EYENING1 PUBEIC (LTiJDGER PHII5ADEEPHIA', WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1921 PAROELPOST PAHOEI) POST PAP.OEL POST PARCEL POST TAIICEL POST PAROEI. POST PARCEL POST PABCEI. POST M1MWTiJM,al,liW,1aIIPW,l,'!PIW DOLLS-TOYS- The Great Uptown Tey Stere. Announcing its last Big yvu (yciu oweuaijcu vyjLii untuiiiuia u u man nrr nra j..nff fiir rlfiv. .mrl rpmernhnr fliMn c-nonJetc ,.,u 1 , lui fc " f -- . Flcxeplanc Ceaster A ulcil en wlireln, solid weed ronntruc renntruc tlnn. IlKht and iipcetly nne m mn . Special at $2.00 Ne. 16 Paris Ceaster Heavy atcel braced, r e I 1 0 r btwrlntr artillery whirls Kitactlv itH cut llndy 40 inc. lone. 18 Ins. wide. Nene by innll. ui-t siz.oe. Special at $8.50 Children's Play Scales fcimektt with we.fbt. Pest. a. -fF 25c S: Ne. 4 Pressed Steel Train Set. EmlBe ml. three cearurs. Cnrs 11 Ins. I eck. I!?"t. lCk. m Special yttc Anether ehanee te est thatn rash Union h'lthlr nickeled Sail kcann Heller Skates. Special at $1.89 Pt 10r Xer.. KS0 Ne. 5223-10 Moving Picture Machine it W .kme, fumlihea Ilffht, Ut the children hare their tnerles at Complete Outfit Special at $3.35 Fitrn rtlm ar lOe and tic (lach. rmt. Inn. Children's Tey Sweepers (that aweenl. 7 'n len 5 lni. vide. Pest. BCj Special 50c Popular Carteen Boek iWrfv ...33. f" ' Cemles "Matt & Jeff." "Keruhr rIlewN," "Itrlnirlnc I'p rnthrr," "Toener llle Trol Trel lex." ipeclnl at I5e a copy. Pest Je G-vViF' .jEV ZS2S 5Jyt-"w5T.l5a, iS (py y WW? wfiw Complete stock of Autes, Dell Coaches. Coasters. Sl.rl fact everything Santa Claus make3 for the Kiddies. ' ' ' "EVERYTHING ON WHEELS FOR CHILDREN' The Biggest Tey Stere in "Lecal Philadelphia" prGftict HOFFMAN CYCLE amnaai Binms&mw .$ 1009 : FREE HH U t te an malt en.erti tli't will favorably cuipare in ei their melt Mth our fe : Imported Ittilaii Old Tlme Milt "tnul that sells at 7c complete, net PeiklnT of Mich brand thnt sell at eny price Our superior brind Ne 1. trat tells nt l '(), rierlil Hire.) cans 14 00. th-re H no comptrlaen hater. Any one who lias tried our brnndi will approve fhit our nr.rds ure America's beat. Oet th Old Tlme lublt and try ere bottle of Old Time nnd be cnnilnci-d BUY DIRECT FROM THE LARGEST MANUFACTURER IN PHILADELPHIA, PA. Patented Safety Gasoline Cans ISiit the llrst (ire Price Seamier, extra hean copper. With 4 In 'ipiiW bell oliape brass dome. r cai. 5 7.re 'V Ciil. S 0 10 10 cnl. 711.50 Copper Cans "Built for Si rvle." d-gal...$3.25 5-cal...$4.25 8.gal...$6.55 10-gal...$7.25 (Price, of Lareer Cana Upen Itequest) neat PY, .'- tnl ca" .. , tool Inar. but it '.".W hullt with r.l guaranteed or rv "wr"y refunded. Copper Tubing, per feet Das Unions, each ,.10c , .15c hltee'Ji1' iH,,!rlt ,ic' quarter-waned tied-. ' br,li werknunalilpi nuaran- ii.lin nH li . . 