" VJ & EYENTNO PXJBLIO EEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1921 25 m 1 gossip of the street rrs netten, of the New Yerk Stock Exchange .'ntitherlties In causing the removal of' the wires of n number of JieusM, net members of the hteck Ex clmnee, was net unexpected, nor did it cause mticn 01 a but. i ..v....-..,, the netlen had, for a lone time, been ex Ticctcd, nslfwnB Bcnernliy known that the operations of these houses were enen te considerable criticism and lmd bren clvliifi no end of annoyance te the lieili.es Heming incmin-rj.iiili .... i... . change. The .Stock Exelmnse nutherltlcH ICH were t r.ctten. werf my ,y y' . ""'"";... ,. ,,'", ... .. 1 1... ....! I.. . If, M p.riinn. 111 iuui i.,..-. -,-,-. -. , tn ruiir rimini' uim.i mtnki .. already been given te permit a number-. f mi "tUdt house in order," either local association, withheld- i. .!.. .,,,,. nf the irniiHBresNeris. yet. i wg i" "";.' ",;,, "if ".!,. i,niilil Ajrem u pubic ten. point th rtieuld fliavc wn!1'1"1, '" . : i "..''..; tne emcrn.s 't; T" ,",...,, , the public .and the honest dealings et a brektr. r lie uill.) r.m.ij - .....-- Violators Should Ite Exposed f the violations by any house or brokers arc (serious cneugn ie iinpusu the penalty, et a wium ,, , ticker service, the puells should be ac uualated with the identity of such a concern as a safeguard aguin-t innocent less This is emphasized in the follow ing 'statement given out by the presi dent of the, Stock Hxchnngb : "la September the nearu of Oever ,, nf thn New Yerk Stock Hxclmnge i -l 4.n!n ! nmi trit't t irw In flin JOamCU pi a " ." ''"'"' ;".".." I r mcXcwir coeiens oreel j 1L hntises. The Heard of Gov- erners called thete Irregularities te the CrJIUlP v...v . r. attent en of the memucrs ei roe ex- rliaiute doing a wire business nnd neti- ... .i... n,,. .ni,i i. h,.ld rtiinnMlhl '?.l w-nnduct et the houses connected by wire witti tueir unices aim iinu any further failure en the part of such houses te eiisurvc the standards of busl ni'Ss renuuet reiiiireu u.v uiu rxrnuiiKi' R-euld cauBC the immediate vcnievnl of the nieinbers of the house se effendini;. Tlie result of leperts of ai'eeuntants cm - pleyed by the exchange has caused the I removal of the wires of a number of houses. I'.'uch of these houses has re- ported trrtii'ncllens te its customers , at prices different from the actual prices) ! at which Mich trnmaetlnns tool? place. . . .... i .... ... .. i. ........ te their own prelit and te the injury uf their customers. "ThcflleArd of Governors' will con tinue their ixominntien of the bu.siiiehu methods of lien -member houses bavins wires or tickers, and in ever eae where it Is discovered that e heus- is guilty of pnarMtniitirtu lit tlm ri tM d 1 1 , I- if it Itiiui- .,.. ,..iMJ M,i t...irnu ...til , i?.. i .1103, ut3 mil utiiwui tin. nuuiuiuiiij' be removed. " A Year Age and New . Drawing comparisons with the widely Ichaajcd state of affairs marhetwise at! Itae moment and these exlstltii; twelve Imentli!" aze one of the liuw wire houses , cf New Yerk tent out the follewin;; yes- terilnv. which cornea near hittiii" tin. , nail en the head : I "One year age today the bpeciali.-t.", I in agony, were having a Held day. I Credit was beiiiB curtailed te force liquidation and lullatlen iu every line of business. Helders of hccuritfes were I throwing them ocrbeurd regardless of consequence, but with one idea in mind, te get rid of tin-in nnd establish a less against their returns of u few weeks, fcubscqticnt. "Today there Is a vastly different , ftery. Credit lias been re-established, j iaflatien has been laicely overcome. Jaieney is easy, bends him- risen stead- ' lly ever a period of seven months, and many Icadlnir securities are sL-lliny .