24, EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, .WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1921 iMwwrrwiiSfcrTin4 I NEW YORK BONDS 1 Governments and Municipals Foreign A merican IxeiD 1 OTIC is rapidly becoming a gre.it market for the flotation of foreign bend issues. Several hundred external and internal leans of foreign governments and municipalities are actively dealt in in this market, and the list is steadily increasing. American investors arc becoming inter national investors far mere rapidly than many realize. This fact makes the new edition of Meedy's Rating Boek of Government and Municipal Securities far mere indispensable than ever. This new edition (just coming oft' the press), contains a greatly improved and expanded section en all foreign governments and their bended debts. Full descriptive details of every foreign lean of any importance arc furnished, en the same general plan that we fellow in our ether Rating Beeks. Every bend issue is rated, regardless of its quality or desirability. The financial and debt statements of the following countries are unusually complete (all information being secured from original sources i : Argentina, Austria. Belgium, Brazil. British Lmpirc. Belivia, Chile. China. Cubu. Czccho-slemkia, Dominican Republic, France, flrrmany, Italy, Japan. Jugeslavia, Mexico, Netherlands, Nor Ner vay, Peru, Poland, Rumania, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay, Among the foreign cities which arc completely covered by the latest, first hand facts and figures, the following arc included: Londen, Pari. Berlin. " ienna. Antwerp, Brussels, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Ilapue. Copenhagen, Bergen. Stockholm. Chrits tiania, Cologne, Hamburg, Ltrecht, Munich, Dresden, Zurich,' Berne, Reme, Milan. Flercnre. Marseilles, Berdeaux. Lyens, Buenes .Vires, Rie de Janeiro. Sae Paule, Valparaiso. Tokie, etc. J hlS IS the only volume printed in the English language which contains full, uniform and accurate tacts and figures regarding foreign government and municipal debts. The book also 'CO"CerS in remnlete and exhaustive form, the entire American and Canadian government and municipal field. Over 25,000 American municipal issues arc classified and rated in this volume. With the present popularity of tax exempt investments, a volume of this character should be indispensable te any banker or investor. It is the only publii'uliun iMied in the I'nited States which covers municipal obligations in this way. Ecry bend issue listed is rated en the same principle that we rate railroad and corporation securities in ether volumes of our Rating Boek series. J tlC price of this new edition is 820 per volume, delivered. Orders should be filed at once te insure prompt delivery, as there is an extra ordinary advance demand, and the edition will probably be exhausted in sixty days. Moodys Investors Service 35 Nawau Street. New Yerk City BOSTON 101 Mill Sitica PHILADELPHIA Ret