ri i IM J 23 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 192L 3 r $25,000,000 Canadian Pacific Railway Company 4'c Coupon Consolidated Debenture Stock Perpetual Nen-Callable Secured by a first charge en the entire undertaking, subject te certain priorities stated below. Interest pnyable January 1 and July 1 in New Yerk City in U. S. geld com. Issuable in coupon form in denominations of $100, $500. $1,000 and multiples of $1,000. Exchangeable for fully registered certificates. $3,949,000 Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway Ce. Consolidated Mortgage 4V2 Geld Bends Dated May 1,1907 Due May 1, 1957 La i a M?hZ. ." S I'000,.1r,e'5,,,terablsa' principal, end exchangeable for fully registered ber.dj tnennnS ne.V5fl,ble,lntsr.s,tpi,yab,e,nNew Yerlt MV l and November 1. Autherised in T,:?,,.,TiL dlna '" h!;TJ, e puU,c' deluding thU issur, $18,078,000. Iwutd and held in Treasury of the Company, $4,081,000. Central Union Trust Company, New Yerk, Trustee. A legal invcatment for Savings Banks in New Yerk, Connecticut, Rhede Island and ether States Bends previously issued listed en the New Yerk Stock Eschar;. Application will be mnde in due course te list the present issue Free of present Pennsylvania State Tax The following information has been furnished us by officiate of ths cempany: The bends are a first mortgage lien en approximately 104 miles of read, and in 1922, through payment at maturity of $3,920,000 prier lien bends, will be a second mortgage hen en the remainder of the mileage owned, aggregating 264 miles, subject te prier lien bends totaling $4,777,000 which cannot be increased in amount or extended beyond maturity and for the refunding of which reservation is made under this Consolidated Mortgage. Fer the seven years 191 1 te 1917, inclusive, net income available for interest charges aver aged $2,985,971 per annum, with annual average interest en funded debt of $1,325,562. Fer the three years 1918 te 1920, inclusive, which covers the period of Federal Control, the Federal Guaranty Period of six months from March 1, 1920, and four months of corporate control te December 31, 1920, the average net income of the company avail able for interest was $3,369,403 per annum, with interest en funded debt averaging $1,594,340. Dividends have been paid en the Company's Preferred Stock at the rate of 6 per annum since 1902, and at net less than 4 per annum since that date en its common stock. Fe offer theie bends ler delivery ir hen, as and tf recened bi us subect te epprei.il of teytl mutters by ceumel Price 91 and Interest. Te Yield About 5 I fla -w aa n I CO. The iife-maticn contained jn tins Bdvertif-nent hai been ebtfi.ned from se-trcti which we ceniirirr reliable While i.et gurraiiLeed, it ti accepted by us as accurate. THE Canadian Pacific Railway Com pany 4 consolidated debenture stock is authorized by Act of Parliament of the Dominion of Canada passed in 1889 and subsequent acts. Upen the completion of this financing there will be outstanding in the hands of the public $232,644,882 of the consolidated debenture stock, which is the premier security of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. By the terms of the Act the stock is a first charge upon and ever the whole un