-it., the highest prices of the year. Such n ! thing, wholly unbelievable a year ace. I is new witnessed as that uf Atchison ' eomme'n, a 0 per cent stuck, s.-ltm;; at. I U-1 a Miare. Instead of tc liis stocks te record losses, net a few who would , like te 6el are backward about delii:; se: for the reason they would lime te tell: the tax niun ouite a different aterv from that of 1SKXI.'' Pn-ynit-Day Investments Ilarrisen. Smitli & Ce. have issued a Ttry interesting circular letter review ing the investment Hitualleu, particu larly applying te the enhanced market I valuation et nearly all classes of bunds. It Bays: A typical list of iircnent-dav Invest ments recently sent in showed Ml ,000 divided as fol'ews: $17,000 in Liberty uenils, 517.000 In public utility bends, SS00O in foreign Government bends. 7000 In Industrial linnds nnd S?iMin In ailread bends. "These were the investments of a pan who hud retired from business and Placed oil his funds in bends, dealing With three rcnrpsnnlnfK.. iiii-.Hininiit beuse. I'rebllbalv the reason that mnrn railroad bends nn- out n:iKslni Inte lnvestera' strens boxes today is because the investment lt-nd.-cr ! m.l Imvn ithem te sell, as the railroads, generally kpeaulng, arc net issuing new bends at fas the real hull risR starter?? Should long swing speculators uuw or wair. ier a reaction t AVM....i ,ca!,eev'h.at'e,alld and Kevcra yeurtelf accordingly. REPORT ON REQUEST ESP1'? f thlj bulletin and booklet, fe available for distribution, sratii! rear e-jt the Meme new- and hand &rineraaIfrWhen0Udlctala Menty A$k for Bulletin MM V Reger W. Dabson's etatlsttcal Oiganiratien Wellealey Hills, 82, Mnas. (Suburb el Iloaten) VulMrgnt OraaninlMrf tu CAeracUr - I tht World :5mi'TOiSi G'P Off Here aiiMM MEMO SS MMlltlUtlilMllf Write Reifer W. Habsen, feundrr of Tha Menty - Krat . ffflwimiiriiimiunnninisiiuuiimiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiitraiiii .W Bull Market BJieaci x mm eperts Speculative Bulletin. Ju off the press, v.ier? 'I1'!? 5"prtien3 nnd thewa Vj tSitui' wih".' ' f enn te happen In the I lLck-markcl J?.'9 a "'""e; vital ' I ,JiJi fr " " Pt 'Bra current rates of Intercut, thnt In. unless they hnvu te, as was the case when the Northern Pnclfie-Orcat Northern, Chi cago, llurllngten and Qulncy collateral Is matured en July 1 last, the refund ing of which cost (Hj per cent In 15 Ing of which. cost (H& per cent In fifteen year convertible collateral bends of fered the Invester at 00 V&. TIiumj bends are new sclllnc at 107 k. "Railroad bends, we believe, nre cheap at present prices, both the high grade and second grade rails, and many of the latter are probably entitled te a higher rating under the previsions of the Transportation Act. A cheap bend Is net necessarily the bend thnt yields the largcut interest return or basis te maturity, but the bend which will show the largest return. Interest plus appre ciation. Ter Instance, the highest grade rani iiuvc mmwfMl AAA points in .i menui, se mat witneut considering no rate of Interest they bear the (.ppiecia- I , . , ueu en sucn nn investment mane n month a go would have been at the rate I ei n.iu per cent nnnuany. , - , ,i. .. '"."." ', '".'