Lstite Trutt Bmldin CHICAGO Firrt Nttieatl Bk Bmldiaf "Menrly'.i Rating Beel's" are ths only annual statistical publications villi vkich Jehn Moei-j has ami connection. .Ye ether concern has the right te make u-ie of Jehn Aloedy'e name. Nzw Issue Exempt from all Federal Income Taxca $800,000 Gasten County, North Carolina Direct Obligation Serial 69e Bends Dated January 1, 1922 Ne opt.en Due serially, January 1, 1923-1946 Coupon bends, denomination $1,000, rcxisterable as te principal only. Principal and semi-annual interest, January 1 and July 1, payable in New Yerk City. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed Valuation, 1921 ., $62,67S,510 Net Bended Debt (including thi-, issur; 1,967,000 Population (19J0 Census) - 52,242 GASTON COL" N'T Y, located in the southwestern part et the State, is in one of the richest agricultural sections f North Carolina. Gastonia, the county teal, is the largest cotton manuiac turn.f city in the Seuth. TIIh.SE BONDS, autherised at an election, arc the direct obligation of the County an' are pavablf both ptmcipal and interest, by an unlimited ad wlercm tax !ciccl against all taxable property in the County. The pro ceeds, et this issue are te be us,ed for the construction of hard surface reads. MATURITIES AND YIELDS 1923 te 192G te yield 5.40 1932 te 1934 te yield 5.30 1927 te 1931 te yield 5.35 1935 te 1939 te yield 5.20 1940 te 1946 te yield 5.10 Legal opinion ej Chester Ii. Masshcs, Esq., .Xew Yerk City. Kissel, Kinnicutt & Ce. 14 Wall Street New Yerk Graham, Parsons & Ce. 435 Chestnut Street Philadelphia William R. Compten Ce. 14 Wall Street New Yerk All statements contained herein are taken from ..curces bel.ed te be Huble, but are net guaranteed. tSALCS IN $1000 Canadian N 7s 1.... 110 Chlls Cep'r 0 tl BS4 11 8.14 4 .... 84W I 2 .... 85 Chile. Cep'r 7 s i imi City Herns 8 8.... 108 City Ilerd'x 0i a Pf.4 2 80V4 2" . .. 80 40. 4. 1.. 1.. 7.. 0.. H.1U 85 V. OS ti.M, 0Jt P3K V S Brazil Hs 1.... 104UI 1.. 1 0 1. 1.. 104 104 10l'4 104 104 1044 Ment'a Twr 6s City New Terlt .. 03 . 4l4s '71 wl ' " -snri 4s 8S.... 104U I !. "H CI'd cm CM ANT ctl 4" 81 I.euls Ga '..' ou"i 0... . P3N. " Ctnt ' a" Cel InduVI 3.1 ; .... BO n i 1 0841 1 psii 1 . 98 Cole & S 4Ht . J 08H ie mu i ..I; .::. os,i 1 (.si, , i.aien co lens'a ee "i ' s.... 104 : 1 10.11. ...----- 0 P5 ' 11 & Hud cv 2 US 1 SO. . 1 S3 ID1 Hud 7s 4... 3ft , 1.... 107 ' Un'd 0 Mexico Den & 11 e fd i I.arcs S3 S 4SL, 1 .... BmlDen L r. O 4 m 8Gm 2 .... 7SM 3 72. , SOU Am'n Acr"e & 10 7D4 j SOU, i Chern 7 4" ,l: Cdl 3 '40 , 1,1V,, 1.... 1C0 4 PI SOH1 2.... 100 I 1 PI g5S 1! ... 100 Det Edi Ce C lSCAi.4Hl! J( 7.... 100i , hrtl " 88 -i 1 P9t, hfti 1 88U Dt V R 4St fiOl,1 16 .... S74 1 034 ' SUKj 3 8S I 4 .... 04 SilWlAni Til c!l 1 C4 SOS 1 ST ' 4 .. . C3S (,ni,l 2 ... MH D d( NTnur C-v nie de Ja- en T t T r. r-rdr 7 Ha ' nole 89 ' 6 PIS 2... lOOi 0H ret. 0 .... 80S u Ji!co at Cty Chrli'n 8 1 3.... 107 City of Copen Cepen h.uren 6VjS 1 .... 87 . 