dertaking, railways, works, rolling stock, plant, property and effects of the company, excepting lands received by way of sub sidy, subject, however, te the payment of working expenses, and te certain priorities in respect te charges which new consist of securities aggregating approximately $38,651,724, issued in respect te only 1,642 miles of railroad, while the lines embraced in the Canadian Pacific Railways traffic returns aggregate 13,402.2 miles. The interest en the consolidated deben ture stock is, therefore, a first charge, sub ject te the above - mentioned priorities, upon the net eanings of the company derived from the operation of its railway lines. The debenture stock has priority ever $80,681,921.12 preference stock and $260,000,000 common stock. The prefer ence stock has received dividends without interruption since its issuance in 1895 at the rate of 4 per annum. The common stock has paid dividends continuously since 1882, with the exception of the year 1895. The rate since 1912 has been 10ce per annum. At present quotations the preference and common stocks represent an equity of ever $357,000,000. Application mi be nmdi te but en tkc New Yerk Stock Exchange the co.welidated deb"ntn" -,tc; ,, offered Price 78 and Interest, Yielding 5.13'C Guaranty Ce. of New Yerk The National City Company The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh Brown Brethers & Ce. Bankers Trust Company He ut.e inform -Men rui uji . ,u- . v i we rsri . re.li .,, 0 Buru " U' ush",- t te e . u.- '$50,000 '25,000 50,000 "25,000 '15,000 '50,000 "10,000 150,000 50,000 15,000 '150,000 '24,000 12,500 25,000 112,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 11,000 25,000 60,000 90,000 75,000 Municipal Bends Exempt Frem All federal Income Taxes Security Rate Maturity N. Y. City, N. Y., Corporate Stock. . .4V2s Dec. 1971 City of Yonkers, N. Y., Assessment. . SV-.s Jan. 1926 New Yerk City Coupon 4V4s IWnr. 1962 City of Philadelphia, Pa., Sch. Dist. . . 5s Jan. 1942-46 City of Portsmouth, N. H 5s Aug. 1 928-30 Essex County, N. J., Hospital 63 Oct. 1925 City of Jersey City, N. J., Water 5Vjs Aug. 1929 City of Detroit, Mich., Gen. Pub. Imp 5s Dec. 1935 City of Omaha, Nebr., Gas Plant. ... 53 July 1930 City of Youngstown, O., Strect Imp. . Cs Oct. 1923-25 City of San Francisce, Cel., Water. . .41'ej July 1933 Bergen County, N. J 5i23 Dec. 1929 City of Tepcka, Kan., Water 5 Vis Sept. 1941 Cuyahoga County, O., Read Ss April 1927-29 Lerain, O., Scheel District Gi Feb. 1935-39 City of Everett, Wash or, June 1936 City of Durham, N. C, Scheel C3 Jan. 1932-36 City of Greensboro, H. C, Bend Antic. 63 Dec. 1922 City of Birmingham, Ala., Sch. & B!dg. 5s July 1924 Wichita Ce., Te:;., Water Imp. DiiL.Gs April 1946-49 Cumberland County, N. C 6s Dec. 1922 Chowan County, N. C, Read 6s Nev. 1925 Jenes County, N. C, Read Gj Nev. 1923 I'M-rnpt tieni Tu m h-'Uie where i.