81.19 All 7i "en ,DI". hpecial 53.10 'west i,?r "Uc" ur tu no giJlena nt & ntf1""' A," chufrwl kess, all M0LAB.i2ve"' rrlees. STOi ?r4'"'. 'i S2.75 111 ,?."?" ,i,,Ie' Special rnneMhTKlitiJ"i'','.,5?,ACh . . ahi' Ir'.TK,t. he" tiunertrd In. - utnis . BOe lluhi with Jir. ?1 00 HIM AND III i: "hole n. I". 100-11. Imc Crushed t. " u V "hole Male" ,c M- Cru.hed l"i.' ' "Ml''" Juniper 1i.i. Ic t.' """ffiTj! I ilninri efc "U0 1 i-a1,"'?,.""'' A ELECTRO CONDITE ONVERTER Improves ate 20 jrj any liquid Special, $5.00 Each i r . M. ...... . "' "' awflcsrfsafti. -,: "t i- j Mterr. t I .!...!,. ti. .,. "rro,?rf.,.,.e,IC.r aat 'ATENTS niiinilADr.MAItK' brcured Vrlte. nhnne or rati or in r ujuiATItl.N IWILUAMSON & WILLIAMSON u.O.Nra 1325 ARCH ST.. PHILA. I-"', u la Si Slen ,..i xi I.te., 7 tu 0 I H rSAFETYM pidst L W Will Send I Mj Ht IJi- if !l press j K fellert A a Anywhere I 1 In Plain 1 Jj Turton J SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY " (WSW riV'pfe , m.i, mn ri.iNe si-iti u' s ' ,N1 nil: nVi,:ir,,(1rr ;''ni-r "Tst nDr i 0r,,r.rH "lle'l "line Dht. rREE 1'"l",r,,d J'rlut Old-llme " nrli, ,. """ J''ilers wanted. Cell -j"lr for prnpnaltlim. 4 - 'WHEN BUYING, PLEASE EVERYTHING ON WH EELS FOR CHH.nRF.M these specials won't Inst - ... Ironing Beard for Dell Clethes -Weed Jen tnfUl l?n. StnH 17 In, fcltb. Lenrlh ,f. Ian 2Qln Price 50c, Pest 3c All Metal Mechanical, KincnANT sinr Sprint meter, kr wlni, Huru In water! hliaty col ored. Pest. 5c Special, 50c J Twe-Game Beards Keth betrd tntlien fiiiare. Duch rami. 17 In tlili anlcndld nrrles cmtaln. n fnlrllnr benrd with checker beard en one aide, and en the rercree side n plarln dentin for a well known popular The:. "! are; MeMenger Bjt. Mill, flteepfe Chaie. Base, ball, U. 8. Kail and India Peit lOe. Special at 98c Wilkin Victory Fleet TransDArt and rla. i'reyeri. Mace of weed with raster ,'Din'l moten. JfOtt 50, Special 45c Each The Famous Medel H Single Shet Daisy Air Rifle Full nickel finish. Lerer action. Kep. S3 3J. Pest. 16e. Special at $1.68 The Mystic Wonder Ouija Fortune Beard Iter. S1.25. Pest, ic. Special 69c 4 (1&vtikY20Xl fABCl9TtiHU M&m ItW-tfaakazxlStJ W!F H- The Ifew Tet NOTeltr Teddy Bear Muff The best "little Olrl" 01ft this aeaien. Very Special at $1.49 Send Ne Meney Attractive Pattern Beautiful Silk Embroidered Dress All Sizei 16 te 46 HERE IS A WINNINQ GOWN A gaberdine serge one piece dress of unexcelled quality. An fashion, ably mode in an advanced atyle. Erery detail belns faihlen. It won't coat veti ens en't like thlt drvai Trv It en bvjk) if 70a don't ed after the fall in love season a meat I up-te-date high I class gown. This pattern Is