1 .... 80S r. . . sem, eity Lyen. CuAlby & S 34l 2.. .a An., "II I n 1'f .... is.!!!.' 3 1 .... 'ty Mn' 11 .... ii'..';;; G ? .... ' '! ... 1 1.. 1.. 4.. 2.. r. s . 20 . 1 10 1 10 10.-, K 105H 103 100 inss instt 10.1S ies ; 1C3S 103N 103H 103 H 103 103 101H 10314 103 lO.'.Vi & 1.... 107 1.... lOA'i 1.... 108 n racine n x i con i no ie en c w u raciiic n 4 2 84"j 3 8S 1 84H 0 B4W 1 04 N Pacine n 0 2.... 100U 3.... IOC. Nth 3 Pwr St 0 80 Ore ft Calif 3d 4 00 Ortcen S L 4. 1 87. Orffea S I S 6 l'10i'. 1 PI Si 3 1044 . i0Himn t t i' n uut Light flj .. 100'. i " 108V,. i.... iei .. 10f4 1.... IO8V4 l ... iii ... 100H ' 10 I 6 100 . inn"-, An.-.our 4Vj! Erl. Gnl I.ltn ... loom 1. . . 874 10 42, ... 500 A T i. 3 Ye n'1 1 42H, ... llOH 2 . .. 70HI 1 424 . inei. 30 . ... 70 1 424 2ur!i 8s -' 70 0 431, ... lr'T 4 A , b 1 e 4 Erl. R R ci A 3 07V. Oregon BLEi 4.... 100 Ore-W R R Ce A U Ce 4s 2 .... 774 P Ceaat Ce 5s 1 73 Pac T & T 0 924 Paclta'd Moter Car Ce 81 1.... 1004 1.... 100U 5.... 1004 2 ... 1004 2 ... 1O0H N Ts N It It cv 8 Vis 12 ..38 Nfw Y .V II t Hart'd C. 0 . .. SO N.w Teri: O & Wfs'.'n 4 3 . . 07 N Y Hv ct 4t is ... cevii 1.... mi 0 . 20S Pan A Te'.r'in . . w. f. T Cn 7. ?: Y Ryuct 3s1 j .... nCy 3. . . 04lpa R ra 44" :: Y Tl 4l 0 fO 1 SRVi p-nni R r,4 4 8S4 1 ins 1 884 1 103 Bt I, ft 8 Fran Series B 1 82U 8t L ft S Fran Series C 2 03S St h Bew'n en 1 704 San Antonie A A Paa n 4( B "71 1 71 Seab'd A L, ni 18 134 8 13 4 1 1BH S A L 4b U 0 (11 ieab'd AI.61 2 43 1 45 0 44 10 43 G 44i 1 43 1 43 Eh Steel II 8s B.... 100 1.... 1004 3.... 100 Sinclair C Oil Cerp 74. S ODii B 00 1 PI 1 00 Pe'n Paclfle M 2 84-,t 7 84 4 J 844 10 84 1004'B'n Pae cv 4i 100', i 81 't K V Te.'e'a Ml S'n Pacin: t, 1 024 Se Pac TermM I 1 804, Sn Hallway 4. 2 614 I 1 cis : 1.. .. 614 dn Railway A. 1 1;' Cuba R Ce 33 1 "7 "uba Railroad Ce 74a v. 3. 3 1... 0... 4 .. 1... 1 .. 100 K04 101) 1") 100 1004 1'iOS 2 .. 1"1 Per.marls Cen ct A 83 10.... lee- 10 ... 834. 7 30 4 .... Bi,l 3. .. 30 j ... 83v,inne n n c n 3 83V4I 1 38 2 34Erle RR Ce 1. C .... frB ! 1 5fl4 I B .... S3 4lVlsS Rub'r C 1 83 ig, rets Atch T ft 3 IV I 1.... jreij 1 ' 4s I 1.... 1001., E .. T0, I S.... I1.04 A Coast I, B.... l'XiS 2.... 1034 3 1004 . 11.... 103 .O Middle V 3 Atl'e Trult 7s 1 . , .. ti'i 3 r44Goelyea- 1 b 10J 10i' 103 103 1 r 1. 10 10141 1 M?. 1044! 2.. .. 88Vi 104V!llStand,cl Oil of 101 4 1 Calf 7b 10l 3.... 103 De-mrlc Cen '' ... ler.i.'nait i. Ohie c 'c 1 3 744 Pnni P.ep'c 1 iO .... fc'l 3. ... 80 R (.er.ada '20 1 .... 034 IJ t'anada -2!i 1 .... or, , 1 .... 064 j le.i! Trench II 743 rcis 1." .... 04-4' 13 ... C4V I' ... 04 V, .... 044 1 . . . 04 4 a"!". 044, 2 .. 04' 5 .... 014 37 044 Jl .... 044 1 044 1 .... V4. 1 "4 4 " ... 04 4 1. ... 0!4 1; ctri. 1 ' . . 1 U) 1 .. 'll'l . 1 ... !00 I .. !"' : .... e) 1 r ... 004 as .... urn. 14 .... 00', II .. . 0'l 1 . . 00-. r I runK e( A l'e-7de.- 7 4", ItubT 'SI 1 . . 1034, 33 0"U 3 094 10 irev. IW 15 . .. (I'M. 101 ", pema R R 7 Tern Ceal I it' 1 ... ie",4 nn Ce lsti lft2 IPenrm & V lii 1 8D4 lftJ,4 4... . 