: 5.00 BRONZE STATUETTES 2.95 Bronze nudes te be used as paper weights or for decorative purposes. Luxury Tax of four centa en the dollar en all Perfume ana I eilet Waters mnn Charge Accounts Invited HmiU Mall Orders Filled tnsiOi Charge Purchase Billed February First Upen Request i ;aim mm&wmnvvum 1215 Chestnut Street Illustrated Fashion Felder Sent en Request We Cut the Middleman's Profit by Manufacturing Furs Direct With the demand for furs absolutely exceeding the supply, this opportunity is for you the biggest thing of the winter season. Our furs at their present prices show you savings that average 25 te 50 less than regular! A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase Until Required Regularly Nw 100.00 Russian Peny, three-quarter length 49.50 125.00 Trimmed Russian Peny, three-quarter length, 69.50 135.00 Trimmed Leepard Cat, three-quarter length. 79.50 155.00 French Seal Ceat, three-quarter length 79.50 165.00 French Seal, 40 inches long 94.50 165.00 Australian Nutria, three-quarter length... . '98.50 165.00 Natural Muskrat, three-quarter length. ...110.00 200.00 Trimmed Marmet, 40 inches long 110.00 225.00 Trimmed French Seal, three-quarter length.. 125.00 245.00 Trimmed French Seal, 40 inches long 135.00 300.00 Natural Raccoon, 40 inches long .. 195.00 375.00 Moleskin, three-quarter length 195.00 375.00 Hudsen Seal, three-quarter length 245.00 375.00 Black Caracul Wraps, 45-inch 245.00 375.00 Moleskin Wraps, 45-inch 245.00 425.00 Skunk-Trim. Hudsen Seal, 40 inches long. ..275.00 450.00 Natural Squirrel, three-quarter length 295.00 450.00 Hudsen Seal Wraps, 45-inch models 295.00 450.00 Trimmed Leepard Skin, three-quarter length 295.00 495.00 Natural Squirrel, 40 inches long 345.00 600.W Trimmed Persian Lamb, 45 inches long. ..395.00 525.00 Jap Mink, three-quarter length 395.00 700.00 Alaska Seal, three-quarter length 445.00 750.00 Jap Mink Wraps, 45-inch 495.00 750.00 Natural Squirrel Wraps, 45-inch .... 495.00 750.00 Hudsen Seal Circular Capes, 45-inch 495.00 O00.00 Taupe Caracul Wraps, full length 495.00 675.00 Alaska Beaver Coats, 40-inch 595.00 1000.00 Broadtail Wrap, 45-inch 595.00 1950.00 Natural Mink Wrap, 45-inch 1245.00 Extra Large Size Coats Up te 52 Bust Chokers, Scarfs, Steles and Sets at Savings up te 50 Quantity Regularly Nevr (9) Natural Squirrel Chokers 16.50 8.50 (8) Tap Mink Chokers 17.00 8.50 (9) Natural Mink Chokers 25.00 12.50 (9) Taupe Fex Scarfs 30.00 14.50 (9) Brown Fex Scarfs 30.00 14.50 (7) Stene Marten Chokers 37.50 24.50 (9) Taupe Fex Sets 37.50 24.50 (5) French Seal Steles 60.00 29.50 (8) Taupe Wolf Sets 65.00 34.50 (4) Cress Fex Scarfs 55 00 34.50 (6) Baum Marten Chekeis 60.00 34.50 (5) Hudsen Bay Sable Chokers OO.OO 44.50 (3) Black Lvnx Scarfs 85.00 49.50 (4) Hudsen Seal Stoics 100.00 49.50 (3) Scotch Mele Stoics 115.00 69.50 (3) Pearl Gray Fex Chokers 110.00 74.50 (4) Natural Squirrel Steles 130.00 79.50 (3) lap Mink Stoics 160.00 79.50 (J) Natural Fisher Chokers 160.00 79.50 (2) Skunk Steles ,. 195.00 110.00 (2) Natural Mink Stoics 225.00 145.00 J f. VT JL ? "-l7v WV7 ,isC,V'T5i FIRST FLOOR srj' i mass fi3&& 1A VJ rsw IL (53) Children's Fur Sets 5.50 te 39.50 (12) Hudsen Seal Muffs Formerly 15.00, New 9.75 SMJNWIM P.nrcwi'nxr Aecntst Orders Accepted mm0 11 1 7 " ' !,,,. '"""if r