-";:" ".;""-..','" ,, ,,, ,,,, 'wtX'w i: bill Id I lie con structien figures recently made public i by mi undoubted authority, which shows ... ......... fclT ., . that ter the ji-nr IIIIM, largely due te i increased activity in the later months, building outlays will reach the enor mous sum of two and a half billions of ' dollars. In addition, the same authority i estimates proposed building for IDL'L'. I already nrianged for. te be at least' equal te th above sum. with the preb- ' ability that, it will be largely exceeded and that it will ret n new high water mark for construction figures in this ' I country. ' The amount of money for contracts already awarded reaches the sum of S"1 fil.StKI.IHMI. nn.l It I- imt- ii,renn. nM, t en Ue.pate that for" , n 22 ' the t til bulldlns .mthij- will exceed three billions or dollars by a censlderub - IIII1....I,, r lilu te li.rifi. lin. 11 .m.nti.M I. " - - "' '',"" "'"' ',', imlicafs at once that confidi-ne is welt "" he mii.n te complete restoration, anil ". the sume tip.e that the housing shertns", ' most aniti' . lust la the . Iiicli lias 1 pen one of th" causes of laler unrest, is at lireces.i of heiiig ehliterated. THK TUADIJH. JOHN PRICE JACKSON FOR KENYON INDUSTRIAL BILL Fermer State Laber Commissioner Thinks It Would Relieve Depression 11'... I.l......... fi 11 . ... e. .ymi..Mm. . r..--.i.i"i iu. inu nt'ujea Jiiii, prevtuinu ir tne con- struct ion of jiiiblle works during periods of ieiiri..sieti. is expressed in u letter, , 'lAlwiix open, alwaj.s rcn.ly, terms me.lpratp. from .luhn I'rlcc .lac'aseii. former Cern- write or phunr. jt. vvai.hu dincax. mlsMenci' of I.uber and Industry for Inniislviiiilii. find new :issLtUllL te the - -, - ' - -- t t c hiiirman of the Indus-trial Relations Committee of th Philadelphia l iiamber of ( einmerce. '!.)... .....iiuii.il it., t fi.ir.!.. j l!in Tif.ililu ..r . Hi; luiiiniu' ..it i i..i .... .. ...v. ........ w. Cevernmeiit departments te postpone .r retard public projects "in order te I iireniiie for n lid te livcvcnt a turner h '" '" r.l ..-ill iv-ni1 i.t inililsti-iiH e. panslen uii'i rcMiitiuc business strum and een-tensli'ii" in prosperous times and "Ie enter upon a maximum pre- ' lii-am of public works nnd projects as a1 .ircpnniUen for and iu order te ceun- , tcia'-t an inipendiiiB period of industrial .epressien." , Mr. .lacKsun sa.d in hi- letter te ben- i ater Ken en : "1 am today informed that some of our corporations which hnve depart ments of rons-.ui-lien and are able le make p'lin ulit-iul aie propesliifj te speed up their construction work in periods of dcpicssieii. Aclien of th- same char acter by tin (Severninent would encour age Mich prisnte corporations-. "Scum, vti'.i's iil'e when 1 was I'cnn- ".vlvaiiia ( Vimmissiener el l.aner nun I endeavored te have a mens. Industry -are of the character whl'-li you have before you adopted l tin' Mate el l'ennsUMiiiia. i.niuciuiy m- jinijci-i was a Utile uln-nd of the tunes, anil the measure wlu.-li cM-niually pus-- though creiitlnB a proper beiird, did net set inrtli the prejcci in no; hiiiu uuu helpful milliner which is possible. On the ether hand, had the beard been composed of men of appropriate experi ence it could have been of enorineiis ' service duriiij; the present period of de pression." BURCH'S LAWYERS ATTACK PROSECUTION'S WITNESSES Effert Doing Made te Prove State's Evidence Unreliable Iw Aure'rs. C.a'lf., !., 'Jt. dh ' A. P. 1 Tin' Rev. II. .1. Iliirtsell. of, ISpvrrly (Hen. ulicic .T. lit- Inn Ki'U- , in ily was slain tin1 nlylit of Aiictiht 5 Inst, wan rviM'i'ti'il te resume the wit iii'ss stitnil teiliiy in the trial of Arthur (.'