07 I Third Ae .1 103 I 4 CS 2 40 lftt'll 13. . 67 1 10 4t!4 101iPertlM Rwy A Third A"e 4r l" I.leht 74 ' 2 37 101''4 1.... 103"4 Tldcat-r Oil 161 Hi 2. .. 102 Ce ct CVi 101 Vneadlnc C" 4s1 1.... 100?i J R 1 ms union t'ac rv :.. 1 1 .... 10 3 .... Halt L O i. n "14 Geclvea 74 I Rub'r '41 74 4 74 73S 71 73 K Vjs C.... 0.... 20 2104 1J04 1104 1104 llf 1 110 4' na.t i. Ohie 4f 1 .... 774 1 774 10 77 Halt ft Ohie i,f 0 .... 064 J .... 014 3 P."4 B 034 17 .... 03 b ... 03 b0 4lO Nthn P.d 7e 804. 4 107'4 1 . 107 4 H74 107 4 ie; 107 4 20 12 10. 3 t 1. 1. :"i 1 s 10 1 4 3 k r v: Rest 4 43 Rie O ft W '. 10 8014 2 30 I 1 754! 10 . . S0 , N'ti S'n n Bi1 1. ... 734 Union P.10 03 I 1 .11 St I. ft 2 Y ! 1 103 N." ft '.V'n 4s 1 724 1. 103 0 . . 80 11 7 j If Tan'rf c 7" -' . . 83'i'0t I. ft 3 Y tnl 2. .. 1034 I.T ft v ? n n . .. t"4 V B Rubh'r 3- 1 1034. 4 .... S34i 2 Sfl-4 r . Hi'. J B . ... 33 1 B 864 Nerth Wenle'n.Et 7. ft S Fran, 2. . . 804 II'll T 7n gerlsa A US Rub 7 4s 1 .. 107 1 084, 1.... 1034 : . . JO04 ,10.. .. (184 1 1,... 103 1 t004 1 6i4 2 1034 1 .. W0, I 1 6SVU S famlt R ft 1 . MOV 10 .... 684 Mln'e 03 : 10T 1 1 ... 07 li7 .... I Equipment Trust 6 Geld Notes it. Dated January 15, 1920 Dne January 15, arrially, as ahewn bdnf We offer subject te prier sale and change in price, $1,750,000, purchased from the United States Railroad Administration Issuing Cempanies: Delaware & Hudsen Company Amount $230,000 New Yerk Central Railroad Company Amount $640,000 Michigan Central Railroad Company Amount $223,000 Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company Amount $483,000 Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company Arnennt $130,000 These notes constitute the direct obligations of the issuing companies and are secured by standard railroad equipment, under Equipment Trust Agree ments dated January 15, 1920, between Walker D. Hines, Director General of Railroads, the respec tive railroad companies and the Trustee. Under said agreements no rail road company secures tide te equipment until die Notes of that particular cempanyhave been paid in full. The Notes issued by each company are due in fifteen approximately equal annual installments, the first efwhich matured andwaspaidjan.ij, 1921. Maturities and Prices: Maturity Price 1924 100.50 1925 100.70 Price Approximate Yield Approximate Yield Maturity 573 1926 100.90 5.75 5.75 1927 101.10 5.75 pAccnied Interest te be edded) These ttitementt ire ne: guartntetd, but an butd upon (nferattien tMch vn beiirre te b tctunu tri telitble. CONTINENTALwCOMMERCIAL Trust and Savings Bank CHICAGO, ILLINOIS uLjwiiiwaA'il-iiUl-''Ti!l ii,jiufc'Wj::f'jir''y um . lf)74 I - - H.'an.i I 1 I. j & I'wr Cs 1 1 8 . 71 ' I I rr , 1.-1 j , .. 1 Heck Va.1 4 V. 1 s:. ! na.t C. Olile iiui i IU11 fd I n 3'i8 s 7J, 1 1. SO',1 3 75Vi' n e. O Tel eiiui t Man In ' 1 .... 03 I 13 4S4, I .. . (..'41 2.. . 4BV ' lit .1 Tlehen. in central fd ! 