atlncthelv be- with It icn It IVcxatoerei pent Wewil rtfund every penny yea paid cemlni! te every i ORDER TODAY woman, min or Hear fa mini erhnrmlnff dreis tout. 11 as warmth and rnt te yoe without beauty and worth three i times the price we atlc. snymenfyinaidi Vhen It rrii peatmtn U.98 tern n an n pctag Order hrUa lCHinri In naw blua only six taH IUU $lt WavnUd Lee Themas Cernpany,Dept.830 2465-57 Archer Avenue, Chicago, llllnela "Heuse (V Quality Mercluintliie" TOY HEADQUARTERS OF NORTH PHILADELPHIA Special prices en Lionel Electric Trains, Bail Bearing Ceaster Wagons, Sleds, etc. Come and ?ee our v a r i e t y of toys. (Extra charge for expres sage.) GREENWALD 28.13-45 N. 22d St. PHILADELPHIA l iiiTirrwHC Free ' f rWaxT'FSS ii "th tt lntrelur our jVivy- tntlntru snnn Kit le or -r-.W-'6Tv-C- tout of at MTtlittnir and ninll- Inu nnii iir si JI',411 I 111 (0. Drid HI. I'.iiet lliiilen, MtiHi "a 1 Serge ipk Becom- uSuPtfWSSS sweet Rmimr c mmba i Daint V" j f jvS ONLY ,rfwM if t 4SHBbFm LGT?ik8imimt, jiWOTCJHwSi f.iWKa "SSX KWJ''JI5 Vff.mi W&F1.VZJ A 1 11 1.1 'uuviccii'i .' jny.n iiTisHsaa i$mMM wwimsait this P a l i IIIkK 'a 11 eat y M 1 14 nte, a, xx user h wj t GAMES Special Tey Sale for the year net- iimn r ..!.. v. long. "7. vulllt- "",jr a,,ulJ Ne. 22 Baby Express I Bedy 11 ina, lour. 7 lai. wide, A nlee toy fer the little fellow. Fett 18c. Special 85c Ne. 80 Choe Choe Car Deuble, w h eel Tfeit. A ttrnn tnrdr wfwel ter. I'eat. 10c. Special $1.10 Genuine All-Bress Bey Scout Bugle "3 A reel Inatrnraent. IS Itchea lone. Peat. lOe. Special at $2.68 The Wheel of Knowledge Werka en the Drlnctnle of the cemnana lOO time rae,r. ""arrtlena ..than the eiilja. Nerer faila te an an-cr jenr mteatlena, A Great $1.00 Amusement for 50c Peet Se, 3F 5,NAL CLBAN TJP OB- enn aneclal priced blcrclej. ae adrcrtlaed laat Bunder. Just a Few Left at $35.00 Ne. 15 Child's Straight Chairs Fine natural flnlsh. Solid mania, 21 ins. Utah. Nene by mnll. Special at $1.00 Children's Khaki Cleth Play Suits Indian and Cewher ! j. . '," ,0A lllI,aT Ilft " the boy. Special at $2.38 n..b. tui. ru.:.. CO. 3015 F Street 3010 Keminften Avenue MODEL CO., 145 Market St. Is Right en the N. E. Cor. 2d and MnrketjlSts., PHILA., PA. Get right place and addrcta Kitibllaheil evrr 30 jeurs fcltxhtlr tTaetd In th TTar By United States Government 65 Genuine $15.S0 Ine Oar Prie High-Power Binoculars Finest Makes In the World 8-Power Genuine Colment Cna. .lutlnilrd A line Souvenir of tlm ur Hiers one used by U s (Jm rrn mnt and hni ueurnmrnt atirna en 0"r,.chnn, et a H'etlme tePbS? fi:r"r,'!l!AnJr "prlcrnme,U B,S" M one eno ene An wc.rU thean irlniiea nt no leir Tata W" "tUf" ln """" nnT.5 MODEL CO., 145 Market