. lillll'll. Tin' minister s nn rnllfil by the ilic i fi'iise in its I'ft'erls te iiniieacli wltneiM'S -for tlii presipiitinn. Uf was fiuwtlencil rvriM'l.'illv rrcnrdlns fOlivi'rsatlen" hi' ." ili'idiiml ln hr.d with Mrs. Kli'ubetli Hcsniitly. v.lm ti-stllii'il fur the Stnti'. AccerilliiK te a story ptltited hire to day, tin' di'friiM' lias found threi- wenn'ti who ti-iivck-1 from fhl.rirt te Les Aii Si'lcs with Iliimh shortly brferc Ko.n Ke.n ni'dy wa slain. Tln-y nre snld te hnve Riven affidavits that they saw m blmt Kim eam in Hurrli's inissiyslnn en the trip, I'entmdlrtlii!,' ti-stiineny given by It. .1. .Sanderson, negre porter, for the State. K (fur In le hew Unit another mini mifrht liuve been mistaken fur liurch mcuiileil his ntteines most nf yekter liny. The Slate witneM.sOH whofe testi mony was uiiilcr tire Included .1. J. Miiley. who told of crxtructlnu' n thorn Irnni Hureh's luire in tin- county Jail simlliir te seme found In ISewrly (ilen; Mih. lOIUnbetli llisauiy, who swore shu saw Ilutvh twiff in the (ilen the night nf the ihentinif, and C. H. Suminur, who said h'1 i.iuv l.im the mi me night en a bench mad near Santa Menica. Knur witncsM's tt-titied Stimmnr told i hem he could net identify the man lie -nw is liurch. l'.iul Human, u pris c ner in tlm jnll, teMlHcil that Finley told him t!n allejred extraction of the thorn v.iih a "trk'l;" nnd that he enlj liicteiidi-l te tuliu it out. WOULD LURE IMMIGRANTS Soviet Agent at New Yerk Seeks te Recruit Trained Workers New Yerk. Uee. lit. A rceniltlns of lice for "industrial immigrants" te Ho He vief Itus-slii was opened ycHterday by A. A. Heller, formerly director of tins Soviet (ieveniment'ti Commercial Iliireau here, who announced his appointment as American rciirtwiitative of thn Su preeo Council of National Koenomy of Soviet Ilnf-".!!. "The Supreme Coun cil," hln announcement nnld, "lnvlte trained men in all branches of Industry te coiue and tub' part In thn building up of the economic life of ItuMilii. Fur the development of Uuviia uuriculture It ulbe invites farmers." SIBEr1arEFUBUCS AT WAR i Repert Moscow Government Aiding ; Chita Against Vladlvo6teclc Iinden, Dee. Ul. (Ily A. I'.) A report that the (ievernmenc or tne rar I'.astern rciiumic in uaua nun ihtiu war en the republic of Vlndlvotek 1h carried in it Central News dispatch from Helslnfifers today. The inuHsnge nuns tnnt me aevici (ievernment of Moscow la en Id te be hendlns troops and war material te 1 Chltn SHOPPERS JAM FIFTH AVE. Flowing Mnse of Humanity Said te Break All Records New Yerk, Dec. 21. (By A. P.) Fifth avenue ie In the threes of the greatest Christmas shopping rampage It has ever known. Applying the Injunction, "De your Christmas shopping early," te the time of day as well as te the season, New Yorkers and swarms of out-ef-towncrs descend dally upon the famous thor oughfare, and long before neon It is an eddying tide of trnflic, pede.strlnn nnd vehicular, that overflows curbs and ex tends from wall te wall. Readng Fare Hearing January 3 , Unrrtlr Tw ... " T,, . ---;.."", ........... ... ??."'., . 0"un'IBHl0.n, '"V e' M- 1 ;; : A ... ..'.: ,-"- - "P i enipnny ler a rcnciiring or tne , laltlt f ,,. ct of Ul,niU ,, ethers against its fares te be argued .n January : and postponed the efTpr tlve date of the new rates until Febru ary 1. winti:k iii .HpnTH ATLANTIC PITY, N. .1. ffllatlrjoreujranMm Atlantic Cit, N. J. WINTER RATES (Nettmbtr te January ineluiive) On American Plan, with Hath Twe People, 58.5. $9.5, Slls and up One Per&ou, SCO, $70, and up Ownership Management JOSIAH WIIITR A. SONS COMPANY Vfefi ATLAWTlCCrrY.M.J. I p - - ,. , - - -w w . . -1-,. . j Directly en. tfec 0ratil;reii iAvAmfi;raiPlialiotdefPlsliictkiv I r,n.ri BOTB-1WELL VlrKlnla nnd Bteel Wcr, Ave., cenfl huuse from llenrd'vulh Yivprv uncmtnlmifnt. lllchenl 'amlaril In cuislnr, and nervlce. noeklet 14 dally. SneclUI weeklv. J. Hethuell. I'reD ,THE f rj)ptjeTriisrVfniwylviinliiAT. . . " Ne.ir ne nil A I trri.