1 of l'a 7a n. . s'"-. f ... I""'-. 1,1 Cen 43 '33 1.... IO-'-. 1 . .. 7(t C 101', HI Cent'l 6SiSi II btcl Be 'Si 1 1 ..07 I 7 .... 1-04 111 (Jcnt'l fat 1. 1 2 .... bl-j, Ulv 3'4H I 1 in ij rctn B I.Ji'n O. ".' j ... r,(i I 1' . 100UI ! M'A Ills bled 4V4 j ,, 1. n It 4 P 4V h . . (,0V, I IS ... 110U 10- I'lVi'infe Mel H " lull's 1" ,'1'. U ... lt'4 ' 11 .. ine, ' 10 lit iinite it T f 1 ' . mm, Uusii Uld'e -, 0 ., ji,, . meHi 1 .... B4 10 331, 2 ... :oe. . i"'1' 1 10 r.3 I .. lOrt'.lCtl Le.tttir 6 t0... . 331. I tleve t lnt . .1 . Ul'4 i m Mutlnc c,n 1.' . 1 'ap - I I . h7 4IC 'rtr-- i"' . '.'... n'i, . 87 . I 10 .. HJ j MS. 't L'n.l'Cerru de Vas , ,.,,, . j..,-, I. p'r Si I t.,i4 . J.0-J 3.... 11 IS .- . .. , ,v,, 1 . . MIH , , 8S,, . PH'. 1.. . 11 IV. ie..4 te.t ! -,i . 65S " 11 I .1 73V, in "".i e . . . in i ie . 7,i i, 1014 n ... tn Kan , ,.. 3 A mtu i . ny. M n,., la 1D4V, s ..in j -, 104 i 1 HI 1. !'. . 71'j )i.c.ucv m n -1 !" 1 pv U .. . 71 0'4 C .. J (.. .'' j -, K l't.ifin rrii 1 . P. :, i'c.i, : c. lii.i "M t. Al'.or ' Kl i.'leni Ten 4 ." ', I it -It r,s wl i CM i. Alt .!' I '- ... 4 1 .... 04V I irarl: ct Si Kan c A h ."i 1 .. i,l i 1 . i.4", 4 . I ' e .. r.ii, ' Kan C ( ,S Si , 3 . . , 4 . (,". 101V; CM Ufidin k. iehh 2 . .. m- i.;-:; Hl 101 2!'. ... h. I , K4T, I 1""4 '' hni' l,y iiDrl..ii'd C II 4 Q i.i," i NEW ISSUE TAX REFUND IN PENNSYLVANIA iniii, U I IOS K lul CSi 1 . .. OH, I 'i . 044 i Kl! rirm .".or- wuy ct Hi 1 1 ... I'll 1 1 M'l K -.ci1'r, m ' I . .. (il i 1 . . 0J 1 . . DIS I I . 1 10 . 04Vi . I'nit) r. nl I 8 ..101 . Q'jj'nl'rt l.tl I. m'l 't 7 a ..ins l ... ml 1.. 107K-M 4 G W I II.-;) Clille "JO ' . .. nt 1 1 ... l0i, i 1 l.... I'" ,Chl M'l u I'e' 1 . . 100U keund 4s llt3 chile '4 'I " . ' I -. 4. . .. iii rutcHrfu ?' . 0.... inn. S'. I d ii i ... 300', i-1 1 ... ll '. f rltce M i f..... 101H i" P 4j i. 2.... 101 1, 6 .... "ii'. 1.... 1 '.' 0 '" 1.... 1U:. 3 . . MS 1 .. l"l Chlraie Mil A 8 . lul S'P cv 4V. i A 10 1 e I'll Hi 3 101 S 103 S ' T.V lAt '.i I"" , , ,' ' 1 I.a' .erfe HI '3 O C.i 1001, I.. . . " h7 ;. . ," J.'hlKh Va! 4i l.i s 71S 71 4 71 S 71 np CMlfl '40 I fil l.tl Uh Val r i I . iei K L I 4 It E 17 f. . 7 I Ixjrll ard C 7 i liiij Marr.At IJ'.. 4s l . . :j Man E 4s Va 1 . . . ." i , P . '.j I! uli War ii 6IS l'.x I'cir'r- n 1 . .', Jii mie-'i i . e M. Oas f'e I? J! . . C'l, II MP i. b .-t M i,'-,j rcti I'' .. 1011, 1'"-. Jfi' ", 101 :j 10 i 40 4" 4"l 4" 4 S 4".S 4 , IMIl, '. . I.. I- 'v , I..'. . liev, ie . .i '-. ; 3 loes l . . fil' '" i J .10' ' 3.' '..... I'j'i -' . '- ... 100', i . . '.'. '' 5 ... 10 1 CV.H. M t ? I K. . k,(i StP fd 4V- ! ItfpCiba4i 1 7 ', J' 1' -' ' 2. ... 751,1 S . . .'7 11 It ruba 0s '14l 1 ''.S '-' "'' , 3 .... 70 ,f'-B" M I .' - ' c ' 1 771. StP 3rn 4 '. '' " . Mate . f !lae 3 . 7't " ' 4 Paule 8s Inilcaue M . '. 5 . . 100',, f.' P (.v Si 1 .. 100 S 3 . .. OJ l mesi 1 OJ Se Perte Wco' G.. . . CJ T 7n rets 'C 4 Nwn 3", 10 . U1S 3 . 6S 4 K ulti'd Cen ss 112 4 1... 1. 3. h 1. 