-Micd. Dtecriptu 1 circulai en uuj Leu', mil he fuinwhid 0,1 reyu .1 PRICES ARC SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGE Yield re 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.40 4.40 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.75 4.75 4.60 4.80 4.85 4.90 4.90 5.00 5.50 5.50 5.76 5.75 6.00 6.00 A. B. Leacli & Ce., Inc. Investment Securities 115 Seuth Fourth Street, Phila. City of Winnipeg Canada 6 Bends Due 1946 Interest and principal payable in New Yerk. Price te yield 5.65 Complete circular en request for F-4 Harris, Ferbes & Ce Pine St., Cor. WJIIIntn NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener Bldg. Telephone Spruce 7040 First Mortgage Bend Due in less than 3 months Kansas Gas & Eiec. Ce. 1st Mortgage 5s Due March 1. 1922 te yield 6 Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia New Yerk Bosten Chicago Detroit jlL . J "I ii M Iff 'L1 J ? J.I POTKPT RflMn INTTOrtr TAni r E.iliid. ., .1 J.llmr l IK, I Mm! te, Ik. full ,V ., ..! ., ,n ,h. ,.,. (.. IK. ..m.IMn, .,. C.l.ul.l. 10 i, I. h. m.lh . MO j.,, I. Ih. ,.., MTtHtsre I ac. .em i n- ' Te t month. .ni.lM.. MH-.v7 TT v H It ) TBI IMn - J&A0 I JI'J I lt iNTlw.r en I eca from i p.y te a months .Mil jjel ITT .lihj.1 " I -. I T", , rw ww i iff I iwi iHt'i mi Ju.-. J .1 Sill 8.l 4!B' '-J- JDt (1 HJJ1 II ' ' f -Kl m,. Mil "3 i .? i mi: iTemj in Mil IM4 H I? FREE OLX COMBlfsATlONreCKEr JOOBMR 1922 Calendar Bend Interet Table, and Ownerslw'p Certificate Guide is new rjady for distribution Copy will be mailed free te any one uhe franMv mentieni lit buinesi or occupation 7hi device u phr ticulerly .luable te bend ewiun I he -up. ply it limited piemptneij it there'ere ad liable I IWT i .) i I21..A I vy I 1144 TTJTt n i i. iff TT, l ll(C4T!l II fJMI. Orlftn.lMl I90 rnEDERick Frederick Peirce & Ce. 1421 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA t.u IUJ1 1 liei IIIU 1 AM I 6 V Jfl 1411 Ull I mi in 5 Vl-M a'nm' 3118 lt!4 im risoe hid I 14? im 4 ll 4) Ml SUUI IHL TTITi 4.0 K Ml" iftOD IJV 11. 1 I lilt I -II IflCOO inn 1 4444 1IMI tint . Mil n: J TTOi TT 40000 imt 14444 itjtr i Mrt sun i un IUH TW enri I llll KM4I '. Mil 1)1111 .41 I471 llwn J I 3flle T yn TO wee ,.1 innn-wliiMe HW, uuiiiii .nut St , Plitl.q.lphl. ; ;T?n i'Ait s i '-y- r i: iJiS T 1 ! n , I tit . 4 W I tt 1 V4Q nj m tm mm jlrtld . , BO t J 'l PutHlnj vhtrt It t We Offer .$100,000 Harrisburg, Light & Power Ce. 6V Notes, Due March 1st, 1924 Free of Pcnnnlvnnia State Tax Price te Yield 7V' SuAinK Fund Operate- Monthly Hi. UfirrlFhur l,k t nl l'-' -' IKinlr-lmix and i U ' '" ' ' "k" i.m nHtt il fraf nii'-tnm aB h a jjl Schibener, Boenning & Ce'.M BB Investment Dond SfisSP Kanawha Vul. True. 5n, 1946 r-jHtcrn Pmn.t. Kj. St.. 19:t(i I'n. I'en. & Lt. 7b, 1951 Olile F'ewi-r 7s, 19,-1 Stand urd Gns & Elcc. 6s J92G i United Lt. & Kj. ,")s. 1932 WM rn Pe'tci- C'onunen Lthisli Power Securities BAUER, STARR & CO. UiikI Title Hullillne. I'hllinlclplilii r Aurk liniu- ItpUnr htivet (?n 1' li Mr I r', ), , ttt efif.H, AJanuary Rise? The possibilities of an ad vance in the market after the fir3t of the year ia one of the hubjects ducussed in our current Weekly Re view. Other important subjects are also covered. Te acquaint investors with the Letter feature of our Service, we offer Weekly Review Ne. 242 free of charge upon request ac companied by 2c for postage. MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE inllN MOODY. I'rulJmt 101 Milk St., rioiten, Mass. I'hlln Jelphln. (.hi'-iiiru New T.erk The First National Bank of Bosten Transacts Commercial Banking Business of Every Nature ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i ri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 m 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Make it your New England Bank Capital, Surplus and Profits, $37,500,000 We take plua.