St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Open i:en lltciiltiE Till 11 e Clnc't . ATnnnnl Trninine Rnnnli Our Ileurh la ' tnrbea lone '12 Inched nil. il In liea hlcb' fitted betb front and end vrllh Btial here" I lies 3Iade or aeiecten cienr cram unn nrle,i nard manu nun ueiren winia 12-Inch rle h,tb bard reed ana etenlnit H inebea 1 Incu sled arrcw it a lellil iron nut Sam e style as cut. I Viae no drawer . ...$1G,00 1 Vise 1 drawer $16.00 2 Vise with cabinet .. .$30.00 y June thr lurernt imiertim lit of Ten I ( lirt min ( iililnrtn. leu nhniiiil rniue curl lis nnd trr th' zrr it t iiurM SJ.Od te grll.tHI. SHANNON , l Stere ( lne.re 11 inn I'. M. CTAI.O(ll'KS from lle of the Urucut nnd iH.i in ui uiucr nuvnea in Ameriwi will lie l r,,mptl mulli'it te , i,iuuii iiiuiirii ii, k . ocraei h w nu oeraoni who arml tin , tiiti silver ,r htiwnpi ntn silver ,r htimipi TIIK CKNTIIM. li:M'Y Hunllncrieti, l'u, MM I2SH3 mTl5s?4fl a sir miSjNlf'&jk Solid ipw ' ' ,tnrr imlIv a! WiMM VaSif. id.1.!.".1. " nliinni.iVii.iiinti ii'"l I jJr5?T?teHi.''f' lyij'M illL '. '' ' ptl Theae irlni-srj Hre extraaritln- f Vji nr"v l'imirful unit Imm fvr 101 rnnri'. Iind or sra, rtn cir If IXO nlirht me i:xtra nxl fnr V y huntlnv bird rtiilj. tne. ? If I,", ,"rit-itj nei riptalns Ii I 4 IlKlilliuuse l.'pir airen f I J emers nnd for pTrtlculnr I lj neiii. thit must hnii th. ' AA Ie3t kind of i:lnse. Ailjuit AM l "" fi'r dlffirmt atri ruth of 1 Il .5" 'el "hurt or limn 1h. f II aW""' "".rervlnt of nrlre, Vs 1 1 SIS.30, ur trill aend ('. 0 . f Ij rhier ,'lt Ne milllnf I SWlUilli'i" M iL-tMi I. '.JU i ' " 'f ft il X q. J IS U i i n r" i l J I I $24.75 ' fj I I WaspM i t" tiniTT Tiirw .1 i J Electric Lamp Dell IllfT THIS nnAUTirui. ni,ncTnic ljuip DOt.I, DinKCT rneM va AUTISTIC ritACTICAI. SUnVICCAIIMS 20 Inches h I it h, hnnd-mnrle h Hide lll drean deco rated with French m r r ah e u. Com Cem Plot with electric (tlehe wire, plujf. nil wired end ready te nttach. $3.85 Parcel Pest, 13c Httra A. W. Pemean & Ce. 10 10 Cicrinnntewn A if., FlillnIrl)hln nuy Your ChrlMmea Clrnrs New. CIGARS FRICES We sell fleam for lea money titan nny concern In the U, .. If yen want n fine llatnmi or n Reed dumcutlc clgnr you ran mire Jimt about linlf. Here Are Seme of Our Wonderful Cigar Bargains Belew: 60 IIA1IANA I,ONrKI.r.O8.... S4.35 CO HILTON I.CKAi: S2.45 :5?. Ilenutlfiillv mnde, Attrnclhe Prrfecje. Wonderful Mmeke, only . ,.vl.00 . I Hund Mnile. I.nrce Htandard Ilrand Clprar s.en 80 .t)()l fl(lus 1 (11 SO Ml.(Ti:i IIIIKVAH .... . ".. S.4S spieMinrs riOAns i.;tie iinimw siTini;; i.ris 80 KSTAMl'.V IMPOnTI'I riM.rn S.ST SO KINK HV1A . . .! .. .. 