'J 1 1 ll'.'4l'"hl Hi 4 I Be of Hi", I l Hi' 4 Chi A JI24. 1 71 . 72S . 72 S . 724 f.'li 67 100 Mwn 7' let, v. 10 37 MK 4 ' B . . 10 . . 4 .. 1124 f hi nalln'H 112 "i. 1 r K flrt iirii f" ii t 4 I d HiS.' ' b . .. i ii'' . i ... K Ort nut 10 . .. ' I d IO'."! i ... 7BV, ". . . ll'l 4 1 2 .... 73 S f.ftUl 10 . .. 70 4 8 . . POV, C It I 4 P 4 7 ... Ml HI ' T8'i 2 ... U0 4 Oiltace Ht I"l 4 HO 4 , M 4- O G 09 4 l 4 4 T, 71 S 4 wl i,'. 4 in 4 O'.l, .. 1,14 1 . . 014 ... 004 JI K 4 T 4 4 i , l ... B3; M ! (Tli nil 7 .. 7-4 H . 7H4 '., ' 7S'i '.M K4T ext 3h 7,1l 3 .. 37 4 7G, M K 4 T hi 7f,S 3 . .. 112 4 no i-.ii.ine 4i $2,250,000 The Shelton Looms First Mortgage 15-Year 7 Sinking Fund Geld Bends of Sidney Blum en thai & Ce., Inc. Datrl December 1, 1921. Due December I, 1936. Interest payable June 1 unci December I, in New Yerk or Bosten. Redeemable in ivhelc or in part by let en uny interest pHyment dutc en 60 days' notice, at 107 mid accrued interest, up te nd including December I, lC22, and thereafter at 100 and iici.rued interest plus a premium of x2ri for each full year by vthicli die date of maturity is anticipated. Coupon bends in denominations $500 and $1,000 with privilege of registrntieu as te principal. The Company airee3 te pay interest without deducien for any normal Federul income tax te an amount net rr.ceediriR 2cr. Pennsylvania tax net exceeding four nulls, and Connecticut tat net exceeding four mills, refunded upon application. Central Union Trust Company, Ne'V Yerl:, Trustee. Mr. Sidney lilumcnthal, President, summarizes us follewj his letter, a cejnj of which ivill be sent upon request: This Company, incorporated under the laws of New Yerk in 1899, in continuation of a business estab lished 1854, is engaged in the manufacture of the largest variety of pile fabrics made by any one single manufacturer in the world. Its products include velvets, plushes, and ether materials for use by uphol sterers, drapers, furniture manufacturers, automobile and carriage makers, manufacturers of ladies' coats, dresses and suits, milliners and various ether industries. A large part of the output consists of high quality standard merchandise, which constitutes raw material te ether manufacturers. The Company numbers among its customers practically every large department store in the country. Its trade-mark, "The Shel Shel 'en Looms," i3 well and favorably known throughout this and foreign countries. Its sales have increased 'ixfeld in the past decade. The diversified nature of the Company's products and the flexibility of its 'uipment permit of an unusually high rate of operation throughout the year. CAPITALIZATION (Upen completion of present financing) Outstanding en 10 l ea B . 00 C & W I 74" n. i.. 4.. 1.. 1 1 . 4 . 1.. 