-t tvn up diy $in r,e up vt.iy. neuiiia $:ie up 'vkw. n rwl tn AI1... AkAl. i. rti.t n Fit uVyTFI CONTINENTAL I Westminster "'fji? A..v.";:. "r- B'"h - fc.evater; private bath rtiiniinR viir, upn ail jit viiim imi m year. C. A. KOI'I' SHOREHAM Vlrstnlu Ave. near llencb I hpi-i'lnl rrducd wlntr ra:m. AluU (inibtr. fl.lv .... I Hetel Boscebcl K.f 'J,,' -.i Am Rn pian.'pn in. i;.i:.marien i ! Nev Clarien ,??:. ?... ' "IMI. ' I. lllllltll vast stuol'iisih.'ke. r.. MOUNTAIN LAKE HOUSE Open All Tear. Medarat,, rut3. Uoeldot. Jay Ilulfmun. I'.aet HtrnudaburR. Pa. ItU-2. MOrXTJ'liniNO. I'A. The Ontwoed ""i Q" ", ll0 loiatlen. HPiv-IhI (a, I Cc v Jnt-r ra-H. li: it. K I.. A I" '' Artman WXSlllNCTOX. i. t. PJ m HotelPetomac rlEWJCBSEYAVC.it C ST.ac WA SHINOTON , D. C . un t aw;uAwe; aqjTH or capitec 11 Sana niwjsmtat rd Stiff as Kf Mrmrly.t,lHamilteraw,-tvwvvl III Keqiperiiai arva Crar3teit MsdiTica AraerijarvPlftri- Roome aruimeZkls or Reems erly Unisja.lly moderate rates RODT.N.PATTERSOHfhy, &. KIl.ll.MUMI. A a?uaw Stunt uiUBnlftrfnt hotel In Hie Hnuth. Itoemn nlnicle or en nulti., ulth nnd wltlient ImtliH. l'ureiiiti plan. II Itinlmted benktrt en ? e. v. xvEisuiKn. tcT. SAVANNAH. ;a. The Desote SAV4WAH eAr a I.. l.ul'1'.AN P..AN 2r.O rooms; 200 with bath, 18-liet self ceuri.". privilege et fcuatii twnnln ceurts: nrtu.lnn vell valor Famed for culFliif. rineklnt en romi'et. 11 C. Laranlerp, M"tr. ANIIIIVH.I.TC. V. Write for SPECIAL Fall and Winter RATES BATTERY PARK HOTEL Aslieville, N. C. ASIIKVILI.n. N. C. WrltP rimmhfr of Cemiiirrre for III. ItUlf. aikkx. h. v. AIKEN (lurcn of Winter Itierta Highland Park Hetel NOW OPEN l'O HT MYKKH. VIA. Hetel Royal PalmOS" 18 Mem Oolf, rislitnir, nvery Iloem with Ilath. J. Mwlmmlnir Peel. I.. WKI.aON. Mjr. nKI.I.KAHt HKK11ITH. I'l.A. Thn llellevlew and Cettagea BPllealr ItPlBhtii. Klerlila. Open Jan. n,OHinA l-nr HoeWlft of l'MIKinA KAST COAST Hrmirt". write 313 ath Ave.. New lurk. vixiHIIJA for liifer,, wrlle Infnr, Dureau, 1SHV. TUy St ,.lHeltenvlllj.iI'U. lli:itMClA HAMILTON HOTEL BERMUDA Oipn .Innuiiry 8 Mertrrn In C'oiiHtruetlon anil Operation 150 Sultoe with lUth Flrpproel Accommeiliitloim for t.00 Cencertn l.y Hrltlsh Itptmpntal llnnJ K. Y. Ofllrc. Sear Tratrl liureuu tW Kth ATcnue (Koekll Cabin AdJrem "HelpI Ilnrmufla" MnnitKrmrnt of ' A. 8)irrrnrd Alse Hntel l'rpnlnn. Ilenrli llliiir. Mw, ni:m:r. eanada Te rilATIlU rilONTHNAC, flUKHEO If ou love rpl H'lntrr HimsMi". PAI.M K.(1II. I'l.A. I II .1 .1 Artlftlitn hri-ait dnial aim ueacn neiei -r - h;-v "' ' t.ph formal, mera med, niluii Warm ana litlm. iST. VEi'KRHliUHaT 'via. IVInnfiHltnn Hetel Bt' lettrnhurir, na, Hetel. Deuutlful CTOunda. Mualc. Uarax. A-l iprvlee. Beauen ratea. Ilklt. Ownerahlp Mgt. TAHI'ON rll'HINdH.ll. Tarpen Inn Tarpen Hprlnga Henda. OrMna Jpllillirv 3 "AVAi Inc. K Y Off' Il yt i"t ' mili.l. Il.lh. . IP Phumnlln rt ezli SA h mffiWM3 if'' 3S dOfmmtrXWSPG I 12 JlI I reK-i' charm alt IU ehii" -ai CUMATU UKA-UEATIpN HNVlnONJIENT I Aililrpua J, . hWKRNIJY. Mamicrr I Kiimiiier WMIfi,?J.niU,:lll5j.,i('iii2!f. Y, ' vinpfy W1NTKB WWOrtTB MIAMI. 1TA. v .. . . v- ,. V.'K-.'.: J ""z:-- x HOTEL HALCYON Miami's Most Beautiful Hetel liates reduced In keeplnc with the tlmvs. Formerly 312 te $13 per day NOW J? te $12 per day. AMERICAN PLAN OPENS DECEMBER 1STH UKADIiriU V. CUS1UNCJ, Sliinnurr lfernierly at Poland Pprlnffs. Maine and Pasadena, Calif. IlKNllV S. Ill'NCAN, Vroprleter SKHIIINO. I'l.A. KENILWORTH LODGE SEBRING, FLORIDA ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE JACKSON Outstundir.K and unrivaled among Southern Resort Hotels. A picturesque &nd enchanting spot in Central Flerida. New and modern throughout. Season January te April. Attractive Reems, each with Rath. Single, Ensuite. Natural tpringa of purest water en property. Gelf for thn critical. Riding. Tennis, Fishing. HUGH J. FLYNN, Manager. Nrvr Yerk OHIcr. I.AKIAVOOI). X. .1. h (Sfa2"Ls al LAKEWOOD. R J. v.