3.4S 50 SPECIAL GENUINE 15c CIGARS. $2.95 fi IHIil llmnm, I'ntnrltn elre. FREE J5 Chnlir lliind-Miitlr ClfCiirH Abielutrl l'rre te I.icli Ptirrhaaer Who llrlngw r Menda ThU CimiKin P.Ij.) WALTER M. SMITH, 17 Weat 42d St., Bet. Sth-6th Ave.., N. Y. City 1 l'llclit t'p. Open Dallr and Hnturdiir. Mnll Dnlr 1111.1 !, u..i. .e n.i.. tAgencies wanted everywhere. Drnlers opportunity te buy cigars cheap. J EXTRACTS Have you seen a really satisfactory Rye Flaver? 2j years' lmseas'blc. experience has enabled un Pe certain nre n of halnir accomplished thin nnd produced abrelutely the real thine and that ve vlll p;et jour business when 5eu sec It, thnt we ulll mall ou a prepaid sample aumclent for 1-plnt non-alcoholic bcenire en receipt of .1 cents Our Dry Gorden riiver Is nlre In a class malte a similar sample offer en this Prices of these flavors, $1 00 per e: GUILFORD DEPT. O 15H . CAl.VKKT STHK17T WHY PAY MORE? This Very Stunning dlucle of Ram ne "s ly veen Nuvy n ue, wool aMitU bcrK sturdy and snrrr W ItJi 'ul Plenteu kfi Mt Uralf" i'iiii ' ert c ellar 1 ii r 'tracts all i lireldcred rmble l rid aer- 1 c a'l pe Al'. n mi nil lir t nnl mil Unlabel p plln llu Sizes II loll let J. WALTMAN 459-61 N. 8th St. i-iiii , pt BARGAINS Uncalled-for High-grade DIAMONDS AND FURS Suitable for the Holidays FRIDENBERG'S 37 N. 11th, bet. I illirrt Irth Sis. Ninth and Ruttonweorl Streets Kvrrjtlilnp; Rinriuitrril ,ia rrnn united. Shelled Pecans Choice aneit Hutu In let, of fl hH or mere. SI 5 rr ,nlliiil in rit , III 1 l DIMS. I'diwnU Mls. J?"fe.e!? $, QVDPV V. m ,iiiumiui.iiU ftffiSRMjfflb UiU!al,VJJLj k I Serge ElStk F-D17QQ k Dress iKSpr i eaq nMS;M $9.49 tiV ' ., ftitKu r! B S-r8SmC''lSlk. . ercr ole-ed Tfa k JiJ A '.I I mut TuVllf)WL! Js&m. ' "lftl Practical. rttlrfS. . 1 'Wl4w553aW3f5iKy fceieiilca! rtrcn, ?s'vIO! - . vMSSWiirjrJcWISftv for iii,teiniirifl,,;'(V,v ju loeK. 'SWliciJiS?viav i natrlil. werr- VVt A' 'ti fS- liMiSaB. tVsaK'W, ' Guaranteed Waterproof rh ISyWfiBfflwi Kh?& ttteitt ' Herse & Wagen Cevers Ui'n1 Sffl .WB 1 m""erS,,I :;L?(i Dr.tf fr.n. Onr Fact.ry te rati " " $$8 W$Wm$m2tM. Wt inuswSd an" i isVJ" sl62&&!&i.( Ketuse substitutes Tv TOr den, ... 6feiMiiM'6 blm'iy il." WS' VJ5UALITY VSSO $4.00 .id. i.iii " wjfvUt .tHffi)?BRl Wrm, eo'er Hhrn e I " efTer our bcavv 30 02 0 Mjuira- 'e'N-y''??-1 TTvtC. cipci.ii RKSiJfVW)S&fl5J8' darlns FnEE I yard bretin waforpreof ennvaa Guar- r . . V AtKStflSiiS- dren UV tin lkamiBKffilfieral One u.ntifi 1 A V antestl te cive letijr serve Mnde up if c lina vnnf.l ViWJjlwiESS'i cm herewith 11- fStW'mlxWKl ahlrtnalsl n f?r J, ln,n herna cevers nnd truck cot era it a VJuaiaiUCLU flsiifiyP (uitratmt. when !t M?KAfaTIVVfSv 5.T.' 