4 (II OK 4 II ill 110 I 00 4 ' U04 ' First Mortgage 15-Year lf Sinking Fund Geld Bends (Closed Mortgage) $2,250,000 Preferred Stock 8 Cumulative (Authorized $1,500,000) 1,128,900 Common Stock (no par value) 55,000 shares SINKING FUND The Mortgage will provide for payment te the Trustee of Vz of this total issue in each year, payable semi-annually en the first days of June and December, the balance remaining after the payment of the interest en these bends te be devoted te the retirement of these bends by purchase or call, bends se acquired te be cancelled. It is estimated that this sinking fund will retire ever 80 of the entire issue before maturity. SECURITY These bends will be secured, in the opinion of counsel, by a closed first mortgage upon all the fixed assets of the Company, as defined in the mortgage, new owned or hereafter acquired, including a complete modern plant with 430,000 square feet of fleer space occupying 12 acres of ground at Shelton, Connecticut, and by pledge of the entiie capital stock of the Seuth River Spinning Ce.. Inc., which owns a modern spinning mill with 1 30,000 square feet of fleer space at Seuth River, New Jersey. These plant3 are modern in design and equipment , advantageously located and efficiently operated. ASSETS The fixed assets of the Company, and the Seuth River Spinning Ce., Inc., as defined in the Mortgage, have been appraised at a sound value of $4,897,028, or ever $2,000 for each $1,000 bend. The net quick assets, as defined in the Mortgage, according te the annexed balance sheet prepared by Messrs. Haskins & Sells, after giving effect te this financing, amount te $4,222,816, or ever $1,875 for each $1,000 bend, and the net tangible assets thus amount te $9,1 19,844, or ever four times the par value of this closed first mortgage issue. The Company will covenant in the Mortgage net te pai any dividends, except en the authorized issue of Preferred Stock, or take any ether voluntary action which will operate te reduce net quick assets, as defined in the Mortgage, beluiv 150"r of the par value of all outstanding first mortgage bends. EARNINGS The average net profits of the Company, for the five years ended December 31, 1920, according te the audit of Messrs. Haskins & Sells, before depreciation and Federal taxes', amounted te $934,212, or about six times the inte re3t charges and about four times the interest and sinking fund requirements en these bends. During this period the smallest net profits in any one year amounted te $614,398. The Company's earnings similarly computed for the year 1921, December esti mated, will show a small profit. There is every indication of an increased volume of business at a normal rate of profit in the coming year. We Recommend These Bends for Investment Price: 96 Vz and interest, yielding about 7.40 Dend3 arc offered when, us and if issued and received by us and subject te the approval of counsel. E. H. Rollins & Sens Hambleton & Ce. The Information and statistics contained nlieve have been obtained from sources we deem reliable and although net uuuranteed are accepted by us as accurate. XjI u U IC Ort Ilrlt 1 . . 100 .... ,... , 4 e 00 4 A I'd 1037 Me I'M OS '20 10. OSU 1... 2i d &