-y..'. , "--vf?c - --v.-. .- x.-' aPCT-&vi?sggsa LAUREL HOUSE A.J.MUrJPHV-Afanep'fr CVMURPHY-Asstfir rnHE joys of the Yule-tide and the spirit of Chrisl- mas, whether they come te one threuph the well-filled pack of a tfoed St. Nicholas or through the observance of the deeper thoughts which the day inspires, lhul fullest expression at these hotel homes of happiness. Their delightfully refined social life enhances the season's pleasures. The comfort of their furnishings and the excellence of service and cuisine lend an atmosphere that is sig nificantly home-like. Crackling Yule-legs bum merrily within the open hearths. Woodlands of pine and red-berried holly are close at hand in the near-by countryside. Fireplaces in the rooms for the kiddies' Christmas stockings. And supreme golf and its kindred sports outdoors. On "The New Jersey Tour, a Read of Never-Ending Delight." invyi virr.tXi,uma.i,lm)t'J.wb.m Tr?.MrwiyQ LAKvV00DS LAEJCEST, FOREMOST x 8- LAKEWODDf'HOTL " .''. , i ft MbahJmJB&mkA vsmm , i amw&WMmY-smHiw$nvm?i?;miii&, fRBxMBb90lilm ' 1 , -i.iUMiBVi. tKKrt-ntuiisi.utjp.ijtu-.. , .. ..v. &4miUK kz. g.xtwfmr y .01. t , ..I..... . . en. iNtLi'ii..n.TH 'i. I'VItll 'Vonderiu fowl. ill' hi ecr t'r.U!.unl I'litfitali.nn.it lealulet. ami uutilr.er .spnr NOW I'.NDKll rt TIIK JANAUHMiNT OT Till; 1'INKS II'lTUI I ' t-'er r. .irrvu'li't.'. ih.-rn. .", e .". '..ktvwu'I ( . v.ir ' He 'klritf eilt Hauluv Tinn Wrl... 2MSlJb2sSliLXiiJe3Sii!2r. WINKLER'S l'urnirrly llrlt.ihi l.eilec. KMUAVIIIIII N. .1. IVeacllv lill). llnenis "ii nultu vl'li I'rtva'u t.Ulin him! rumilni; wnl.-r. HI" i "' la.'i strictly ubrvpil. T"l..,'h"i''. 1 nkcwoe'l '.'iii AL?!I'.,iL?5l,lJlI.lU., "A Unnil Pl-ice ti HeariV I.A VASSAH HOl'SB. I.AKBWOOO, I Selrvt f!ietilclc: Mo.lprute Hate. FHIIT I.AtnKIIKAM:. n. N. J. I Ne Ceal Bills te Pay It In (lliirleni Htinimcrtlnip In FORT LAUDERDALE Ilnrlilu'N Triiplral Weiiilrrlnntl nOATJMl HATIlINti I'IMIINO Spnri for Illiiutrutcd lloeklrt NKCY. CIIAMIIi:il (If COMMKIICK WKST I'I.M llr:(II. FI.A. LAKE COURT APARTMENTS ON TIIK IKt; OPPOSITE TIILi HOYAL. l'Ol.N'CIA.N.NA IIOTKL. en rral hnmp.s: pvrry medam con- venlnncB, Inplurtlns Heet Giirden anil Dtntns Itoem. Write for hoeltlet. PALM Ilr-('1I (.lAltANTY CO. W'pHt 1'nlm Ile.it h. I'lu. Brown & Wilcox Company WKST I'AI.If TiVAriT rr,. tmftntn. ftlan HutM'ru of Ijiku Court Apartmnntn. u-lnter hnmei of ChPBtPr C. notion, Otte II, ICahn. I'ercy U. Wltllma, Vrank H. Clempnts, C. U. Itarilinsr. Mrs. Win. V.iipr, Jr.. nnil ethprs. Only flmt-clnsM work deireil. "Particular Baildcrt for Particular People" Hetel Salt Air ''fitfria West Palm Heauh.'Btrlctly moil. tirnuirieut. Ulev., unuurimmeil ecenn b.ithliu llouklet A ratfa en utipl l?. tleil. Hlrant )faaB, I'repa. .iacwsenvim.i:. V'f.A. I JackNonvtlle's , l.ii'Ktist hotel ! Hetel Windser ami ene et Flerida's tinest. Kncei beivutlfXil Ilfinnilnp J 'ark, cenvenli'iit te . tlu'.ttna iuui Bhepplnir renter. Iltc, utry b.ilroenisi. sun imrltirs, unlijue dining i roeni.s. Itebcrt H Sh-yer, l'rep. J. K KavnnaUBh, JInnni;er Jacksonville, Fla. nAYTON.v iiKrn. ri.nuiiiA DAYTONA BEACH HOTEL Dread VernntlriH fnca thn ew i . TlioreuwhW me1rn. CuUIne uni'velled Ilittcu 93. AO tn If. pt (lav Atnerftni ulnti KTKAMSHir.M KI1SOKTM Fall River Lime Te Bosten AN1 NKV r.NOI.ANl) I'tUNTS I.T.IIer 1 N.H. (Vnlten Bf.) Si.tO 1-.5I. Unlly Orclirntra ou earn strunier NKAVLONnON (NOltWICll) UNK r-iT Vlrr 40 K.' It. AVcek .iyn Bi30 V M, WINTEK rtKSQllTfl MIAMI. I'l.A. . rr I " ".'' ;. snmtiNe. 