'Y ?.? " XfJ l W,r, .,! rtl Tata RnN.. 1 . ;.V I.:,!,;".' iiiiSH ".l.r,V" l TruckCerer. iC .. ft 5-Year M " cc" e'rwraat.! bmWMS-lMrW Complete with bra.. ,,(lrl, and fa- Cnaranle.d JttMj MaLefanr .... . . teMi'iSmkxSi&Sei tu: d ,-r .1-. 11 miu tie rope,. JVfiW s.at is nade et cv Sfpsttf eddy Bear Suit Cetsm. te Head 'Si ""'. MJTXOCrSllC-WBWi i'c-Ti n fen.nnirin rii - 1 m i :ti1-2SSrj'-s&Zis. -ii i f J K-e'.a" fl!, WW WA " Brown "Blade of tSOyS Ulld GirlS Aimifaiiai &eSl8Er I'lplli of con M 1X5 W5 XiT11, Slris l t0 n'rt'1 te " or ml s-t u of JS SlSfevVir' . DJ'' t aitlnc celer y J lyi , 3.7TJOi Th'8 Sl,lt CCimlStS of thi-PH Ural ilnuln i n i 1 n - i V 4P-5C3ii4f Sr-" 3a f,t!lu,!..n ' "" ira(? S i i'lSi? ivV5) cap. sweater and tn net ui from e i ti or mi. , i V i .i- ,i " "Tl ii!... i- r (iH yilliiM Icsirlnirt. l'rlce ' r '"lr "lv n "' . mn nj pirt ' y . S7 wfl r' - CI Cfl d ....ii,.fer Wi PS 9si5.yS WALL TENTS S3 2 i- FTrrTT", F rCTHT r ej, rirlK?! po.e i f,mr,v e-Light Christmas Tree Outfit I r-AItCEt, A L-A"d Parcel XSU milTr S4-.98 r,n ' -.red te reur home cur- ? jTfai Girls' Blue J U M. l , Tubs 'ifel 'Te'!. fffff mmm? ' SerseSch00i w Ji4.uJN. Deuble v-"TTv ?i.49vr J Bffif?3'Sl Dresses Ngjg WILn WFT tfmtc c0 . ... , i-'dh 16-Light Xmas Tree Outfit 4 TOSfflifflaffliS 11 'Je ' beautiful se r. KMWS " 1LU "" TENTS r " c ' & 7 fa tee -i'-,,rli. MIC j&JSajWCGfflJJIl cloth Colera. nav. brevrn. tflafaJA KlmM CO qq less Id trans i"I f" f.Vj I'rr. i V, in 1 ttr pJ.U I A JPSm iWllW?V?Mf Kiern nnd maroon with ltft.Sril Cunn. pC5.v70 .,, i., 0 Jl H l''trn IIiiIIin 1(( I unrt lliilba. 20r I ..8l .&SfgMZ?sE83r centrnsttnu Oulmnra te LfMW3l l""1'1 ... . . ni1 meeti li S lliPwk?1.98 rhrerrfer r, ,. 3-Picce Bathmnr n.,tt Benjamin vq. plu fJl llWISsi!luiV S ,r. i "eiiinB fr 3 Mm s Bf a -. i , ' ?A e-ricce ttatnroem Uutntb J fesA iBl'JWwiffl toneurpr.ee, L - AtAttractivePr.ee, W5 lllilw A y7Best v-- Gitomer-Miller & Ce. ?5c MmM 9C KMfSi n1en.0' VV) Oualitv ' 305 Arch Street, Phila., Pa. '7, S&fflJ ,M0 n aiai SraK? ' wool aiitu fflfimlfflrinm '" oreRn mi mv rn. . ' K" ,""H .. , -.. ' ' r r OtJnTTf1 Mir. Tit CK knot- UCkUll''l1VkJ4.IJ l.au. nA-plnw ...It- .. I. Jmlftinn !.. . f J. . ! imHWTWTPfl IIIIMBIIHI I I Pa.. I HI Iimim. "- -I f (awSS EMf5sl u sturdy and YeflSf bei e,ir wcl1" Thras .. , n , , .. , "'" SP flKv Tfffl Z W a rJiS fif mWril& Wl) V !..- fc?ilH!flarH "or"1 ritWfffl "u)l" v''r8 "'line for Hml Orrieri hilled B( ffla UftrJiW.-fiyOXKf A-1- Vibrator ? MSWM-"'"' K& ??".ur.K,,c,4rr; Harnett Camas fioeds gjSSBI .A4-. Star Electric ! ISiillwSC W 0 Qj I n. nth st., Phiia., ia. KiiMfiSEOm &$4 S 'aiii K m ViWMm iu e W ' ' " i" re n )ii nZ7 v N- Urn ? 