-nu jn ctiinuuncms; that Mr. Sidney W. Keith lia.s beu.tmi-' iia.-eciated with us in our Stuck Department West & Ge. 1 j' I t ilnul Street I'lillndelplilu "lemher en lierU pterk KxrhnngK I'lilliidelDhU Mwk huhmii i Hre u i,i t Ne iirk lie -mi m i ii m 1 1 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiil 1 ixnli ir I mil M ill! 4l)4 512-14 Walnut Street "I ft sr n " "W 11. . I Uitn.p'lc IuiUi- in I Niuuiu It iiii j at i . i 1 1 ii . .... . . .7. . . . j - Ml 41 Mil I I II I I Ii ' Pr Sheals Pr. 5s 1952 Public Service 7s 1941 nlti., Y. & Ash. 4s 194?. Arthur C. Richards & Ce. 'r(ia( itfrjihenv 10 im If.'. Drexal liuildinu' 1.1.1 i ntJiienfi innin etii ( in.iiwmiiriiitniiiiiTiipniTniiniiiiiiiiinniiiiiwiiii(iHiiiiiiriii mint mm ' jfort.:Bacen,5avl9 An cri,r unllen il experleni eJ Lii klnenrlnn nnil Mansgeiient p tnl. In Public Utility nd Ii dulrlnl Tl "(Inimi Mil CUtSTNL I fTKHKf I'llll ADCLI'lllA fell Telepliuim iliruca COS! fv erl Snu T rnnclri-e GE0.A.HUHN&S0NS STOCKS AND I10NH1 Memliem uf (lie rhlliilelnMn New )eiV mid t hlcrmci stnrk Kxrlmnirea Se urk Petion Kxrlmnge Coinmlstlen Ordei Usrcuted In All the I'HnUpil M.rketl Liberty Uendi Duucht and Sold III I. ui 1.1 ( ui u lllik 1 1 M Wnlnutsi. N 111 llrnidnnr HEiiDERSON & LOEB Member Vew Yerli and Philadelphia Stock Hxchnnytt 1410 Chestnut St. BSedget St, Ce. Kcal httate irust Uldg., i'hila. ail A Mewe Gift Bask? of Fruit Het Heuse Grape:, from Deleium An.; Ideal Gift for the Business friend "fienry ?.oewecSon 6rtMfStref befew CAriHtvf Stocks and Bends Reputation and Character The reputation of i n'iir Ih h.it the v l1 li-' think or s.i ftheut It, hi-r 1 rninli.t MilupJ. Tlie Hur K "f a mciiill 'e lnt It iictu.x'I" U Thlw Is brought out ty u'i. ful .inrlels It Ik well tn Va f'Jli formed v. It U renpi-ct te tin." sicui ltl'j no eMiicuiii these about te ha puruhnaed W e lniti linj il'lih of .r cubtemerii iiurt othei h 1 1 I . h part of our M I wie w nlrh ut ,ire pleased te i.rinVr with out olillKatlen FRANK F. BELL & CO. 1416-18 S. Pcnn Sij. Plilladclphln l sttlb'.uihctt IS.' J Mi ml. it "evr TerU an. f , ,. PtillRilnliihlii StiiwU Kxchitue Chic in llnnirt f l'Aitn Pherw: Spruce SSSOIiace Hal i ,1 1 Uj Spmce 8200 I a wr U.S. IKJLVAUKX Saving Certificates hi 1 1 UITILS DLPAU ITvlI N t Commercial Trust Company Member tederal Ueitrve byittm j . (- . . . -ny nan aqunrn, Wml fl ssimatasiJl We Have ter Sale 1 100 Cutauisaa It. K. Preferred I 100 Dehnwire Railroad 100 Little Schuylkill K. K. & NU. Ce. ! 30 Minehill & Schuylkill Haen U. I. 100 Lehigh Valley Ceal Sales ! 30 Thirteenth & Fifteenth St. la.s. Kj. Ce. '23 Frankford & Seuthwark Pass. Rj. Ce. 10U United Ne Jerbt-j R. R. Canal Ce! ' MORLEY, WOOD & CO. 333 Chestnut St. I Philadelphia, Pa ' K jstune, Main 48d$ I ' ,-J M,.iil - v t "i -1 f. ) .1 (i l'i 1 u !) 1 .1 Mc k I.- ) 11 i Walter J. Schmidt & Ce. Investments New Yerk . . Philadelphia - y Safe Bends for Investment HALSEY, STUART &. CO. Inc. Land Tltla Bid. Hiem. Lawn 48:6 m vil .f t ; ' .I. r m i; m 'tJ s i'J m i I i ; I rl I M I if f. ii u i riJ ih n