1'i.A, rWK AND C'OUNTKY, 8 Wett lh St., Tel. Iniratre S3t. i.AKi:went. X. .1. - mas .-. t ?SlSfi LAURELC PINES M? FRANK. F. SHUTE- NanafSei"- i H0TL - SO MINUTES FROM BROADWAY LAKEWOOD NKW JERSEY is:i . i .. IN 1...H.H. i. Athl. Ik' uii ! S' In; I ..I'i'iv i.hiiiii' li Cnmfert and lllltlflniia c (fS: r. . m I I he Mediterranean JSeP JLfflgL I i 4d25th ! (f Jrt " ' 1 ifilla I 1 California .fe 9'fwwpB' vi 1 '" Gi?up3 umJtr ecert '""D il MLt. fSMw5j5?S2 ill 9 frequent inlerrals. ' 7TJfiWS$S3?' . vi , t i ... k.i 1 1',, 2v H nuriud'vuua xcaJjwytf(3Wprja . "iniiVMJ1Vn1(.i,iViii Of 1 Tour in January, February and Mirth WwQjpelKfflrL 1 .1 Dlrcr-tura. InJDi.r ftl IB . : ': AlwttiKl3tt'jWMBCuai'l TrrnTTiriir' r--lprx Secure BoeKlet VYinier tJiaueni. flSWPiSf' mKSMemil B Bermuda aU expenses, J.3.3U ana up. W.'MwlMJL Hnr-rM mr. VTh A - r7-lt r 1 ForcempletsdeUits.caU.wTiteor'pWc l tm&M(twJmKM J I - i mt EMBASSY Vffigsssggs' .mmiMkX 1 Kewiv built i.n.1 newly furnianv.1. All out VKAYEli UllKAK.aTaiiiN LB ?W T' f NrWJVB rMftlialr TSfflBE jrlRflllHnVtindfVuglxlirfg , fWg Jlil.- rooms Private baths. Met and cold V ' i 'i'V'JVJ? IHHllil fctBi y. MWlW'J2ieiml2mwkYMtCZZli-. riinnlna, water and tolcDheneo In all room. k iji.ii.-, ltrnad St M .1 -. , .l.WTlrrft S BH fffi lm ftWft" tjw'1 VrfrwfffirillHIPIlia fwir- -TiK' I llunRitrlnn . ulslr.e. Munte. Danctnt. Grill t lJi4'' ..?.'. 1reaa ;,v 0 StSS HIS BlWIplgl !.1(jarwrrinilll'llLJiyiMiBg,c y 1 and tiiiiiiirii reuma uedkipi TnleDbenf TW inun. v'vlYrlGtalirBlll I rS Ml ti"i3i III III I II IHULUF9kWkwBkWBmWI--. - ! i.liiwoeil 351, New Turk Offlce. Bcburlu rtrll) Vlnlnut 4601 Jp JvlCiiawreaSilissiSwrtfOllIlM J' ... KJTr i r3TITlMM .TOO": ' "fcBBB jfr yjKm&KBNS T" yT Ti nw 5"" 2liaSJaaBlHMBHsTP" II West Indies Cruise $35e and tip fill ." St. Thomai, Ilermuda and apnd 2 whelp d.v ir.v.l. I ling ever the l'enma Canal Zene. Price includes eicur- B r.onnaihert evprythlng. B , ten S. 8. Crl.teb.l of the.P.n.m. It. U.St..ShlJ."lS. chartered by Gates Teura for these ipeclal cruliea. Hnt cruise sails February 4tk; Second, March 4th Apf.ly te It.i.vinond-Whltceinl) Ce,, Gen. AKCnts 1 IJH Walnut Ktrcet. I'hlla.lelphUv ter Vemi, eti Mill, b tilitn. prices, nnd details. Auk fnriink! GATES TOURS-FetwdedW2 "World Tratel at RMaeiiaita Cel" 22S Mlth Arenne, New Yerk Londen, . f.rU Ren I k SIT. VHSIIII'N Hi:silltTS S iter rartiefc Vr' Wi.V.wJ, Wi'jJ! n1l.""". me Wl i 1 Nil i tm - - TZ-tV ft 'XTJ Hf -Cp'r'sa JCT TOtTIM t! S. S. HDRO (P.dfieLlne) Ttrrum trr S. S. AMETUCAN LECION (Menwn Line) A. most enjoyable Winter Cruise and Tour assured Write for book. AMERICAN EXPRESS Travel Dept., 143-145 Se. Bread St. Phila., Pa. Writa 'Phene Call en Raymond & Whitcomb Ce. for their new booklet Bermed a ! Complete Information Steamship Tickets Hetel Reservations i i Prices New Yerk te New Yerk 'including steamship and hotel 1 accommedationsand sightseeing, 8 days, $102.50 sind upward i ' Wc Will HelpYeu Travel Anywhere ' Give Yeu Information ' Secure Your Tickets Make Hetel Reservations I Steamship tickets by all lines at the companies regular rates. Raymond & Whitcomb Ce. 1338 Walnut St. Tel. Filbert 3864 Tours and Cruises Seuth America Tl.ird annual Cnnse-Toer via S.S. O5R0 sailing from New Yerk Feb. I 1th returning April lOlh (59 days) rnifcj Ilavana, Panama, Lima, Mollendo, Val paraiso, Santiage, Buenes Aires, Mon Men Mon trridee; Santes, Sae Paule and Rie d Jancite. trmwmi nM...j il. fan aaj sri:.viini' iiixihtk yricketeferAULmc.K . f aatRegnlrTarift Rales. Foreign V I I railroad and sloping ear ticietJ I 1 I H direct te destination. I m J Itineraries prepared Spedal JV m V lerrice in jeairiirj !