1Wimt?Vt lireldcred & v? ell rr durlnc tl r rnah 1 W 1T rVtl IT y"N lir j VS , ... IBl -ib-V,- ;' r '..JiVr .Jl',?.!!' ELECTRIC .2v " ?7.00 ' , '$3.45 ttWW I e s'i pe miM. I'UM lu n-TRA -l-(JU a AVIV 5T l. ll,rn. , SaWT1 V I M- Ml, ii- ',!ni ; UkafttiMe ail : iniiirinirni y.rv'"v c ' l ti'JLv . . " ".....1-.1. .. ,j. ttiiniuniiiiu.w, wuil, Ollirai, MENTIONTHE "iWI N Order Today This BcautifuP Ladies' Manicuring Set I'rcnch hery 21 pleiei, In hlrh hlrh crnde leiithcretle n n e. HrRUlar price, SO BO. Our Price, $2.50 Sifli wm rBi Pnrcel 1'eBt prepaid nn 1 Insured If e rrcelve jour order en or before Thura dAy, this set will reach you In time for Chrlstmae. We llnTn n Wonderful Selection' smashed CIGARS S4.BO ntiil 80 Citnle HliintN, ja.28 FREE te perfect this fluer Beneially censldersd by ltelf nnd an absolute perfect flavor We (aumclent for 1 sal ), $15 00 per pint MFG. CO. Women's BeBt Quality Flannelette Nightgowns In all ul en S, ra,.h or 2 for Z e0 l'niiel iJ0,it 10c rrtra en all urtirU J. WALTMAN 459-61 N. piiit 8th Si. PA Oranges and Grapefruit tiuiir inieeu nnest qu ilit) trce-npcnel rrult lit r i nun nine lu ou In sttn i in) crntra I'uked lulf c-imn ml Brills-fruit cr2."',,$4JSO, ' n st- I'flerlurB enil rhrrlt or m nev order lib nlilnplnr Pinellas Fruit and Produce Ce. 510 ( riitriil r st 'rterr.jiiirr. 1 , PECANS Vi'i'i- tjS" Vn'u "ll0lum "I' ''ll flunrrd et)C ,.,'m, 111 i'it( i:i. 1'est SniHlIrr lies from 3l) mi, Mrlte for b4 nisip BRUCE M. ROBBINS eilnttnn f l 1 iilie, . neiK) prlntrd litter lirnU or rut cIeim-n (hnnil) null eiueti t n ik . ... .v IM " uiiiniii IMIII11111.. -.ilVj UiiIlIiii ..:".- "'.vvt ." .'.. M inn unit .1 in-., t Mimlen. N. .1. II U.TIMOllE. Mn. This BeanHful tg. SLEEVELESS ,3 I GUIMPE Wm2m YTl XW , Vrmer' Ma I Inn K. ". r M IT SV I TTrir-r I -.,(.,.. r. D..BU' X. t.' ' ..w. ...... wv..,v vuu.ii.t f iaa w- nrr. i ' - "'"?& te i ". Sale Extraordinary A. S. Geldberg, 708 Market St., Phila. Brand-New U. S. Army All-Weel Gloves 10c Pair Brand-New U.S. Army Rubber HIP Beets $1.95 Slip Over Sweater Brand-New HR PairBk, ISIl Cmffi nr3 LARGE LOT OF WORK SHOES AS LOW AS 31.90 PAIR Shirts, Underwear, Blankets, Khaki Pants, Moccasins, Caps With Ear Flaps, Raincoats, Breeches, Corduroy Trousers, Leather Gloves, etc. all being sold at the same proportionate prices. POSITIVELY NO MAIL ORDERS FILLED A. S. GOLDBERG 70S Market Street, Phila. x i va juu v a whii. ii..mKH.i cntr uamj4ai.i r r i t re OUTFITS $1 .58 $.95 Sn.oe $4-25 $0.50 8 Lights Complete. Lionel Electric Train Set . . . Electric Ten3ter ... . Electric Irons. . . . White Crois Electric Grill. J'leitrle Ileuilnlr I iini iirlliiu llrt em ..ui. rrrfiiiii ,r. liunirrMlnii llril rn rt- I ilr 1 1 I Tet rli LENIHAN'S 45 N. 13TH ST. TALKING MACHINES & REPRODUCERS RI2P AIRED Si.00 wtN evlmncs ILTONMrG. CO. 206 N. 8t.ii ST. Army Officers Style Shoes $3.15 'A neat, dressy, comfortable shoe for civilian wear. Every pair brand new and perfect. Fine Weel Aviation Caps Can be used as cap or hel met. Still Going On OUR Pre-Invcntery Sale Refuse Substitutes Insist Upen Ml HI 1 1 U'r M) iriN(. In bill, IlifK 111 Ktliin.l It,..