& Cy. pujpert. JSi$ I Tours and Cruises I S Seuth America I 1 I Honolulu r ..... . I via Weit Wits, Panama Canal arM C!- stkMHII"- kksquts K-rF.Mlllf- hi-iiit I ifernia. Crn'ueintlodtiHileandrvilaata 1 SS. BUCKEYE STATE, January 7tb ii i. . i. .. i i i L 1 Rate from $725 up f j "ill i ft crime ei ui uaj ia.i.uc ( .TSItV U ec r-ADMAMIA C.t, ll.U I f &m R e.- I China-Japan .1 H ... . ia.i P.L .L !.. U.. I M. a. i... in .1 n. rpn. .U1.&I3I. jiuui x . .3 m& I Independent leurs WSSSIfHmk: JSS I California, Cuba, Weit Indies. I SgCTggWSSap-waKg- ..-. ii in ml Faat Palatial Passenger Steannhrp of 21,000 tem te and MANILA Frem Seattle te Hentr Kane xAn Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghai and Manila Vp'UI' IWr&SXSZ:. irrtug.-Ht:. w.w Yerk" TOUIl.0 as a special feature, exclusive A Tour of the ..i.tir,Bfnsdnatine old t:i..... Amnle t me at Madeira, Cadiz, Seville, Gibraltar, Algiers, The Tai,wn Nnn1es.Pemrcil. Reme, Athens, Constanti neple, Palestine end Egypt. 61 days. American Expres9 Travel Department assures the most ideal mnditiens of travel. Write for booklet new. iS.S.CARMANIAfromNcwYerk,Pcb.ll,1922i CruUels limited te epassencer: Other tr,ntrr Cruitfi and Te-mDtKeAmrrieanCrprtnTrartl tuLrlm-nl-Kurort.Arevnd tht World. China, .pin, IT..I - i fjw 'j.. n AMERICAN EXPRESS 1J3-U5 (Hell) l Sic: mi jHW FRANK'S TOURST- FRANK'S TOURS Trav 1 -in -rnn for Tour, wHli Mediterranean 'ia S. S. MRIATI'1" I!tlng Riviera, Italy, Egypt, Hely Land, Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, Spain, France, Switzerland, England FYeaurnt Denartur.s January. Frl.i everything tirst cliu-3, beat Btramers and hritrle, ttnif. Trael-ln '"..mfe't Tours. Hh Ks'-ort. I.IniltciJ te 13 Members, te California Honolulu Oram) Canyon, Ara''"' Trail, t nlarndn Ilerlilrn Krequent Dpprturfs .lanuarj'. February, Alareh. thing first class, beat trains, best hett-ls, liberal rehtlnc. Cruises te Weat Indies, Cuba, Nassau, Jamaica, Panama, Venezuela, Perte Rice, Bermuda, etc. Ill days and longer. SI Se and up l.atly rcieriatl' de'ai: i.errsary I'lntrury of ! FRANK TOURIST CO. 219 S. 15lh Street, Philadelphia i tsiaeitsnca iota dcii rnenc, Spruce 0852 '- - - - - - -- Established 187S On M our GREAT WHITE FLEET CARIBBEAN TOURS MEfr Including, te this cruise, Adriatic Sheres Venice nnd D'Annunrie'a ler signtseeinc mp3 asneic r rwi.r.mj fArwiuu. TRAVEL DEPT. Seuth Uread St. Phila. Wulnnt tOOl Ecoert, Llmltpd te 12 Members. ! Seuth America 1'Klurllnff Eaat and West Ceaets Panama Canal, Andes Mountains 72 days $1900 ujr and March. Jje luxe parties, liberal eightseelna: and for rcstlr.R , Vnmlte Vnltfy, i:tc De lux.i parties, everv blKhtseetiiEr anil tlnie for Si rul for enn'pl. tr- Infnru.iitiua und Tour ur fru.-t- I Ir.-d. Bell Phene, QUAINT native life, historic re minders of the brave old days of the Spanish Main,in picturesque Colombia en your Great White Fleet Cruise te the Caribbean. Twenty-three days of complete change andrelaxattenvisittngCuba, Jamaica, Panama, Cesta Rica, Co lombia, Guatemala depending en the Great White Fleet Cruise selected. Ne passports or sailing permits required Irem American citizens. Direct shore landings. Departures from New Yerk and New Orleans. Sixteen nnd twenty-threa day cruises. Great White Fleet ships ure the new est and finest sailing te the Caribbean. Only tine d,i ftt rjfi. Cabin ler tabin, better accommodation t lower truup firr than any ether iteamrrs vl.ii In;; the West Indir and Central AmerUa. Illustrated felder3 and cubiu plann free en rt-quesu Address letal ttcltet or tourist agents.er I'lisjengrr Departtnent UNITED FRUIT COMPANY 1-flattery 1'U.e NpwYerlc ucnerai ultK., .Ji eiu elttiKt, Uoten, Mail, CRUISE - JTZr "fc lESw mmsyg n feftUl -