- .. ff ll, ''J'."ir.''' ' . '"rl"1 s,ll "f '!'" t 1 Ul. rtlll If. ..fill n...v II . .. V ;. : .1', L ",' ".' . "'"'' nir riiis hi; . .,.,30 IMS IUI ' "H'lM "I tie nn ilnnii. If net aitlsfuitiir-, 1 n , 1 h 1 - r 11 WHITE SCOTCH COLLIES f) tna 0 111 1 t hit, k, II I lftl l.irn nil t t II " I Ul 1 1 Hi ,u'lf ,1 si , 1 ns I 1 linn . h '.,... ,",....:. l .l.V ur ' 'Unlit 'M A. ia r rV 'V tin i TtZ3 f$ff Brand- im jV New $ Of Army Web yA f BELTS J ii',,.i ri"l P- fiffl . DC y ix i 8 .... . K5J 'a-'a gW. r , l 10 I "i-i mn r MFuIXTtias I I ' " rA4 f.rt fm i i n I I , iiim ii miu., t Tll.r v nan H I l miIIJ ceij VigV F I iind riii.i ird xliunt x JF U U.t 11 I r j t StrWOew' I 1 1 1 t t . ff. - n unv t I 1 111 1.. e" 1 ' n "" selir drpn-li I a HI be rrfiiniled ( no 1 lV ' ' rB" I"I I'm Imlnnrr KJ', 11 J fsi,, .h fr 11 nil (,, Pr,, , V ;J Ur '"I I UlUI-TMis ( n i)(l IcJ rSfinutMii I '" 171 '" C2A ", -11 n ulii, I.IImmv Mr.ururlt. " V.t ' "i.1- V '''. U33 t'llI.eirNfT Ml cf-ptjB O C 'LEDGEp U. S. Marine JUMPERS Brand New Cost the U. S. M. C. $1.55 Each Munson Last Army Shoes $3.15 Most com fort bla shoe made. Every pair brand new and perfect AT.L-WOOr. OI.IVK A IlllMJ Brand-New Trousers $1.65 & 55c li 1 f 'I -jr"! JY ' fl J 1 Ip . J X1"'1 Jf FW U.S. ' C A t I Army 'X fro W We will male nlilpmfnt sairij day Oflltr jji Star Elec. Heater s n nnwr f ' (uir- n'ff riTTl in 1 r i np hew te - 1 in nrh box S n p I 1 1 r ri Offer ' i be uf! t in mr j a t ort iMe Hrllt 10 raTHA Imported Diskus Klpctrlc Iren r it .( r t t H er'a t e r a I r n aure 1 J iron' ev 1 in i -e nl plUE v p r v rnta i intn- rm- lenfth r ir n . "r . i niu nn en , lnr p 1 riBh, ri,, ,v,nin(., "1 I in t r1 H410 Ml R nit Li 1 m r-i I uTTTrTTTeTTTTT miiil't nlili 1 11 nM ft r CUTLER ELECTRIC CO. 1000 S. 4th St.. PM), p.. SAVE 25 ON YOUR COAL BILL lhrtne, i makaa 0 tiiti burn loos er Ulwj 1 i m0l. I eat Laatrs no m Itrr or rilnkare. Se 11 Parrel peae prepaid en rerilpt of price, l Ra( fiction cinranie.d Edw b. Walls, Mr. 1941 ThoinvaeD OL. I'nlla . I'a. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Ii nu. u 1 nu 1 u 11I1 If )ou al.i , reHiie, thr huheat i-.aill. e, f,e for them Ve it. ,tt r 1 I 1,1 Jti, r trll ,ou (hwaia n. bit 1 1 rl, lir,r,. ,1,1. Jin ' r " n. ,.e.V.V ''I '" ,u ,," " fr "Hen ...nil . , in p i ri u uml u niitliirrd ". L'U., !'". '.'" ",'"l', or color. 1 itn IMiIh for dluinendn btiuiitit lr.i.i.i c 1. II 'I ' m A 1 ii ' mend J